Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 15 Jul 1965, p. 1

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amummmmmmmumuuunum“mmmmmumuuuu ‘ ‘t ion Ninety~one percent (283i ofll‘ some cases, transfer to spe- grade 8 pupils in the public cial classes has been recom- lchools of Vaughan Township‘mendcd. earned unconditional promotion? Mr. MacDonald noted that the to grade 9 at the end of thelhighest percentage of such pup- srhool term. Superintendent‘ils was in grades one or two, as D. R. MacDonald reported at’the teachers firmly believedthat the regular July meeting of the the'boys and girls must have the to nship area school board basic skills of reading and writ- Thursday evening. Another 20 i g and mathematics before go- pupils (6%) were recommended ing on to cope with the senior for transfer to diversified occu-lgrades. More leniency was pa‘tions courses in the secondary'shown in the senior grades be- schools. and only 3% failed to‘t‘aLlSe in many cases these pup- reach the standard required forlils had already I‘ep3~i d 8 Neal‘- bromotion and did not qualify Mrs. Ruth Tredgett of the for transfer. Total number ofLElders Mills school section re- grade 8 pupils in the townships‘ported that children from that was 312. ‘school who “had been flounder- Nlmumlllllllmll(“\“lllllllll\lll\llll\llll\l“WNWllllllllll\ll\lll“l 97% Vaughan Grade 8 Pupils To Secondary Schools This Autumn 21’ and secondary schools out- side the area 7. Enrolment hy branches is: arts and sciences 164 154%). science. technology and trades 48 (16%), business and com- merce 71 (24"?1. and diversified occupations 20 WW. By pro- gram enrolment is: five-year 196 (64%). four-year 83 i27'ri and two-year 24 «9‘in Kindergarten to Grade 7 Of the 2.895 pupils enrolled in kindergarten to grade 7. exâ€" clusive of special classes. 2,681 (9806‘ sUccessfully completed a {PI year's work and were pro- moted unconditionally and 214 (7%) failed to successfully com- plete the program in which they were enrolled. Of [he pupils who failed to complete the work of the grade, 148 (5%) will re- peat and 66 (2"?) are promoted conditionally to the next grade. Mid-Summer Sale Richmond Heights Centre Of the 303 studenls going on to secondary schools. distribu- tion will be: Bayview 35. Thorn- hill 84. Langstaff 146. Richmond Hill High 8. Woodbridge High VOL. €8,710. 3 AMATEURS {ME VER Loam: A sale of sales. featuring bargains galore. is planned by Richmond Heizhts mer- chants. beginning today (Thursday). The large number of savings available at this popular shopping centre are listed on Pages 14 and 15 nf this issue. Take advantage of this great mid-summer sale of store-wide values for every member of the family. Visit the Richmond Heights Cen- tre this weekend. Hard at woi‘k imaking stick pictures are: (left to right) Glen Johnston, Glenda Taylor Assistant Supervisor Maureen Philip who is a grade 8 student at Walter Scott, Calvin Burke Joan Barton, Lian Smith. ' A swinging time is being thoroughly enjoyed by 11 youngsters on the new swing: at Walter Scott playground being operated for five weeks this summer under the auspices of the Richmond Hill Recreation Committee. The swingers in the top picture as well as the craft workers in the bottom picture are a few of the 1,100 local children who are making the most of the'glaxground program this year. Secondary Schéol Head supervisor at the. Walter Scott playground is Grant Manock, a graduate of Bayview Town Playgrounds Swing Into Summer Public L1 24 Urlgh Bi ch: 10ml 5 Junc- : t St L); 3-} '9 Hill. 7â€"6-5 Council received notice two weeks ago from the superin- tendent of the CPR that the sta- tion would be closed because there was not enough business to keep it going. and was asked to forward any objections. Monday night. Councillor Charles Hoover said he had made several inquiries about the station and found that it took from 12 to 15 commuters each weekday. It was also used regularly by a township businessman for express and receipts for the past month were up $120 from the same period last year. Said Councillor Cleary Palm- er: “The commuter problem is becoming more serious all the time. It is highly essential we support it." Mrs. Ruth Tredgelt of the Elders Mills school section re- ported that children from that school who “had been flounder- couraged in regular classes are as happy as can be in the spe- cial classes instituted last year in Kleinburg. It has made such a difference to the children and their parents feel so much betâ€" ter." she told the board. Markham Township Council will support a move to keep the Locust Hill CPR station in busi- AURORA: At a public meeting last week Reeve Stewart Patrick and Deputy-reeve Ron Simmons both indicated they ‘would op- pose construction of a $600.000 community centre in Aurora at present. Pending tax increases from other sources were given as the reason for their opposi- Council Backs Locust Station ‘ounc and becoming deeply dis greed unanimou OPPOS A by-law to issue debentures'sislance Act. which carries a for $140,000 for public schooliforgiveness clause of 25%. The purposes was passed by Rich-rest of the debenture issue