Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 1 Jul 1965, p. 10

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10 THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday, July 1, 1965 Know What He's Talking About? When a neighbour com- ments on the week's news. don‘t be caught short. Make it a habit to read “The Liberal" every Thursday morning for latest de- velopments in council. educa- tion and local happenings. The buddy system of swimming is encouraged in Ontario’s Provincial Parks. This system is a simple ex- tension of the well known safety practice of never swimming alone. While beach patrol officers are employed. where warrant- ed. to maintain order and assist in emergencies, it is an impossibility for them to watch every beach user. It is difficult for parents be properly supervise a number of children in the water when varying de- grees of swimming skills tend to separate and divide the family. The buddy system helps overcome deficiencies in supervision. Every bather should have a water-buddy in their own swimming class. Beginners should be assigned buddies from the non-swimming group. The better swimmers should be paired off with swimmers of comparable ability with whom to enjoy the sport. Styled by Velente Ladies & Gents Choose from finest imported cloths. 100's to choose from. 0 W001 Instructions should be issued that each member of the pair stay close to and watch the opposite member. In an emergency. warning should be given by shouting or contacting the supervising parent or beach patrol officer. This system will be benâ€" eficial in preventing many needless drownings which occur annually. However, it must be stressed that children under seven and all non-swimmers should be supervised while in the water by a competent adult. . Tropicals Highlight of the evening was .m 3, g lentertainment provided by Mohan- ‘Goalie Louie Moore and his ifather, Doug Moore. “1 Want Richmond Tailoring Co. iTO Be A Hockey Star" was the ‘first number of several which ‘pleased a very attentive audi- 5 You" 5" Richmond m" Sence. The boys especially en< ‘joyed watching movies made F > , _ , , , , almmuununmnumumumunumuumuummm“uuuuumnmuummulnm1lnml\mmummm1uu\m1mm“muunmuuuumg worsted O Terylene O Tropicals 0 Pure Silks 8: Mohair fimummmmmuummumuumummmmuu“mm\mmuuuummum“mnuuunnmmmummmumuuuuumnnumuununui YOU’LL BE NOTICED IN YOUR CUSTOM MADE-TO-MEASURE SUIT Buddy System Richmond Tailoring INTERMEDIATE & SENIOR RED CROSS, AND BRONZE MEDALLION $7.00 - 9 lessons plus examination JULY 5 to 16th - 191h to 301h AUGUST 2nd to 13th - 16th to 27th Swimming Lessons This new Dairy Shop will offer you the highest quality dairy products plus a selection of other high quality food items, featuring hand dipped ice cream and Uplands famous malt shakes. Uplands Quality Jug Milk Homo. 55¢ 2% Homo. 49¢ Skim 45¢ Uplands Dairy Shops 3 BIG DAYS OF SPECIALS Centennial Pool OPEN DAILY 7 DAYS 9 A.M. TO 11 RM. Phone 884-6651 for information Also evening lessons available 454 MARKHAM RD. AT BAYVIEW to POOL OFFICE 161 NEWKIRK RD. RICHMOND HILL Apply in person AT THE l _ . "Nome Winners “med by the OM“ 3“" “5° CFGM WAS NOT JUST ANOTHER HOCKEY TEAM were declared champions of the North York H°Ckey League The Country Gentlemen the team was christened, "WW d1V1510n- But the kids disliked how that name listened, Last Wednesday night was of their games and shown by S.lDunlop, John Caven Steve certainly not hockey weather Gordon as they relived mom-’Gordon, Dave Dunkleyv Rickev but nevertheless saw the offic- ents of victory during the past Sackfield, Stan Petronski Ter- ial close of the 1964-65 hockey hockey season. ry Rice. Tommy Sanlon and season for the players of the Members of the champion- Robbie Edwards l CFGM novice team. These boys ship team are: Captain Steph-l . the winningest team to repres- en Brown; Assistant Captains * * * ent Richmond Hill in the hoc- Steve Cronkwrlght, Dennis Ac- key.wars for some time won the omb, Val Steffan: Goalie Louis Sil Steffan also read the foL nov1c_e championship .of the Moore: Scott Mabley, Greg lowing rhyming tribute to all provmce the first year In which Binkley, Bruce Hipkiss, Brian connected with the team â€" this championshipihas _been l-Tonor Country Gentlemen Banquet On a hot night players. coaches and parents enjoyed a buffet supper in the Lions Hall and the boys again demonstrated