Decorated with pink and bow decorated the bodice front, white spring flowers. Thornhill Her matching pink bow head- United Church was the scene dress held a puff veil and she of the wedding on May 15 of carried a colonial bouquet of Phyllis Dianne Fierheller. pink roses and gladioli. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Groomsman was Sandy Kelson Fierheller, RR 1, Maple. to and the bride's brother Doug. David Michael Iverson. son of las Fierheller was the usher. Mrs. Beryl Iverson. Thornhill. Following the ceremony. a re- _-‘,- Rev. A. I. Higzins officiated ception was held at Summit, _ and Miss Jacqueline Duncan View Gardens. Richmond Hill., Presentat‘m‘s we†made by sang "The Lbrd's Prayer" and,The bride‘s mother received?the ChOiI‘ 0f Thol‘nhi“ UhitEd "Because". Wearing a touquoise silk crepelChurch of which both bride Given in marriage by. her dress, matching hat and acces- and groom are members; by the father. the bride wore a floor- series. The groom‘s mother pupils of Mrs. Iverson's grade length gown of white Swiss lace wore pink with navy accessories. 2 class and from the Kelson Given in marriage by_ her father. the bride wore a floorâ€" lengtzh gown of white Swiss lace over pink organza and taffeta with short sleeves and a scoop neckline. The moulded bodice was trimmed with a matching bow and sash. The skirt. wast fashioned with controlled full-‘ ness in front and an accented. A-line in back. A fingertip veil fell from a French silk how. The bride carried a shower bouquet of white roses. carna- tion petals and stephanotis. ithe dress, matching hat and acces- and gi sories. The groom‘s mother pupils wore pink with navy accessories. 2 clas For the honeymoon trip to family Western Ontario. the bride wore a beige linen suit. with: matching accessories and a pink‘ flowered hat. Mr. and Mrs. Iverson will live at Lyndock. Ontario where. groom commences his duties as a student minister July 1. Mrs. Iverson was York County Dairy Princess for three years Miss Jane Fierheller was maid of honor for her sister and wore a floor-length dress of carnation pink shantung with a scoop neckline and short sleeves. A matdhing tailored THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, DIANNE FIERHELLER IS BRIDE 01“ DAVID IVERSON Pretty Spring Wedding trolled fullJ Mr. and Mrs. Iversnn will an accented live at Lyndock. Ontario where A fingertip the groom commences his French silk duties as a student minister ied a shower July 1. PHONE 285-3190 bow decorated the bodice front. Among those who entertained Her matching pink bow head- for the bride prior to the wed- dress held a puff veil and she ding were Mrs. Cecil Smith. carried a colonial bouquet of Mrs. M. Nichols and the teach- pink roses and gladioli. ers of Sheppard Avenue School Groomsman was Sandy Kelson who gave a miscellaneous land the bride’s brother Doug- shower: Miss Jacqueline Dun- ‘las Fierheller was the when can. a linen shower and Mrs. Following the ceremony, a re- B. lverson, a pantry shower. Mrs. Iverson was York County Dairy Princess for three years and is at present a teacher at Sheppard Avenue Public School. Mr. Iverson attended Waterloo University and both are graduates of Thm‘nhill Sec- ondary Schools Ontario, Thursday, June 3, 1965 "The Liberal†is always pleased to publish items of Interest contributed by its readers in the Thornhlll area. Our representative in Thomhill is Mrs. Jo Cruise who may be reached by phoning 285-3190 WE HAVE COMPLETE STORAGE SERVICE Our expert, scientific storage is your insurance against theft, fire, heat and