Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 13 May 1965, p. 16

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16 THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday, Directed by Mrs. M. Peter‘ the choir gave a beautiful ren« dition of “Thine is the Glory“ on May 2. Twelve members of the Luth- er league met at the church May 2. A baseball league between the leagues of Rich- mond Hill. Unionville and Sher- wood was discussed .nd before the business meeting, members engaged in a vigorous but fun- filled baseball practice to get in condition. President David Reid pre- sided. Sherry Lange read the minutes of the previous meeting and Bruce Bone gave the treas- urer's report. Mrs. Elfreda Medensky will be ln'charge of the nursery class, age 3 to 4; Mrs. June Davidson of grade 1 and 2; Mrs. Ruth Auger. grades 3 and 4; Mrs. Elva Moore. grades 5 and 6. Pastor Emil Lange will be in] charge of the post-confirmationj class and will also lead the‘ daily opening devotional. ‘ The school is scheduled for July 5 to 9, inclusive from 9K to 11.30 am. The children will engage in lessons. crafts, games and group singing. l The skit, which was written by Mrs. Esther Lange and Mrs. Ruth Auger of Zion LCW. dealt with the work of Mrs. Gladys Reldenour in Malaysia and of Rev, Ruccious and his wife in Liberia. two new mission fields the central district is sponsor- ing. Plans were made for this year's assembly. involving some 29 leagues In the Toronto-Ham- ilton area. at which the Zion‘ young people will be hosts. Theme for the assembly will be “The Confused League - Exception or Rule?" It will be held at Zion Evengelical Luth- eran Church, Sherwood, May 15. Guest speaker will be Ruth Schmidt of Kitchener. president of the Eastern Canada Synod Luther League. Cathy Draggart of Toronto will show slides on “caravanning”. The Zlon League will direct the day's activities and also perform a skit. The leaguers also held a short business meeting May 9 and ironed out final details of the assembly. Mrs. Verna Kefier of Zion‘ Lutheran Church. Maple and Mrs. Evelyn Miller of St. Paul‘s. Richmond Hill presented a skit “Mall Box Missions" at the meeting of the Central District Assembly of LCW at the Church of the Transfiguration in Ham- ilton. May 8. The initial meeting of this year's vacation church school teachers was held May 4 with most of the teachers present. Teachers were assigned to clas- les. the school program was dis- cussed and the school theme. “God and His World" was ex- plored. While at the assembly, the ladies also heard a talk by Mrs. LaVonne Althouse, editor of "Lutheran Women“; saw a film; engaged in various discussion groups and elected their new executive. The LCW will meet at the home of Mrs. Elfreda Med sky. Concord. on May 19. All fldies of the congregation are invited groups and eleeted tiéir“"§{€{-} executive. It t t t The LCW will meet at the home of Mrs. Elfreda Med sky. Concord. on May 19. All fidies of the congregation are invited to the meeting. Guest for the evening will be Mrs. Cherry Reble who will lead a Bible study session on the theme “Light Reveals - Love Trans- forms". It is suggested that the ladies read I John: Chapters 1: The wedding is to take place on the evening of May 21 in Newmarket. There were 20 people at the miscellaneous shOWer. from Maple and district, and also Port Hope. Burlington. Woodbridge and Markham. Judith Dodson of RR 2 Maple won a silver medal for singing in the 14 and under age group. in the Peel Music Festival, the first week 1n May. Judith has been taking lessons from Miss Ruth Garson ADCM of Rich- and 2 in preparation. mond Hill for two years. Birthday wishes this week to Scott Suter. son of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Suter. Langstaff. who was four years old May 12. The contract is for the re- construction of Concession 6 from Steeles Avenue to High- way 7. Althoueh the tender form had been signed. the president's signature had not been witnessed. However. as