mond Hill Town Council Mon-i($46.667i will be sold on the day evening. open market. This amount is [01- repairs A further amount of $350,000 and alterations to o. M. Mac- for. a senior wing at Crosby Killop Public School includinngelght§ SChOOl W111 be deben- alterations to the exterior wailsptured 1r} the near future. The and heating; addition of a kin- wmg Will contain eight class- dergarten room, provision of moms \f’llh double gymnasium washroom facilities and alteraaand “011131? Space. This amount is for repairs and alterations to 0. M. Mac- Killop Public School including alterations to the exterior walls and heating; addition of a kin- dergarten room, provision of washroom facilities and alteraâ€" tion of two rooms at Beverley Acres School; and enlarging two rooms, provision of washrooms and alterations to two rooms at Walter Scott School. The work at MacKillop will cost $48,122 at Beverley Acres $491160, and at Walter Scott 540.003. The balance of the 5140.000 $2,815 gency. A loan in the amount of $93.- 333 to assist in the financing of the project will be received under the Municipal Works As- Will Issue $140,000 Debenture School Additions, Alterations Vaughan Councillor bueries Mtge. Deal Vaughan Township Coun- cil at Monday night’s meet- ing deferred its acceptance of an offer to purchase 3.3 acres in the township owned industrial park. Prospective purchaser is Artiss Industrial Develop- ments Limited, steel fab- ricators. The offer was for the township's price of $7,500 per acre but pro- mised a $4,500 down pay- ment and a one year mort- gage at 7% for the balance. Councillor Dalton Mc- Arthur was strongly op- posed to the township's ac- cepting a mortgage for the balance of the purchase price. "The township is being a money lender for private industry", he ob- jected. Depuer - reeve Garnet Williams feLt that the township was not actually loaning money but merely accepting deferred pay- ment. When Councillor Mc- Arthur insisted that this was still helping out pri- vate industry, Councillor S. D. Kaiser interjected. “We are helping ourselves. helpinE the township to gel industry." for conlin RICHMOND HILL, offimo, THURSDAY, JULY 15, 1965 Of this amount $233,333 will be received under the Municipal Works Assistance Act, with a forgiveness of 25% if the work is completed by the date set. and the remainder to be sold on the open market. To qualify for assistance under the Municipal Works As- sistance Act projects must be those which would not be undertaken within the calendar year without such assistance â€"â€" and no other capital works pm- ject has in consequence been replaced or deferred. Councillor McArthur hhen objected that short term loans were not gen- erally available at such a low rate (7%) but that the minimum rate was 91/é%. Councillor W a r r e n Bryce felt that council Councillor W a 1‘ r e n Bryce felt that council should have more informa- tion before committing itself to the deal. 'I‘own- ship Clerk James McDon- ald admitted that he had not had a credit rating on the firm and that he knew nothing about it. “It is a little presump- tuous to give third read- ing to this (by-law accept- ing the offer) without in- vestigating the financial backing of the company,” said Councillor Bryce and suggested that the matter be held over until next week. Reeve A. H. Rutherford noted that the township has not been doing as much as its competition to en- courage industry. “This is just giving a slight con- cession," he said. As the date for ance of the offer v 23. council agreed could well be held fiIn Essentials Unity; in Non-Essentials Liberty; in Photo by Stuart's Studio) I n UUIU ‘Outsnde Flrms Protest: Ban 0f Vaughan Dumpt qeven disposal companies that over accept- 35 July Last wee f‘ after receiving alies at their next committee delegation a d a petition hear- ing 300 names, council had agreed to close the dump to‘ other than township residents or industries. Ratepayers had complained about noisy trucks at all hours of the day and night which dropped garbage along township roads on their way to the dump. meeting. After the delegation had gone however, council ac- cepted without amendment a recommendation of its finance and general pur- pose committee to have the dump manager investigate tWo alternative methods of covering garbage at the a gold mine there. could go on at the present rate 24 hours. for 20 years." Spokesman for the dis- posal firms was Ronald Ninnis of Ninnis Disposal. Etobicoke. His-firm and the others represented had been using Metro dumps until they were closed in _ May. Since that time, Mr. Ninnis estimates they have been responsible for ap- proximately 50% of the refuse at the dump. dump. Since the dump was to he closed to outsiders. it was esti- mated that the 600 loads com- ing in each week would be re- duced to 100, the covering of which would take only four to six hours each week. It was felt that the dump manager himself could cover this be- tween 4 and 5 pm each day if he had a suitable machine. In a statement to the press, Alternatively, a local gravel pit Mr. Ninnis said “Vaughan has operator might be engaged to Dumping cover the