luck Was A“ Bad’ For This Beginnerl Beginner’s luck was all bad for a Richmond Hill youth when he went driving last week. According to Vaughan Townâ€"I ship Police. Wayne Bardeau, 18. of 319 Boisdale Ave.. who holds a 90-day beginner‘s permit, got some gas the hard way when he ran into some pumps after turn- ing into a ï¬lling station at Yonge Street and Elgin Mills Road. About $500 damage was done to the car. Bardeau told police that his brakes failed. Brakes also played a big part in an accident at Bathurst Street. near the Campbell Side- road. June 10. Involved was Ronald Powell, 44, of Aurora, who told police he braked to slow down while driving south on Balhurst Street. swerved and rolled over the left embankment. Both Powell and his daugh- ter, Denise Powell, 16. suffered injuries and were treated by a doctor in Aurora. Damage to the timated at $1.000 Pat E. Smith Resigns Moving To Lakehead The resignation of Pat E. Smith from the retarded chil- dren's authority was accepted by town council with regret Monday evening. urcua auuuuuy "no uwuuyowui by town council with regreti Representatives of Richmond Monday evening. Hill Public School Board met In tendering his written re-‘wiutih the works committee June signation, Mr. Smith stated he 8 and clarified the town's in- would be leaving Richmond Hill volvement in the board‘s reâ€" shortly to accept a position at quest for provision of a sur- the lakehead. faced walkway in the general “We have enjoyed our 10 area of Sussex Avenue, north years in "the Hill" and should from Centre Street to Crosby we ever come south again we Avenue. would hope to receive the same The works commit-tee report- hospitality we have grown to ed to council Monday evening accept as part of our daily life.†that f0110Wing a general review Mr. Smith commented. [of the proposal. and in keeping Mayor Thomas Broadhurst stated, “We can ill afford to lose people like this. Mr. Smith has made notable contributions in many ways to the welfare of the community. and this year was one of the leaders in get- ting the Rose Bowl Road Races started". At Councillor Lois Ha‘ncey's request the town clerk will write Mr. Smith expressing council‘s appreciation of his re- alization of civic responsibility during his residence here. 8895445 9612 Yonge Street 884-2864 THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday, 1 9 6 5 P O N T I A C STRATO-CHIEFS, LAURENTIANS and PARISIENNE HARDTOPS 8. CONVERTIBLES WALK IN ’65 Vauxhall, Four Door Sedan ’65 Viva Standard ’65 Viva Deluxe Special Holiday Sale Large Stock To Choose From PONTIAC - BUICK LTD. (Opposite Dunlap Observatory) car Was 85 SEE OUR LARGE STOCK OF LOW MILEAGE DEMONSTRATORS SKYLINE IMMEDIATE DELIVERY ON cu u: that following a general review of the proposal. and in keeping with requirements of both parties, the following course of action was agreed upon: 1. That the works commis- sioner prepare and submit a site plan detailing the walk lay-‘ out. with a profile, for the board's information. ; 2. That the town he respon- sible for obtaining the necesâ€" sary right-of-way to locate the proposed walk, in time for its construction and use. if possiâ€" ble. by bhe requested date of September 1, 1965. LV\IAA\:A Hui..- "u‘ Council approved this agreeâ€"‘ after Deputy-reeve Floyd Per- kins explained that when theE walkway had been first discus- sed with the school board. that} body had been considering buy-1 ing a school site soubh of Crosby‘ Avenue and the walkway could have been provided on land already owned by the town. The town had intended acquir-l ing only an easement through the land soubh of Crosby for‘ installation of the forcemain‘ but the school board's need for‘ a walkway has changed the situ-‘ ation. 1. That the works commis- sioner prepare and submit a site plan detailing the walk lay- out. with a profile, for the board's information. Crosby Walkway In a donkey baseball game at Victoria Square June 3, which was “laughs from start to finishâ€, a team of ball players from the community centre committee and local citizens squeaked out a 4-3 victory over the Victoria Square Lions team. In the picture above Lion Carl Walker attempts to lead a reluctant beast of burden in the right direction as Clarence Steckley applies persuasison from the rear and Forest Dullege con- tributes vocal encouragement. One of the “co-operative" little animals laid down on the job and all were most anxious to travelâ€"in the wrong direction. You Go Your Way â€" June 24. 