the president. Paul Street was present in the council cham- bers and assured council that it was an oversight and he was quite willing to proceed with the contract. he was permitted to come forward and sign the tender form again and his sig- nature was witnessed by Clerk James McDonald. pany Limited for $108,682.20. Council also passed a resolu- ition awarding the contract for the reconstruction of Jane Street from Highway 7 to the {Maple Sideroad to K. J. Beam- ish Construction Company'at a price of 5284.471.48. Five tenders had been sub- mitted for this work last week with the Beamish bid the low- est. Next was Graham Bros. Con- vstruction Limited. $338,173.73 and high bid was from Drnpe :Paving and Construction Limit- ed for $410,086. Vaughan Awards Contracts For Work On Jane St. And Con. 6 In spite of minor irregulari- ties in its tender. an $88,975.32 contract was awarded to Street Constructién Limited at last week's meeting of Vaughan Township Council. lu‘m'me‘ m'm'm'm‘ o: m'meVmevmeVme‘NWWVVVV‘M 5 0‘ ¢ 5 A ~ A 5 ‘ a. WM? 1‘: To Maple, Concord and Edgeley District News Zion Lutheran Church News “The Liberal" ls alwayu willing to publish items regarding people Maple please phone Mrs. Janet Myers, 832-1423; in Edgeley and S 99. SPECIALIZING 1N Plumbing and Sheetmetal Work Maple Sheet Metal Mechanical Ventilation â€" Kitchen Hoods After Hours Call 884-2639 or 773-5939 Keele St. N. Ma Call 832-1594 Bus. .‘Soclals Barbara Plato. owner of Barb‘s Beauty Salon and Helen Spencer attended a hair dres- ser’s convention in Hamilton for two days, at the end of‘ April. Bert and Eileen Morais and Robert and Bea Murray, all of Goodman Cres, returned on May 1 from a two-week vaca- tion in Jamaica. 'Dhey flew down and back, and stayed at Kingston and Oracabessa while there. ‘ The Pioneers Bowling Club lheld its annual banquet May 6 (at Summltview Gardens Res- ‘tau-namt. A delicious chicken Ldinner was enjoyed and Presi- 'dent Clarence Brown presented the Milton Palmer Trophy to ‘ the captain of the winning team: ‘Peter Craib. All the ladies? ;present were presented with Llapel pins. After dinner euchre was played. Ladies' winner wasl ‘Mrs. Gordon Lines. Men’s win- Mr. and Mrs. Kirby Brock and children Kirby, Robin. Gor- don and Mary spent the Easter vacation at Hollywood Beach in Florida. Sheena McDonald and Ste- ‘phen Shore attended the finals of Simpson’s Drama Festival at Hart House on May 1. Agin- court C.I. won with their entry of “Elizabeth Refuses." Sheena and Stephen were both in the cast of Langs-taff’s entry “The Winslow Boy” which was eliminated in the semi- finals. * :t n- It! Sick List Judith Rae Ludlow, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E. S. Ludlow of Naylon Street, has been a patient at York Central Hos- pital for the past two weeks. Shelly James, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. R. J. James of Lancer Dr. had an emergency appendectomy on May 2 at York Central. She came home later ‘ner was Milton Palmer. in the week and is reported to The Darlington family held a shower on May 8 for William Darlington and his fianâ€" cee Nora Saunders of Newmar- ket at the farm of Jim Darling- ‘ton. Jr. at RR No. 1 Maple. Judith got 84 marks for her singing of “Spring”. Highest mark in the class was 86. She was praised for putting “poetry and meaning Into the words." Eight tenders were submit- ted, with Street Construcfion‘s the lowest. Next lowest was Beamish Construction's bid of 594365.46. Hiqhest tender was from Evans Contracting Cnm- pany Limited for 5108158220. Council also passed a resolu- tion awarding the contract for the reconstruction of Jane Street from Highway 7 to the Maple Sideroad to K. J. Beam- ish Construction Companyat a price of $284.471.48. Focus of much attention at the York County Science Fair held at 16th Avenue School, Richvale, May 6, 7 and 8 was the above go-cart, one of the many entries in the fair from Conâ€" cord Public School. LVLU .I. Liv-Av v vvvvvvv The go-cart was the work of Bobby Bridges and Bruce McClymont. Shown with it is David Hall, a grade 1 student at 16th Avenue School. . The goâ€"cart was first shown at the Vaughan Township Science Fair, held at Roselawn Public School May 5 and from which the best entries were sent to the county fair. Malcolm McRo-berts,,principal of Concord was chairman of the county fair this year for the third time. Maple regarding people and events contributed by its readers in Maple in Edgeley and Sherwood, Mrs. Raymond Stuart. 