Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 1 Jul 1965, p. 13

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} THE LIBERAL. Richmond Hill. Ontario. Thursday. July ‘1. 1965 Maple, Concord and Edgeley District News Happenings 1" Maple l “9%” 13 The eueaeement has been an- at College Teaching Changes Toronto Teachers utiuiit-ort ot‘ .ltidith lladdin to gave a miscellaneous shower.‘ Staff changes at the two‘ Eif’fllllalri C Thacker. both of early in May, for her and an- Maple Public Schools have beentc‘ongi-atulattoiis . 1 ~ . - .‘ '- " - a ’ . v _ _ “The Liberal" is always willing to publish items. regardingr people aiid events contributed by its readers" in Maple, (‘oncord and l‘,dzel:‘.\'c:;*lrllt"l‘k 1" ply/23L... l|l:l:)-\E:(l:llli $111,112? ggiliictigaisl?tziileeiis (life 2:210:31?:Ii‘ggugzhiolbdoalldle ialmha"‘,...l§§".2.13:“..1f; 1:13:13; Maple please phone Mrs. Janet. Myers. 832â€"1423: in Edgeley and Sherwood. Mrs. Raymond Stuart. 389-1904. and in Concord. Mrs. (‘aro c. I lug Slowlmnk “121mm Church Mrs. Reg. ThaCker' the Jam. Gin“ of Joseph A “lh- m: mmr Goddme anniversary "in Drive' "ll-4379' 8mm“ ""‘dal “WP” havegroom‘s mother gave a miscel-‘Son is transfei‘rins to Dl‘lnt‘l-June so. ninth in also Mrs. been 2l\'(‘n for Judy Her 01355 laneous and personal showerllflll's SUPPLV at Jefferson and‘Youug's birthday. ' ' for Judy on May 26 at her home Ross Doan Schools. Miss Bev- . v i a on Nethel‘ford Rd. This waslel‘ley TiVEI‘On from Dl‘inCiDal'Slkoad Widening mainly a family shower. TherellISSiSlal‘lt 3! Joseph A. Gibson \\'ork to widen Reels Street 8 Maple YoungstersSpend week were 27 guests and the brideâ€"land Roselawn to Roselawn. began m came“ last week . . to-be received many beautifull Mm Marilyn Watson \villiwhen soicial earth movers At gifts. . iteiich kindergarten just at Jos-lworked itntil dark each day Mrs. Bill Myers gave a kitâ€"leph A Gibson nexi .Veall Thiskgradlng the shoulders and cllen shower for Judy on June'yeal‘ She taught at Joseph A. ditches hetuccu Highway 7 and Sharon Autos l‘l'élsr‘l‘ t‘l'til' tlail Rout‘l‘s and S. P. Herlihey. 10 at her home on Naylon SLlGibson and Kleinhel'g. Steclcs .~\\cuuc. The. road gau Cathy Crook Joan limu- hothstal'f members at Langstaff Attending were 43 friends and New teachers will be Miss width is being extended from sham. .\ailt1\ l‘iuisci‘, Kr‘llll Secondary School. neighbours of the bride. Co- H3281 MCLaChlan 81 Joseph A-i66 feet to 1le feet in order to ‘llatlieusou. l‘aul l‘liuiktiit and Ronald Wilson, of Nethei‘ford hostesses at (his shower wel-etGibson and Mrs, Donna Mo accommodate four lanes Of " Stephen Shore were among 37 lioatl is come to he the sum- Mrs. Ross Allen, Mrs, Ted Alâ€"lPhail at George Bailey. traffic. i illflllR-‘lall 5“"“n‘li‘” 5“““0'. “mt WWI“ l‘m‘ 0‘ l“? “‘hml- ten, Mrs. Jack Saigeon and Mrs» Miss Joan Hand. kliidcreari- Prior to the grading. workers studcn‘ts “ll-(lelt‘tll tlicnicck tit Ron is a‘ teacher in a North William Davis‘ len teacher at Joseph A. Gibson erected new fences on both 'lylm" :1 m “3 3‘ ll‘“".”"“‘”3' WM" ‘ll'lll‘ll‘ “1‘1" Vim“ Carol McKeown. who will belhas resigned and will not he re- sides of Kecle St. tion School at the Albion llllls l-lc roports that this conserv- Judy‘s maid of honor gave altuming next year t o i o (“"5°""3"°" M” “l R”""“' “ml” S‘lm‘“ “ms “"9" m0'.surprise miscellaneous shower} Mrs. Doris Tilt, grade oneiConseri-ation News Their trip was sponsored by tl'l(‘ Vaughan Township School Board. The conservation school m sponsored by \letro t‘oiisort... tioli Authority. and is open all this year for the ll.