cï¬TR'iE’ï¬EE' RAILS 476-5447. c: STRING bass newlilirecondi- tioned. $165. 727-6550. clw52 ANTIQUE buggyidemocrat by Grey. 889-3290. clw52 CONTENTS of hotise, verSI rea- sonable. 884-2260. clw52 Iiiâ€"GUS automartriiciwasher with ITKYiahais’t’Féï¬/ï¬by bale or ton. Call M. Acreman 889-2236 or 884-2236. tfcl8 COLEMAN space heatErâ€"énd oil tank. Good condition. $35. suds 5226 Wistake body $100. 884-1013. ‘ tf952 USED electric stove, $35. 42 Levendale Road. tfc46 PULVERISED PEâ€"Aï¬oam. c311 884-1059 CHILD'S chest of drawers with hanger space. Harris. reason- able. 884-3919. c1w§2 APPROX. 700‘ used oak floor- ing 3/1". clean and bundled. C. E Steckley. 887-5307. *1w52 BOAT-shaped baby carriage rose-beige, excellent conditién. $35. 773-5669. CIWSZ Howard 888-1065 16‘ boat cover. Large white bathroom sink with taps. Two camp trunks. 884-1920. c1w52 DOUBLE bed. continental 66x spring and mattress. 889-5233. c1w52 40" AdmiralrrrstOQefeEélléHt condition. 3851 offer. 884-7589. c1w52 _EASY wringerï¬VWawshirng rh’achine In good \Qorking orvder Pump. $15. 884-7629. pump. $15. 884-7629. c1w52 FRIG, suitable for home om?- tage. Best offer. 884-3625. DUO THEm’sï¬i'c'JHeator. 251‘) gallon oil tank. Good condition. 889-6833. c1w52 BOAT. 13 h.p. motb'r‘éhd trailer 3450. 1 model A. Ford $225. 773â€" 5774. *2w52 cook stove, iï¬ good'shape. Cafl 889-3747. *1W52 APARTMENT size Moffat range $20. Phone 889-2275 after 5.30 c1w52 LARGE collection of antique china and silver. 28 Industrial Road. 884-1146. cleZ 2 burneriafldTï¬rHérjiectric plates, clean quart sealers. good kitchen chairs. 884-3917. c1w52 1 kitchen icrupboard, 1 Findlay MARLIN’z’z semi-aufJnTatic gun excellent condition. $30. 884- 2617. c1w52 ACM‘E e1eot‘ri‘c’éf69é7chï¬n7a’io‘x burners. Westinghouse refriger- ator. both good condition. $20. each. 889-1832. clw52 HONEY WERNER 889-2724 tfc21 REFRIGERATOR. exczllent f0} cottage or kitchen. very clean reasonable. New unit. 884-7197 c2w5i Walnul, woodan Hingesfol’erfect‘ condition. Phone 889-3747 after 6.30 pm. ~ cZw51 TAPE recordâ€"er side‘s-endgï¬in: tals. $1.00 a week. Herridge Ann pliances. 42 Levendale Road 884-3211. lfc44 PIANOS. bought and sold. reâ€" conditioned, guaranteed. tuned and delivered. terms. Pyle Piano Sales. 884-3614. tfc41 GOOD used fErHiture for sale. Call Frank‘s Movers and Stor- age. 28 Industrial Rd., TU. 4-, 2613. lfc3 USED refrigerators for homes and cottages. take trade-ms. Cal] Richmond Hill Refrigeration 884-7406. c4w48 REFRIGERATORS. large stock. $39, $49. $59. $69. $79. Recon- ditioned. guaranteed. Suther- land Refrigeration. 1004 Queen St. E., Toronto. HO. 3-0930. 9 to 9. *22w35 ALUMINUM Doors. windows. awnings. and railings. Ron Woods. 884-1514. tfc36 ï¬NIIQUE large_ {at}? 1'e'g"téb1’é NEW réi‘rigerators 42 LevEerzife Rd.. 884-3211. tfc44 BEAUTYREST. Marshall, Sim- mons, Serta, Seely and other spring mattresses repaired, reâ€" turned just like new. medium firm. extra firm. Two-day ser- vice. Eiderdowns recovered. On- tario Bedding Co. 889-1591. Sales Service Rentals Authorized Dealer All popular makes for sale in- cluding new and rebuilt stand- ard portable and electric mod- els. Special rental rates avail- able to students. L. H. SIMS 88 Baker Ave. Richmond Hill CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES CASH RATES, lst insertion .7c each word. minimum charge $1.00. Second and subsequent insertions if wording unchanged, .7c per word, min. charge ‘90c. BOX NUMBERS an extra charge per insertion of 50c COMING EVENT NOTICE. 7c per word; min. charge $1.00 CARDS 0F THANKS, IN MEMORIAMS. DEATHS, ENGAGEMENTS, MARRIAGES, BIRTHS per in- sertion s 1.00 Classified advertisements should be in as early in the week as possible but not later than 10.80 on Wednesdays. Send ads by mail and enclose payment or telephone us at 884-1105 or 889-3316 and you will receive an invoice. return, guaranteed. 889- tfc34 ARTICLES FOR SALE TYPEWRITERS ADDING MACHINES THE LIBERAL. Richmond Hill, Ontario. Thurs 884-1745 “C49 c3w49 c4w50 c1w52 c1w52 with tfc44 "â€"“ GOLD medal boy’s 2 wheel .19! bicycle, medium size $10. Cof- Eth field ironer. big help for a young 5_2fami1y, half price. 