BINGOâ€"THURSDAY night, 8 pm. sharp. jackpot, â€"- 4 spec- ial and 25 regular games. Our Lady Queen of The World Hall, east side of Bayview at Crosby Ave., Richmond Hill. tfc28. and everything in between are advertised every Thursday in the Used Cars section of the the want-ads. See this directory for imported. domestic and sports cars. This Thursday and every Thursday in "The Lib- eralâ€. JUNE 2, WEDNESDAYâ€"8 JUNE 5, SATURDAY â€"- Danc- ing 8.30 to midnight, at Legion Court. Yonge St.. Richmond Hill. Admission $1. c1w49 Lions Hall, Horticultural Snoâ€" iety Iris Show. Speaker T. W. Thompson. Commissioner of Parks, Metro Toronto. clw49 Bingo. Richvale Community Hall 31 Spruce $100 Jackpot Rich- vale Lions Club. tfc48 JUNE 8. TUESDAY. 8 pm. The JUNE 16, WEDNESDAY â€"â€" St Andrew‘s Presbyterian Church Strawberry Festival at the Community Centre. Maple, 5-8 pm. Adults $1.50 children .75c. c3w48 JUNE 16, WEDNESDAY. Straw- berry Festival at Oarrville U" "- ed Church hall. time 5 pm to 8 pm. Salad plate and all the berries you can eat. Price adults $1.50, School age Children .75. cZw49 ELECTRIC Lawn Mower Cut you grass the easy way MAY - JUNE JULY - AUGUST RENT Madam: Our Box Storage Does it Best RICHMOND HILL LIONS CLUB APPLIANCES 42 LEVENDALE 884-3211 OMING -VENTB TO VOLKSWAGENS Corner Yonge Street and Levendale Road demonstrator We give a special kind of care to your winter things. First. we get them thoroughly fresh and clean with our Sanitone drycleaning process. Next. we check every item, replace missing buttons. make minor repairs. Then we store them . ..out ofyour way. . . safe. dust-free and mothproof, We return them when you want them. the way you want them...each garment fresh and smart as new. carefully pressed and ready to wear! Meanwhile, you can enjoy that extra closet space. Ask about our Box Storage Plan. today! RICHMOND HILL For Prompt Pick-Up and Delivery Call AUSTINS "27 YEARS OF COMMUNITY SERVICE" TU. 4-4411 INSTRUCTORS ‘ Mr. Rutherford, Miss Knight and Miss Carol Patterson are each qualiï¬ed Red Cross water safety Instructors and will take part in the instructional pro- gram. It is also expected there ‘will be a qualiï¬ed Royal Life Miss Leslie Knight will be head instructress. She also is a second year physical education student at the University of Toronto and brings to her new position several summers of camping and swimming experi- ence. She has earned the senior Red Cross swimmer award as well as a bronze medallion and Red Cross water safety instruc- tor. (Continued From Page 1) Saving Society instructor on the ‘ . staff. ant manager. Davxd 15 a second LIFE GUARDS year physical education student peter Miner _ bronze med_ at the University of Toronto. who also spent several summers at Richildaca as a counsellor, canoe trip director and swim- ming instructor. His swimming awards include senior Red Cross swimmer, bronze medal- lion, award of merit and Red Cross water safety instructor. John Brockie To Officiate OpeningWater Restrictions Not Needed Plan Red Cross Water Safety Show’lfï¬ H'!‘ “Rï¬eétdeï¬tlsn CQfOPerf‘ite f annex (C Sllvu’! 9 k§x§§§x§$c VArlso honored were Elaine Lantz who Won the honor award for outstanding contribution to interschool sports and Joan Nugent who received the students’ council award for leadership in girls’ sports. Acclaimed “all round outstanding athletes†at Bayview Secondary School's athletic awards night May 27 were the five students pictured above. Left to right, with their trophies are: David Smith, outstanding boy athlete; Johanna Zeeman, athletic and academic achievement combined; Carol Shelton, outstanding senior girl athlete; Beverley Wilson, outstanding junior girl athlete; and Bob Suzuki, athletic and academic achievement in grades 9, 10 and 11. Ba yview's Outstanding Athletes { David Southwell, grade 13 ‘student at Richmond Hill High School. I Miss Diane Hayes â€" bronze medallion, senior artificial res- piration a w a r d. Elementary school teacher. Members of the citizens' com- mittee are: Cliff Bennett. chair- man; Don Bensette, treasurer: Mrs. John Vernon and Miss Carol Hayes, secretaries; John Bradstock and Bill Babcock, co- chairman building committee; Craig