THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thurs day, June 10, 1965 s. WM grow 6 CONSISTENCY! Work these ads as hard as you likeâ€"they'll go to work for you one Thursday. all month If you prefer. each week doini: a vigorous selling job on the thousands of readers and prospects who shop "The Liberal†Classified Section regularly. too? you want to rent or sell. PHONE 884-1105-6 - Liberal Classified Action Ads bit the mark with a large and 10, More than 25 different classifications to provide an easv to shop market place for the items you want to sell or buy. the selvices you want to offer. or the property â€" 4‘- 285-3316 :1 helpr Tool & Equipment RENTAL TOOLS FORâ€"TRENT Floor sanders. saws and drills. Hand sanders. jig-saws and nail ldrivers. AV. 5â€"1109. my ‘RENTALLTtlITONGE N. Rug shampooers. floor mach- val audience every week. Flexible 1| ad taker will assist you CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES CASH RATES, lst insertion .7c each word, minimum charge $1.00. Second and subsequent insertions if wording unchanged, .71: per word, min. charge .90c. BOX NUMBERS an extra charge per insertion of 50c COMING EVENT NOTICE, 7c per word; min. charge 81.00 CARDS 0F THANKS, IN MEMORIAMS, DEATHS, ENGAGEMENTS, MARRIAGES, BIRTHS per in- sertion $1.00 Classified advertisements should he in as early in the week as possible but not later than 10.30 on Wednesdays. Send ads by mail and enclose payment or telephone us at 884-1105 or 285-3316 and you will receive an invoice. W ARTICLES FOR SALE LE tCOntinuedl USED wringer washer $20-42 Levendale Road. tfc40 , CEDAR FENCE RAILS . - 4 â€"-- - 47§§flWA-â€"â€"â€" LEQTYPEWRITER, new, very rea- IISED electric stove- 535- 425onable. Call 773-5489. clw50 Levendale Rm; -â€" 45°43 humanism marina-font automatic Washer Howard . - d. 285- -â€"â€" â€"~-â€" ~â€"- ~--â€" â€" return. guarantee “C34 TRAILER suited for camping .-. .. . .b _b l -_0 to - gear. 5110. 884-5541. clw50 . r , I .. _ ._ ,, I 133;! ï¬ndjggmany 23552236 0,. 12' WOODEN boat. $40 or best ’ clw50 884-2236 tfc18 0â€"- 33fi-7130- ,_ _ IPIGEONS for sale 884-6388. WERNER . , L-.- __ - 913V?†285-2724 tfc21 WRINGER washing machine. '-â€"’â€" _-‘- _V_._â€"-_ â€" â€" Excellent Condition. new 200 bales of bay, 1 fresh goat, gears $40 8845079. clwso ohicken brooder. very cheap. *lw50 REFRI GERATORAexceilt-ntcon- 285-7172. â€"â€"-â€"â€"-â€"-â€"~-'â€"-‘â€"‘*- W- dition for cottage or home rea- PEDIGREE English Pram, very sonable‘ 8844197. c2w49 good condition, $100. 884-5819. ._ __..______ ,_# LAWâ€- c1w50 USED Refrigerator $25, used TV $25, 42 Levendale Road. tfc38 1949 FORD 1/6 ton pickup and used' power lawn mower. Call after 5 285-4560. clw50 NEW TRAILERs'lz' to 18‘ son‘- â€"â€",â€"â€"â€"â€"â€":â€"â€"â€".â€"‘-â€"# ing at dealer‘s cost. Pete‘s :gileï¬enï¬g’: “altgsfrgagflges Yonge St. 1 Mile North of Rich- ' y ‘ clw50 mond Hill. *w50 ~-â€"â€" â€"~ ~ .~--»â€" LIGHT OAK dihing rOOIn suite, anmmnnnnnmmmwmw- 285p3931 ' lwsd sired. Very reasonable. 481- __'__'_.-_._._-..__-_S._L 5554. c2w50 CHESTERFIELD suite 3 piece " ' H" ’ " SM“ like new, bargain. 88+ WASHINGJSZ’IdACHINES 3503. To CHOOSE from, reason- iiOï¬â€™bébf-carriage beige able. Phone B. Wilton. 334- and white excellent condition. 4402. clw50 Eli-E13; “1W5†TENT 9' x 15'â€"$85. Boat TTZIIET ONE all steel farm roller for with winch $110 Table saw clw50 3 l FOR SALE HELP WANTED lContinued! icommued’ ' H "’fliCLEANING lady. Bayview and IGENERAL Electric fridgelverygSteeles. 3854579 (“.50 clean. good condition. arge - 7* v - 5~ . freezer. $110. Call anytime 884- CLEANING \foman' OM19 [-31 ,7652. clwï¬o week. 285-3315. _' C no 1:4DY-pensionerwfor company RESPONSIBLE person to take,for elderly lady. Live in. mom charge of variety store. Rich-' . . . r (1 board supplied. Thornhill mond Hill will train. lmmedl- all ,, . _ ., , '- , ,â€" Village. Box 114 The, Liberal . Ratel}. 