Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 8 Jul 1965, p. 5

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Mr. and Mrs. Gord Jones. Mr. and Mrs. Ken Laidman and Mr. and Mrs. A1 Miller. Gamble Road, attended the dance recit- al of Miss Candie Turner June 25 at the Richmond Hill Cur- tain Club theatre. The children presented “Sleeping Beauty" and guest appearances were made by some of Candie's Mr. and Mrs. George Watson. Naughton Drive. attended the annual Dominion Day celebra- tion sponsored by the Willow- da‘le Rotary Club, A regular feature of the day is the “Au- tique and Classic Car Show" Two weeks ago Legion branch Every time the band stopped 147, Barrie, invited all mem- playing there were introduc- bera of 375 to their annual June tions made “Ed Sullivan” style. ball. The members of our branch Announcements of birthdays, who accepted the invitation births, anniversaries, comings were given a welcome they will and goings â€" each and all re- long remember. ceived much applause. Prizes Branch 147 is headquartered were awarded, and when Presi- in what used to be the bus ter- dent Frank Barrott drew a tic- mlnal at “five points”,' Barrie. ket -â€" his own, to win a prize, The interior, while not being the only cry of “fix” came from as new as our own branch, has a member of 375. Frank been remodelled and is well promptly donated it to a young laid out. The first thing one member of 147, Dirk Bogarde, notices are the five dartboards. as he was so aptly named by The fact that we have only one. three would indicate a wealth When the music ended finally of darts enthusiasts in the Bar- and the first minute of a Sun- rie area. They also have a shuf- day morning arrived, everyone fleboard, and a winding stair- sat down to a plate of food and case that leads down into 21 cups of coffee. The Chinese basement banquet hall. An ad- food served by the ladies’ Joining kitchen, half the size of auxiliary in cafeteria goodly our clubroom, has a cafeteria portions left some business type serving hatch along the minded visitors wondering how length of one wall. this could be managed with an When the visitors left Barrie many people were making many plans. If plans mature, a chartered bus will arrive in the Hill around the third week of September containing some friends of a not so small dis- trict branch. Those that come will bring with them a spirit which is prevalent in all the older branches of the Legion. They will of course be visiting the largest branch in the dis- trict; and they may depart leav- ing our up and coming branch with a fair idea of the spirit of comradeship that exists in this national Legion of ours. :- a a: non Dominion day, for the branch fishing trip entourage to Glen Haffy. was full of dust. Seven cars and two panel trucks set out early and finally converged at a point about two miles south of Highwav 9 on what i: am- three would indicate a wealth of darts enthusiasts in the Bar- rie area. They also have a shuf- fleboard, and a winding stair- case that leads down into a basement banquet hall. An ad- joining kitchen, half the size of our clubroom, has a cafeteria type serving hatch along the length of one Wall. That Saturday evening in the decorated hall a band played music in which banjos were harmoniously dominant. The banjos suggested the theme of “Never on a Sunday" would be forthcoming at any moment â€" it would have been fitting. but they didn’t play it. Many flow- ers surrounding the stage and hanging from the walls gave the impression of being imitation flora, but towards midnight they began to wither. When the music ended finally and the first minute of a Sun- day morning arrived. everyone sat down to a plate of food and cups of coffee. The Chinese food served by the ladies' auxiliary in cafeteria goodly portions left some business lminded visitors wondering how this could be managed with an admission fee of $1.25 per person. One thing that stood out about our northern comrades was their friendliness, and the applause was loud when our president asked if there was anyone present interested in coming to Richmond Hill. Presi- dent Finlay McGibbon of the Barrie branch then accepted a formal invitation extended to all 