Rev. C. G. Higginson. minisâ€" ter of Richmond Hill United Church. and Mrs. leave at the end of the week for a month's cottage holiday at Rideau Lakes. Kingston. a )ll * 1 Mrs. M. Appleton leaves on Friday for Chelsea. London. England. following an extended holiday with her daughter andlChurch on Sunday were Ter-. son-in-law. Mr. and Mrs. D. Douglas-Crampton and family.iMrs. W. Bunker. Gail. daughter Maple. ii! ii i 3* Deirdre Jackson. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James Jackson. Altamira Road will leave next week for Jackson's Point where she will spend the summer months as an apprentice with the Harlequin Players at the Red Barn Theatre. 'IK ill ’II If! Mr. and Mrs. John Shields and sons Stuart and Duncan, Lynett Crescent, left by car on Monday for California where they will spend the summer months. with the possibility of taking up permanent residence. ii- in it! is Mrs. Ida Marsden. 259 Rug- gles. left York Central Hospital on Sunday and is convalescing at. the home of her daughter. Mrs. K. Ellsworth. London. Ont. Mrs. Marsden is an active member of the local senior citizens. x a it i- Slides of Canada. Alaska, Nassau and Hawaii were enjoy- ed by members of the Mary and Martha Guild of the Presbyter- ian Church at last Wednesday's meeting. The slides had been photographed by Miss Stella Mackie on her travels during‘ the. past few years. Plans for a doll bazaar in September were discussed at the meeting. it s in Ilr Miss Susan Pelletier was preâ€" sented with a certiï¬cate for memorizing the junior cate-l chism at the last session of the Presbyterian Sunday school be- fore the summer holidays. last Sunday. Pins 'for perfect attend- ance. were also presented with recipients ranging from three year olds through the Bible class. A six year old girl. Tracy Francis. received her award for‘ three years perfect attendance. pow/mflflwmmzww new†Mrs. James Pollard. Church IStreet North. will be the guest Higginson,'speaker at the July 4 serviceland Andy. United‘leave next weekend to take tilers. lat Temperanceville ‘Church. Mrs. Pollard is viceâ€"president Mr. Cliff has been transferred‘Mrs. ‘of York Presbytery UCW. it 4‘ it )i‘ 4 Receiving the Sacrament of iBaptism at St. Mary's Anglican Irance David. son of Mr. and 10f Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Nurse. and Darin Alfred. son of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Ramsey. it -ti it t l cock and John Passmore of Richmond Hill view Secondary Schools. attend- ed the annual convention of the Canadian Association for Health, Physical Education and Recreation which opened in Fredericton, New Brunswick, on IMonday. Mrs. Babcock accom- panied them on the trip. The physical unï¬tness of most Canadians was the main problems under discussion by the 500 delegates. it: it: iii wk Strawberries, cream and cake and real antiques in the white elephant booth. will be features of the annual garden tea to be held this Saturday afternoon at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Law- son Mumbcrson. corner of 17th ‘Avenue and Don Mills Road. Sponsoring group is the Gorm- Iey - Headford - Victoria Square Branch of York Central Hospit- al Auxiliary. That little gift for your summer hostess and ap- pealing gifts to welcome a small baby will also be available. illlllllIlllIlIlllll‘llllIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIllIIIllllIlIIIllIIlIIIIlllllllIIIlllllIli Celebrates 50th Wedding A nniversary Mrs. Eric Hadwen. Maple. entertained at a din- ner party on June 18 in honor of her parents. Mr. and Mrs. G. Paterson. Wood Lane. who were celebrating their golden wedding anni- versary. . Guests included their son George, daughter Marjorie and family, Mr. and Mrs. George Wilson. Mrs. A. An- derson and J. E. Hadwen. Eight of their 16 grand- children were present. Ricky. Kim. Mark and Shelley Anne Hadwen and Gail. Cheryl. Judy and Wendi Paxton. Greetings were received from their daughter Eliza- beth ‘Stead from Ottawa. son Bill from Rockwood and son Alex from Miami. IlllIllllIIIlIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIltttlllllIlllllllllllllllllIllltlIllllllllIlllIII Miss Edna Izzard. Mill Street and Mrs. ’l‘. McPherson of Au- rora represented the York County Club at the annual council meeting of the Canadian Federation of University Wo- men held in Sudbury at Lauren- tian University June 17-20. One hundred and eighty delegates of OS FRANK EMANUEL Ordinary Seaman F r a n k Emanuel. son of Mr. and Mrs. F. Emanuel. 