20 THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario. Thursday Markham Planning Bd. And High Rise Apartments The residents of the Thornhill District were treated to a prize display of “how democracy should not work†when they attended a meeting in the Thornhill Secondary School on June 1 at which the genial but very evasive Markham Township Plan- ning Board unfolded an amended zoning by-law for the area. uran a- v" The big‘ surprise to everyone at this overflow meeting was that the amended plan presented by the planning board still included provision for high rise apartments after such overwhelming proof, even by a. vote in the presence of the board, at a. previous overflow meeting held in the same place only last December (the day following the election â€"â€" ahem) that more than 95% of the residents were adamant- ly opposed to apartments of any kind, let alone high rise monstrosities such as have been inflicted on the hapless homeowners of North York in the Yonge- Bummer area. yuuu..v- .. -r. It is quite incomprehensible how a planning board, supposedly representing the interests of the taxpayers would have the effrontery to show such complete and callous disregard of the wishes of the Community,' so emphatically expressed onl_\r a few short months before, particularly when the only feeble excuse they could offer for such folly was that "if high rise apartments are going to be built any- where, Yonge Street in the Thornhill area is as good a, place as anyâ€. Long live the bureaucrats! 11,1,A n: yluvv “U U..- -._D __r - , What the planning board, in their great lack of wisdom, seems to overlook completely is (a) that Markham Township desperately needs more com- mercial and industrial assessment to counter-balance the top-heavy residential and farm assessment, now out of all proportion, and the resultant burden presentlybeing borne by the homeowners for edu- cational costsâ€"as has been stated‘so many times by past and present councils; (b) that the same property zoned community commercial would produce very valuable assessments without having to provide for additional schools, roads, police, fire and other serv- icesâ€"which would be of direct benefit to the area and the township as a whole; (0) that the land is suitable only for high rise apartments sounds like an argument which might be presented by the three or four land owners involved to enable them to make a “killing†instead of just a nice profit: (d) that more than twenty different types of business establish- ments and schools are allowed under land zoned as community commercial any or all of which, would be suitable for the area at present or in the foreseeable future; (e) that the erection of apartments on Yonge Street, with their dense population per acre, would only aggravate further an already serious traffic problem. particularly during: t'ush hours: (f) that the local residents are noted for their pride in the area and naturally do not want to see it become a jungle of apartments: (3;) that the erection of apartments would only depreciate the homes of people who have been taxpayers in the area for many yearsâ€"at a time when the speculators had no interest whatever; (b) that the erection of high rise apartments would benefit only three or four land owners and the subsequent landlords (none of whom would likely be residents of the area). It will be interesting to see how democratic Markham Council is when the planning board pres- ents the amended plan for ratification and, whether or not, they really represent the taxpayers, as they so emphatically proclaim at election time. Yours truly. Dear Mr. Editor The third annual Thornhill Lions’ auction, held at the North York Farmers’ Market May 29 raised aproximately $650 for Lions‘ activities in the district. Shown in action at the sale, which collected a good crowd. is local Auctioneer Alvin Farmer, while Lion Roy Bick holds up a box of articles being sold. mom: 235-3190 lions Auction Brings $ 65 0 L. S. WARNICA, 10 Paul Street. Thornhill. “The Liberal 1e Liberal" is always pleased to publish items of Interest contributed by its readers in the Thornhlll area. Our representative in Thornhill is Mrs. Jo Cruise who may be reached by phoning 285-3190 Louise Langman Becomes Bride Ofï¬gi Edward Docherty At Holy Trinity A pretty summer wedding took place June 12 at Holy Trinity Anglican Church when Louise Diane Langman. daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. K. C. Lang- man