Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 22 Jul 1965, p. 11

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NEWMARKET: "Jazz in the Park". a concert nf popular dance. tust will be heard at 1-... no \vlll|l|l|lu1.u Ill qunl . Mrs. Ross Kerwin and Mrs.‘ McConaghy and his wife at news items - the service is T ' {We _ just phone 8844105 Alan White were coâ€"hostesses 36 Thurston Road. Toronto. . i gr write to 63 Yonze Street giegeflfgfiagffls 2:2 :13: nnmmmnumimmuuummmmmmmmuuuuuummumumu .outh - we’d be pleased to ‘ and chairs at the Naughton} Mrs. Frank Price. Yonge he" "0mg?" * Drive home of Mrs. Kerwin. C0-.Street North. left on Wednesday , thostesses Mrs. J. C. Murphy. last for Austria. to spend five Mr’ ’lnd M's' Norma" H’m‘m‘Mrs. Alec Clarke and Mrs. Nor-fu‘eeks with her mother‘ Mrs. M. "I'N‘Hm‘fl ‘ne‘ghbm‘s and man Todd entertained at the Karall. at her home in Vienna. fl‘IMd-f last Thur-“lay evening‘tlatter's Church Street South Mrs. Price. with her husband. "lithe". {mme ‘Im 50”” Taworthome with a miscellaneous operates the local ABC Bowl- Mllls Drive, With a Hawallamshower. and a kitchen shower'ing Alleys. luau‘ {was given by the bridesmaids.‘ * * * * Ol" 01' {OWN fillGSlS “'t‘l'e Mr. Mrs. Burton Winstone. Miss Visiting at the home of Guy and Mrs. Harry Bumping ol-‘Frances Carver and Miss Lois Snaith. 68 Rockport Crescent. is London. England, who are visit- Olsen. at Mrs. Winstone‘s home Michel Boudreault of Baie “12 their "1'90? MI‘S. Hintonfon Crosby Avenue Entertaining Comeau. Quebec. ""1 MT- and MTS- Harry DRPP at their Church Street home at Guy and Michel are just two "0"" MOMI‘EHL fa miscellaneous shower were‘of the two thousand students Mrs. Floyd Perkins and lientaking part in the exchange , _ .. . idaughter Miss Lois Perkins. and student program sponsored by gigMAskgfiwflJaz m tlhew‘at a bathroom shower‘ Mrs. the Canadian Council of Chris- dflncp‘ tun” win he “20?: a‘t‘flarry LeCuyer of Jefferson tians and Jews. Prior to Mich- Linm‘ Park' hm, 25 {five ‘3 ers. Gordon C-auslin was the el‘s \‘isit. Guy spent a very en- mlisi‘ciam “for; the d‘iétrm hostess at a dinner party and joyahle two weeks \l‘llh him at present A program of fav it‘ ‘linen shower at her home in his home in Quebec. both re- of ‘the mm. d 1940, 0' i8: Cla-remont. turning to the Hill last Thurs- " 5 an ‘ 5‘ W: t Following her marriage. Miss day, Inmn h.“ -.....I____ : Mr. and Mrs. Norman Hinton pnlprlainod neighbors and friends las! Thursday evening In their hnme nn South Taylor Mills Drive, with a Hawaiian luau. Lions Park, July 25. Twenty musicians from the district will present a program of favorites of the 1930‘s and 1940‘s, with some Dixieland numbers in- cluded. NEWMARKET: Paul Stofanuik has received a letter of com- mendation from Attorney-Gen- eral A. A. Wishari for his hern- lsm in warning guests of the King George Hotel of a fire earlier this year. Paul suffered severe injuries in the April 30 fire and is still in the hospital for sick children. Allencourt Shopping (‘ent re Markham Rd. & Bayview Avenue Richmond Hill 'l‘ho weatherman co-nperatedher 0‘ the for the afternoon's activities. “55'”? “‘1' which included ball games, fish-‘ ing and a cook-out. Mfg." P11 Members of the York Central Anglers and Hunters Associa~ “on, with their wives and fami- lies. held their annual picnic on Sunday at Kirkficld, near Peter- born. The many friends of Mrs. Doug Boyd, Centre Street West, will be pleased to hear that she Is now making good progress at Northwestern General Hospital. following recent surgery, Mrs. Boyd, president of the' Mr. 1nd MrspD. R. Harcourt local horticultural society. will‘and daughters Denise and Bar- be hospitalized for several‘lene. Lawnwood Court. leave weeks. ‘next Thursday for a three week * * * “‘ touring