464 Palmer Avenue. has won the “Best in Parade" award on graduation from a 15- weck new entry training coinse at HMCS Cornwallis. Nova Scotia. Frank was born in Barrow- on-Furness. England. in 1943 and lived in Richmond Hill be- fore being enrolled into the Royal Canadian Navy in January this year. l / L? o H./ / "h Not lor long. We're easin reached by phone when you need your prescriptions refilled. Call-in orders are promptly attended to, lust as when you come in person to our store. There's nothing more important to us than filling your piescription. i l l l l I I I AIIencourt Pharmacy Ltd. Canadian clubs from Newfound~ land to British Columbia en- joyed the hospitality of North- ern Ontario; not only were they‘ guests of Laurentian University but also at various functions. they were guests of the Prov- .ince of Ontario. the Inter- inational Nickle Company and ithe Montreal Trust Company. i The delegates heard reports lfrom the committees on the Centennial project of CFUW. [the survey for continuing edu- lcation of women and the IFUW conference in Australia in Aug- .ust. To this international con- ‘vention Canada is sending its full complement of 50 delegates. To most delegates the new university was a delightful sur- prise. The imaginative harmony of site and buildings must be. seen to be appreciated. A rocky lpeninsula comprises the campus which overlooks three lakes and distant hills. The United Church College. Huntingdon. where the delegates were bil- ieted is most beautifully design- Bob Jordan. Chaplain Bro. JoeiViSitOl‘S at the installation and \iielegerton. Treasurer Bro. Normlin'estiture will be members of ed and appointed: the from any part. will open next September andlmonies W. Bro. Roy ’I‘aylorqnot belong to either of the local Sudbury. the Catholic Univer-lSenior Deacon Bro. Jim Ander-dodges. To them a cordial invi- .sit_v. within two years. Lauren-Ison. Junior Deacon Bro. .Ioe;tation is extended to meet and itian University is. moreover. anlCarnell. Inner Guard Bro. Mark become acquainted with mem- experiment in bi-lingualism. Sports directors William 8311- . High and Bay- ' .able. for an outing of this kind. ‘ breath-takingl .3 ‘ "I‘hornloe. the Anglican College..Harry Sayers. Director of Cerc- Richmond Hill area who may ) I . Mr. and Mrs. William N. Cliff and children Debbie. Johnnyj Windhurst Gate. residence in Montreal. wherel :to the head ofï¬ce of the Royal‘ Typewriter Company. *rvirik DOUGLAS G. MADILL New Veterinarian Douglas Gordon Madill. DVM. son of Mrs. G. Madjll. 159 Cen- tre Street West. a 1965 gradu-i ate of the Ontario Veterinary College. was awarded his de- gree at the first convocation of the University of Guelph. May 21. He will begin private prac- tice with Dr. James Downey in Dunnville. xi x s 1 Entertaining for a June bride or a graduating stu- dent? “Life\ in the Hill" is comprised of local news. why not phone your items to the Social Editor Margot Crack at 884-1105. drop a line to 63 Yonge Street South - we‘ll be pleased to hear from you. it 3. wit it Richmond Hill United Church held its annual congregational and church school picnic on‘ Saturday. at beautiful Cedar Glen. Cedar Glen is the Toron- to Camp and Conference Centre for the United Church of Canaâ€" da located in the Cold Creek Conservation area near Bolton: and provides a natural setting for recreation and a refreshing change with all facilities avail- Close to 400 members partici- pated in this year‘s picnic. There were races for all ages. and an unscheduled adult ball game resulted in a few minor injuries suffered