became the bride of Edâ€" ward Cecil Docherty, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. Docherty a junior bridesmaid, a flower' girl and a ring bearer. The maid of honor was Miss Irene Moore, the bridesmaids Miss Louise Rowbottom and Miss Barbara Dinner, the junior bridesmaid. Miss Jeanette Rowbottom. Thel‘ I“Ill“\lllll“llll\“Illlll“l\\\lll\\\l\l\l1\\l\\ll\ll\llllllll\\ll\\\l\\\\l1\\\l\\l i Rev. H. R. Howden ofï¬ciated and Miss Barbara Dinner sang “Wedding Prayer" and “The Lord’s Prayer†during the cere- mony. Given in marriage by her1 father, the bride wore a floor length white gown of lace over satin designed with a ï¬tted bod- ice, full skirt, long sleeves and a scalloped neckline. She wore a waist length tulle veil and carried a cascade bouquet of pink sweetheart roses and lily- of-the-valley. Attending the bride were a maid of honor, two bridesmaids, Memorial Service, Holy Trinity Cemetery mmmmluuuuumnumlmunIImmuumlmluumunumuunmu On June 27 at 2 pm a memorial service is to be held in the cemetery of Holy Trinity Church, locat- ed on Yonge St. behind the Baptist Church just north of the entrance to Thorn- hill Country Club. June 17, 1965 Relatives and friends of loved ones who are buried there. as well as all other residents of the district. are invited to attend and are asked to take flowers to adorn the graves. The memorial service will be conducted by Rev. H. R. Howden, rector of Holy Trinity assisted by Rev. F. C. Jackson. The cemetery is the old- est and ï¬rst ofï¬cial burying ground in Thornhill. There are many old and historic tombstones with inscrip- tions of great interest. and all who attend are invited to wander and observe the many interesting memorials that have been erected over the. years. the years. All readers of this notice who know of relatives or friends whose loved ones are buried in the cemetery are asked to advise them of this memorial service. DRAPES, CARPETS, RUGS. FURNITURE, ALL CARPET REPAIRS MOTHPROOFING IMMEDIATE Pickâ€"Up and Delivery SUPER CARPET CLEANING CO. NEW BROADLOOM RICHMOND HILL TU. 4-3838 PA. 7-6202 Free Estimates Sale of small HOWer girl was Laura Jean Langman. sister of the bride and the ring-bearer Mas- ter John Day. l The reception was held in‘ lHoly Trinity Parish Hall where the bride's mother received wearing a yellow brocade dress with matching jacket. She wore a yellow hat and bone acces- sories. The groom’s mother wore a blue peau de soie frock fashioned with a lace bodice and matching jacket. She wore white accessories. The attendants wore floor length peau de soie gowns of a deep rose color fashioned with full skirts, a pink velvet sash, sleeveless and with a round neckline. They wore glovelets of nylon net. Their pouff veils fell from a large rose and they carried pale pink roses. pink and white carnations and lily- ofâ€"the-valley. The flower girl carried a basket of the same, Iflowers. ‘ BeSt man for Mr- DOCherty ladies’ bridge club recently at was his brother Donald Docher- the Inn on the park, Those at. ty and the ushers were George tending were Mrs. E. Bowyer, Docherty and Doug Langman, Mrs, W, Laycnck. Mm. C. Wood, brothers of the bride and Mrs. w. J. Perry. Mrs. M. .1. groom. Walker, Mrs. Rae MacLeod and The reception was held in Mrs‘ 1-1_ Spafford. For the honeymoon trip to the United States the bride wore a yellow embroidered cot- ton dress and jacket with white accessories. On their return the couple will reside in Thornhill. Out of town guests were from Barrie, Port Hope, Kitchener and the United States. (Photo by Barbour) mother who went back to school". She went to Thornhill )und Secondary School [01“ grade 13. elets graduated 1n 1962 With honors Mn- and then entered York Univers- sash, Thornhill residents welcome Mr. and Mrs. Robert D. Mom- gomery and their daughters Pamela and Barbara who re- cently moved to 190 Arnold Avenue. Mr. and Mrs. A. Dowker. Thornridge Drive. entertained recently at a party for Bob Horn and his fiancee Miss Peggi Hendricks of Hamilton Ylgho are being married on June Get well wishes to Jackie Duncan who is recupera‘tmg after an operation. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Perr)’. Arnold Avenue recently spent a few days in Montreal. “Raleighites,†the class consist- ed of 64 members of the Rnyal Canadian Navy who were sent over to England on loan to the Royal Navy for their train- ing and active service. Fifty four members from all In; members of the group parts of Canada and the US. at- committee; J, Phillips. 