Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 22 Jul 1965, p. 4

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The Ontario Municipal Board has set October 12 as the date of the application of King City for in- corporation. A letter information was read meeting of the village trustees. it was the trustees’ a OMB last year to incorporate the village which led to the setting up this spring of a joint committee, Lorne Cumming, special advisor to the Minister of Municipal and of King Township. The committee presented a report recommending the setti system in the township tion of police villages. the reeve would be elected by the whole *WlllllililllliilmiilililllillIllllllIllilllillllllliltllllllIllIillillllllllllillilllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllilllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllltllllllltilllllIllllllIilllllillllltlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllltllllllllIllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllIlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllIilllllIlllllIlllllllIllIlllllllllllllllllllllllllllll'3 Oak Ridges, Lake I eluding representatives of King City, LAKE WILCOX I1'illllllii‘lllllllilIIIIIIIIIIIlIlIIIIlIIIIIlllillllllllllIllllllllllllllllllIllllllIlllIlllllllllllllllllllIIIIIIllllllllIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIllIIIIllilIlIllIlllllllllllllllllllllil ' King City Trustees Apply For Incorporation for the hearing containing this at the Jilly 12 pplication to the headed by Dr. Affairs and in- ng up of a ward and the dissolu- Under this plan township and THE LIBERAL. Richmond Hill. Ontario. Thm'srlai‘. July 2’2. 1965 KING CITY, OAK RIDGES "The Liberal" is always pleased to publish items of interest regarding people and events in the Oak Ridges - Lake Wilcox and King City districts. Our news corres- pondent in Oak Ridges-Lake Wilcox is Mrs. Lillian A tcheson, Wildwood Avenue. When the report was received. King City Trustees wrote to Dr. Cumming on April 5 asking that a statement be ap- pended tO the report indicating that the committee was not unanimous in ap- proving the proposed new system. Although the trustees indicated at a public meeting held in the village June 17 to discuss the community‘s future status that they were opposed to the ward system as “not suitable or prac- ticable in the case of King Township and its villages”, they made no official announcement of their intentions. Cost $30,000 12 councillors elected from eight wards, with areas of over 1,800 population (like King City) elect- ing two councillors. 773-5479. At their nex cation for sought. of the village a over the years. Local residents their views hea vided they give to the OMB. June 28, a letter was read from their solicitors indicating that an appoint- ment for an OMB hearing on an appli- incorporation was At the June 17 meeting. which was poorly attended, bulk of the speakers appeared to be opposed to incorporation of trustees‘ handling of village affairs The October 12 ()MB hearing will be advertised twice TEMPERANCEVILLE NEWS ' illllllllllllllllllllllllll‘lllllllllllillllllIllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll“ Honor Parish Priest The parish priest of Sacred Heart Roman (‘ath- olic Church, Father Rein- hard Burchbardt. was hon- ored recently on the sil- ver jubilee of his ordina- tion. A picture and account of this event appears on Pat8 8 of this issue. llllllllllllllllllllIIRllllllllllllllilllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllIlllllllllllll llIIIlIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIlIllhlllllllllIIIIIIIIIlIIIIIIIIlllllllllIIIlllllllllllllllllllllllllIIIIIIIIlIIlIIIIlilllllllllllllllllllltllllllllllllllllllIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIllllllilIIIlIIllIIiIl|IlllIllIIlllilillllllllllllllllllllIIIIllllllillilllllllllllllIlllIIIIIlIg mmunm t meeting however, on being nd several were critical in the local press. will be able to have rd at the hearing, pro- notice of their intention 