Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 22 Apr 1965, p. 6

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THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday. April 22, 1965 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES CASH RATES. 1st insertion .7c each word. minimum charge $1.00. Second and subsequent insertions if I‘VA'ITRESS wanted day Shif‘Iigood IsIhorIthaIndIlI itrplnanoIinIiI. James DI Stewart ICl.1I.[.I\.IATION h). VI‘I w Tm“ mm (.HEYROLWFI mod mm” “484 I HPIIIIIIIIIP FIIIIIIIIIIITV I IIaIII wording unchanged. .7c per word. min. charge 300- tron-n Inn Restaurant, 331.2141. ggilzqg'fi’msl‘m a O“ ‘ 5:351 884-2201 I I} iIor Service Free estimates 884- tion. 285-0546. clu-lfi " - 77 7 7 7_ {Nil-CM 88} vi] ‘ ppm” Box NUMBERS an extra charge per insertion 0f 500 i 7 MW” RUI I DOVFR mmalm, and _A- . WM“, - - ELâ€" “33 '. (6\\4“.1903 FORD (‘OllSl'l- 193(7‘01.‘ Pngteak “gush-1649' 1.°°k‘"g{‘“"""T001S'TO"RENT” ‘ COMING EVENT NOTICE 7c per word; min.charge $1.00 ‘CLEANING lady one day a . H I It FI IWI . PAINTING aiIPIAPER I ANDERSON INDUSTRIAL my “1.... “P... W on... 0...... or Amt mg consxderedl I4 V ‘ tweek central Richmond Hill. nump “Wk d‘nm’ H‘an ,‘mq‘: HANGIfo i FLOOR CLEANER 37.30 773.3370 Hwy; can 3°” help US~ C311 SalVR- Cement mixers. floor sanders CARDS OF THANKS. IN MEMORIAMS. DEATHS. 884_2mfi I'm.” Sod and Seed Supply. 2RD-n494.iR FI Dunn TU +2793 “(I “43830 III .“C . III I III “on Arm}, 2854869 “.352 and edgerSI rams“ gunsI mtm I I I _ . -I,\I .I F ..a d I (.2W43‘ ‘ ' ' ‘ i I . .1. . .i. conver Hf‘. mf‘ a it‘ , f m '. v'" '! . . ‘ i ' ENi'AGEMEMS’ MARRIAGES‘ BIRTHS p" lino WAITRESS. days 11.30 am. to ‘1’ fi' “.701 _ -" If. CARPENTRv a; CONCRETE t m“ blue finish. excellent condition HIMD‘ "‘3" “"‘h ""ck‘ W1”231:?todlzto‘lsillhivdalésoRed‘gl 59”"“1 S '0 14.30 pm. experienced 887â€"541]..M‘\N7 30mm“ in assm {9 .Custom buildingV additions. re‘iM-AN “'llh truck. trash i'e- 8050. 884â€"7810. cur-134.9“ cellars & yards" Grass &iand Sales-6026 Yonge St BA Classified advertisements should be in as early in the tic-12‘"fift‘gsmxlnlgnpsgdfrzg6'52!"pairs. renovations. .l. W. Curtis-:movcd. cellars yards cleaned, is? Chm, radio mhum “wine 94;? “WIDE. BA. 5-7558 ortffi8é1-Il 171‘1 " “ "tfcso' ' .. .. .7 r '1 " “"‘a ' ".- ’.:'- . t,3' ' r. ' - “ ‘ T ' '~ C4i'__-'_.._-.. L . 4. week as possmle but not lIater than ioI'm onIeWIiidnesdayst COOK “NIch IIMIIITIICM “L 285I279II (IIIIIIIK \V II) 2494. I fc4 odd JOllS. etc. 984 53.16 aftei fi. lumpnom (.nndmnnI Sm” m. REL” I I , I i RENT A TELEVISION Send ads by mail and enc ose paymcn or e. p IoneIus a (wired mum he {IN an shm.‘ I 7. j TRENCHING Min-.13 1W! “Hm. 8844743 MW“. . B .E lady would llkCtI 10.. I l d I I 884-1105 or 285-3316 and you will receive an Invmce. I I . _ _ lSMIESMAy \ranipd {or gky'-‘ POM.qu F W". 0 Id mtmw , I _ I ' housmmrk by the day also mm“ - 1’0!th 6‘. 31. “(‘Pk 01‘ Oideis. (.all 881-5411. tfe42 I kIIIIIIII PM” (.0 I‘DIIIIHIIIIFI I i l I twin-Inf” _ III l..-\\V.\l and gaidcn maintenance. mm \~I_\[I[I\\wl- 4 (mm. aummm mg m. ham .H. - ,7 i month â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€"â€"'â€"â€"-â€"__ NI'G‘H’F' driver from 6 pm. H litigator. 4'21.even‘dale Road. llcr- “ml '1’ Hampm" 'Jami“;"23"“;3‘ .32“ (Ei'l'fngg,“[§j‘“11”9 tic ewellent condition. 727-6466. ‘ S1 "12‘ “85;??465 RICHMOND HILL TV 1 1 ‘ 7 am. over 30 years of age. .' (1 ' . 31 ~ ‘_ 'i‘_v. H a 0 in S‘ 3"“ ‘I' ('l\\'43 . .. ,.. . - -. - - - 884-7456 285-3756 ART-“Jth I‘OR SALE Apply Richmond Hill Taxi. 361ml”P Appliance“ m9Miio42‘l‘t‘m‘iTlNG 3"“ “"013'l’m-"ar‘i “4“” l‘lf“) (‘ORVH y w i 11 ~ mu” 1' 'moreSt-Ed m weld' W33 F tContinued) Yonge 5L 5_ *1w43' _ ipcntrv work. alterations. recre- wwnow (.IF‘VIN‘. ' ' ‘7 ‘ R mm”. [.1 3 {"2 "3‘19 “Wild like summer *- 1 J v r . s-â€"‘ 7 -- ‘ A 'PRAC'I‘ICAL nurse live In orlatinn 1.0mm 8845009 I: A u iI I equipped. -1 speed transmission. ~iobs as welders helper. 