Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 20 May 1965, p. 15

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Reginald George "Reg" Sco- bie. formerly with the Ontario Hydm at Oliawa was recently appointed area chief clerk for the Richmond Hill opera-ting urea. ‘ Mr. Scohie succeeds Miss Stella Mackie who retired [his spring after 40 years service with the commission. Reg. Scobie New Chief Clerk For Rich. Hill Hydro Guest soloist was Ermanno Mauro. an opera singer who has won Beta Sigma Phi scholar- ships. and guest speaker was Mr. Ed Mirvish. who spoke of forthcoming plans [or the Royal Alexandra Theatre. {St. Matthew's United * * * * ‘ Dates to remember w June The May meeting of lhenfi - 10.30 am. The Sacrament of Richmond Rose Chapter. IODE, the Lord‘s Supper Inn evening was held at the home of Mrs.lcelehratinn). J. M. Wnchnn. Trench Street. I June 13 - The Sacrament of Plans were finaliZPd for lheIBaptism. Sunday school gradua- chapter‘s bake sale to he held tion. Thursday evening (May 22) atj June 20 - Congregational pic- the Allencourl Plaza. nic. The remainder of the even-N * * * * in: was in the form of a work‘ The Richmond Hill Symphony meeting. :Orchestra held their last re- ‘ ’ â€""* ' ""'"â€"’“‘|hearsal of the season May 16 at n A __ f _ A If: 7 || 7 Tthe library. A native of Fort William, Mr. Scobie is a descendant of Otta- wa valley pioneers from Scot- land. He began his hydro career in 1949 at the Cameron Falls Generating Station. In 1954 he wmt to the Mitchell Rural Operating Area. He had been Installation of new officers for the coming year took place, with the following now in office: Social Sponsor Mrs. Jean Thom- son, Presidenl Mrs. Nelly Wil- liamson. Vice-President Mrs. .ln-an Bullen. Recording Secre- tary Mrs. Sandra Eveleigh. Treasurer Mrs. Ruth Smith. Corresponding: Secretary Mrs. Irene Dowden, and Co~ordinatâ€" ing Officer Mrs. Judy Smith. The evening clused with the serving of refreshments. Members of the local chapter attended the 34th Founder‘s Day program, as guests of Toronto City Council at Inn-On-The Park. Dinner was served to guests representing nine prov- inces and the United States amid a setting of candlelight and spring flowers. ‘ City Council at Park. Dinner was guests representing inces and the UH Operating Area. He had been chief clerk in the Ottawa area since 1956. At this time a cheque was presented to Miss D. Ketola, to aid the ARC Industries tWork- shop Central Enford Road. Miss Ketola then gave a talk on the progress being made and show- ed examples of some of the \ nrk. The last regular meeting of Mr. and Mrs. F. Sward, Kerâ€" Delta Lambda Chapter. Beta rybrnnk Drive. returned home Sigma Phi, was held at the on Monday from three weeks home of Mrs. Judy Smith. Cenâ€"jholiday in the British Isles. tre Street Easl. * "‘ * " Mr. Scohie is married to the fnrmer Helen Murdock and has three sons. g ESTELLE MARKHAM E 884-3787 uummununutmImIunmmmum\muunmmmmmummhi A‘ Allencourt Shopping (‘enlre Markham Rd. & Rayview Avenue Richmond HiLl gum“1mllmlmllllHHIIll!I“I"mull"Ill“lIllllllll|llllll|lll|lmu§ , th e E Ontario Division $2,175,000 Richmond Hill Unit $21,500 Allencourt Pharmacy Ltd. . . . deserve the finest medi~ cal care possuble.The health of your growmg children may depend upon It. That's \yhy we suggest regular fam- ily checkups by your donor. You will enloy far greater peace of mind and help assure the good health~of those you love. And when- ever you need a prescription ' VLVV MOST IMPORTANT THINGS IN YOUR LIFE Canadian Cancer Society 1965 QUOTAS piano teacher ‘ed we're always ready to 884-4461 