147 members to attend a dance at Legion Court, some- In contrast to our own new, and still growing membership, the hundred odd people at the ball knew each other well. If a family ever consisted of so many, then this was a family. Two weeks ago Legion branch 147, Barrie, invited all mem- bers of 375 to their annual June ball. The members of our branch who accepted the invitation were given a welcome they will long remember. STRAWBERRIES FOR SALE - ~,:-\- ' ~ - ' . h ._ .1} l PKG HOSPITALITY ‘ \ V WITH PURCHASE OF ONE POUND OF SWIFT'S W 48 o ' EVENING BRANCH ST. JOHN'S ANGLICAN CHURCH NEW GRUPR ONTARIO ‘ [EAMINGIUN GROWN 85 May Ave. STOP 24A Richvale ELGIN MILLS Fresh Picked flllllllllllllllllllllllllllllIllllllllllllllllll Telephone 884-2708 yaw legion Reports uvuw, \u y»; uuyq u“. Congratulations to Mr. and h~ elf h d 1 td‘ Mrs. William Ash who celebrat- “Elie [wilds reign glen Haffy ed the!” 25th wmversary on were full of fish and boats were J‘Hy 6- there for the taking. Fishermen Linda Flood and Sheila Ash fished and picnickers pic- spent the weekend at the cot- nicked and a good time was had tage at Port Bolster with Mrs. by the children who refused to Flood. sit and began to loudly murmur. Miss Janice Holmes spent the weekend with her grandmother, Mrs. G. Kerswill. Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Rumble were Sunday visitors of Mrs. G. Kerswill. friends from the Dennis Moore School of Dancing. Special at- traction for Gamble Road resi- dents was a number danced and choreographed by Candie and Joanne Laidman. It was delight- fu. A party was held after and the audience was asked to re- main to celebrate the first re- cital of the Candettes. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Fullman and family, Bathurst Street and their house guests. Mrs. John- son and Mrs. Harvey of Bel- vedere, Kent, were entertained at dinner June 26 by Mrs. Joan Edwards, Langstafi and June 28 they were luncheon guests of Mrs. J. Hazelhurst. to the place of paradise for fishermen. Unfortunately the gate was padlocked, and when the con- servation area superintendent finally arrived he asked for the permit. There was no permit. “No permit,” said the man in green. “No get in." And all the Legion horses and all the Legion men could not persuade him to open the gate. So some went back along the now even dustier trail and headed for home, and the children sat patiently. as children do, with- out a murmur. Those that stayed around awhile saw the man in green] One thing that stood out about our northern comrades was their friendliness, and the applause was loud when our president asked if there was anyone present interested in coming to Richmond Hill. Presi- dent Finlay McGibbon of the Barrie branch then accepted a formal invitation extended to all 147 members to attend a dance at Legion Court, some- time in September. He said that it would also afford him an opportunity to pay a surprise visit to his uncle, Norman Mc- Gibbon of Yonge Street, Rich- mond Hill. - JEFFERSON Branch 375, Royal Canadian Legion By Eric Chapman - 884-0045 PKG. HOSPITALITY WIENER BUNS Those that stayed around awhile saw the man in green come back. He said again there was no permit, but there had been a phone call, and he would now open the gate. Perhaps it wore a brighter shade of green, who held all keys of little king-i doms, or perhaps the super himself had relented. ‘ Dominion day. for the branch 'fishing trip entourage to Glen Haffy. Was full of dust. Seven 'cars and two panel trucks set out early and finally converged at a point about two miles south of Highway 9 on what is offl- ‘ cially known as 3rd line. Albion Township. Some drivers will say it took a lot of converging. For‘ some the drive south from a paved road and onto the third line. a narrow, rough and stony trail was an endurance test. To be in the first of six cars pro- ceeding in procession along such a road was certainly a privilege, the cars behind bear- ing the full brunt of the dust- storm. The little white brick house, signifying the point of entry into Glen Haffy. turned out to be a big white clapboard house, and this was the reason given for proceeding south on a class Z road almost to Woodbrid‘ge. There