235- tended the reunion. The week-3 2545; Lynn Mitchell, 285- end was spent sailing and re-: 2717; a, Toms, 235-2211; newing friendships. Among the1 Mrs. W. Doherty. 285-1549. distinguished members of thei * if m * class who attended were Prem-l The congregational picnics of ier John Robal‘ts. Judge W- A-‘the Presbyterian and Holy Trin- E. Sheppherd and many Othel‘1iiy Churches are to be held on now prominent business execu-hlune 19. lives. i Th9 Presbvterian nicnic will Mrs. R. Byford entertained at a luncheon recently for Mrs. Jean Campbell. former Thorn- hil‘l resident of Arnold Avenue. Sympathy is extended to Rob- ert Law. Oakbank Road on the death of his father last week. The caterers of Holy Trinityl Church had~a presentation for‘ Mrs. R. Byford recently in the reception room of the church. Mrs. Byford has been president of the group for many years and will be greatly missed when she and her family move to Toronto this month. Congratulations to Mrs. Marg. Heron who graduated from York University recently. Mrs. Heron majored in French. She intends to go to OCE next fall and later teaeh. Mrs. Heron is to be especially commended and will be remembered as “the mother who went back to school". She went to Thornhill Secondary School for grade 13. graduated in 1962 with honors and then entered York Univers- ity. Mrs. Heron. her husband William T. Heron and her three children reside at 11 Oakbank of the Thornhill Baptist Clhurch' was held at the home of Miss Gladys Stevens, Unionville. A large number of ladies attended .the meeting. President Mrs. H. {Ellam chaired the meeting analE tied the Worship period basing‘ her thoughts on the motto of the missionary convention “Go Forward with Christ". Mrs. J. Martin, Mrs. H. Ellam and Miss G. Stevens reported on high- lights of the convention and stressed the need for more 1workers in the foreign fields. In word and pantomime. Road An enjoyable closing luncvh- eon was held by a Thornhill ladies’ bridge club recently at the Inn on the Park, Those at-~ tending were Mrs. E. Bowyer, Mrs. W‘ Laycock. Mrs. C. Wood.‘ A very successful coffee party was held June 10 at Holy Trin- ity Church by the Parish Guild. Congratulations to Gillian McTaggart-Cowan, daughter of Dr. and Mrs. Patrick McTag- gart-Cowan, former Thornihill residents now living in BC. Gillian, age 22, was one of Trinity College's top graduating students this year. Gillian graduated in geophysics and was the first girl in ten years to take the course. She plans to work on a PhD in geophysics at the University of British Columbia next year. T hornhill Notes Members of the church were glad to see Fred Hartland as- sisting behind the screens again after his recent illness. The Rialto Beauty Boutique, Yonge Street once again made members of the Park Avenue Approved Home in Newmarket very happy when they gaVe the patients new hairdos. White Cross volunteer Mrs. Jean Gain assisted the hairdressers. Miss Peggi and Mr. Don. and Mrs. Helen McNally drove the pat- ients and arranged for icecream to be served during the after- noon. A trip to Niagara Falls is planned for the patients later this month. The Presbyterian picnic will take place at Albion Hills Con- servation Area. A full program has been planned to make this a huge success so plan to at- tend. The Holy Trinity picnic will take place in the area of High- way 7. east of Bayview, beyond the water tower. Races are planned for all ages and pony rides will be a special treat for the children. Special thanks are extended to the management of the Master Feeds Experimental .Farm. who through Dan Price- Jones. are generously making the picnic site available. The last meeting of the sea- son for the “Anna Buck“ circle of the Thornhill Baptist Church was held at the home of Miss Gladys Stevens, Unionville. A large number of ladies attended1 Help is desperately need- ed by the Cub pack of Thornhill United Church. male or female. between the ages of 18-50 tn become. Cubmaster‘s assistants with service training provided. If you .can spare an hour on Tuesday evenings your help will be greatly appre- ciated. Contact any of the follow- Ing members of the group committee: J. Phillips. 285- 2545: Lynn Mitchell. 285â€" 2717; G. Toms, 285-2211; Mrs. W. Doherty. 