CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES CASH RATES. lst insertion .70 each word. m and and subsequent insertions if charge 81.00. See wording unchanged, .76 BOX NUMBERS an extra charge MING EVENT NOTICE, 70 per wor IN MEMORIAMS. DEATHS, C0 CARDS 0F THANKS. inimum per word, min. charge .9043. per insertion of 50c d; min. charge $1.00 ENGAGEMENTS, MARRIAGES, BIRTHS per in- sertion Classified advertisemen week as possible but no Send ads by mail and at 884-1105 or 285-3318 and you wil ARTICLES FOR SALE ________.__â€"â€" BB PUMP gun, good condition $5. 884-2528. $40. 884-7636. nclose paymen $1.00 ts should be in as early in the t later than 10.30 on Wednesdays. t or telephone us at i receive an invoice. FOR SALE (Continued) W‘â€" ._4 GIRLS bicycle. 884-2421. tfc40 ________’_ LADIES bicycle almost neW. TV 825, 42 Levendale Road. 884-7636. tic-(46 tfc38 USED electric stove. $35. 42 BED SPRINGS and mattress Levendale Boil. - ‘_ BOY'S bicycle. 24" wheel $15 884-7434. 100' poles. 884-1924. link fence and 10 stee ____________._ 3 SPEED Glider bicycle excel- moving. 2855653. lent condition. Call 884-4840. clw46 and tubes. 884-1646. clw46 BOYS’ Raleigh 3-speed racer - ., ,. rocker. Odd chairs, lawnmower, bicyde' 21 mm“ 26 Wheels†suitable for cottage. 884-1603. $30. 884-7530. clw46 DURO shallow-well pump with . . pound. for in- pressm Mk and an fmmgs' sulation. boat safety filling. 4 “W46 10' blocks $65. Phone 884-7878. 285-2205. 1959 CHRYSLER 1 owner power equipment in good condition. MBOYS. clothing, 12 to 14 years. _______T__clwis like new, blazer, jackets. Box 1 Refrigerator suitable for cot- of miscellaneous clothing $5. Reasonable. 285-1597. tage $35. Call 884-2647. _________.__?_114§ MANURE and sawâ€"dust. several. CHROME TABLE, 4 chairs in tons free for the taking. Gay- grey $12. Phone 884-1565. clw46 Miles E. of Yonge. . DINING ROOM suite, table, 4 2 HAND MOWERS. 2 Rotary chairs, buffet, modern. 884-4012. Mowers. good condition. R. U. clw46 Sanders. 121 Richmond St. WEDDING DRESS with match- ing head piece, chiffon. Size BEDROOM suite, 3 piece, 850, clw46 wash basin and stand $10. reel 10. 884-7781. CHEF-MASTER range apart- ment size good condition $50 or best offer. 884-7740. clw46 “046 reasonable, clw46 3 1LLOYD baby clw46 vertible lik antique kitchen , duty THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday, May 13, 1965 HELP WANTED EXPERIENCED welder, benefits paid. 884-3101. EXPERIENCED machinist benefits paid. 884-3101. clw46 WOMANâ€"required for motel work part-time. Mr. Opic clw46 285-5411. 7. 77# TI‘ER for heavy WEEDER‘EI permanent clw46l equipment, position. 285-7383. If) CLEANING woman wanted once or twice weekly, Bayview and Steeles. 285-6658. clw46 Z'MEN wanted experienced in window cleaning and walls. Phone 884-3714. clw46 BABY SITTER, Monday to Fri- day, days. Phone after 5 pm. 884-7604. clw46 -â€"- TEENAGE girl to help in ken- ___________.__â€"1â€"1M USED wringer washer $20. 42 l CUB’S uniform, Size 10. 884- Levendale Road, “W46 USED Refrigerator $25, used nels, week-ends. Carrville- Bayview area. 285-1062. clw46 HAIRDRESSER, some experi- ence, apply Grace's Beauty Salon, 884-5016. clw46 SHORT ORDERâ€"ebok. experi- enced preferred. Apply Halfway lawn mower. clw46 carriage, con- e new $35, garage cabinet, 84-1554. power tools and accessories. Must sell, clw46 TWO 3%; beds, springs *1w46 KITCHEN STOVE, platform clw46 *1w46 884-5759. clw46 lands Farm. N.. Side No. 7-2 c2w45 *2w46 type lawn mower $20, 30 steel fence posts $17. 285-3287. clw46 House. 887-5411. tfc44 MAN required for cleaningl clubhouse at golf club prefer- ably 50 years or over. 285-0006. c1w46l resser full- QUALIFIED haird and time or part-time. Allencourt spring-filled mattresses, excel- Hair Stylist, ______._._____â€" C.C.M. Bicycle. almost new. 3- . . _ speed, 26" wheels, new tir'res,c°ndl'tl°n' $10 each 884 Road- 8844581- 429 Markham tfc46 SALESLADY in Richmond Hill’s newest bakeshop. 