285-1934; and in Off To The Fair In A Go-cart Happenings In Maple Mr. and Mrs. Kirby Brock and children Kirby, Robin, Gor- don and Mary spent the Easter vacation at Hollywood Beach in Florida. Judith Rae Ludlow, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E. S. Ludlow of Naylon Street, has been a patient at York Central Hos- pital for the past two weeks. Shelly James, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. R. J. James of Lancer Dr. had an emergency appendectomy on May 2 at York Central. She came home later in the week and is reported to be doing nicely. Annie Lawrie. was a patient again at York Central for a few days last week. She came home at the end of the week, is back at her post in the store, and reports that she is feeling just fine. Mary (Mimi) Walter, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Graham Walter of RR. 2 Maple has been a patient in York Central Hos- pital since May 7. She expects to go home this week. Mrs. Laura Wiltshire has been a patient at York Central since May 2. Mrs. Denise Halder of Good- man Cr. has been a patient at; York Central since April 26.| She expects to be home again: this week. I dent conducted me “1684,1115. Mrs. Ralph Williams continued dale tnee Brown) had a baby the study of Brazil with a talk Eirl. Nancy Cheryl. on May 3 and showing of pictures. This at York Central. Mother andlwaS fonowe‘i by lund‘ and a daughter are home, now and‘social hour. The next meeting Congratulations Jim and Madelaine Leather- doing well. iwill be the first Wednesday in Vern and Donna Stroud Ofl‘lune‘ ' Netherford Road, also have at * 1k t xk new daughter Ann Christie‘ who was born April 28, at York Sunday School Anniversary Central Hospital. ~ “ The 95th anniversary of Hope Sandra 'Skidmore celebrated United Sunday school will be her 8th birthday on May 4 andobserved on May 16 at a special we offer her belated birtrhday‘service in the church at 11 am. \ushes. l Rev. George A. Dickson D.D., She expressed the ap- preciation of the society to all the volunteer canvas- sers with special thanks to her Co-chairman Mrs. Lynn James. the business and in- dustrial Chairman J. T. James and the following zone captains: Mrs. E. Ma- gee Sn. Mrs. Wm. Davis. Mrs. J. Irvine. Mrs. L. Wells. Mrs. H. Bryan. Mrs. Mrs. Eleanor Hamilton, campaign chairman for the Maple Branch of the Canâ€" adian Cancer Society re- ports that the local cam- paign was a resounding success with a total of 54.36145 turned in as of May 7. The branch's ob- jective was $3.850. Mrs. Hamilton stressed that this success “as ach- ieved through the gener- osity of residents. business establishments and indus- tries of Maple and district. May 13, 1965 Cancer Drive All members had been asked{era1 to bring a guest and there were Stat( 55 ladies present. President lives Mrs. Fred Constable, presided. ma! Special guests were Mrs. W.'f0rd Road in Maple. Jennings of Oak Ridges, presi- Special music will dent of York Manor Auxiliary, ed for the service b3 and Mrs. A. Hare of Holland Pubnc school Choir Landing, viceâ€"president. Mrs. direction of Mr. R. I Hare was guest speaker at the assistant supervisor luncheon. She talked of the for Vaughan Schoolsl handicrafts made by the people * xx * * in the home in their craft st Stephen,s Young room and displayed some of the . A colour ' articles. mm- c ..... {1.1.0235}? The Vellore WI met at a lun- cheon in Vellore Hall on May Vellore WI u“ ! Hope UCW met May 5 at the'éal home of Mrs. Jack