10 CEDWENEE RAILS 476-5447. c2 USED electric stove.â€"$35. 42 Levendale Road. tfc46 23“ Moffatihreravy duty electric stove $30. 884-4593. *1w51 DINING room suite. godd con- dition. $25. 884-7768. c1w51 BABY Earriage. high chair. car bed and baby swing. $15 the lot. 832-1415. clw51 TELEFUFKENâ€"Stereo ltape re- corder. excellem. condition $100. 773-5083. c1w51 PROPANE spacewh’e’aters. uséa; 50,000 BTU, like new, with blower. $75. 285-6431. ClW51 carriage $15. car bed $5, scales $3. 285-2739. CHILD'S crib and mattress $15 STOVE General Electric 21" suitable for cottage. 887-5514. *1w51 WEDDING thWï¬it’e’ï¬Tg'aï¬z‘a and lace. Size 17-19 525. 884- 1959. *1w51 ’INGLISWautoï¬latic washér with suds return. guaranteed. 285- 5226. tfc34 PULVERISEITPEAT loam. Call Call M. Acreman 285-2236 or 884-2236. tfc18 ANTIQUE Empi’r’e' couch. 832- 1260. c1w51 Howard 888-1065 HAY and straw by bale or ton beige and brown. excellent con- dition. Aï¬ter 7. 884-5157. USED upright piano Mendels- sohn. 88 keyboard. Phone Kem- neth U. Turton, 884-4439 day, 884-5642 night. c1w51 PORTABLE Electric sewing machine, new playpen, kitchen table and 4 chairs. 832-1243. clw5l PARTY dresses, apronsfoï¬rilfl-‘l dren's wear, shavers etc. Rum- mage table. Pennywise, 12 Centre St. E., c1w51 REFRIGERATORTe’icénem for cottage or kitchen, very clean reasonable. New unit. 884-7197. 02w51 BABY carriage. English pram, ANTIQEE large gate leg table, Walmu-t, wooden hinges. Perfect condition. Phone 285-3747 after 6.80 pm. c2w51 FRIDGEfGE. washing machineJ Hollywood Couch. 4 Dining Chairs, steel bed. Moving. 884- 2257. c1w5] OIL burneï¬or 6 room bungâ€"a; low, approximately 5 years old. $75. 285-2323 Monday to Fri- day. c l w51 8" Tilt Arbor table saw with ac- cessories including 1,3 h.p. motor excellent condition reasonable after 5 pm. 834-3796. *Mï¬ TAPE recordFsEâ€"les and ren- tals. $1.00 a week. Herridge Ap- pliances. 42 Levendale Road 884-3211. tfc44 Goon’uséd furniture {675313. Call Frank's Movers and Stor- age. 28 Industrial Rd.. TU. 4- 2613. [£123 USED refrigerators for homes and cottages. take trade-ins. Call Richmond Hill Refrigeration 884-7406. c4w48 NEW refrigeratoréjfLevendaE Rd.. 884-3211. tfc44 PIANOS, bouzht and sold, re- conditioned. guaranteed. tuned and delivered. terms. Pyle Piano Sales. 884-3614. tfc41 REFRIGERATORS, large stock, $39. $49, $59. $69. $79. Recon- ditioned, guaranteed. Suther- land Refrigeration. 1004 Queen St. E., Toronto. HO. 3-0930. 9 to 9. *22w35 ALUMINUM Doors. windows. awnings. and railings. Ron Woods. 8844514. tfc36 BEAUTYREST. Marshall, Sim- mons. Serta. Seely and other spring mattresses repaired. re turned just like new. medium ï¬rm, extra firm. Two-day ser- vice. Elderdowns recovered. 0n- tario Bedding Co. AV. 5-1591. tfc44 HEINTZMAN upright piano, walnut;' Kroehler chesterfield- bed (largel: GE range, oven, three burners and thrift cooker: Steel upright storage cabinet with lock. 20x36x72. with four shelves (adjustable): GSW washer. All good condition. '76 Harding Blvd.. Richmond Hill. c1w51 TYPEWRITERS ADDING MACHINES Sales Service Rentals Authorized Dealer All popular makes for sale in-‘ cluding new and rebuilt stand- ard portable and electric mod- els. Special rental rates avail- able to students. L. H. SIMS 88 Baker Ave. Richmond HlLl CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES CASH RATES, lst Insertion .7e each word, minimum charge $1.00. Second and subsequent insertions it wording unchanged, .7. per word, min. charge .900. BOX NUMBERS an extra charge per insertion of 50a COMING EVENT NOTICE, 7c per word; min. charge $1.00 CARDS 0F THANKS. IN MEMORIAMS, DEATHS, ENGAGEMENTS, MARRIAGES, BIRTHS per in- sertion $1.00 Classified advertisements should be in as early in the week as possible but not later than 10.30 on Wednesdays. Send ads by mail and enclose payment or telephone us at 884-1105 or 285-3316 and you will receive an invoice. ARTICLES FOR SALE THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday, Jung 1’7, 1965 HONEY WERNER 285-2724 884-1745 “:49 c3w49 c4w50 c1w51 tfc21 iiï¬i‘ï¬l'dï¬ifdhi c r o s s 1 e y Shelvador. new Moffat gas stove. 