\t‘ tit lllL‘ll school groups from this area. it ‘is financed by donations from industries and interested people There is also a foundation \(‘l up to assist in financing it. This grams. One is a 40 week pro- :ram for the school boards of Metro Toronto to which they twin send to children for a comâ€" plete neck. The second type of program atnilable is a weekend one. The on June 15 at her home on theateacher at Joseph A. Gibson} An all time. record is being Maple Sideroad. Attendinggschool has been ill at her home. set at most of the conservation were 20 guests. mostly fromtin Richmond Hill for the last,arcas this summer as more and Judy and Carol‘s class at To-lrtwo weeks. All her students. more of the general public are ronto Teachers’ College. Gueststand the other residents of Ma-ztistllg the areas when they wish .were there from Toronto, Aur-‘ple wish this very excellentto enjoy a day in the great. out- :r-lioot i: open on weekends to 0m and OShawa‘ “mm: we“ and hope she'll b93d‘mrs'. ‘am “Mp which wants '0 a‘van“ Lynn Jackson‘ Who 1310 be . bad; In September in good Besides a series of conducted itself or the facilities. Oneibl‘idesmaid. Dawn Kingsley them“ th‘ “3“”? “1“” '3“ 53mm“ 3.“ teacher is provided and a pro-lother bridesmaid and VickllB.“ Reflstrltlon .Sunday at live conservation gram is W up for me \wekendtiReeds gave a Shower on June| About 6p boys enrolled {axial-easel the Boyd Conserva ion .IS “5 “mm, "W. of “WIMNH. TM mm] is a summer pr0‘29 at Lynn‘s home on Oldfieldytha Lions sponsored softball Areaui'Wootlhridge. the public The young people study Mit‘ll‘fll‘am (in this children can gole. The 30 guest‘s at this league wmch M" begm (in July “’35 muted m lake Part m “‘9. things as forest conservation}for a full week. or for a \veek- Shower “Ch brought 3 can 0f 5’ unfortunately only five ad" timid annual sunnse Tour' stream improvements. survey- end. ()fteu service groups \villltinned goods and also pre- "us answered the Llons Clllb "HWY also had the opportunity -ing, trout streams and plant lllP.‘SDOllSOl‘ a cllild for a week inisented a gift certificate to the appeal for aSSlStame' Any N“ to have an outdoor breakfaSt of Secondary (Photo by Stuart's Studiot ’ I V‘They were taken on special husitlie summer, hride-to-be towards the put-ten.t Who ‘5 interesu‘d in Seeing'PanCBkes: Dawn am} 00369 be‘ t a e trips to visit a dairy tnrm.‘ Young people attending thetchase of a piece of bedroomtthls. Worthwmle §ummer rec' {019‘ Slallmg m" “n the two‘ Clarcville Dam. the (lien llafe‘school are usually in from furniture. lreatmn succeed 15 35"“ '0 hm” mu" At Pioneer Village. demon- stration of blacksnlithlng as it was done in pro-Confederation days gave visitors the chance it a It! it lcome to the ball park at the Caro] McKeown, dlughter of‘community centre on the night Mr. and Mrs. Arthur McKeown of July 5 it 7 Pm The more graduated from Toronto Teach- ldum the" “1‘9 taking P3” m fey Trout Hatchery and (:ihsonlurade 6 to grade 13. There will Lake, be two special weeks this sum- The school has a large ,rec mcr set aside for a program of Lions Andrew Snider (left) and Richard SOtlEI‘bEI‘g were kept busy serving delicious barbecued chicken at the Maple Lions Club annual barbecue. held June 24 at the Shur Gain Farms. hall. lunch area, laboratory andl‘adiilt courses. one at the be- . ti 3 th Li lub th t l h C we shod by . , __ . - . . v __ sleeping dormitories. Asrociac ginning and one at the end ofiers‘ Colle e in Ma and was “3'3 n e 0‘“ C - e' 0 See ‘°“’ or? 5 ‘3 'lhe mete than 600 people who attended the affau s best attendance leLOld .Vet ‘ . .hired by TSSA 1_ “mild of Mark- more succesle this league will the village smithy. ed with it is a beef cattle operâ€"ithe summer. . ' This school offers a tiniquelham. Carol will be toaching be. so do go to‘ the park and. ‘ing aspects of outdoor life. .