5 days weekly. Good pay. 22 Leven- dale Road 884-6691. clw46 PRESSER, male or female, wanted immediately, apply Dave Lyons. 9010 Yonge St.,, Rich- vale. 2135-3692. clw46 WAITRESSES, reliable, day and night, also part time, weekends. Don Mills and 7 Highway. 285- 5790. clw45' FEMALE for packing food, ex- perience not necessary. Scott‘s Chicken Villa, 187 Yonge St.. N. 884-1194. c1w45 EXPERIENCED TV technician for service and shop work. Steady job, good salary and benefits. 884-7903. tfc43 TYPIST required by local char- tered bank â€"- preferably with shorthand. Write Box 99 “The Liberal". clw46 POSITION available for young lady to do general office work USED 21" TV. 326 Paliser Cres. TRIPLE DRESSER Tradewwd must lye good typist â€" neat and works well on all channels $4 clw46 new $25 cas-h and carry, North 3% h.p. Porter-Cable roto’ciller HU 8,7911. , self-propelled, almost Phone 285-7050. new. FRAME BARN 54' by 35" 18' and carry North Park Furniture 1.1111. to eaves. Heavy steel roof 884- 2960 or 294-2831. *1w46 WHITE DACRON lady’s uni- Park Furniture 3368 Yonge St. c4w46 *2w45 BUNK BEDS brand new 36" Richmond spring mattresses $49.50. Cash 3368 Yonge St., HU 8-7911. c4w46 DOUBLE BED SIMMONS mat- 5. 12 drawers unpaintedr brand accurate with figures. Apply to Box 100 “The Liberal" clw46 FULL or Part-time man for greenhouse. Apply in person, Floral Company, Roseview Avenue, Richmond *1w46 MALE HELP. For maintenance of golf club. Experience prefer- red but not necessary. For in- form. worn two > , ‘ , . . ‘ 832-1423, months Size 14 H955 and Spring $25- 1'3le ' terview call Klelnburg Golf new“ record player with storage for Club, 238-0115. 40†Frigidaire stove and De Luxe model McLary refrigera- tor. $25. each. 285-2908. clw46 -,PORTABLE electric rotisserie, table model, $25. 884-6367. clw46 _APPROXIMATELY 35 fence records 810. 773-5671. clw46 FRIGIDAIRE ELECTRIC RANGE 4 BURNERSâ€"24†ovenâ€"ex- cellent condition. 285-2107. clw46 clw46 EXPERIENCED clean-up man required for new and used car dealership in Richmond Hill. Apply used car manager. Gerry Paxton, 285-5435. clw46 MEN WANTED for wood pro- ducts factory. Apply factory rails and posts. Make offer. SUFFOLK-DEMON reel type 19th Avenue, Markham Town- Call evenings. 884-2848. clw46 FURNACE, forced air, oil, burner, controls. 95,000 BTU. $75. BA5-4972. clw46 REFRIGERATOR, good condi- tion, reasonable. 884-7197. c2w45 INGLIS automatic washer with suds return, guaranteed. 285- 5226. tfc34 HAY and straw by bale or ton. Call M. Acreman 285-2236 or 884-2236. tfc18 - BUFFET, table and 4 chairs leatherette covered, light color, good condi-tion. $35. 884-5618. clw46 TAPE recorder sales and ren- > tals. $1.00 a week. Herridge Ap- pliances, 42 Levendale Road 884-3211. tfc44 PIANOS, bought and sold, re- conditioned, guaranteed, tuned and delivered. terms, Pyle Piano Sales. 884-3614. tfc41 . GOOD used furniture for sale. Call Frank‘s Movers and Stor- age. 28 Industrial Rd., TU. 4- 2613. tfc3 HONEY WERNER 1285-2724 tfc21 NEW refrigerators 42 Levendalc Rd., 884-3211. ALUMINUM Doors. windows. awnings, and railings. Ron Woods. 884-1514. tfc36 USED wooden overhead gar- age door. 7‘ x 7’. track. hard- ware, weights included. 70 John St.. Thornhill. 2285-6740. clw46 REFRIGERATORS, large stock, $39, $49, $59, $69, $79. Recon- ditioned, guaranteed. Suther- land Refrigeration, 1004 Queen St. E., Toronto. HO. 3-0930. 