they were championsâ€"at con- suming mountains of hot dogs and hamburgersâ€"as well as liv- ing up to the name "gentle- men". The evening's festivities were in the capable hands of Coach Ray Brooks and his assistant. Sil Steffan. Councillor William Lazenby congratulated the boys on their win and presented each with a team picture on behalf of the town. Ray Gem- mill added his congratulations; as he presented every member of the team with an award of merit crest on behalf of the rec- reation committee. In present- ing these crests which bear a replica of the town crest. Mr. Gemmill told the boys they were not given lightly. but only Coaches Brooks and Steffan then- jointly presented each ‘player with individual miniaâ€" ‘ture trophies noting both of this year‘s championships as well as the player's name. The ‘hockey player. which tops the iwalnut base, in each case rep- ‘yresents the position played. r‘ In presenting the Ontario ,championship crests, Sil Stef- .fan commented, “You boys !won't need coats, just wear 1your crests". He was assisted by Sandy Dunlop unofficial team trainer. timekeeper, etc. ...,-- .._, a, to those champions who had proved themselves good ambas- sadors of Richmond Hill. Sponsor Stewart Coxford pre- sented the North York League crests to the team members and the trophy to Captain Steve ‘Brown. This is the fifth year ‘in a row Richmond Hill boys have won this championship. The original trophy. with its plaques marking the first four wins. was retired this year by the league and will be placed in a case in the local arena for permanent safekeeping. Steve Cronkwright, who ac- cording to his coaches “played two hearts out", received the award for outstanding player. The team‘s captain and as- sistant captains also participat- ed in presenting the two coaches with suitany engraved thermometer-barometers. R wed°l June 30 V ,7) “Ml Many interesting events will test the fitness of children and adults of all ages at Northview Heights Collegiate July 1 in a physical fitness jamboree un- der the direction of Sy Mah. Main event will be the physical ‘ fitness tests which will offer a ‘ North York Township medal ; for passing a fitness run, pushv ups and situps. P.P.S. On every real hockey team, there is one further need, These are fans and folks, you're the greatest indeed. You mothers and fathers. you cheer and you shout â€" We‘ve even one mother who yells, “Get the lead out”, We've Paul. the only male cheer leader to show us the way, But “Down in front” was all he would say. Those who are in good walk- ing condition can earn a medal for walking four miles around the hack in one- hour. The ex-; ci-temen‘t of physical fitness reâ€" lay races will not depend so much on speed as on condition- ing. Races will be run accord- ing to age groups with em- phasis not on speed but on unning at a regular even North York Township Dominion Day Program The Country Gentlemen the team was christened, But the kids disliked how that name listened, They said that the only name which belongs Is the good old one. CFGM Singalongs. The first name, however. was at least half true, Because all of the boys, the whole crazy crew, Although most not yet aged even ten. Showed time and again they are “true gentlemen" The reason for this was a guy named Ray, A coach whose purpose was to show them “The Way". That to be a winner was indeed a great thrill But better still to be “Ambassadors of Richmond Hill". Of course they played hockey, good hockey it was, With many a win â€" the losses vyere light. ........‘, But the thing about this team, that made them a delight, Was that no matter the odds or how tough the draws, Rallied by Ray saying, “Gas up . . . gas up . . ." On they would go to win us the cup. From last year‘s Singalongs, who were white and green, Five players returned with which to start the team. Back came Dennis, called “the menace" with reason, Also there was Stevie, top scorer all season. pace ‘uuv "nay V - .._- A defenceman named Steve, 3 Brewer in the rough, Accompanied by Val. no position too tough. Those were the ones who led the way, On whose sweaters rested a “C” or an “A”. Other afternoon events will include Metro's first skipping contest. football throwing, nail hammering, weight lifting, high and broad jumps. Also returning was a goalie named Lou â€"â€" Stops he made many, but goals in