5 E z E I I iirustee Donald Findlay A motion by Trustee Donald Findlay that water meters be installed in all King City was discussed buildings using water in briefly at the July 12. meeting of the village trustees but put over to the not satisfied water is being conâ€" erved" said Trustee Findlay n introducing his resolution. In the preamble it was noted. that it is the duty of all on this, continent to conserve water. in-‘ eluding residents of King City. and signed to this end. The resolution further sug- gested that King Township, should be asked to include in. the debentures for the village‘s‘ “I am liy that person- third well enough to pay for1 the installation of the water meters. Trustees Ross Fal‘quhar, who was acting chairman in the absence of Chairman , John Mann felt that meters ‘ were the only fair way of distributing water. How- ever. he foresaw some. dif- ficulty in reading them, etc. and suggested the matter be held in abeyance until the next meetInK. Water consumption for the 805 gallons per day and was lip 1.900.000 gallons over the .matter up directly with next meeting for further study. ported however IlIat the water supply 'situation was still healthy. Trustee Farquhar reported that several vacant lots, park land and other municipal propâ€" erty were in need of mowing and suggested that the town- tilat rates should be de- ship should be asked if mowers are available to mow them. Secretary - manager G. '1‘. Thompson noted that it was best to wait until the weeds had attained full growth before haviniz them cut. It was left to Mr. Thompson to make arrange- ments for this at the best time. It was reported that there had been no reply to the trus- tees‘ recent letter to Township with respect to the grade separation atIthe main intersection in the. village. Trustee Findlay gave notice that if word were not received by the next meeting he would introduce a motion to take the the County of York as is\their lmontih of June averaged 162.-‘privilege under Section 500 of the Municipal Act. Final ratification was given King Suggests Water Meters For King City Residents; ‘ BAKER ELECTRONIC SERVICE TROUBLE? TV (All BA.1 - 0485 AN R.E.T.A. MEMBER WILSON -NIBLETT AUTO BODY SHOP Now is the time Io prepare your car for Summer Simply drive in for a free estimate TO ALL OUR SERVICE CUSTOMERS Service and Parts will be closed Saturdays 1 pm. during .lune, .Iuly and August THE R .S’l‘ (‘OSTS No moss BUDGET TERMS WiIson-Niblett Motors ltd. Iat. the meeting to a by-law ex- propriating the Shaitka property for park purposes. The seven-I acre property is adjacent to the village park. Correspondent: Mrs. W. G. Jennings Phone PR. 3-5892 May consumption. It was re- No Decision On Oak Ridges Park: 355 Yonge Street N 889-5435 Richmond Hill, Ontario COURTESY CARS AVAILABLE Wilcox News About People Neighborhood Notes Master Douglas Clam). son of at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wilbert Jennings on July 11. to Nanny To Queen, AIs0f Atcheson, on the King Side- Bmmd" Wish" to Gail mud” Mr- and MI‘S- Harold Clap? has celebrate Mrs Rumble‘s liltlllllltlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll I i ' ' - - .‘ ‘ ‘ ' ' llillllli' Nighgllfl. wztgo wig the nine yneiilr: a Mrrimsndemims.ngfi‘iéirSLeoarggi King Township Council at its spent a few ddays m hospital seventy-fifth birthday. Those‘TO vaely Children A ‘ _ in . by i" “ii1 editiihd: .1 ii iriethe Vaslle at Alitona They";iSt meeting discussed furtherlthls,we}§k “ll-ehlgmfng eye “211- attendmg were Mr' and Mr“ 1, "Hone FOT l aw w o aso as s i y 0 d f .V.B V the suggestion that it Shouldger). 