Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 20 May 1965, p. 22

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22 THE LIBERAL. Richmond Hill. Ontario. Thursday. May 20, 1965 _________’____________â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"mâ€"â€"â€"â€"â€". Ga * Thornhill and District News “The Liberal" is always plcascd to publish items of interest contributed by its readers i PHONE 285-319. i i Trnlii/I R0 0 A Good Job n the Thornhill area. Our representative in Thornhill is )lrs. .lo (‘rnise who may be reached by phoning 285-3190 (Photo by Barbour The entire membership of 'l‘hornhill Rovers swarms over a car during: the washarama i‘ last Saturday at Wilson's Esso Service Station. Yonge and Arnold Streets. From eight in the morning till four in the afternoon the four to do a first-rate job for their many patrons and report ‘the “ Left to right are: Dave Horton. Paul Spafford, 'lom : hill Rovers. Swabey and D iâ€"Community Happenings to Mrs.:Cameron. 'l'hornbridge Dr. \vhollreport was read and Mrs. Ellam ‘ Birthday greetings R. Shelston, Bill Paterson. Bill‘ Wilcox, A. Walker. Patriciai Bowyer. Fred Goodwin. Step5 hen Marks, Barry and Bruce Paterson. Peter Shelston, John and Douglas Macbeod and all} others who have birthdays this month. a a t a The wind-up for the 'l‘horne Willow Marathon Bridge Club was held at the home of Mrs“ Pearl Crisp. Henderson Avenue. on May 10. 'First prize winner of the recently son Polytechnical institute. i< * * * and Mrs. Shasta Drive. on the liam on May 10 and to his sis-l. graduated from Ryerâ€" thanked the ladies for the re~ isponse they had made to many .appeals for assistance. Mrs. .l. Sympathy is extended to MinlMartin William McChesneyJwere appointed delegates to the tragic‘lmissionary celebrateddeath of their son Robert Wil-lheld in Walmer Road Church. and Miss G. Stevens convention to be The theme of the worship “1‘8 Mal'yiElleh and Patl'lC'la- lperiod taken by Mrs. J. Martin. ***)k :was “The Good Shepherd". Mrs. 0" May 10 the ladies {I‘Om‘Martin told of a recent visit to the Park Avenue Home in Newmarket were oncel again treated to a hair “do” atl the Rialto Beauty ADiDl‘OVEChEngland when the car in which she was riding had to stop he- _ cause of Boutique[ mad, sheep blocking the She saw a lamb who had marathon bridge games went to where Mrs. Jean Gain assisted‘jusi been born put in a truck Mrs. lda Blacklock and prize was a lovely purse. Second .prize, a pin and earring set.. went to Mrs. Patsy Bean and‘ third prize. a set of towels,l went to Mrs. Ann Morwick. 1 Winner for the her the hairdressers with the sham- by poos. the shepherd. reminding her that as the shepherd who After the hair aPPOlhlmenlS cared for his sheep so God car- were completed. were driven to the home of Mrso Claire Moore for a dinner the PatiemSled for his people. Mrs. Ellam read news items . t . about missionaries on the vari- evening party. Mrs. Peggy Robinson supâ€"mus mission fields as the mem_ bridge game was Mrs. Patsy‘plied the dessert for the partyibe].s rolled bandages. Miss Bean who won a petal shapedland Mrs. Gretchen Walker and.Stevens clmed the meeting “.Hh \candlestick holder of glass. decorated cake with the win-i ners‘ names and a bridge de" sign. especially baked and iced.1 for the event. was served withllawn Public School put on by wedgewood lthe Langstaff Home and School Miss refreshments. n: * a a coffee and home. green Mrs. Phyllis Bishop drove the. rave]. After the "men" Mm . ‘ladies from Newmarket to the gumnéton served g i After the bridge playing, a‘Rial-to and to Mrs. Moore‘sdesserm the ladies Following choir practice on After dinner. the ladies Ell-[May 6. the members met at the tended the performance at Rose-mome of Mr. and Mm w. Hook. entitled “Extravaganza Road. Rider to honor Carol and Hugh ‘65”1Wells on the occasion of their Congratulations to Mr. and which they all thoroughly en-iforthmming wedding Mrs. John Phinnemore on thei recent birth of their son. John Scott. at Branson Hospital. in s a - Best wishes are extended to Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Campbell. Elgin