Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 17 Jun 1965, p. 1

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Eubilc h;or -J, 24 Wright oc., Rich MEG H111. A.:’1 I â€" Defeat A1 its newest member threw a hot potato into the middle of York County Council last Thursday and no one even tried to catch it. He was then rapped sharply .over the knuckles for having had the temerity to pro- voke this august body. Ron Simmons moved up as deputy-reeve of Aurora early this year, following the death of Reeve Jean Moffat and the stepping. up of the then deputy-reeve, Stewart G. Patrick into the reeve’s chair. With his consequent seat. on York (‘ounty Council, Mr. Simmons also was given Mrs. Moffat’s place on the county‘s assessment committee and up to the time of last Thursday's council session. had attended two meetings of that committee. llis effrontery consisted of a resolution which he put before the council to have the county abandon the recently adopted county assessment system and revert to assessment on a local basis. Mr. Simmons stated that county assess- ment was premature until county-wide re- assessment on a uniform basis had been carried out and stated that although when it had been discussed in 1963 and 1964 by I'OI'CI cost would be comparable to the costs of individual township assessment, in fact Aur- ora's assessment costs had been doubled this year. Furthermore, he said. Aurora had been unable to ascertain the assessment plans for the future and whether or not assessment; costs would continue to rise. Mr. Simmons‘ resolution was seconded by his reeve. Mr. Patrick who, however, confined himself to just that, and added nothing to what Mr. Simmons had said. After only three other members of council had spoken briefly on the motion. Reeve .l. O. Dales of North (lwillimhury moved what was in fact a type of closure. “I move the prev~ ious question now” were his words, which meant that the votins.Ir on the resolution should take place without further discussion. When council agreed to this. the vote was called and Aurora‘s resolution received only one favorable vote. in spite of the fact that many townships are known to be unhappy about the county assessment system, intro- duced in January. Albert E. liaidlaw, deputy-reeve of Mark- ham Village went contrary to the vote of his reeve. Alma Walker and voted along with Mr. Simmons and Mr. Patrick. ln condemning Mr. Simmons' action, Angus ll, Harrison, deputy-reeve of East Gwillim- bury and chairman of the assessment com- mittee accused him of usurpinir the authority of the committee in bringing the matter before council without having raised the issue in committee. The resolution also. he said, consisted in a motion of no confidence in the committee and its chairman. “If the motion is intended to belittle the assessment, commissioner and his staff. l can only say that I have the greatest confidence, in their ability." Mr. Harrison added. George Richardson. deputy-reeve of New- market noted that the voting for the county assessment last year was close and he person- ally felt the system was premature but urged that it should be given two or three years to prove itself. “We won’t feel the benefit until the whole county is re-assessed," he said. “The baby’s here and we can't throw it out," said Reeve Charles Hooper of Markham Township. He reminded council however that he had fought the county assessment, last year and that the assessment committee still had several questions to answer. He noted county council it had been estimated that its lllllllllllllllllltlllllllllllilllllllllllllllllltlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllltllllllllllllltllllllllltllltlltllttlllllllllllltlllllllllIt“lltllllllIlllllllIlllllllllllllllllllllllltlllllllllltIlllllllltllllllillllllllllIlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllltlllttllllllllllllllllIlllllllllllllltlllllllltlllllIlllllllllllltIllIllllltilllll’tllllllllllllllllllllllllllllIlllItllllllltlllllllllllllllllllltlllllllllllllllllllllllltllltlllllllllltllllllllllllllllllltlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllIllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllillltIlltllllllllIlltilltllllll“llllllllllllllllllltllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllltllllllllllllll dirt Ithrrat “In Essentials Unity; in Non-Essentials Liberty: in all things Charity" _VOL. 87, NO. 51. Almost 700 people watched with intense interest as Chairman Cliff Bennett of the citizens’ committee