884-5464. 7 Jtlwnâ€"Ol “Wm STRIPED canvas awning, 6x1; MARRIED woman wanted for packaging in small meat pack- ing plant. Full time. 69 Indus- trial Road. Richmond Hill. clw50 NEED MONEY? . . . Earn it as thousands of women do. Repre- sent AVON COSMETICS. Write Miss Ziegler. Box 141 Guelph. cleO SALESMAN â€" full or part time., also Week-ends. 178 Yonge St.. Eatonia hand lawn mower 14"; Findlay coal Or wood cook stove: articles suitable for coi- tage. 884-2690. cIWSO GENDRON convertible carriage .with mattress. plastic baby lounge chair and jolly jumper with door clamp $25 complete. 884-1573. clw50 l ‘ North. Better than average LA .. - - - -- -â€"â€"" _v ._ earnings, Chauffeurs licence 1‘8- SHORT ORDER cook, experi quired. clw50 enced preferred. Apply Halfway House. 887-5411. itfc44 IIOUSEKEEPER to look after boy of 2. Live in. 285-4435. clw50 BOYS VorIgirls withihicyiclesï¬for HUSKY bright driver salesman. 21-25. permanent position. good salary and commission. Supreme Welding Service Ltd., 110 In- dustrial Road 884-4783. *lw50 REAL Estate Salesman â€" BussI l | ' t . Phone “3"†m“ es .2W50 Thornhill office offers excellent .I L- . '_. - _- -â€"- 7- opportunities for high earnings, partâ€"time {01’ arc can MR O'Hagan welding. 285-2144. After 6 223- “C50 2362_ clw50 ~-â€"w- - , .~-â€"â€"-~- ,, _ La -1 ._..- .. i-â€" -â€" IMMEDIATE openings. Russel- DRIVERS, male or female. Ap- Steel Ltd†requires men to ply to Supreme Cleaners. 1910 Yonge Street, Richvale. clw50 WELDlairâ€"tittcrf'oeanEKJt position, must be experienced. 285-7383. clw50 TRUCK driver for city dellvFTy â€" green house. 285-1136. clw50 for established hospitalization clw50 work in their warehouse, locat- ed at 215 Bowes Road, Vaughan Township. Apply in person and ask for Mr. Clement. clw50 NOW hiring students or adults male and female for part-time work in the evenings. Apply manager. Odeon Dufferin Drive- in Theatre or Phone AV5-2505 after 7 pm. clw50 LICENSED MECHANIC CHEV â€" OLDS DEALER WEEKLY wage â€" all benefits. Apply service manager. Leslie Motor Products. King City. c2w r_m_d_ W 7 0 IT pays to grow cucumbers for Bick‘s Pickles. Grading station at Queensville. For further in-l formation phone Queensville SALESMEN bread routes. and pension, 297-1266. CLEANING woman for mote-1' work. Preferably own transpor- tation. AV5-301‘l. clw50 PART TIMEâ€"regattms'tâ€"r; quired immediately. light office duties. Responsible person. Phone 884-3434. clw50 BENCH carpentgrs and helpers J tractor like new, $150. 75 without motor $55. 285-2546. I Orestwood Road. clw50 clw50 ELECTRIC stove, apartment EULL Siie-panelgfgdâ€"iITWalnTt size, very good condition, $40. 285-6659. clw50 13" LAWNBOY $45; 9-piece dining room suite $75 or will sell separate; crib $8. 884-2472. N___r___w__r~ __ clw50 WESTINGHOUSE laundromat, 150' chain link fencing, and 21 posts. Best offer. 285-1480. _W_v__._- clw50 ACCORDION Hohne-r Tango ll, 96. Bass, good condition, with carrying case and manuals. $75. 884-3245. clw50 30" TAPPAN - Gurney gas range with clock and timer, used 6 months, $120. 285-5238. m___~w_ clw50 UPRIGHT Shelvador Amatiâ€"a freezer. excellent condition $175. Phone after 6, 884-3895. __ clw50 KITCHEN cupboards, used metal. 8' lower and upper with atrborite counter and sink, $50. with spring and mattress also matching single dresser, with mirror all in good condition. Phone 884-2352 after 5.30 pm. DRYER, McCLARY EASY AUTOMATIC Used EXCELLENT condition. Phone B. Cooper. 884-4401. clw50 REFRIGERATORS Used 2 TO CHOOSE from. good working condition. Phone B. Wilton. 884-4402. clw50 PASSPORTS CUSTOM FRAMING LAGERQUIST STUDIO 93 Yonge St. 5., 884-2791. tfc48' USED refrigerator $65.00 and automatic and wringer washing machines. TV sets all recondi-., tioned and warranty. Maths TV. 45 Industrial Rd., Richmond Hill. 884-7903. c2w50 884-7434. clw50 GREAT American 18" hand- lawn mower; gardener's tools cost $63, sell for $30. 