884â€"5298 *5 ’Aâ€"‘â€"’NTIQU‘E‘1;61'1"}W"degk"in A1 USED ernger washer $20. 42 PASTE-UP and creative artist. out [0 mm. m”. of Indy 72‘ . - ~- “III” Industrial. commercial and ,\\‘. 5-1251 11940 cow“; F I l I I I .. I. ~ Levendale Road. tfc40 Male or female. for Richmond wars Or am. 03k Ridng wmo ' homes. Reasonable rates. 2195â€" - I _ II . I. ,. 77 - ' 4 r Stove. and 3A1 bed ciw-tfl: .- : Fire lacs-s. iatios planterst . , N's" ’3” ~ ' '7 - 11°" [01 Pyemnfls. Experienced RUMBLE EQUIPMENT MOFFAT ; P l . . l 1 .41 $170“ P” b“- Apply ‘0 Flo-V91- I ‘3“4' .i- i i d . -r d. RENI- ‘PW- hl'l' mm Ill doctor's office and hos ital‘ MASSEY FERGUSON sALEs reasolayfl..8,84'7§]1’ ' Perkins. Richmond Hill. PbonelAWYERS office requires WAITRESSES 1.9iiah19'da‘.shifl ‘NWT‘PYIV “"l a" .I 19pm ,9 '; New Gibson Wringer Washer mm Pmmw I 19-- m d adminiqmunn hm “.m conga" ‘ L‘EA‘RTg QERVIC‘F “' SCOUT uniform. complete and 884â€"1328. c2w42 stcnogi'aphei"hOOkaf‘Df‘l‘ mustland 3 to 11 shift apply in pei“ at:s10884”')i(l4;mall‘ he? *(igzlyi'rjgti‘ FREE SOAP _. $2 WEEK baker parts :lsn2‘7.3lé‘llil\\L'l0:(l 3"" Offt‘li 334-2189 (‘IW4'I (‘ormlov eadt'df Don Mills Rd DEd. roll. 285-6905. CIW43 TIREg‘for'SaleI’taken"Off new have legal experience. Phone Ron 01.03“ 833_54“I Gnod “-m.k_ 77"7 7 77' 7 7 ' r inexIt to the (Tim liallllfll‘yl iAVemu‘I ‘ 1 *1“.4.; * qUlu‘l - _ Plhnne 3.8.” “on. z'f'TTEEv‘i'sion $50 Phone after cars fullV guaranteed as"; on l222-2531- “W43 in" conditions transportationFALL “5 fm‘ 5‘0"" “"‘l g”“"- Wm“? :‘PPI‘W‘PS‘ 42 MW” - r r . ‘ . ‘ ER Wm‘“ . " ' ' 6 235 478:7 H ‘ 91W.” Some-q §uDertost Dnhl'imng FXPERIENCFD TV "Imhmcian.mgnahle 01w43fill. top soil and black loam.‘da]9 Road. “"042 1937 Ford wagon standard $150 LNIERGETIC young man age 15 _'__.:..'.. I . ' ‘ ‘. , I v . i, J . ’ ‘ . ,, ‘ ' . - ll’rompt delivery. Reasonable “1 hp“ “HOV 834'4333- my?“ summer inb‘ Responsmled 17 cu. ft. Kelvinator deep 30‘ 7 “WHY”; ‘ “Wig? d5?"_"I° 2”“. 53“]? .“M‘AIRED CROSS '"Slvtl'C‘O" Emmyraies. .I. B. DeFerrari. Maple. «11143 “ullins to work hard. Phone: GARDEN freeze. 832-2400. cl\v43 USED TV'S $20 EACH It” In 12%;; ‘a "3 “3'12 incr for Vloodhome Day (ampumzfigr76 "MI â€"- 7- mm MIIIIIIIIIIII QIIIIIIIIIII IIIVIIII gg4_2374I "03“,43 â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€"*â€"" i 'y .. -... ('i u . 4 "'_ r , v "' ‘ ‘ ' ‘I‘ | 51/1 hIpI Johnson outboard SERVICEMANS opportunity. as ’9"? 1‘ I Alli-“St 9 27- “I” “le l‘m I'" COVrRFTF _ “ASOVRY i tom (-nndiimnl mummy“... 333. MALE student 17 vcars old t - 11 t (Him 334. Is. all have good picture tubes. FEMALE clerk-typist or exper-‘fol‘mflllml call Hortons 888-1738.. I V I ' ‘ I l I ‘ V . . I I r n 16- H I ~ . I I . _ I L I _ moor. exce en con I - . . . , . . . . CARPEan (ONTRACTORS - Winth- cinio ’ - 3 N Glade 11. Maimâ€" SCOTCH ud A loan ines Herridge TV - 42 Levendale - d teller 10c uired fm lnc'il 01043 - i . . a 115 p 1920. clw43 . IIIqu iencc I It I IIII I I I BuildinQI “terminus & rppairsI ROOM available for 2 gentlc- 35 \,0[IKS.WI\(IFV (WNW with in: in Electricuy. would like rm. 5310 beautifully Shaped ffr‘bjann'lwconsoie"TV and II I I A ( gigartIeIiIIzdIhIaEIkIIIIIchl} lOIlkIZEIRESPODSIle’ man for shipping pmmm service Imen. 285â€"1306. (-inaazsun IIIIIIII BIIIIIII IIIIAII IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII “.(Iwk for snmmm Starting trees 3. II'nd “DI baled and bu” 4-piece wicker furniture set. KELYINAITOR WASHER pump ;I,.L-. Jo, LL . J - 1 deififilmoml "INN I’d" lam: inf“: WALKER & MITCHELL JROOM to rent. suit one gcntlc- good. $250 or otter. Maple 8112- "midi? 0f June‘ Also available lapped. 3111' quantity delivered â€"--~â€"â€"â€" ~ . s . : iWee y. ‘exiie Iourspossne.I~ . I ~_ "* “r. s' r i r I < _ _ i I 1 mg 0 ry any. t' .n 3844007 ,. 