and Mayor Thomas Broadhurst (hidden) supported the symbolic white ribbon and J. A. Brockie, chairman of the Ontario Centennial Planning Branch, wielded the shears. marked the official opening of Richmond Hill and District Centennial Swimming Pool. one of the first Centennial projects in Canada to be opened. Dr. Cameron Cowan (far left), canvass co-chairman. beams his satisfaction in a job well The other interested onlooker is one of the many child- done by the citizens of Richmond Hill. ren who will benefit from the pool‘s program of water safety instruction. It's Open And Operating! To Tender For Jail Farm The City of Toronto. which once turned down an is shown as industrial on the official plan. with some otter of $2,000 an acre for residential on the northâ€" the 760-acre LangstatT jail east corner. farm. has put the farm on The jail farm will be the block again and this serviced by the township time is asking for $3.000; from the John Street sew- 000. age plant. for which the The farm will be sold by city paid $150,000 toward tciidcr with the bizth its cost. lt is already serv- hidder payin: $500.00!) iccd with water. down and the balance over The property. which is 5"" )‘FRIV locatcd north of Highway 7 How cvcr. \l a rk ha in and east of Yonge Sti‘cct. Township. which rcccives was acquired by the city $4.200 annually from the city in lieu of taxes for the form. will not be one of the hiddcrs. Dcputy-rccvc Stewart Rumble said he didn't feel thc township should com- pete for the land. However. i\la.kham would still have some right ovcr controlling its dcvclopmcnt because of its ~/onin::.. zoncd by shortly after World War 1 and rented to the province during World War II as a mental hospital when the province took over the mental home at St. Thomas as an air force base. ‘ The province held on to the farm until 1957 when the city finally took it over auain with the idea of usinu Although not it to relieve pressure at byslaw. the land Don .lail. Pearson "All we are askine for is that they had appealed to a healthy school yard and the township school board a safe. healthy road for our on the matter. The board children“, Mrs. J. Kupchanko stated that they had had an of 15 Pearson Avenue. told engineer‘s report on the ~i l a (‘cntcnnial members of Monday night‘s meeting of \‘auehan Town- ship Council. Mrs. Kupchankn spokesman for residents in the neighbor- hood of Charles How'itt School who complained that both the schoolyard and Pearson Avenue were a com tinuing hazard to their chil- dren every spring because of poor drainage. and stas- nant water. Pearson Avenue was very high in the centre. with vcry deep ditches. con- stantly filled with stagnant water and there is no shoulâ€" der for the children to walk on. Mrs. Kupchanko stated and asked that township take action to rectify the situa’ tion. The delegation w a s a group of reported problem and had referred it to council. .ionn Plunkett. township roads accountant confirmed that the report had been re- ceived and was being studied by the township engineers whose field report basically agrees with the storm sewer desiened by the school board engineers. The problem has now been put before the Department of Highways to determine what proportion of the work would qualify for subsidy. The township engineers felt, however, said Mr. Plunkett. that the project. might cost somewhere between 540.000 and $43,000 instead of the S37.-000 estimated by the school board. By MARY DAWSON "This is truly a fine tribute {to the 100th birthday of out“ country." Jack A. Brockie told .a group of approximately 700 i‘adults and children who were on hand Wednesday evening for the official opening of the Richâ€" mond Hill and District Centenâ€" nial Swimming Pool. Chairman of the Centcnnial Planning Board for Ontario. Mr. Brockie expressed his pleasure in being present at the opening and told his audi- ence that Richmond Hill's people can take pride in ac- complishing the first phase of its centennial plans. “9 con- gratulach the group of fund raisei‘s‘and the citi'lcns who made if possible notin:1 that this municipality was one of the first in the country to dcvelop program. committee and public minded citizens can take a bow for a fine example of planning of a most beautiful and valuable as- set for the community," Phil Stone of (‘III'.