Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 15 Jul 1965, p. 5

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ELGIN MILLS - JEFFERSON EVENING BRANCH ST. JOHN‘S ANGLICAN CHURCH Telephone 884-2708 St. Cathar- Nursery School Picnic to. Richmond Hill. St. John‘s Anglican (Io-opera-‘ines and London. tive Nursery School held a pic-, Sunday night guests of Mrs” pic at Centre Island June 9. Themerswm were Mr. ‘ children. mothers and teacheriGordnn Kerswill. Leona and“ went. by bus for a very WOHdeF-IValerie-Jane of UnionnVIIIe. fill day. The school closed June Last week Dougie and Dal-re” 11; ‘ h . ‘Browne spent a couple of days The nurseiy sc'ool is open‘camping at Plcmn Mth their for a few more registratlons for‘grandmother' Mm B. Browne the coming year. Children fromiand their aunt Mrs. w. Hynd 3 to 5% years of age are elig-‘and family, ible: there are four morning‘ Abnut 25 guem helped ML sessions weekl . from 1 am to ' . ‘ ‘ ‘ . 11.45 am Mondbaiys to Thursdays. and Mfg-53111123,icihsgblebilgge Application forms are available the" E New; from Mrs. Dorothy Wood. 884- weak" Cues” came For-Th d‘ 5555. School will be opening market. Aurorai Smufiv‘Mersans‘ September 13 this year with a Egeriiqumoinfiigfifnrgnfiainul who“. rigging bake sale and coffee was bridesmaid at the vYeddmg p ‘ 25 years ago, and Meredith Ash Church News t man Rev. and Mrs. Tom Robinson‘0f Gormley was the bes ‘ ‘ Accompanied by her daugh‘ t and family have moved to 26 your legion Reports Branch 375. Royal Canadian Legion By Eric Chapman - 884-0045 The branch received news of Allied (‘nmmander’ gmnh gas: the death of Comrade John Asia. After tho war hp was .Kenneth Reynolds on July fitappointcd Viceroy of India, and with deep regret. He leavestwaslthe last of a long line. of his wife Winnifred. son Gary British pro-consuls to hold that and daughter Sheila. Our late great office. Brilliant and comrade joined the Royal Cans forthright. a man of many parts adian Engineers at age 21 and‘and strong convictions Lord served with the army in Europe Louis has been described by for six years. He died at the some British Conservatives as age of 46. being Dal‘ital to Labor. and Ai, the going down of the. has in turn been charged by sun. and in the morning. WeLahor with having too much will remember them. ‘influence over Queen Elizabeth 4« it s a and Prince Philip. his Royal The Legion was honored re- relatives. cently with a Visit by admiral {PW days after the Ottawa of the float the Right Honor- Visit Lord Louis.Mountbattcn able the Earl Mountbatten oficabled the Dominion president Burma. He was in Ottawa forlfrom London. England. He .one day on a tour of various.said that he would be delighted Commonwealth countries payâ€"ito accept, the Legion's invita- ing farewell visits as retiringdion to open the next Dominionl Church Street in Richmond Hill. The rectory tenders have ter. Mabel Louise. who is a pa- tient there. Mrs. Hal Robertson DefencetConvention at the Queen Eliz-‘ on. chief of the U.K‘s ‘ ‘ Staff. While in Ottawa he paid-‘abeth Hotel in Montreal Reports of supervisors of the from kindergarten to grade 8 work carried out in Vaughanfor the area. which will includel Township schools during the‘suggestions for teaching var-I school year just completed were ious skills and techniques. presented to the township Primary Division school board at its Jilly meet- Throughout the year. Mrs. ing by Superintendent D. RCEtharl Zimmerman. has em- )lacDonald. phasized the reading program Music in the primary division and has Hugh Martin. supervisor and given valuable aid to teachers his assistant Robert. Richard- in grouping1 children for in- son report continued pi‘ogressstruction, selection of suitable in the quality of the music pro-.readcrs for special groups and gram in most Classrooms due to‘choice of teaching methods and increased enthusiasm on thelmaterials. part of teachers. Sight read-3 During the fall \II‘S. Zim» in: has been emphasized and merman supervised administra‘ correlation between the tonic- lion 0f A learning ability test Isolfa and use of letter namesand a paragraph reading test has been secured by use oftto all grade 3 pupils. These glockenspiels. Groups have}same tests were given to gradet performed in concerts and at.2 Pupils during the spring. andd lpubnc functions and mamiiat the end of the school ycard .