473- 91,5 h.p. JOHNSON moto; likIe Steel bedI all in good condition nursing homeI Yonge SIIVNL Ila“... than Am.” 21 10 BM. 82} RALPH ELMS DECORATING IROIOM and garage to ient. 1959Buick clccii-a Ilr'l excellent kind of jobs. 773-5117. (a 0 *2w43 new 15 hours. $275. 88 issig Phone 884-6290 after 6 pm. 235-7072. c1w43‘“The Liberal". c1w43‘Painting. paper-hanging. interâ€"1538- "1““1mnd'tmrl‘ “MP W“ blue 'n' 0211-42 ‘ ' C w I LLLLL . .- d “Minn Free estimates ' . . . , a‘terior. rice $975 832-1279 anv- _____ RECEPTIONIST 1‘" a” 9 BED Sii llNG ioom fOI young . ._...â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"- LEOYFtII-iinhbaby Stroller Owith canopy. Best offer 285-5557. e1w43 NEW TR’AVEL’- Trailers "at discount prices. $882 and up. 884-6718. *1w43 REFRIGERATOR.- good” condi- tion with across top freezer. 884-7197. c2w43 CHESTERFIELDdsuite 3 piece Sklar like new bargain. 884â€" 3503. c1w43 BOYS medium sizo’ch bikeI excellent condition. 884â€"3470. c1w43 EASY automatic \IiaShei‘ $100: Inglis dryer. $55. 884-4698. clw43 FIREPLACE wood. 5 years sea- soned oak $20 cord; maple $16. Delivered. 773-5368. tfc25 INGLIS autoiiifiii‘ washer with luds return. guaranteed. 285- 5226. tfc34 HAY and straw by bale or ton. 6771. sional 3606. Call M. Acreman 285-2236 or Cham - - . pion blood line, extra 884-2236. A” II_ II_tf013 strong High Oak Ranch Ltd.. USED Refrigerator $25. used 884-2580. tfc 38 TV $25, 42 Levendale Road. tfc38 WEDDING dress. lace and ne scalloped neckline. long sleeves‘ size 15-16 $25. 285-5897. c1W43 FARMALL Tractor cub with snow blade. Also 1958 Volks-. wagen. 773-5677 evenings. ‘ c1w43' 30” gas stove. Inglis automatic} washer. 10 cubic ft. refrigera-l tor and baby crib 285-1306. ' 6669. c1w43 DINING-room suita'imdut buf: fet. china cabinet. table 6 chairs. 285â€"1373 after 6. : c1w43‘ UPRIGHT piano. medium size good condition. bench and met- ronome included. Phone Oak 5271‘ Yonge Street, RAILER. small uti Reasonable. 285-3806. MODERN and antique hand guns. 884-4103 after 5 pm. WANTED, daily. any time weekends. '“HERE'WE Go AGAIN ’ . EVERYTHING house salesroom on sale. Extra‘ specials on stoves and refriger-l ators. bunk beds. and all other: sizes. Open 9 to 5 daily Friday‘ until 9. Visit us or call 884- in Central Van and Storage 28 Industrial Road PETS FOR SALE 17A ERA‘Db‘Rfio {Ma c’kfohia in'~ ; pion stock. 285-6385. POODLE. pure bred. c brown. spayed. 112 years. very friendly. $65. 884â€"3526. c1w26 .TILL GODDARD for clipping 7783. Thornhill Poodle GERMAN Shepherd‘puo’niés, MERRYLEG’S’PO’OD’LES REG'D PROFESSIONAL grooming â€" satisfaction guaranteed. Puppies usually available from top qualâ€" ity show winning stock. Modern boarding facilities, phone 727-’ WANTED “ FfarmerSTWh'o grow cucumbers for a pickle factory. Call Mr. Mart 011 I’ hoccilate informal. lGlRlS forhlight factory work; lf‘all 385â€"5459. c1w43 ware-l c1w43i 02w42 profes- 285- tfc41 tfc43I t c1w43‘ tfc42 Will en. 285- c2w43 Ridges. 773-5892. clw43. COMBINATIONâ€"TV â€"& T Speed record player $50. Black seal fur coat $100. hardly used. cost $600. 832-2604. c1w43 PIANOS. bought and sold. re- conditioned. guaranteed. tuned and delivered. terms. Pyle. Piano Sales. 884-3614. tfc41‘ GOOD usedâ€"fUrEi’tiire'fOrâ€"sale‘. Call Frank‘s Movers and Star-1..Y age. 28 Industrial Rd., TU. 4- Hi-Fi 2613' __ “‘33 tre. 727-6521. tfc41 HONEY COLLECTORâ€"WitrpayAcaSh forI WERT‘ER your old 78 speed jazz records." 2115-2724 such A_L_UMINUM “’ ; Strike. USED FURNITURE WANTED â€" pianos and used furniture. Cash price paid. Call Frank's TU. 4-2613. AV. 5-5101. CASH for yOUIfTVâ€"Dr stereo 0111‘ Doors. windows. awnings. anlel‘il“ railings. Ron Woods. 884-1514.;Cresc-. Weston. 01‘ {{cgslevening 241-8097 collect BEDROOM suite French style.‘ $100. 1958 Oldsmobile fully au-1 tomatic A.l condition 440 South‘ Fernlcigh Circle. 