10 lISTEN HERE: It’s been called The Wonder- ful World of Sport and Bill Stephenson’s three-times-aday bolt at its characters, its events. heroics and heart- break: will keep you infon'ned on every facet of it. The popu- larity of Bill’s spirited look at sports at 7:55 a.m., 12:40 pm. and 6:40 p.m., his highly capable handling of the play- by-play of football games and other major sports events. make his shows "must" listen- ‘lng for anyone interested in :IetWondgrful World. And who n' . . . ’60 Wolseley 6199 Sedan ’64 Studebaker Sedan ONTARl'O'S FAMILY STATION ’60 Morris 850 ’62 Volkswagen IMPRESSION Send your Clothes To STUAR 1' J. CLEMENT HOW TO MAKE ©FIER ®fl@fl© 2 Ihort blocks north of Steele! Avenue INSURANCE Life - Auto - Fir Casualty PHONE [584-3131 SHELTON MANSELL MOTORS LIMITED For Dry Cleaning Shirt Laundry Storage Pick-up and Delivery Phone INSURANCE Come and get them . . . 18A Yongé Street N 7079 Yonge Street Gleaming Black finish. automatic transmission. This car must be seen and driven to be apprec- iated. Automatic transmission with w. Washers. This car finished in elegant Mar- °°“‘ $195,959 Deluxe This car is in like new condition. Radio and w. washers. Low mileage. No better transpdrtation at the price. See It to- day. 285-6261 SPRING SPECIALS AV. 5-3621 THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday, April 29, 1965 Richmond Hill BRANCH 7773 YONGE ST. THORNHILL Next I.G.A. Star! $1095. ire Any information desired re- garding Kem Clothes team can be obtained by contacting Joe Cormack at 884-3809 and Paul Ducharme 884-3995. jWinning Tykes End {Season With Dinner The Charlton team won the tyke's title by defeating Skyline Pontiac 1-0 in the final game. I .Besldes the players, the fath- ers of the boys attended the ‘ banquet. 'I‘he Clothiers have been ac- cepted into the Fairbank Major Sdftball League, a six-team loop of two teams from the lake-shore area. three teams from the Toronto area and Kent Clothes. who will again be in gotten every Tuesday evening at the town park at 8.39 pm. rthroughout the season. Trophies for outstanding in- dividual performances were pre- sented to Dave Hutcheson, Paul Ballle and Bob Clement, while crests were also awarded to all the players. The coaches report that the majority of last seasons' inter- mediate softball team will again be seeking a spot on the squad this year and they invite and urge all other players. who wish to try out for the team, to attend this practice seasion. Coaches Joe Cornack and Paul Duoharme of Kent Clothes Soft- ball Team are holding a prac- tice at the town park Sunday afternoon at 1 o'c10ck. Crests, trophies and a dinner were presented to members of Charlton Hardware tyke’s team when they wound up the hockey season last week. Coach Frank Ballie was pre- sented with a pen and pencil set. EASTSIDERS With the playoffs at the half- way mark the trophy section is led by Pirates with 3266 pins. The Tigers are next with 3156 and the Red Legs with 3104. As usual the consolation series produced the best scores with the White Sox the overall leader with 3292, followed by) the Indians with 3263 and the Orioles with 3221. High scorers in the first half were: Trlples: Gordon Dodds 861 (325), Barbara Bunker 842 (302), Ev. Jones 799 (348), Neil MacDonald 760 (299), Bill Jones 743 (258), John O‘Connor 697 (314), Ethel McRae 687 (251). Don Mayor 684 (292), Bob Steven 683 (248). Ted Robert- son 678 (265). Rene Beland 678 (245). Les Chidley 671 (279) Frank Horton 670 (242), Jim Fitzpatrick 666 (246), Howard McGowan 665 (258), Sterling Reid 859 (273), Robert Amos 656 (290), Jean Vella 654 (250). Allan Allder 643 (253). Lynda Doyle 643 (218). Joni McQuig- gan 637 (270), Vern Thompson 621:1)(240), Patrick Jones 610 derson 271. Helen Robertson .252. Joan Doyle 241, Dot Web- ster 228. Marie Deeks 218. Agnes Bregg 217. Ruth Proctor 214. Murlel Steven 212. Rita EBeland 209, Isobel Reddin 207. ‘Patricia Jones 206. Mary Mac- Donald 205, Heather Tomlin 201. Ellen Parrett 200. Men's singles: Dave Frier 244. Arnold Price 242. Bruce Bun- ker 233, Bob Deeks 232. Harold (Black 231. Gord Cameron 226. 1Six Teams From L. Simcoe League Teams from Keswick. Queens- vllle, Mount Albert. Ballantrse. Pine Orchard and Holland Land- ing are expected to enter this year in the Lake Simcoe Senior Softball League. Over a span of 32 seasons this league has featured good pitching. Ken "Red" Mitchell of Mount Albert ruled the roost for many 1!...