\;('llall(‘9 for young people tolat Henderson Avenue School in give your name if you are will- aloarn about the great. outdoorswhomhm Sh. is working 10.- in: to help in any way- consumed altogether, 430 chicken halves and 160 l M b S d w k dispecial program includes y l e u S study of pioneer skills. (The Maple youngsters report the summer at Sayvettg Store t Accompanying the Langstafflthat it. was a marvellous experi- in willowdale. legs' The Queen will be invited to officiate at the. official opening in 1967 of Pioneer Village. ration and many other llllf‘l'f‘otv The annual field day for Vaughan Townships Public Schools was held at the Wood- ave you l l . and Mrs. E. Hay and Ron Al-l lpupils on this trip were Miss ence. it * it * laine Nordin were the bravelAt 4 -â€"v we MM v - Mrs. R. J. Cringan of Keele ones who went along to superâ€" T] b {A d B pa ks of the comse of me hum Sevelal‘ . ‘ St. hadt halo erllid-of-tge-yetahr piscé brid e Fair ~ounds June 16. vise. 19 0350 a“ C ,t ' - v‘ t Z L h h N nics a er ome or e Concgord lJul'liGlrsl who placed in Mr. and Mrs. Robert Gareau‘lclwblst Maplek Clébstlzfid Stheéflgscoggist‘xfs ‘Q'eliih? if:ng Chgdrlen of] GleglAV‘anzgmngy ' ' " ’ ‘ ' " d heir two da ht r C lleen u camp “'99 en a 9 Co | 0 " I . ‘. Y ‘ ‘. . lSC 00 on une .n , s. gingznfis pgilkgonqéaggzi-i' 3931115“. 3:11 tDiane. of 151433.29 0R0“, camp on Group Committeegers. were used in the treasure. On alondddillgfiillllti next ago Btlslrl‘y dollepa;lltetgmtheflguze‘:f:g' Cringan is the director of this the high jump: Boys 6-7 years. have moved to Dundas, Ontario. Chairman Frank RObsons farmlhum for background nmsgs‘ as 9 amzm" “l 9711" 1 S anlma 3mg, SC legumes n Lanee nursery Willowdale nursery school. Steven Patterson. 3rd. standingi Congratulations to Teresa 135‘ \"eekend- ‘3 Party Of “’hlte men and,alSOiVacallonlflE‘lcr W,“ ‘Ssssmnlf‘ Esgsgnsmlis rglhfdagmedemky * * * broad jump: Girls 8-9 yeal‘sternardi. Lynda Bernardi. Bill The boys and their leaderslas simmers along the “a” loiThe-‘ff‘l livlg' egotivllxgie"anal”: Diane woodhouse k‘md Andy “on”, son of nor. Beth Voigt. 3rd. high jump. lst. Lacey. and Peter Herman who arrived Friday evening. settledlensure that no. “"113” blfaVes‘alf ,'°m,.l'1“.') ‘ 10 ' . m. an' (mam-e}. dasq. Mrs 'June fine and Re: Rouse of Kaela running broad jump. Cathy‘aduatEd fI‘Om St. Luke’s Sepainto their tents. and later hadlgot 10.“ The “11795 We” “med. hi”: mf‘ P C 955:: to mw Dm‘fidmn and “this Goldie Kef_ St. was named “Man of The lington. lst. standing broad‘al‘ate School on June 2 A la bonfire. sing song. skits ble“ “"5, “’9‘” and PW?