884-1933. c1w43 TWO burner kCl‘DSt‘llO-SIOYP for _ heating and cooking. new con- TWO 'bPEIlIOOIll home, li'itll 01“ dition with 5 gals. kerosene $20:' Without Option to buy in vicin- _ity of Thornhill. Richmond Hill! panel door 78" x 28" $3. Phone 88-1â€"1208. REFRIGERATORS. larg ditioned. guaranteed. Movers and Tunetown nee models used TV‘s 11960 modelsI or later) â€" instant appraisals! â€" instant payment. TUNETOWN Family as Microphone. Domino. Grant. 18D WANTED T07RENT +1w41'or Ricbvale. 773-5429. 3510a... URGENTLY needed by May-17st $39. $49. $59. $69. $79. Reconâ€"13 bedroom house in or around Slither-l Richmond Hill. Rel land Refrigeration. 1004 QiieenlSS4-7579. St. E.. Toronto. HO. 13-0930. 912 or 3 bedmoâ€"mâ€"home with or. ‘32“"35iwithout option to buy in Rich- lvale or surrounding area. Mr.l iikelltlackie 365-4395 before 5. c1w43 saver 830. like neutFrigidaireig or (b‘gdmm home withifi- Slovclwithout option to buy. ln Rich- End Of June ocâ€" to 9._ GRAY chgtgfield_fiteâ€"§30: wine Chesterfield suite. new $30: dark brown space electric stove $30: $25: gray kitchen gas table. 4‘ mond Hill. chairs $25; office desk. $7. 33+ cupaucy. 884-2211. 3290. cl “'43 BEAUTYREST. Mamba“. Slmr-‘SMELâ€"bachelor. or bachelor monS. Serta. 5991." and otherltype apartment. furnished or unâ€"l Sprint! mattI‘GISSes repaired. re-Ifurnished. in private house. for turned Just like new. medium lady with pension. Wanted be- Entertainment iCentre" Aurora Shopping Gen-I Aurora. Storage th7 ds late tEspecially want Canadian labels; Lucky etc. enington phone any: c1w43 c2w42 HELP WA NTED I clw43 MIDDLE aged. single woman who is interested in a perman- ent job. To live in. Write Box No. 81 “The Liberal". i clw43 BOOKKEEPER male experienc-' ed take over office and books' of company in Richmond Hill. Write Box 86. “The Liberal" fort interview. clw43 REAL ESTATE career for menI or women. free extensive trainâ€" ing program. special assistance to new starters. top commis- sions and draws. Call Mitro & for private hospital and nursingl home. salary $400 per month: 5-day week. The Villa. Mr.‘ Mackie. 285-4931. c2w42 LADIES: Would $15 to $40 per week solve your problem? Can you spare from 10 to 20 hours to service Fuller customers in the Richmond Hill neighbor- hood? Phone 895-5721 New- mai'ket. c2w42 AGGRESSIVE SALESMEN WE are a new Richmond Hill based enterprise looking for eager. agrcssive and experienced. salesman to handle our line of household and commercial‘ cleaning products. Car neces- sary. Phone 884-6972. tfc4zi FARM SALESMAN OPENING for a farm and land salesman to specialize in‘ Vaughan and Markham proper- ties from the expanding Head Offices of David McLean Ltd. on Steeles Avenue. West. at Yonge. Experience preferred. Please call D. McLean. 285-‘ 1176. Evenings 285-3419. elw42‘ IT pays to grow cucumbers for; Bick‘s Pickles. Grading station at Queensville. For further in- formation phone Queensville Farms. 895-5381 or Thornhill 285-5494. Frank Watts. Interest-I ed parties can learn more all. Bick‘s meeting being held at Schomberg Community Hall on. May 11 at 8 pm. There will bel refreshments and a door prize.‘ c6w43 REAL ESTATE ‘ SALESMAN wanted to specialâ€"1 ize in Steeles and Yonge area properties. small estates. inâ€". [vestment acreage and farms] Successfully established nearly twenty years. our company of- fers unparalleled opportunities. excellent commission and bon- us. D. McLean. 285-1176, evenings. 285-3419. David Mc- Lean Ltd.. thrs. clw42 PERMANENT OR ’ TEMPORARY OR PART-TIME REGISTERED NURSES For Greenacres Home for the Aged. Salary range. $369.00 to $426.00. Graduate nurses also required. APPLY GREENACRES HOME FOR THE AGED $325 the personable & good For appointment call Mrs. CoxIDrains. septic tanks. All types c2w4310f concrete work. 285-1105. ' ' ' l285-5762 to assist on dairy farm for sum- steady work â€"â€" steady wages â€"’ usual benefits. Apply Harold :Kirby. s e r v i c e manager. ‘Tv‘TECHNICIAN’oanted to do HELP W A'N TED I(‘ont inuedi 7 Senior Stenographer REQUIRED by local dealership for evenings & Saturdays must‘ typist.i PRESSER FOR pants and coats. Immed- iate opening. Apply in person:‘ SUPREME CLEANERS 9010 Yonge St.. Richvale l 285-3692 MR. LYON l Star LtdII 222_2525_ tfcz5.ed servicing customers in a ter-‘rooms, tile floors. No »-7- - ~ ritory near you. Miss Ziegler small. . REGISTERED. NURSE. lBox 141 Guelph. EVENING supervisor required LSD.