884-7061. 5'21 TENT. 9' x7927 pyramidal. lawn- mower. Clemson model E.17. Both in excellent condition. 889-3025. *1w52 STOVE.$457_ffngj_$35Tâ€"Piï¬Â§ Pong table 515. mattress $20. Boy's Bike $5. 889-4420. l93 Yonge St. 5., 884-2791. Resi- dence 888-1128. tfc52 SANDY LOAM. pea-t loam. sand and stone. delivered in small quantities. Cedars for hedging, cedar fence rails and posts. Call C. L. Knappebt. 884-3089. (Continued) USED wringer washer $81â€"42 Levendale Road. tfc40 USED Refrigerator $25. used TV $25, 42 Levendale Road: 77 ELECTRIC hot. water heater glass lined. 12‘ wooden boat Both reasonable. 884-7130. SALE continues at 213 Rich- mond Street. Frig. stove. kitchen suite. Evenings. good buys. Phone 221-6937. c1w52 WASHING machine. 1954 Ford motor. vacuum cleaner. electric 1clock. Trunk wanted. 884-2981. \ c1w52 LARGE dining room suite ~â€" buffet, small sideboard, 6 chairs. Table will seat 20 when extend- ed. Reasonable, call 884â€"1146. c1w52 300 Savage 99$. 95: shotgun, 12 gauge. pump action. $30; ex- cellent condition. 884-3484 after 6. c1w52 CAR TRAILER 4' by 6', 2 large wheels. 3 spare wheels. Stop and turn lights. Bargain at $60. 884-7037. c1w52 COTTAGETL'ake Rosseau, 130" shore line. road‘ hydro. $5,500. Boat 13 hp. $300. 884-5538. MacGregor. Rossea‘u, Ontario. c3w51 WRECKING 1958 Hillman, good motor, transmission. 8 nearly new 560-590 15" tires, plus parts. Reasonable. 884-5663. MAN‘S LUGGAGE set. 2 cases, Jetliner complete with plastic covers. Used once. Excellent condition. Reasonable. 832-1469. c1w52 {interior door 30" by '78" com- plete with hardware $5. 1 bath- room sink complete with taps and wallfitting $10. 884-4210. c1w52 WESTINGHOUSE stove, fully automatic heavy duty element, used 5 years, $125. Frig for small family used 2 years $100. Bunk beds. in fair condition. $35. 884-3055. c1w52 ALUMINUM doors and win- dows, awnings. siding and patios. Buy direct from ‘the manufacturers. For free esti- mates call Larry Bartholomew at 889- 1471. c4w49 IiiJTLER & BAIRD LUMBER LTD.. PAINT special. exterior, latex white. per gal. $4.39. This is one-coat Super White Latex), 191 Yonge St., N.. Phone 884- 1125 889â€"3506. tfc49 USED refrigerator $65.00 and automatic and wringer washing machines. TV sets all recondi- tioned and warranty. Maths TV. 45 Industrial Rd.. Richmondl: Hill. 884-7903. c2w52 1 SINGER Sewing Machine. auto-.? matic, cabinet model, 2 years. originally costing $387 balancej owing $68.27 or assume myj payments of $2.50 weekly or $11 1 monthly. 884-2842. c1w52 ; KROHLER Chesterfield bed‘ (large). G.E. range. oven. three- ‘ burner and thrift cooker. Leon-l ard Refrigerator. solid oak ex- tension table. Steel upright storage cabinet with lock. 20x 36x72, with four shelves (ad- justable). All good condition. 76 Harding Blvd, Richmond Hill. c1w52! Oak Library table $4.50. office armchair, 35. Office side chair' $4. 3 piece Chesterfield suitel with slip covers $20: chrome table. 4 chairs s15. trunks $1.5ol and $3.50. 2 enamel top tables 82 and $3.50. 1%" solid oak. doors 31" by 6' 10“ with 6 lights and 15 lights. locks and solid brass door knobs $12.50 and $15. inside window shutters 50 cents per panel. vitreous china toilet bowl and tank new 815. white enamel flush top kitchen sink new 84. Tall dresser 5 draws $7.50. Drop leaf tables. 520 and $25. captain style arm- chairs $3.50 and $5. Dresser with oval mirror $27.50 Walnut desk $25, Kneellole Table $6.50. Hall tree $2.50. Bonncll 8009. Yonge St, Thornhill. 889-2176. PASSPORTS CUSTOM FRAMING LAGERQUIST STUDIO FOR SALE FOR SALE clw52 c1w52 c1w52 c1w52 tfc38 c1w52 tfc52 rsday, June 24, 1965 (Continued) LAr Y‘S Luggage:_brand_ne\V. 889-2678. c1w51 STOVE - Gasfexceu‘émâ€"condiâ€" tion also arborite top kitchen table and 3 chairs. $60 for all. 884-6637. c1w52 CEFTAGEâ€"6\vner's.