‘_iA Kent Clo’thes Call lst Practice Sunday Ladies singles: Phyllis An- Opening SA 1'., MA Y 1:: TO FARMERS 8. GARDENERS Feed 189 Centre St. E. Phone 884-1313 Richn A good Supply of Field and Garden Seeds and Seed Grain Headquarters for builders’ suppliesâ€" Lime, Cement and Plasters and Tile Rodney and Garry Seed Oats and York Seed Barley WILLOWDALE GOLF CLUB Fertilizers for field and garden RAMER FUELS DUFFERIN STREET JUST NORTH OF STEELES AVE. Beland 678 Teams from Keswick. Queens- 671 (279) vllle, Mount Albert. Ballantrae {24g} Jml Pine Orchard and Holland Laggi- at Newkirk and Centre Streets School Race - Ladies’ Race 3 Men’s Races On The Coal Ken "Red" Mitchell of Mount Albert ruled the roost for many years, supported by Harold Watt Charlie Green, Morley and Kelly Case and others. Gard Haley of Queensville tri- umphed for several years. His battery mate was Bill Burkhold- er. In more recent years the Case brothers, Craig and Jerry have starred for Mount Albert and fastball {linger Dale Pegg led Queensville to victory. Norm Roberts and Pete Goodfellow hurl for Keswick Comets and Holland Landing or Ballantrae have some up and coming talent on their pitching staffs. \lllllllllllmllllllflmmllflfllmlllllIl\llll\l“ll“\lllllmlllllllllllllllm Zephyr's Ronnie Kester with his side-winder missile delivery next dominated the picture. K. Hamilton Ist In 2 Cross Country Races iï¬Ã©â€"aEéfléipected to enter this year in the Lake Simcoe Senior Softball League. nummmumumum“muumlmmmuuunmmnmumuummnu Men's singles: Dave Frier 244. Arnold Price 242. Bruce Bun- ker 233. Bob Deeks 232, Harold Black 231. Card Cameron 226. 0n Easter Saturday the four young runners wan the team prize at the Robert May Memorial Race in High Park, Toronto. Bayvlew Secondary School’s midget cross coun- try team added to its laur- els during the Easter vaca- tion at two meets. Last weekend they, with Coach John Passmore, trav- elled to Ottawa to partici- pate in that city’s spring road races. _ Other members of the team are Doug Kells and Bruce Fraser. Dave Smith, the school's best Juvenile cross country runner also participated in the Ottawa races and fin- ished a close second in his event. place in both races. Ken Hamilton took first place in both races and in so doing broke both course records. Malcolm Smith took third Richmond Hill Lanes 285-6162 Fuel Oil The meeting was opened by‘ Miss Austra Jani‘tis, York County Home Economist and Mrs. R. Brumwell' of Victoria Square welcomed the 150 ladies to the fine new hall. Mrs. Wil- liam Miller of Highland Creek was chairman for the program. Reports of their classes‘ pro- gress were given by the ideal leaders and Miss Judy Gum of the Ontario Department of Agriculture who had been in- structress for the course made helpful comments and compli- mented the groups on their fine work And original ideas. WI Summary Day' lFeatures Block| (Printing Display~ Terry Whyte was in charge of the church service on Sunday morning when he cancluded his ministry on the Victoria Square Charge. _After his ordination by the Bay of Quinte Confer- ence he will serve at the Hazel- ton Charge in BC. We wish him and his family every suc- cess in their new surroundings, and hope that they will con- tinue to ï¬nd joy in the Master’s Mrs. H. McCague made a pre- sentation of a life membership in the UCW to Mrs. Percy Ben- nett as a birthday gift from her husband. Mrs. Bennett is a Christian education leader. and has been a presbyteriai officer. also is one of the representa- tives to York Presbytery from this charge. Bridal Shower On Friday evening of last week, neighbors gathered at the home of Mrs. Gordon Hardie for a miscellaneous shower in honor of Mrs. Reginald Dod- Well, (Margaret Walker) who was married recently. She was assisted in opening her gifts by Mrs. Don Boynton. Mrs. Har- die served dainty refreshments at the close. Church NeWs The Easter meeting of the “"3"â€! UCW was held in the Sunday The ï¬nal euchre of the sea- school room on Wednesday 5"“ _W1“ be held in the com- evening of last week. Mrs..mun"y ha“ on April 30 at 8:15 Marcus Jarvis was in charge ofrpm SPOUSOFEd by the Liens. the worship assisted by Mrs. Used Clothing Alan