-- . . ,, NURSES Villa. Mr. Mackie 285-4931. c2w42' RELIABle Ayoungiman’ wanted mer months also help wanted on weekends beginning now. non-smoker preferred. Floyd Ratcliff R.R.4. Stouffville 640- 3679. c1w43 T G7MfDEALER REQUIRES a licensed mechanic LESLIE MOTOR PRODUCTS. King City. tfc4Zi FEMALE clerk with bookkeep- ing experience and seeking per- manent position. required for Richmond Hill office. 5 day week. Apply in own handwrit- ing. giving particulars of recent experience. Write. Box 83 “The Liberal". c2w43 master re-building of our trade -in TV‘s. If you can fix them. hurry to 42 Levendale Road before Al Herridge is buried‘ alive in used T.V's traded in by the dozen on new Philco sets. tfc42 G. M. DEALER REQUIRES alert young man to help in service station. Steadyi work â€" steady wages. Apply, Harold Kirby. Service Manager.| LESLIE MOTOR PRODUCTS KING CITY 1 tfc42 MAN or woman to service cus- tomers With Watkins Products in the town of Richmond Hill. No investment necessary. Earn I11175.00 per week and up. Full tor part-time. Write to .l. Gaut-l hier. 350 St. Roch, Montreal 15, 'Qucbec. c5w40 LADY for counter work in mod- ern dry cleaning plant, must be 1over 30 years of age. live in Richmond Hill and looking for steady year round employment. and be bondable. Hours 9.30 am. to 6.30 pm. Apply in per- son only to Mr. Earth at Barth Cleaners. 198 Yonge St.. N. iRichmond Hill. c1w43 ACCOUNTING positiom avail- Work guaranteed. 884â€"7902. Stonework. Ostergaard. 10 Elizabeth St. 5.. IF YOU have usedfiAVON cosâ€"lfififfii: 777 _77 7 7 7 METICS you know you can sellICARPENTRY WORK. additions, them. Marty dollars can be earn-renovations. garages. recreation IciwzialAv. 5-3653. V SHEET METALâ€"WORK#1 REGISTERED nursing assistantsEavcstrough. new and repaired. and practical nurses requireddHeating. roof flashing. etc.‘ Positions available all shifts.‘Free estimates. Work guaran-. Full time and part-time. The‘tecd. TU. 4-1006. tfc51 -kind of furniture. Experienced PLI'MBING (HEATING I A. MILLS & SON LTD. .I CONSISTENCY! too' you want to rent or sell. PHONE SSl-llOS-G - 283-313“; Liberal Classified Action Ads hit the mark with a large and loyal audience every week. Work these ads as hard as you like---tliey‘ll go to work for you one Thursday. all month if you prefer, each week (inin: a \icorous selling .iob on the thousands of readers and prospects who shop "The Liberal" Classified Section regularly, More than 25 different classifications to prmide an easy to shop market place for the items you want to sell or buy. the seiyiccs you want to offer. or the property 2 Tool & Equipment RENTAL TOOLS FOR RENT Floor sanders. saws and drills. .Hand sanders. jigâ€"saws and nail idrivers AV 5-1109 tfc27 l RENTALL. 41 YONGE N. lRug shampooers. floor mach- ‘ines. tools. chairs. 884â€"6761. I l Flexible helpful ad taker will assist you MISCELLANEOUSMiSCELiANEOUS 1Cont inuedl I'I.0“'I.\'Gi & DISCING tfc 31 E. W. PAYNE” FR EE ESTIMATES tfc31‘ _MASONRYMCONTRACTOR_ Fireplace. etc. V. 884â€" tfc23 Richmond Hill, phone job too Free estimates. T. Price tfc28 CHIMNEYS ‘. Chimneys built and repaired. Free estimates. Expert workâ€" manship. Phone Walker and Mitchell. AV. 5-2526. tfc15 PLUM'HNG Alterations. Repairs. ing. Estimates. EDD BLIGHT. Contract- 884-7996 tfcfil DO YOU KNOW We can supply and install Arm-‘ strong‘s sheet vinyl Corlon in the average kitchen for $80.00 REID & SONS FLOORING CONTRACTORS 5â€"1960 CARPENTRY Any type â€" rec. rooms. cabinet for garbage cans. cupboards. shelves. garages, etc. 884â€"2588. tfc22 Av. tfc40l R. H. WAUD RR 1. GORMLEY 887-5619 WATER pumps. sales and ser- vice. Repairs to all makes. shal- low and deep well pumps. c4w42 SPECIAL Chesterfield sets recovered â€" 2 piece $69.00. Nylon freize $99. 