9 to 9. *22w35 BEAUTYREST, Marshall, Sim- self propelled power lawn mower 21" blade used 3 sum- mers only. $60 884-7682. clw46 LIVING room lamps, telephone bench, 26" wheel bicycle, tri- cycle, man's 34-38 suits, child’s bedroom drapes, also rugs. BA.2-1954. clw46 5-DRAWER CHEST, dresser with mirror, $20 each. Coal stove with oven and water tank, $35. Sewing machine with elec- tric attachment, $20. Write Box 102 “The Liberal". clw46 12’ by 12' tent and Canadian Tire utility trailer. Used only 6 weeks, All steel body and frame, full leaf springs, Woods tent, sleeps 5 adults, no inside poles, canopy attached, good condition. $125. 884-5046. clw46 CLEARANCE SALE 1 day only, May 15, 10 am to 5 pm, Junipers $1.20, Trees, $1.50, Perennials 10c, Hedge Stock Era Nurseries, Ringwood, (19th Avenue. cast of Highway 48). Phone 537-5556. clw46 BUTLER & BAIRD LUMBER LTD., PAINT special. exterior. latex, white. per gal. $4.39. This is one-coat lSuper White Latex). i lfC44‘191 Yonge St. N... Phone 884-l 1125 285-3506. c2w41 BRIDES IF YOU WANT GOOD VALUE IN QUALITY PHOTOGRAPHS YOU WILL TREASURE No Fancy Free Gimmicks with High Pressure Selling Then Drop in and See Us You Can't Buy Quality over mons, Serta, Seely and other spring mattresses repaired, re- turned just like new. medium firm, extra firm. Two-day ser- vice. Eiderdowns recovered. On- tario Bedding Co. AV. 5-1591. tfc44 TYPEWRITERS ADDING MACHINES Sales Service Rentals Authorized Dealer All popular makes for sale in- cluding new and rebuilt stand- ard portable and electric mod- els. Special rental rates avail- able to students. L. H. SIMS 88 Baker Ave. Richmond Hill tfc“ sit-1745‘ the Telephone Albums Complete with 12 8x10 Photographs As low as $45.00 LAGERQUIST STUDIO 93 Yonge St., South 884-2791 tfc-16 DRESSMAKING ALL kinds of sewing. altera- tions, slip covers made. etc. 884- 4347. tfc32 DESIGNING DRESSMAKING ALTERATIONS 884-4670. clw46 10c. Rockeries 5c and up. New' ship, between 5 and 6 Conces- sion. clw46 REAL ESTATE career for men or women, free extensive train- ing program, special assistance to new starters, top commis- sions and draws. Call Mitro & Star Ltd., 222-2525. tfc25 REAL ESTATE Opening for 2 active real estate salesman or saleswomen, ex- perience preferred. Full office assistance. Call Tom Murphy, AV. 5-2951. T. Murphy. Realtor. clw46 PLATE FITTERS EXPERIENCED in stainless and mild steel vessels and struc- tures. Top wages, steady jobs, all possible benefits. Dominion Welding Engineering Co. Ltd., Maple. 285-4861. c1w44 AGGRESSIVE SALESMEN WE are a new Richmond Hill based enterprise looking for eager, agressive and experienced salesman to handle our line of household and commercial cleaning products. Car neces- sary. Phone 884-6972. tfc42 FARM SALESMAN OPENING for a farm and land salesman to specialize in Vaughan and Markham proper- ties fI‘om the expanding Head Offices of David McLean Ltd., on Steeles Avenue, West. at Yonge. Experience preferred. Please call D. McLean, 285- 1176. Evenings 285-3419. l clw42 REAL ESTATE OPENING for two active real lestate salesmen or salewomen ‘in the busy Richmond Hill of- fice of David McLean Ltd., Full office assistance and train- ing for new personnel. Please call Mrs. Sutherland. 285-1164. Evenings. 884-5310. c1w44 oisnwï¬n‘r’rfrorâ€"weeren’n; Apply Halfway House. 887-5411 tfc-H The Post Office at Maple. Ontario Requires An Assistant 1 $2620 82980 For full particulars as to resi- dence. qualification require- ments and application forms. see posters on display at the National Employment Service ,and Post Office. Apply before EMAY 21. 1965, to the Civil [Service Commission. 25 St. 'Clair Avenue East. 7. Toronto Ontario. Quote; Competition 65-T-864. 1' i'l .par' A CONSISTENCY! Liberal Classified Action Ads hit the mark with a large and lo yal audience every week. Work these ads as hard as you likeâ€"they‘ll go to work for you one Thursday, all month if you prefer. each week doing a vigorous selling job on the thousands of readers and prospects who shop “The Liberal" Classified Section regularly. too? Flexible More than 25 different classifications to prOVide an easy to shop market place for the items you want to sell or buy. the services you want to Offer. or the property you want to rent or sell. PHONE 884-1105-6 HELP WANTED MISCELLANEOUS (Continued) _PIIUIIIBINGâ€"-‘HEKTI§Gâ€" 'rfxrrnra’ncsb molarâ€"065?;- a. mans a. son LTD. tor wanted to cut weeds during - James D. Stewart summer. 