â€"thi:week COTTAGE owner's, this week only. You name your price. No reasonable offer refused. Chesâ€" terfield. chairs. dishes. appli- ances. You name it. we have it. éévihdustrial Road, Richmond Hill. 884-1146. clw52 ENEAR-GETICiman wanted for office maintenance. 889-7383. c1w52 'P'RXCTICAL nurse. full or part- time, nursing home. Yonge St.. Thornhill. 889-7072. clw52 HOUSE‘KEE’PE’RWamed to live in. Good with housework and children. 884-4435. c1w52 RN needed for few hours a week. light duties, Richmond Hill. 889â€"2806. clw52 3 women from 5-10 pm for kitchen work. Apply Mr. Mac- kie. 889-4931. ~ clw52 ‘HORSEMAN for stable of hun- ‘ters and racehorses. located on ‘Highway 7, near Bayview. Emp. 3-3944 or HU. 9-2587. c1w52 SERVICE station attendant re- quired must be experienced. References apply Tony‘s Esso Service. 884-3440. cleZ EXPERIENCED steno typist, reliable person to take responâ€" sibility. contractor‘s office. Highway '7 and Keele St. 889- 6297. c2w52 SERVICE station attendant steady employment. Apply to, Young’s BA Service Station. Yonge' and Benson. Richmond PART TIME Experienced Sales-lady for Exâ€" clusive Fur Salon in Richmond Hill‘ Phone 884-3001. c1w52 MARRIED woman wanted, fullI time. to operate diswashing machine, meals and uniform supplied. 884-1370. clw52] SXLES lady for Variety. nights immediately. Bayview Variety Bayview Plaza. 884-0090. FLOOR cleaners, experienced, 401 - Kennedy Road. Keele Street - Highway N0. 7 areas. Write Box 116, “The Liberalâ€. c2w51 REAL ESTATE career for men or women, free extensive trainâ€" ing program, special assistance to new starters, top commis- sions and draws. Call Mitro 8; Star Ltd.. 222-2525. tfc25 CLERICAL assistant full time some evening and Saturday duties. Apply in writing, Mr. Colin Robertson, Chief Librarian Richmond Hill Public Library, 24 Wright Street. clw51 GOOD home for middle-aged housekeeper, light duties. rea- sonable remuneration. European cooking if possible. Full par- ticulars. Box 121 “The Liberal". clw52 MALE clerks. required by Rus- selsteel Ltd.. located on Bowes Road off Keele Street, 1 mile north of No. 7 Highway. Good starting salary and company benefits. Phone Mr. Georfle. 889-7341 n .._....e,.. vunnuuu' utu., uaal STEELES & YONGE Ionic Bldg. Cleveland, Ohio Real Estate Salesman to special-lUS'A elmâ€")2 ize in Steeles and Yonge arca-â€"~ ' 7 »~7 â€" properties and investment acx‘e-‘ MECHM‘ICIAN WANTED age. For interview appointment The University of Toronto has please call D. McLean. 889-1176 an opening at the David Dun- evenings. 889-3419; David Mc- lap Observatory for a young Lean Ltd.. 74, Steeles Avenue. man with training or exper- West. c1\\'52_ience in mechanics to work un- 10 energetic salesmen required for expanding real estate firm unlimited potential. excellent! commission. Draw up to $100! weekly. For interview. Mr. N. Smith 221-5554 or 889-6361. N. S. SMITH REAL ESTATE LTD. | 4828 Yonge St. at Sheppard ! HELP WANTED PERMANENT 0R TEMPORARY 0R PART-TIME REGISTERED NURSES For Greenacres Home for the Aged. Salary range. $369.00 to $426.00. Graduate nurses also required. 194 Eagle St. Newmarket or 387 Bloor St. E., Toronto 924-7441. 'THE‘PEOPILE'BUSINESSA APPLY GREENACRES HOME FOR THE AGED FGR SALE ‘HELP WANTED gMISCELLANEQIgggMISCELLANEOUS USED CA_R_S clw52 c1w$2 eor‘ze. c1w52 35$“â€" dei' supervision on telescope . maintenance and instrument wags construction. Ellen! Applicants should have train- . I . . . $100land skill With such machine In N_ tools.as lathes. drills, milling 61 machines, and be able to plan , ' mechanical details of new in-‘ ATE struments and to cope with basic electrical circuitry. An in- mrd, terest in the principles of optics elm-’2 is desirable. Applicants should be willing to work one or two nights a week to become familar with the operation of telescopes Iand accessory equipment. 55 The beginning salary is $400 ,1. the per. month with excellent op- too to portunity for advancement. The ; also position offers interest. vari- ety and challenge plus the pen- sion and health benefits of the non-academic staff of the Uni- vcrsity. ED Apply in writing. giving qual- ket ifications and experience and oronto two references to The Director. lDavid Dunlap Observatory. c3w50|Richmond H111, Ont. tfc50 STUDENTS - restaurant work. 297-1280. 