insects. PROTECTION! (Photo by Lagerquist) FAVORITE WINTER CLOTHES, KNITTED SUITS & DRESSES FURS & BLANKETS of your Miss JUdY NiChOIS “’i†he a tertained with neighbors at a June bride. Judy is the elder‘persona] and linen Shower and daughter Of Mr- and Mrs- fellow employees gave a miscel- Howard Nichols of Weldrick lanenus shower. Road- Mrs. K. C. Langman extends Mrs- E- Park- We‘driCk Road- an invitation to all her neigh- entertaimd 0" Friday hightihors and friends to attend the With a bridal Shower for Missitrousseau tea for her daughter, Sandra Watson 0f RiChmondlLouise Diane, on June 5 from ‘Hill. Some 30 f_riends attendeq§2_5 pm. Louise is marrying Ed: I Phone 8846060 I Bride-elect Miss Louise Lanz- ' . man. Arnold Ave. was enter- Hi Ne'ï¬hbors tained by Mrs. John Day, Vic- Spring has a‘lmmt gone and‘tm‘ia Park. at a miscellaneous now comes the monm 0‘ W9dflshnwer recently. Mrs. Harry dings- _ Smith. Franklin Ave. also en- MiSS JUdY Mar-015 “"n he a'tertained with neighbors at a June bride. Judy is the elder‘persona] and linen Shower and daughter _ 0f ‘MF- _ and IMF?- fellow employees gave a miscel- and the honored guest received many useful gifts. Miss Wat- son will marry Mr. William Hill of Weldrick Road in August. Mr. and Mrs. William Clark attended the wedding Friday evening of Miss Sandra Clark to Roger Barr in Toronto. Birthday wishes to Hugo‘Lennie. Wood Schonberg May 31 and Mrs, laid UP at M "Peggy" Jensen June 2. * Mr. and Mrs. Don Overton of A fal‘PV~'el Yongehurst Road are the proud given 10 Mrs parents of a new son, Randolph 15 03kbank F James Arnet. \Golf Club on Mrs. L. Bater, long-time resi- dent of Bathurst Street will take up residence in an apart- ment in the west end of Tor- onto on June 1. Deepest sympathy to the Earl McLean family in the loss of Mrs. McLean‘s father, Mr. Rob- ert Wright. who passed away in the York Central Hospital after a short illness. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hoover. with F. Hoover Sr. of Newma‘r- ket spent the holiday weekend on a trip to Chicago. The Davenport family of Walâ€"’ mer Road enjoyed a camping trip over the long weekend at Kilbeare Park. ‘ Mrs. C. Woodgeer of Pember- tvn Road was in Owen Sound for a few days visiting her late husband‘s niece. Kindergarten Any parent of a child from the Ross Doan area who will be attending kindergarten at Rose- ]awn School in September and who is interested in bus trans- ‘portation. is asked to contact \Mrs. E. Grimn at 884-3338. MARKHAM: Police said charg- es would be laid following an accident in front of the Bank of Montreal, in which a car driven by Dr. Warren S. Allan of Toronto, allegedly hit a parked car. LIBERAL CLASSIFIEDS-Get Results-TU.4-IIOS NORTH RICHVALE NEWS Correspondent: Mrs. Marion Clark 88 Pemberton Road Phone 884-5060 Fred Hoover anto_ Get. well wishes to Dorothy to Hugo Lennie. Woodward Ave. who is and Mrs.xlaid up at home. ‘dred McIntosh, Mrs. K. Stoth-i A {arev‘en “memo†wasuions (loll clhthesr H artex te . , . . a g've“ ‘0 Mrs- W- A‘ smlthers~ towels. plastic makeup capes. 