1965 For Example DRIVE OUT 2050. 1550. 1650. Vaughan By-Law Prohibits Night Dump Use, Demands Rat Control Mr. Bryce's motion that the by-law be given a third and final reading was seconded by Councillor Sam Kaiser, who Barbershoppers Help Handicapped Children Uxbridge High School was the scene of a Barbershop Harmony Show last week when the York North Barbershop chorus pre- sented a program in aid of the Institute of Logopedics‘ The institute. which teaches speech theraphy to children. is the service project of the Bar- bershoppers. The program was one of sev- eral in which the group par- ticipated during the last week. Among the obhers were the On- tario District Chorus Competi- tions; guest chorus at the home of Dr. DeGeer of the Metro Chapter, and the Schomberg Lions Club ladies‘ nighL Now is a great time to trade in your old Guitar as we have the best stock ever of new and used instruments 1 Yonge 51. S. (Corner Centre St.) Open daily '1“ 9 pm IF YOU CAN SING! (even a little) talk to us about a Tenor Guitar. Instant music assured Plan now to give your children summer music lessons. They will have the time to make the most of a summer course. Free use of instruments in your home for 8 weeks TRADE IN : " YOUR OLD MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS OF ALL TYPES NEW AND USED DRUM OUTFITS ALL KINDS OF MUSIC BOOKS FROM y GUITAR Call us today at 884-5272 $22. To $500. Music Co. Coun-i it was‘ of the trucks at Councillor Dalton McArthur ab- ed sent. the vote was two to one‘ oil in favor of the motion. As it“ helwas a recorded vote, Reeve A.l ve H. Rutherford attempted to cast} an opposition vote but was re-| iminded by the deputy-clerk thatl ghe could only cast a vote to: *break a tie. Mr. Bryce‘s concern to have the by-law passed speedily was because it also contains a clause requiring all dumps in the township to be serviced once weekly , by professional extermina- ' tors using poisoned bait to r exterminate rats and other vermin. i Control of rats had been re- In-‘quested by a local farmer who ‘vas‘said rats. driven out of the he dumps by fire, had been infest- :ks ing his farmlands. Leng reconsidered his request to resign as chairman of the works department. Reeve Legge told council members he had tendered his resignation due to “lack of co-operation of the committee and outside interferâ€" ence". The by-law controlling hours of operation of dumps and re- quiring rat control carries a maximum fine of $300 for each offence. DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH TOWNSHIP OF NORTH YORK Your Baby’s First Yea Dirty Diapers Sometimes it‘ may that the first year dirty diapers, extra lack of sleep, the things again and aga ‘ There is a great, c that. But brightenir I memory are your coos. his smiles and l his first step. and k that you are givin‘ boy or girl a goal for a full and joyful This is the last. seri‘ articles. CARL E (Photo b§':â€Â§i"ï¬a1-t‘s smmof Ideal for storing blankets, clothing and pillows ain and again. a great. deal of t brightening your are your baby‘s smiles and laughs. step. and knowing are giving your girl a good start I and joyful life. e last. series of J HILI may 56 year is a extra w1 », the 52 1d again. reat. deal Year seem only work, same No‘ M.O.H Package of 10 Bags I CUTvouuz‘-Ag~ Iggy-‘4‘ 5 o . Garbage and Utility Bags HEAVY GAUGE 15†x 11†x 36†PLASTIC SPECIAL THIS WEEK'S Package of 25 Bags EASY TERMS - to suit your budget BARBIE “TURNPIKE†TIRES Sold Exclusively by 5.90, 5.201 5,20, 60 tq 50/ 1 A SIZE 13 10 ASSOCIATE STORE 7O YONGE ST. NORTH, RICHMOND HILL 889-1101 â€" 884-1196 95 644 773 3.430. 1.1.1 '9 .45 11. no... 56' 1.... 1696 1.." 10,31 21.6. [‘4 937 134 111. H 20.90 23.50 21.95 24.75 2455 22.35 25.15 97.60 27.85 31.30 94.00 29.80 33.50 90.4 2020 Each 9.80 runNéikE SAFETY 'IC. 1179 14,?! I.“ 9.42 10.4! 9.55 10.44 11.44 15,69 12.1! ‘3.†[74 9.59 103' 95‘ 5.9.9. 1!... 111 10.97 Con Each, 11.34 13.79 14.7! 10.57 SHOP WITH CREDIT CARD CONVENIENCE ON-THE-SPOT FINANCING 18.40 9.76 21.45 10.70 20.4 20,45 92.50 25.55 Each TURNPIKE SPECIAL 10.69 11.64 10.69 11.64 737 93,4 09.3 11.1 9.63 3.63 YURNPIKE STANDARD O99 [39