by some who found they weren‘t as young as they used to be. i Those in charge of arrange-‘ ments were, organizing commit- tee - Bruce Brydges. Alex Mac- Gregor. Owen Parish. John Rosevcar. John Spanner and Ross Wood. Sports â€" Don Weberi and Terry Bullen. Refreshments - Mrs. Bruce and Mrs. Perkins, Transportation - Bob Miller. I l l “meet at the central town park and Trinidad. Mrs. Rose Britnell of South- sea. Hampshire. England. is vis- iting her son R. G. Britnell andI Britnell. ich Avenue. Markham. At home in England Britnell is head of the Conservative association in her riding. in it it ‘I‘ The boys and girls of A. Mm, Kim's Sunday school class at St. John's Baptist Church were honored with a hike Sunday afternoon. to see the oldest pine tree in Ontario. Mr. McKim's class achieved. the highest points in a recently l held contest by the Sunday school 1k Itr v v Richmond Hill Presbyterian congregational picnic will be held at Buyd Conservation Area this Saturday. Those without transportation are asked to at 1:15 pm to board the bus which will take them to the pic- nic. up it It a Mrs. D. McIntyre. Arnold Street. entertained on Thursday at a miscellaneous shower for Elizabeth Acton. whose mar- riage to Kenneth Thrush will take place August 14 at St. Mary‘s Anglican Church. Assisting the hostess were her two daughters. Jean and Andrea. the bride elect’s sister Ruth. and Mary Turton. * >i< * >i< The Business Women’s Unit of the UCW of the Richmond Hill United Church held a “cook-out" on Tuesday at the Lake Simcoe cottage of Mrs. A. R. W. Uren. The Moming Unit; held a pot luck supper on the same day at the home of Mrs. K. Loftns, Arnold Crescent. The general theme of the evening was Brazil **** Spectators outside St. Mat- thew’s United Church on Sun- day might have been a little perplexed at the unusual attire of the congregation. Most ar- rived in Bermuda shorts or slims and sun hats of various colors and shapes. After the service of worship. led by Rev. F. James Burn, the congregation proceeded to Val- ley View Farm for their annual picnic. Here under the capable direction of John MacEachern. assisted by Jack Lynden and Mal McPherson. a full schedule of picnic activities was carried out. with over 300 people in at-, tendance. The younger children partici- pated in many different types of races. while the older children took advantage of the swim- ming’facilities. Parents joined in the fun while teenagers dressed as clowns entertained the small fry. The clowns were Carol Munroe, Brian Buchan, Linda Price, Ricky Madeley, Donna Rayson. Eddie Rogers, Valerie Danyer and 'Carolyn Dennis. The organizing committee and their many asistants are to be commended for a most suc- cessful afternoon. Install Richmond Tonight - K. W. R Kenneth W. Robbins of Lave- rock Crescent. will be installed as the worshipful master of Richmond Masonic Lodge toâ€" rigbt (Thursdayl. The ceremonies will be con- ‘ducted by Very Woi‘shipful Bl‘0.I Harry Sayers of Starlight Cresâ€"l cent. past grand steward andi secretary of Richmond Lodge. He will be assisted by past mas-l ters of Richmond and other: lodges and by present and pastl grand lodge officers. To be invested are: Immedi- ate Past Master I". Bro. Doug- llas Moore. Senior Warden Bro. "J‘ed Manol. Junior Warden Bro. l Todd. Secretary V. W. 311).; ;Stewart. Senior Steward Bro. A letter from nine resi- dents of Altamira Road and Libby Boulevard complaining that work done on the ditches by the town‘s works depart- ment had destroyed the aes- thetic value of sodding and other work installed by resi- dents. was referred to the works committee for inves- tigation and report at Mon- day night's council meeting. The letter read: "We wish to bring to your Wm. C. Lazcnb}. 