/,. 66 .m. We Li Oerie. was “badly conceived." “It didn't say what could hap. I (Continued From Page 1) In their petition, as they .‘pRatepayers Object Extension Airport Charter his opposition to the depu- tation, said he was "absol- THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario. Thursday, June 17, 1965 HOME FREEZER OWNERS partmeut know of the deputa- tion's wishes on the matter. '17" . _ pen . . . . You shouldn‘t just, uter in favor" of the appll- MR H00"6‘1‘ Said he Sl'mpath- ; m‘ ElatiitiriogggbsgdgThetliiiip‘lg: damn it because it’s part of cation. ‘ized with the group. l "i . . .' 1 growth of the com- "What are the objections?†C '11 I ' ' two which would ermit the W9.†- o cum" or Cleary Paimer - the use of aircraft Djy the munity. Mr Bush said. asked Mr. Sumhhl‘. When one said he didn't think either 0 lb- Fr 3 9 ,9 company from 3,500 pounds According to several other;can fly a plane in 'and not fldI the delegation or council ‘9 e e 8 to 18.000 pounds under ‘ spokesmen from the gathering, the same plane out.“ . knew enough about the mat- (120 Lbs' App') ' class H) charter license what could happen, however, He said It was “ridiculous if ter at present. and suggest- q... ANGLICAN ST. MARY'S ANGLICAN CHURCH Richmond Hill Rector: Rev. J. F. O'Neil LANGSTAF!‘ BAPTIST CHURCH (Fellowship of Evangelical Baptist Churches In Canada) 26 Church Street Thornhill Pastor: Rev. Thomas M. Watson Benson St.. Thornhill RICHMOND HILL Rev. A. J. Slater, Minister SUNDAY, JUNE 20, 1965 10 a.m. â€"â€" Sunday School Nursery to Adults was all to the disadvantage of And just as it did when It EREE METHODIST CHURCHmet with the delegation when it the res‘dents' Corner of Elmwood and Ruggles‘m‘esented its petition the Air- “1 can’t see any point in ex- .pansion," said one resident. “It will become like Malton . . . . I haven't heard clearly what this expansion is . . . . Why ways and council said the new charter would not make any real change in the existing flight conditions. .a township industry couldn‘t hire a plane locally". Mr. Rumble said he was also [in favor. ! , “No larger planes will be ‘coming in than are already com- ing in. There will be no larger l ed the residents get to- gether with Mr. Sifton and then come back to council. Mr. Palmer received a few boos for his suggestion. Mr. Sumner moved that the delegates come back in a week Sides of Beef (240 Lbs. App.) lb. 43¢ Front Quarters of Beef lb. 35¢ Assistant Curate: SUNDAY. JUNE 20.1965 11.30 a.m. â€"â€" Worship Service Mr. Sifton told the gathering‘do °ur repï¬eientatg’es,t“ant it‘noge fataor'm f h. when a vote would be taken (120 Lbs. App.) Rev. Donald Bone 11 am. _ Message 7 pm. -â€" Evening Service that a twin-engine plane was al- When the Omens on,‘ H h e 53,1 303 :05“; :1 th‘: to see whether: council endorsed, SUNDAY, JUNE 20, 1935 "The Faith or Our Fathers" Wednesday ready operating and the appli- “Do 1 halve a mummy £955.23: that h: 3,8531 how the matter. opposed it. or tabled: ALL MEATS CUT AND WRAPPED , TRINITY I ,7 pm. ._ Message ‘3 pm. â€" Prayer Meeting cation would permit charter ser- H15 quesuon was answered by;ere% b it 't‘ i TO CUSTOMERS SPECIFICATIONS 4†8.00 a.m. â€" Holy Communionj“Divine Order in the Church"‘Church of the Light and Life Vice from the airï¬eld with this a prolonged burSt 0f Clapplng y ' Reeve Hooper said he would‘ ’ 10.30 a.m.