Walkington to in King. Mrs. B. Lloyd, presi- “,m dent conducted the meeting. wm Mrs. Ralph Williams continued‘the the study of Brazil with a talk wit Iand showing of pictures. Thism ‘was followed by lunch and aha“, isocial hour. The next meetinglthe iwill be the first Wednesday innou‘ Hope UCW The work of the cancer society is a voluntary ef- fort that continues all year. culminating in the April fund raising drive. Having overâ€"reached its objective this year, it means that re- search and educational pro- grams will be carried on and possibly expanded. James Davis. Mrs. C. Rob- son. Mrs. A. Rutherford, Mrs. B. Lloyd. Mrs. D. V. Anderson. Mrs. H. Kent- ner. Mrs. V. Warwick. R. Keffer. F. Elliott and Mrs. H. Tomkow. Special thanks were also given to the executive of the branch. particularly the publicity and education Chairman, Mrs. J. Hodgson and Mrs. E. Lange; to the ministers of all the church- es who helped to publicize the campaign; and to John Perry who donated the win- dow of his drug store for display purposes. Mrs. Hare made an ap- peal for people to save and donate to the home, mater- ials that can be used to make these articles. Her specific requests were for old Christmas cards, old nylons, good remnants of cloth (from 1/1 to l yd. in length) old jewellery especi- ally beads and brooches. scraps of lace, wool and fur. pretty bottles, discard- ed flannelette blankets. new jig saw puzzles (250 pieces minimum) and embroidery thread. Anyone who wishes to donate any of these things could leave them at the home of Mrs. A. Bishop, 16 Jackson Street, Maple. who is the Vellore WI rep- resentative for York Manor. in Maple, Concord and Edgeley districts. In 4; and in Concord, Mrs. Ruth Keffer. 285-6805. uyv will be the guest minister formet‘ lumlthe anniversary. Dr. Dickson}Chu May’was formerly the minister of he“ ‘Metropolitan United in Toronto bag and moved from there to sev- was ikedieral churches in New York Em "ere State. He is now retired andi dent lives in Etobicoke. He is also ded' the uncle of D. West of Nether- W_Iford Road in Maple. n acct grei n...â€" llast week. Best wishes also to John Hunter who celebrated his birthday May 7. * t w- t Litterbugs When you look around at the side of some of our roads. aren't you filled with disgust that some members of the ghuman race can be such slobs'.’ Call them litterbugs if you wish to use a more polite term. I wonder how these same people would feel if someone dumped their garbage and litter, along with the rats and other vermin lit attracts. on their front ilawns'.’ Ithe first to complain and the ‘loudest too. I bet they would beI An unrehearsed skit on the klack of respect for the law lwas presented by Mrs. C. H. Boake, Mrs. Charles Summer- feldt, Mrs. R. Gooch, Miss Bruce Snider and Mrs. R. J. Darling-ton. A discussion relalta ing to the skit followed after} which a spelling match was held. The Federated Women's In- stitutes of Ontario officers' con- ference was held at Guelph University on May 5 and 6. The list of officers from which dele- gates were chosen included curator. president. secretary .and public relations officer. No delegate attended from the Edgeley Branch. 3 * t e a: Special music will be provid- ed for the service by the Hope Public School Choir under the direction of Mr. R. Richardson, A colour movie for children, “The Seventh Voyage of Sin- bad" will be shown by St.