St. on the recent adop-l tion of their three delightful‘ children. Julie aged 11. Bobby aged 10 and Debbie aged five. is xi i: 1r ‘ The 'l‘hornhill Ladies Bowl-' ing League held its closing ban-. quet at the Summit View Gar- dens Restaurant May 11. Sitting at the head table with the executive were the Broad-‘] side team. captained by Evl Burden. who finished in first place at the end of the season.1 After a delicious chicken; dinner was served. President Lyn Radfnrd awarded the prizes to the winning teams and in-‘ dividual high scorers. Winners of the playoffs were the Defenders. captained by‘ Billye Maver. who by some‘ stroke of luck managed to squeeze a win from the first place team. ll feel free to make this statement. being a mem- ber of the Defender team'. individual prize winners were Mary Redman. Fran Clark. Ev. Burden. Lyn Radford and Doreen Marks. A special prize for the bowler who had shown the most improvement over the season went to Janey Hatton. Mrs. Radford agreed to re- main as president for next sea- son and will have with her for a second year. Mrs. Ev Burden as treasurer and Mrs. Ruth Brain as secretary. A larce selection of lovely door prizes were given out at the close of the banquet. y“ i‘ is )3 Congratulations to Mary Pol- vin. Elmbank Rd. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. P. F. Potvin who graduated recently from St. Michael’s Hospital School of Nlli‘SlnE. The ceremony took place in convocation hall where eighty nine nurses received their diplomas. Mary is a grad-i uate of 'l‘hornhill Secondary School. l l ‘f‘é‘kt Congratulations also to Don mwxx'vmx W'KNN '1' QWRRRWRW&W §“"" LAMB THE MOVER LTD. Over 45 Years Experience l LocAi. AND LONG l\('l'0ss The Street‘ 0r Across the Continent ’WBS joyed. Mrs. Helen McNally joinâ€"1 ed the group at the show and afterwards drove the back to Newmarket. * no: * s Get well wishes to Bill Her: bert who is a patient in the Toronto Western Hospital. * a: >lr it Stratton. John St. who recently graduated in Dentistry from U of T.. " * * * Susan Jane Kearns. Kirk Drive. was confirmed by the . Right Rev. Frederick Wilkin-‘ son. Bishop of Toronto. in the1 Church of the Annunciation. Willowdale. on May 9. Susani presented by Rev. F. C. Jackson. curate of Holy Trinity Church. Thornhill. Prepared for confirmation by Rev. H. R. How- den. Susan missed the confirm-j ation service at Holy Trinity because she was recovering from surgery in the Hospital For Sick Children at that time. a: it: w: w .Ilmmy MacKcnzie a pupil at Woodland Public School was accidently burn- ed in a firecracker accident last week and was lucky to have escaped more serious lnlury. Another boy receiv- ed slieht iniury to his eye from a spark when be en- deavored to assist Jimmy. o s a It This weekend is firecracker time and this should serve as a warning to all parents and mil-:1 dren. indiscriminate use of fire- crackers in the hands of inex-' perienced children can be a very dangerous thing. Please supervise the letting off of fire: crackers and enjoy the holiday weekend. V! t a e Baptist Church The Anna Buck circle of ’l‘hornhill Baptist Church met at the home of Mrs. W. Burl- ington. Hillside Drive. Concord on May 12. The president Mrs. H. Ellam opened the meeting with the reading of a poem about spring time and then led the group in prayer. A very encouraging financial DISTANCE MOVING '7‘ **** ladies‘ “0|! Trinity On May 30 Rev. Charles Led- This will be his last "= Rovers worked continiiously event was highly successful. ave Cami. the Thorn- to enable the congregation to greet Mr. and Mrs. Ledger and to wish them Godspeed in the important work they will be Icharv of publicity. ‘ Prior to the show. President Dr. \iurn Walker spoke briefly and thanked the executive and y Variety Show “Extravaganza '65" Big Hit At 2???“ Langstaii Home And School Meet iii-Frill?“ lllllllhlllllllllllhi'llll|lllllllhitlllllllllllllllllIlllllllllllllllllllllllllllll Fred Lett. a witty and relax- ed \lt‘ kept the audience amused with his patter between the acts of "Bahamian/a '65" Elven as the entertainment for the Lanzsiaff Home and School \uxtliary annual meeting on May 10. A tall \crsion of Mic- key Rooney. Mr. Letl was ably assisted by Con .