\I radio station. and 3 (‘en- tennial field representa- tive whose area covers the Counties of "alien. Peel, York and Ontario. acted as Ave. Residents Protest Water Hazardsl One member of the dele- gation objected that there had already been four eneincers' reports on the problem since he had lived there in 1957. "All these people are vir- tually flooded out every spring. The school yard is a danger to the children. and we just keep getting reports with nothing being done.“ he said. Lars Thompson of 19 Pear- son Avenue pointed out that it was the financing of the drainage project that had held it up previously and suggested that the project should be financed over a wider area "You are ask- ing the drain to pay for the bathtubs sins." he said. not- ing that the extent of the basin that was causing the flooding was some five or six block<_ while Pearson Avenue residents had been asked to bear the whole cost ,thc larse number of youngsters “Your too that several townships are going to appeal Federal Forestry Minister various Maurice Sauve has ended any maintaining from NDP Member Fisher of Port Sauve confirmed his earlier de- office and to with municipal representatives decision. the possibility of not moving Thls the labs. Marie last. “It is clear several years MC for the evening. He paid tribute to those respon- sible for “a dream becom- ing a reality". Introducing the members of the com- mittee and its chairman, Cliff Bennett who spear- headed the committee, and members of town council which co-operated fully in every phase of the work. Lorraine Reid. a grade 4 pupil of Crosby Heights School, responded to Mr. Stone‘s re- quest for a volunteer to lead the singing of “O Canada“ and MAURICE SAUVE who will be the prime users of .. the pool as well as the adults Sault MW“ hm" joined her in this tribute to _ . H .1. 7 .â€" one of the first Centennial pro- Mayor Thomas Broadhurst from .iccts in the country to be placed the minister is as follows: in usc. “I wish to express my sincere Contractor A. Petersons pre- thanks for the interest you have sented the keys to the pool to shown in the question of the Architect Douglas Allen. who transfer of laboratories from Passed them over to Mr. Ben- southern Ontario to Sault Ste. nett who. in turn. entrusted Marie. them to Pool Manager Kelvin "I was pleased that our meet- 'l‘onner. ing in your city hall provided 31R BI‘UCkit’ “115 aiststed by you and those attending with Mayor Broadliurst and Mr. Ben-'a better understanding of our nett in cutting the white ribbon vievaoint whilst it afforded us to signify that the pool was a deeper insight into yours. open and after presentation of “John Addison MP York iL‘ontinued On Page 3t iNorth has presented to me the Elson. of rectifying the situation. Mr. Thompson also stated that it could be argued that part of the cost should be would look into its financmz and get in touch with the ratepayers. "I don't want to come back RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, JUNE 17, 1965 ‘sau.;“s.y.nb The Sault Is Now Final factors in the hope that the laboratories in in the Richmoild Hill and Maple provincial governments. this area will be allowed to area and. together with Maur- The only reason for decid- stay here. In reply to a ques-Iice Morcau. M. York-Scarboro ing the location of these lion in the House of Commons and James Walker. MP York laboratories should have Doublas Centre, have miade a thorough Arthur / Mr. presentation of the. case to my cision to move the federal lab« add that officials of the Depart- oratories in the Richmond Hill- ment of Forestry and I discussed Maple area to Sault Ste. Marie. this problem with the minister iPhoio by Stuart‘s studio) On May 12 Mr. Sauve and his and officials of the Ontario De- deputy L. Z. Rousseau travelled partment of Lands and Forests to Richmond Hill and discussed who are in agreement with my “After further consideration,‘ it appears to me that the inter- Text of the letter received by ests of the Department of For- estry and of the dustry of Ontario confirm our? , - : decision to establish the reg- Father 3 Glfts ional headquarters at Sault Ste. in conformity ‘ decision made on February 18 ment this decision." Councillor Lois who led the fight to retain the laboratories here, pressed the opinion that borne by Markham Township as he understood that much of the water was coming across Yonge Street from Markham and into the sub- division. "l‘m for a solution and I'm willing to pay my part of it.” he said. "but we should take in the whole situation in the financing of it." Another member of the At the Close of the coun- delegation recalled that at cil meeting Councillor Sam “'85 one time it had been propos- Kaiser commented that he held at ed that the water he divertâ€" ed in a catch basin at Yonge Street but that the Depart- ment of Highways had stall- ed this 3 or 4 years ago. Reeve A. H. Rutherford stated that as soon as coun- cil bad word from the De- here and start this all over again.