5 years guarantee. Terms if de- sired A. Smith. Upholstery. phone AV. 5â€"1682. tfc43 HARRI’SONS’CUSTOM_ CARPENTRY Custom built homes, renova- tions. additions. and repairs Kitchens a specialty. Morris Harrison. 884-2838. tfc45 PLASTERING AND TILE Ceramic tile. showers installed. also plaster repaired by experts. No job too small. Call anytime 884-7045. Ask for George. tfc33 ROOFING AND EAVES- TROUGHING 15 years experience, new and repair work on barns. homes, etc.. Free estimates, no obliga- ltion. Call anytime 884-4016. 1 tfc40. UPHOLSTERY Recovering and repairing of any on Scandinavian furniture. Free estimates. Reasonable prices. young man or woman who 194 Eagle St.. Newmarket iable tenantsl. clw43I or 387 Bloor St. F... 924-7441. CRw-tR long 9 st a bi i s h e d company firm. extra firm. TWO-Clay serâ€"iginning of May. WALnut. 2-ii‘i'vvpsr'jjij 0mm”[mm-Lqugh Vice. Eiderdowns recovered. On-l2526. after 6 pm. or write Boxicommissioo tario Bedding Co. AV. 54591487. “The Liberal". _I_I_ tfc44i selling world famous Goodyeai TYPEWRITERS ‘i ADDING MACHINES Sales Service Rentals Authorized Dealer RECORD Bar.‘ tape reeorder.‘tiali last year I I I I and stereo showroom. Herridgelearned over All 1301311131 1031‘“ ff“ 5319 “1' Appliances. 42 Levendale Roadiharrier, Diversified year roundi MUSIC eluding new and rebuilt stand-3334.32“, ard portable and electric mod-i els. Special rental rates avail-E able to students. L. H. SIMS 88 Baker Ave. Richmond Hill 884-1745 ifc49 near bus “043’ line. lflnM and BOARD! 'ROOM and board available for 8- Varnish business men. 1830. “.285 c1\\'43l1'.S.A.. .mo earned over 824.000 loot ltypical. but indicative of onion. 7 \l Sl 3.0in “1 Fran Age 11 I No investment required i“; take care of all financing ishipping 7 and collections Ilike “'i‘ite Consolidated ‘Canada‘ lld JOhio Bids. Cleveland. imaintenance products, Rod Tor- ELOTS Start on part time basis if you‘; ,. Ppiiit‘VA East raisin: OliiolTerms arrauaed, Lake Wilcox. clw-tBJ 773.5400. desires continuing responsibili- Toronto‘ties. learning all phases of ac-.- 'coiintina and office dutieS. [Manufacturing background help- IiEEI‘stégigT'fiâ€"giLEgfl ltul and experienced to trial DAVID “CLEAN LtdII Rpal_;balance necessary. Phone 295â€" mrsI have npemngs fm. hmmfillfi for appomtment. II real estate salesmen or sales-l (“4" women in their Richmond Hill-i__ .. ... . ,LL, office. This is an opportunityi . for a capable energetic man to; BUSINESS earn a better than average 10-" ' ' come with the busy. successful. Opportunltles ' COI’LDfil Wintercst 7 you in Va Stonehouse Chinchilla Ranch. RR. 1 UXBRIDGE Eon SALE OAK RiD'GES'fsouih Road and "Yonge Street. 100‘ by 133' by E68' by 165‘. 463-2026. ' c4w91 \l'ill cell for $1.2th $5000 (‘ash 463-9331J CANT lot 150' by iiiri‘ivieédé c1w43 884-1245 able in Richmond Hill for aCall anytime. TU. 4-4813 resi-; idence, business. AV. 5-5345. tfc44 HOME IMPROVEMENTS Kitchens. Rec. Rooms, Flooring. Panelling. : Bathrooms - Budget Plan Available 2115-4922 or 834-7968 businessman on 2‘ BEDROOMWaparimem.”furâ€" nished. and water, 285-1234. 2 BEDROOM apartments. Close : APARTMENT 2 be tfc33 Yonge Street ‘ I‘liornhill. AV. 5-3606. 1 including light. hea to all facilities. 285-2303 or 884- 2852. tfciifii RENT freerin private home light duties. business lady. 884-5813. 1 l and refrigerator supplied. close » to Yonge Street. suit business couple. 884-2273. nc1w4 FURNISHEDViapartmcnt $15 weekly. 884-6582. ciw43l KENNY HATTON‘S ATLANTIC FINANCE A _ ____IIWI I I RICHMOND HILL. Modern 1- Honda Motorcycles I Corporation LIdI IESIPEIIIZEPIIIEEmg/(Iiggexateggg bedroom haicony apartmeniIISales and SeiI‘v1ce. Maple Side 20 Yonge StI SII Richmond HmIb (I 7 mg InSIde conIIenIences 395‘ May 1‘ Cap“ Apartmenti mad and H‘ghwa" 400‘ “32' 884-4458 - 285-5562 - error) d b h 884-6489 180 Bayview. 