889-5790. c2w51 CARETAKER male to assist in caretaking duties in local United Church on a part-time basis. year round work. Box 120 “The Liberal“. c2w51 297-1280. 889-5790. CZWSI STUDENTS WANTED SUMMER help. $50 week. Herâ€" ridge Appliances. 42 Levendale. clw51 SHORTHAND stenographers re- quired by Russelsteel Limited. located on Bowes Road off Keele Street. 1 mile north of No. 7 Highway. Good starting salary and company benefits. 'Phone Mr. George 889-7341. $75 weekly. phone for inter- view. 884-1194. c1w52 THIRD class stationary engineer for shift work in high pressure gas and oil-fired plant. Phone Mr. Thurston. 884-1171. $325, secretary, good shorthand and typing. $275, stem-shorthand. $250. stcno-dictaphone. Car necessary. 884-3986. YOUNG men wanted to be trained for general work on research animal farm. Must be responsible and willing to work. Starting salary $1 per hour. Phone High Oak Ranch Ltd., 884-2580. tfc52 LIBERAL CARRIER “The Liberal" requires a car- rier boy or girl for an estab- lished newspaper route in the Pleasantville area of Richmond Hill during the summer months. Please phone Mr. Cook, 884- 1105. nc2w51 MAID REQUIRED for general clean- ing in boys‘ residence buildings. Duties to begin August 16th and to continue throughout the school year. Apply Miss J. Jol- liffe, St. Andrew‘s College, Aur- ora, Ont.‘ 727-4883. c1w52 SALESMAN for new food pro- duct open market no competi- tion. Ideal for man experienced in sales to restaurants. hotels and catering line. Commission will prove highly attractive to qualified applicant. Car essen- tial. 884-3119. c1w52 FARM "SKEESMKN ' Opening for a farm and land salesman to specialize in Vaugh-i han and Markham properties from the expanding Head Of- fices of David McLean Ltd.. on Steeles Avenue, West at Yonge. Experience preferred. Please call D. McLean., 889-1176. even- ings, 889-3419. c1w52 OPPORTUNITY FOR SALES- \LADIES David McLean Ltd., Realtors have openings for 3 energetic ‘ladies in their busy successful long established Richmond Hill ioffice. Unparalle-d opportunities, |complete training and every as- sistance. Call Mrs. Sutherland. 889â€"1164, res: 884-5310. clw52 TEACHERS OAK RIDGES separate school board requires for September Kindergarten teacher, princi- pal’s relief teacher. Salary schedule in effect. Level one $3,600 to $6,200 6 years teaching experience recognized at $200 per year. Apply in writing stating experience qualifications inspector and telephone num- her to: R. Emmett Urquhart. Secretary- Treasurer. Post Office Box 427, Oak Ridges Ontario. UNUSUAL Opportunity â€"â€" High commission earnings with a growing 61 year old company selling world famous Goodyear maintenance products. Rod Tormo earned over $24,000 (not typical. bu-t indicative of poten- tial) last year. M. W. Frank earned over $13.000. Age no barrier. Diversified year round line. No investment required. We take care of all financingâ€" shipping â€" and collections. ‘Start on part time basis if you ‘like. Write Consolidated Paint ‘& Varnish lCanadal Ltd, East Ohio Bldg.. Cleveland. Ohio. lU.S.A. c1w52l SCOTT‘S CHICKEN VILLA SKILLED HELP Continued COOK 01' c1w52 c1w§2 c1w52 c1w52 ‘ ‘cARPENTRY’si CONCRETE 1 {Custom building additions. re- ypairs, renovations. J. W. Curtis. 1889-2494. tfc43 tfc43 POSTHOEEFï¬inging and fenc- HAY and weeds cutting on vacant land. 884-1538 c2w52 CUSTOM siviiuiing. $3.50 per acre. 832-1279. c2w51 ing. Phone 889-4432 R. E. Dunn. TU. 4-2798. tfc CUSTOM’laWn‘m’dwin'g‘tdi large or small lawns. Call Aur- ora 727-4122. tchl ’TRENCHING POSTHOLE digging and rolova- ting. J. Hampton 773-5922. PAINTING and decorating. carâ€" pentry work. alterations, recre- ation rooms. 884-5009. CARPENTER REMODEL, repair, and build. Call Bryan at King. 833-5422. lfc45 ROTOVATING. plowing. discing weed-cutting and posthole dig- ging. Don Catton. 