was an about turn after six miles and the happy wand- erers wended their way back The children, up early and eager to go. sat patiently swelt- ering in the heat of the closed trucks and took everything as a matter of course, as children do, without a murmur. Ior proceeumg south on a Class Executive pOSitions remain. Z road almost to Woodbrid‘ge. mg unchanged are: Memorial There was an about turn after Bible Chairman, 1), Sweney; six miles and the happy wand' Scripture Distribution Chairman ere” Wended the” way b3°k H. Boyd; Church Services Chair- to the place of paradise for manY C. Ratcqu fishermen. nnrino‘ fhn nnvf vnnr mnrn 69° September containing some friends of a not so small dis- trict branch. Those that come will bring with them a spirit which is prevalent in all the older branches of the Legion. They will of course be visiting the largest branch in the dis- trict; and they may depart leav- ing our up and coming branch with a fair idea of the spirit of comradeship that exists in this national Legion of ours. PRICES EFFECTIVE JULY DI’IIALIIY WltNtK BUN) ONE poum) 0F swn=rs WIENERS AT REGULAR PRICE IGA, CANNED ,2 "NS c White, Granulated "m. c SOFT DRINKS m" SUGAR 3“ LIIDBBYEEiStinsBROWN BEANS 69c “"fr..i£“.?:""f?:.f‘°“ According to police, Mrs. Stainton was northbound on Highway 48, and when she turn- ed to go west on 19th Avenue, collided with the Cogar vehicle, which was waiting to go onto the highway. Damage estimated at $150 was done to two cars in an ac- cident in Markham Township, July 2. Involved were cars driven by Mrs. Alice Stainton, 59, of RR 2, Markham, and Douglas Co- gar, 39, of RR 2, Claremont. T. W. McFadzean of Rich- mond Hill, was named presi~ dent of York County Camp Gid- eons International at its annual election of officers, held recent- 1y. During the next year, more than 200,000 Testaments will be presented to grade five students, while another 10,500 copies of a special light-weight edition will be sent to hospitals and homes for the aged. D. Sweney was named vice- president, H. Heise, secretary, S. Patterson, treasurer, and J. Armstrong, chaplain. Nurses will also benefit with 7,200 volumes bound in white, with hotels, motels, jails and other institutions getting the balance of the 276,000 being dis- Slight Damage Done In Two-Car Collision Selecting pupils on the basis of their age, marks, grade and sex, Mr. Wheeler chose 24 of them for the four-nights-a-week, six week course. The classes were held at Walter Scott from 6.30 to 8.30 pm, and consisted of the pupils first doing their This happy state of at. fairs was revealed at the regular meeting of the town public school board held Thursday of last week in which Mr. Wheeler describ- ed the experiment, and his subsequent thesisâ€"“The Ef- fects of Supervised Study on Examination Results. Civic leaders, who are worried about how to keep the younger generation oc- cupied during long winter evenings, can now put their minds to other worries. For if an experiment con- ducted at Walter Scott Pub- lic School last February and March is any criterion. the children are quite content to spend their time at their books. In fact, according to John Wheeler. grade eight teacher at the school, who conducted the experiment, the children wouldn’t even mind paying for the privilege. E‘ S u P e r v ise d S ta d y P en '0 d s B e n 8f ic ia l 9% By JIM IRVING McFadzean To Head Gideons 10 AT ALLENCOURT IGA ONLY On the international scene, 4,000.000 Bibles will be handed out in the 68 countries where the Gideons are organized. In tributed throughout Canada Vacation with everything} Y 011 need... . ,, Get an HFC Traveloan The pupils were on time for every class, and refrain- ed from watching the clock once they Were there; sev- eral of them gave up their hockey nights to attend the class, or fitted the games to their schedules; they worked harder and found that, where “They did better than we did," said Chairman Walter Hutchinson, recalling that the board cancelled its meet- ing that evening. homework and then using the remaining time for studying. Their progress was compared with students do- ing the same work at home. its success was evident in other ways. Like the postmen of New York, neither