â€"Family Service of Special Music provided by the the Five Candles and Holy Baptism (Church School Closing) 7.00 pm. â€"â€" Evensong Wednesday 10 a.m. -â€" Holy Communion Pitts family Supervised nursery at all Lord's day activities MIDWEEK HOUR, WED., 7.30 D.m. Prayer, Praise, Bible Study THE ANGLICAN CHURCH or A WARM WELCOME AWMTS CANADA THE CHURCH of ST. GABRIEL Crosby and Bayvlew Avenues Rev. R. E. McLennan 407 Lynett Crescent - 884-4236i Church. TU. 4-7083 SUNDAY. JUNE 20. I965 . - - u ty rate went up." . .. . . , 8 am. _ Holy commumon Near Centre st, standing m1n1stry Of 100 Planes 0n the ï¬eld and C011“ . h. ship, said the reeve. He said he hadn’t been ap- _ 11 am â€" Morning Prayer Albert E- Myers, B-A- BRETHREN IN CHRIST 22â€â€œ 90‘.“ use“ as "m" .85 “if: $3,333,523: usage“ Council was recently opposed proached by the airport. but NIGHTS TU' 4 4630 EMMANUEf B'D" S-T'M" Paswr CHURCH Crgftmbag;r&tÂ¥h:rfe the other an†it “,3an counci†fault: in its efforts to establish some that he wouldn't be selling them! ANGLICAN CHURCH, Mackay Drive - Richvale Rev. K. A. Thatcher Av. 5.5739 SUNDAY, JUNE 20. 1965 10 am, _ Sunday School _ ‘ . ,, group Why it wanted to In the township, was eventually Murray Creyke 9.30 a.m. â€" Church School 11 am, ._ Worship Service 39 5"“d the companys aPPll- Lhe rfgnements Of an a‘rport' “fight the whole county. going to be an hotel. Mr.‘ organist 11 a.m. â€"â€" Worship Service 7:30 pm. â€" Evening service cation was already before the eAsatl- ‘ m ber thou ht township and federal gov- Hooper said. SUNDAY. JUNE 20 1965 Nursery provided. Wed. 7:45 p.m.-Prayer Meeting federal Department Of'Tl‘anS- “91‘9111 Idem m ndg ernment. You can't stop Mr. Hooper then called for a TRINITY I ' ZION LUTHERAN-CHURCH vugh‘m (3rd Con" 2 mu" mart ahtottaw'i’é bgt dida: know Eganclgcatsioiufor rt‘ilcgrgirgort iaf progress,†the reeve said. vote on Mr. Sumner's motion,‘ v e w ~ . . , 8 a.m. -- Holy Communion (2 mile, south of Maple) north of Concord) ‘ n 1 0" e 39 "8 an the application went through. He said It would be 20 years which was carried 3-1, With only YOU LUTHERAN ST. PAUL'S LUTHERAN CHURCH Bayview Avenue S.. 884-5264 Hour CKFH, 5 pm. Sunday 884-7097 CALVARY CHURCH RICHMOND HILL Assemblies of Canada TU. 4-4387 Pastor: Rev. P. A. Sorensen Special Services Wednesday, uel Sorensen of Argentina. Enjoy Rev. Sorenscn‘s out- Rev. Wm. Vanderbent, Pastor‘ 94 Hunt Ave., Richmond Hill! So far as I I ‘ Afï¬liated with ghe pentecosga] length of the runwayS, Upping was gomg to be an industrial plane. At present the same type by the CI'OWd- _ of plane from other clubs is Fred MCLenuhah- Who dld able to use the ï¬eld under the much of the speaking for the present licence. group, when informed by Reeve increasing the Hooper that Don Mills Road the noise factor_ or adding to area and that many houses the number of planes already along it had been bought up. there, there would be no p05. said if industrial expansion oc- sibility of this, Mr. Sifton said; curred. he might not get an- Thursday and Friday at 3 p,m_ the situation would remain the Other 25 Percent bOOSt 1“ his and all day Sunday, 10 a.m.. 11.same as