884-2655. c1w51 UEEi) wrinEriwasher $20 Levendale Road. t USED Refriger’it'or’szs, used TV .525. 42 Levendale Road. 7 ETSY wringer washing machine. in good working order. with pump, $20. 884-7629. clwï¬} LIGHT OAK dining room suite. will sell pieces separately if de- sired. Very reasonable. 481- 6554. c2w50 AUTOMATIC refrigerator. white leatherette daveno‘ 2 arbori‘te wood grain step tables. boy’s bicycles age 6 and 12. 285-2783. c1w51 1963 mKdElâ€"Mgtgor. 4 burner electric range $75: 2 piece sec- tional Chesterfield. reasonably good condition. $50. 285-4345. clw51 PASSPORTS CUSTOM FRAMING LAGERQUIST STUDIO 93 Yonge St. 5.. 884-2791. LLOYD baby carriage, navy. almost new. Boat 12‘ $40 or best offer. Glass lined porcel- ain electric hot water heater. 884-7130. clw51 31 new cement building blocks, 47 new cement bricks. $5. Roll of barbed wire $3, lawn leaf sweeper. $10, Calumet Coleman stove $5. 884-6419. c1w51 1 Garage 20x12, chicken house 14x10, 3 steel beds. 1 wooden bed with drawer. 1 baby crib, 3. 1A; 11.1). electric motors. 285- 6944. *1w51 BOYS 2 piece suit new. Size 14 also brown jacket for Brebeuf High School reasonable. one antique table 2 coffee tables, 1 dresser, 884-3128. c1w51 ANTIQUES some pine, oil lamps, lovely frames early Can- adian paintings e¢c., Saturday, Sunday N.E., corner Shh conces- sion, King Road. *1w51 ANTIQUE SOFA Kitchen suite, small arm chair, small tables, steamer trunk and china cabinet. 884-2741 after 6 pm. c1w51 ANTIQUE cumfce $15, antique marble clock $20, 5 o’clock tea table $8, studio couch $20, platform rocker $6. 884-4814. c1w51 COTTAGE, Lake Rosseau, 100’ shore line, road. hydro. $5,500. Boat 18 'h.p. $300. 884-5538, MacGrezor, Rosseau, Ontario. c3w51 BARGAIN $125 GOOD CONDITION 4 burner 40†propane stove 15 cubic ft. 2 door frig. and freezer, Serve] Electric can be converted to propane. 832-1434. c1w51 USED refrigerator $65.00 and automatic and wringer washing machines. TV sets all recondi- tioned and warranty. Maths TV. 45 Industrial Rd.. Richmond Hill. 884-7903. c2w50 24" Moffat 4 burner stove. 9 cu. ft. refrigerator 17†table model Emerson TV. Ohesterbed, coffee table, Sisal rug. 884-4520 after 4 pm or weekends. ALUMINUM doors and win-i dows. awnings. siding and‘ patios. Buy direct from the manufacturers. For free esti- mates cali Larry Bartholomew at 285-1471. c4w49 BUTLER & BAIRD LUMBER LTD.. PAINT special, exterior. latex white, per gal. $4.39. This is one-coat (Super White Latex). 191 Yonge St., N.. Phone 884- }1125 285-3506. tfc49 ALUMINUM doors. special sale.l Self-storing. ready hung, 1%" thick, complete with door closer and all hardware, $26.75 at But- ler & Baird Lumber Ltd.. 191 Yonge Street North. Richmond Hill. 884-1125 and 285-3506. c1w51 KELVINATOR Refrigerator 9 cubic ft. $50 Inglis wringer washer $25. Girls bicycle $15, breakfast table and stools, $15. Painted dining room table $12. 285-2590. c1w51 285-2590. c1w51 2 door frig. and freezer. R.C.A. Whirlpool, Moffat electric stove. crib large size, boys bed chest of drawers and desk, also reel type power mower 515. Walnut dining room suite. 884-2510. PONTING’S MUSIC CENTRE 0n the Don Mills Road at the Newmarket cut-off. Phone 895- 6311. See us before you pur- chase your new piano. organ. or any other musical instrument â€" our low overhead enables us to carry a large selection. and pass the savings on to our cus- tomers all instruments on sale for June -â€" open day and even- ings. Easy terms. Largest music stock north of Toronto â€" visit us and save. c2w50 FOR SALE ALL BARGAINS (Continued) FOR SALE tfc38 D. 42 tfc40 tfc48 c1w51 clw51 (Continued) LAI‘Y'S Luggage, brand new: 285-2678. c1w51 USED wring; typieiwasher. 884-3837. ch51 BABY criï¬i’li’fnéw. $20. 285- 3290. c1w51 GE REFRIGERATOR 30" WE; tinghouse stove. Duplicating machine, 884-3739. c1w51 CONTENTS of home 213 Rich- mond Street West. June 17 to 20. Evenings and weekends. BA1-6937. c1w51 250 Bushe] basEts. 