garbage once every Dump Manager Jack Fawbert While there were some firms that required night dumping, these have made other arrange- ments Mr. Ninnis said and his own firm and others could make do with daytime dumping. With respect to overflowing loads, Mr. Ninnis felt that this was merely a matter of pol- icing. The dump manager could turn away trucks that came up with uncovered loads and ac- cept only those covered with tarpaulins. Council discussed the matter briefly with the delegation, ex- plaining the reason for closing the dump to outsiders but ag- reed to meet with represent- atives of the disposal compan- It was noted that the Minister of Municipal Affairs has juris- uumuumuuuuuuuumluuumnwtux(umlt1mmmmmuuuw An exceplion to this policy was made in,respect to develop- ment which. in council's opin- ion. will help rehabilitate the downtown area or which is as- sociated with necessary serv- ices. In the- latter case. coun- cil was thinking particularly of the senior citizen housing which is well advanced in-the plan- ning stages. Township Has A Gold Mine? WNW““WWW”MMMMMIMRWBWWI“WM Representatives of seven disposal companies which have been using Vaughan Township dump since Max? of this year appeared before council on Monday night asking that they be permitted to con- ‘tinue usirlg the dump. Richmond Hill Town Council will not encourage further residential subdivision until the new official plan, which is being prepared, comes into effect. This was“ the decision reached by council Monday night after considerable discussioh Richmond Hill public school children may be going underground next fall. At a special meeting last week. the school board an- nounced that it would prob- ably be seeking temporary accommodation in church basements and portables while alterations and addi- tions took place at three of its schools, MacKillop. Wal- ter Scott and Beverley Acres. The board at first decid- ed to go ahead and sign contracts with the contrac- tors involved at its regular meeting held Thursday evening of last week. but rescinded the motion at the second special meeting. Work has been delayed an the three projects until the board gets approval from the Ontario Munici- pal Board for the necessary debenture issue. Application was made to town council last month for the debentures in the amount of $520,426, with $122,366 labelled for the three schools and the re- mainder for the Crosby Heights extension. It is expected to be another week or 10 days, before the board gets the go ahead from the OMB. A report of available ao- commodation for the 11 classrooms involved will be presented at the first meet- ing of August. No Residential Su bdivision; Cowan, Weslock Head Until Official Plan Adoptedluly 21-24 Invasion Pupils May Go Underground the board in The above statement of policy would “take some of the be- wilderment out of the minds" of planning board and com- mittee of adjustment members in dealing with proposals for 1residential development. ac- 'cording to Mayor Thomas Broadhurst. After the delegation had gone however, council ac- cepted without amendment a recommendation of its finance and general pur- pose committee to have the dump manager investigate two alternative methods of covering garbage at the dump. Since the dump was to he closed to outsiders. it was esti~ mated that the 600 loads com- ing in each week would be re duced to 100, the covering of which would take only four to six hours each week. It was felt that the dump manager himself could cover this be- tween 4 and 5 pm each day if he had a suitable machine. Alternatively, a local gravel pit operator might be engaged to cover the garbage once every 24 hours. Dump Manager Jack Fawbert is to get prices on several pieces of used machinery suitâ€" able for the purpose and also discuss the matter with local gravel pit operators. This presumany is to be reâ€" ported on at the next committee meeting. However, if permis- sion is given for the seven out- side operators to continue using the dump, a more elaborate system of covering the garbage would have to be arranged. diction over subdivision devel- opment. but is guided by the wishes of the municipality to a great degree, all things Charity” K. H. Loftus. supervisor of the fisheries section of the research branch of the Ontario Department of Lands and Forests (kneeling at left) points out on a map to a visiting group of senators from France the location of other fisheries research stations in Ontario. At the extreme left is A. P. Leslie, recently appointed chief of the research branch of the Department of Lands and Forests. (Photo by Stuart: Studio) Franc/1 Senators Visit Map/e HOME PAPER OF 1 “and instead Of hiding in 8' The 128 were selected from iCIOSOt we have come out and more than 300 golfers who com. iIaced it". This was in reply to pleted in the sectional qualify- a suggestion by Reeve Don ing rounds last week at six PlaXton that such a policy clubs across the province. might do the town a lot of The qualifying system was harm by inferring that the instituted this year in order to town is not able to provide for cut down the field for the main industrial development. qualifying