“ addfdlc If?” .m'“ “"561” l ‘ m. gade. 1 and '2. Mr: Ruth Year” by Variety Village jump. The previous record for; Congratulations also to Dai‘idltour of the sixer groups, storiestto the” tOLals- “19.5”91‘ “"U‘lcon “mam” age" \u'am. and’ [ames Léngevgrades and won the Heart Award. the standing broad jump was Knight who graduated from and then to bed. the hlgheSt to?” DO‘“.l5.,°f “lei The school this year followsi RHnd 4, Ni” Elva Mo‘ore and in March, This very high bl‘Oken by Cathy with a jump 0f Rosela‘m PUbllc 501mm and [‘9' The. theme of the camp was camp won the BESt Six awardlthe them“ “GM and “15 worldll' Mrs Audrey" ‘ Boron grades 5 honor was conferred 9“ 5 feet 8 inches. ceived the “Citizenship Award“ an Indian 0116153011 of the eight‘at the Close df camps- tThe children. as well as having " ‘ ‘ ‘ Andy at . Variety Vin." Girls 10-11 years, Marsha Mc-lWith Cheque attachedl fOI‘ Sixers became tribes There 0“ salurdéy aflemoon tlle‘lessons centering around this Egdi: 01131:}? Effnltlhel‘anfsebgfil Luncheon at the Park Clymont 3rd, high jump: Ann "Good deportment and ability were Sioux Cayugas. Senecas_;ht.‘i_VS were given a lessmi in theme. will also engage t‘irmation sass and vgill also Plaza "0”" Hanson lst. standing broad to get along with his classmates Mohawks‘ ‘Ouafimsv Ojibawas'tworzaiiggf1132flt cgl'lnf‘lj'lfireeafit: Imam, games and group sing lead in the daily opening devw Andy was “minted by i‘ETlgtzng-‘itlt‘zgfi yg‘fI‘SvdJ}mm5flgpfdecgll‘mendable plogless m Onedagas. and 'Tuscaroras. The from of the tent .Ing~ ‘(ionail For further information the. Toroiito Chaptelll' of BO 5 14 ’afidm lug: Jola 12211); Mr and Mrs William l-Iallaâ€"lleaders were gwen Indlan After dinner Frank Robson" “ :mmad' the SChOOl direcmri vane” Vllage.and c Oren y mel' om m l A ' names‘ and an the events llllllttltlttltllllttllllllltll'tttllllllllllllltlltllllltllllllllllltlllllllllllllltltliMI'F- Ruth Keffe!‘ or Pastor by “‘9 Intern'lflon" 5° 9" well of Highway 7 celebratedi took them on a hayride. They . , . ., ml the weekend had an Indian their 25th wedding annners-;flavor The boys decorated their‘mgfl‘ came back strong lst, high jump; Girls 14 and over, Sharman Edgar 3rd. tion Committee as this . . Lange. 1° camp' I” i it it it t year’s winner for all Var- Safety Signs For hi h .um ;rela ' J._ b ‘ary on June 22_ . t 7 own campfires. and sat teg‘miJ3rdP relayyrliiaccee 5: bill: Miss Judith Hallawell halen tents' . . around them for the evenlngl V ' ~0n helm; 0f the congrega-l istynivdua‘i shame" in team 3rd, ' . lpassed her first year in general 0“ sawma-V mornng elem Program 0f Skits by the Other I arm [waChUIery hm“ be“ W'Shes are Sent along or met ca. lto Mrs. Alma Bell of Thornhill :who is presently confined to tYork Central Hospital. l Variety Village II an or- gmlzatlon, sponsored large- ly by people in the enter- tainment field, which works with crippled and blind children. Andy does a lot. of work with the To- ronto Chapter and won the award for his outstanding events .were held- The boy‘s four sixers, the leaders and the vlcauon School tan “A” Stand-mg. ‘were Judged on these. and Scouts. These were followed by Th8 Church of Christ at King. Last Monday night a unsceplawarded DOInlS.._Th€Se eVemsttoasted marshmallows and bed High Drive and Concord Road, laneous shower was held for‘were m kn‘)t.t‘\'1nE‘ use 0‘, filtlme' . l L! preparing for a vacation Miss Karen Wood by Miss Jean compass. plotting a course “it ‘ On Sunday morning may Bible school. The school will be Gilbert and Miss Danielle Day. a “mass- (“mulch coursi‘ was .3 “swam”, Own” Church held from Monday. July 19 to Approximately 45 guests attend- throwmg and Camhlng a ball - servtce led by the akela of A Friday. July 23 at 9:30 to 11:30 ed the shower which was held judging lime and films “met Peek. Ada Watson and her son. each morning. on the patio of the Gilberts balancmg and ‘Valkmg ‘ plankv Bill. also of A pack. it it a