‘ Stephens Young People’s on May 14 at 7 pm. and again May 15 at 10 am and 2 pm in the Sunday school rooms of St. Stephen‘s Anglican Church. Everyone is welcome to attend. Socials Best wishes to Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bodker and Mr. and Mrs. Ewart Burns who celebrated their wedding anniversaries last week. On the other hand, there is the WI and other service groups as well sponsoring at the pres- ent time a “beautify Canada" campaign in order to have our country looking especially nice on its centenary. It must be very discouraging for them to see their plans thwarted by those who do not give a hoot about common decency or the amount of work involved for others in cleaning up after’them. A regular meeting of the Edgeley WI was held on Thurs- day of last week at the home of Mrs. R. Coach in Weston. After the business session. a Program was presented by Mrs. J. G. Snider. historical research and current events convenor. and her committee. Some of the unsightly mess Prizes Will be awarded to of course is not removed but V151t°T5 for Winning entries in left to rot and attract flies and b°t_h C010? Slides and black and vermin. as it has been for alwhlte Drink.“ and the winners number of years in front of thefl"111 be "thfled by mail on or vacant former Diceman farm b9f01‘9 JUIY 1- on Steeles Avenue just west of1 , * * * ‘* Dufferin Street, in spite of a‘Famuy EWING Winners “no dumping" Sign in front of Mrs. John Stuart of RR 1 the property_ Here big rats run'Maple and R. B. Stuart of Wes- across the road and the debriS‘ton‘ .Were the first Prize Win- is blown and scattered into,ners 1" the Swarts‘ annual \vin- Vaughan. Further along Steeles,ter web" CiI‘CUit Which ended Avenue where the new universâ€"ilast saturday night. ity is going up. a most unsightly‘ Mrs. Ron White of Weston mess meets the eye on both and John Stuart were the sea- sides of the road. son's 2nd prize winners. But Steeles Avenue isn’t the only place that has become a veritable dump. Some of the other roadsides are such that we can be anything but proud of them. WI News Edgeley Notes to take them there. Put on} comfortable shoes kids. it's a long hike to Kettleby. Guidesi land Brownies are reminded‘ also of their cookie money which should he returned by now. yiBridal Shower Friends. relatives and neigh- (Photo by Barbour) bours past and present gathered ue School, from Conâ€" it is David . Roselawn Malcolm third time. at the home of Mrs. Elwood Taylor May 7, for a bridal shower. Hostess for the even- ing was Barbara Orr who was giving the shower in honor of her brother Geoff's fiancee. Valerie Kerdeicis. Geoff and Val are being married July 17 at Zion Lutheran Church, Maple. As with all showers, the gifts were lovely, the food was delicious Ieven the next day) and everyone enjoyed the evening. ‘Family Wedding People of music Concord Public School is to one in a long time completely be congratulated for its fine free of all family responsibil- showing in last week's Lions’ ities. With two other teachers Music Festival at Newmarket from MacKillop Public School Tuesday. The grade 4 and 5 in Richmond Hill she motored mixed choir received a second down to the southern United place certificate as did the‘States. visiting Miami, Ft. grade 4 and 5 girls’ choiruLauderdale and spending four Thursday afternoon more hon-‘relaxing days in Hollywood. ors came this way when the Here the “girls” had an ocean- grades 5 and 6 mixed choir side apartment and enjoyed the received a plaque for theirnvonderful beach and swimming achievements in placing first. â€"the more so when one of l At Woodbridge. the York‘them phoned home and heard At Woodbridge. the York Festival was taking place last week also. Louise Scott. daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. A. Scott. Highway No. '7, competed in the poetry speaking class at Woodbridge Presbyterian. Title of the poem spoken by the 20 competitors was “The Fairies". Louise has been a pupil of Miss Last week the guiders met to complete plans for the com- ing pack holiday (for Brown- ies) and the mother and daugh- ter banquet (for everyone and their mother). Brownies who haven‘t done so are reminded to return their consent forms for camp, and parents are re- minded of the need for either cookies. transportation or both Apparently everyone is willing to bring the Brownies home from camp but no one wants years. Guide and Brownie News was most enjoyable and lovely. lBride and bridesmaids were all iin white, the attendants’ gowns accented in a pretty "spring" green. Even the flower