“ said Mrs. Kupchanko. She pointed out that they had the largest school popu- lation in the township at the Charles Howitt School with 427 children. and the worst school yard. “We may just not send our children back to school in September if it's not fixed.” she warned. didn't like to see delegations leave after their own probâ€" lem had been discussed. "it doesn't look as if they are very interested in council business,” he said. It was suggested that pos- sibly delegations could be their assessment. .\lr. llooper's suggestion was that the matter be sent back to the com- mittee for discussion. However. Reeve Dalcs' closure motion, sec- onded by Kenneth l.aushway. deputy-reeve of Stouffville summarily disposed of the matter. This was all in marked contrast to the stormy reception the assessment committee's report had received at the June 2 session of the council. The first clause of the report was only adopted after over half an hour of heated exchanges. The clause consisted of a single apparently innocuous sentence, “Due to the centralized assessment system the annual census was completed on May 14. 1965." Had assessors made the census? Will as- sessors then go back over their tracks and make assessments? were some of the ques- tions asked. Assessment Committee Chairman Harrison admitted that assessors had made the census but they would only go back to reassess homes where they noted changes. “Does the census taker ask if such things as recreation rooms have been added '3” asked HOME PAPER OF THE DISTRICT SINCE 1878 one To "We have been sold down favor of l the. river by the federal and headquarters been strictly scientific. I think it is a revolting sit- MORE HOMES 8. LAND LISTED AND For nearly two hours a groupj .of abou. '75 ratepayers from the immediate vicinity of the air- port - which is situated just off, . . Don Mills Road at Buttonville - 0f “‘9 Alrways' “‘0 earn“ 1" C re w de d C h a m b e 1‘ S a n d d e m a n d e d t h at illlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll' Bid To Dissolve County Assessment lleeve l‘atrick. "\\'e can lose a lot of assess- ment this way.” Mr. Patrick felt it was not good business to have a census taker who Just goes to the door. where an assessor has the right to enter and examine the property. Deputy-reeve Cordon Longhouse of Wood- bridge stated that he had watched the census taker on his street and he didn‘t go in to look for any changes. Reeve A. H. Rutherford of Vaughan Town- ship, a member of the assessment committee. asked the members however if they had seen anything different to the way the work was done previously and accused them of finding fault merely because it was county assessors who were now doing the job. The report included the information that data programming had now been designed to convert to electronically processed assessment rolls. Information from the village of Stouffâ€" ville is presently being converted to punch cards. although unforeseen problems had arisen which had delayed the work there. The equalized assessment schedule for the various townships was appended to the com- mittee report and drew forth assorted scowls and exclamations of protest, but: no comment. lllllllllllllllllllllIllllllllllllllllllilllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllltillllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll“ SOLD NORTH YONGE OFFICE 8242 YONGE ST. AV. 5-1156 PER COPY 10c Proposed Airways Charter Extension Draws Ire Of Buttonville Residents Markham Township was the centre of a storm Monday night, but it wasn‘t one the weatherman called. Instead it was precipitated by Toronto Airways Ltd., which operates Buttonville Airport, and whose recently-announced plans charter licence raised a storm of protest from cit. izens of the area. to change its existing any future plans of the air- port. Michael Sifton, vice-president council the week had distributed a let.