'est VHS es or a spec y Aubrey Lloyd, Linda, Mam-m“ Miss Marv Gordon Shanks‘ B b u.) July 23' move mm aywew venue' contribute $10,000 to the purâ€" recoveri‘ and 30b from DEI‘hl. Mr. and, ‘ use a . Anniversary greetings to Mr. and Mats. Roy Weaving who are celebrating their 27th anni- versary also on July 23. Miss Sherry Rennie and a girl friend spent a few days last week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Ryan. The Rennie family were neighbors of the Ryans before moving to Toronto. Linda Atcheson, Rosemary Avenue, has been visiting with Susan Forster in their new home in Willowdale for the past week. The Forster family moved from their home on Rose- mary a few weeks ago. Mrs. Norma Costello andi daughter Pat, have been visit- in: for holidays with her aunt about two weeks ago, and their former neighbors, Mr. and Mrs. Alf Doughty, and Mrs. Helen Furze visited them last week. Mrs. Mae Doughty and fam- ily will spend their holidays at the home of Mrs. Doughty's mother, Mrs. Rosie Irons at Burley Frills, and then will en- joy a week at home before re- turning to the York Central Hospital where she works. A speedy recovery is wished for Linda. youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. D. Baraclough who underwent an appendectomy on July 20. Vacational Bible School One thousand and ninety three children, four years and over from the Oak Ridges Lake chase of an 11-acre site in Oak; Ridges for use as a park, but ‘reached no decision on matter. the Dr. Ross Lord. chairman of the Metro Conservation Auth- ority had suggested early int June that council consider as- sisting the authority in purchas- ing the site. Total approximate cost of the land, the C. A. Mea- dows property, is said to be $30,000. The authority con- siders the property unsuit- able for residential or in- dustrial purposes. Due to other commitments, how- ever, the authority is not in a position to purchase Congratulations to Miss Patricia Macklin. who has been chosen to represent York County on the Junior Farmers United Nations l bus trip. and to Miss Judy l Paxton, who will represent York County on the pre- Centennial bus trip. These awards are given for out- standing work in 4H clubs and junior farmers. V Mrs. Mary Dowler of Calury.‘ Alberta is visiting relatives in the Toronto and Ag-incourt area. and she. along with Mrs. J. A. Macklin. Mrs. Murray Macklin and Anne, Mrs. Don Pearson and Susan spent Fri- day at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Macklin. Mrs. Clifford Rumble of 'l‘o-‘ ronvto, Mr. and Mrs. Ron Rum- ble, Laura, Rhonda. and Jimmy, of St. Catharines, Mr. and Mrs. Norman Rumble and Heather, of Richmond Hill, Mr. and Mrs.‘ Gerald Jennings. Debbie and‘ Kimberley of Aurora, and Mr.‘ and Mrs. Gordon Johnston ofi Brampton. and Mr. Danny Davis of Oak Ridges. IIIIIlIIIlIIlIIIIlilllllllllilllllllllllllIIIIIIIIIIllIIlIIIllllHIIIIIIlIIIIIIIIIlllIll I 3-Room Addition At Our Lady Of The Annunciation School now well over eighty years of age, still has a twinkle in her eye when anyone mentions the Queen Mother, Queen Eliza- beth or Princess Margaret. Miss Shanks cared for Queen} Elizabeth and Princess Mar-y garet in their tender years; when the present Queen was about six years old. Miss Mary is an aunt of Mrs. Helen Furze, Bayview Avenue, a sister of Helen's mother, Mrs. Jean Connaty, and now lives, at the Parkdale Nursing Home in Toronto. In spite of her years. she continues strong and lively. Miss Shanks remembers well the difference between her two‘ Royal charges. Princess Mar- Several Oak Ridges lad- ies who have. not played baseball for years got to- gether one evening last week and tried their hand at the game again. All had lots of fun. in spite. of lots of aches and pains next day. At the ball diamond were Anne Sweeney. Betty Pra- buckl. Mary Lahey, Mickey Clarendon. Helen Shand. Charlotte Brockton, Nor- ma Martin. Carol, Bever- ley and Linda Fullerton. Adding a good pitching arm later on was Mrs. Jerry Cook who with her two daughters Barbara and Bet- ALUMINUM Windows & Doors Awnings dc Siding Closed In Patios Quality Products At Manufacturers Prices All Materials & Workmanship Fully Guaranteed . . . c The board of RCSS 1 and family on Rosemary Ave. Wilcox distlict attended the - ' ' -. ' aret was the tomboy of the t A 1 i . v . . the land itself and has also Miss Mary Anne Clapp. Miss Kin Townshi g . V “"9 "r “5" hack "0'" :11“! will wen: scape. um; 1yvltt'li‘gacgt‘ion Bible Ciehdolbit ill: had some difficulty in neg- Cathy Macklin. and Mr. Gordon M fenders fof‘thtazdgfim awe and loved to. lite with “it; a same at Victoria Square ormu gran mo el, an a s re ~ren in ris uic , otiaung with the owners. Henshaw enjoyed the recem of two was“ on“ and a olses. jumping In 0 pies o y which they had won great grandmother, Mrs. David Aubrey Avenue held Monday.