Lazenby. B.Sc. Ph m Flight Lieutentant Quinton Wight based at RCAF head- quarters in Ottawa, graduates from the University of Ottawa mn May 2] with his BA in hon- ;ors English. At lha-l lime election of officers took place for the comâ€" ing year 1965-66: President. Jack Larkin. Past President Gerald Long‘worth‘, Viceâ€"Presi- dent Mrs. Ann Sellen, Secre- taryâ€"Treasurer Mrs. Ilse Thomp- son. Memhership Secretary Mrs. Joan Barrie. Directors. Ray Thompson. Bill Rose and Mrs. Alice Burnett. ) The annual business meeting of the Top O’The Hill Nursery {School was held at Wrixon iHall on May 13 when a new iboard of directors was elected ‘as follows: President Mrs. Marilyn Hunt- ley. First Vice-President Bill William. Second Vice-Presi- 1dent Mrs. Joan McGinnis, Re-‘ cording Secretary Mrs. Anne Sellen. Registrar Mrs. Sarah Breuls. Corresponding Secre- tary Mrs. Pat McKenzie. Mrs. Stephanie Barnes will remain on as treasurer until the end of the school year. will be held at the school on June 3. This will be an open house and interested parents are invited to attend and see the children on a typical morn- ing in nursery school. Coffee and cake will be served. For further information please tele- phone Mrs. S. Breuls at 884- }summer season in Muskoka. It was announced that regis-iwelcomed- tration day for the coming year‘ Girls from grade seven on Wendy, a very talented youngiand all women are invited to at.- actress. has appeared in manyitend. This is an excellent op- Curtain Cluh plays. the last portunity to learn of the work being their festival entry “Diary done by the YWCA in the Hill ‘of a Scoundrel" in the role of‘and surrounding neighborhood. Mashenka. for which she re-I There will he skits by the ceived a best supporting actress Y Teen and swim groups. The nomination. keep fit class will have a dem- ‘ * * * * onstration of exercises. Craft. R; H. Senior Citizens displays will be exhibited by Th senior citizens held theirEPleasantville\ and Richmond last meeting for the season May Acres home groups and two speâ€" 12 in the education building of cia-l crafts demonstrated. the Richmond Hill United Refreshments will he served Church. with 110 members in‘later in the evening. attendance - five new members If you wish to keep fit and spry - see the action at the Y! President E. Lomax spoke of Next Tuesday at 8.15 pm. the coming activities for ‘Sen- * * * * ior Citizens Week‘ and the pic~l For the Victoria Day Holiday. nic on June 23 at Bass Lake.|â€"â€" Monday, May 24 â€"- the Rich- Past president pins were pre-lmond Hill Post Office advises, sented by Dr. R. L. Langstaff to that the post office (nor lockbox A. E. Plewman. H. J. Calverley lobby) will be open. and Dr. J. P. Wilson. Entertain- There will be no mail deliv: ment was provided by Mrs. Jas. cry. but mail will be collected F. Kiddie. who sang two comic from all drop boxes at 4.20 pm.1 , nnflsgu. 2273 The outgoing President Mrs. Jean Ellis. then thanked her executive for their help and support during the year and David Service presented Mrs. Ellis with a gift in appreciation of her endeavors. Following the ceremonies, Flt. Lieutenant Wight, his wife. and two daughters. Charlene and Shelley. will spend a week in Toronto with his wife's par- ents. Mr. and Mrs. R. Paisley. before leaving for Vlrton, Bel- gium, where he has been ap- pointed armament's officer for Canadian bases. Flt. Lieutenlanl Wight is a former Richmond Hill High! School graduate. and son of Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Wight, Welâ€" drick Road. Among those assisting him will be his brother. Rev John Weelink. as deacon: Rev. C. J. Schwalm of St. Mary Immaculâ€" ate as assistant priest; and two former curates at St. Mary's. Rev. J. Markle of Ajax as sub- deacon and Rev. Basil Breen of Port Credit who will deliver the sermon. A reception will be held in the auditorium of St. Mary Im- maculate Separate School. Tray- horn Drive. from 3 to 5 o'clock in the afternoon, Solemn benediction will he in St. Mary Immaculate Church at 7:30 in the evening The following day at 12:45 noon, Father Weelink will offer his first Solemn Mass in St. Mary's Immaculate R o m a n Catholic Church. Ordination to the Holy Priesthood will be conferred on Rev. Harry Weelink. son of Mr. and Ml‘s.‘Bernai‘d .l. Weelink. 210 Hal'rygan Crescent. by His Grace. The Most Reverend Philip Francis Pncnck. D.l').. Cnadjutnr Archbishop of Toâ€" ronto. The service will take place in Saint Michael's Catheâ€" dral. Toronto. on June 5, at 9:30 To Be Ordained REV HARRY WEELINK ~01 The Couples Club of SL'John' wauer, ke Mary's Anglican Church is i'r * i * ,9- sponsoring a Fragments Coffee.[ 11' auction sales are judged 30 Club evemng On May 29 at 3.30 by the number in attendance. film one 0‘ Tommo's “'9”.the liveliness of the bidding. 45 known folk singers will provide‘and the interesting quality of blame entel'tainmem- the articles sold, then the one 5:3 All adults are welcome. es- held last Friday evening in anmecially those whose teenagers Wrixon Hall. under the direc- ‘frequent the club. [ion of the “(Omen of St, Mary’s, im‘ was a tremendous success. On May 15 members were en~ terlained with a Spring review given by a talented group of twelve from the Richmond Hill United Church Bowling Club, under the direction of Mrs. fGeorgina Heard. Harry Diam- land was a very capable and charming master of ceremonies President E. Lomax spoke of Next Tuesday at 8.15 pm. the coming activities for ‘Sen- * * * * ior Citizens Week‘ and the picm For the Victoria Day Holiday nic on June 23 at Bass Lake..â€"â€" Monday. May 24 â€"â€" the Rich- Past president pins were pre-lmond Hill Post Office advises sented by Dr. R. L. Langstaff to that the post office (nor lockbox A. E. Plowman. H. J. Calverley lobby) will be open. and Dr. J. P. Wilson. Entertain- There will be no mail delivâ€" ment was provided by Mrs. Jas. cry. but mail will be collected F. Kiddie. who sang two comic from all drop boxes at 4.20 pm. songs. .for despatch on Monday. The seniors served refresh- ments of tea. homemade cookies and cake. nuIulmmnunuuuuuummum“uuumuuunumummuuumml "‘ * * "‘ . . The guest preacher next Sun- R. Hill High Schoollday at St‘ Matthew’s United , . ‘Church will be Keith Cambdel Stlldents Entertain-{of King City, past chairman of Members of the local senior citizens club would like to ex- press their thanks to the group for providing them with a most memorable and delightful even- mgl On May 12. Mrs. Loveridge problems. gave birth to a boy. John David. The meeting closed with re- at York Central Hospital. and freshments and an invitation the proud grandparents were deâ€" from the guest Speaker to Visit lighted that the event took his garden during the Iris sea- place before their departure. SOIL giving them the opportunity of meeting their new grandson. * it it t A panel discussion of “Being lam llc “I "E uuullucuucu ‘ .rhe Engineers wives met on‘i ulc qual EI‘IIILI". 1:" the" vivacity ma m' $Wednesday last at the home of nt. and the high school ‘Mr R 6.1. 