\lcl”.lhaw. a New amusing characlcr who ‘had travelled from Kingston to iaSSls‘l .\lr, Lctt. .\lr. McElhaw ‘told some very funny stories. lone of them being particularly lamusin: about a French-Cana- dian. The show opened with Lanflstaff Lassics. .lcfln An- drew. Joanne (iaelz. Isobel Hicgs. Elsie Maslon and Ruth- iann Walker. who sang a rousing :wclcome number dressed as ‘checr leaders, Marguerite Mote accompanied them on the piano. Marg Letl, a petite musical dynamo played several selec- tions on the accordion and gave many cncores for her demand- the ingr audience. Mrs. Lctt and How ard Dcvercl I. who accom- panied hcr on drums. are ac- complished performers and dcâ€" servcd the tremendous applause they received. Particularly onl- sianrlinfl were the “Medley of ()vcrtures". "Gershwin Medley" and "Scottish Songs”. Norma Leaman. a small girl with a big voice. looked lovely in a white and cornflowcr blue evening gown. \vhcn she sans “With A Son? in My Heart". “Napoli” and "I Enjoy Being A Girl"l Mrs. Leaman was receiv- ed warme by her delighted audience, Versatile Mrs. Leaman returned later in the program when she danced a charming tap routine and soft shoe numâ€" her. One of the highlights of the show was the outstandin: per- playerl several iivev DIXlPlanCl numbers. Dressed in say waist- coals. bow tics and straw hats the Sad Six consisted of Dr. \llll'll Walker. trombone. Stan Draper. trumpet; Don \lac- Erccor. drums; ’I'om \lorzan. vibes: Wally Leaman, gut buc- kcl: .\l llaston, piano. \ livcly chorus line called the Lanestat‘f Lovelies danced the Charleston and broung cheers for their performance. ‘l‘hey were dressed in costumes of the roaring twenties complete with fancy stockings. hairbands and beads. Led by vivacious Anita Clark. the Lovelics were Vicki Doherty. Mari. 'l‘houard. Hcr- mine Thompson. Gwen Sands. Fiilcen Sladdon and Louise 'l'urnpenny. The audience was convulscd with laughter when the Lane- staff Lassics. dressed in similar 1920 costumes. gave their ren- dition of "Shed A Little 'l‘ear‘ for the Girls In the Rear". 'l‘he Lassies, not. to be outdone by the chorus line. also showed thcir aqility in the dancing de- partmcnt. \ humorous barbershop quarâ€" tcl. Henry Cunningham. Bill Howcs. .lim Kearns and John Stephens sans "My Honey That I Love So Well" on rather a flat note. and for an encore re- ceived much laughter when they repeated the same num- her. this time rith on key. The show closed with the en- tire company in the grand fin- ale singing “Hello Dolly“. This was a sparkling show. studded with comedy and tal- ented performers and worthy of a repeat performance. Mars. and Fred Lett directed and were ably assisted by John Phillips.‘ stage manager; Roy Plckthall.’ sound equipment: Anita Clark“l choreographer; Hugh Martin. vocal training. Pat Cunnincham Road Building Program For Thornhill Tlmrnhill Village Trus- tees will embark on a mod- est road program. it was announced at the May 5 meetins. l'p until now roads have been given an asphalt-oil treatment each ycnr but this does not provide a permanent surface. Rech- ing within a budget and doing only one stretch each year. the village will con- duct :1 road-building pro- gram to lip-grade the roads to a higher standard. Chair- man .ludgcs indicated that some, â€" perhaps many â€" of the roads are not on a proper base and will have to be rebuilt. Drainage is also a prob- lem in some arcas. as on the small hill on ‘.ro:ikc Street. and these conditions are beingr takcn up with township authorities. Before work is begun. a survey will be made of all the roads within the conâ€" fines of the village. Although the trustccs met twice earlier this spring with officials from both Vaughan and Mark- ham Townships to discuss the possible dissolution of the. village and its takeâ€" over by the townships. it was decided to hold the matter in ahcyance until the Goldenherg Report on Metro government. is re- ceived and studied. Accordingly. no change In the village status is an~ tioipated this yea r. formance of the “Sad Six" who and Penny .loliffe were in doing for Christ and the Church ' in Uganda, Holy Trinity will have three, personal links with the Church‘s world mission Rev. John Prince in the Diocese of Caldonia. Revi Nigel Wilford in the diocese of the Arctic and Rev. Charles and Mrs. Lcdgcr in Uganda. All three will write to Holy 'l‘rin- ity and it is to be hoped that people from the congregation will write to them. The annual synod of the Dio- cese of Toronto will he held on June 1. 