it- arts at Victoria College with There is lots of farm machinery moving on high- ways and roads these days, reports Agricultural Repre- sentative A. A. Wall. It's a dangerous job in heavy traffic. particularly for the operator. But a new * * >t< at l Recently appointed to the 1cemetery board for this year were Warren Bone. chairman. EFred Hodsdon. secretary-treas- jurer and Joseph Keffer. mem- Singing, Bible lessons. then a home On Vaughan Blvd. Karen and questionsuon “The Life oft After lunch. and clean UP. warning sign has been de- ‘bel- , contdbu‘ions- break for refreshments_ follow. is engaged to Don Day. They Baden Powell ' Ehere was a rehearsal 0f the veloped to be placed on the ' * X * * _ . l * * * * ed by craft work is planned_ plan to be married July 29, in In the afternoon there was. golng up” Ceremony to be held machines. It has been well Best regards to Miss Maggie' The grade 3 class at Keffer of Maple. Miss Keffer, George Bailey School has won who is presently staying at the honorable mention and a $5 Pinegrove Nursing Home, cele- prize from the Toronto Exhiâ€" :brated her 94th birthday on onion for their entry of waxl . plune l7 and Zion sends con- miniature vases. modelled in York C?““t~V-d‘1“:“£' fatrl'l'l' tgratulations and well wishes to school under the eagle eye of "5 ha“? ‘3" “a.” '5 lher. their teacher. Mrs. Margaret as a spew” project for ’ * * * * Andrew. The miniatures will 1965' Be sure to look into sen-ding be on display at the Ex. in, the itiiiiiiiiiiliiiiitiiiiiiliiiiiiiiiiiililiiiiiliiiiiiiiiiiliiiiiiiiiiitiiitiiiiitiiiiltiiyour child to Camp Edgewood. Queen Elizabeth building. lthe Lutheran summer camp llocated at Eden Mills. This year Marvin Yake left on June 152 lEdgewood will be presenting to spend the summer with his} tin-educational unit camping as grandfather 1,, Lindsay, omd - ,sct out. by the Board of Parish arm Marvin is going to attend June Dlnnel lfidllcatlon 0f the Lumen“ the Albion Hills Conservation. Fraser. leader; Sandy Steven? Ullll'Ch 1“ America- School for a week in July, andl son, second; David Wright. The annual Julie dinner oft According to the camping will return for that. then go to. Doug Hill and Card Parrou-'York Chapter Registered Nursestt‘alendai‘ for 1965. girls and Lindsay for the remainder oft .These boys were onedagas for Association of Ontario was heicllboys may register for any week the summer. t 'Lhe weekend” They were “9' at Highlands Golf and Countrylfl‘om Jllly 4 t0 August 23 de- * * "' " Those who attended last yggr'srzlon Lutheran Church, Maple. an educational nature hike and later in the day. and then a successful school will sure1v Over 50 relatives. friends and a session of Cub crafts in tracking exercise in which some want to come again. and they}: neighbors attended a garden tea which the boys made their own leaders and Scouts went off in is more room for a few more held at the home of Mr. and Indian masks from paper bags,lthe woods and each tribe was boys and girls 4 years of age Mrs. R. M, McLean last Sun- buttons. straws and assorted sent out to track them down and over. lay to meet Brian's fiancee. Lin- other items. and bring one back as quarry. Cub News ‘l * 't' * .da Solomon of Ottawa, Local While the craft work was The final gathering of the Last weekend 24 Cubs andlpeople in attendance were Mr. going on, each tribe was taken camp W38 for the awarding of four Scouts had an outing to=and Mrs. Lionel Gilbert and in turn on a treasure hunt the “Best Six” award to the the Nordin and Hay cottages‘daughter Linda and Mr. and through the woods. They were Slxer thathscored the‘ highest It Lake Catchacoma. The boys Mrs. M. I. Leppanen. Other required to read their direc- total 0f Pomls at the camp. As enjoyed riding the water boardguests were from Toronto. Don tions. and use stalking positions We“ as the even-l5. DOintS were P S k behind the boat. swimming, Mills. Ottawa and Port Credit. as they progressed to the next 51V?