884-1523. ___~\__ ‘ _- ' _‘_ > clw50 REFRIGERATOR. acorn-Tut; tion. 100 gallon oil tank. space D heater with fittings. 285-1643. _ ____ _Â¥~~ _% clw50 USED bell tent, pup tentâ€"2' cots, Coleman stove, 2 coolers, air mattress, ground sheets. complete $50. 884-2926. clw50 PATINT SPRTYER witlTacces- series including 1,111 h.p motor like new, reasonable, after 5 pm. 884-3796. *1w50 TAPE recorder sales and ren- tals. $1.00 a week. Herridge Ap- pliances, 42 Levendale Road 884-3211. tfc44 PIANOS. bought and sold, re- conditioned, guaranteed. tuned and delivered, terms, Pyle Piano Sales. 884-3614. tfc41 GOOD used furniture for sale. Call Frank‘s Movers and Stor- age. 28 Industrial Rd., TU. 4- 2613. tch .USED refrigerators for homes and cottages. take trade-ins. Call Richmond Hill Refrigeration 884-7406. c4w48 TV'S USED 4 TO CHOOSE FROM. all in operating condition. $30.00 and up. Phone B. Cooper. 884-4401. c1w§0 NEW refrigerators 42 Levendale Rd. 884-3211. tfc44 ALOMI'NUM Doors, windows, awnings. and railings. Ron Woods. 884-1514. tfc36 REFRIGERATORS. large stock. 539. $49. $59. $69. $79. Recon- ditioned. guaranteed. Suther- land Refrigeration, 1004 Queen St. E.. Toronto. HO. 3-0930. 9 to 9. *22w35 BEAUTYREST, Marshall, Sim- mons. Serta, Seely and other spring mattresses repaired. re- turned just like new, medium firm, extra firm. Two-day ser- vice. Eiderdowns recovered. On- tario Bedding Co. AV. 5-1591. tfc44 TYPEWRITERS ADDING MACHINES Sales Service Rentals Authorized Dealer All popular makes for sale in- cluding new and rebuilt stand- ard portable and electric mod- els. Special rental rates avail- able to students. L. H. SIMS 88 Baker Ave. Richmond Hill 884-1745 tfc49 COMBINATION 2 door fridge and freezer. moffat stove and Thor wringer washer. Large' crib. high chair. playpen, boys bedroom set. Chest of drawers. 884-2510. clw50 FOR SALE ALUMINUM doors and win- dows, awnings, siding and patios. Buy direct from the manufacturers. For free esti- mates call Larry Bartholomew at 285-1471. c4w49 iï¬TLER & BAIRD LUMBER LTD.. white, per gal. $4.39. This is one-coat (Super White Latex). 191 Yonge St., N., Phone 884- 1125 285-3506. tfc49 INLAID MARBLE chess table, marble corner table. mosaic tile dinette table, TV swivel chair. 2 large Chesterfield chairs. unpainted chest of draw- ers, radio-record player, draft- man's fluorescent lamps. Nia- gara Cylco-massage cushion. G. E. vacuum, electric driven pot- ter's wheel. china. glassware. kitchen utensils. 285-5532. clw50 PONTING‘S MUSIC CENTRE '0n the Don Mills Road at the Ncwmarket cut-off. Phone 895- 6311. See us before you pur- chase your new piano. or any other musical instrument â€" our low overhead enables us to carry a large selection. and pass the savings on to our cus- for June ~â€" open day and even- ings. Easy terms. Largest music stock north of Toronto â€" visit us and save. HOUSE SOLD 7854 after 6 pm. 1 Chesterfield and Chair (Foam Rubberl $60.00. 3 Living Room tables $20.00: 1 4-drawer chest $15.00; Double Bed-Box spring and mattress $20.00: 1 Electric Frig - Westinghouse $45.00: 1 4-ele- ment electric stove - disassem- bled 52000: 1 Steno Chair 515.- 00; 6 Side chairs - all for $18.- Motor $45.00: I Jig Saw reâ€" built - ‘4 h.p. Motor $25.00. SPRING CLEANING NOW is the time to get your drapes while stock lasts. I DRAPERY SALE 6 width lined $39.98. covers 144". 95" long. regular $49.98. Also custom drapes made to order. Enquiries ini'ited 884- 2214 1 WYN - DOT LADIES WEAR BAYVIEW PLAZA RICHMOND HILL 884.1211 can-18 wages. PAINT special, exterior, latex1 organ.l tomers all instruments on sale- C2w50l MUST dispose of -â€" Call 884-‘ ll 00; 1-8" Table saw and 1/3 hp. wanted Thornhill District. 