285-3290. c1w51 ï¬lNTED’Bï¬au. p’added head- board, woodgrain formica end table. 884-7952. c1w51 SALESMEN for established bread route. Hospitalization and pension. No. 7 and Don Mills Road. 297-1266. c1w57 INTERESTlNGâ€"position for young lady in the bank of Nova Scotia. Thornhill. 285-4961. EXPERIENCED receptionist typist for general office duties 5 day week, steady work. 285â€" 7442. c1w5] YOUNG man over 18 to work at hamburger drive-in. Apply Steer In Drive-in, 255 Yonge St. South or call 884-1848. c1w51 RELIABLE woman wanted to take care of children in my home. Monday to Friday. 884- 1949. c1w5] EXPERIENCED stero-typist, re- liable person to take responsi- bility, conmvactors office. Higrh- way 7 and Keele St. c2w51 RESPONSIBLE person to take charge of variety store. Rich- mond Hill. Will train immed- iately. 884-5464. c1w51 BENCH carpenters and helpers wanted Thornhill District. 285- 6401 after 5 pm BA 3-0344. c1w50 PLUMBERS wanted for housâ€" ing and apartment. work. Good wages. Call after 6. 887â€"5234. c2w50 SALESLADIES‘ vauriety store. one for afternoons, one for evenings. Immediately. 884-0090. Bayview Variety, Bayview ‘Plaza. c1w51 REAL Estate Salesman â€"~ Busy Thornhill office offers excellent opportunities for high earnings. Call Mr. O’Hagan 2854166. DRIVER, single, country pick- up, city delivery. five day week, King City area resident preferred. 833â€"5282, evenings 773-5119. c1w51 EXPERIENCED clerk-typist for office in Richmond Hill. 5 day week. Good remuneration. 285- 4841 Mrs. George Miller. FLOOR cleaners. experienced, 401 - Kennedy Road. Keele Street - Highway No. 7 areas. Write Box 116‘ “The Liberal". c2w51 EARN money while lienâ€"leann‘ your steps to loveliness. The‘ Beauty Counsellor Way, freel training. commission plus‘ bonus. Mrs. Nesbitt, 884-2237. clw51 REAL ESTATE career for men or women, free extensive train- ing program. special assistance to new starters, top commis- sions and draws. Call Mitro & Star Ltd., 222-2525. tfc25 CLERICAL assistant full time some evening and Saturday’ duties. Apply in writing, M'r. Colin Robertson, Chief Librarian Richmond Hill Public Library, 24 Wright Street. c1w51 REAL Estate Salesman to specialize in Steeles and Yonge area properties and investment acreage. For interview appoint- ment please call. D. McLean, 285-1176, evenings, 285-3419. David McLea'n Ltd., 74, Steeles Avenue. West. c1w44 FARM SALESMAN OPENING for a farm and land salesman to specialize in Vaughan and Markham proper- ties from the expanding Head Offices of David McLean Ltd, on Steeles Avenue, West. at Yonge. Experience preferred. Please call D. McLean. 285â€" 11176. Evenings 285-3419. WOODWORKING plant inl Thornhill, just east of Bayview1 requires several machine oper- ators. assemblers. assistant glazers. Fully experienced per- sons will be given preference but training will be provided for men having knowledge of woodwork in general. Please apply in person to Non-den 1Building Products Ltd.. 68 Green Lane. Thornhill or phone i285-6243. Mr. Hachmer. HELP WANTED PERMANENT on ’ TEMPORARY 0R PART-TIME REGISTERED NURSES For Greenacres Home for the Aged. Salary range, $36900 to $426.00. Graduate nurses also required. APPLY GREENACRES HOME FOR THE AGED 194 Eagle Sh. Newmarket or 387 Bloor St. E., Toronto 924-7441. SENSIBLE SHOPP'ER'S’ CHECK LIBERAL CLASSIFIEDS FOR SALE STEELES 8; YONGE clw51 *lw51 tchO clw c1w42 c3w50 9“ HANDY man with truck, will 0f clean cellars 8: yards. Grass & Se weed cutting. BA. 5-7558 or 334- 23'7469. tfc24 ne‘ALERT responsible 16 year old girl. Good with figures, would 51 like employment. Grade 12 â€"‘graduate. Telephone 833-5707. c1w51 gï¬DENTS - restaurant work. 297-1280. 285-5790. c2w51 BOYS or girls with bicycles forr morning paper routes. Phone 884-7543. *2w50 DRIVERS, male or female. Ap- ply to Supreme Cleaners. 1910 Yonge Street, Richvale. c1w50 ï¬XUGI-ITSMAN wanted, part- time. Permaclad Co. 884-5238. c1w51 Râ€"EiIABLE cleaning woman, twice weekly. $8 and carfare. 