884-5121 or BA. 1-8456 MISCELLANEOUS, (Continued) Tv AND'IIIZFITSERVICE , HARVEY 285-4573. clw46 GARDENS l‘OiOiillZd. lawns rolled. 884-2838. c4w46 E. Station, Richmond Hill. Refer- ences, experienced. 884-3440. clw46 RONALDS Federated Ltd., R. E. Dunn. TU. 4-2798. tfc ~CARPENTRY_&VCONCRETE# Custom building additions. re- LICENCED BODYMAN. Flat rate shop, usual benefits. Call Mr. Bailey, Sorenson Chrysler Plymouth, Ltd. Concord. 285- ting. J. Hampton 773-5922. tfc42 PAINTING-an‘dvdccorating. carâ€" pentry work, alterations, recre- CALL us for your sand. gravel, rate shop, Chrysler experience . fill, top soil and black loam. preferred. Usual benefits. Call Mr. Bailey, Sorenson Chrysler Prompt delivery. Reasonable Plymouth Ltd. Concord. 285- rates. J- B. DeFerrari. Maple. 4858. “clw46 832-8876. tfc7 CONCRETE - MASONRY CARPENTRY CONTRACTORS Building, alterations & repairs. prompt service WALKER & MITCHELL AV. 5-2526 tfc8 RALPH ELMS DECORATING Painting, paper-hanging, inter- ior and exterior. Free estimates. Work guaranteed. 884-7902. tfc 31 FEMALE cashiers wanted for part-time work. 3 or 4 evenings a week. Apply or phone man- ager Odeon Dufferin Drive-In Theatre after 7 pm. AV-5 2505. c1w45 HOUSEKEEPER to live in, to care for 3 children 4, 6 and 8 years. Good salary. Private room. One day off weekly. 285- 4897 daytime, 285-6668 even- ings. tfc46 FULL TIME stenographer sec- retary required in Richvale area. Must be capable typist, with shorthand an-d experience on electric machines preferred. 285-6221. c2w46| FULL 8: PART TIME personnel required waitresses, drink stewards, kitchen help. house cleaners, I experienced locker bartender. Apply in person to Summit Golf Club. clw46 IT pays to grow cucumbers for Bick's Pickles. Grading station at Queensville. For further in- formation phone Queensville Farms, 895â€"5381 or Thornhill 285â€"5494. Frank Watts. tfc46 TAPE DICTATION machine typist for general office duties. Reasonable speed and accuracy required. Please state if full or part time employment re- quired. Reply to Box 97 “The E. W. PAYNE Drains, septic tanks. All types of concrete work. 285-5762 FREE ESTIMATES tfc31 MASONRY CONTRACTOR Stonework. Fireplace, etc. V. Ostergaard, 16 Elizabeth St. 5.. Richmond Hill, phone 884- 5688. tf023 CARPENTRY WORK, additions, renovations, garages, recreation rooms, tile floors. No job too small. Free estimates. T. Price AV. 5â€"3653. tfc28 SHEET METAL WORK Eavestrough, new and repaired. Heating, roof flashing, etc.‘ Free estimates. Work guaran- teed. TU. 4-1006. tfc51 CHIMNEYS Chimneys built and repaired. Free estimates. Expert work- manship. Phone Walker and Liberal“. clw46 Mitchell, AV. 5-2526. tfc15 STEELES & YONGE ' PLUM'IING REAL Estate Salesman to Alterations. Repairs. Contract- specialize in Steeles and Yonge mg- EStlmates- EDD BLIGHT. 334.7996 area properties and investment acreage. For interview appoint- ment please call. D. McLean, 285-1176, evenings. 285-3419. David McLean Ltd., 74. Steeles Avenue. West, c1w44 MAN or woman to service cus- tfc51 DO YOU KNOW We can supply and install Arm- strong’s sheet vinyl Corlon in the average kitchen for $80.00 REID & SONS FLOORING tomers with Watkins Products CONTRACTORS in the Town of RICHMOND AV- “960 “C40 HILL. CARPENTRY No investment necessary. Earn $75.00 per week and up. Full or part-time. Write to J. Gau- thier. 