285- 6401 after 5 pm BA 3-0344. clw50 RADIATOR repair shop re- quires driver. Opportunity to learn business. WOMAN to iron. in the home, weekly. Day or evening. Bay- viewâ€"Markbam area. 884-7053. clw50 WANTED men for die cutting and printing. No experience necessary but preferred. Can- uck Products. 285-6961. clw50 MAN wan-ted to_cu1t grass, 1 (E1 per week. Must be able to oper- PART-TIME help, evenings and weekends. Apply Shell Service Station. Keele and No. 7 High- way. clw50 EXPERIENCED waitress wanit-i ed at Pop’s Tavern, 194 Yonge Street. N., Richmond Hill. MALE grocery clerk, experi- enced. best working conditions. IGA. Richmond Hill. 884-7201. clw50 SALESLADIES for variety store one for afternoons, one for evenings. Immediately. 884- 0090. Bayview Variety. clw50 PLUMBERS wanted for hous- ing and apartment work. Good Call after 6. 887-5234. c2w50 2 PART TIME waitresses want- ed one 11 to 3. and one 4 to 8. Peter's Restaurant. 7584 Yonge St.. Thornhill. c2w49 BOOKKEEPER - typist, to trial balance for 1 girl office. to start July 1. Phone Mrs. Lytton 787-7264, between 10 am and 3 pm. clw50 REAL ES‘I‘ATE career for men or women. free extensive train- ing program. special assistance to new starters. top commis- sions and draws. Call Mitro &‘ Star Ltd., 222-2525. tfc25 REAL ESTATE OPENING for two active real estate salesmen or salewomen‘ in the busy Richmond Hill 01-, fice of David McLean Ltd., Full office assistance and train- ing for new personnel. Please call Mrs. Sutherland. 285-1164, Evenings. 884-5310. clw44, STEELES & YONGE 1 REAL Estate Salesman to specialize in Steeles and Yonge! area properties and investment l l acreage. For interview appoint-i .ment please call. D. McLeam 285-1176. evenings. 285-3419. David McLean Ltd.. 74. Steeles Avenue. West. c1w44 REGISTERED NURSES S4200. S4800. l Sunnybrook Hospital Department- of Veterans Affairsl Toronto. Ontario ‘ Starting salary: - $4200 with 163s than two years of recent experience - $4350 with two years or more of recent experience Excellent working conditions. and benefits; good opportunity" for promotion: accommodation Usually available in modern nurses' residence Apply in Person IMMEDIATELY to 31155 D. KENT Director of Vursin: Sunnyhronk Hosnital Bayview Avenue Toronto, Ontario. l 1 Af’tel‘ 5? 235' and look after horses. Phone 285}; M, 7 clw§0 884-7864 after 6.30 pm Mr. TRUCK DRIVER wanted for Callin. c1w49 small meat packing plant. Ship- bkjvmis lung experience helpful 285~ EXPERIENCED tractor trailer 4816 after 1 pm. clw50 t - , _ ence. Lamb The Mover. 127 a 9 WW" equlpmem' 833335536 Birch Evenue, Thornhill. 235- v“ . __ ..L. L. A- 4911. clw50 Farms. 895-5381 or Thornhill 285-5494. Frank Watts. tfc46 (TOME to the farm. We need 2 sturdy. intelligent students to assist in construction, farmwork driver also a straight van driver, Must be furniture packer. Top wages. and good working con- ditions. Lamb The Mover. 127 Birch Avenue. Thornhill. 285- 4911. clw50 Drivers, packers and helpers re- quired by local and long dist- ance moving company, on perm- anent or part time basis. Those with experience given prefer- MISCELLANEOUS! _A , , , ,, , _ 7 . - ‘1 PLUMBING - HEATING A. MILLS & SON LTD. James D. Stewart 384-2201 tfc43 POS’I‘HOIZEkDigging'and'fenc- ing. Phone 285-4432. c4w50 PAINTING &"PAPER HANGING R. E. Dunn. 'l‘U. 4-2798. WEEDS CUT THORNHIIJ. and Langstaff areas. AV5-3608. c2w49 ‘CARPENTRY &’CONCRET’E“ Custom building additions. re- tfc pairs, renovations. .1 W. Curtis. AV. 5-2494. tfc43 7' ’TR’ENCHING POS’I‘HOIE digging and rotOva- ting. J. Hampton 773-5922. tic-42 PAINTING and decorating, car- pentry work, alterations, recre-! ation rooms. 884-5009. tfc43 CARPENTER , REMODEL. repair. and build. Call Bryan at King. 833-5422,l tfc45 ROTOVATING. plowing, discing weed-cutting and posthole dig- ging. Don Cation. 