15 Oakbank Rd. at the Bayview denim tablecloths and m - pklns. G0†Chm 0" Ma'y 26~ Mr- and bikini head scarves and net LMFS- smithers‘ and their Child‘ bath cleaners. There will also re"- MargarEt and M10113“ areibe a touch-and-take table feat- moving to Pittsburg in June. urin m Ste It Guests who attended the lunch- g y ry gl 5' eon were Mrs. Edith Windsor, Keep this date marked on your calendar as a must to at- Mrs. Betty Chapman. Mrs. Mary . , Hill. Mrs. Marie Miller. Mrs. aï¬chha‘gemmh H°ly T’m‘ty ‘Vera Aykroyd. Mrs. Marg Her- 3 ' on. Mrs. Helen Tobey. Mrs. Mil-i + u: a: It The graduation luncheon for ers, Mrs. Ruth Stroud and Mrs. ~ 7 ~- 7 r 7 ~» Lynn Law. ‘ #â€" Congratulations to Rhondda Congratulations to Ron Hans- Evans. daughter of Rev. and ford. 18 Erica Rd. who graduat- Mrs. Dilhwn Evans, Raymond ed on May 19 from the College Drive who recently graduated of Optometry. Graduation exer- from the Toronto General Hos- cises were held at Knox College pital School of Nursing. The Chapel. Ron is a graduate of graduation exercises were held Thornhill Secondary. at Convocation Hall. University * * * *- of Toronto. A reception was Get well wishes to young held after the exercises at the Todd Robson. Thornbank Road. east residence of the nursing1who is a patient in the Hospital school. lfor Sick Children. Wing Commander Bill Bliss. The CWL of St. Luke's Ro- {m‘mer Thornhill resident. will main Catholic Church are hold- lead French, Us. and German in; their garden lunch party on pilots in a NATO weapons June 16 at the home of Mrs. competition in France June 11.‘June Mallon. 53 Limcombe Dr. * * * * Bayview Glen. at 1.30 pm. at Holy Trinity Church; Receiv- ing with Mrs. Langman and her daughter will be Mrs. J. Doch- erty. mother of the groom, 4-0 pm. uuumc m Inning-"5 uu’ ward Cecil Docherty on June 12 The Bayview Glen Recrea- tion Association held a very suc- cessful ï¬eld day and ï¬reworks display on May 24 for all resi- dents of the area. -Mrs. Smithers was presented with a piece of Royal Doulton china from all the guests. Mr. and Mrs. Smithers’ son graduates from the University of Washington. Seattle, in Aug- ust with a BA in sociology. Ralph then moves to Chicago where he will be assistant man- ager consultant at the John Sheridan Associates Co. The ï¬eld day started at 7.30 pm and was organized by Fran- cie Mallon. Cub and Scout mother‘s auxiliary sold soft drinks and coffee to the large group who attended. Sparklers were handed out to the small fry and the grand ï¬reworks dis- play began at 9 pm. The near perfect weather made the event a bang-up success. CALL 884-2162 T hornhill Notes Get well Wishes 10 Young Miss Veronica Mallon will he TOdd Robson. Thm‘nbank R03d.‘the instructor for juniors at the who is a patient in the Hospital Asthridges Bay Yacht Club this for Sick Children. summer. The Parish Guild of Holy Trinity Anglican Church is holding a coffee party on June 10 from 10-1130 am in the church hall. Price of admission Mrs. Doreen Marks will con-l vene the party and Mrs. Elaine‘ Ackehurst will be in charge of the coffee room. Mrs. Betty Chapman will be in charge of the bake table. Mrs. Bess Lewis the apron table. Mrs. Doreen Hodge. gifts and Mrs. Vera Ay- kroyd in charge of the sale of geraniums. is 25c. Baby sitting will be vided. There will also be a ing and gift sale. Gifts to he sold at the sale include home made chocolates. decorated soaps. girls’ pop tops and shorts. burlap placemats. wind and rain bonnets‘ fancy nylon scarves. terry beach pull- overs, birthday cake decora- tions. doll clothes. artex tea towels, plastic makeup capes. denim tablecloths and napkins. Baker's Sales 8. Service Ltd. 9144 Yonge St, Richvaleâ€"AV. 5-1189 Is money any object to a man interested in features, styling, performance and dependability? Even though you want a car that's built to last. goes like a hungry cheetah and looks like Miss Universe, you’ve still got your budget to consider. That's why Rambler American is the car for you. There are 8 models to choose from, including the lowest-priced Canadian-built sedan, the lowest- priced