773-5912. CONCRETE - MASONRY CARPENTRY CONTRACTORS Building, alterations a; repairs, prompt service WALKER & MITCHELL 889-2526 tfcfl RALPH ELMS DECORATINE Painting. paper-hanging, inter- ior and exterior. Free estimates. Work guaranteed. 884-7902. CALL us for your sand. gravel, fill, top soil and black loam. Prompt delivery. Reasonable rates‘ J. B. DeFerrari, Maple, 832-8876. tfc7 CALL Harry for lawn cutting, flower planting. drain repairs. small concrete jobs and pain-ting exteriors. Phone anytime. 833â€" 5306. c2w52 E. W. PAYNE Drains. septic tanks. All types of concrete work. 889-5762 FREE ESTIMATES tfc31 MASb‘NRYâ€"Edï¬'i‘RACTGR Stonework. Fireplace, etc. V. Ostergaard, 16 Elizabeth St. 5., Richmond Hill, phone 884- 5688. tfc23 CARPENTRY WORK, additions, renovations, garages. recreation rooms, tile floors. No job too small. Free estimates. T. Price 889-3653. tfc28 SHEET METAL WORK Eavestrough, new and repaired. Heating, roof flashing, etc. Free estimates. Work guaran- iteed. TU. 4-1006. tfc51 CHIMNEYS Chimneys built and repaired. Free estimates. Expert work- manship. Phone Walker and Mitchell. 889-2526. tfc15 CARPENTRY Any type â€" rec. rooms, cabinet for garbage cans, cupboards. shelves, garages, etc. 884-2588. ttc22 PLUMBING Alterations. Repairs. Contract- ing. Estimates. EDD BLIGHT 889-5741 SPECIAL Chesterfield sets recovered ~â€" 2 piece $69.00. Nylon frieze $99. 5 years guarantee. Terms if de- sired. A. Smith, Upholstery. phone 889â€"1682. tfc43 HKRRTSONS CUSTOM CARPENTRY Custom built homes, rem tions, additions, and rep Kitchens 3 specialty. Mo Harrison. 884-2838. t: Custom built homes, renova- tions, additions, and repairs Kitchens 3 specialty. Morris Harrison. 884â€"2838. tfc45 PLASTERING AND TILE Ceramic tile, showers installed, also plaster repaired by experts. No job too small. Call anytime 884-7045. Ask for George. ‘884-1245 UPHOLSTERY RECOVERING â€" RESTYLING of all types of furniture. Latest fabrics, reasonable prices. Guar- antee Work. Active upholstery. 889-5345 889-1981 Residence 889-4813! W- i CUMBEREAND'Vallef Stables! Leslie Street, 20 minutes to Metro. 10 minutes Richmond Hill and Yonge Street. Stable newly renovated. Box stalls and standing stalls. Reasonable prices. Also horses for sale. Phone 887-5364. c3w52 PLUMBING - HEATING A. MILLS & SON LTD. James D. Stewart 884-2201 ï¬lï¬TIN’Gisz'PAPER HANGING Kitchens. Rec. Rooms. Flooring, Panelling. Bathrooms Budget Plan Available PHONE MR. SCOUT 889-4922 or 884-7968 Sewers cleaned without digging or tearing up pipe HOME IMPROVEMENTS SEPTIC TANKS PL’MPED $25.00 C. STL’NDEN Richmond mun-1711. 889-5741 tfc49 c4w50 tfc 31 tic“PROOM to rent. sufï¬gentleani. 884-4302- 3884-1629. elw52 , ,ï¬ _ ,_,,_m___._>. tic}? '58 FORD 700,~7#)‘(411 dump,l :ova' NICELY furnished room to $850 or best offer. 889-3439. 't'fc42 rent. Central. 884-1768. c1w52 “W52. Phone‘sati-I 179579’Dod7ge_V-8â€" stationAwagollr, "“i ROOMS to rent. “egiz’i7436. *1w52 excellent condition. new tires. |17‘Atrailer_comoletely equippe . V CI‘VDZ. “C43 book now. 294-2992. c1w52 58 RENAULT. good second cal" â€" ~ ~ ' ' . for family, fairly good condi- UBLET. 2 b d m tment . _ , Slim balcony? $2.11â€!ng HilL tlon, $100 or Will eonSlder. offer lam-5041. clw52 §§9‘5_°6,3:- M A 0,2,w51 â€"-‘* -"â€"“ 1959 Austin van. suitable for luild. 5422. 7 _# tfc45|ONE r00 med cottar e. for elderl . . g person board optï¬onal' r y camper. Slde wmdows. Good eason- able 7734143 clwsz cgndition. $200. Phone 889-5561 - __i,____..'.. _ .._ A a ter 5 m. 1 I 12. ROOM available private en- .58â€"CHDVâ€" ~ 7 C,WS21 tfc47 trance. parking. 889-3270. MAME; -MB?A1â€k-me $131125 Iâ€"{ANle man withâ€"1E, will clean cellars 8: yards. Grass &‘ ‘weed cutting. 225-7558 or 884- 7469. tfe24 TWO students require summer employment. Grade 10 commer- cial. Available immediately. 884- 1248. clw52 YOUNG man grade 12 graduate seeks employment. Responsible. adaptable and mechanically in- clined age 18. 