‘pupils participated successfullyia "ocabLllar." test was given to ‘in the Kiwanis. York and New-Iall grade 1 PUPILS under her tmarket music festivals. ‘du'ection. I Art During the spring term also. Mrs. Lorraine Mandelbaumhatlcntion was given to introduc_ Isupervisor. reports picture-mak-;lng the newer concepts of math-; ing with various media and:ematlcs “1 basic skills in papercraft were Workshops primary THE LIBERAL', Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday, July 15. 1965 Vaughan Supervisors Report Progress lished for 1:11 pupils in the schools in the west part. of the township. An extensive testin: program was carried out. in the fall. This included learning ability and achievement tests in t. h e fundamental subjects. Achievement tests were admin- ‘istered to form a basis for as- sessing the individual progress of each child. Test results in- dicate that most, of the children for whom special programs were established made very good progress. . The supervisors also gave valuable help through the area in administering tests to assist with grade placement. advising on special problems and aiding establishment of home instruc- tion units and the new oppor- tunity class at Kleinbcrg. Dur- ing June. they administered individual tests to over 60 pupils for the purpose of recommending children for special class placement. During the summer Mrs. 5 TELEVISION SPECIAL "ADMIRAL '9 $95.00 21" CONSOLE 5 9‘00 Rent a 19” Portable TV for the cottage GENERAL ELECTRIC Richmond Hill TV . gl‘adCS-jBoggs is taking special trainingl W919 organized to in speech therapy. so that. 591-- 28 Levendale Rd. South Block attended the regular morning service held at St. John's Con- valescent Hospital Chapel. last Sunday. The flowers in the small chapel were in memory of Mrs. Robertson‘s father and tmother. the late Major and been received and considered and the work will proceed as soon as the senate has given its approval. which should be in about two weeks. There will be a baptism at. this Sunday evening's service at St. Mark's Church. Mrs. D. Douglas Eppes. The young people are meet-1 On Sunday afternoon Mr. and log every Tuesday evening at,Mi-5. Hal Robertson. accompan- 7 pm for swimming and Biblejied by their daughter Mabel study at the home of Mr. and‘Louise and sons David and calls on the Governor General.i the Prime Minister and Defence Minister. Lord Mountbatten is also grand president of the British Com- monwealth Ex-Scrvices League. and his thoughtfulness in tak- ing time out from a busy sched- ule to be with the Legion's na- tional leaders for almost three hours is characteristic of his personal concern for the wel- April 17. 1966. many Canadians that know him‘ and will meet him there. There, will also be at least one mem-t her of branch 375 in Montrealt looking forward to renewing an acquaintance. No ‘Killick Stokcr' 7â€" come. ‘chief's writer‘ could ever for-‘ get a compliment, paid by Lord Louis on the cleanliness and‘ example set. by a well scrubbcdi stokers‘ There will be} messdeck on a small. emphasized during the year The supervisor made regular‘ visits to classrooms to demon-i strate techniques and discuss‘ programs with the teacher. or-f ganized workshops during the: fall and spring terms and pro- vided bulletins of ideas for art activities to aid teachers. Special were: a display of art at various grade levels at the time of the teachers‘ professional develop- ment day; development of a set of 35 mm slides of bulletin . - t . i PloJeCtS unClerk’k‘miloeen made to outline courses in ' social studies and science for: discuss the new approach and samples of new books were cir- culated among the teachers for study. In addition to the help given the supervisor eral workshops a number of valuable bulletins? on various topics. Plans have igradcs 1 to 3 during the fall; term. Special Education ‘ The report submitted by Mrs.