it was. a.m. and 7 pm. with Rev. Sam- taxes. He said the company’s air. “Just a minute, council low- craft, which was the subject of ered taxes by two mills “this the application. would be one year," said Mr. Hooper. The Ralph Markham, Organist and Tel.: Richmond Hill. TU. 4-3155 Mr. Sifton said that charter “Industry will be attracted to “I can't see anything wrong. with it," he said. Harry Brown, who said his family had farmed in the area for many years, wondered if his land was going to be depreciat- ed by the airport. “Until it‘s definitely zoned industrial, I think the township should get the best out of the area," he said. Mr. Brown said he thought that could best be done by building high rise apartments. “High rise apartments. Those are fighting words in the town-i high rise apartments on Yonge Street in Thornhill. Choirmaster 9.30 a.m.â€"Senior Sunday School Rev. E. Lange, BA. BB, MT]! 11 a.m. â€"â€"â€" Morning Prayer and Holy Baptism ll a.m.â€"Junior Sunday School _ , IO a.m. â€" Sunday School ‘I am not asking for your sup~ “19% OUT- V , greeted by loud boots and jeers vlgég'llatioï¬vggsgyogrk Deanery 9:3":immgesggiï¬Â£f308iazgd 11 a.m. â€"â€" Worship Service _ port." MI‘. Sifton told the dele- 'Maybeâ€y°“u Ewe. “5 the from the crowd and he was , AYPA Officers 11 am __ Worship Service Tues, 8 pm. â€" Prayer Meeting gation, “1 haVe written a letter money to, said Mr. Sifton. forced to rap for order. 1 Thursday June 24 St. John the Baptist 1° a-m-â€"â€"â€"â€"â€" PRESBYTERIAN straits... r3".r.gi2.:.:.r.:°zitagent: isoilzo‘ii“i‘.°i. hflri’v‘i‘éi it“ straits t°sufipt§i2it3§ no“ Tl‘ngtiNriiiifii‘URCH RICHMOND HILL ligSOp’Hm': meipiliigiinantse‘i'? oforo: Tédowifigigpï¬orlage- throï¬h 3m"? ChanfldsԠits: ..$i‘i§“§?ir‘ilt§.f.“tri.ï¬ï¬‚.. - ii°a.t!.s:::s;;.re.:::ii. .. no??? E3335“ xiii? . a". n. ReglialdT l1Howdcn, B.A.. orgg‘Inriss.‘ salsa- Cgiairrmfldad" Rlcnvfllfoffizenqe the $35,“? Said. t t t gluemtglié‘d" (concession). said Mr “$13,112? staï¬d‘mï¬f‘tï¬ï¬ its? cozztiiteihlve l _ ::t'CII?TtIai-:klilaa:1lfsAllig'lfjiggqnji: SUNDAY' JUNE 20’ 1965 9:30 8.:nijR2TfislilrlTESIFlze Ser- that the airpols't was: 2:33,. Mr. McTavish said he had 3.1% 1:312 :3; 32:15::3313; q 7 ‘ v. Organist and Choir Director SUNDAY. JUNE 20. 1965 . day School ity of the residents moved he had Cheerd With several tion in its demands. 0 I 8 ‘11:: sungiaoiiyAégigmrfféï¬ï¬y n a'm.‘__ NurfegEggpfitment 7 pm. â€" Gospel Service into the area, Mr. Sifton‘s peopï¬ aigd (liidn’t see whttleire the Mr Rumble said he had been. (137012;? 12%;; 79:5 i ' ' ~ ST- AND“ '5 Tuesda 8 .m. â€" Prayer meet- position was found unten- wait: 0 Danes 115mg e air- ' . o: are a one - ' 11 a.m. â€" Family SerVIce PRESBYTERJAN CuURCH y p able by a“ but one member port would be increase-(1 by the elected to vote as he saw fit (behind the Shell Station) Presentation of Church School Certificates and Awards Preacher The Rector Wednesday 10.30 a.m. â€" Holy Communion m ,, SA N 5 iii/ ll iii ii) iii Anglican Tl l 'l" 832-2073 Organist: Mrs J. Keffer SUNDAY, JUNE 20. 