10' THE LIBERAL, Rich'mon'd Hill, Ontario, Thursday, July 22, 1965 Wilson - Niblett Stingrays cum-axed a busy and suc- cessful week, by going to the finals of the first annual Markham Squirt Tourna- menvt. again‘st Port Perry. They lost in three extra in- nings, by a score of 7-6. in one of the most exciting games seen this year. On Tuesday night the Stingrays, played a return game against Alderwond Squirts. and this time around ran into much stiffer opposi- tion. winning 7-4. Scott Mab- ley pitched the first three innings and was the winning pitcher bringing his record to three wins and a loss. Steffen finished up the last two innings. Webster was the big gun at the plate with two hits including a home run, and ï¬ve runs batted in. Richmond Hill Dynes moved into a tie for first place with Markham Aces in the York-Simcoe Senior Softball League last week when they picked up four points with wins over Newmarket Plaza and Mark- ham Hawks Dynes and Aces now both have 22 points, but Richmond Hill has two games in hand. On Thursday night the Stingrays entertained East Gwillimbury in regular lea- "Everything In Lumber†Plywoods Trim Mouldings Doors Wall Boards Formica Cement Tentest Masonite Flooring Gyproc Insul Board Arborite Plaster Dynes Move Into First Place Richmond Hill Driver Both Wins With Double Win tAndesngtStock Car Raceway Garages Homes Cottages HOME IMPROVEMENT LOANS 889-1100 Stingrays Bow In Squirt Meet After 12 Innings 9020 Yonge. Thornhill (They‘re almost abstainers!) We have a complete selection of New and Fully Re- conditioned and Guaranteed Used VW’s â€" all ready to save you money. Now on display. 332-146I KEELEEEMSBUfH“(SHIEHMAPLE 339550I GINO GUATTO Gets 3 Hits LIPPAY MOTORS LTD. Why Not Try A Volkswagen DROP IN OR CALL NOW In the first game, which took only 55 minutes to play, Dynes used the home run to eke out a 3-2 win at Newmarket, with Bill Robinson tying the score with a round tripper in the sixth and Bob Kennedy scoring the winner with his circuit clowt in the eighth. Dynes‘ previous run came in the first when Ned Gayman’s double drove in Andy Watson. who had singled earlier. Jim McKnight drove in both runs for Plaza with a first-in- nings single. Winning pitcher Jack Rain- bow allowed only two hits. both in the first inning. Kent Clothes scored both a win and received a solid trounc- ing in two Fairbank Major Soft- ba‘ll League games last week. In the ï¬rst game, the men from Kent battled to a well-deserved 3-2 win over Electrosonic in seven- innings, at Fairbank Park. Playing away from home, however, at New Toronto, Kent was trampled 10-0 by the Mer- chants. In the opener, Bill Jackson and Ken Roberts split the pitch- ing chores for Clothiers, with Jackson contributing to his own cause with a triple. Clothiers Both Win And Lose Glen Wright also tripled, while Les Downing, Roberts and Bruce Buchanan each had ‘slngles. Shortstop Downing also made the outstanding defensive play of the game, making a one- gue play. winning 14 to 0. Doug Webster was the win- ning pitcher, going the whole route, for his first win and first shutout. Greg Binkley was the star of the night with an excellent throw in the last inning to save Web- ster's shutout as well as col- lecting four hits and ï¬ve RBI’s. Mabley and Robbie Ed,wards had three hits apiece in the winning cause. The Stingrays journeyed to Markham on Saturday to participate in their first tournament and did them- selves proud. In the first round they faced Markham in a five inning game, win- ning 13-0. Steffan pitched the first three innings and Mabley finished up. with Steffan taking the win. Bink- ley was again the big hitter with 3 for 3 and 4 RBI‘S. Sanlon. Mabley and Cronk- wright had two hits apiece Steffan a home run. Losing pitcher Richard Lun- The Stingrays then lost the Authorized VW Dealer Does You r c a r Behave Like Th is at the Gas Pump? ney gave up seven hits up; D u..