361 O D‘. ‘ ‘ _ for promoting n- ,5' mass fire'resuns‘u‘ik 3:32. A hfauggmmng ddagrs'mid rm ma 'e 9 ul e an wme mm\mmmmlmmmmummmlmmmmmuuuuuunumuuu slides was given by R D. “we, “any a memorable one for 150 Mr. and Mrs. R. Carr area member of the lonal horticul- Guides and Brownie; of west leaving on Friday for Blair- tural society. The slides‘ of his district. Richmond Hill, gowrie. Scotland, following ten garden and prize Irises. a Held at the Maple home of months stay with their daughter cred“ 10 Mr‘ Little’s th‘HMrs. D. Douglas-Crampton. the and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. graphic and gardening abilityflgir]S enjoyed walks in the {.41. Norman Loveridge. 43 LaVe' led to a Spontaneous Que-mo" lium woods. and the views from rock. .and answer perind on gardening the grassy hing k$>k>k Wendy Thatcher, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Thatcher, Hun Avenue. has. been accept- ed as an apprentice with the Straw Hat Players for their summer season in Muskoka. An old adage - perform- ers enjoy yourself â€" the spirit is catching - was certainly true on Monday night. and these young art- ists Ire to be commended for their vivaclty and tal- ent. and the high school for promoting it. lllllllllllllll““mllllllllllllllll‘l'lllllfllllllllllllllllll\lllllll!lllllllllllllll! David John has twin sisters, Elizabeth Ann and Norma Lynn. who will soon be celebrating their first birthday. The El Shamaly Club of Rich- mond Hill will be among the many Shriners' organizations parading in the Shriners‘ par- ade in Toronto. June 19. The parade is being held in conjunction with the Shriners' 1965 international drum corps pageant at the CNE Stadium‘ which will feature bands from the United States and Canada. Richmond Hill Club In Shriners' Parade and they sang with gusto! One of the must enter- taining programs at a reg- ular meeting of the Curtain Club was provided by stu- dents of Richmond Hill High School. when. under the direction of Jerry Dia- kiw. this lively group kept the audience tapping their feet and humming to the rhythm of their folk slng- ing and dancing. Master of Ceremonies Craig Peterkin capably in- troduced the various numâ€" bers. receiving on occasion. - surreptitious wink from one of the performers - if on account, of a wrong note or word. the audience cer- tainly were not aware of it! Taking part were Bill Kerrigan. Martha Cover. Margaret Queen. Blake Forrest. Jim Anderson. Eve Harwood. Sally Trott, Kathy Trew, Linda Dice- man. Shelly Whittall. Erika Berendson. Barh Carter, Noreen Clubine, Marg Rice. Darlene Williams, Charlene McKeown. Sharon Pearson and Sheila Aird. The ac- companist was Jolene Goodier and the folk danc- lng under the direction of Sally Kaye. “Youth Sings nut and they sang with At Curtain, Club For the Victoria Day Holiday â€"â€" Monday. May 24 â€"â€" the Rich- mond Hill Post Office advises that the post office (nor lockbox Such was the enthusiastic reâ€" sponse by the congregation, .it was decided to give a repeat performance next Sunday lMay 23) at 7 pm. Mr. and Mrs. John Hill and their daughter Jeanette. Elm- wood Avenue. attended the opera “More Than Conqueror” on Sunday at the Penples’ Church, Sheppard Avenue. Local music lovers will be inâ€" terested to hear that the lead singer is Chris Lachona of the Metropolitan Opera Company. lyrics by Hope Evangeline and music by David E. Williams. Rev. C. G. Higginson and Mrs. Higginson, Centre Street East, spent the weekend in Hawkes- bury where he visited his par- ents and preached the annivers- ary service at his home church. There will be skits by the Y Teen and swim groups. The keep fit class will have a dem- onstration of exercises. Craft displays will be exhibited by Pleasantville‘ and Richmond Acres hnme groups and two spe- cial crafts demonstrate-d. of King City. past chairman of York Presbytery United Church Men. Don't forget May 25 the date (If the Richmond Hill YWCA's Fun Night at the Rich- mond Hill United Church. YWCA PI‘OblemS- ' I The traditional feast of hol The meem‘g Closed.