773-5912. tfc47 CALL us for your sand, gravel, fill, top soil and black loam. Prompt delivery. Reasonable rates. J. B. DeFerrari, Maple, 832-8876. tfc7 CONCRETE - MASONRY CARPENTRY CONTRACTORS Building, alterations 8: repairs. prompt service WALKER & MITCHELL AV. 5-2526 tfc8 RALPH ELMS DECORATING Painting, paper-hanging, inter- ior and exterior. Free estimates. Work guaranteed. 884-7902. tfc 31 E. W. PAYNE Drains, septic tanks. All types of concrete work. 285-5762 FREE ESTIMATES tfc31 MASONRY CONTRACTOR Stonework. Fireplace, etc. V. Ostergaard, 16 Elizabeth St. S.,I Richmond Hill, phone 884-' 5688. tfc23‘ CARPENTRY WORK, additions,‘ rooms, tile floors. No job too1 small. Free estimates. T. Price AV. 5-3653. tfc28 SHEET METAL WORK Eavestrough. new and repaired. Heating, roof flashing, etc. Free estimates. Work guaran- tfc51 teed. TU. 4-1006. CHIMNEYS Chimneys built and repaired. Free estimates. Expert work- manship. Phone Walker and Mitchell, AV. 5-2526. tfc15 CARPENTRY Any type â€" rec. rooms, cabinet for garbage cans, cupboards, shelves, garages, etc. 884-2588. MATURE, discreet woman with some typing and filing experi- ence for the position of Labora- tory Secretary. Apply in writing stating past experience and ex- pected salary to:â€" Mrs. K. A. Hargrave, Chief Laboratory Technologist. York Central Hospital, Richmond Hill. Ontario. HOUSEKEEPER - COMPANION If you are looking for a, good home. small adult family in Thornhill, requires housekeeper for light duties. Own private room, weekends off. Free room and board plus reasonable re- muneration. Box 115 “The Lib- eral“ 1c2w50 FARM SALESMAN OPENING for a farm and land salesman to specialize in Vaughan and Markham proper- ties from the expanding Head Offices of David McLean Ltd., on Steeles Avenue, West. at Yonge. Experience preferred. Please call D. McLean. 285- 1176. Evenings 285-3419. clw50 clw42 PERMANENT 0R. TEMPORARY 0R PART-TIME REGISTERED NURSES For Greenacres Home for the Aged. Salary range, $369.00 to‘ $426.00. Graduate nurses also required. APPLY GREENACRES HOME FOR THE AGED 194 Eagle St.. Newmarket or 387 Bloor St. E., Toronto 924-7441. (‘le-Sn “REALâ€"ESTATE SALESMAN . HIGHEST COMMISSION ‘ PAID Leslie O’Hagan Realtor 285-1166 , 7771 Yonge St.. Thornhill PERSONAL Do you have a drinking proh-l 16111 If so AA can help. Write Box 84. Richmond Hill. tic-15‘ Psvcnic’Rcader. tcacup. cards‘ and palmistry by appointmenti Amelia Davie. 773-5491. tic-15 LOANSâ€"550 - ssftï¬o FAST SERVICE ATLANTIC FINANCE tfc22 PLUMBING Alterations. Repairs. Contract- ing. Estimates. EDD BLIGHT. 285-5741 tfc49 REPAIRS on power lawn mow- ers. rotary tillers, chain saWS, outboard motors and allied equipment. Charles Jennings 832-8966. c4w47. RICHMOND HILL REFRIGER- ATION REPAIRS to air conditioners, freezers refrigerators etc. Please call 884-7406 for any refrigerat- ing problems. c4w48 SPECIAL Chesterfield sets recovered â€"â€" 2 piece $69.00. Nylon frieze $99. 5 years guarantee. Terms if de- sired. A. Smith, Upholstery. phone AV. 5-1682. tfc43 HARRIS OBISâ€"CUSTOM.â€" CARPENTRY Custom built homes. tions. additions, and Kitchens :1 specialty. Morris Harrison. 884-2838. tfc45 PLASTERING AND TILE Ceramic tile. showers installed, also plaster repaired by experts. No job too small. Call anytime 884-7045. Ask for George. tfc33 ROOFING AND EAVES- TROUGHING 15 years experience, new and repair work on barns. homes, etc, Free estimates. no Obliga- tion. Call anytime 884â€"4016. tfc40.i renova- repairs UPHOLSTERY Recovering and repairing of any, kind of furniture. Experienced on Scandinavian furniture. Free estimates. Reasonable prices. Call anytime. TU 4-4813 resi- renovations, garages, recreation . MISCELLANEOUS 'Continuedl f ICUSTOMWWORKVcultivating orlmonthlr- 884-5464. plowing. Large or small areas.l 884-7768. tfc46, “‘BRICK WORK 7" FIREPLACES, patios. planters,- chimneys built and repaired. 