884-5917. div-430201. c3138 Mng RI GI (Bob) Hughes .sa e, san y eac . IIIIIIIIIa 27301113. hedgitting room and ATTENTION 'rmichRs “(.32 I kitchen partly furnished. Bath If you are looking for used .# 884-3810 evenings. BACHELOR apartment. fur- nished. suit one or two business _ people. 285-4373. after 5 weekends. ctfc42l 1 & 2 BEDROOM inter-com. 884-6342. tfc33 'MODERNTAP’ARTMENTSI 1 AVAILABLE . RICHMOND HILL 884-6262‘I and 884-1601. tfc40 .7 ____LL,)._ L- _, I droom. frig. stove. right at Yonge Street} $110. Available May lst. 884-. 4883. c1 II (ROOMED house and 1 bed-; room apartment. in Victoria Square on Don Mills Road. Phone after 6. Toronto H06-: 8970. ' ctw43 "BEAVERTONTat CENTRE FURNISHED bedroom in quiet adult home. gentleman prefer- red, parking $8 weekly. 884-. 3801. *1w42: RENT. lease. buy i New PHILCO TV or STEREO 52 PER WEEK Herridge Electric - TV Appli-i ances. 884-3211. "HALL POR’RENT ’ Seating capacity .. quets. weddings. etc. Bar and: kitchen facilities available.- Phone Mr. W. Hunt, 285-} 1600. tfc37l LOWER DUPLEX. 1 hedroom.‘ living room bath. kitchen. sun porch. ’PA’RK’M'ANOR’ . 1 Bedroom apartment with bat-i 1504. Equipped. just west of Yonge 62 Hunt Avenue 884-5306. c1w43 TWOvroom OApt. ifiillyifurgisrhgd modern and fully equipped Kitchen. Four Piece Bathroom. Private entrance TV. outlet Own phone Private part-tin: Suit business couple. Phone after 6 pm. 884-7671. c2w43 iLARGVE_2 bedroom apartment. clean quiet apartment building. Stove. frig. exhaust fan. own l PHONE MR. SCOUT DO 'Yoc‘kNow’ heat control. venetian blinds. We can supply and install col-‘air conditioned halls. Will decor- ourful. durable. vinyl asbestos'ate to suit. Adult family pre- tiles in the average recreation Sewers cleaned without digging or tearing up pipe. C. STI‘NDEN Richmond Hi1 ferred. Phone 884-4904 from 7â€" (‘l\\'43 Complete training and assist-- . . room for SR5 00 10 am- 01‘ 4-30 â€"- 10-30 13-1“- â€"--~- - “ib. .. ‘--7 . . ance provided. For interviewd‘finfigjufi am?“ REID s.â€" SONS FLOORING Cl\\'43 appointment call .\lrs. Sutherâ€" ‘period \I‘rq “,qu 8843937" CONTRACTORS land. 285-1164. Evenings 834- A U i L ' 0.1-:‘42'AV. 5-1960 lf('40 T. 0. '21- iâ€"7 ' Ti ’ "7” im Cl“ - yoc Too SEPTIC TANKs MORTGAGES oarnlnng with a I CAN MAKE MONEY: PUMPED 535-00 MONEY available for goodâ€"first (‘1“‘43Iul.n“.in= 61 Year mmmm. Raismg Chinchillas, Contactl and second mortgages. reason- ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ' able rates. Medcof. Lawlor and Le Claire. TU. 4â€"4413. MORTGAGES purchased Funds itn buy existing 1st. and 2nd 'Klortgages. David McLean AV. 5-1176 David McLean Limited. 174. Steeles Avenue. West i clw39 m l ‘Lo -. LOST lpar Persian. west side. A. l‘ward. 884-2746. S t- Child‘s t 11981] ('(lVPl‘. tfc43.32 1963 FORD 'l'iidor hardtop. auâ€" ltomatic transmission. radio. seat belts. Phone 833-5290. igfin’MERcripy'Cnmm 2LdnnanEVLON manicure andâ€"pedi- Mw42IAutomatlc. radio. 27.000 miles. Cure- Ph‘m‘?‘ 88445694. 1 automatic. 6 cyl.. rtexcellent. body good. 1 owner. _ . fm‘iAsking 5800. 884-2337. 'rent. sttit lady. Private enti'ance.i ori‘fl cony in nice and quiet building. " tfc2‘ i'SEl) 8312-2070. ime. tfc43 1963 TR3. white with black in- crior excellent condi 83. Excellent op condition. $895. ONE bedroom apartment, stove 0486 17959APontiac LaurentianiSedanoand palmiStry by appomtment. me flat. Business Woman preferred. trucks. parts. tires or accessor- c1w43 ies. see the truck Wrecker first. Moore Truck Parts & Sales. Old _..L, .,A__._ NO. 11 Highway. Holland Land-.PROCE g. 895-4666. 7 FWHOIESALE CARS I I apai'tments.ITo BE SOLD TO THE PUBLICLE. 2-0800. year round S‘Vlmmmg' balcony't’Fhese cars will be sold with lowafj‘RopEKN Gard'enerI down payment Fun Price and‘time experience. Will assist with L. _L.. . ML tmonthly FURNISHED room. cooking fa-‘IWatch “The Liberal" for our sonable chm.gesI 884_7953I cilities. 