“”_th .“e' dogs. freshie and cake was serv- freshments and an imitation ed by members of me local as. from the guest speaker to visit sedation under the convener- his garden during the Iris sea-ship of Mrs. L. c_ Bradford. son‘ ‘ After lunch entertainment ’3‘ * *,- was provided by the difierent A, p?nel_dlscus_sm" 0f “Being-hacks and companies and rangâ€" Chnstian m Busmess" is being ed all the way from Indian hem May 27 by the Men’s Club chants to \vay-out-comedies. A of St. Matthew’s United Church. fitting ceremonial (.1089 m the The m°derat°r WI“ be Re“ afternoon was the presentation F. James Burn and panel mem-‘of four maple leaf flags. 3 gm bers- wan" Swdds and John‘ot' the local association. Madame John wane“ . Commissioner Packard present- . ‘3‘ * i * _ ‘ed the flags to the four Guide “Amen”. “‘95 “f ““dgedicompanies of west district. Rev. F. James Burn will he preaching the anniversary ser- vice at. Maberly United Church‘ Dr. Victor Boobbyer and Mrs. Boobbyer from Sussex, England, are guests at the Richmond Inn, wHiIe visiting Mrs. Boobbyer’s brother, Stephen Ker Appleby and family. Centre Street West. The moderator will be Rev. F. James Burn and panel mem- bers, Walter Scudds and John John Walter. _ Not only was it rewarding Jane. from Sunnyvale. Califor- financially. but just as import- nia. ant, the whole parish participat-, On Monday night, the twc ed in a happy and amusing sisters with their families. visit- undertaking. The free gourmet ed their parents. Mr. and Mrs table proved to be a popular Peter Gardner. of Toronto. and side-issue. with the buyers slip- held a surprise birthday part} ping out for snacks, before and for their father. who was cele- during the auction session. tbrating his 651h birthday Three men of the parish Neither of the parents were donated their services as auc- aware that their daughter had tioneers. and to them goes much already arrived from California of the credit for the success of and were delighmd h)’ the fami- the venture. which it is hoped. ly invasion. Three men of the parish donated their services as auc- tioneers, and to them goes much of the credit for the success of the venture. which it is hoped. will become an annual May event in the history of St. Mary‘s. l David R. Haughton. a former Richmond Hill High School graduate. received his degree in Applied Science ‘Engineeringb at graduating ceremonies held on Sa-turday at Queen‘s Univerâ€" sity.‘ Kingston. On Friday they leave [or Rothesay. New Brunswick, where they will spend two days ‘ 'th Mrs. Appleby's mother Mrs. John Sayre, before return ing to England. Holidaying, guests from out of town. or celebrating an anniversary? Why not send us your news items for inclusion in "Life in the Hill"? The service is free ~ phone the Social Editor Margot Crack at 884-1105. drop a line to 63 Yonze Street South. or call in per- sonally. we’ll be pleased to hear from you. Jthe summer month Eddie Midmer of the Midmer Dance Academy, with six of his pupils, appeared on Thursday last on Channel 9's televised program “Uncle Bobby‘s Play- time”. He demonstrated the art of dancing through the years, by starting the show with four of his younger pupils who are just learning the rudiments of the dance‘ and completing the pro- gram with two senior students showing the technique and style they had acquired during their years of training. Taking part \vers‘ Darlene