1965 Nursery provided 9.45 a.m. â€" Sunday School and Bible Class 11 a.m. â€"- Morning Worship Maple, Ont. and ST. PAUL'S CHURCH 7th Con. Vaughan Rev. B. F. Andrew, Minister SUNDAY, JUNE 20, 1965 10 a.m. â€" St. Andrew's Sunday School and Church 10.20 a.m. -â€" St. Paul’s Sunday 11.15 a.m. â€" St. Paul's Church Heise Hill (Gormley) Concord at Public School Rev. A. W. Heise, Pastor Tel.: 285-5002 Oak Ridges. Aubrey Ave. Rev. Roy Nigh, Minister vice ing and Bible Study. Women's and Young Peoples Meetings as Announced. 11.00 a.m. ~â€"â€" Worship Service anSWBR 11 a.m. â€" Bible Hour 8; Sun- work was a small part of the Markham when you provide the company‘s operation, basic services and not through Before any charter is granted, He salï¬l he had mOVEd lht0_ the a public hearing called by the area nine years ago and didnt department, must be hem, like the airport. Airways should When asked by Deputy- reeve Stewart Rumble how explaining the facts only. "I'm amazed that we're en- some signatures from that area. Councillor Alan Sumner said ed its ï¬rst charter 20 years ago. long before the major- uew application. Later in the meeting. Mr. of the delegation. Robin Bush, Cachet Parkway, “Faith of Our Fathers Living told the meeting that he had Sumner. who was the ï¬rst Still" DONCASTER BIBLE CHAPEL (Clarke 8: Willowdale Sta.) SUNDAY. JUNE 20, 1965 9.45 a.m.-Sunday School 11.00 a.m.â€"Family Service Mr. Howard Hunt opposed the petition because it of the councillors to state Retiring H. S. Principal Honored with a camera on behalf of the thrill." he add'ECl. "to meet ‘ Mr. Hooper asked the before any big planes came into the'area, if that was what the application was leading to. The reeve’s statement was Mr. Sifton also was given the Bronx cheer when he announcedl abstain from any vote at the time because his name had been‘ used in the letter put out by Mr. Sifton. The latter had . denied any negotiations by thel Airways with Mr. Hooper for' his land, which is immediately south of the airport. ' “Ive been accused of wanting it (the application approved) so I could sell my farm,†said the reeve. “Practically every farm ' around here has been sold, but not to the airport." FREE FOOD PLAN ON REQUEST FREE DELIVERY â€" EASY PAYMENTS 100% Guarantee SHAMROCK FOOD SERVICE 6 LEVENDALE ROAD RICHMOND HILL, ONT. TU. 4-5801 his farm anyway. His farm, which had-housed the first white child ever born Mr. Hoover opposing it. men for the group that they should support the delega- and couldn‘t necessarily fall in with the group's position. Said Mr. McLenaghan: "I appreciate Mr. Rumble’s stand, but I think this only applies where council is not aware of the people’s wishes." Councillor Charles Hoover felt that, as the application was already before the Department DIVIDEND 42‘/21.‘ a shareâ€" record June 30, T965 GUARANTY TRUST Company of Canada A. B. RAMSAY Vice-President it General Manager OAK RIDGES AUT OAK RIDGES See Otto 82 Gord for free estimates on all makes of cars Specializing on Volkswagens REASONABLE RATES ‘ J school (Continued From Page 1) have you here tonight has been of Trans on council should illll‘lillill’ChUI-Cf1 11 a.m.