‘ teachers on her regular visitsn organized sev-i and produced ' vices of the department may be further extended. It is hoped that. eventually this service cant be provided for all schools int the area. ‘ RICHMOND HEIGHTS SHOPPING CENTRE 889-3756 PHONES 884-7456 Mm 5- SniVEIy. Glenlonely John. were among the 33 mem' fare of tax-servicemen and _ Farm bers of the family Who attend' women in all Commonwealth frigate in a large Devonport. 500m! ed the Robertson-clan picnic at countries_ Dockyard. I Mrs. G. Kerswilt's daughter. West Wind Farm Whitby, held At a luncheon at Legion * * * * Mrs. J. W. Boughner and grand- daughters Jaque and Ruthe of by Mr. and Mrs. Arthur E. Rob- ertson. brother of Hal Robert- Last week a lady. whose name nd resident dis-t I House the gra p we do not know. came Into cussed with lively interest the board displays and classroom Eta McIntosh d . - ‘ activities. to be used in in- an Mrs Marl garet Boggs. BSc.. itinerant; son. Brookside Drive. Mrs. Thos. Dick Dies Suddenly Her many friends and neigh- bors in this community were CANADA shocked and saddened to hear .of the sudden passing of Mrs. TENDERS ‘ 'Thomas (Jean) Dick, last Sun- SEALED T ‘ -‘ 3.3.3.;‘Oéiéisjgifigifiiiii'iii‘iiim: in ls’tublis g Works. 880 Wellington'lstzfi’ess Smugglsaztfjecdllmiilfd do‘rsedttagl‘anbrOllllr aenxlclfigElknew-her (luring the 'magy llealds painting of the post office bind.;$.23.igehgtegh‘ioneéigifi251; ing. North Gower. Ontario’“ . ' from Toronto 14 years ago. had will be received until 3.30 p.m. been in 111 health for several on JULY 23, 1965 years. But despite her semi- ‘retirement. Jean still found Plans and specifications and time to visit the sick and even forms of tender can be seen. to sit with them sometimes. so or can be obtained through: their families could get away Mr. Bernard Fayette. from their home for an hour or District Manager. P. & B.M.,.two. London spent the weekend with her. On Saturday. Mrs. Kerswill; entertained her family at a bar? becue. Guests came from Toronjt DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS OF Can there be any higher Department of public wof-ks'itribute to a woman than to say. 860 Wellington Street, “'She was a good friend and Ottawa, Ontario. neighbor." I To be considered each Ten.‘ _The heartfelt sympathy oft der must be made 9,, the prinbithiscommunity goes out to her ed forms supplied”by the Depfamily. her husband Tom.‘ partment and commend in acfldaughifrh Stanara :nd diocolilienrt mil-(lanai thvuh the conditions sathyds‘to heilgrandglilldarhob whd se or erein. i v i Ihas made his home with her for nefgsesalgl‘mfi or {mg tender nOt several years. as well as all the y accep e ' father relatives in Toronto and‘ WIWCIMW- RED activities of the Legion and BCEL. and delivered an inter- esting address. Speaking on disbursements of the BCEL Welfare Fund he said: “Among the foremost of these was the Royal Canadian Legion‘s schol- arship scheme for children of deserving ex-servicemen in N1- geria. which came about as a direct result of a visit to Ni- geria in January 1964 by Mr. Thompson. your Dominion sec- retary.” Lord Mountbattenâ€"who likes to be called “Lord Louis" by old comrades in armsâ€"is pre- eminently a man in step with the times. tested by the hard battles and high commands of war. experienced in statecraft and learned in science. He