16 Lorne. lst house east.\veekly wholesale “as is" spe- ' of Clarke's Drug store at Yonge. cials. tfc24 1959 payments Ford Sedan $1 Pontiac Sedan $3 Ford Custom 1959 1958 1957 Mercedes 1957 Olds Sedan 1955 Dodge Sedan 1054 Chev Sedan 1951 Buick Sedan 1949 Dodge Sedan .R. D. LITTLE FORD SALES‘ LTD. wedding receptio FOUND cloak 1'00m-lSMALL cat with flea collar.' garagei‘basically striped but with pro- light heat water $110. May 181-lnoiinced white saddle over fore- 148 Yonge Street Sonth' 884'lquarters. white stomach and elf/7431101” white paws. Arnold Cres- Phone 884-2186. cent area. GUARANTY TRUST CO., OF CANADA A: we are expanding our staff this is an excellent opportunity for the ambitious the inexperienced person. Also out-o and farm benefits. APPLY TO 285-1905 I . _ 1 .\RS ox'vtiixswxcm. Deluxe with? radio. 22pm) mikes 384_ DO 3'0qu as CATERi'ivT; “L4? MOREâ€"arid_rnâ€"o?eâ€"h_r'ides have ldiscovered Cousins Fiesta Room 950 for ham makes for a moIIst 733Cf§;:ful . t' l . 1 EMPLOYMENT w A NTED iRONiNG done’aiihomefsm-j tfc31 RENT. lease. our 7' 7 PHILCO TV 52. PER WEEK tfc-ll c1w43I â€" -mâ€" PERSONAL “DEADâ€"STOCK iWANTED all kinds of dead anâ€" ‘limals. FOI fast scrvicc call TU. 4-2538 or ZEnith 3-2800. License No. 204-62. tfc31 # POULTRY FOR SALE PURE 'E'rcd‘Whiie'Rock Heavy type chicks, 4 weeks old $1.00 each 285-5034. c2w43 #â€" Summer ' Accommodation tion. ton- (,2“.43 Icm'.‘ if so AA can help. Write Rox R4. Richmond Hill. tfc45 iINCOMETtaxwreturnswfiled at. Reasonable rates. tfc40 condition. your leisure. “(-36 633-5122. 859-. I I c2w42- (‘2W43 PSYCHIC Reader. teacup: cards Call Chamcany Amelia Davie. 773-5491. 1 tfc43: LOANS 550-35000 l v 3 C ‘51 FAST SERVICE W‘AN'J'ED’ to’ hiyfib'hfpiiohnl son outboard motor, white mod- el. cash. 884-1920. c1w43 Fse‘afifleafiin-gooti coFdiiioii with steering wheel and acces- sories $65. 884-1247. clw43 â€" GARDENING ‘ SSED spagnum moss in tfc34 bulk. truck your own or we *“iIdcliver. Brothers. 1694 Dundas Street Cooksville. 277-8001, c4w41 Lire- ShO‘V" your garden problems very rea- MW‘B kinds of sewing. altera- I.. LI .,__ ,_ W . __ ALL IT’S time to fertilize! Wake up tions. slip covers made. etc. 884- 8295 . 4 a month your lazy IlaWIrIIIs. give a caIl 4347. I $696 or your er 11281‘. we put it fififigsjqxfim’Gâ€"‘gnd 31mm. 2 a month on If mu llke‘ C' L‘ Knappett tions expertly done. Mrs. J. 884-3089. tfc42 Shields. 473 Lynett Cres. Richv mond Hill. Call for appoint: ment. c1w4II‘ szasl _ full price WITH spring just around the $149Icorner. you are no doubt turn- full priceiing your thoughts to the needSI $21130f your lawn and garden. I full priccloffer you a top grade fertilizer 3139 for your feeding requirements. full priccl7-7-7 in 40 lb. bags @ $2.75 a $121I bag or 2 for $5.00 (tax included) full price‘with free delivery to your door $1173 on May 8th. A spreader is avail- full priceiahle at no extra cost. Phone $109Iyour orders to M. J. Galileefi full price‘884-2195. *3w41‘ Factory Space ’80 Yonge Street South, clean and bright, suitable for light manufacturing. about 3.000 sq. ft., available May let. will Divide To Suit Tenant 884-1733 or 884-1064 TUITION :TUTOR needed for grade‘1â€"2 .math. 884-2142. C1W43‘ : To Whom It May Concern : CI\\'43i c4w40 In my humble opinion Reid & Sons at AV. . - I 1960. are the Finest Flooring Contractors in ' Canada. SIGNED DOUGLAS REID 0719391477. ‘ I ‘ g I ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘7‘ A REPRESENTATIVES WANTED GUARANTY TRUST Company of Canada. person to sell real estate. Daily help While training for f-town resident representatives required for residential department. Full manager co-Operation plus medical MRS. DORITA CARTER - 0R - MR. KENNETH BROWN 38a Yonge Street South Richmond Hill 884-1189

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