Bowden and Len Pugh, lchairmen of ï¬nance committee; vPeter Sale and Dr. Cameron lCowan. co-chairman of canvass; Mrs. Fred Jackson and Coun- cillors Lois Hancey and Walter Scudds. MiSS CH‘I‘OIE Hayes -- bmnzel The two officials report medallion, Red Cross water â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€" safety intructor. Graduate Richâ€" ;mond Hill High School. Miss‘Extended Latter IHayes has served as recording 1secretary of the citizens com- c ' S ' mitteeo ' arrler erVIce OFFICE 8; BUILDING STAFF Miss Jackie Wright. grade 12 Richmond Hill Post Ofï¬ce anâ€" student at Bayv1ew Secondary nounced this week that door-t0- School LIFE GUARDS Peter Miller â€" bronze med- allion, bronze bar. Grade 13 stu- dent at Bayview Secondary School. Jim Glover â€" bronze medal- lion, award of merit, senior arti- ï¬cial respiration award. Grade 13 student at Richmond Hill High School. Why Gamble E Fit. style, and color are pretty important to the gal on. a clothes-shopping spree . . . sure you'll get complimentary answers from the clerks in the “big city" stores . . . but you’ll get dependable help and advice from your local merchants . . . another reason why SHOP AT HOME Home Paper of the District since 1878 Richmond Hill This Mwage Sponsored by “The Liberal" ' Deputy-reeve F. R. Perkins,‘ chairman of Richmond Hill's‘ Works Committee and O. 8.} ‘Wh‘alen, commissioner of works.‘ are appealing to residents of‘ Richmond Hill to make an efâ€" fort to reduce water consump- tion during hot dry spells of weather this summer. An adver- tisement stating this appeal will be found on page 20 of this is- sue, and while not imposing re- striction suggests a schedule of watering which will ensure that the daily consumption of water will be kept within reasonable limits. door mail delivery service by letter carrier will be extended June 'I to 116 additional points of call in the area. These are located on Naugh- ton Drive, Stancroft Road, Yonge Street North (from Leon- ard Street to Naughton Drive), Centre Street East (from New- kirk Road to Pugsley Avenue), Station Street, Newkirk Road, Chassie Court and Rosemar ‘Gardens. FLOATERS FREE: Home Fitting Service For Appointment Call 884-4114 1633 Yonge Street N. Richmond Hill Free Parking Rear of Store - Enter Off Richmond St. 8% age REYNOLDS' Shoe House $4.98 $5.98 Sizes 8% to E Width C & E Sizes 5 to 8 Width C & E .n-n“w.u.tâ€n" Seeking co-operation from residents in staggering the de- mand for water and eliminating waste, the following schedule is suggested: north of Crosby and east of Yong-e, between 8 pm Monday to 8 am Tuesday and 8 pm Thursday to 8 am Fri- day of each week; east of Yonge, south of Crosby, between 8 pm Tuesday and 8 am Wednesday and 8 pm Friday to 8 am Satur- day: west of Yonge 8 pm Wedâ€" nesday to 8 am Thursday and 8 pm Saturday to 8 am on Sun- day. They also ask water users not to waste water by watering lawns In the daytime during hot weather, nor of allowing sprinklers to run all night. that the problem is not one of water supply. which is more than ample for pres- ent and some future needs, but of the physical capacity of the treatment plant and transmission equipment to handle unwarranted abnor- mal demands. They point out that during the recent dry and extremely hot weather consumption rose sharply. an indication of heavier and unwarranted demands on the water supply system in the months ahead. With the co-operation of citi- zens hard and fast restrictions will not have to be imposed, officials state. KOOLIES SIZES 5 to 3 Width 0 and E Red - Brown - White (Photo by Stuart‘s Studw) $4.98 Infants 4 to 8 $4.50 NEXT BINGO Monday, June 7 Once the ball players took to the field. Shells were quick to follow their sponsor’s example as they scored two runs in the second inning. Ron Klazer started the rally baseman could pick up the ball ‘with a single. Doug Watt was Hancock was safely across the safe on an error and Dicklplate. Moulton walked. putting New' The Mel-O-Ripe boys feature ‘Toronto pitcher, Moe Zabatiukhthe youngest team in the ‘in trouble with a base-loadedlleague. They never quit try- isituation with one out. (Any- ing and their efforts were reâ€" one entering