were few. Helping in goal was a young man named Stan. Whenever he was asked he proved he was the man on Yonge Street at 10:30 am Others were picked to join the Big Green, Tall ones and short ones with nicknames so keen. Like Li’l Ricky, Terrible Terry and our boy “Digger” All mighty mites that our opponents couldn't figure. There were Scottie and Greg. our hardest hitters. And Brian and Bobbie, real hustlers, never quitters. Steve was quiet but his goal scoring spoke loud, Big John was another who made us all proud. Participants in the events are expected to set a record, in fac¢ it is anticipated there will be double the number of entries this year. Other Dominion Day events in North York include a parade We also had helpers, Ray‘s coaching they heededâ€"« Bruce, Mike, Tommy and Ricky were there when needed. These are the boys who made up the Green Team, The prides of our lives, who fulfilled our great dream, And all over the province, If I may mention again. Proved in every game they played they were “True But one thing about them that kept up the fun, Whether we played weak teams or even a strong one, Through regular games and overtimes they kept chargin', But no matter how they tried it was always only a one goal auux an... So as our memories of the team begin to fade, We may forget the wins but not the ulcers they made. I've kidded you folks As parents, fans and Gentlemen” margin folks a little, but now let me say and friends, you are 0.K. Dunlap, John Caven, Steve Gordon. Dave Dunkley, Rickey Sackfield, Stan Petronski, Ter- ry Rice, Tommy Sanlon and Robbie Edwards. Get The Best in Cooking an‘ antique car show at the municipal building in the after- noon; an afternoon track and field meet at Don Mills Col- legiate; a softball exhibition in seven parks, afternoon and evening; evening band con- certs with fireworks displays in four parks and fireworks at dusk at the municipal buildings. AURORA: Doubling the capac-‘ ity of the existing sewage plant, a move essential for industrial expansion, will cost $00,000 according to the town's new engineer, Jack Reid. at Special Prices Vbouble-Oven GAS Range by Tappan-Gurney Automatic clock-controlled ovens. Low tempera- ture controls both ovensâ€"food keeps warm in- definitely atter cooking. Variable Broil Control. Rotisserieâ€"lower oven. Set 'N Forget automatic burner. Tappan Sizzle 'N Simmer burnersâ€"no ports to clog, easy to clean. Chrome boil-over trays. Surface and night light. Swing away, out of the way doors. Visualite non~tog windows and oven lights. Bake or broil in upper oven. Remov- able Oven Linersâ€"choice of chrome. disposable aluminum or Wedgwood Blue porcelain enamel. Model HWCRSâ€"482 $3332.39 a week I’ll-'5 53'3513" only Ion your Gas bill. Also availablo with single high even and cabins! base [or storage. Only $1.72 a week on yaw Gas bIII. CALL 85 Yonge St. N., Richmond Hill @-5h5umers’@as mm“! m PERSONAL COMMENT lbecause of poor playing condi- When is vandalism, vandal-)tions. ‘ ism? This question has come to? * * * ‘ mind numerous times after see-1 GIRLS ‘ ing the condition of the outside As of June 27, 1965 facilities at the town park. The W. L. P . locks have been completely Rubies . . . . . . .. . 5 1 ts 0 0 torn from both doors and the Pearls 4 1 8 surrounding area defaced. Emeralds ...... 3 2 6 The defacing is an act of ut- Diamonds ter stupidity but we also owe a Gems .. debt of gratitude to these cul- Zircons . prits for their service to the community. At least now. the Rubies washrooms are accessible to Pearls the public, even though unfit Gems for human use. Rubies: If the authorities thought of ited with saving money by keeping them Note: S closed, I‘d hate to see the bill Jean Riel for repairs. assistance As of June 27, 1965 Dodgers Senators Cardinals Yankees Cardinals 20 -â€"- Senators 7 Dodgers 30 â€" Yankees 18 NOTE: All pee wee games on the school diamonds have been cancelled until further notice Local Pool Observes All New Regulations New provincial regulations regarding swimming pools are now in effect. The regulations, under the Public Health Act, require all lifeguards at public swimming pools to be at least 17 years of age. They must hold either the Royal Lifesaving Society bronze medallion, YMCA sen- ior lifesaver award or Red Cross leader safety patrol award. At least one lifeguard will be required for every 100 bathers. Former regulations set no qualifications for lifegyards. Pools must provide ring- buoys. 