“ [01‘ neamess 0f tenlsi‘Dave Otter pea s hiking. making whistles and an Brian and Linda are to be instruction point. They had to Wilforms and Person The “'in-l Indian night. Cubmaster J. Bon- married July 24 and will live in use a compass and read wood 1191‘s were the green six of A ner. Scoutmaster L. Ressor. Mr..Toronto. lsigns to successfully complete 930k. Its members are Chuck tested and it does help to prevent accidents. Signs can be purchased from any junior farmer in , . . . as an individual or t a a l. ‘. on behalf of an assocmtion, corporation or group? Invest any amount from $100 in Guaranteed Investment Certifi- cates and, from the date of the investment, earn UP TO 5‘/:% INTEREST COCBA Recalls Slow Start A; is the case of most sue. progress made including mat insemination in their sewed with 3 W01: CUb Plaque Club in Aurora on .lune 2. \villl‘PelldlllE on which is most con- Stephen Shore, Marvin Yake Interest is paid every SIX months cessfill businesses, the Cenâ€" the “thrill of setting a grand cattle breeding. canvassers ggicgn‘gllteregd; dmd the sci)?” 114 nurses attending. AttractivciVetnitehnt tfind .dipindllgtg don and John Thnl'Ston were “mug: or it may be left to accumulate. . g . . V . ' ‘e annua y. - . i ‘\\'l(‘ er iey WIS o a en a - - - tral Ontario Cattle Bleeding champion or a class leader were .appomted to solicit Scout Tom H M res m d Spring bonnelb "lad" b3 the“) w . , the 40 members Of the Lang‘ Then the interest 13 compounded. Assoctatlon at. Maple which as the result of Al" potential members and by y. p e 9 social committee lined the ) 9 66k or a N0 “69k OEmP- staff Secondary SChOOl Drama in J un e celebrated its President Wilfrch Keffer April an organizational meet- 512:3? “if: gisfstlslam scollt' tables. Fm: fuflher irgonfia‘uon tam: Chm Who attended a final Party For example: . ., . _. . . . . ., ._ _ ~ j in apprecra-. .. . . resistra ion car s e 0. con ac on June 14 at the home of staff alignmggeruu- had a Slow frigging: {gll‘igflg :0“ $133; gfnaliagirzlcigtrid me pm“ igonlof his work with the Scouts. inglgj‘usga A3126zilngiliszldgflaiyour church camp representative member 5. D. Neil in Richmond $500 BECOMES $655.82 The association. which out the district men on the An old hog barn was then Imam ls leavmg the 5mm Miss Anne Gribber. president Mm hlfi‘eda Medensky. or the Hm, when invested for 5 years. carries out artificial insemin- ation in cattle. started out possibilities of using artifi‘ and converted. into a bull barn, with the; purchased next year and will be replaced by Gary Saltern. led at the head table. iof district five, who were seat- Suuday School Superintendent, Sheena MacDonald was unable) Doug heerr or Pastor Lange. lto attend because she injured Use Deposit Receipts for short with just 119 members when iliiiiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiliiitiiiliiiiiliitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii first tenants being threey“,aiofif’g‘ggnglff: f;f;;‘$‘\l“;gj David P0110... auendame * * * * lher ankle on the ‘last day oft