884-4461 lIencourt Shopping Centre Iarkham Rd. &- Rayvicw Avenue Richmond Hill attention recent work car- i'ied out by the works (19. pai'tment on the ditches along parts of Libby Boulev- ard and Altamira Road. “The work in qttcsimn was purported to be for the purpose of draining water from the roads. This came as a surprise to the undeiu l signed. who are residents on these streets. as at no time did water lie on the roads and. to our knowledge. there has never been any drainage problem. The reason for this is that the ditches had been graded and sodded some years ago at the homeown- er's expense. This improve- ment was made long before a previous council's request that this be done as part of a beautification program for Richmond Hill. "The work in question. carried out on the 151 and 2nd of June. resulted In the ripping out of the sod. re- moval of any gravel placed there by homeowners and. In at least one case. a dis- turbance to the normal ditch flow. In fact. gentlemen. the aesthetic value has been completely destrode "Mr. E. Handbury. council- Lodge Officers obbins New WM Lloyd Murphy. Junior Steward Bro. Jim Downey. Assistant Secretary Bro. Fred Fiï¬eld. Ty- ler Bro. Roy Gemmili. Organist W. Bro. Harold lnce. Richmond Lodge originated in 1824 and carried on under V. W. Bro. David Bridgeford. after whom Bridgeford Street is named. until 1831. From 1832 to 1845 records are missing but from 1846 to the present. Rich- mond Lodge has a continuous history. It is one of the oldest masonic lodges in the Toronto area. It is hoped that among the the order now residing in the| bers of Richmond Lodge. ICitizens ProtestRipping Up Ditches l l Ward 4. when con- immediately came and inspected this act of vandalism. He agreed with the residents that the efforts of the works department had ruined what has been well kept drainage ditches. Mr. Handbury also informed us that our protest should be in the form of a letter to council. "We realize that the ditches are not part of the homeowners properties and that town oï¬â€˜icials may do with them as they see fit. However. we think that you will agree that destruction of this type does nothinz to beautify the area. "We feel the town should repair the damage to our mutual satisfaction and we hope that the mine matter Ior for tacted. .to several families leaving the A pleasant time we: enjoyed' Saturday at Valle.“ View Park by members and friends of St, John's Baptist Church at the annual church family picnic. Both children and parents on- joyed the races organized by Paul Gonzo and Howard Mc- Gowan. it: vi: it w- The advisory board of St. Mary‘s Anglican Church will sponsor an informal get-togetlv er in the quadrangle of the new church after the morning service at 10.30 am this coming Sunday. This will enable the congregation to wish God-speed parish this month. up is :0! III The Ladies' Auxiliary to Branch 375. Royal Canadian Legion extend their deepest sympathy to Mr. and Mrs. W. Luckins and family on the loss of their son. Danny. The catering committee comâ€" pleted another assignment for the branch on Saturday. Members are reminded of the general meeting next Monday. This will be the last meeting until the fall. I! -i: i ix “En la rose . . . je fleui'is". motto of the Duke of Richmond and of the Town of Richmond Hill. along with a lion gardant and 1965 form an attractive ob- verse side of the recently mint- ed medal of Richmond Hill Coin Club. The reverse side of the medal pays tribute to the town as the rose growing centre of Canada and commemorates the founding of the club in July 1964. These medals. bronze or silver. are artistically attractive and in years to come should prove quite valuable. At pres- ent they may he purchased from any of the 73 members at a modest cost. President, of the year-old group is PC Robert Deighton. local Boys land ('adet (‘orps was Inspecting officer was mont. Richmond Hill: **** The UCW of Richmond Hill‘ 7. r 7 . United Church held a garden. The June meeting of Rich- tea on Thursday at the home ofimnnd' Rose Chapter IODE was Mrs. B. L. Anderson. Centre:th at me home of Mrs. James Street West. , Outred. Markham. The evening Mrs. Anderson. assisted bywas spenl planning the chap. Mrs. L. D. Clement, president‘tmuS September fashion show. of the UCW. received the‘fonnwed m a ï¬lm. SUESlS‘ 1 On Saturday last members Rourmg ‘93 were Mrs' 0' I" enjoyed their annual barbecue Wright. Mrs. A. Bales. Mrs. H. a. the home of Mn and Mrs. D. R. Weeks. Mrs. J. H Crane, Mrs.lweir. Mono Mills. The highlight Militia??? ‘35:: Miami?