350 St. Roch, Montreal 15, Quebec. c4w45 PROGRESSIVE G. M. DEALERSHIP REQUIRES FOR THEIR NEW BODY SHOP One fully qualiï¬ed and ex- perienced painter. Two com- petent bodymen. Complete com- pany beneï¬ts. Apply Service Manager, 285-5435 or 727-9453. clw46 TEACHER WANTED FOR September to work with trainable retarded children. Re- quirements: minimum of On- tario Grade 12 and willing to attend a special summer course. Salary: Minimum $2,600 apply in writing to Richmond Hill Retarded Children‘s Education Authority 321 Enford Road, Richmond Hill. clw46 CLERICAL Stenographer for position in government office near Richmond Hill. Salary $3240.00 rising to $3750.00 per annum. Applicants should have at least 2 years office experiâ€" ence, grade 10 education and be proficient in typing and shorthand. Apply in writing to District Forester, Department of Lands and Forests, R.R. No. 2, Maple, listing qualifications and experience. c2w45 JANITOR REQUIRED for the Township of Vaughan municipal offices in Maple. starting salary $3750 per annum. Plus fringe bene- Any type â€" rec. rooms, cabinet for garbage cans. cupboards. shelves. garages, etc. 884-2588. tfc22 Firm open for chain saw con- tracts, light manufacturing, pro-' duction acetylene welding and production spray painting. Call between 11 and 2 pm. 773-5368. tfc45 SPECIAL Chesterfield sets recovered â€"- 2 piece $69.00. Nylon frieze $99. 5 years guarantee. Terms if de- sired. A. Smith, Upholstery. phbne AV. 5-1682. HARRISâ€"(7N5 CUSTOM.â€" CARPENTRY Custom built homes. renova- tions, additions, and repairs Kitchens a specialty. Morris Harrison. 884-2838. tfc45 PLASTERING AND TILE Ceramic tile, Showers Installed, also plaster repaired by experts. No job too small. Call anytime 884-7045. Ask for George. tfc33 ROOFING AND EAVES- TROUGHING 1.5 years experience, new and repair work on barns, homes, etc., Free estimates, no obliga- tion. Call anytime 884-4016. tfc40. UPHOLSTERY Recovering and repairing of any kind of furniture. Experienced on Scandinavian furniture. Free estimates. Reasonable prices. Call anytime. TU. 4-4813 resiâ€" dence. business, AV. 5-5345. tfc44 fits. 40 hour week, shift work. HOME Reply in writing giving full IMPROVEMENTS particulars. not later than May Kitchens. Rec. Rooms. 25th. 1965. M. w. Lyons. Clerks Flooring. Panelling. loffice Township of Vaughan Bathrooms Maple. Ontario. clw46 Budget Plan Available PHONE MR. SCOUT 285-4922 or 884-7968 tf033 REAL ESTATE DO‘YOU‘E’NOW’ i We can supply and install col- lourful, durable, vinyl asbestos HIGHEST COMMISSIONr tiles in the average recreation p4â€) room for $85.00. ‘ REID & SONS FLOORING ' ’ CONTRACTORS LeSlleRq Hagan av. 5-1960 tfc-10 03 m SEITTIC'TXNKS 285-1166 . PUMPED $25.00 7771 Yonge St., Thornhilll ‘ l Farm Implements , TRACTOR 18-28 lip. on rubber. ' 3-furrow plough on rubber, VIE-CLEAN‘ 884-1596. clw46 DRAINS RL'MBLE'EQL'IPMEN'T MASSEY-FERGUSON SALES. PARTS. SERVICE Gormley. east of Don )lllls Rd. Phone 887-5851. tfc9 Sewers cleaned without digging or tearing up pill?- C. STL‘NDEN Richmond Hill 884-1245 884-2201 7‘ H 7 g» n V H“ Wclw46 “C43 SERVICE Station attendgrlt 're- PAINTING & PAPER qu1red for Tonys Esso erVIce HANGmG ing‘ pairs, renovations. J. W. Curtis. quires thoroughly experienced AV. 54494‘ “C43. typlst to work evenings, apply ___. _ . _ ._ _ in person 225 Yonge St. North TRENCHING Richmond Hill. clw46 POSTHOI-E digging and rotova- |Herridge Television, 42 Leven- 4858. clw46 allon rooms. 884-5009. wmrna‘s’s'want’afexogrienced . , “C43 preferred 11.30 am. â€" 4.30 ' BRICKWORK p.m. Also girls for weekend and'Fiteplaces, patiOS. planters. summer holidays. Apply Half-Clllml’ley. built and repalred. way House. 887-5411. tfc44 No Job too small. Free estim-r LICENCED MECHANIC, flatates' 884'33‘31--_#.:}§V§§ tfc-13‘ POST HOLE’Eigging'and'téhZ 285â€"4432. c4w45 WANTED â€" 20' x 50’Tirame: barn removed from property.1 285-6204. clw46 JERRY‘S HAULAGE SAND gravel and stone 832- 1048. *4w46 CUSTOM WORK cultivating or plowing. Large or small areas, 884-7768. tfc46‘ WINDOW'CLEKNING Industrial. commercial and homes. Reasonable rates. 