term investments, Your money a was formed m 1943 as an According to legend. aw quarter brothel. bulls siredlthe Cubs‘ moving up to Séoms..counsenor for York Central Mth: iou are remlnded that school and W111 be in a cast forj earns interest for any number of offshoot of the Maple Cattle mom insemination had its by Lonetm Texan Fayne. .These boys were all from A.District High School Board. although Sunday school classes 8 few “1335-,k * It * i da 8 aid from date of deposit to Breeders Assocmnonr and beginning in 1322 AD in Ar- Formal Opening “'35 hemlpack and were Graham Camâ€"lguest Speakeli “‘35 lllll‘tldllwd “'1” be ad-loume‘i 0"” the sum' . ‘ y ' p - many or those members \l‘ere abia when an Arab chieftain June 4, 1945. with 200 breed-[emu Chuck Fraser Sandy‘b-V Miss ‘3" Lindsay “9 9”“ mm‘ morphs “filly until sep' Ricky Ansen‘ son or ML and date 0f mthdrawal’ when de’ M m'St Doublmg Thomases- stole some semen from his el‘S 0" hand to inSDeCl the Stevenson and Bill 'Wats‘on. phaSlled “‘9 l””’""la'1“e 0f me [ember 3' were will be adult Mrs' w' H' Ansell 0f Nether- posited for 30 days 01‘ longer- Dr. Clem Reeds. who did neighbor‘s champion bull and bulls. Present for this ceremony were home. the church and I the Bible class sessions held every ford Rd. caught his hand in Interest rate â€" 4%. the first insemination work msemimmd h. .» - . . - . .- ‘ .xd Sundav morning during Jul and the washing maChine wring” . V . is own stock. Plior to the opening. 76 the parents 01 these boys M. :IallIOl in today 5 home late - y _ ~ . _ _ _ fol the assomatlon and who Russia is given cram for breeders had agreed to breedland Mrs. George Camerbn‘ er'iwml the pressure; of 3 Chang. August at 10 am. For parents last Friday. night and had to 15 ofilces m Ontano. “35 “‘9 first 5‘3“ member. initiating the first practical 825 cows artificially and hadland Mrs. C. A. Fraser Mn sliding moiety. Mrs J. Roasts “"‘0 “"5" ‘0 we“ “"5 Blble 599‘“ "‘9 “13M” Y0“ Central in recalling those early days in an article in the COCBA's anniversary booklet. said they were "difficult." but "very rewarding." use of Al for cattle improve- ment between the two world wars. and in 1936 a small experimental insemination unit was established on the advanced loans of $35 each‘lt‘lrs, Bert Stevenson and hll‘.lthank9d the Speaker and Nehru“. I." is to be "med that there the purchase of bulls.and Mrs. James Watson. for and equipment. Prospective' This ceremony marked ’sented him with members were accepted fromwlosjng of the camp, Director ,,_ 74w, breeders residing within lO;and co-ordinator of all the‘W matching the‘marhle bookeiids and ashtray. Hospital. He was fortunate in‘ getting his hand back out and no bones were broken. will be a Sunday school teacher on hand to teach their children. "The Verl’PEODle Who fon‘ Danish island of Smmo9 miles of the association's’events at the camp “as Jack wâ€"â€"_VV" . 33,31?" 31%?le 15.“? h" The United States their headquarters. Walsworth. DEPARTMENT or HEALTH A N N o U N c E M E N T 5”“ I877 1.10 l ‘ ae'. 9‘ followed in 1938. with Can- 33‘ opening day. 100 39- The very important lob of r w ~ - “meb excfnglt andide‘ Pied we next in 1940 and area. plications contracting for the cooking for the canlp “as done TO“‘\SH”’ 0F NOR”! ‘ORR Canadian Security Under- meé‘; esrslgd thl- \fEB‘ASiL‘l» Britain in 1942, breeding of 1.110 COWS had by Bev House. president of the. Hints for a Good Holiday writers Limited Manage- a e l . en Denmark Sun leads all been received. and by the‘mothers auxiliary. and Ilsa gregdliigtimotliine 53513:; “Untries with almost 100 end 0‘ August 304 COWS had‘Thompson. The.V were unable‘ 1. Ntlii-“ll‘l‘l‘lm “mm mm “M50” and dis- _ ‘ per cent of its cow 0 _ been bred. to obtain the hel of anv ~ avoid deep \iatcr â€" slay - ~ 1" Centralomam “159"” tion bred by AI. “$35, That same year an addi- of the mothers anXiliai‘\'0t.