has been described by the most ordinary of the ablest of sea~ men as ‘the best skipper we ever sailed under’. During the first 21 months of the last world war he led the 5th destroyer flotilla from HMS Kelly and became a legendary figure whose exploits thrilled the world. The adventures of Lord Louis and the "Kelly" will be read in years to come like the romance of Sir Francis Drake and the “Golden Hind“. A most powerful movie. Noel Coward’s naval drama “In Which We Serve“. was based in part on the equally thrilling life story of Captain Mount- batten RN. and HMS Kelly. At the Quebec Conference in RED BRAND SHORT RIB ROAST LB. SAICO BRAND ORANGE JUICE 4.... NEW CROP-STRAWBERRY, 24 oz. Jar AYLMER JAM II Oz. Bottle HEINZ KET YORK BEEF or CHUP IRISH STEW is o. i... / “-mâ€" Legion Court and asked to join, the Legion. When asked if she' was inquiring about the ladies‘ auxiliary she said no: she was 83 years of age. lived in Rich-i mond Hill and wished to join’ the branch. On the application form that was supplied her she wrote that} she had been a nurses aide at‘ the age of 16. and was a Boer War veteran. When she came. to the part of the form which‘ required proof of service. shel thought for a moment. then left â€"saying she would be back}1 with the proof. “ We hope she does come back. she will be made very welcome. >I¢ wk all It! ‘ Congratulations are. extended to Legion members Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Spence of Kersyvell Drive. Beverley Acres, who celâ€" ebrate their silver wedding an- niversary this Saturday. Twenty five years is a long time. and the secret we are told is in marriageâ€"it is that relation between a man and woman in which the independ-‘ ence is equal. the dependence mutual. and the obligation re- ciprocal. AURORA: James Franklin Mcâ€" Coppen of King City had a. narrow escape when his car left: Highway 11 at Bond Lake. about1 100 feet north of the furniture' store. The car plunged 30 feet service training projects: a start on outlining a curriculum in art Vacation wit you need... Get an HFC Traveloan A well-earned vacation is a most sensible reason for borrowing. And an HFC Traveloan is a sensible way to pay for all the things you need to make that vacation 3 success. Transportation, lodging. clothingâ€" even sports and camera equipment. When you return, relaxed and re- freshed. you can repay conveniently. Ask about your Traveloan today at: HFC. Ask about credit life insurance on loans at group rates '"" HOUSEHOLD FINANG AMOUNT f..â€" MONTHLY PAYMENT PLANS 35 50 20 12 months months 83.71 94.62 I 2 t 95.12 107.52 . . t Above payments includs principal and Interest and an based on prompt ropayrnenl. but do not Includa the cost at nwvanfl. I RICHMOND HILL IS Yonge Street Northâ€"Telephone 884-443] (over the Bank of Montreal) over the embankment on the east side of the highway during‘ i1943 he was appointed Supremeta heavy rain storm. FOR FOR FOR Ask about our FRESH evening hours RED BRAND CROSS CUT 8. CRISP, lif’i LETTUCE (PRICES EFFECTIVE JULY 14, I5. 16. 17 at ALLENCOURT IGA ONLY) remedial supervisors. shows that'i spec1al programs were estab-‘ h everything smiles. wagons. to leak. No rust. a gal on. GOOD SIZE ( . some people think a Volkagn 1500 is a big car. Some think it’s a small car. And some think it’s a compact. It's a big car because it can carry seven children, a mother and eight Or it can hold five grown-ups sitting down. It’s a small car because it’s three feet shorter than most station And it's a compact because we don’t waste a. single inch of space. And lots of nothing. No radiator. No water pump. No anti-freeze. nd no big gas bills. The VW 1500 usually gets about 35 miles on w. & P. SERVICE Q9 RICHMOND HILL WHY! No water to boil over. No hose 889-3591 Bayview & Markham Road RICHMOND HILL 55c

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