- uvvyu . u... In the second game. Brent’pel‘ts figured Sevage struck out 10 in aSatUI‘day Digl seven-inning stint and also con- a handy ViCt tributed three hits to Dynes’ International rout of Markham. A1 Griffin ionship test a finished the game for Rich-Way. mond Hill. But the (191 Gino Guatto and Red Wilson also had three hits each for the winners. McDow-all, Trew and Sime gave up 19 hits among them for the losers. Dynes will play their next game tonight (Thursday) against Aurora Glenville at the town park at 8.30. Dynes 15 Markham Aces 17 East Gwillimbury 14 Newmarket 17 Aurora 17 Markham Hawks 16 Richmond Hill Three other Kent players reached ï¬rst on walks, but Con- die more than made up for any lapses there by fanning a total of 19 men. Tonight (Thursday) at Fairbank Park. Seven-Up Shopsy’s will play the Fair- bank League All-Stars, with Downing and Bob Finnigan lining up with the latter. Kent is idle until July 27 when Harmony comes to visit at town park at the usual start- handed catch of a line drive in the last inning that was headed for a hit in centre ï¬eld, and throwing the ball to Red Bowen at ï¬rst to complete a game-endâ€" ing double play. At New Toronto, Ken Condie gave up only one hit - a hunt to Glen Wright - as the Merchants rain rougnshod over the visiting Kent squad. draw for the bye. and had to play Pickering Bay Ridges in five inning semi-final game. Doug Webster went the distance to hang up his ing time, 8.30 second win of the season by an 11-3 score. Mabley con- tributed three hits and five RBI‘s to lead the attack. Cronkwrlght had two hits as well. In the seven inning final against a rested Port Perry team, the Stingrays fell be- hind 3-0 in the first inning. and gave up another cheap run in the third to make the score 4-0. They' then came back in the bottom of the third to score five runs. and get the lead. Port Perry then scored two runs in the bottom of the fifth to go ahead again by one. How- ever Mabley. in the bottom of the seventh banged out a long home run to again tie the score 6-6. The game then went three extra innings be- fore the tired Stingrays gave up a run in the top of YORK-SIMCOE SOFTBALL LEAGUE STANDINGS W L Pts 11 4 22 11 6 22 9 518 9 8 18 '7 10 14 Jack Cook of Richmond Hill dld just what a lot of the ex- perts figured he would do on Saturday night as he drove to {hands} vic'tory in‘ the 75-lap International stock car champ- ionship test at Pinecrest Speed- way. But the doughty Hill ace suf- fered a setback at the same time when he lost his fine rac- ing machine to Lloyd Howard of Toronto via the track‘s claim- ing rules. There were six $500 bids in for the Cook car and Howard’s name was drawn from a hat. This marked the first successful claim at Pinecrest since the rule was introduced a couple of seasons ago. Cook managed his victory in somewhat spectacular style as he had to operate with a left front flat tire for the last 70 laps. In a revised order of fin- ish. he led home Ray Gullison and John Moriarty, both of Toronto. Gary Coppins of Clare- mont took fourth with Bill Bur- rows of Maple in fifth position. "Inithe timAe trials held earlier. Cook set a track lap record of 17.33 seconds. Moriarty scored an exciting victory in the secondary feat- ure. the Top Ten for fast cars, when he shaded Cook by a half car-length. e Parsons finished third here with Howard in the fourth spot. Election of officers and a re- ception for Premier John Rob- apts will feature the aflternoon session which starts at 2:15. A dance will be held in the even- mg. Other ridings in the district are: Bruce. Dufferin-Simcoe, Grey North. Grey Sowth. Mus- koka, Parry Sound, Simcoe Centre, Simcoe East, Welling- ton Dufferin. Bruce was form- erly in the western district. Phil Zampino proved the only double winner of the evening, defeating Coppins by a quarter- lap in the first qualifier and District Conservatives Wi|| Meet At Barrie The riding of York North is one of 10 provincial ridings in the new Progressive-Conserva- tive central district. The PC as- sociation‘s annual meeting of this district is scheduled for Barrie’s Central Collegiate on July 24. the tenth. which they could not get back. This was a game that had everything. It had some sloppy fielding at the start by the Stingrays. and then excellent fielding later in the game. The whole out- field of Binkley Cronkwright and Walter. turned in ex- cellent catches and throws, while Tommy Sanlon field- ed Well at third Steffan pitched the whole 10 innings for the home side and suf- fered his first loss of the year. bringing his record to 5-1. Edwards. Webster. and Mabley led our hitters with two hits each. with Mabley contributing a home run in his two. Webster and Ma'bley con- tinue to lead the team in most of the hitting depanâ€" ments. Mabley has the best average at .528 and has scored 24 runs and knocked in 25. Webster is at .509 with 25 runs scored and 25 MILLIKEN: 125 commercial ex- hibitors and 20 caterers have signed contracts for space in the tented city in connection with the International Plowing