833-5018. elw52 YOUNG married woman will care for babies or pre-schoolers .in nwn hnmp, References avail- tfc33 “('33 CONSISTENCY! (Continued) CUSTOM WORK cultivating or plowing. Large or small areas. 884-7768. ti‘c46 BRICK WORK FIREPLACES. patios, planters. chimneys built and repaired.~ 884-3143. c6w50 001-011;). Lulvuu - â€" - 1959 CHEV. motor good doesn‘t W‘NDOW CLEAN'NG ‘burn nili Body. fair condition. Industrial. commercial and $125 cash. 339-4134, c2w52 . _g -i _o , , Egges‘ Remnable 13‘“ £316,195] BUICK four door $100. , _, , , 7 Good shape. 889-1484, after 6. ANDERSON COMMERCIAL c1w52 . "100“ QLEANE“ TQGBUPONTIAC ’ wagonfstms’. Pactones. Offices & Stores I ~ ‘ _ Cash 01 pait trade. 173-5270. Fully Insured. 1 “W59 884-2830 1:.._A __a,-,,_o_, _ __ , , __,,‘;j FURNISHED mom, with bal- cony, central. Richmond Hill. 884-1209. ncw52 KURORA. 4 roomedAapalftment. modern central. $95. 727â€"9488. 727-5046. tfc52 OAK RIDGE's,_3_be'di~oom home, modern. central. $95. 727-9488. 727-5046. tfc52 SUBLET. 1 bedroom apartment. Inter-com, indoor. outdoor swimming. 884-5706. c1w52 2 BEDROOM apartments. Close to all facilities. 889-2303 or 884- 2852. tfc36 SMALL cottage. Richvale. suit- able one or two. Rent reason- able. 221-8551. c1w52 able. 221-8551. c1w52‘ BASEMENT apartment. fully furnished, suit one or two teachers, female only. 834-7234. c1w52 NORTH of Oak Ridges, 3 bed- rooms. all conveniences, spaci- ous grounds. Adults, references. 773-5807. c1w52 SUBLET, 1 bedroom apartment, Intercom, swimming pool. frig, and stove. $100 monthly. 884- 6298. c1w52 MODERN APARTMENTS AVAILABLE RICHMOND HILL 884-6262} and 884-1601. [£040 FURNISHED room, cooking fa- cilities, 16 Lorne, lst house east of Clarke‘s Drug store at Yongel tfc24 FURNISHED apartment, separ- ate entrance, large grounds. One 01‘ two teachers or business adults. $90 monthly. Telephone 727-5597. tchl HALL FOR RENT Available for weddings ban- quets meetings. Catering. Vic-l toria Square Community Hall. 886-5409 for rates. c1w52! ONE bedroom basement apart-i ment with stove and refrigera-' tor. Very close to Bayview Plaza and bus. Low rent. Call; 884â€"6892. *1w52) 2 BEDROOM APARTMENT NEWLY decorated. balcony, pool, near public, high and sep- arate schools. available immedi- ately. 884-6756. c1w52 HALL FOR RENT Seating capacity 250 for ban- quets, weddings, etc. Bar and kitchen facilities available. Phone Mr. H. O‘Brien 889-1023 tfc48 GROUND floor apartment. Fully furnished, Steeles and Bayview District, separate en- trance. garage. patio. Single occupancy. $100. 889-4113. 2 storey home. 4 bedrooms. catnl sublet upstairs as bachelor apartment. FURNISHED rooms for busi- ness couple or two business lad- ies in new home in quiet rural setting. Light housekeping. Must have transportation. Box 121, "The Liberalâ€. c1w52 Floor sanders, saws and drills. Hand sanders. jig-saws and nail drivers. 889-1109‘ tfc27 liENTALL, 41 Y0NGE"N.- Rug shampooers, floor mach- ines, tools, chairs. 384-6761. Herridge Electric-TV Applian- ces, 884-3211. tfc42 RICHMOND HILL TV 884-7456 889- TOOLS T0 RENT ' ‘ Cement mixers. floor sanders and edgers, ramset guns, roto-' tillers. rotovators. also 500' other tools. Willowdale Rental and Sales, 6026 Yonge St.. BA. N T001 & Equipment Work these ads as hard as you likeâ€"they’ll go to work for you one Thursday. all month if you prefer, each week doing a vigorous selling job on the thousands of readers and prospects who shop “The Liberal“ Classified Section regularly. Flexible too! More than 25 different classifications to provide an easy to shop market place for the items you want to sell or buy, the services you want to offer, or the property you want to rent or sell. PHONE 884-1105-6 - 889-3316 RENT portable T.V. for as low as weekly. - T. L. FRASER LTD. 859â€"0501. Mrs. Berry TOOLS FOR RENT T0 RENT RENT, lease, buy PHILCO TV $2 PER WEEK RENTAL KING CITY 889-3755}! {ma-k c1w52 tfc51 889-5451 889-5452 884-5976 1957 CHEV. 2â€"door. hardtop. 8. 833-5070. c1w52 1959 min. standard 6, sierré gold. Private. 