12-foot reaching poles and first-aid kits. “Boisterous play” will be banned. Showers for every swimmer before en- tering the pool are mandatory. All these regulations re- placed “vague” ones issued nearly 20 years ago, according to W. M. Wilkinshaw of the Ontario Department of Health, who drew up the new safety NEW1965 code Although there has been no dramatic rise in drownings in recent years, the increase in the number of pools made more detailed safety standards de- sirable, he stated. Manager Kel Tonner of Rich- mond Hill Centennial Swim- ming Pool reports that all the new regulations have been ob‘ served there since the pool opening. All lifeguards there are at least 17 years of age, most of them being 18 years old, and only one holds the bronze med- allion; the minimum qualifica- tion. All others hold higher awards. The new regulations require one lifeguard for every 100 bathers but the ratio in the local pool is one guard for each 40 bathers PEE WEE SCORES A real bargain at this special price, this 1965 Findlay range embodies many fine conven- ience-features usually found only on higher priced models. £12232 $1 043% nlus sales 13" only I on your Gas bill. 11253126 7 U4 3 week plus 531651“ on” I on your Gas bsll All models available in gleaming white or rich copper finish. OUTSTANDING VALUE New 1965 FINDLAY Top Quality GAS Range Pts Rubies . . Pearls . . Emeralds Diamonds Rubies 39 -â€" Emeralds 9 Pearls 26 â€" ercons 0 Gems 24 â€" Diamonds 7 Rubies: Lynn Olsen is cred ited with 4 home runs. Note: Special thanks to Mrs. Jean Richard. without whose assistance the girls' standings would be more than 5 weeks be- hind. Cardinals Senators Yankees Dodgers Yankees ‘ Cardinals Senators Dodgers MITE MINOR As of June 27, 1965 As of June 27, 1965 Senators ....... 2 0 Yankees ........ 1 1 Cardinals . . . . . . 1 1 Dodgers .. . A . . . 0 2 Note: Games June 16 and 23 were cancelled because of rain and the Sports Day Par- ade. Double headers will he played this week for all teams. ONMA As of June 27, 1965 Yankees . Senators Cardinals Dodgers TYKE MINOR As of June 27, 1965 As of June 27, 1965 SCORES Yankeess 39 â€" Dodgers 19 Senators 19 â€" Cardinals 10 SCORES Yankees 15 â€"â€" Dodgers 10 Senators 4 â€" Cardinals 3 MITE MAJOR OPEN JULY lsi Hit Records 1/2 PRICE SCORES Cardinals 13 â€" Senators 2 Dodgers 18 â€" Yankees 16 SQUIRT Electric-TV-Appliances Sales, Repairs, Parts 884-321]. 42 LEVENDALE ROAD 889-4811 TYKE MAJOR SCORES L. Pts. Pts. Cardinals Dodgers Senators Yankees SCORES Cardinals 20 â€" Yankees 16 Dodgers 14 â€"â€" Senators 5 TIME PECIALs' Be ready for summer driving, trade now for a NEW VW or a reconditioned USED CAR at LIPPAY MOTORS. 1963 Volkswagen Custom 1962 Volkswagen Deluxe 1960 Volkswagen Deluxe I95 7 Chevrolet Coach 1957 Old: 88 Sedan 332-1461 KEElEuSlKILSCBLVITHHlag-MAPLE 339-5501 LIPPAY MOTORS LTD. Buy as little as $10 worth or as much as you likeâ€"cashable anytime. NEW UNIIJUE SCUTIABANK SERVICE See us for your next collision repair estimate. We specialize in body repairs and painting. Solder used exclusively. by well trained men. Frame straightening done on the premises. (Sat. isfziction guaranteed.) Red and white, 2 identical cars to choose from. MANY, MANY MORE NOW ON DISPLAY AT / M White with red trim, like new! Warranty. Turquoise, leather trim, whitewalls, really spot- less. 100% Verified Warranty. Gleaming black, red trim, whitewalls, has custom radio, 100% Verified Warranty. Runs good â€" priced right. SERVICE CARS AVAILABLE ~â€" Pts THE BHNK 0F NOW-‘1 SCUTIH ; /////' M2 fizz” Wm $3 Fm» m an [mm/z REGAL AUTO BODY 319 ENFORI) R1). 884-3342 â€" 889-4702 RICHILDACA CAMP KETTLEBY, ONTARIO A Day Camp for Boys and Girls 4 - 14 YEARS OLD Swimming (heated pool), Nature Lore, Camp- craft, Canoeing, Creative Arts & Crafts. Riding, Sports & Games, Singing, Story-Telling, Overnights (for 8-14 year olds) LIMITED OPENINGS AVAILABLE IN 3 CAMP PERIODS Chartered Bus Transportation Provided Fees are only $30.00 per camper for each two- week camp period (‘ALL 884-2844 FOR FURTHER INFORMATION W. J. Babcock (Mrs.) Jean Babcock Director Secretary JULY 19 to 30 Authorized VW Dealer W #13742 LIMITED AUG. 2 to 13 8: 16 to 27 RICHMOND HILL 100% Verified

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