- V .bus mp. when the York Coumy PM”! If ‘; dirt etc. Elizabeth was the, Also on the h," dinmnnd Tuesday Wednesday and Thurs. If King Township accepts the 8 I hurt) .e zymator- lady who liked to be dressed up, AH clubs visited Guelph Uni-. I " busy with managing and day evenings of last week. recommendation. the provmce versmv, Tours of the girounds' mm at Quri Lady 0‘ the ‘flnd Playing With he" dOIls- all" coaching were Jen-v Lahev Wednesday drew the biggest would be asked to corltl‘ibuteland buildings, and dinner in thel QTMCHHM Sena” “3 though she 100 liked ‘0 ride Dick Sweeney Ind. George & attendance with 332 children 50% of $15,000 and a iurther,dinmg “an made a very enjoy- c 00' “i 0"" 'dgt‘sâ€" The two girls and Miss} Prahucki. attending. 200 Monday. 268 $5.000 would be raised by aiabie day. ' The] SchOOl already has Shanks ate their meals together mum.ny someone. sus- Tuesday' and 293 on Thmday. levy over the member munic: Miss ‘Mabel Jenninds of T0_ six cassrooms and enrol- at the back of Buckingham‘ [sated a ladies' ball team . There were eight classes _of ipalmes of the authority with romo spent the weckgnd at the ment last year was close to Palace. Although they had and many of the girls de- Phone For Free EStlmates children with two teachers to King Township exempt for the home of Mr. and Mrs, Wilbert each class plus one teenager.first year. 'Jennings prior to leaving on and each class followed a pro- the observer Tour of the Holy 200. One of the new class- rooms ls to be a kindergar- ten. It is hoped that the ad- plenty of toys, games and cloth- ing, they did not have an ex- cess of anything. Miss Shanks; cided they would like. to try. Anyone interested in try- TORONTO WINDOW MFG. CO. LTD. SHURTEST jeect of their oat/n. .The young , Land. I gitl'm‘i) will be completed by I‘ememlat‘l‘s. hand Wilt?" they ini.r out for the team is in- 165 CENTRE) ST. E. DESâ€"Mil S ones were rawmg inc ureS. ‘ Folir generations of the Nor- c 0 er. were i row: with t eir pos- vited to call Mrs. Lil Atch- I i . 84-28'3 and on Thursday evening the Toronto Woman Faced man Rumble family gathered. A new grade 1 teacher seSSionS. they were Sent to, each at 773-5479. RICHMOND HILI 8 I project. was making boats of half walnut shells with a mast of waxed paper. and the older boys were doing paintings. With Driving Charge Many Hands Helped TO charitable institutions. When Miss Shanks [em met IIIlIIIIIlIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIRuinIIIIIIIIIIITIlullIIIIIIIITIMIIIIIITIIRRIIII Royal family. she came to Can- ‘_ ui‘hi iii 7W has been engaged, Miss A. Wouk and it is expected that negotiations for a kin- _ _ l _ der arten t h V - ads and later became nurse and Vicki Bachlowa won firs-t A Toronto woman has been Pre are Carnwal ’65 coniluded 2:25;; which??? nanny to the children of Mrs. prize for bringing the mosticharged with failing to yield the‘ p , ' S. Snively. looking after Faith. staff members will remain as last year. Principal of the school is Mrs. Patricia Fitzpatrick of Richmond Hill. children and won a camera forlright of wav as a result of an ~ . . . . I S ‘ . , . . taking 35 children, Judy Bren-laccident in King Township, July thgnlu‘l‘e,7“8‘;lfirf&af‘%§“’$a;$ pan won a desk globe for taking 15. ‘ ' y " - ng 25 children. ‘ Mrs (‘ladys Schreibel‘ 63" r - ‘ " . ' t . 'l a L y l Ilk ~ y ‘ V w. lhe chlldren were picked up was charged after coming outmihmch '13:?! zzgggflgmramfimi and brought back by bus d > ‘ ‘ "h'-d‘ ' ‘ - ca , R a" .of an intersection at the 1 II "1 B . d 1, t. on the last evening the child ‘ ' \d '- amims an S Ups 0 ‘ , re“ Concession. and County Road 11. y Yo « d - 1 r h d from this area en'oved h t ‘ ‘ ' ~ “7 “all us 5m?