holiday in Ireland. Mr. and Mrs. John F. Vernon and daughters Dawn and Wen- dy. Gretel Drive. returned on Saturday from a two week col- tage vacation at Glen Sibbald Beach, Lake Simcoe. Wins $100 A recent winner in the cur- rent national supermarket comâ€" pelilion was Mrs. J. Webb, who successfully matched the halves of a $100 bill, and was awarded the equivalent cash prize. Best wishes fnr a speedy reâ€" covery are extended to Georze Doherty. Bensnn Avenue. whn underwent surgery last week at Newmarket HoSpital. Wm. C. Lazenby. DMD-IDUD -m-“~_3--”I-«“ YOUR (legit!) PHARMACY Returning from a vam- lion'.‘ Entertaining for : nummrr bride? Celebrating an anniversary? "Life in the Hill" ls comprised of local news Items - the service is (roe - just phone 884-1105 or write to 63 Yonge Street South - we‘d be phased to hear from you. Compared to the ptoddrng past when medical drscoveries were hard to come by. today's research will propel us with jet speed to the place where many arlnrents. both simple and serious, will be ancient history. You can depend on your pharmacist to keep pace with medrcal achrevements. Allencourt Pharmacy ltd. Edda»; MW 64““ 884-4461 Richmond Heights bvautv salon Karl ’s - -u-:~- ~-_Wn-o“v- In The Mall Phone: 884-6151 \IR CONDITIONED Centre During their stay they will visit friends and relaliVes. in- cluding Mr. Harcourt's parenls, Mr. and Mrs. David Harcourt. at their home in Belfast. Mrs. Harcourt is a staff mom- Many parties have been held for Miss Christine Hall. daugh» ter of Mr. and Mrs. Morley R. Hall. Church Street South, prior to her marriage to Gordon Pipher on August 21 at the Richmond Hill United Church. Following her marriage. Miss Hall, who is presently on the stafl‘ at the Royal Bank. Yonge Street, will be living in Don Mills. The grade 7 and 8 classes at Crosby Heights Public School entered approximately 60 pieces of art work in the CNE‘s ele- mentary school arts and crafts display. Twenty of these works were accepted for hanging and may be seen at the Queen Eliza- beth Building during this year's CNE, August 20 in September Four generations of the Nor- man Rumble family were on hand to join in the celebrations. Mr, and Mrs. Norman Rumble and their daughter Heather. Maple Avenue. attended the 75th birthday party for Mrs. Sadie Rumble held recenily at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wilâ€" bert Jennings, Temperanceville. Enjoying a Canadian summer holiday are Mr. and Mrs. Harry Bamping' from London, Eng- land. who are guests at the home of their niece and her husband. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Hinton, South Taylor Mills Drive. Richmond Heights Centre. ’0‘ It 1 1k Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Marinofl' celebrated their 38th Wedding anniversary on July 16 with a garden party at their home. 66 May Avenue. Their sons and daughters Following two weeks holiday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Duncan Gillard. Chuzch Street North, Miss Susan Gillard RN left last week {or New York where she is on the nursing staff of the Roosevelt Hospital. Crosby Heights Art At CNE This work was not judged for the Emerald Isle Real $9. . , ‘52. FARMER'S PORTRAIT BY WENDY NEWBURG The work from Crosby Heights included pictures of a variety of subjects suggested by the course of study or by the life experience of the pupils and was mainly done with tempera paints. Mrs. Frank Price. Yonge Street North, left on Wednesday last for Austria. to spend five weeks with her mother. Mrs. M. Karall, at her home in Vienna. competition but was chosen by a hanging committee to be part of a display illustrating the type of art work being done in Canadian schools. The school received an honorarium and each of the students whose work was chosen for hanging