“ “‘9 a “Wide- Lecuyer. Mrs. A. R W Urenlmrs' IL Kre'mer was the conâ€" and Mrs. M. H. Cunningham. ‘venor for tile]: elegant. The hostess' lovely garden- was a riot of color and the rus-‘ tic setting for the tables ideal for the tea, which was much enJ Sheila Orr. a graduate, of Richmond Hill High School. graduated from Toronto East General and Ortho- joyed by many ladies of Richâ€"' - - ' . . . ‘ paedic Hospital With sec- mond H1" a:d*dis:r10t' ond highest standing In l . . . 3 general proï¬cwncy, winn- iNLr' :3“?! Mrs" Charles Hard] ing the silver medal. and an we '1 rldgepmt stregt' .whoi award for proï¬ciency in rece‘iiit y celebrated their silverl medical nursing. wed mg anniversary werei Her parents. Mr. and guests of honor on three differâ€"l . Mrs. E. Orr reside at 101 ent occastons. of the 48th Highlander Pictured above following the inspection are (left to right): Cadet (‘orporal Robert D. Stephens. son of Mr. and Mrs. Donald M. Stephens, Richmond Hill: Lynn E. Beaumont. son of Mr. and Mrs. E. Donald Beau- THE LIBERAL. Richmond Hill. Ontario. Thursday. June 24. 1965’ At t. Anw's College The 6lst annual inspection of No. 142 St. Andrew's College High- held last month on the college campus at Aurora. Lt. Col. J. M. Lowndes, CD, commanding officer s of Canada. David J. Martin, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Martin, Maple; and David S. Douglas-Crampton, son of Mr. and Mrs. R. D. Douglas- (Trampton. RR 2. Maple. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Stewart. A hearty vote of thanks is were hosts to 250 guests and extended to Michael Foyle. gen- patients at a garden party held eral manager of the local lon Saturday at the Villa Nurs- branch of British Mortgage andi .ing Home and Hospital. Trust. by a group of parents: ‘ A buffet supper was pi‘epal'edpvhose children have had the by the nursing home's cook. opportunity of participating in .Mrs. N. McEwan. Entertainment the conversational French class- Iwas provided by the Dorothy cs held on the ï¬rm‘s premises. iElgin Dancers and the Craddock Without this co-operation the: children of Thornhill. who will group could not have operated. be appearing in the fall on the‘ The closing party and exam- .Ed Sullivan Show. ination held on Thursday last . Guests from the Hill includ-lconciuded the season‘s activi-i led Mrs. Percy Hill. H. West.‘ties. iMrs. G. Sweeny. Mrs. J. Patter-i son. Mrs. M. Maxwell. Mr. and. **** St. Paul's iMrs. W. G. Watson. Mrs. F. W. Women held their monthly 'Morrow. Mrs. J. Wynne andlmeeting at the church with. ers. E. S. Osmond. l18 members and guests present. I * * * * l Mrs. Sylvia Limpert had I SELLING YOUR BOAT? Charge 0f devotions. Ml‘S. Nelly I Find a buyer through a clas- WllllamS‘m arid MFS- lepert isiï¬ed ad in “The Liberal" on PresenlEd a Skit “Today's Wom- lgale every Thursday. It's easy en’I‘. The skit was very cleverly lto place your ad. Just call 884- Wl'ltlen by MFS. Williamson. 31105 or 339.3316 FOR FAST.Mrs. Mabel Percival. viceâ€"presi- Lutheran Church _ 11 LEASE BUY, EIectric-TV-Appliances Sales. Repairs. Parts 884-3211 LI‘IV EN DALE 42 ROAD Photographed in Color . TELEPHONE _ TODAY FOR. .va Complimentary (‘olor Brochure “TIPS FOR BRIDES TO BE" 884-6741 Stud/it’d Studio 30A YONGE ST. S. RICHMOND HILL 7 WW, He. ._â€"_4 WW On May 29 they were taken i to dinner. and upon their re« turn home. were surprised to ï¬nd their home full of neigh- bors who helped them celeâ€" brate. On June 1. a small open house was held in the evening. The happy couple were assisted in opening their gifts by their bridesmaid â€" of 25 years ago â€" Miss Rowena Elliott. and in; pouring tea by Mrs. Hardwick's1 sister. Mrs. James Tutt. On June 5. another open house was held in their honor. On this occasion they Were as- sisted by Mrs. Robert Giles and: Mrs. Florence Carruthers. To conclude their celebra-‘ tions. Mr. and Mrs. Hardwickl are taking a trip to the WestI Coast this summer. 