Match to be held here in Ooto- bar. The National Film Board will be showing a series of films and Toronto Airways. Bumton- ville will provide plane and helicopter rides over the area. NO FIHEQ OIL CAME mom AWELL, A6 VERY MAW FOLKS CAN T,EL_L Sundays 2-4.30 p.m. During April, May, June. July Ind August 189 CENTRE ST. EAST 884-1313 Fuel oil of uniform quality â€"that's our habit. Join the happy homeowners who turn that fuel tank over ICE RAMER FUELS Doublerink Arenas Jane St. at Hwy. No. 7 PHONE 889-7251 Saturdays 8-10 pm. SKATING reeve Stewart Rumble to the basting Burrows by a length-recently-formed committee of and a half in the trophy dash. mutual interest for the six Other winners included Cec southern municipalities to rep- Gray of Richmond Hill. second resent council, and Clerk H. C. qualifier; Paul Zimmermann of T. Crisp as staff member. C 'l l ' t d R ock Car Racewaytonsil“Haoézeippsltenegsgi l Cooksville, third qualifier: and Don Watson of Cooksville, 12 lap consolation. Jo Cresswell of Willowdale proved a popular winner in the Powder Puff Derby as she en- joyed a three-length margin over Lorraine Hallahan. This event furnished unusual excite- ment when three of the fiVe starters were involved in a ‘pileup. Marion Holmes of Oakvllle spun out and Joan Howard crashed into her car. Maureen Wiman then joined the tangle. Mrs. Hallahan, although win- nerless to date, took over top spot in the championship race with 32 points. She is closely pursued by Mrs. Wiman, 29, Mrs. Howard, 28 .and Mrs. Cresswell, 27. 1um1mmunmmmmummmmum!uml1\\uunmmmmmmI RBI's. Ball continue to lead in home runs, with four. Steffan leads the pitchers with a 5-1 mark and a 2.98 earned run average. This weeks looks to be every bit as busy, as last. with the young Stingrays en- tertaining Aurora. at Brad- stock Park, on Thursday in a regular league game. and then journeying to Newmar- ket for another league flame Friday night against East Gwillimbury. On Saturday they will again journey to East Gwilâ€" limbury to take part in their first annual tournament. 'I‘cams from Willowdale. East Gwillimbury, Markham, Port Perry, Sarnia. Wood- stock. and Preston are en- tered. Richmond Hill's first game will be at 10.45 against Preston. Come on out and support your team. they are worth watching. mumn\\nilnI1muuuuumummmumuu“1m1mnmnmmm HPINECREST Setting records lately is becoming a habit for Rich- mond Hill Golf and Coun- try Club Pro Ernie Nerlich. Two weeks ago, playing at his home club, Nerlich set a course record when he came in with a 67 for the 18 holes. Last week, he. seï¬' another record, this time in the Canadian Open at Missis- saugua. However, this is one he’d just as soon forget. >The Richmond Hill pro took 14 strokes to get rid of the ball on the 18th hole to set a record for the worst score on a single hole in the Open. |RACE$ Nerlich, who shot a' 79 in the ï¬rst round, came in with an 86 for his second. “That’s how you blow yourself out of competition real quickly." said Nerlich as he nonchalanuy tossed his ball to the crowd in the manner of someone who bad Just won the champion- ship. SOFTBALL Dynes Jewellers 8.30 p.m. Silver Collection Course Record KING-SIZE WRECK'EM RACE TOWN PARK THURSDAY July 22 N9 7 HW'IMILE Eaf LOO SPEEDWAY STOCK CAR M 04455 'A Ala/ES R155 700 Adults $1.50 ihildren 50c under 12 SAT. 8?; SGJSE' Aurora ADDED VS. [Markham Township Drag Strip Is A Real Drag Residents Complain Markham Township‘s pro- The committee. which com-£5 posed drag strip near Markham§prises the townships of Vaug- ‘ Village. is a drag in more waysthan and Markham. Richmond 4 than one. so far as several ofiHill. Markham Village and i the township residents arelWoodbridge, was formed to deal concerned. lwith any problems covering the The residents called on coun- communities involved, which cil last week to see what was have arisen with the expanding e t i i ( happening to the strip, which,urban swell. I The residents called on coun-l‘ cil last week to see what was‘ happening to the strip, which received its licence to operatei two years ago, but which still isn't in operation. The group was under the impression sev-‘ cral facilities were to be added‘ to the strip. Reeve Charles Hooper said council‘s only concern with the strip was the lie- ence. If the owners wished to make any alterations or additions to the plan for the strip. they would have to go through Queen‘s Park. He said so far the strip would only have racing on Wednesday and Saturday: there would be no racing on Sunday. William Bird. RR 1. Stouff- ville. a member of the group, who asked that he be informed when the licence came up for renewal again. was assured by council he would be notified. Cowan Off To Early Start As Amateur Opens Gary Cowan, the 1964 On- tario amateur golfing cham- pion, is not letting the fairways grass grow under his feet. Cowan. who is_ defending his crown at the 43rd Ontario ama- teur at ‘Richmond Hill Golf and‘ Country Club this week. was one of the first of the 128 com- petitors out on the practice tee Monday. even though the offi- cial practice round didn‘t get underway until the following day. The young Kitchener star; shot a 72, par for the course. in his first time around. four strokes better than longtime rival Nick Weslock, who also got out early for a few practice licks. Weslock. who has won the amateur five times. however shot a 68 two weeks before, only one stroke more than the course record set by Club Pro Ernie Nerlich earlier in the month. Today‘s (Thursday) first round of play saw 64 qualifiers go out in the morning, with the field cum down to 32 in the afternoon. Friday there will be 18 in the morning and eight in the after- noon. On the final day. Saturday. the four semi-finalists will tee off in the morning to declde who meets for the champion- ship in the afternoon. has openings for teams and in- dividual bowlers starting Mon- day, September 13th, 1965. W. E. Jackson or G. H. Dunn EQUITY IN: YOUR HOME CAN MEAN CASH IN YOUR HAND That investment you have in your home is an asset in more ways than one. You qualify for the Associates' Home Owner’s Loan Plan. Under this plan. you may borrow from $2,000 to $20,000 on the equity you’ve built up. The interest rate is rea- sonable. There are no hidden charges or obscure clauses. You completely repay the loan in equal monthly install- ments over a period of up to ten years. There are no “balance†or “balloon†pay- ments. Interest is computed monthly on the unpaid bal- ance. This means that each payment you make reduces the amount of interest you pay. There are 101 reasons why you might need cash â€" fin- ancing a university educa- tion. buying a second car. re- modelling your home. Keep the Associates' Home Own- er's Plan in mind. The A5- sociates is one of Canada's largest financing firms with branch offices in principal cities across the country. Men’s Major Bowling League 889â€"4986 A FINANCING PLAN FOR EVERY NEED! The Associates 6A Levendale Avenue, Telephone: ‘ PLEASE CONTACT REALTY CREDIT LIMITED T. SHANNON 884-3442 884-2266 884-2779 Named George Metcalfe to replace W. Sendall. who has moved to London, on the parks and recreation committee. Year-Round Program Bruce's MiIls Area A grain-laden. ox-drawn cart" was the transportation provid-l ed for Ontario Resources Minis»! ter J. R. Simonett. Thursdayf afternoon of last week when‘ he opened Bruce's Mill, Metrol' Conservation Authority's newest1 ‘ development. _ The 270-acres of parkland lies between Highway '7 and the Gormley sideroad in Markham Township. Thursday's ceremony officially opened_ swimming, pic- Richmond Hill Hydro â€" Electric Commission SAM COOK, Chairman AL HORWOOD, Superintendent 56 Yonge St. N. 884-3511 For Dry Cleaning Shirt Laundry Storage Pick-up and Delivery Phone 889-3621 Do you have to ration hot water on wash days and bath nights? a Gascade 40 electric water heater can change all that. Cascade 40 has two elements: a 1000-watt lower element for normal use, and a 3000-watt top element that surges into action at times of extra heavy use. That's why the Cascade 40 can sup- ply more hot water than the average family is ever likely to use. Cascade 40 is flameless, safe and clean. It requires no flue so it can be installed anywhere.The ten year guarantee on the tank is your assurance of Cascade 40's reliability. With a Cascade 40, the cost of abundant hot water is low. For more information... 1mm r I 884-7711 - PHONE - 889-5611' ‘l‘!!!!““‘l““‘ ask your hydro CALL 884-2844 FOR FURTHER INFORMATION W. J. Babcock (Mrs.) Jean Babcock Director Secretary WW \ A 5"- AK‘A m 'Nxvvx “xx '\’\'K '\ WH'OVK' 9:»: K“ LAMB THE MOVER LTD. LOCAL AND LONG DISTANCE MOVING (Across The Street) Or Across the Continent FURNITURE HANDLED GENTLE AS A LAMB MODERN STORAGE WAREHOUSE FOR ALL YOUR “AUTOMOTIVE NEEDS†CALL Richmond Hill A UTOMOTIVE SUPPLY CO. 20 Newkirk Rd.. Richmond Hill 127 Birch Ave PHONE 889-4911-2-3 Over 45 Years Experience ARE THE BEST Thomhill. om.