-i1:d out of WW“ mbutm for canaman centres in Northern Ontario. "I know now. in looking Holland. Sweden and Great Britain are next in line. tion to the barn “as built1 and Lonelm ’I‘exal Highcroft.' so were a busy pair all weekâ€" eild. 2. lIlllllt’tlirllCl} afiez' mitii: no one should go in it]? Gas and Energy Fund and the Canadian 8 TRUST . -. , . . Securit 3:95pgilt‘igsl 291‘; 33:: Al units in Canada have destinedvtod‘b: one1 of the ‘Adults at 'the camp were water Underwriters Toront: people charged with the dip n‘ow Pen? established In sie‘ath bidee in, bu is, “as Alicia Ada \latson and her as 3' “at”. .m.) :1...» in”; comm or MCBA ‘ ’ musl he” illivaCzlgiiz'i “Bulimia; tBr'it- puecoriiscfn Watson 3 local Siiltilealra1t of signifisgk IZLCkDOQ‘le? milk 3”” “a”? ‘iil’l‘lt€‘< Fund‘ are pleaSEd to m' . a a an n r _ ‘,‘ V " -' ~ c'f fang; ii' . ‘ 3:; tile deep-roofii 5381;]?! with the latter associaafiy; farmer. was trained by Dr. worth: and his assistants Muriel :lll‘lih17.:stiittl'l;l;‘iioginrllk “ounce the appomtmem the benefits to the livestock the pmcessl t ‘ki f‘ll p fi~ l Enlfmunvaswl 1.“ Fel‘gl'so” 4 Remcmim: >ilfilttl"§l i: a to their sales staff. » d .t,\. m h f ., Today With the latest in n “m .u “me .01 ihe Ass‘dtam Niomma’lel‘ Graham - r' limit \ll ‘a‘e u rw ' ' in 3r usfiieédQ\\:);iid e gloat. sire evaluation. semen freer :llldl't. a posttion he still holds gist. Ray afnd Ilsa Thompson. In Ow dflh’ ” ” thecompany that shows 1007 interest 27;, you, a . . . . . . o ay. airman ' ‘ ‘ . “ 4 Hi He said that m the first linilziu:sndnliSZmQEZlioxodlfF: By the end of the year. mutee Fi‘agikllllgolgbhlzlp(sizzle 5 (“PVT‘W‘WW‘ “ "“"' 7"” \EUfeld has been 8 HEAD OFFICE:STRATFORD’ONTARIO few month; 01' “Pel'almn- relauéhshifi ham,“ unlit: 768 (‘mvs had been bred and man of Camp Committee Mel “We” ““m‘ "i ‘ i ""l resmem 0f Maple for over :2: tthoetalur‘otiit\piqit gt semen brew associations and “‘2: the association showed an Clark. Distric' Replesenta'tte V“’jf“'”““'lt*“'l 24 years. and for the past - I ependem searchers costs of \I have 0”)”me pmm 0“ $64 32 “Ck Hlind- “ aid?“ “f (ix-Trail ‘wmmm‘ MD "p 17 v b th 3v“ on: Hmslem bun‘ The” been kept low. so that 119. '1? was a good first Year." Camp Jack House, and 12 or 6 t'iilawl 3:9."9 ‘ears es“ 8 pmp- Brand! Manager: 31‘ 5' Emil“ “7:33: sogé'itlye one technician, 7“ cows were bred in 19‘6'4 the association booklet re-‘the Scout: with were finned mom» on :iv- t" 9: am rtetor of Johns Coffee 121 You” Street North, Richmond Hill â€" Telephone: 884-1101 . a “Hen-day in the now 18021- b call: "a small l‘tPElI‘llllng for to help the leader: with "he 'M'e’i" Sh 1 \1 to week mandatory i M. t. ‘ ' "‘9'" Fr what Was ‘0 become 'l'l loss weekend and camped or "nF‘llr , , . . K Op n ' ap Advimrv Board .However' m th’ 20 years "5 '3 mn' than 20 years a 100.000 cow- selies in another pail of me (“PL E Hll'l l' V E. R. Button. QC: 8 0 Parker. 9 F; .l E. Smith since, there had been much llllllllltllllllllllllllllllllllllt‘llllllllllltlllllllllliltlllllliiliilltiltl} per year Operation." bush.

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