receiv- ed $3. The work from Crosby Mrs. Price. with her husband. operates the local ABC Bowl- ing Alleys. Their sons and daughters with their families. joined their parents for a most enjoyable afternoon. Mrs. L. McCormg/zy Celebrates 99th. ‘ Birthday ' Students from all parts of Canada are taking part in this program coming from as far away as British Columbia. mummnuummumnnu:mumqutmmmuuuuuunumnnuum Woody Comeau. former resi- dent of Roseview Avenue, now living in Tol‘omo. is now on the staff of D'Andrea Hair Styl- ists. 87 Yonge Street. During his stay in the Hill, Woody was with the former D. Albert Brown Coifiures at the Richmond Heights Centre. A former teacher at Lil< “an M. McConaghy Public School. Yonge Street â€"â€" named after her â€"â€" and a staunch member of the Richmond Hill Presbyter- ian Church. where she taught Sunday school for many years. she earned the respect and love of every- one with whom she came in contact. Enjoying good health and still retaining an active in- terest in her home town, Mrs. McConaghy now re- sides with her son. Rolph MoConaghy and his wife at 36 Thurston Road. Toronto. xth tempera paints. Among those chosen for dis- ay was the colorful portrait of farmer done by Wendy New~ lrg. Wency is the daughter Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Newburg, 4 Anzac Crescent. She re- »1‘ts that she has always been Birthday congratulations are extended to Mrs. L. M. McConaghy. who celebrates her 99th birthday on July 28. ted in art, I 3 people. and option with t? mmerce com-54 particula will take 1e business Seconda Manager Jim Wells advises that applications will be we!- come from players in their eariy 20's to take an active part in the ,‘club games néxt season. The Child Evangelism Fellow-Aqua was held Saturday afier. Ship iS an inlerdenOmlnallOMlinoon in the Richmond Room at organization Its program is the Richmond Inn Motor Hotel‘ twofold. In the fall and winter {gnawing the marriage of Miss months, Good News Bible Clubs‘Joan “are to Dr_ Frederick are conducted W69le in homesviDavid Weir at Temperanceville after school or in the earlyiUnned Church evening- In the Summer "101“th Over 100 guests attended the‘ the aboveâ€"mentioned Fi\veâ€"Day11-ecepuon given by the bride’sl Bible CIUbS are CWdUCtEd “Ubiparents, Mr. and Mrs. Frederick doors in backyards. parks and‘nare, ‘ beaches. The aim of the organ- The gala affair was high-; ization in both types of.clubs is‘nghted by many toasts offered to reach unchurehed children to the success of the bride and with hible teaching. This sum- gmom mer‘ 46 Bible college students. and other young people have been added to_the staff, and are ; travelling across the province,‘ each conducting four of thes _ outdoor clubs each week. Al total of over 30,000 children i 1 expected to be reached. Across the city this past well aware or the num week. many children were at- Mfl‘ tending Five-Day Bible €11le Mrs. Vaughan Sieber and her for one hour each day, sponsor-,three daughters left recently by ed by the Child Evangdism Fe“car for her home in New Jersey. lowship of Ontario. 3 Her pa‘renls. Mr. and Mrs. These Clubs mEt at 272 De-iClarence Jones. Elgin. Mills maine, 224 Bayview South. 174lSideroad, accompanied them on Maple, 296 South Taylor Milisnthe trip, 153 Trayborn. 