2 and 3. Delegates from Holy Trinity are .l, M. Adamson. R. C. Napier and C. F. T. Rounthw'aite. The parish guild asks the; congregation to set aside good discarded winter-weight cloth- ing. dresses. suits. coats etc. for the nearly-new sale to be held by the guild in early fall. i a a x at: ’ United Church On May 29 from 9 am to 4 pm. Dr. H. G. Hudson. general manager of Cedar Glen. would like individuals or groups of people to assist in the cleaning land preparation of the area for. ‘summer activities. You are to [take your own lunch and tea‘ and coffee will be served. ger will preach at the morning Please contact Rev. G. Stephen- service. visit to Holy Trinity before his Ire-turn to Uganda to resume his will be held on June 5 at Cedar work there. Following the ser- Glen Congratulations to Dr. Em vice. a coffee hour will be held.Centre, Bolton. son at 285-4282. The congregational picnic Conference and Retreat UN D mm know #7, ing-Av.;~2sos,i' THEATRE Today Until Next Wed. JAMES Secret Agent 007 is back in two of his greatest. action packed Sean Connery IN “DR. “FROM WITH Recommended as Adult Entertainment FOUR BIG 1- Dr. No FILMS AT (ll'R * WVVVV’VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV‘ “AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA‘ HOLIDAY MIDNITE SHOW SUNDAY. .\l.-\ Y 25 COME AS LATE .\S 9.13 I‘..\l. .\.\'ll SEE 2-From Russia with Love 3 - Satan Bug 4 - Secret Invasion YOI' \\'ll.l. SKI-2 _\l.l, l~‘ all color shows as James Bond NO" AND RHSSIA LOVE" lrd - Al-"I‘ER llflfi FEATL'RES (ll'll ('(lllilll‘lll RELI‘IAR Pth'E 2 FURNITURE nsxnuao GENTLE as A mus - N .‘S' MODERN sromas WAREHOUSE 7 N 33333.14 127 Birch Are. - Thornhill. om. .NYW ARE ASSURE!) A WARM income é “Um”- - _ ‘ _ § lN-CA! 6 wr Am: rm»: ses'r \‘ numm'N More of Phase II of the Rambler Revolution: fresh new spirit of excellence. Fierce new fastbackâ€"With a backbone. Marlin! A 9000:“‘1’ 0‘ AMSD‘CAK HOV/DDS (enuon Liturgy. Wu“â€" by Rambler Here’s one car you’ll never â€"-the mighty one, meant for a man! This luxury . . . too much bone-deep value . . . and through to be just another fast out to go placesâ€" Start out with Double adjustable reclining seats, wheel b dloomâ€"all standard. Plus 1: . I ma smoothest sw1fty of all the s1xes. Or go w1th 5â€"287 or mighty 327 cu.-in. l need money for any worthwhile purpose? .- I] x 1, i 7;; il'hcrc peopk make the difference LP. DYSUN. Manager for the options. I / powerful V8’ Richmond Hill Branch catch with the other fastbacks. Marlin one’s too much muscle through back or sports car. Marlin’s fitted man who’s got what it takes to get there. Safety Power Disc Brakes, individually- discs, room for six and door-to-door be 155 h.p. Torque Command 232â€" got too much sweet Then add bucket seats, light pack, wire wheels. Console- mounted stick on the floor. ‘Shift-Command’ (you shift it or it shifts itself). Got more " optionsinmind? I" Marlin has enough to go your dreams one better. And don’t forget all the extra-value features that made Rambler famous: Deep- Dip Rustproofing, Ceramic- Armoured Muffler, Double Safety Brakes, Curved-Glass Side Windows and safe, strong, rattle-free Single Unit Construction with Uniside. Make no mistake â€"Marlin moves in a world all its own. Wouldn’t you like to call it your own? Carefully crafted one at a time for only the discriminating fewâ€"See Marlin now at these Rambler dealers! BAKERS SALES 8.. SERVICE LTD. 9144 YONGE STREET AV. 54189 RICHVAL

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