285-1549. CANADA‘S NEW LABOUR CODE/Hon. Allan MacEachen, Minister of Labour, answers some questions: If you arenot sure whether you are covered by the C: lC-MSD “Our new Canada Labour Code has been called a‘ï¬rst,’ Mr. MacEachcn. Would you agree 2" “Briefly, who does this new Code apply to 2†“Let’s get down to speciï¬cs. What, exactly, does it promise to those employees who are aï¬ected by it '2â€. “You said the new‘Code applies to industries under Federal jurisdiction. Would you name them?†u- m Tickets are $1.00. children re 50c. Men as well as ladies are‘ 3y invited to attend. There will be m.a swimming demonstration by re some local girls to make the of program an interesting one. Lal Transportation may be arranged :e_ by calling Mrs. M. Dobsnn all "2 285~2668. If inclement wealher prevails. the event will be held on June 24. glimpses into the life of A. V. Timpany and his family were portrayed by several of the lad- ies. They portrayed how the family. through the years has and is still serving. Christ in India. It was in 1876 that A. V. Timpany first called ladies to organize mission circles. The work still goes on because the need for help in the mission fields is greater than ever. After the benediction a happy time of fennwship was enjoyed and the social convennr. Mrs. H. Burlington, served refresh ments. Many parties have been Eiven for bride elect Mary Elizabethl Gage. daughter of Mr. and Mrs.‘ Nels Gage. Bayview Avenue.‘ who is marrying Gary Norris Post. son of Mrs. R. Coupland‘ of Toronto, July 1 at Thornhilll United. Among those who have entertained at showers for Miss Gage are Mrs. George Cox. of Mark-11am. aunt of the bride. who gave a kitchen and pantry shower. Miss Sharon Sturzess. of Scarboro. who gave a linen shower and Mrs. Herbert Post. of Islington. aunt of the groom. who gave a miscellan- eous s-hower. Mrs. Gage extends an invita- tion to friends to attend a trous- seau tea for her daughter Mary to be held June 27 from 2 to 5 pm at. their home 7490 Bay- view Avenue. Keep the date June 23 mark- ed on your calendar when the UCW of Thomhill United Church are holding their straw- berry social at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Tamhlyn, Libtlebrook Farm, Green Lane from 2 to 5 pm. CARLO’S BARBER SHOP Experienced Barbers N0 WAITING 9212 Yonge Street at Richvale 'anada Labour (Standards) Code, write to Department of Labour, “Yes, and it is one of the most all-embracing. Canada has a right to be proud of it. It sets higher standards than have been set for any other colmtry I know. Other countries are taking note of the way Canadian Parliament is ensuring that more workers share in this country’s growth.†“It applies to industries which fall under Federal jurisdictionâ€" and may well prove to be a guide for other industries. The Government itself, which is a large employer in its own right, will take the lead by applying the Code’s standards to its own federal employees.†“As we said, it sets minimum standardsâ€"and I stress that these are minimum. because, of course, a lot of workers already enjoy higher standards than the Code sets. First, it sets a standard 8 hour day and a 40 hour week, with overtime limited to 8 hours a week, and paid for at time-and-a-halt'. Second, it sets the minimum wage rate for all men and women over 17 years of age at $1.25 an hour. Next, it provides for two weeks annual vacation with pay, after one year’s service; or 4% of wages as vacation pay for those with from 30 days to a year’s service. Finally, it stipulates that each employee shall get eight statutory holidays with pay a yearâ€" or get a full day 011 in lieu of the holiday.†“The Code covers interprovincial or international rail and highway transport, primary ï¬shing where the ï¬shermen work for wages, air transport, radio and TV, shipping, banks, uranium mining, grain elevators. flour and feed mills and Warehousing, seed cleaning mills, interprovincial or international pipelines and ferries, interprovineial or international telegraphs and telephones, most Crmm corporations and one or two other smaller industries.†need money for any worthwhile purpose? TORONTO-DOMINION P. DYSON, Manager The Memorial Fund of the hospital continues to grow due to the constant desire on the part of friends and relatives to remember in some tangible and helpful way the memory of those loved and revered. Gifts small and large may be sent c/o The York Central Hospital Memorial Fund 47 Arnold Street, Richmond Hill York Central Hospital Memorial Fund a'sk for it by name at Where pgplg make the dgï¬erence DEPARTMENT OF LABOUR Richmond Hill Branch ', Ottawa. 51333.!