884-3143. c6w50" WINDOW CLEANING 1 Industrial. commercial and 'homcs. Reasonable rates. 727-; 4880. tfc46 Expert television repairs. one low price $9.95 tplus partst Herring Television, 42 Leven-l dale Road. tfc 46i ANDERSONâ€"INDUSTRIAL FLOOR CLEANER 884-2830 tfc43 CALL Harry for lawn cutting. flower planting. drain repairs, small concrete jobs and paint- ing exteriors. Phone anytime. 833-5306. c2w50 351211 CARS 1962 M.G.A. 81:2-00.vPrivate 884-4173 after 5.30 clw50 61â€"‘SUANB-EAM_VAlpineyr3itopsr, black. radio. 285-3416. clw50 1956AFOrdiVictovria. hardtop. 884-6487. clw50 1'9'55‘C'1‘1Ev7 Bela I; w torn 516. $75. 884-7579. clw50 1952 CHEvfcx‘cc‘ilent condition $150. 884-5310. *1w50 1958â€"Volkswagen Van, good. condition. $150, or nearest offer. 832-1279. clw50 19'57'CI1E’v74 'doorfs'aiitomatiF, good condition. $375. 285-3679. clw50 59â€"FVORD. 6 cyl. standard trans. 2-door station wagon. 65 Hunt Ave. 884-1384. clw50 1957 PONTIAC Viiâ€"automatic, good condition. 773-5984. clw50 62 Ford Consul 4-dOor. very good condition. 884-5033. clw50 1963_TRIIIMPH'Herald conver- tible. good condition. 285-1224. clw50 60 Riley. excellent condition. Would make good Second car-'all conveniences. Bayview and 285-3416. clw50 58 Plymouth, overhauled trans- mission, good condition. Must sell $195 full price. 285-6804. clw50 1952 De Soto, Fire Dome, semi- automatic, beautiful condition, $225 or nearest offer. 832-1279. clw50 1959 FORD V8 convertible. au- tomatic. power Steering and brakes. jet black finish. 888- 1920. 1961 Envoy, 4 door, standard transmission, seat belts, radio, 35 miles to gallon. good tires.‘ overall fine shape. $425 or best offer 884-3015. *lw50 KENNY HATTON’S Honda Motorcycles Sales and Service, Maple Side Road and Highway 400. 832- 1201. c3138 ATTENTION TRUCKERS If you are looking for used trucks, parts, tires or accessor- ies, see the truck wrecker ï¬rst. Moore Truck Parts 8; Sales, Old No. 11 Highway, Holland Land- ing. 895-4666. WHOLESALE CARS TO BE SOLD TO THE PUBLIC We are disposing of 160 trades taken in during our “name your own deal“ sale, at wholesale prices. We have Chevs, Fords and Pontiacs and many other makes. Low cost financing avail- able as well. No down payment deuce. business. AV. 5-5345. tic-‘24 HOME IMPROVEMENTS Kitchens. Rec. Rooms. Flooring, Panelllng. Bathrooms Budget Plan Available PHONE MR. SCOUT 285-4922 or 884-7968 SEPTII: TANKS HIMPED $25.00 WE CLEAN DR AINS l Corporation Ltd. 20 Yonge St. S. Richmond Hill 684-4458 - 285-5562 Mgr. R. G. 'Bob' Huzbe: tfc32 Sewers cleaned - without digging or tearing up Bill‘- C. STL'ND EN i Richmond Hilll 884-1245 clw50 tfc34' TO RENT nowsoowiï¬tne'trrent‘s’s’s clw50 ONES smallAI-omfortable apart-l ment. Call after 6:30 pm 285-1 1766. clw50 HOUSES bedroomsilarge lot on Yonge St. near N0. 7 High-r way. 285-3308. clw50‘ OFFICE Voriwarehouse space,l 1400 square ft. Will furnish to suit tenant. 285-7383. clw50? 2 BEDROOM apartments. Closet, to all facilities. 285-2303 or 884-‘ 2852. tfc36 RICHMOND HILL. modern brick 6 room semi-detached bungalow $125. Phone 789- 2182. clw50 a) THORNHILL Lower one bedroom apartment, close to Yonge. BA. 1-3543. c1w50 LARGE bright bachelor apart-r ment, close to Yonge and shop- ping. Richmond Hill. 285-2303. clw50 SUBâ€"LETlehand 2. bedroom apartments. large living room. balcony. intercom, close to shopping. Call 884-2381. c2w50 1 bedroom apartment with bal- cony. indoor - outdoor pool, on- furnished. will sub-let. 884-5706. . clw50 2 furnished housekeeping rooms private bath, semi-private en- trance. Yonge and Markham. 884-2902. clw50 ROOM for rent, lady only. gar- age available if wanted. Nice garden. Richvale area. 285-3396. clw50 SPACIOUS 4 roomed apart- ment. $95. ground floor, cen- tral. 727-9488. 