- the small myself. May I uation when political ex- council support it in its efforts pediency interferes with to squelch the airport's applica-f Theanut'f’l't‘fiue Riflemg' scientific research in this .tion. I "s ‘ ssoc'a'on w 9 country and particularly in Ontario." Reporting that she had received an ident- ical letter from the Min- ister of Forestry, Mrs. Han- cey commented, “I seem tContinued On Page 31 boos. [ o r 9 st 1 n _ llllllllllllIllllllllllllllllllllllltlllllllllllltllltllllllllllllllllllllllltllllllllll Father's problem? Richmond Heights Centre merchants can solve it for you easily. Turn to the four gift idea-filled pages in this issue of “The Liberal"â€" day gifts at with the that it will takei to fully imple- Hancey. Pages 6. 7. 8 and 9. tllllllllllfllflltl’lllllllllllilltlllttlllllltllllllllllllllllllllltlllllllllllltw EX- Punctuating its oratory with‘ cheers clapping. members of the dele« which overflow/ed the hallway, took turns in de-‘ nouncing council. the Airways, and in giving its reasons why it was against any form of “ex- pansion." gation. Council. on hand, Charles Hooper giving his 1 gavel its best. workout of the season. define extension, as oppos- ed to expansion, defended for the most part the Air- ways application. and in the case of the reeve. summar- ily disposed of all rumors connecting his land with back in full force Monday afternoon when council meets again. Mrs. J. C. Ward. a mem- ber of the association, said residents would continue their opposition to the airport charter. and also would oppose the town- ship‘s proposed Centennial park project. : llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllmllllllllllllllllll for to residents outlining his company’s position. was also on hand to defend the Airway's actions. The letter followed a petition signed by 33 residents protest- ing the application, and wal presented to council last week. Continued On Page 17) and loud hand. into the other with Reeve attempted to (Photo by Stuart's Studio) Everything came up smiles at a gala reception and buffet dinner held outdoors in the .\li'. and Mrs. Elson are, shown left. withllt‘ for Chairman of the York Central District High School Board .lohn Honsberger. The handsome record player presented to Mr. and Mrs. Elson by Mr. Honsberger on behalf of the high school board quadrangle at Thornhill Secondary School last Friday night to honor retiring Principal A. S. the evening W. IlcVicar and (right) may be seen to the rear. together with other gifts presented by staff and friends. The Elsons have invited all graduates and staff of Richmond Hill High School from 1948 to 1035 and graduates and staff of Thornhill Secondary since 1955 to an “at home” to be held at their residence. 254 (‘hiirch St. South, Richmond Hill, on the afternoon and evening of June ‘2“. Honor High School Principal A. S. E/son By MARGARET )chEAN "This is your life Stan Elson" as principal of the school. Although there were no rep- the school, at $2,900 per year.. Thornhill School June 11 on the occasion at of the retirement of .-\ S Elson in 1.929. Mr. Elson was the high- cst paid of the six teachers at to Smithville A . mained until COmin'é t0 Rich-'Tuesday morning and thanked his 36 years teaching career. Orangeville High Elsons‘ From here. principalship at Lucan. and dur- who started there when Mr E!» Chairman W, McVicar noted ing their eight year stay there‘son did. the theme of a reception that in his first secondary school the ~ . Secondary teaching post as science teacher Barbara. John and Bruce were Chapman presented a gift to School born. three children, Superintendent S L. G Mr. Elson from the “Tuesday the Elsons went Morning Club", the York Cen- where they reâ€"‘tral principals who meet cacti resentatives from his birthplaceilt was here he met the futurelmond Hill in 1948. Mr. Elsonihim for his wise council and of the From Orangeville. Mr. Elson took over the principalship of‘ _ . Ontario went to Sudbury High SchoolThornhill which opened in 1956. ers who came to Thornhill With iin Tangiers. scene of his firstiMrs. Elson, Kay Calhoon. also a-was principal of Richmond Hill sympathetic understanding at iteaching efforts. there were old‘teacher at the school iHigh School until 1955 when heltheir meetings. friends. students and teachers} C. M. Seath, one of the teach- high schools where )11‘. Elsoniwhere he was science master.gThere are still eight of the sameMr. Elson. and is also leaving partment of Highways con- heard at the close of council from each cerning their possibe sub- meetings instead of at the sidy of the project they beginning. ‘had tauzht during the course of‘In 1934 he received his first teachers on the Thornhill staff t tContinued On Page 17) . I

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