727- 4880. tfc46 Exper'Pâ€"tglevision rep-ziirs, one low price $9.95 (plus parts) dale Road. tfc 46 PLOWINGâ€"da DIS’CIN’G CULTIVATION by P a w Trac- tor Service. Free estimates. 884- 2337. c6w42' 'KNDERSTON'INDUSTRIALF FLOOR CLEANER 884-2830 , tfc43 CARPENTER REMODEL, repair, and build. Call Bryan at King. 833-5422. tfc45 TRENCHING WATER services, sewers, septic tank beds, excavating for ad- dition on homes. 285-2096. c2w46‘ EOA’T‘REPAIRS TO ALL MODELS of fibreglass and wooden boats â€" reasonable; also repair deteriorated car floors and trunks. 285-5736. clw46 LAWN MOWERS REPAIRED and sharpened, all makes, free pickup and delivery. New mac- hines for sale. Thompson Re- pair Service 103 No. 7 Highway East. 285-2973. c4w45 RENT. lease, buy. New Gibson WRINGER WASHER FREE SOAP â€" 82 WEEK (next to the coin Laundry) Herridge Appliances, 42 Leven- dale Road. tfc42 EMPLOYMENT WANTED IRONING done at home. 884- 3484. c2w45 EXPERIENCED Woman wants housework. Call after 5 pm. 773-5956. clw46 . sun roof. Sharp little car. 8225. - 285-3316 USED CARS _,WKNTED 1955 h't'orrisâ€"OxfoEEI‘pUpPIE's {or sire $3 eacl radiator. 884-2268. clw46 1956 Ford 1:2 ton pick-up. 6 cylinder. $80 884-7190. clw46 1955 vél'kswagefsiooâ€"or best offer. 884-4309. clw46.‘ ,l__. vh I ._L L _, 1961 Chrysler Saratoga. 4 door, 222-4812. ‘ hardtop. all power. clw46, 53 AUSTIN Somerset, good con- dition. $125, 64 Levendale Rd.. 884-5310. c1w46‘ BEWARE-’07{tonâ€"pi'c'k-unfs cylinder motor. $395. 285-5068. clw46 1962 CORVAIR Monza fully equipped. 4 speed transmission. AV. 5-1251. tfc40 1962 VOLKSWAGEN Deluxe excellent condition $895. Phone‘ 884-5259. *CIW46 '60 DODGE 1/2 ton pick up: ‘60 G.M.C. 1,2 ton pick up. 884-7768. clw46I 1959 HILLMAN MINX. Young lady leaving country $225 cash, 285-1504. clw46, 1956 BUICK, hardtop‘scda’ny good running order. $125 or of- fer. 832-8788. *lw46 55 VOLKSWAGENâ€"dame, withl full price. 832-1368. clw46: 1961 Envoy, only 16,000 actual mileage, original owner, perfect second car. 884-3271 after 6. clw46} AUSTIN A55, 1959. Motor and body excellent condition. Going to USA. Sacrifice. Phone after 5 pm. 884-6922. c3w44‘ 1959 BUICK, good condition, white with blue interior. $900 or nearest offer. 832-1279. clw46 1957 4-door Mercury, radio and heater, automatic transmission. Private, good shape $250. 285- 5736. clw46 1958 DODGE Mayfair 4-door. 8-cylinder, automatic. radio. plus many other extras. Good condition, price reasonable. 884- 6316. clw46 _ MODERN a helpful ad taker will assist you l. PETS FOR SALE houses. both $165 with 1. Phone 884-5902. c1w45 ADORABLE black ’pooclle pup- pies, small miniatures. register- ed. 884-7263. clw46 JILL GODDARD for profesâ€" sional Poodle clipping 7783 Yonge Street. Thornhill 285- 3606. tfc4l GERMAN Shepherdâ€"puppies, champion blood line, extra strong. High Oak Ranch Ltd., 884-2580. tfc 38, 7â€"777_ 777 l MERRYLEGS POOITLES“ REG‘D PROFESSIONAL grooming â€" satisfaction guaranteed. Puppies usually available from top qual- ity show winning stock. Modern boarding facilities. phone 727- 6669. lfc43 WANTED WANTED’to buy st'rBllcr. 88411 4797. clw4l‘ RED MAPLE or convtincntall type bed 39" size. 773-5671. ‘3 _ clw46, BOYS small 2 wheeler bicycle for 6 year old. 773-5429. , clw46 and antique hand guns. 884-4103 after 5 pm. tfc42 USED FURNITURE WAI'TED â€" pianos and used furniture. Cash price paid. Call Frank's Movers and Storage. TU. 4-2613. AV. 5-5101. tfc? CASH for your TV or stereo Hi-Fi. Tunetown needs late models used TV's (1960 models or later) â€" instant appraisals â€" instant payment. TUNETOWN “Your Family Entertainment Centre" Aurora Shopping Cen- tre. 727-6521. tfc41, Tool Equipment RENTAL 1958 Buick special convertible power equipped, many extras, very good condition 296 Emer- ald Isle Court Richmond Hill. *1w46' 1962 Ford, F 750, Dump Truck. fully equipped, including air brakes, rebuilt motor, A1 con-1 dition. Phone 285-1105, Mr. Tomlinson. clw46 KENNY HATTON’S Honda Motorcycles Sales and Service. Maple Side Road and Highway 400. 