204 Mill, 202‘ >4: * * * Zema and 42 LEiSUI‘e. 1 An imDressive wedding ban- A variety of aquatic sports was engaged in â€"â€" swimming, fishing, boating and water-ski- ing. Five-Day Bible Clubs In each town or city where Child Evangelism is operating. there is a local committee of laymen from the various de- nominations. Mr.A. F. Austin of Citation Drive in Willowdale is chairman of the local committee in North York. The Crosby Heights art work was done under the supervision of James F. Orser. W. G. } Drive, is re( following 5111 tral Hospital Sympathy is extended to Mrs. Victor McMullen on the death of her mother. Mrs. J. S. Reeve- Newson. on July 9 at the Civic Hospital. Peterboro, Jackets and crests were pre- sented to members of Rich- mond Hill Dynes Senior Hockey Club, who. with their wives and families enjoyed a picnic at Lake St. George. Sunday last. The presentation was made by the club‘s manager, Jim Wells. The club‘s genial coach, Russ "Casey" Cripps contributed some of the merriment by re- peated "flops" ‘ his heroic ef- forts of one hour to “get up" on the water skis. Mrs. McMulIén is a former resident of Richmond Hill, now living in Campbellford. WENDY Hazell, Kerrybrook recuperating at home surgery at York Cen- NEWBURG An impressive wedding ban-1C0mPanY 0f KitChener. lerle quet was held Saturday after- * * * * 5m“ noon in the Richmond Room at Appearing this week with the‘aret the Richmond Inn Motor Hotel‘Harlequin Players in their proâ€"18nd following the marriage of Miss auction of “A Little Bit of Con Joan Hare to Dr. Frederick Luck" - a French Canadian re-;3 c David Weir at Temperanceville View - at the Red Barn Theatre,lson United Church. ‘Jackson's Point. is John Mc-‘Weu Over 100 guests attended the‘Arthur, Levendale Road. ‘tooi the Richmond inn Motor Hotel‘l-larlequin Players in their pro-land Mrs. Edward Simmons. following the marriage of Miss‘duction of “A Little Bit of Concord became the bride July Joan Hare to Dr. Frederick Luck" - a French Canadian re-;3 of Robert James Halliweu, David Weir at Temperanceville‘view - at the Red Barn Theatre!son of Mr. and Mrs‘ H_ Halli- United Church. Jackson's Point. is John Mc-lweu’ Hamilton. The ceremony Over 100 guests attended the Arthur, Levendale Road. [took place at Saint Peter and reception given by the bride’sl Mr. McArthur recently won<pau1 Roman Cathonc Church parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frederick‘an award for his direction of‘HamiIton' Rev. J. O'Brien of: Hare. [“Return Journey“ in the On- ficiated The gala affair was high-ltario One Act Festival at Hart lighted by many toasts offered’House. and will be directing for, to the success of the bride andlthe local Curtain Club in the: The bride wore a floor-length gown of white organza, appli- nunrl uka 1ann and nmkrnirlnwnfl Over 100 guests attended the reception given by the bride’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frederick to Mr Stong in St Mr. and Mrs. Leo Aubrey, Ottawa. announce the engagement of their daughter, Raymonde Marie Evelyn, to Mr. Alfred Joseph Stong. son of Mr. and Mrs. Alfred D. Stong. Richmond Hill. The marriage will be solemnized Summer Clearance Savings up to 40% "For Women Who Deserve The Best SOUTH BLOCK SS In the above picture Rae Marie (left), George Martin of the staff of the canine control kennels, and Elizabeth (right) are joined by Duke a 17-yearâ€"old Labrador and two stray puppies as they admire all the food which was purchased with their gift. The young ladies are evidently well aware of the humane aspect of canine control work. Earlier this year, Rae Marie George of 413 North Taylor Mills Drive and Elizabeth Payne of 408 Browndale Crescent who had recently lost aged pets, held a dog show at the former’s home. Youngsters from the surrounding area proudly exhibited their pets and the two young girls raised a substantial sum of money which they turned over to Canine Control Officer James Ryan. It was their hope the money would be used for food which would enable Mr. Ryan to keep several dogs alive until they could be placed in new homes- swam mama: -M... A WW diam Bathing Suits Alfred Joseph Stong, son of Mr. and Mrs. 1’ Richmond Hill. The marriage will be so? Gerard's Church, Ottawa, on August lel To Wed In Ottawa