727-5046 Aurora. tfc50 TBE’DROOM aoaIrtTnEHtTiarâ€"ge living room. balcony, close to shopping. 884-6742 or 884-6242. c2w49 MODERN APARTMENTS AVAILABLE RICHMOND HILL and 884-1601. 884-6262 tfc40 FURNISHED room, cooking fa- cilities, 16 Lorne, lst house east of Clarke's Drug store at Yonge. tfc24 BACHELOR apartment for rent! Markham Road area. 884-6318, after 7 pm. c3w48 RICHMOND HILL, Capri apart- ments. modern 1 bedroom, bal- cony, parking, $105. 180 Bay- view Avenue. 884-5917. c2w50 FURNISHED self - contained basement apartment. Adults only. Lots of parking space. $24 weekly. Richvale. 285-4400. clw50 1 BEDROOM apartment â€" self contained, in private home, lDUTCH girl desires housework 7 lines. tools. chairs. 884-6761. tfc31 EMPLOYMENT. g , . “7A New REIISCTFIdcaigll'EL|llIOWPI' CARPENTRYâ€"wOrkfnorjob ton Herridge Appliance. 884-3211. small. 895-2030. *1w49 tfc45 7 W"_" RENT, icascfhuy' PHILCO Tv 52 PER WEEK needs transportation. 884-7852. c1w§0 ST’ONEiwof‘K;â€"cl{imn’eyg',Herridge Electric-TV Applian- block. concrete. new and I'epairuwsv smilzfl' 74%†884-7652. (‘IWSO RENT TOUNG'TMENfis-lsfiooking,19" portable TV. for as low as for work. Anything consideredls3. weekly. I Can you help us. Call Salva-l RICHMOND HILL T‘ tion Army. 285-4869. tfc52‘ 884'7456 2854756 ._... .W. A , tfc45 Y r h r L-“ . HAND man “It truck, “Ill TOOLS To RENT clean cellars 81 yards. Grass 8; . Cement mixers. floor sanders weed cutting. BA. 5-7558 or 884- 7469. “C24 and edgers. ramsct guns, roto- 7â€"*â€"~-â€"--â€" #â€" -, tillers, rotovators, also 500 ODD JOBS take" care 0f 9â€" other tools. Willowdale Rental ciently and reasonably â€" gar-land sales‘ 6026 Yonge 51.. BA, dening and house painting a 1_1711_ “C30 speciality. All work guaranteed, Call 884-4632 after 5 pm. chi-491:3 GARDENING lWEED AND GRASS CUTTING ,ls your big lawn too much for iyou'.’ Call us, we have a tractor ‘mower. C. L. Knappett. 884-3089 tfe47 EUROPEAN Gardener. Life- time experience. Will assist with your garden problems very rea- WANTED TO RENT _____ {ROOMâ€"orimeTeâ€"houseâ€"around Maple. 832-1215. c1w50 2 unfurnished rooms. conveni- ences- Ca“ 884-7789 isonable charges. 884-7953. Cl\v50: *4w47 2 or 3 lIedrOomvhouse vicinity _ south of Markham Road. Phone 884-4775 after 6 pm. c3w50 Transportation 3 bedroom hohsefimmediï¬ly‘. Phone Mr. Robertson. 884-3563. clw50 EXECUTIVE requires 3 or 4 bedroom house during next 3 months. 285-6631 days only. c2w50 COUPLE would like to rent house or apartment. Richmond Hill to Willowdale area. For month of July 884-3219. *1w50; WANTED’o-om Rialâ€"111E11â€" Hill to arrive No. 7 and Keele 8.45. return 4.45. 884-7860. c2w49 TRANSPORTATION available leaving Richmond Hill 8 am. ar- riving Don Mills and Eglinton 9 am. 884-5759. clw50 LOST DOST grey and white-kittte.n. FURNISHED 1 bedroom apart- ment Richmond Hill area im- vicinity Richmond St. and mediately, contact Ralph .leweerleasa-n-tville. 884-1695. Richmond Inn Motor Hotel. clw50 *lw50 3 or 4 bedroom house, with gar- age and recreation room re- quired by reliable family, west side of Yonge Street preferred. 727-9531 after 6. clw50 g MUSIC RECORD Bar, tape recorder. and stereo showroom. Herridgo Appliances. 42 Levendale Road. 884-3211. tfc42 g DRESSMAKING A1717 Rinds o_f sewiIngaItE‘E WANTED OAK washtand. 884-6675. c 1 W50 TWIWiage. 884-7541. tions. slip Covers made! em 334’ clw50 4347- _, _g__ ,‘L‘E’? WANTED a shallow well pump. DESIGNING complete with tank. Phone 488â€", DRESSMAKING 0880. Toronto collect. *1w50 ALFEï¬AggsNS DINING ROOM tableâ€"w-iIhâ€"or 8 ' ' emso without chairs. 48" spring and clean mattress. 884-6919. clw50â€"g vicinity Thornhill. $100 at month. Box 13 “The Liberal".