285-5513. c1w51 GIRL for general office duties. with some typing. Reply in own handwriting. Box 117 “The Lib- eral". c1w51 STUDENTS WANTED SUMMER help. $50 week. Her- rid‘ge Appliances. 42 Levendale. c1w51 GIRLS for permanent light fac- tory assembly work. Filtration Products of Canada. 65 Duncan Road. c1w51 CLEANING woman for tiled and carpeted floors in industrial office. One day weekly. 285- 4474. c1w5l REEPBN‘S'I'BIIE‘ girlfgoEd' gm: mer. help at cottage for sum- mer. 3 children. 285-5137. CARETAKER male to assist in caretaking duties in local United Church on a parit~time basis, year round work. Box 120 “'I‘he Liberal". 02w51 Two class A mechanics. domes- tics and foreign for a young exv panding new car dealership in Willowdale. 'l‘op wages for right men. Call Dick Hadath, 285-6261. ' c1w51 “AVON IS CALLING†In your neighborhood through TV. Be the Avon Representaï¬ve and turn spare time into money. Write Miss Ziegler Box 141 Guelph. c1w51 LAYOUT MAN WELDERS TOPWORKING conditions and top pay. Steady days. Usual benefits. 285-5461. Mr. Moth. clw51 LICENSED MECHANIC CHEV â€" OLDS DEALER WEEKLY wage â€" all benefits. Apply service manager‘ Leslie Motor Products, King City. c2w50 EXPANDING company requires ambitious mechanically inclined man to assist in our-wire weav- ing operation. If this position sounds attractive please apply to Seneca Wire of Canada Ltd., 254 Centre Street East. Rich- ;mond Hill. c1w51 LIBERAL CARRIER “The Liberal†requires a car- rier boy or girl for an estab- lished newspaper route in the Pleasantville area of Richmond Hill during the summer months. Please phone Mr. Cook, 884- 1105. nc2w51 REAL ESTATE OPENING for two active real estate salesmen or salewomen in the busy Richmond Hill of- fice of David McLean Ltd., Full office assistance and train- ing for new personnel. Please call Mrs. Sutherland. 285-1164, Evenings. 884-5310. c1w44 IT pays to grow cucumbers for Bick’s Pickles. Grading station at Queensville. For further in- formation phone Queensville Farms, 895-5381 or Thornhill 285-5494. Frank Watts. tfc46 HOUSEKEEPER - COMPANION If you are looking for a good home. small adulrt family in Thornhill, requires housekeeper for light duties. Own private room, weekends off. Free room and board plus reasonable re- muneration. Box 115 “The Lib- eral" c2w50 HELP WANTED DUTCE-I lady desire; housework 2 days a week. Bayview-Mark- ham Road area. 884-6071. c1w51 YOUNG MEN, 16-19, looking for work. Anything considered Can you help us. Call Salva- tion Army. 285-4869. tfc52 HIGH SCHOOL girl. 18. desires summer employment. Experi- enced as baby sitter or moth- \er‘s helper. 285-3401. clel HUSKY 18 year oï¬7oubh seeks part-time work. Call Dave 285- 3136. clw51 MIISDLE aged \Aï¬rfnan desires baby sitting position. Box 118. “The Liberal". c1w51 YOUNG man. grade 18 gradu- ate. seeks employment. Respon- sible adaptable and conscien- cious. mechanically inclined. Good references. age 18. 833- 5707. clw51 SUMMER employment wanted immediately for college student. sociology major. does not have typing. Richmond Hill area pre- ferred. Call Diane Roblin. 884- 1726. ‘ clw5] ‘BOOKKEEPER - 15 yrs experi- ence. full set, trial balance. Bookkeeping machine, payroll. typing. Available immediately. References. Write Box 119 “The Liberal". c1w51 EMPLOYMENT WANTED (Continued) c1w5] c1w511884~1245 MISCELLANEOUS!MISCELLANEOUS i’flfï¬â€˜lï¬h’afmmn HANGING R. E. Dunn. TU. 4.2793. tt'c CUSTOM lawn'm‘OXVVing for large or small lawns. Call Aur- pra 727-4122. tfc51 PAINTING and decorating. Ex- terior and interior. First class work. Free estimates. 884-2966. c1w51 f’bSThoiE'ï¬ig‘gfrfg’and fenc- mg. Phone 285-4432. c4w50 Custom building additions, re- pairs. renovations. J. W. Curtis. AV. 5-2494. tfc43 TRENCHING POSTHOLE digging and rotova ting. J. Hampton 773-5922._ H CARPENTER REMODEL, repair, and build. Call Bryan at King. 833-5422. tfc45 ROTOVA’fING. plowingï¬isci’ng weed-cutting and posthole dig- ging. Don Catton. 773-5912.