rain, hall, sleet, snow, and in this case, hockey games, kept the stud- ents from their appointed task. While practically all Rich- mond Hill came to a stand- still during the paralysing snowstorm February 25, the children insisted that the class go on, Mr. Wheeler said. . Although the academic success of the experiment will not be completely known until the results of the final examinations are released. Mr. Wheeler said its success was evident in A well-earned vacation is a most sensible reason for borrowing. And an HFC Traveloan is a sensible way to pay for all the things you need to make that vacation a success. Transportation, . lodging, clothingâ€" even sports and camera equipment. When you return, relaxed and re- freshed, you can repay conveniently. Ask about your Traveloan today at 1 arc. 1 took them sometimes four Ask about credit life insurance on loans at group rates 15 Yonge Street Northâ€"Telephone 884-443] (over the Bank of Moimml) Axk about our wemng hour: RICHMOND Hlll. CTTAGE ROLLS ‘muuut \ or } 10AM slooi 550 750 1000‘ 1600‘ 2200‘ 2500‘ India, where there are 11 active groups, President McFadzean said there would be an estimat- ed 800 Bibles and 2,800 New Testaments distributed. So far as actual figures Were concerned. the experi- ment showed that the study group gained an average of 2.63 percentile points per subject per pupil, while the other group showed an aver- age of 4.66 percentile points, leading to the conclusion that studying could raise a pupil’s marks 7.29 percent- ile points hours to do their lessons at home, they completed their work with ease in the super- vised study periods. Mr. Wheeler said that all but one of the pupils thought the classes had been bene- ficial, and all the parents were convinced of their ef- flcacy. Students who couldn’t be “matched” for the classes, were disappointed, Mr. Wheeler said, and those who attended "were eager for exams after six weeks." Perhaps the most convinc- ing tribute, Mr. Wheeler said. came when the pupils asked him to continue the classes at the end of the six weeks. When he informed them that he thought they had gone on long enough, the students came up with a proposition: they would pay him 25 cents each a week if he would continue to have them. MONI'HLY PAYMENT PLANS 36 30 20 12 months months month; months 147:05 Board Chairman Walter Hutchinson said Mr. Wheel- er's presentation was a “good statistical analysis" and sug- gested the board members each read the complete thes- is over with a view to con- sidering a similar program for the schools. The lone girl,.who hadn't felt she had benefitted from the classes, had relied solely on the study group for any work she did, Mr. Wheeler said. Mr Wheeler said the de~ termining factors for the pupils’ progress lay in the fact that there were no disâ€" tractions. such as TV and radio at the school, the at- mosphere was conducive to study, proper equipment was available and the students had their own desks at which to work. He said there had been some falling off in some of the students‘ work since the conclusion of the experi- ment. which would seem to indicate “there were some who need the constant know- ledge there is someone (sup- ervisor) there." This car has all the features of the Deluxe, including whitewall tires, plus for those who like plenty of fresh air and sunshine, a sliding roof. It’s not like a convertibleâ€"all or nothingâ€"so you can forget about wind- storms. And the sun roof is a pleasure to drive during Winter too. w. 8. P. SERVICE ® RICHMOND HILL ON THE VOLKSWAGEN 1200 DELUXE SUN ROOF? EXTRA VISIBILITY, EXTRA SPACE, EXTRA COMFORT, ITS ECONOMY, ITS RE- LIABILITY, ITS QUALITY. the dc. for the ' in the 5 no dis- TV and WHAT’S NEW ‘xc mon Hill, Ontario, Thursday, July 8, 1965 LIBERAL CLASSIFIEDS-Get Results-TU.4-IIOS WWW LAMB THE MOVER lTD. 3 ' 1 came: EIPHERNNERAL}, (Across The Street) Or Across the Continent FURNITURE HANDLED GENTLE AS A LAMB MODERN STORAGE WAREHOUSE 127 Birch Ave. - Thomhill, Ont. Established 1878 PHONE 889-1073 126 YONGE ST. N., RICHMOND HILL Over 45 Years Experience LOCAL AND LONG DISTANCE MOVING Bayview 8. Markham Road RICHMOND HILL 889-3591

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