‘. clw50 BASEMENT apartment, 3 large self-contained rooms, part-1y furnished, parking facilities. Will also give day care. 884- 2758. clw50 NEW self-contained furnished apartment. central, suit nurse or business couple. $85. Further particulars 727-6533 between 7 and 8 pm. clw50 LARGE centrally located house 3% bathrooms double garage. Tenant must buy contents. Guests if desired Lease. Box No. 110 The Liberal. c3w48 HALL FOR RENT Seating capacity 250 for ban- quets, weddings, etc. Bar and kitchen facilities available. Phone Mr. H. O'Brien 285-1023 tfc48 BAYVIEW PLAZA Richmond Hill, basement to rent, suitable for light manufacturing or stor- age, 1,050 square feet and 5,000 square feet. 884-5669. clw50 2 ROOM apartment fully furn- ished. 4-piece bathroom, private entrance. modern kitchen, own phone. free parking. TV outlet. Suit business couple. Phone after 6 pm. 884-7671. c2w50 ._.-L._ .7 v- 1 SALE OR LEASE ‘ 7 room house, large lot, 43 Markham Road. Lessor will ren- ovate to tenant's requirements. Zoned for Doctor's clinic or apartments. 239-6689. clw50 LOVELY OLD HOME LOCATED on Yonge Street with 164' frontage. spacious grounds, completely fenced. suitable as dwelling, Frat House or commercial enterprise. Call Mrs. Carter. Guaranty 'l‘rust. 285-1905. 884-4405. c1w5'.‘ SELF - CONTAINED furnished quarters for retired couple or older busmesswomen. Car neces- sary Good opportunity for pleasant country 111111; in nice home. Reasonable rent. Please necessary. These are some of our cars. 63 Falcon $1.295 $50 per month 63 Mercury $1,249 $48 per month 61 Rambler $983 $40 per month 61 Ford 2 Door $1,047 347 per month 60 Alpine Conver. $792.00 $36 per month 60 Ford Wagon $783 $36 per month 60 Studebaker Lark $589 $28 per month 60 Meteor 2 door $695 $32 per month 60 (Thev. Coach $879 $40 per month 60 Ford Sedan 5683 $32 per month 60 Falcon Wagon 3861 $39 per month 60 Meteor Sedan 5672 $31 per month 59 Chev. 4 Dr. 8571 528 per month 59 Chev. 2 Dr. 5698 532 per month .59 Ford 5285 $15 per month 59 Meteor Wagon 5492 $27 per month 59 Ford Sedan 5591 $32 per mont 59 Ford Custom 2 Dr. 8680 536 per month 59 Ford Sedan 8691 $36 per month 57 Ford 2 Dr. 8245 $16 per month 55 Ford 9183 full price R. I). LITTLE FORD SALES L‘I‘D. LIVESTOCK FOR SALE PONY for sale, Welsh. 2 years old. 8150, 285-3679. c1w50 REGD Welsh colt. yearling] excellent hreedin: prospect 5150. 285-4610 evenings. UC45| write. giving full particulars. to Box 112 The Liberal. clw50 BOATS FOR SALE BRAND ' new733Ahpi Mercury ‘outboard motor. $150. 884-3172. C] w 31) 114' PE'I'EHBOROIICII cedar ‘SU‘IP 'l‘ee-nee trailer. 12 h.p. 1 motor, controls, steering, cruise- u-day tank. $450 cash. 832-1036. *lw50 information c1w50 BART SITTING EXPERIENCED baby sther at ailable. Phone 884-7720. c4w50 home. MODERN andâ€"antique hand guns. 884-4103 after 5 pm. "‘A_ _.... _‘ ENT _ L. “C421 Râ€"UMBLE EQUIPM USED FURNITURE iMASSEY-FERGUSON SALES, WA‘I'TED -â€" pianos and used‘i PARTS, SERVICE furniture. Cash price 'paid. Call , t of Don Mill. Rd, Frank’s Movers and Storage. gggflelééifssssl' ï¬e, TU. 4-2613. AV. 5-5101. tfc7 250 MILES PER GAL CASH for your TV or stereo LOW, LOW COST Hi-Fi. Tunetown needs late New HONDA â€"A mi _ W Farm Implements models used TV’s (1960 models or later) â€"- instant appraisals â€"- instant payment. TUNETOWN . “Your Family Entertainment Centre" Aurora Shopping Cen- tre, 727-6521. tfc4lt ROOM and BOARD‘ ROOM available, board op- tional, parking, private en- trance. 285-3270. clw50, ROOM and board available for g . gentleman, laundry and park-. , ing included. 285-2230. c2w50 ROOMS. comfortable. cool in summer, warm in winter, bright and large. Plenty of parking! SEE THEM TODAY space. Call for appointment after 6:30 pm 285-1766. ‘ SORENSON While gentlem central. Close to Richmond Chrysler-Plymouth Ltd. Heights. or close to Yonge St. phone 235.4858 Bus service. Telephone between . . 12 noon and 5 pm. 884-5269. Dumm‘ at M' 7 HW' “WWW $2.98 $3.98 $4.95 TO $18.95 SIMPSON’SDRYGDUDS l2 Yonge St. S. Richmond Hill