884-6085. clw52 1959 FORDV‘grdrod condition. low mileage. reasonable. 884-7197. 48 FORD, 1/2 ton pick up. best offer over $75. 884-3116. 1958 EDSEL Sedan. good condi tion. Apply 446 Alper Strret 1959 Austin van. suitable for camper. side windows. Good condition. $200. Phone 889-5561 after 5 pm. c1w52 ‘58 CHEV. Delray 6 cylinder automatic, radio. back up lights fender mirror. 884-3416. 1959 VAUXHALL Victor stationlCLERK-TYPIST interested in a Wagon needs some work on en-iposition in Richmond Hill. Pay- glne. Nearest offer 832-1417. roll. accounts payable. statisti- _ clw52 cal reports. etc. Write Margaret 1963 Fairlane 6‘ autmï¬t’i’c'z: Bartraw. Box'55 Lake Wilcox‘ door. excellent condition, 1 R0 for 8999mm†czwsz owner. 889-3145 after 7. ,WOMAN-moving'to‘diétrikm; V H; w 777â€"“ c1w52 sires work in Thornhill. Wood- 61 Volkswagen. reclining-seats: brlflge' Maple area .as .3 den.tal new muffler. heaters and seat asswtant or receptionlst. Five covers. Sacrifice. 884-4691. .years experience' N0 typing‘ £351.12 Phone 826-1819. c2w52 1960 CHEvfz-‘doorf (cylinder, YOUNGhan’vN' gang t° sum‘ automatic radin urhiln Uich .mer SChOOl to complete Grade 61 Volkswagen. reclining seats, new muffler. heaters and seat covers. Sacrifice. 884-4691. Ron. c1w52 1960 CHEV. 2-door. 6 cylinder, automatic. radio, white walls, wheel discs. Excellent condi- tion. $875 cash. 832-2050. 1954 CHEV. 4 doorrsedan. radio and heater, motor uses 1 quart oil per 2000 miles. A very de- pendable, good running car $75. 884-7629. c1w52 1201‘ ' c313g?OUTBOARD 59 Mercury 20 hm.‘ 884-4670- W52 â€" ' 7 â€"â€" ‘ ' â€" : . 1 c2 ATTENTION TRUCKERS 1‘5} cohqltE’P-ï¬ï¬i 1.738 7° “11 fl - , , w, _ ,rmA- _, If you are looking for used HYDROPLANE. all equDmenty‘WW trucks. parts. tires or accessorâ€"lmust be seen- 833‘5070'WCIW52'250 ies, see the truck wrecker ï¬rst.‘ A r V 7 Moore Truck Parts & Sales, Old (5‘ Springbok aluminum pram.‘ ‘ ST NO- 11 Highway, Holland Land-Bought last August. Excellent; LOW, Low (0' ing. 895-4666. tfc34‘cnndition. 884-3189. ('Iw52l‘ _â€" ‘ â€" -â€" - KENNY HATTON'S Honda Motorcycles Sales and Service, Maple Side Road and Highway 400. 832- 1201. (23138 1 Western brefdimgï¬f 9 yeafs 01d. Call 889-7000 after 7 pm. c1w52 REGISTERED thoroughbreds. Two year bay coI‘t. make good child’s hunter. Four year ches't- nut mare. bred to “Wardoc‘â€. 16 hands. Both gentle and in good condition. Maple, 832-1434. CAT Siamese long-haired white with brown ears and feet. vicin- ity of North Bayview. Reward. 884-6628. c1\v52§}i(3ril-Ii.sbhool student desires ï¬z‘o'WN‘and‘white'Couiefmalé 851W, {Mfg- 384'6832‘ “W52 lost from 6th concession Vaugh- EXPERiENCEDâ€"bEByâ€"sitter han Township. Reward. 832- available. Phone 884-7720. 1260. clw52 c4w50 LIVESTOCK FOR SA LE $16,700. Immediate possession. 3 spac- ious bedrooms, fireplace in living room, garage. nice garden, good mortgage. Jack Williams, KING CITY 518.500 brick and stone split level bung- alow. attached garage, finished family room, 3 bedrooms. immaculate condition. 6% mortgage. Harry Pridham. $7.500 commuter‘s special. 4 room bung- alow, plus closed porch. modern kitchen, new furnace. well maintained, good financing. Jack Williams. $31,200 2 storey French Provincial 1 year old. 4 large bedrooms, library with iog burning fireplace 2 car garage lot on quiet crescent. 99 acres of real invest farm buildings. well 1 property. Harry Pridl Liberal Classified Action Ads hit the mark with a large and loyal audience every week. MARKHAM RD It doesn’t cost any more to have an experienced Agent call at your home and discuss your needs. LOST A few of our many listings RICHMOND HI‘LL SOUTH 01 a helpful ad taker will assist you BRAMPTON KESWICK clw52 clw52 c1w52 clw52 - LESLIE ‘tment land. located and ALERT girl desires light as- sembly work, Grade 12 educa- tion. 833-5707. c1w52 STUDENT‘ male, 19 year sires summer employment 5549. l STUDENTS. odd jobs gardens. windows etc able rates. 884-2311 or IRONING done at home. 884- 3484. c1w52 work for summer holidays. 