â€"St. Andrew's Bible 700 Rf;- fsgggnitraggfflice the staï¬ there at the same time, an_ inspiring experience." he leave it 5,1,“; and let the de_ ,A/ ‘ Class ' p' ' g presented Mr. and Mrs. Elson Sild- "It IS I teaCher'S greatest -â€" â€" » GORD UNITED RICHMOND HILL 8.15 pm. â€" Communion Service staff. Staff members also con- Wednesday â€" 7.30 p.m. Prayer Service and Bible Study GORMLEY UNITED MISSIONARY CHURCH tributed a photograph of Mr. Elson which is to hang in the new school library and a cheque to be used to take Mrs. Elson out to dinner in London during their forthcoming tour. Chairman McVicar felt that this was only ï¬tting as he said, again a student who has grown up, matured and taken his place in life." ‘ In closing, Mr. Elson invited all graduates and staff of Rich- mond Hill High School from 1948 to 1955, and all graduates and staff of Thornhill Second-. ary from 1955 to the present to WIMVERS 0F ' “TRIPLE YOUR BABY BONUS†AT “I would like to point out that an “at home†at his residence. Mrs, E15011 is not retiring" 254 Church Street South, Rich- On behalf of the York Cem mond Hill on June 20 betweeni RICHMOND HEIGHTS CENTRE APRIL WINNER Rev. L. K. Slder, Pastor M Mr. J. Spanner, Assistant Intermediate & Senior garten Sunday School. FEBRUARY WINNER MARCH WINNER “if. UNITED CHURCH SUNDAY, JUNE 20, 1965 < Sunday School First Sunday After Trinity 11 a.m. â€" Morning Service ' h Rev. c. G. Higginson, B.A.. B.D. 9.45 a.m. â€" Primary, Junior. New“ RGV- 3- 3- cow‘m 11 a.m. â€" Nursery 8.: Kinder- ! a.m. -â€" Holy Communion The Minister_ “ , , ,, Prior to the ceremonies, the m 30 . m Egggimmmumon 7 p.m. â€" Evening Service 7 sghnge _He£::nilzgllgsfglice game the new school ppm-y the more than 200 guests had enjoy.‘ I I 'The Rector wrawn ‘ The‘mé "A Christian and ' A. S. Elson Library" in mem. ed a buffet supper in the new-‘ 11 m “n __ Sunday school ST. MATTHEW'S Money" cry of the contribution he had 15’ landscaped .quadrangle,; ' ' ' Organist. UNITED CHURCH Wednesday June 23 1965 made to the York Central sys- ‘ ‘here the ceremonies were also Howard Jerome ARCCO, ACCM 325 Cm"? Avon“ ST. STEPHEN'S CHURCH Rev. F. James Burn, B.A., 3.0. 9.50 a.m. -â€" Sunday School 11.00 a.m. â€" Worship. 8 pm. -â€" Prayer Meeting "THE WORD FOR THE tral District High School Board, 3 and 5 in the afternoon and its Chairman John Honsberger asked Mr. Elson’s permission to tem and to the teaching pro- from 7 to 10 in the evening. l fession. Mr. Honsberger also held. l l it. . Moo SUNDATYiLJiJ-Rsrzszo. 1965 WORLD" Eaarf‘isohie .‘éiisriimiltii’i'er,°fm2 :‘r’r' :hO.AngIIcan 'Church o: Caiilada 10.30 am __ Worship Service â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€" gift of the high school board. °° °'° Mg!- A'ï¬'g "n "°' Nursery and Junior llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll A former Thornhill valedictor- . m H.l .,C . . i Congregation ian and now a member of the 11.hm_â€" Mgrniitlgrli’iixa‘yg: m v 0 N staff at the school Christa Guen- “Everything In Lumber" noâ€, Communion on mm OF CANADA 0 O O ther (Ceï¬ka).}presented the El-‘ Plywoods Tentest Sunday of month It 11 MAPLE CHARGE VICTORIAN ORDER OF 50’,“ W“ a redwmely b9““d Trim Masonite Minister vo ume containing the Signs: Moulding, Flooring BA 3", Ralph C. Williams. 3A. NURSES turis of thoseuattendiug the re-‘ Doors Gypmc .. SUNDAY, JUNE 20, 1965 “8" 1°“ 35 we 35 0‘ many f0“ Wall Boards Insul Board 5 RICHMOND HILL 40th Anniversary, United RICHMOND HILL mil. gaiduates and coneagues' ( Formica Arborite !