__ CALL us for your sand, gravel, fill, top soil and black loam. Prompt delivery. Reasonable rates. J. B. DeFerrari, Maple, 832-8876. tfc7 FRINTING and decorating. car- pentry work. alterations, recre- ation rooms. 884-5009. CONCRETE - MASONRY CARPENTRY CONTRACTORS Building. alterations & repairs, prompt service WALKER & MITCHELL AV. 5-2526 th8 â€i:.’w. PAYNE Drains. septic tanks. All types of concrete work. 285-5762 FREE ESTIMATES t£c31 Painting, paper-hanging, inter- ior and exterior. Free estimates. Work guaranteed. 884-7902. CARPENTRY WORK, additions, renovations, garages, recreation rooms, tile floors. No job too small. Free estimates. T. Price AV. 5-3653. tfc28 MASONRY CONTRACTOR Stonework. Fireplace, etc. V. Ostergaard, 16 Elizabeth St. 5., Richmond Hill, phone 884- 5688. tfc23 SHEET METAL WORK Eavestrough, new and repaired. Heating, roof flashing, etc. Free estimates. Work guaran- teed. TU. 4-1006. tfc51 CHIMNEYS Chimneys built and repaired. Free estimates. Expert work- manship. Phone Walker and Mitchell, AV. 5-2526. tfc15 CARPENTRY Any type â€" rec. rooms. cabinet for garbage cans. cupboards, shelves, garages. etc. 884-2588. tfc22 RALPH ELMS ï¬â€™c’dmnNG PLUMBING Alterations. Repairs. Contract- ing. Estimates. EDD BLIGHT. 285â€"5741 E131) BLIGHT. 235â€"5741 tfc49 RICHMOND HILL REFRIGER- ATION REPAIRS to air conditioners, freezers refrigerators etc. Please call 884-7406 for any refrigerat- ing problems. c4w48 SPECIAL Chesterfield sets recovered â€"â€" 2 piece $69.00. Nylon frieze $99. 5 years guarantee. Terms if de- sired. A. Smith, Upholstery. phone AV. 5-1682. tfc43 HARRISBNS CUSTOM CARPENTRY Custom built homes, rem tions. additions, and rep Kitchens 3 specialty. Mu Harrison. 884-2838. t: PLASTERING AND TILE Ceramic tile. showers installed, also plaster repaired by experts. No job too small. Call anytime 884-7045. Ask for George. 'C‘A'RPENTRY & CONCRETE EXPERT piano tuner, techni- cian, presently employed Can- ada’s largest manufacturer of pianos will tune and repair or will buy your piano. Call after 6, 727-6522. Neville Bryan. UPHOLSTERY Recovering and repairing of any kind of furniture. Experienced on Scandinavian furniture. Free estimates. Reasonable prices. Call anytime. ’I‘U. 4-4813 resi- deuce. business. AV. 5-5345 PLUMBING - HEATING A. MILLS & SON LTD. James D. Stewart 884-2201 HOME IMPROVEMENTS Kitchens, Rec. Rooms, Flooring, Panelling, Bathrooms Budget Plan Available PHONE MR. SCOUT 285-4922 or 884-7968 Sewers cleaned without digging or tearing up pipe SEPTIC TANKS PUMPED $25.00 C. STUNDEN Richmond Hill renov a- repairs Morris tfc 31 t£c43 tfc42 tfc43 tfc47 tfc45 tfc33 tfc51 tfc44 l , Corporation Ltd. “63320 Yonge St. 5., Richmond Hill ! 884-4453 - 285-5562 i Mgr. R. G. (Bob) Hughes CONSISTENCY! “c‘U's’T'dleSwathing. $3.50 per acre. 832-1279. c2w51 CUSTOM WORK cultivating or plowing. Large or small areas. 884-7768. tfc46 BRICK WORK FIREPLACES. patios, planters, chimneys built and repaired. 884-3143. c6w50 WlNDOW CLEANING Industrial. commercial and homes. Reasonable rates. 72'?- 4880. tfc46 CALL Harry for lawn cutting, flower planting, drain repairs, small concrete jobs and paint- ing exteriors. Phone anytime. 833-5306, c2w50 ANDERSON COMMERCIAL FLOOR CLEANER Factories. Offices & Stores Fully Insured. 884-2830 17" plywood runabout 60 h.p. Gale. optional. Boat $350 motor $600. 884-2913. clw51 8’ Hydrroplane all equipmeht, must be seen, $100. 883-5070, after 6. *1w51 16’ DAY Cruiser with cabin, controls. 25 h.p. Evinrude mot- or. Sterling trailer with winch. 884-4868. c1w51 BOAT and trailer. 30 h.p Merc, $575. waiter skis, tents, 9’ x 12’; $35, 9' x 15’ "Cobtagaire†$85, new last year, 285-1251. clw51 14 ft. Humber Regal Fibreglass, runabout with accessories in- cludes 40 h.p. electric Evinrude motor. Excellent condition, after 5 pm. 884-3796 *lw5l BOATS FOR SALE ALUMINUM boats 12' and 14’ Department of Transport rated, 20 hp. and 45 h.p. respectively, by Lansing Hydrocraft, builders of equipment for the British Antarctic Survey Department. 