round at Richmond Mayor Broadhurst count- Hill July 21. ered by pointing out that Vaughan Township has dis- couraged residential sub- divisions for some years i and is “bursting with in- dustrial assessment." Deputy-reeve Perkins added. “'We’ve got to move and we have to plan in what direction we will move. We can’t stay stagnant indefinitely or we will die." At the present time, it is reported the official plan should be ready for consideration this fall. with possible adoption in November. ll\lllll\llulllllllmllflllllllll“I\llull\lllll\lll\ll“llll|lll\l\\l\ll\lll\l\lll muuumu\1“ummm\mmummmmmummum“unmunmmm Councillor Waller Scudds commented that. “We are care- fully re-evaluating our position in the preparation of an offic- ial plan. In the interim this policy will ensure that We are not going to make mistakes in the preparation of an offic ial plan. In the interim thi: policy will ensure that We art not going to make mistake: which cannot be corrected.“ “We have seen a problem,” stated Councillor Lois Hancey In his lengthy report on the future of the Metro form of government Com- missioner Carl Goldenbetg had something to say re- garding the relationship of the 13 fringe municipali- ties. Richmond Hill, Mark- ham and Vaughan are in- cluded in the border areas and fall under the {View} planning area. A full report on what the Goldenberg Report has to say about the fringe muni- cipalities will be found on Page 8 of this issue. Mr. Goldenberg only fav- ors annexation of the fringe areas under certain condi- tions. However he did advo- cate the fringe municipali- ties adhering closely to the Metro Official Plan. He also suggested more co-operaâ€" tion between Metro and the fringe areas in the provi- sion of essential services. In the planning section of his report Mr. Golden- berg had some definite thoughts about the con- struction of high rise apart- ments in the suburbs. Read this story on Page 2. Goldenberg And The Fringe Municipalities THE DISTRICT SINCE He was still one stroke of! the course record. however, set Lby Club Pro Ernie Nerlich. whose July 4 67 included 13 pars and five birdies. Having set the mark for thei He said that. while some clubs amateurs to shoot at, host Ner- are afTaid the Players 1“ 80mg lich took this week off to match 'to tear the course apart â€" in a shots with his fellow pros in golf fashion â€"â€" and so make it {he Canadian open at M15515- extra tough, the Richmond Hill saugua, club was not going out of its Among the other leading way to make things hard for amateurs entered are Bill Mor- the Players- 1an-d of North Bay. one of three “People come out ‘0 “3‘ people ever to hit the GOO-yard 1’” bmken,” 531d ML Hil' ninth green at the Richmond cou- They don’t want ‘0 club in two. watch the golfers having Morland, who made his shoti ‘0 Strain ‘0 make a 74”- in a recent practice round. will. He said the players WOlfld The qualifying system was Norm Mo instituted this year in order to Brampton cut down the field for the main and Mike qualifying round at Richmond Highlands Hill July 21. Repre Among the other leading amateurs entered are Bill Mor- lan-d of North Bay. one of three people ever to hit the 600-yard ninth green at the Richmond club in two. Exempted from the round were Ontario’s 10 top ama- teurs. including defending champion Gary Cowan of Kitchener Roakway, and five-time champion, Nick Wgslock, of Mississaugua. Weslock, who won in 1944. 50, 58, 61 and 62. recently shot a brilliant 68 in a practice round at the Richmond club. knocking four strokes off par. Morland, who made his shot in a recent practice round, will be on hand with his brother. By JIM IRVING Richmond Hill Golf and Country Club will be out of bounds to all but the amateurs next week. For the first time in its history, the Bathurst Street layout will be host to the 43rd annual Ontario Amateur Championship, July 21-24, an event that will be attracting 128 of the country’s top non- professionals. MORE HOMES & LAND llSTED AND SOLD GARY COWAN defending champion 1878 Representing the Rich- mond Hill Club will be another former Canadian junior champ. Brian Wilâ€" cox, Thornhill who attended New Mexico State College this year on a golf scholar- ship. and Kenneth Sutton. 2 Torontonian. who uses the local club as his goltlnz headquarters. With the emphasis on wide fairways and gigantic greens these days. the Richmond Hill course. with its big greens, will offer some solace to the long ball hitter, who won’t have to worry too much about accuracy when booming his long ones at the pin. The winner will have to drive well and mm extra well,” said Peter Hiscom assistant 8 the club. But hitting the green is one thing. trying to sink a 90-foot putt is another. and it is here the putting experts hope to even the score. V Dave, who qualified at North Bay with a 71. Also on hand will be Bruce Castator of Weston: former Canadian junior champion. Norm Mogil of Maple Downs; Brampton stair Stu Hamilton and Mike Di Cesare of Aurora NORTH YONGE OFFICE 8242 YONGE ST. . . . five-time winner NICK WESLOCK 889-1156 PER COPY 1’0} , Jean French

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