‘ BAPTIST CHURCH Church of Canada BRANCH E . ’5 thank you .to the Cement Plaster Z (A Fellowshlp Church) Maple . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 a.m. gat erlng' Mr' Elson pald trlb- GRIEES “ so want Skeet Sacrament of Holy Communion Mrs w o Stockdale ute to the “11°01 bOErds and Homes : Classes for an Kindergarten and Nursery - - - ggllergiiégs whotha-d givHen hllm Cottages , . s mum“, the mxh school) A welcome is extended to all 1 .855“ “(’9' e 3 5°. HOME IMPROVEMENT ' "" pm.“ mâ€"â€"ORN,,,LL 0mm, , 88 _ 0 _ _ thanked his students. some oh LOANS Mrs. L. B. Thompson Mrs. C. A. Van Velzen .. Rev. A. B. Arnot. D.D. CHURCH R‘Chm‘md H‘“ Mumc‘pa] Whom 8%; "(n-v! he Dated’ “19" 127 Roseview Ave. 197 Duncan Road - d ‘ SUNDAY. JUNE 20,1965 Rev. A. I. Higgins. B.A.. RD. Hall :hsphoonnsd et ciilzensh I i681 lt‘ 285-1100 Richmond Hill Thornhill CFRB Sldema 11 a.m. and 7 p,m._pamer-s SUNDAY. JUNE 20,1965 SERVING way a grt°ofave 1“ dag†9020 Yonge. Thornhill Day services 9.45 a.m. â€" Intermediate and RICHMOND HILL p your 1 e an 0‘ __‘ A Father's Day choir will take Senior Sunday School ‘ ’ l part in both services 11 am- â€" Nursery and up to 11 “Jï¬ï¬â€˜gï¬ï¬g’ ISITSSE}: ' ‘ MAY WINNER JUNE WINNER A 21:53:11; ‘3‘??? u 11 .m. __ nflfrï¬ig Worship lllllllllllllllllllllIllllllltlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll! I N S U D 884-3091 For further information call 7 ï¬m 85-2131 4 . sT. JOHN s BAPTIST CHURCH, ___2 _ ’ ‘ Richmond m“ lCARRVILLE UNITED CHURCHl CANADIAN A Chance to TRIPLE (Convention of cm. and Que.)'9145 a.m. â€" Worship Service - i. Minister: Rev. F. F. Bennett and Sunday School CANCER your b a l) y bOIlllS “ Meeting in the Public Library ' 2 Auditorium ' ' ‘ .5 “5 m. _ Sunday School Other Denominations _ I I . i O R A G E cheque each month by _ ., 11 a.m. â€" Worship Service SEVENTH-DAY Richmond Hill 8: District , , “GIVE US . . . DAILY BREAD“ ADVENTISTS CHURCH Unit l cashing It at any (Sixth in series on C- R. Neill. Minister ‘ We Will be leased . . The Lord‘s Prayer) Meeting every Saturday 15 Y°“ge S" N' t t- ,p member store In Rich- Junior Church a. Nurse Elsln Mills West i R d d 0 es ""3 'e on F H mm 1'? u mile west of Y s‘ . Local Serv ces en ere to i and restyling or sma c ran one fee Cancer Patient . repa rs ' ' Plans for Ne\v on a.m.â€"Sabbath SCHOOL D a I ' I Displav 11 a.m.â€"Worship Service. Drugs, Talephone . E: \â€" ressmgs l ' O THORNHILL A CHURCH or CHRIST ,. .. i 884.3001 Draw WI] BAP'HST CHURCH Concord Ave. and King High Igor“? “551mg ‘ 7._ , . h . 1 be made at (Convention of Out. & Que.) DH" ' “rsmg emces i ' '7 Stop 17, Yonge street CONCORD Housekeeping Service 1 the end 0f e a c h : Rev. Minton Johnston, D.D., SUNDAY. JUNE 20. 1965 Home Nursin Service‘ ‘- Minlster LID. â€" School Diversional Piogramm: v Mrs. Cameron Andrew, Organist, Classes for All . . Mr" ‘: 10 a.m. â€" Senior and Intermed-jll l~m.-Mihistry of the Wot-digit;th Transporéatlon Mrs, Lois Goldsmith -. late S h l 7 .m. â€" W ‘ .' o e Accommo ation ' . .. 11 a.m. â€" JunicorooSchool and p motif:ng and com; g i Kid‘de Heights centre 208 Cedar Al'e' Be YOU? Nursery I ALL WELCOME ’ F“ “rm†Imma‘m“ ‘ Richmond Hill Richmond Hill ' 11 “h- â€" Morning Service Av. 5-3364 - Av. 5-5057 “4‘33†, RICHMOND I-III.I. TV ru. 4-1456 28 LEVENDALE ROAD AV. .5