4 ’k "r it! ‘ YWCA A morning Tupperware party was held on June 17 at thel home of Mrs. Phyi Miller. Gamble Road for members of the Pleasantville group andl friends. Mrs. Irene Miller conâ€" .ducted the demonstration. and Proceeds were donaIEd ‘0 the‘gloves and bats are sought. local YWCA. During the cofi‘ee‘ break Mrs. Miller and Mrs.. Joyce Atkinson shared with members the highlights of the National YWCA Convention in Saskatoon. Later that evening Mrs. Mllâ€" ler entertained the local YWCA Advisory Committee. Mrs. Anne Soderberg and Mrs. Gail Lim- oges of Maple at a dessert and‘ coffee party. Mrs. Elsie Her- ridge. Mrs. Mary Watts and: Mrs. Kay Higgs commented on. their recent preconvention workshop in Peterboro. and a report on the national conven- tion was given by Mrs. Miller and Mrs. Atkinson. A local YWCA summer course for mothers and daughters is being held at the Richmond Hill Centennial Pool on Wednesday mornings from 10 to 11 am, starting .lune 30 to September 1. Further information may be obtained by calling 884-2667. will be given serious consid- l eration at the next council meeting." Councillor Handhury deg. cribed the work as a “shock- ingly bad job." Deputy-reeve Floyd Per- kins. chairman of the works committee. pointed out that the work was routine throughout the town. "In this area the ditches have been better kept than in other areas in town. but in some cases grass had grown right up to the pavement. We don't care for right up to the pavement since it causes dirt to collect and prevents water from escaping. I believe the works commissioner has been in touch with these people and has agreed to replace the sod. up in two feet. from the paved road." Brass i results, ldent. had charge of the business ‘ lmeeting. Reports were given lfrom the various committees. IMrs. Gladys Keft‘er was thanked for her supervision and work on three quilts recently com- pleted by the women. I The outdoor service and Stinâ€" lday school picnic arrangements were announced. It is to he held‘ .‘a’. Humber Trail Park June 27.‘ No meetings will be held during July or August. The next‘ lmeeting will be at the church September 22. Choice of grey silver or walnut: Refreshments were providedgrained cabinet. Exclusive new by Mrs. Erika Kusnlei amt‘deluxe record changer plays all Mrs. Pat WOOd- speeds. Heavy-duty 4" speaker. -_ “Compatahle†stereo cartridge W to play stereo or standard rec- ords. Improved wide range .tone control and front mounted ivolume and tone controls. Plays a“ records including 12" with W) steIIe Markham ARCT RMT lid closed. ( E §Piano Theorygmodel snsm ( Summer lessons éi‘richmond Harding Blvd. LtTtheran Church ()qung Service Picnic Sunday At Humber Trails St. Paul's Lutheran Churohsby the board of American Mis- wiil hold its annual outdoorlsions of the Lutheran Church worship service and picnic Sun- in America. day at 10330 am- The mission board was hold- I-Iumbcr Trails Conservationâ€ng its quarterly meeting in Area will be the site of thisgrommo. It is hhe church ex- year‘s outing. Pastor Albert Eitension agency of the Lutheran Myers will conduct the and supervises about There Will be “0 Worshiplisoo mission congregations in service for Sunday school in theâ€le United States and Canada. church building on Bayview I V â€" Avenue. Services will resume Accnmpanymg boa'd mem theâ€. July 4 at 9:30 am with hers were Dr. Donald Houser ' ' i ' ' itarV . . 'h 1 held durin the of Chicago. executive secie . :03: g of the board. Dr. Albert. Lotz of . - *' ' it of the Humber Trails Is located on [\IlChener‘ preSIden the King Sideroad iust westIEaSler" Canadallu‘bhm" synnd of Highway 400. Everyone at-‘a_nd man." 0th?" Chu‘rCh 0m" tending is to bring a picnicsmalsi llunch. The local visit was part of an After lunch games and conâ€"Iatternoon tour of Toronto area tests will be featured. Dress Lutheran mission churches bu11t informal and sports with the board's assistance. Pas- such as softball tor Myers spoke briefly to the visiting members concerning The local Lutheran Church the history and life of the local received a special visit June 15 Lutheran congregation. will be equipment Retiring Principal A. S. Elson ‘Entertains Colleagues, Friends Boyd Mrs. lSmithville S. i H. A. Toronto I, On Sunday. .Iune 20. Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Elson. Church Street and .. G. South. were "at home" to many Chapman. Mrs. J. B. Wallace of their professional associates. [Sudbury and Toronto'. Mrs. members of boards. staffs and George Furse and Miss Helen graduates of the various com- White i()rangcville). munities in which Mr. Elson had Pouring in the evening were taught. Mrs. J. Coupland ISudbury and Assisting†in welcoming the Barney Mrs.w‘MmLMrS'B‘Ip guests were daughter Barbara 039".“ Mrs wright Morrow lMi‘s. C. A. Stevensoni and her Miss Jean White and Mrs G, husband. Mr. and Mrs. John M. Fitzgerald of Orangevme‘ Elson' Bruce E150†and ML“ Guests relaxed in the garden Mar-V Tenet" and were conducted to the re- 'i‘wo groups of ’i‘liornhill creation room where some of ‘- .‘« . Sunniâ€?HLthï¬ï¬‚lidemiann: Ithe honors and presentations 'e‘wmm“ 18 \d' 0 ' †‘ made to Mr, Elson on his re- tions within the school assisted in serving guests during the . ' afternoon and evening. These All" the marriage In 'IUIY “I were Dianne Ha“ Nam... Bag. their younger son. Bruce. Mr. .91.. muabem Duncan Barbara and Mrs. Elson are sailing in Griffin Marilyn 'l‘obcv. Nlal‘ge early August for a three month ' ' ' pau] trip to England. Scotland. tirement were displayed. Gibson. Janice Crouter. _ Hem...’ John Mme... Brian Wales. the continent and Clark. Bill Reoc-h and Paul Mamet“ Spafl‘m-d, While in Morocco they will The tea table was centred visit .\II'S. .Vl. Caneday. .Vlr. with an arrangement of mums Elson's sister. who is a member and snapdragon in the 'i‘horn- of the secretarial staff of the hill Secondary colors of yellow British Embassy in Tangier. and white and was topped with They will also visit other scenes a tiny ti‘i-colored flag. familiar to Mr. Elson in Moi-- In the afternoon. tea was occo and southern Spain before poured by Mrs. L. B. Mori‘isonfflying home in November, ?; GLOBE TRAVEL SERVICE 3'; {9 BOOKINGS FOR ALL STEAMSHIPS AND l; «é AIRLINES. TOURS AND CRUISES (j 5;? as voxm: STREET .\'. PHONE 8895782 \0 service charge. no booking fee RICHMOND HILL .\ :e H . l A i .i i \NXNNWNXNXWNWNWN'WNNWWWWI . A :A ' O MODEL 58507 Seahreeze Compatable Deluxe Automatic l 59.95 m‘“‘“ ‘( begin June 29th 9 t (’3 125 Lavermk Ave. ‘(5 j Richmond Heights Centre $5 884-3787 g; PHONE 884-7362 @mwmmï¬l __-\,.Wwew \«x t u :Public Transportation Meeting ' . Carlo-cont oooo'oo The transportation committee of the town council of Richmond Hill will hold a public meet- ing in the council chambers of the municipal offices at 8 pm. on Wednesday. June till. Dis- cussion will take place concerning: transportation in Richmond Hill. prior to submission of a brief ‘ to the Metro Toronto and Region 'l‘ransportation I Study Board. All interested citizens invited. I el ‘1 Councillor Eric Handhury Chairman. Transportation ('ommittc ‘l““““““! OOOOOOOOâ€...â€OOOOOOOOOO ASSISTANT T0 LIBRARIANS An interesting position for a woman who enjoys working with books. A car is required as the assistant will divide her time. between Richmond Hill. Thornhill. Woodbridge. Bayview and Lang- staff Secondary Schools. Library experience val- uable but not essential. Duties will include typ- in;r cards, requisitions for books, and assembling lists of books. CLERK-STENOGRAPHERS For Ra‘vview‘ and Langstaff Sci'ondaiy Schools. Competent typists. School office experience pre- ferred but not essential. Apply stating full particulars including age. education. previous employment, and references The Business Administrator, York Ventral 0’.†OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO 9 hisiiirt High School Board, “a 105:9 Street North. Richmond. Hill. bemoomwmoz