the park at this warded in the seventh. Bill moment would have thought it'Hudgins singled and Norm |was the Argonaut football team Partneoid walked; Doug Horn- ‘playing instead of Shell as‘by, the rookie 19-year-old ‘Klazer, Watt and Moulton each-catcher. folldwed with a threeâ€" Jweigh over 225 lbs.) lrun homer. Zabatiuk rallied and struck}_ Mel'o'mpe threatened again out Al Horner. but rival pitcherjm the eighth ‘15 the ï¬TSt two Reno Pettenuzzo hit a ball oven-{batters reaChEd base safeâ€- second base scoring both Klazeiflpeuenuzzo the“ semed down and WatL An alert piece of and struck out the next two coaching by Bill McBratley and batters and A1 TidSburY made the hustle of Watt combined a “ï¬ling Play 0“ a ball hit for an extra run on this play. between him and third base to In the fourth Shells disâ€" Win the game- In the fifth Shells made it 5-0 when Klazer walked and Watt singled. Moulton forced Watt at second and then Al Horner. playing his first game in Richmond Hill, singled to score Klazer. nun... a nu uu Shells added their last runlgive up 11 hits, in the sixth on the speed of'and walk four. the fleet Mickey Hancock. Han-l Horner, Klazi cock doubled to start the in- and Hancock hat ning and was advanced to third for the winners as “Skip†Degeer was an in- Watts, Tidsbum field out. Bruce Staughton,each. Hornbya Shell’s handyman, followed safely twice for with a perfect sacrifice bunt Next Saturi and before the Mcl-O-Ripe first Seven-Un-Shol Defeat Mel-O-Ripe 6 -3 In the fourth Shells dis- played a little of the power this team possesses as Klazer beat out a hunt and Dick Moulton followed with a prodigious home run over left fence. Hughes'Shell Win Home Opener Sponsor Tom Hughes hit the first pitch thrown to him by Shell Executive Colin Miles ,over second base and the 1965 home season for Hughes’ Shell was officially open Saturday evening'__at t_he town park. John Lipsett, secretary ofithe Beach Leégue; handled the catching chores durmg the opening ceremonies. Fresh A Grade SILVER STREAM GRADE A PULLETS W653! |b.69¢ Pre-dressed Roasting or Frying ChEEZWhiZl6oz.iar PEAMEAL KRAFT’S Chuck Wagon Dinner 2for45¢ 3for$l 2f°r89¢ 2 PLY FACIAL TISSUES FLORIDA BURN’S MONARCH SPONGE â€" 6 FLAVORS EKCK BACON GOLDEN YELLOW FACE'L'L'EWZ ms. 29¢ Puddings 2 pkgs. 8 oz. tins IS oz. tins 24 oz. tins End Pieces #353.“ CORN 10 c085 69¢ D thlrd for the winners with Moulton, an in-Wagts, WTidsbury adding one L|-'-‘ 00D 'LAND 29 Yonge St. S. â€" Richmond Hill Zabatiuk, the loser. and Hal Kemp shared mound duties for the losers as they combined to give up 11 hits, strike out 10 and walk four. Horner. Klazer, Pettenuzzo and Hancock had two hits each Centre Cuts or Sliced Pettenuzzo pitched a very effective game for Shell as he scattered six hits. struck out 15 and walked only three batters. He also is proving himself a very cap- able hitter and at time of this writing is battingr .375 with four RBI. fely twice for Mel-O-Ripe. Next Saturday at 8.15. Seven-Up-Shopsies will vis- Hornby and Hudg_ins hit THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday, June 3, 1965 55¢ LIONS HALL STARTING TIME â€" 8P.M. JAMS or JELLIES COPACO FRESH SLICED E. D. SMITH’S PURE DEL MONTE KELLOGG’S It the town park. This team is the 1964 Beach League champion and features such stars as Moe Gayland. Phyl Waters and Pitcher Lennie Myska. Come out and support your senior “A†team. CALIFORNIA NEW Potatoes Birthday parties, wedding receptions, bus- iness lunches; there's plenty of room here for any size group that wants an expertly planned meal of delicious food. Call us whenever you like . . . we’ll be glad to make the arrangements for your party. ORANGE JUICE Bag We cater to large groups with fine service and delicious food YONG-E ST†RICHMOND HILL CORN FLAKES 21/2 to 31/2 lb. av. 48 OZ. TIN 12 OZ. PKG RICHMOND INN MOTOR HOTEL fresh daily 2V2 doz. tray NEW DINING ROOM HOURS 5 P.M. TO 9.30 P.M. 9 OZ. JARS ;. 29¢ Call Now for Reservations FREE Paul’s Barber Shop IN THE MALL 12. 33c Richmond Heights Centre Mon., Tues.. all day Thurs. and Fri. to 4 11.111. or by special appointment ‘So obligation - 52 Value Excellent results assured by Paul 884-1101 DANDRUFF TREATMENT