Canadian-built wagon, the lowest-priced Canadian-built hardtop and the lowestâ€"priced Canadian-built convertible. (We think we should consider your budget, too.) One of them has everything you wantâ€"except a big fat price tag. Looks? Take a look. You’ll find styling you wouldn't mind paying extra for (if you had to). Performance? Our all-new 155 hp. Torque Command Six_ is one engine that deserves some healthy consideration from you (and some healthy respect from any other engine). Its 7 Main Bearing You bet it is! Crénkshaft withVeight counterweights gives you one of the sweetest rides goingâ€"and coming back. Then See the Rambler American, the larger Claï¬k and the luxurious Ambassador: L235â€: pro- bak- St. Luke‘s Separate school will be held on June 22. There will be a mass for the entire school followed by the luncheon for the graduates and teachers. Mrs. V. De Marco will convene the event. ‘Know What He's Talking 'About? When a neighbour com- lments on the week's news. don‘t be caught short. Make it a habit to read “The Liberal" every Thursday morning for latest de- velopmems in council. educaâ€" tion and local happenings. » I The York Central Hospital Auxiliary garden tea party will be held on June 16 at the homes of Mrs. S .Parker and Mrs. J. Sumner, Sumner Lane and John St. from 2-4.30 pm. Casual fash- ions from Anjene‘s, Northtown Plaza. will be shown. Admission is $1.00. In case of inclement weather the tea will be held in Holy Trinity Church hall. 1% THORNHILI. SWIMMING POOL I TO 9PM. DAILY 10% OFF ON ALL SEASON TICKETS SOLD BEFORE JUNE 14th Z yf/x/o %/ 71% w 7% 285-4136 William R. Cooper. B.S.A. son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Cooper. 171 Centre Street. Thornhill re- ceived his degree from the On- tario Agricultural College at the first convocation of the Univer- sity of Guelph. Mr. Cooper a graduate Thornhill Secondary School joining the extension branch the Ontario Department Agriculture. Receive Degrees At Guelph WILLIAM R. COOPER B.S.A Purdy's Rambler Sales & Service Yonge St, Oak Ridges â€" PR. 3-5481 A PRODUCT OF AMERICAN MOTORS (CANADA) LIMITED there are a pair of snappy sixes at 90 and 125 hp. that just can’t seem to slow down for gas stations. Dependability? Rambler pioneered it, And built a reputation around itâ€"the best in the business. Rambler American gives you sound, honest quality that lasts through thousands of miles of trouble-free driving. Dependabilityâ€"that's Rambler talk. (Sometimes we think nobody else speaks that language. Not fluently, anyway.) And how about features? Count 'em: safe, strong. rattle-free Single Unit Construction, Uniside. Deep-Dip Rustproofing. Double Safety Brakes. Ceramic-Armoured Muffler, Curved-Glass Side Windows and Optionsâ€"dozens of them, from automatic transmission to reclining seats to headrests. Now that we've told you something about all you get in a Rambler American, can we still say that it's the lowest-priced Canadian-built car? You bet we can! Prove it to yourself. V/ï¬ WI 71% WM» / Vii/III. .r 6 4, »////¢ 25,. my†', all at your Rambler dealer‘s today .54. Z WA m A graduate of Thornhill Sec- -r.‘ondary School. Lynn Hall e-[B.H.Sc.. daughter of Mr. and n- Mrs. Ken Hall 63 Westwood ne Lane, Thornhill. received her er- degree with distinction from {Macdonald Institute at the first 'convocation of the University of Of‘Guelph. is} Miss Hall specialized in cloth- ofling and textiles and will teach oflhome economics at Southmount :Secondary School in Hamilton. ?///u 7%. Z 7/4 7/ 7%. 7/4 LYNN HALL. B.HSc 7%,†l 4% m/y , / ham! 1&4