girl, iDonna! Davidson, wore a full- }length white gown, almost an exact copy of the older girls” dresses. She and the ring- ‘bearer, Roddy Pipher, appeared ‘real “pros” at their jobs. Friday evening was an oc-‘ casion for the “gathering of the clan" for our family too. It was the day Doug’s cousin, Beverley Keffer was married to Peter Brill at Islington United Church. The reception was held at the Skyline Hotel. From beginning to end the evening In case any old family friends are trying to decide where all these people fit in, Bev is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ellsâ€" worth Keffer, Markham, Donna is the daughter of June (Keffer) and Earl Davidson. and Roddy is the son of Isobel (Keffer) and Murray Pipher. Holiday Trip Mrs. Marg Gilbert had an in- teresting Easter trip, the first Mrs. A. W. Cook spoke on the motto for the meeting which was “Go often to the home of a friend for the weeds choke the unused path." The third annual photographic competition sponsored by the Metropolitan Toronto and Re- gion Conservation Authority will take place at Pioneer Vil- lage from May 22 to June 15. A group of Upper Canada Colâ€" lege students spent a day last week at Pioneer Village to get a first hand look at the pioneer way of life and participate in village activities. Pioneer Village Happy birthday to Bruce Snider. May 15 and to Mrs. Frank Locke and Homer Whit- more who celebrate on May 17. Mrs. John Stuart of RR 1 Maple and R. B. Stuart of Wes- ton. were the first prize win- ners in the Stuarts‘ annual win- ter euchre circuit which ended last Saturday night. An epidemic of measles has been sweeping the area and a great number of children were affected. Mrs. Ron White of Weston and John Stuart were the sea- son's 2nd prize winners. Mrs. R. B Stuart of Weston and W. A. Stuart of Richvale received consolation prizes. A few cases of chicken pox are also reported. Birthdays Measles Abound Boyle, Thornhill for two Concord Socials one in a long time completely The boys recently began free of all family responsibil-iholding’ their Thursday night ities. With two other teachersimeetings in the gymnasium at from MacKillop Public Schooljthe House of Concord. giving in Richmond Hill she motored‘them about the best facilities of down to the southern United‘any Cub pack in the York Sum- States. visiting Miami. Ft.‘mit district. according to Dis-‘ Lauderdale and spending four trict Representative A. C. Mac- relaxing days in Hollywood‘Naughton who addressed the Here the “girls” had an ocean-‘dinner meeting. side apartment and enjoyed thel wonderful beach and swimming Strasser of when one oflAuthOI‘lty who spoke on “Life â€"the more so Guest speaker was K. W. the Conservation them phoned home and heard in a Woodlot” and showed a about our Easter snowfall! Plans to lunch with a sister, of Mrs. Phyllis Lacey of Lawrie? Rd. at Ft. Lauderdale went awry and a telephone conver-L sation had to suffice. Only‘ other mishap was on the return: journey when the travellers tried vainly from 9 pm. to It am. to get motel accommodaq tion and ended up sleeping in‘ their car. i Altogether seven staff mem-‘ bers from MacKillop School holidayed in the same area but film on the same topic. Highlight of the evening was the inauguration of a new Scout troop, when Cubs Kim Higginson. John Rus- sell. Barry Woods and James Young went up into Scouts. Also present and completing the nucleus of‘ the new group were former Cubs Robert Bailie. Jim Best, Gary Roach and Troop Leader David Spenc- er. Chairman Al Hewitt intro- Marl reports “lat he? STOUP duced the new Scoutmaster Dr. ran into only one of them. Cub and Scout News Peter Granger and his assistant Lorne Reesor. Dr. Granger has A presentation gift was made had many years of scouting ex- to former Cubmaster Webb of the lst Concord Cub pack at the annual father andl son banquet held at theAHouse of Concord May 5. Harry perience. The lst Concord Cub and Scout groups will have a bottle collection