832- 1201. c3138 CONSCIENTIOUS energetic 16 year old boy would like summer work. 2851-6984. clw46 HOUSEWORK wanted by the. day. 884-6216. after 5 pm. clw46 SURVEY work done, reasonabl_e rates. Buildings laid out, accur- ate work. 884-4029. clw46 YOUNG MEN. 16-19, looking for work. Anything considered Can you help us. Call Salva- tion Army. 285-4869. tfc52 HANDY man with truck, will clean cellars & yards. Grass & 7469. tfc24 BOY 15, neat appearance Weh- mannered, would like summer‘ employment, full or part timel start immediately. 884-5856. c1w46‘ ENERGETIC young man. years of age seeks summer em- ployment. Hard working, re- sponsible. Avaliable June 15. Phone 884-2374. nc3w46 GRADE 13 girl student wants summer employment prior tot, entering university. 19 years. hard working, conscientious. Available June 21 to Labour; Day. References availableff Phone 884-3443 after 5 pm. 01“ weekends. nc3w45‘ WANTED TO RENT . 4 - 5 BEDROOM detached housel on acre or more. Write Box 96.1 "The Liberal". 02w46 3A BEDROOIVC house Richmond Hill or surrounding area. 741- 2415. clw46 ’3'EEDROOM house by July 1st, or August lst. Richmond Hill area. 884-3480. clw46 ,3 BEDROOM unfurnished house wanted in Richmond Hill by: July 1. Please call 927-1909. r c2w46 6 or 7 roomed house. at leâ€"agt 1 acre of land. Richmond Hill or surrounding area. 277-8230, collect. c2w45} 2 BEDROOM furnished or par-I tially furnished apartment} lpreferably main floor. 927-3706. 1 clw46. .71 , V#_ _##l BY JUNE 30. in Thornhill, Secondary School District. 3 or ‘4 bedroom house. 285-6537. (42w46 lady‘ RESPECTABLE elderly \lishes comfortable llousekcep-l ling room in kindly home, vicin- ity of Richmond Hill. Write Box 98 ‘The Liberal". c2w46 I GARDENING {ROTO TILLING. Save your ’back and time. let me work your lgarden. Call 884-1380. c3w46 EUROPEAN Gardener. Life- time experience. Will assist with |your garden problems very rea- lsonable charges. 884-7953. *4w43 FOUND ORANCE‘SIXL‘ETCAT Lucas Street. 884-7541. clw46 trucks, parts tires or accessor- ies, see the truck wrecker ï¬rst. Moore Truck Parts & Sales, Old, No. 11 Highway, Holland Land-t ing. 895-4666. weed cutting. BA. 5-7558 or 884- 090996609 1 ATTENTION TRUCKERS , If you are looking for used l tfc34, PRIVATE SALE 1 1960 Galaxie, a big beautiful 2 tone 4-door hardtop V8 en-' gine automatic power steering, power brakes, radio, drives like a dream. Owner transferred $1,495 cash no trade. 884-7682. clw46 285-545l WOO. ' OO‘OOO huge lot. near schools and Harold Stollof. $16,500. 3 large sized be garage, 6% mortgage. } garage, nice garden, Jack Williams. ‘N >4 N SHELBURNE 82,000. down. 2 storey b home on a treed street services. 1 mortgage for h old Stollof. 818.500 brick and stone spl 6"r mortgage. A few of our .many RICHMOND HILL 815,900 south of Markham Rd, 3 bed- room brick bungalow. newly decorated, RICHMOND HILL panelled rec. room. oil heated. attached .lack Williams. RICHMOND llll.l. 516.700. Immediate possession. 3 spac- ious bedrooms, fireplace in living room, good mortgage. alow. attached garage. finished family room, 3 bedrooms. immaculate condition. .lack Williams. TOOLS FOR RENT Floor sanders, saws and drills. Hand sanders, jig-saws and nail, drivers. AV. 5-1109. tfc27‘ RENTALL. 41 YONGE N. Rug shampooers, floor mach- ines, tools, chairs. 884-6761. tfc31 RENT. lease, buy. New Electric Lawn Mower Herridge Appliance. 