Christie. Sandra McArthur. Pet- er Brillert, Robert McPherson, Rita Gramsch and Johnny Dag- ger. Ascension Day. May 27 will be celebrated at St. Mary's Ang- lican Church by a children and students’ service at 9 am. and a choral Eucharist a1 8 pm sung ‘t( the setting'nf American folk tt the music One hundred and twenty grade 4 and 5 pupils from Cros- by Heights and McConaghy Schools enjoyed a bus trip to a dairy farm, where they visited the stables and learned of the work which goes into the pro- duction of milk, both there and in the dairy. W. Wag: was h05t to the group of children and made them acquainted with his herd of Holstein cows and one Jersey cow. The youngsters also noted a herd of Aberdeen Angus beef cattle. sleeping lambs be- hind a straw stack. farmers ploughing, a stream whose wat- er would eventually reach Lake Ontario. soil erosion. ground- hogs, hawks. ducks, and planes with faces at Buttonville Air- port. Mrs. Rog‘ will be rema Overnight visitors al 1he home of Mr. and Mrs. George Anderson. Centre Street East. on Sunday last were Mrs. Ander- son's sister, Mrs. J. H. Rogers and her small daughter. Nancy Jane. from Sunnyvale. Califor- nia. The trip was under the direc- tion of Principal G. Nighswand- er and Mrs. Lillian Clayton of McConaghy School and James Smith and Miss Kathleen Beat- tle from Crosby School. Also accompanying the pupils were Mrs. Judy Wales. Geoff West- Gaul and Mrs. Joanne Fincham. Lihhy Altwerg‘er. who at present has an exhibit of paintings and Prints at the Ruthe Calverley Gallery. has been awarded the Stir- ling Trust Award for her print “Long Ago". which is included in her showing at the local gallery. school year Highlight, of the annual at home at, Rayview Secondary School held May 7 was the crowning of a Prom Queen. .eft to right above are Pat 0xley, Ann Firman, Prom Queen Carole Shelton, Gayle Edwards and Jackie Wright. Glamorous young ladies in beautiful floor-length gowns and their gallant escorts enjoyed the top social event of the u I ghy After the business meeting :0 a Mrs. J. Blackburn of Caledon, ited was introduced by Mrs. William the Barnes. Mrs. Blackburn talked Dronabout the processing of wool and from the sheep to the spinning mst wheel and explained how pion- and‘eer w'omen dyed their wool and his‘the various dyes used. The spin- (me‘ning wheel which she brought aisnlwith her. was tried by most of Entertaining at luncheon par- ties were Mrs. George Grierson, co-hostesses Mrs. Edward Little- john and Mrs. Cameron Ware; at dinner parties. Mrs. J. M. Langton. cn-hostesses Mrs. Wil- liam Lind and Mrs. Harvey Lind; and with showers. co- hostesses Mrs. Andrew Harvey and Mrs. Michael Davis, Miss Elizabeth McLeod and Mrs. Jack Wharton. Miss Edie Klink e‘itertained at Waterloo Univer- sity College. where Miss Lepper received her BA degree last year. ' perley. Gloria Sanford. Edith Titshall. Blanche Wilson and Elizabeth Sandy reported that Mr. Vale. 100 year old veteran. a permanent patient in Sunny- Vbrook. is confined to bed tem- porarily. Another successful euchre was held in the Maple Leaf Room last week. and it has been ‘decided to make this a regular ‘monthly affair. ‘ The catering committee com- pleted another assignment Fri- day last for a local group. prnciflnnf Lupv Rinknrfl and Many parties were held for During the past week the lad- Miss Bethe] Jane Lepper prior1ies' auxiliary to Branch 375, to her marriage to Richard G0r-}Royal Canadian Legion. made don Fry on Saturday last at StAthe May visit to Sunnybrook MaI‘Y'S Anglican ChUI‘Ch. Hospital. Visitors Audrey Ap- Entertaining at luncheon par- Defley. Gloria