Saturday, May 29. The ladies‘ auxiliary will Plans to lunch with a sister of Mrs. Phyllis Lacey of Lawrie Rd. at Ft. Lauderdale went awry and a telephone conver- sation had to suffice. Only other mishap was on the return journey when the travellers tried vainly from 9 pm. to 1 am. to get motel accommoda- tion and ended up sleeping in their car. Mr. Webb has had to resign after 12 years of service. His place has been taken by form- er Assistant Cubmaster Jim Bonner of Willowdaie. Altogether seven staff mem-‘ Tro‘ bars from MacKillop School er. holidayed in the same area but‘ Cha Marg reports that her group‘duced ran into only one of them. ‘pem Cub and Scout News ,Lorne EXCITING NEW PROFIT OPPORTUNITIES FROM CALVES THAT GROW 8. GROW 8. GROW! You can grow calves for the profitable veal calf market in only 10 - 12 weeks with SHUR-GAIN Vealer. Approximately 200 pounds of this exciting new product will raise a calf to market weight . . . calves that will grade “good” to “choice”. FORTI- FIED WITH ANTIBIOTICS and with a special high fat level, SHUR-GAIN Vealer gives you amazingly low feed conversions. Test feed your next calf on Shut-Gain Vealer and learn for yourself about the exciting new profit opportunities from feeding for the Veal Calf Market. 'MY HANH' Ask us to-day for the easy feeding program. and I special performance record card. This message might provide a Egg,me answer. If you're asking yourself '70 3 mum (moms calf feeds YDU DAN DRIND All YDUR CREDIT NEEDS UNDER DNE RUDE. The Bank of Montreal Family Finance Plan is the modern, economical way to take care of all your credit needs without putting a heavy strain on your pay-. cheque. It puts cash in your hands for a new automo- bile, washing machine, TV set, wardrobe for your familyâ€"or for meeting emergencies and recurring commitments. ‘ YOU CAN DDRRDW UP TD #3500 AND TAKE UP TO. THREE YEARS TD REPAY. Many people don’t know you can walk into any branch of the Bank of Montreal and arrange a large personal loan. Depending on your income, you can obtain up to $3500 or even more. And you can repay your loan within three years through regular monthly payments geared to your income. Interest is low. All FFP loans are automatically life-insured to protect your family. The manager of your nearest B of M branch can tell you more about the Family Finance Plan. See him today and be sure to ask for the free informative booklet: "How to Live on Your Income and Enjoy it”. If a major purchase costs more than you want to spend, the Bank of Montreal Family Finance Plan might well be the difference between having it to enjoy and going without. BANK OF MONTREAL M 7m: em MAPLE FEED MILL 832-1241 The ladies‘ auxiliary will meet May 18 at the home of Mrs. Phyllis Gamble. Rock- view Gardens, when Dr. Gran- ger will show a film on scout- ing. DONALD ROSS, Manager canon-no! ‘Prestolite Plant To [Be Fully Automated Construction will begin very shortly on an ultra-modern. 24,000 square foot manufactur- ing plant of the Prestolite Com- pany. Division of Eltra of Can- ada Limited it their new site on Keele Street at Bowes Rd. in Vaughan Township’s indus- trial subdivision. VVaumhan Acres. The brick-faced one-story structure will house the most modern equipment available and will be a highly automated operation using the latest tech- nology in bulk handling. weigh- ing, milling and extrusion equipment as well as hydraulic presses. finishing machines and material handlinz conveyors. Prestolite will invest more hhan $2 million in facilities to integrate battery _ manufactur- ing plants in Canada. The com- pany has three batteryfimanu- facturing plants in Canada. at Toronto, Drummondville. Que- bec and Calgary. The building is expected to be completed by August 1965. Installation of equipment will follow as rapidly as poulble and initial production is tenth- tively scheduled for 1966. KINGSDALE ANIMAL HOSPITAL DR. CARL HEDER TEMPLE 3-5401 vealer «unem-

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