Chadwick. Mrs. s. Boyn- Anyone with gond used cloth- ton, Mrs. A. Buchanan, and Mrs. “‘8 ' Of} my kind. especially Earl Empringham. |men 5. would they kindly leave A picture was shown on then at the Sunday school not screen of “The women at the later than May 10 for overseas sepulchre†which was painted relief- by Ender. NGIghborhwd Notes. A questionnaire, “What does Easter mean to you? Fashion or faith. Holy day or holidays?" brought forth many good thoughts. service The meeting will be preced- ed by a buffet type supper cat- ered by the WI. The guest speaker will be Arthur Creigh- ton. special representative CPR who will give an illustrated travelogue of some of the countries he has visited. UCW A picture was shown on the screen of "The women at the sepulchre†which was painted by Ender. Lions At the regular meeting of the Victoria Square District Lions Club on Tuesday evening of last week. the committee reported that plans and preparations are well under way for the donkey baseball game to be held in the community park on June 3. The néxt regular meeting night of the club will be held on May 4. It Will be ladies night. This we summary day when} the women who had taken thei course on block printing under‘ the local leader training school plan of the Department of Ang culture exhibited the finished; articles they had made during‘ the course. I Sealéd tenders, plainly marked as to Contents, will be received by H. C. T. Crisp. Cléxfk, Town- ship of Markham. RR. No. 2, ‘Gnrmlev. Ontario. up to 12 MONDAY. MAY 3, 1965 for the supply of two. 1965. 8 cylinder. automatic transmission 2 deor sedan. police cruisers. Biddérs’ to make allowancé on the tradeâ€"in of Oné 1964 Dodge. A beautiful display of block printing by sixteen classes’ from WI branches of York‘ County made an attractive set-1 ting for a meeting in Victoria} Sguare Cammunity Hall April‘ 1 . M. R. Bolton assistant agri- cultural representative for York County showed a film. “Crafts- men of Canada," depicting many handicrafts carried on in homes throughout our country. Mrs. Garnet Francy of Gorm- ley, FWIO Board member for York and Ontario Counties spoke briefly and Miss Janltis made a final announcement that the choice for next year‘s course of this increasingly popular local leader‘s training school would be known and reported at, the district annual meetings in May. ship of Markham. RR Gormley, Ontario. up o‘clOck noon on 2 door. 8 cylinder. automatic transmission. Specifications for requirements may be obtained from the un- dérsigned. The lowest or any téndér not necessarily accepted. 2 door. 8 cylinder. aummatic transmission and one 1963 Ford, VICTORIA SQUARE NEWS Chief of Police. 'I_‘qwnship 9f Markham. RR N0. 2, Gormléy, Ontario HARVEY N. COX, TENDERS R.R. 2. Gormley CORRESPONDENT: MRS. W. SANDLE :11] be preced-‘ At 7:30 pm the guest speak- pe supper cat- er will be Rev. George Morri- [. The guest son B.Comm. B.D.. secretary. Arthur Creigh- board of ï¬nance. United Church esentative CPR of Canada. Special music by an illustrated the Newmarket Male Chorus unv nnyuue wun gonu “560 Club“- ing of any kind. especially men's. would they kindly leave *it at the Sunday school not relief. Neighborhood Notes. Belated birthday greetings to Nancy Knight, April 17; Mrs. Harry Barber, April 23; Garnet Francy. April 23. Birthday greetings to Ronald Orr. April 30; Richard Calvert, nine years, April 30; Allan Orr. May 1; Mrs. George Brands, May 4. later than May 10 for overseas. When the skin is broken the incident is considered a biting and the dog must be isolated. The municipality must pay the isolation charges, this being felt by all ratepayers. Mr. Ryan pointed out. It is also unfair to the dog’s owner, who is obeying the law by keeping his dog un- der control. A tied-up dog be- comes excited when a child plays with him and an accident frequently happens, with the dog‘s teeth breaking the child’s skin. he explained. May 2 is anniversary service at Brown's Corners United Church. therefore there will be no service at Victoria Square so that all may attend the an- niversary services there. Sun- day school at 10 am. at Vic- toria Square. Mlsées Barbara MackneSS and Patricia Orr took part in the skating carnival at Unlonville, Friday and Saturday evenings. Miss Hallatt and Joe Jensen of Oak Ridges had Sunday evening dinner with Mr. and Mrs. Allan Orr and family. | l Mr. and Mrs. Desmond Meed and boys will be sailing from Montreal. June 18. and from London on July 3 for Ethiopia where they will be working for the Sudan Interior Mission for the next five years. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Boyn- ton and family, Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Boynton, had Saturday evening dinner with Miss Grace Boynton in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. William Orr have returned home after spending the past two weeks in St. Petersburg, Florida. At 11 am the guest speaker will be Rev. Dr. A. G. Reynolds. archivist. Special music by the Brown‘s Corners Choir. Please note the time. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley DeFoe will celebrate their 27th wedd- ing anniversary April 30. A speedy recovery is wished for Mrs. Harry Barber who is in the Uxbridge Hospital. Miss Sharon Collins of Lang- staff spent the Easter holidays with Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Weedon and other friends in the community. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Orr, W11- lowdale, Mrs. Harry Brown, To- ronto, Mrs. Jannie Hoover, Maple, had Sundhy evening din- ner with Mr. and Mrs. William Orr. Telephone 887-5421 THISWEEK'S LOVE’S LOVELY SPECIAL AT LUMBER LOT 12†PINE SHELVING ..15cFoo'r 6" SPRUCE FENCING . 5: wow 2x4 - 1x6 - 4x4 CEDAR IN STOCK FOR FREE DELIVERY CALL 3:2: 60 GREEN LANE JOIN NOW â€"- N0 INITIATION FEE SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE 5 miles north of Hwy. 7, just off Hwy. 27 Phone TED TOMLINSON 288-0115 or Evgs. 447-6191 or drop in and see us anytime 87 Yonge St NIAGARA FINANCE COMPANY LIMITED Senior Man . . . . . . Senior Lady . . . . . Husband and Wife Week Day . . . . . . . Just One Mile South of No. 7 Hwy. Off Bayvlew Ave Best Season Rate in Metro Area 18 Holés Par Fully Private â€" Members Only 1965 SEASON RATES 24o Branches from Coast to Coast - GOLF - OPEN THURSDAY TILL 3 PM St. N. 285-4853 Rich KLEINBURG GOLF CLUB G. E. CARTER Always there with ready cash . .. $509.9. to $5,000.29. For Home Radecorating or any good reason ll Pups, 7 Kittens Abandoned In Area Eleven pups and seven kit- tens were found in fields near isolated farmhouses in this area during the month of March and turned over to canine control kennels. James Ryan reports that in all cases the tiny animals were in places they could not have reached under their own power and must, have been dropped there by their owners. Although Spring is late. it will not be long, the officer noted. before gardens are grow- ing. Dog owners are asked to keep their dogs at home, not destroying their neighbors’ flowers and vegetables. Again. if residents know of people who habitually let dogs run at night, they would call canine control. Mr. Ryan assures them they will be doing the dog owner a service, because on receipt of such a complaint he will warn the offender, but if the dog is found running at large the owner will face a court appearance. Mr. Ryan also warned that if a dog inVOlved in A biting is running at large its oWner will be charged by canine control with a running-at-l‘arge offence after the dOg is lsolarted. 285-5488 Saturdays 8-10 pm. Sundays 2-4.30 p.m. During April, May, June, July and August Doublerink Arenas Jane St. It Hwy. No. 7 PHONE 285-7251 Tho canine runtrol offl- cer asks anyone who sees animals being left by the roadside or In fields to take the car‘s license num- her and phone him at 285~ 1081. Mr. Ryan also reports many ICE SKATING Richmond Hill Par 72 $125 3 ’75 $175 $ 70 N F-H-SZ RICHMOND HEIGHTS CENTRE RICHMOND HILL 884-440I We Have A Terrific Stock Of vw VRIFIED WARRANTY WE WILL REFUSE NO REASONABLE OFFER ON ANY UNIT NOW IN STOCK BUY A COMPLETELY RECONDITIONED USED CAR FROM US NOW AND 332-146I KEELEWS‘IILTS‘ENTHH"(SF-MAPLE 285-5501 LIPPAY MOTORS LTD. USED CARS AND MORE COMING EVERY DAY! In order to keep our stock in balance TERMS TO SUIT ANY BUDGET SAVE 55$ DROP IN OR CALL NOW NOW ON DISPLAY \Here’s what we do: ® Align Front End \Adiusf Brakes and Repack ® F{onf Wheel Bearings ® Ba|a\nce Front Wheels Authorized VW Dealer REG. 1599- VALUE Balancing Both Front Wheels Regular $4.00 Please drop in for your FREE pack- age of Giant Free Zinnias Zinnia Seeds Burpee STORES