18 THE 42 LEVENDALE RD. 884-3211 THE Challenge 0F Cancer . . . Each year the amount spent for cancer control by the Society has increased un- til this year it is $4,756,999. . Because only through medical research can cancer ever be completely con~ quered. the Society is con- centrating more and more on Other ofï¬cers elected: Cor- iresponding Secretary. Mrs. L. R. ‘Heider, Treasurer Mrs. J. E. Bedwell, Membership Mrs. G. Batke, P r o g r a In Committee Chairman Mr. Stubbings. Room Representative Chairman Mrs. L. Dickie. Hospitality Commit- tee Mrs. G. Fenn and Social Convener Mrs. Heider. In a panel discussion follow- iing the meeting, Deena Simp- son. vice-chairman of the local public school board; Trustee Jack Knott, N. Mandryk, grade eight teacher, and R. Newman. principal, dis c us I e d senior schools. Questions from the floor were SI. WEEK Tape Recorder . . . Each year the amount spent for cancer control by the Society has increased un- til this year it is $4,756,999. .w. u- ..... r ..... _, _-__ quered. the Society is con-I50h0015~ centrating more and more on Questions from the floor were support of research. This answered by Board Chairman year it will spend $1,984,448 Walter Hutchinson and Superin- for this purpose. ltendent Gordon McIntyre. FOR THE 1965-66-67 BURNING SEASON Sealed tenders will be received by the under- signed-until 3 p.m., THURSDAY, MAY 20. 1965. for FUEL OIL. Approximately 1,500 No. 1 Fuel Oil (STOVE OIL) and approximately 125,000 No. 2 DOMESTIC FUEL OIL â€" per year. TENDER FORMS AND SPECIFICATIONS MAY BE OBTAINED FROM THE UNDER- SIGNED. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Markham Paving Co. Paved Driveway Specialists Model 28 gas tandem, floating power divider, road ranger transmission, full air. Good con- dition. Can be seen. Free Estimates TOWNSHIP SCHOOL AREA OF VAUGHAN Richmond Hill Public School Board Kindergarten Registration Children whose 5th.birthday falls on or be- fore December 31, 1965. may attend Kindergarten classes, commencing in September, 1965. Parents are invited to bring these children to school and to register them in accordance with the schedule below : TENDERS FOR FUEL OIL Crosby Heights School - Thursday April 29, at 2.00 pm. Principal - Mr. Gooding' - Telephone 884-5281 MacKillop Public School - Friday. April 30, at Pleasantville Public School - Monday, May 3, at Beverley Acres School - Tuesday. May 4, at 2: pm. Principal - Mr. Rose - Telephone 884-5059 Walter Scott School - Wednesday, May 5, at 2.00 McConaghy School - Thursday, May 6, at 2.00 pm. Principal - Mr. Nighswander - Telephone 884-1461. Registration Forms may be obtained from the Principals of the Schools. Birth Certificates are required as proof of age. THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday, April 29, 1965 CONTACT FRANK GATES ALL WORK GUARANTEED LOW BUDGET TERMS Get rid of mud and stones Increases value of homes 2:00 p.111. Principal - Mr. Newman - Telephone 884-5711 2:00 pm. Principal - Mr. Middleton - 884-7431 p.m. Principal - Mr. Davison - Telephone 884-2693 1954 White dump truck 190 Lawrence or call 884-4013 stimates Call Now 884-1023 FOR SALE Norman C. Jackman, Business Administrator, Township School Area of Vaughan, 136 Keele Street South, Maple. Ont. G. S. MclNTYRE. Superintendent of Public Schools Lotin Elected Head Of MacKiIlop HSA w N. Stubbings was elected vice- president, while A McKim was named recording secretary. David Lotin was elected pres- ident of the MacKillop Home and School Association at the annual election of officers April at 2.00 R. 'C. Rutherford, Toronto, counsel for the wayward bus driver, James Burns, told the court that 'his client had been; dismissed from his job after 13 years with the company because of the incident. He had also been unable to get a job in ,Canada since and had returned to his home in Ireland. He has suffered a great deal :as a result," said Mr. Ruther- ’ford. ‘ Constable Ed Green. Richâ€"‘ ‘V * * * mond Hill. testified he had Paul Mudzett. of Toronto, stopped MI. Burns in Richmond whose record for theft goes Hill, January 27 when the latâ€" back to 1947, had another 30 ‘iter had come in from his run days added to it when he was ifrom Orillia. He had checked convicted on a charge of theft the bus because of complaints under $50. received. Mudgett was observed by I Thirteen proved to be an un- lucky number for the operator of a Gray Coach Lines bus. who was convicted in absen-tia Thursday of last week in magis- trate's court of driving with his ability impaired. Constable Green said the ac-l cused fell down the stairs of the bus and smelled strongly of alcohol. He later exhibited several other signs of drinkinz and was definitely in a state of impairment, the constablel said. In passing sentence, Magis- trate Russell Pearse said, al- though he could sympathise with the trouble suffered by the accused. Mr. Burns had a big responsibility in driving the bus. costs SEALED TENDERS addres- sed to “Office Manager. Ottawa1 District office. Department of‘ Public Works. 