PHONE 889-1073 126 YONGE ST. N., RICHMOND HILL Suits, Coats Sportswear Dresses life For Canine Friends 1» KER Established 1878 Mr. and Mrs. James Hunter and sons Stephen and Tommy of Libby Blvd. have moved to Kitchener. A chartered accountant in private practice in Toronto Mr. Hunter has accepted a position with the Onward Manufacturing Company of Kitchener. fall [f] we Unwaru inallluacLuqux . A teacher last year at Bev‘ mpany 0f KltChener‘ el'ley Acres Public School _ * *. * * , Richmond Hill, Wendy Marg. AppearrmgAthls weekAWfih the;aret Simmons. daughter of Mr 889-4741 iii Wendy Simmons Wed At Hamilton Following the ceremony, a reception was he1d at the home of the groom’s parents. The young couple then left for a motor trip to the United States, the bride wearing a white knit suit with white and pink accessories and a gardenia corsage. On their return they will reside in Burlington. Attendants were the bride's sister Miss Valerie Simmons and Mrs. Karen Clissold. They were gowned alike in floor- length sheath gowns of pink or- ganza trimmed with lace and carried cascades of pink carna- tions. They wore small whim- sy veils. Best man was the groom's brother Tom Halliwell. Jack Harvey was usher. The bride wore a floor-length gown of white organza, appli- qued with lace and embroidered with seed pearls, fashioned with a very full hoop skirt. With it she wore a fingertip scalloped veil and carried a cascade of pink gladioli. She was given in marriage by her cousin James Stuart. (Photo by Stuart‘s Studio! (a v IL; - can! â€"?1¢. curt. PERCENTAGE TRANSPORTATION I PARKING CONSERVATION RECRE anon WEL FARE GENERAL ADHIN'ISTRATIOR HRE PLANNING SIWLS B STREETLMWNG LIBRARY PARKS POLICE smru‘nox EWASY' "nova. PUBLIC WORKS THE LIBERAL. Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday, July 22, 1965 DISTRIBUTION OF 1965 TAX DOLLAR Town of Richmond Hill 0‘ 4‘ O 54 0'50 0 HQ 0 88 I'OI I 03 IS} I 56 5 B) 946 '1‘ Damage estimated at $300 was done to two cars in an ac- cident at Crosby Avenue and the CNR crossing July 17. Cars Collide P H l LCflO At Crossmg Involved were cars driven by Harold Reesor. 162 Markham Road, and David Hays. 155 Sleeles Avenue West, Willow- dale. No other details were avail able. Richmond Hill Police also re- ported a break-in at Hughes Shell Station, Bayview Avenue South, July 16, in which a quan- tity of goods and $50 in cash were taken. Entry was made by breaking a window in the front door. A car belonging to Richard Crittenden, Oak Ridges. which “as stolen from a Yonge Street parking lot July 17. was recov- ered a day later in Richmond Hill by local police. I have a client anxious to pur- chase 4 or 5 acres‘ with livable home within 15 mile radius of Richmond Hill, prefers north. ' 1V0 SEI'VICG cnarge, no nooxmg lee Wwwx~wwm ‘ To Our Friends And Customers 0 SHORTS 0 BATHING SUITS 0 TOPS 0 T-SHIRTS 0 SUN SUITS. DRESSES 0 SUITS & COATS AND MANY, MANY OTHER ITEMS RICHMOND HEIGHTS CENTRE CLEARANCE SALE 20% TO 50% OFF BOOKINGS FOR ALI. STEAMSHIPS AND AIRLINES, TOURS AND CRUISES 85 YONGE STREET N. PHON] RICHMOND HILL 889-575 Please take notice we will be closed for holidays from Monday, July 26, re-opening Tuesday, August 10 91 Yonge St. S. HURRY! LAST 10 DAYS OF OUR ANNUAL JULY Boys’ Sizes: Girls’ Sizes: Call Mrs. Kostecki. 884-5269 Family Allowance Cheques Always Welcome GUNNAR'S TAILORING BRANDS FAMOUS FOR QUALITY Richmond Hill 884-7474 to make room for new back-to-school Hundreds of items of all seasons No service charge. no booking fee and fall items Infant to Infant to RENT 52 Week EIectric-TV-Appliances now arriving 42 LI'IVENDALE ROAD Sales. Repairs. Parts Richmond Hill BAYVIEW MALL 3305 Bayflew at Cummer Willowdale 889-1919 884-3211 889-5782 LEASE BUY

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