Sanford. Edith ties were Mrs. George Grierson.lTitShalL 318110110 Wilson and e'itertalned at Waterloo Univer-i The catering committee cnmJ Sit-y Conege. Where MiSS Lepper pleted another assignment Fri- received her BA degree last day last fer a local group, .VE‘aT- ' President Lucy Rickard and' Mrs. Fry is the daughter of Past President Gloria Sanford‘ Mr. and Mrs. J. Y. Lepper, M111 were invited by the senior citi-i Street. .zens to join thenl for an even- ling of entertainment at the Richmond Hill United Church Th , . ion Saturday last. The show. at Mrs w. E_ N_ Mann. Sugar the church was very much en-‘ Nianln Tana uth Mae “1 ‘l’ ##1## Joyed. i The May meeting of the [ODE was held at the home of Mrs. W. E. N. Mann. Sugar Maple Lane. with Mrs. W. J. Houston as regent. the val-mus dyes used. The spin-‘MARKHAM: A resolution auth- â€" ning wheel which she brought orizing the reeve to Sign am: with her. was tried by most of option for 35 acres slated for a ‘W\Mm the members. ‘future hospital. at a cost of It was a most interest even-‘$128,000 was passed last week by council. ' ' ing. followed by refreshments E To Whom It May Concern : 9-11-4v“1.o.n-n.n-u.<u-u-o¢n.n“u-m } NOW OPEN ! . Karl ,8 beauty salon ll !!!!!!!!!!!Q‘ ‘â€" am eunmmp4--------“‘-m Beverley Acres Public School Sealed Tenders, on a Stipulated Sum basis plainly marked "Tender for Alterations for the Beverley Acres Public School” will be received until 3.00 at the office of Douglas Allen. Architect, 70 Yonge Street South, Richmond Hill, Ontario. Plans and specifications will be available to General Contractors on Wednesday, May 19, 1965, at the office of the Architect on deposit of a certified cheque made payable to Douglas Allen, Architect, in the amount. of Twenty-Five Dollars, ($25.00). Plans and specifications will be on display at the Toronto Construction Association and at the architect’s office. Bayview Prom Queen Ana’ Princesses Tenders on mechanical and electrical subcon- tractors 'Will be deposited at the Toronto Bid Depository until 3.00 p.m., Monday, May 31, 1965. Lowest or any tender not necessarin ac- In my humble opinion Reid & Sons at AV. 1960, are the Finest Flooring Contractors Canada. epted TENDERS FOR ADDITION AND ALTERATIONS RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIO E.D.S.T Richmond Heights Centre 884-6151 FORMERLY D‘ ALBERT BROWN COIFFURES DOUGLAS ALLEN. Architect, 70 Yonge Street South. Richmond Hill. Ontario. TUESDAY. JUNE 1. l965 IN THE MALL SIGNED DOUGLAS REID MARKHAM: Three one-roomed . . schools will be closed by the‘EIectnc-TV-Apphances Board of TSA No. 2. Markham at. the end of this term. They_ Sales, Repairs. Parts are Na 11. north of Unionville; No. 21. Locust Hill; and N0. 22.‘ Mongolia. * wk 4: i: 42 LEVENDALE ROAD THE LIBERAL. Richmond Hill, Ontario. Thursday, May 20, 1965 mumm-m RENT "EA? $2 Week PHILCO Tulip MARGARINE 3|bs. 19¢ Hamburg Patties $2.15 lb. 49¢ HXQDYVF‘REFSZPJRHShECIAII FA MILY PA (‘K BAYVIEW PLAZA CUT UP CHICKEN LEGS or BREASTS V C. NELS GAGE RICHMOND HEIGHTS CENTRE Richmond Hill 884-7474 FOR SUMMER ROYS: Sizes from infants In 12 GIRLS: Sizes from infants to 14 BRANDS FAMOUS FOR QUALITY LARGE SELECTION CHILDREN'S WEAR LEASE BUY For the photographic 1600”! of "It Wedding, the services of a qualified professional photogvaphar an emo- tnl. Call us today, won't you? smug $14464 BAYVIEW MALL 30A YONG-F. ST. S. RICHMOND HILL 884-6741 3305 Bayview at Cummer Willowdlle 285-1919 (Photo by Studio Nina) 884-7691 cmuni fl" mtgéi 5 Lb. Box Ftom the firs " ray of fight} This one day, is alive. ;

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