884-1776‘ c2w51 PETERBOROUGH. New modern well furnished cottage. Sleeping cabin with large screened room $165 monthly 833-5613 after 9 pm. *1w51 CLEARWATER Florida, 3 bed- room furnished house. swim- ming, boating, fishing at door. 2 blocks from beach $50.00 weekly. E. Roberts, R.R.2, Kem- ble 0m. c1w51 FAMILY camping at Paint Lake campsite on Highway 118 two miles west of Dorset, Muskoka. Water outlet to Lake of Bays, sand beach, spring water, clean facilities. 884-5815. c2w51 BANCROFT cottage, sleeps 6, lake from, dock. boat, safe sandy beach, excellent bass and trout fishing, open June, July, August. September. $60 a week. 884-1919. tfc50 ALL CITY conveniences, 3 bed- room summer home. Fireplace, laundry. boat, sand pool slip. 1000 ft. frontage on Owen Sound. E. Roberts. R.R. 2, Kem- ble. Ont. c1w51 WEED AND GRASS CUTTING Is your big lawn too much for you? Call us, we have a tractor mower. C. L. Knappett, 884-3089 tfc47 Weed Exterminating Service Lawn Fertilising. Satisfaction completely guaran- teed. Fully Licenced and Insured HAS-6677 WANTED THORNHILL to Bay and King 8.45 leaving 4.45. 285-2783. *1w5l RIDERS wanted from Neal Drive to Bloor and Avenue Road, arriving 8.45 am return- ing 5.15 pm. 884-2858. c1w5l WANTED ride from Richmond Hill to Eglington and Warden Avenue to arrive about 7.15 am returning 5 pm. 884-3528. ISOâ€"yBuiHï¬/Eiaidï¬ï¬giprob lem' If so AA can help. Write Box 84, Richmond Hill. tfc45 PSYCHIC Reader, teacup, cards and palmistry by appointment Amelia Davie. 773-5491. RECORD Bar, tape recorder. and stereo showroom. Hex-ridge Appliances. 42 Levendale Road. 884-3211. tfc42 Summer Accommodatlon Liberal Classified Action Ads hit the mark - with a large and loyal audience every week. Work these ads as hard as you likeâ€"they’ll go to work for you one Thursday. all month if you prefer, each week doing a vigorous selling job on the thousands of readers and prospects who shop “The Liberal" Classified Section regularly. Flexible too! More than 25 different classifications to provide an easy to shop market place for “19 itemS You want to sell or buy. the services you want to offer. or the property you want to rent or sell. Transportation GARDENING PHONE 884-1105-6 - 285-3316 LOANS $50 - $5,000 FAST SERVICE ATLANTIC FINANCE PERSONAL (Continued) DELL WEED SPRAYING MUSIC tfc 51 tfcï¬l c1w51 tfc43 tfc32 3 bedroom maisonette for rent-59‘ 884-7368. clwï¬li“,a 1 & 2 bedroom apartments. year round swimming. balcony. in- ter-com. 884-6342. clw51 ROOM. central, closeâ€"{o Yonge Street. suit one gentleman. 884- 3119. clw51 174 BAYVIIEw :1 large commit; able house for rent RU7-4187, RU2-9869. c1w51 1964 Glendette house trailer, sleeps 6. 530 weekly. 773-5083. clw51 16 FOOT CABIN trailer. with toilet. for rent. Sleeps six. 832- 2457. c1w51 2 BEDROOM apértments. c16'sé to all facilities. 285-2303 or 884- 2352. mas THORNHILL furnished room, parking. 285-4115 after 5.30 pm. c1w51 ROOM to let, gevrn'tlréman. Cloâ€"s; to Yonge, Richmond Hill‘ No parking facilities. 884-4183. CLEAN comfortable room for 1 or 2. near Yonge. private en- trance and bath. 884-6396. APARTMENT. 2 bedrooms, {rig and stove, right at Yonge Street. $105. Available July. 884-4883. c1w51 LARGE 1 bedroom apartment. 6th floor in quiet adult building near Richmond Heights Centre. $115. 884-2184. c1w51 LARGE bright bachelor apai‘t- merit, close to Yonge and shop- ping, Richmond Hill. 285-2303. SUB-LET, l and 2. bedroom apartments, large living room. balcony. intercom, close to shopping. Call 884-2381. c2w50 MODERN APARTMENTS 1 AVAILABLE ‘ RICHMOND HILL 884-6262; and 884-1601. tfc40 FURNISHED room, cooking fa- cilities, 16 Lorne, lst house east of Clarke’s Drug store at Yonge. tfc24 ROOMS,’ comfortable, cool in summer, warm in winter. bright, large parking space. For ap- pointment 285-1766 after 6:30 clw51 7 room house large lot 43 Mark- ham Road, owner will decorate to suit tenant. $135 monthly. 239-6689. c1w51 FURNISHED apartment, separ- ate entrance, large grounds. One or two teachers or business adults. $90 monthly. Telephone 727-5597. tfc51 RICHMOND HILL. Capri apart- menlts, modern 1 bedroom, bal- cony, parking, $105. 