889- 1825. c1w52 YOUNG MEN, 16-19. looking for work. Anything considered Can you help us. Call Salva- tion Army. 889-4869. “052 HANDY man with truck. will clean cellars 8: yards‘ Grass & weod cutting. 225-7558 or 884- 7469. tfc24 TWO boys. 14 and 15. desire YOUNG married woman will care for babies or pre-schoolers in own home. References avail- able. Call Mrs. Watson. 884-6395 ‘ ('1w52 TWO students require summer employment. Grade 10 commer- cial. Available immediately. 884- 1248. clw52 12, wants work of any descrip- tion for afternoons from 1 pm on could be full time after August 15. If you need an honest and willing worker please contact Mrs. Anderson, 884-1105 or 889-3316 during business hours, evenings. 884- 3660. nclw52 Bought last August. Excellent condition. 884-3189. _ c1w52 17’ fibre-glass. full convertiï¬ie top. 75 h.p. Johnson Electroma- tic. tilt trailer, Water skis and rope. 884-5180. c1w52 ‘BOAT, motor and trailer. Com- .plete moulded boat 161/2’ x6' 'beam. 35 h.p. electric Evinrude. Teenee trailer. Complete $795. $66 Roosevelt Drive. 8896094. BOATS FOR SALE ALUMINUM boats 12’ and 14" Department of Transport rated“l 20 h.p. and 45 h.p. respectively, by Lansing Hydrocraft. builders of equipment for the British Antarctic Survey Department. 884-1776. c2w51| EMPLOYMENT WANTED BABY SITTING unuuummmmmmuumuununummm\munumumnmI usual level large 516,900â€"1/2 acre landscaped with fish pond. outdoor barbecue‘ vegetable gar- den planted. elc.. large living room with fireplace separate dining room, hot water heating, 2 car garage, good financ- ing. Jack Williams. $12,600 â€"n767room 2 storey brick home, private drive. close to schools. shopping and transportation. Harry Pridham. $34,900 â€"â€" Custom built contemporary ranch on large lot. 29' sunken living room with stone fireplace. beamed ceil- ing and walk out. 3 bedrooms. den. built in oven and elements. family room and bar area. .lack Williams. 569.000 â€" Yonge St. frontage, service station. 2 bay garage, snack bar and house. corner location, good income property. no gas leases. name your brand. Harry Pridham. years. de -â€" lawns Reason. 884-1486 (-1 “'52 clw52 :. 8-5;: ALL kins’o'f sewing. altera- nclw524tions, slip covers made. etc. 884- ‘.4347. tfc32 SOUTH OF GORMLEY 71W52i mNew HONDA roma- s and cle2 Com- L-‘g‘ x6" nrude.’ $795. RICHMOND HIM RICHMOND HILL ‘ PETS FOR SALE WANTED to arrive at Yonge and Eglinton at 8.30 returning 4.45. 884-2970 after 6.15. c1w52 HIDE required, Maâ€"ple to York Central Hospital. arriving 9 am. leaving 5 pm. 832-1410. clw52 WANTED a ride from Bayview and No. '7 Highway in Danforlh Avenue. Working hours 8-5. 889-5024. ~ c2w52 ‘WANTED from Richmond Hill ‘to arrive Steele and Keele. 8. ‘Return 4.30. 884-3037 after 8 l‘pm. *1w52 2 house-broken good home. 889‘ LAB puppies thoroughbred, papers. reasonable. 884-4358‘ clw COLLIE pup male. Free to good home. 884- 6120. c1w52 PUPS-foifâ€"galeâ€"part_ï¬ermari Shepherdv part Collie. 773-4191. clw52 PUPPIEs‘ror’sale $6. 174 Weld- LABRADOR puppies. females. Purohcad stock. $20. King. 833- 6372. clwï¬Z trade [or what have you 5239. POODLES black miniature 10 weeks registered. needles. paper trained. ideal pets. Phone 884- 1386. ' c1w52 YEAR old Basset hound sell for ENGLISH springer spaniel. 1 year-old female pedigreed. Liver and white. 889-7210. vate. 884-7482. tfcï¬l JILL GODDARD for profes- sional Poodle clipping 7783 Yonge Street Thornhill 889- 3606. “('41 POODLES. miniature. white. registered. From good stock. reasonable. Your choice. Pri- MERRYLEGS POODLES REG'D PROFESSIONAL grooming ~â€" satisfaction guaranteed. Puppies usually available from top qual- ity show winning stock. Modern boarding facilities. phone 727- 6669. lfc43 EEOM aVéilaBIei (board op- tional) private entrance, park- ing. 889-3270. clw52 ROOM and BOARD ck Road. 884 KING DRESSMAKING Chrysler-Plymouth Ltd. Phone 889-4858 Transportation Dufferin at No. 7 Hwy SORENSON SEE DESIGNING DRESSMAKING ALTERATIONS 884-4670. (‘ITY 'I‘HEM kittens. free 3139. clw months TODAY clw52 clw52