884-3211. tfc45 RENT. lease. buy PHILCO TV $2 PER. WEEK EHerridge Electric-TV Applian- ces. 884-3211. tfc42 RENT 19" portable T.V. for as low as $3. weekly. ‘ RICHMOND HILL TV 884-7456 285-3756‘, tfc45; TOOLS TO RENT Cement mixers, floor sanders and edgers, ramset guns, roto- tillers, rotovators, also 500 other tools. Willowdale Rental and Sales, 6026 Yonge St., BA. 1-1711. tfc30 REAL ESTATE' 285-5452 shopping. new furnace, nancmg. drooms‘ mm $31,200 2 st 9 3 o o o 0 o o o o o : J.»R. WILLIAMS § 9 o o 3 o 9 o o o o o o o, o o 0 lot on quiet RH $13,900 4 but excellent to LANDS rick 8 room in town, all alance. Har- $100. month mond Hill. making money call Jack Williams. KING CITY 3 ACRES it level bung- Richmond Hi barn Harol MW WWW “.3283. parking. 832-1109 Maple. Iley. 27 Wellesle mortgage for balance. A real opportunity. 1 house for yourself, plus bunkhouse for help. plus nursery stock and sheds. plus 1 house rented $20,200 brick split level just north of T0 RENT ROOM to “BBLâ€"Still one gentle- man. 884-1629. tfc-12 STORE712 CentreTs'tTEfss-il 4333. clw46 2CBEDCROOMiapartmentsTClose to all facilities. 285-2303 or 884- ‘2852. tfc36 l EWV_3â€"B;drOo mi& 5 be dr 0 o m option to buy. 88-1-4314. *lw45 ELF â€"CONTAINED'3 room apartment. $75 monthly. 884- 1853. clw46 l’ a‘2â€13EDROOM’apartments, year round swimming. balcony, inter-com. 884-6342. irtfc33 RICHMOND-‘HILL, Bayview Plaza. 3 room apartment, 884- 5669. clw46 BUNGALOW on farm. conven- icnccs. immediate possession, phone Maple 832-8939. S CLEAN-comfortable room. for one or two near Yonge. Private bath and entrance. 884-6396. *1w46 TVOISUBLETflor-rentvflï¬dToOm modern clean apartment. with heated inside swimming pool. Call 884-4583. c2w46 F-UARA NI’SA'HIE D housekeeping room female pensioner Thorn- h'lll at bus stop and stores. 285- c1w45 LIGHT housekeeping _room. business person, grill, flag-and parking. References reqilircd. 884-1777. . *lwï¬ â€™MODERN APARTMENTS AVAILABLE RICHMOND HILL and 884-1601. EURNISHED’roo cilitics, 16 Lorne, of Clarke‘s Drug 884-6262 tfc40 ITITVCOOkAIIlg fa- lst house east store at Yonge- tfc24 'BEKVERTONTE'EENTRE" FURNISHED bedroom in quiet adult home, gentleman prefer- red, parking 88 weekly. 884- 3801. *1w4_2 JdUNEFâ€"to’November, $75 a month, 3 roomed furnished apartment, private entrance, c1w48 R’ENT. lease. buy New PHILCO TV 01‘ STEREO 82 PER WEEK Herridge Electric - TV A ances. 884-3211. 2'BEDROOM apartment in Rich- mond Hill. with balcony. and year round swimming. Avail- able as sub-let from 1st July. 285-6048. *1w45 HALL FOR RENT Seating capacity 250 for ban- quets, weddings, etc. Bar and kitchen facilities available. Phone Mr. W. Hunt. 285- ‘1600. tfc37 {UNEUWS’HED light ï¬rs?- keeping rooms, bright and clean, bus at door, upli- Yonge an-d No. 7 Highway. parking space, vacant June 1, $75 per month. Mrs. Craddock, 285-6037. c1w4¢ 1 BEDROOM apartment. in- cluding refrigerator and stove Yonge and Centre Streets $70 monthly. Please call Mrs. Jongencel 924-2533. W. H. Bos- y Street E.. To- ronto. c1w48. ¢ Transportation Mfâ€" SMALL Bus (busses) suitable for Church Groups. Picnics, Outings, Summer Camps. En- quiries invited, phone 285-2277. c5w44 l l â€â€ONWOOâ€NOâ€WOOO 4. . "WHEN" BUYING OR SELLING Homes, small acreage, farms, commercial or industrial land or a business 884-5976 It doesn’t cost any more to have an experienced Agent call at your home and discuss your needs. WWW .va-x listings KESWICK $7.500 commuters special, 4 room bung- alow. plus closed porch, modern kitchen, well maintained. good fi- Jack Williams. BRAMPTON orey French Previncial 1 year old. 4 large bedrooms, library with log burning fireplace, 2 car garage, large crescent. Harold Stollof. ‘llfllOND llll.l. lroom bungalow on 1 acre, ndition. good location, 1 Jack Williams. CAPE GARDENER .plus 1 budding lot, Rich- If mur are interested in - 4 BEDROOMS 9 O O O O z o O 0 ll. completely font-ed, small (I Finllttf. “0