180 Bay- view Avenue. 884-5917. Seating capacity 250 for ban- quets, weddings, etc. Bar and kitchen facilities available. Phone Mr. H. O’Brien 285-1023 OPPORTUNITY to rent small office or whaxtdhave-you. 100 square feet, heated. part of stone. Just off Yonge in Centre of town. $40 monthly. 884â€"4333. c1w51 2 ROOM apartment fully furn- ished. 4-piece bathroom, private entrance, modern kitchen, own phone, free parking. TV outlet. Suit business couple. Phone after 6 pm. 884-7671. c2w50 RICHMOND HILL apartment, furnished or unfurnished, cen~ tral, close to shopping and transportation. suirt business couple or person. 727-6533 after 7. c1w51 2 or {Headroom house vicinity south of Markham Road. Phone 884-4775 after 6 pm. c3w50 ï¬ECUTIVE requires 3 or 4 bedroom house. 285-6631 days only. c1w51 3 or 4 bedroom home, in Kim! Township, by July 15. Refer- ences supplied. 7736863. c1w51 FURNISHED room with bal- cony, central, Richmond Hill. 884-1209. *1w51 FURNISHED basement ment. Business lady. after 6. 285-3926. WANTED to rent family sized tent last ‘two weeks July. Re- sponsible party. 884-2168.; LARGE apartment or house, for? 4 women teachers, September. Richmond Hill or area. 884- 1645 after 5. c1w51, 4 or 5 roomiï¬ouse with base-1 ‘ 54 galedntland glarage by1 July 9.11961 Galuie 500$ er y coup e, carefu tenants“ Tud 11 773-4147 or write Box 428 Oakl °' “‘13; Ridges. 61W“? 1961 Rambler MODERN and antique hand‘lgso guns. 884-4103 after 5 pm. USED FUENITURE WAI'TED -â€" pianos and used furniture. Cash price paid. Call Frank’s Movers and Storage. TU. 4-2613. AV. 5-5101. tfc7 TO RENT mm, FOR RENT SALE OR RENT WANTED TO RENT WANTED a helpful ad taker will assist you c1w51 clw50 c2w50 apant- Phone c1w51 1w51 clw51 tfc48 tfc4211960 Ford tfc41 ? LTD '59 VAUXHKEITVEEFsGï¬BE wagon 3125‘ 832-1417. c1w51 1957 CHEV. 2 door hafdtop 8. $500. 883-5070 after 6. *1w5; 1955 CHijne ton pickupTï¬J. Callaghan. 285-5912. clw51 1953 Austin Sunset Syer‘SfEBZâ€" 5695 between 4 and 8 pm. I1935 FORD‘EoixBélYeEEs motFr ‘job. Ready for ONE. Also spare lparts and trailer. 285-6708. 1961 FORD72_dbvor. ec'onomy six. Reasonable. private. 285- 8416‘ c1w51 1‘9’5’7’ PONTIAC, good condition. v-s automatic, 5275. 773-5934. clw51 '63 PARISIENNE’ALâ€"dbor sedEh. power equipment. radio. one owner. 884-6848. c1w51 51 with radio, good running condition. 65 plétes. ity 5 Best offer. 773-4136. *1w51 boar‘ 1957 DODGE six. new t'i'rés’hx’id‘ss‘i†battery. no rust, must sell. First; $200 or offer. 884-7025. c1w51 E: 1959 DODGE vs, power equiï¬l To ped. good mechanical condition. 884-5186. clwsl 884-5186. clw51 1960 G.M.c._sir?g'1’eâ€"a)£1'e_dï¬ri'p truck. good condition. make of- fer. 884-2473. clw51 58 Plymouth. overhauled iron;- mission. good condition. Must sell $195 full price. 285-6804. clwéo Rug shampooers, floor mach- .__,_h _ . h w, 384-6761. 1932 FORD Coupe chopped mes' mels' C ans “1:31 channelled special frame. rolled w. ,A __ pan and filled roof etc. 884- RENT» “5359' buy 1379. c1w51 PHILCO 'l‘V 1955 CHEVRUfï¬â€"Wiir 1‘9’6'1' Chev. motor and transmission, $125 cash. Private. 884-6350. 1958 CHEV. 6 cylinder automa- tic low mileage. excellent shape, good tires. Must sell. 223-0818. 195s VOLKSWAGEN’Eï¬he‘m condition. Original paint. Phone day or evenings. 884-2161. ‘1958 BUICK special hardtop allâ€"- W REWARD toma‘tic, power brakes and offered {or recovering bobâ€! steering. like new. Call after 4 blue bicycle (“9- No- 398' 5.9.": 1960 MGA, convertible silver grey. excellent condition. $100 radio, $950. Phone HU9-0242 after 5 pm. nc2w51 ‘58 RENAULTjgonisecond car for family, fairly good condi- tion, $100 or will consider. offer 285-5063. c2w51 1954 CHEV. 4 door sedan, radio and heater. motor uses 1 quart oil per 2000 miles. A very de- pendable, good running ca-r $80. 884-7629. c1w51 KENNY HATTON’S Honda Motorcycles Sales and Service, Maple Side Road and Highway 400. 