1010 Somerset St. W.. Ottawa 4. Ont, and en- dorsed “Tender for the pro- vision of all Labour Material and Equipment necessary for the Cleaning Service of the Post Office Building. Osgoode. Ontario. will be received until 4:00 pm. on MAY 14. 1965 Plans and specifications and forms of tender can be seen, or can be obtained through: He showed samples of hair To be considered each Tender must be made on the printed forms supplied by the Depart- ment and completed in accord- ance with the conditions set forth therein. The lowest or any: tender not necessarily accepted. g responsibility in driving e bus. He was fined $100, including Mr. B. Payette, District Manager. P.& B.M.. Department of Public Works 1010 Somerset Street West. Ottawa, Ontario. In Magistrate's Court DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS OF CANADA TENDERS 200 ladies learn About Hairpieces from Caucasian and Oriental countries and reported most of the former comes from Italy and the island of Sicily where the people suffer from poverty and save their hair combings for sale to itinerant hair buyers. Other Caucasian hair comes from re- ligious institutions when heads are shorn. This hair is processed" under stringent sanitation, boil-‘ ed and sterilized before being transformed into hairpieces. It is bleached and colored in one of about 150 shades, given a croâ€" quinole permanent and then fashioned into chignons, pos- tiohes with combs or on a frame, switches or complete wigs. fashioned into chignons, pos- tiohes with combs or on a frame. switches or complete wigs. In welcoming the ladies to the luncheon. President Mrs. Ena Allen read a humorous column about a lady who wore her new hairpiece to church only to have it fall into the col- lection plate as it passed behind her. As the choir began to sing, “We give Thee but Thine own,†the chignon had been slipped quietly over her shoulder into her lap. Mr. Finkle, commenting that Site's Court John Brash, of Rva, Rich- mond Hill, who told police he had had 11 pints of beer when they arrested him, January 22, and who testified he had only had three glasses, was also con- victed of driving with his abil- itv impaired. The green light cycle on east- west traffic at the corner of Yonge and Centre Streets has been lengthened by 12 seconds ito give pedestrians more time ‘to cross the busy north-south thoroughfare, Councillor Walter Scudds told Richmond Hill Town Council Monday night when he presented the report of the police and fire commit- tee meeting held April 15. This is not a permanent arrange-r ment, he stated. but will con-l *tinue until results of a survey being conducted by the De-‘i partment of Highways are ‘lmown and can be implemented“ 1 By accepting the comit- tee's report, council author- ized the works department to erect no parking signs on the north side of Levendale Road from Yonge Street to Jaycey Anne Drive in com- pliance with the by-law. Restrictions on Jacey Anne Drive re “no parking" were ‘ deferred until results of widening the rear lane at Richmond Heights Plaza are known. l l l r‘ y as a remedy to blind intersec-i tions. The most effective solu: uon, they feel. is daylighlting of such intersection corners. It was noted that the poliCe chief concurred in this feeling. The police chief was instruct-i ed to consult with the planning consultant and the works com- missioner and advise the com- mittee on the proposed plan to control traffic conditions at Crosby and Yonge Streets. The committee asked the finance committee to consider assisting with the expenses of a trip to Ottawa on May 20, 21 and 22 of members of Richmond Hill school safety patrols. The occasion is a safety patrol jam- boree. Forty-two children in this municipality are involved. John Brash, of RR], Rich- mond Hill, who told police he had had 11 pints of beer when they arrested him, January 22, and who testified he had only had three glasses, was also con~ victed of driving with his abil- ity impaired. The charge arose out of an incident on Crosby Avenue and Yonge Street, where the ac- cused was several times observ- ed by Constable Arthur Hainey. of Richmond Hill. racing up to the car in front of him and then braking to a sudden halt. The accused had only been out of jail two months when arrested. AURORA -â€" Doug Richardson, chairman of the Centennial Committee for Aurora, told council last week that his com- Imittee had arrived at a budget :of $26,292 and that it still Irecommended an over-all parks {development project. He was fined $75, including‘ costs and lost his driving licence‘ for three months. He was given‘ a month to pay. ‘ Mudgett was observed by Jacob Vandergaard, operator of a service station at Pinegrove. of siphoning some gas from a truck on the station lot, March 16. numumumumuu\muunuumnunInmummuumuumuuumu Everyone is talking about the chic chapeaux at Madeleine’s! Our "collection is very impress- ive . . . delightful, feminine. youthful fashions of gay flow- ersâ€"fancy Swiss straWs in all the latest dressy and tailored styles. To compliment your spring cos- tumes you will want several chapeaux . . . priced at $6.98 to $25. (opposite Fall'lawn Ave.) ONE LOCATION ONLY 9 am. to 6 pm. â€" Fri. to 9 pm. llllll“‘1milll\lll“ll“!“lll\\\\\\“\“Mm\“\\\\\\l\\\\l\\i\l\l\\l“\ll\\m Wacle/eine Millinery & Accessories 3319 YONGE ST. Over 1,000 NEW Spring Hats somebody had goofed, showed! The guest speaker was intro- the ladies how some chignons duced by Mrs. Russell Tilt and had holes through which the thanked by Mrs. B. Anderson. woman‘s hair is passed to be- Mrs. J. N. Hepburn asked the come a part of the hairdo and blessing. in others combs are part of the‘ Colourful pansies were used hairpiece and if properly usedlto decorate the small tables there is no chance of such an.where hostesses served a de- accident happening. llicious luncheon to the guests. The committee went on rec- ord as opposing four~way stops Give the Gift of Fine Jewellery for Mother’s Day TAYLOR'S Jewellers 23 Yonge St. S. Richmond Hill TL'. 4-3311 Northwest in your Ontario is a family vacationland where the pace is easy, the pleasure unlimiled. This is sports- man's country, exciting and unspoiled . . . a natural spectacuiar, enriched by man's ingenuity. Follow the lake Superior shore, with its calm inlets and unsurpassed views, to Port Arthur and Fort William, twin ocean parts in the heart of the con- tinent. Sea the great Lakehead Eleva- tors, capable of holding one of the world's largest concentrations of wheat. Then watch the loading ol ships that carry this wheat to the world": markets. This Summer make it a GREAT ONTARIO ADVENTURE VACATION Enjoy the wonders of nature at Querico Provincial Park. 1,750 square miles of forests and waterways in the Rainy Rive! region. Discover Lake 05 the Woods, on angler‘s paradise of small and large lakes gentle screams and rushing rivers, and thousands at picturesque islands. Then visit Kenora and Old Fort ls|ond. site of a fut trading pos! dating back 90 1790. We’d like to helpyou plan anAdven- ture Vacation of lasting memories in Ontario's greet Nonhwest. Send us this coupon and we'll mail you our Great Northwest Ontario ’ Adventure Vacation booklet (24 pages in full coiour). Adventure is outdoors 1o Ontarlo's vast and wgomus Northwest! Provim 0! Ontario, Dept. 05 Tourism & information. Parliament Buildings, loom ' ‘ Toronto 2 Ontario. 1646 Please send me complele information on Great Northwest OnvorioAdvoMme Vocation Address. (Photo by Stuart's Studio) ,Ome‘ traffic conditions and Yonge Streets committee asked committee to cons. : with the expenses ‘ One FREE Tic/(at T a First 50 Customers‘ SIX DAY BIKE RACE EllipflNi “REZ†NOW AVAILABLE AT THIS STORE SPECIAL VALUE ON SUNDAY, MAY 2 AT 7 PM. WOOD FINISHES GLEANER Whitewall Tire ANADA PRE - MIXED READY TO APPLY NO DRIPPING N0 SPLATTER MAPLE I.EAI'-' GARDENS P PAINTS AND WASH MITT SPONGE Large Size Heavy gauge steel; in- cludes all necessary screws and ï¬ftings‘ 2-Door Set (-000: Set Fast, one-step applica- tion polishes as it cleans. Removes dirt, grease and road film: leaves a glass - hard, lustrous shine. 14-02. 179 bomb. I Upholstery shamnoo kit Lifts out dirt. grease, food stains. etc All- in-one unit. contains flow-control h r u .< h. sponge and squeezeâ€" ar’rinn applicafnr P111: 16-01. bottle 1 Easy-Clean ' Simple to use â€"- in- stant action cleaner with built-in sprayer. Cleans and restores the natural sheen of plastics, etc. 8-02. bottle. ............ ' Cleaner and Polish Uphosltery Gleaner 5.49 ........ 6.49 VELVET SHEEN U "EASY-CLEAN" LEATHERETTE AND PLASTIC Turtle Back easy terms on the spot financing for all purchases and car repairs at Use your Credit C.T.C. free 30 day charge Lightweight o v a 1 plastic head, styrene h a n d l e, synthetic bristles. About 11" overalL ...... .69 Soft, pliable cham- ois. Ideal for clean- ing and polishing ..... .59 Wash Brush One tablespoon full in half a pail of water cuts grease and dirt, no wiping. S‘é-fluid Q‘ GHAMOIS For use with all jet p u m p 5. Contain! highly effective cleansing agent 8-oz. bottle. .39 Feature Value! Windshield Washer Auto Wonder Low Priced SOLVENT WASH