832- 1201. c3138 62 CONSUL Capri, white, red interior, bucket seats. disc brakes, padded dash, 2 spare wheels with snow tires. Excel- lent _condition. AV5-2620 even- ings. c1w51 ATTENTION TRUCKERS If you are looking for used trucks, parts, tires or accessor- ies, see the truck wrecker ï¬rst.‘ Moore Truck Parts & Sales. 016; No. 11 Highway. Holland Land-‘ ing. 895-4666. tfc34 63 PONTIAC, custom sport, 2 door hardtop, V8 motor. console shift, power steering and brakes. Custom radio, white wall tires. powered antenna. Diplomat blue with bucket seats. Like new. Call 884-4516. c1w51 1959 Ford ranch wagon, private sale, recemly refinished in cream and metallic bronze. Leatherette interior. Immacul- ate. Motor reconditioned in April. Transmission and drive ltrain in top shape. Extras in- clude radio, washers, snow tires heavy duty rear suspen- sion and boa-1: trailer hitch. $750 full price. 884-7658. c1w51 WHOLESALE CARS TO BE SOLD TO THE PUBLIC These cars will be sold with low down payment. Full price and monthly payments as shown Watch “The Liberal" for our weekly wholesale “as is" spe- cials. 1963 1963 1963 Ford 300 Tudor $54 per 1961 Rambler Automatic 1961 1960 Meteor Sedan $26 1959 Pontiac Sedan $25 1959 Ford Tudor 1958 1955 1957 i‘SED CARS 884-7290 Full Price D. LITTLE FORD SALES ) e1w51 Fail-lane 500 Sedan Falcon Ford Fairlme Fordor $36 I Volkswagen Ford Tudor Ford Sedan Tudor Sedan $31 per $61 per $27 $58 per $1250 $43 per month $40 per $44 per $18 per per per per per Full Price $176 clw51 sedan' MERRYngg‘EOODLES 'cl PROFESSIONAL grooming â€" satisfaction guaranteed. Puppies good usually available from top qual- plates. ity show winning stock. Modern *1w51 boarding facilities, phone 727- c1w51 c1w51 c1w51 c1w51 clw51 c1w51 W 250 MILES PER GAL, 51592 Low, LOW COST month mmeONDA month month 5987 month $798! month 5572 month S558 month 5523 month: 5682‘ month ‘ 5398? month: 52231 $1495 $895 FREE. one tortoiseshell kitten. 9 weeks old. 285-2860. cl\\'51 TERRIER‘ahdipart‘spaniel pup. 4 months old. Reasonable. 285- 7478. c1w51 WIREâ€"haï¬h ‘fox‘terrierrsfpedi- greed. champion stock. lovely pets. 285-6680. c1w51 POODLES. miniature. white. registered. From good stock. reasonable. Your choice. Pri- vate. 884-7482. tfcï¬l JILL GODDARD for profes~ sional Poodle clipping 7783 Yonge Street. Thornhill 285- 3606. tfc41 3606. tfc41 GERMAN Shepherd puppies. champion blood line, ex1ra strong. High Oak Ranch Ltd.. 884-2580. tfc 38 MANCHESTER terriers up to 6 months old, price $50 each. Apply Mrs. Glenny. 59 Aubrey Avenue. Oak Ridges. PR3-5615 clwï¬l PHILCO TV ‘ $2 PER WEEK ‘Herridge Electric-TV Applian- }ces. 884-3211. tfc42 ‘ iRENT. lease. buy Floor sanders‘ saws and drills. Hand sanders. jig-SENS and nail drivers. AV. 5-1109. tfc2'! _RENTALL. 41 YONGE N.- Tool & Equipment RENTAL 19.. TOOLS TO RENT Cement mixers. floor sanders and edgers. ramset guns. roto- tillers, rotovators. also 500 other tools. Willowdale Rental and Sales, 6026 Yonge St., BA. 1-1711. tfc30 RICHMOND HILL TV 884-7456 285- ial No. 6286) taken from 197 Bayview Ave.. Saturday night. June 5. 01d green bicycle left in place. For information. 884. 7700. c1w51 PETS FOR SALE PbNYï¬folâ€"‘sâ€"SEWeish. 2 years Old. $150. 285-3679. fEâ€"LIABLE dayiéare for pre- schoolers hot lunches and lame play area. 884â€"6022. clwï¬l DAY CARE given to children in my home age 1 and over close to Yonge Street Thornhill 285-1038. c1w51 ROOM and boardvavailable for gentleman. laundry and park- ing included. 2852230. _.A ALL kinds of sewing. altera- tions. slip covers made, etc. 884- 4347. tfc32 ROOM and BOARD ROOM availablef board op- tional. parking. private _ ell- trance. 285-3270 WANTED all kinds of dead an- imals. For fast service call TU. 4-2538 or ZEnith 3-2800. License No. 204-62. tfc31 mowWO‘ RWBLE EQUIPMENT MASSEY-FERGUSON SALES. PARTS. SERVICE Gormley. east of Don Mills Rd. Phone 887-5851. tfc9 Farm Implements DRESSMAKING Chrysler-Plymouth Ltd. Phone 285-4858 DEAD STOCK RENT portable T.V. for as low as weekly. Dufferin at No TOOLS FOR RENT LIVESTOCK FOR SALE SORENSON DAY CARE SEE THEM TODAY LOST 285-3756 HW3 No.43 clw50 c2w50 cleO kfc45