“ an (00 S‘ a i J . 0 ,and colliding With 21 cal dll\9n,be n .ut d (h kid n Wed dolls and pop at Marie's ‘ 9 e - L an er S e ‘1“- A "ford t h f '7, ,h.\' Jam” Anderson 52‘ 0f 14 helping out by doing something ' on c 0 a ‘1 ‘Wsrren Road. King CllY- useful. rounder, mea u ' .1 . , , . .» . . L":th w" msldreinin 3:}: ‘ Ml. Andelson vIas tlealed fol Ana]. several Smnfls M ham ~iniuries at York Central lios- new had been mam, [he mun... evenln f .l ' .' , . ' ' " pm” anrmanul'zng' 1:132: Plial and the“ released isters enjoyed a game of ball: Fnrquharsnn "HEM a pike ysome chasing a football and "Sm: a Mom" Mass 8mm isome making use of a baseball her three, with a 6 lb. test E’Vilcox Pavilion land hal- “"9. and “m.”v bringin‘ Iv V ‘ Several of Ilhe women had ‘ n I" by hand wh'm "w mtg I 0 (/ [aged ibeen busy during the week get» The Sunset Beach Pavil- . . ting the surprise packages I‘eadv wnnl n t. h - t l h d am the f.Ish. Mr. for one of the booths and the . o n Holman. Paul s father I . _ r . ham N“, “word for d" u" ion at Lake Wilcox which thlee people \\Ilo compose the I til now with a as him, Mk; was reopened briefly on the .hoard of the youth centre were caught In 1961: 1 weekend following an earl- kept busy With a variety of ier closure. will now remain closed. Whitchurch Police tasks. such as collecting items, lmaking phone calls. setting up Chief Fred Mason said this week. lrides, putting the booths to- ‘gelher and many otller chores. The chief said that the owners had decided that loo numerous to mention. but financially it wasn‘t worth the effort to keep the hall open. The hall was first closed two weeks ago when about 200 members of a Toronto motorcycle club arrived on the scene. and it was Margaret and 'l‘rumble both in Toronto and at their country‘ home. Glen Lonely Farm. at Ithe west end of Lake Wilcox, Ibetween the 2nd and 3rd con- ‘ flllllllllllllllIIIIIIIIIIIIllllllllilllllilllllllllllllIlilIlllllllllllllltlllillllllll I C 955 I 0 n 5 - ; BETWEEN Ivoungsters and grownups were YOUR OLD Ul'I'AR Now is a great time to trade in your old Guitar as we have the best stock ever of new and used instruments I=in $22. To $500. Ml-i-l>-‘l-‘I-fl-4 .-u-i YOUNG PEOPLE NEED SOME- THING AMUSING AND USEFUL TO DO DURING THE LONG HOT SUMMER Plan now to give your children \IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIlIIIlllllllllllllIIIIllIllillllllllllIlllllllIIlIIllIIIIIIIIIIIIIII i mmoooomi PINDER BROS. LTD. iSTEEL LINTELSI I BEAMS Kept in Stock all of which added to the color and enjoyment of the big day. T-R‘ will move you across a continent swiftly, safely and . . I .COPLETE WITH ALL RISKS INSURANCE with mlnlmumlnconvonlenco thought but to can on the 1 I _ ‘ _ n. Portable Crane «gin ;: M someone = Summer m um lessons- lhey Will PROTECTION FOR BOAT-MOTOR AND TRAILER tivs plan and estimate yourmcwe. Service msmld am p05“ 9 mu. 5 have the time [0 make most 0f f ,th Th. h . ponc’ cow This free ssrvlce will show you 5 t d . - m. n - : Boatin '5 a lot more up . . . WI a Is one compre ensrve _ hgwttosavs money andEtorqeii STEEL ahzg.";n“~‘hn.,‘,"“o. “figs; . E a summer course lot Iesgs worrzd. _. Slinden you’;e ers yogir boat, outmalrgtgncfiogéa’aianisitâ€" I 011 "WWW WOVV‘ES- Wei" ’ word was received that the '0 . - o a . - - r0 erl insur again amage 0 er, an aCCESSOi’lOS; oncsd men pack your tragqu ‘ l motorcyclists were hack 5 . ' . : flee US? (if lNStrumentS In your 50”? eqYJ‘pment' And hereys the com_ fireV theft, colhswn’ loss of mot“. .mihudw‘m ii“ moshlip-mhdaiii I “d ‘h". ha" ‘m “Nd ' 3 home for 8 weeks prehensive boat and outboard motor overboard, and marry other hazards,- rain: aicazmvyeiiudaidiui: :ur I To CUStOm ': °“°' “3"” I: A mendlv call by the g ' insurance that gives you “all risk" afloat or ashore . . sat a fractim of Y Y, i S ecifi t. vaen after it was estab- ‘. “velcomswngoni-loetesa . ll" you CAN SING! (even a little) talk to us about a coverage complete in ONE low- replacement cost. Give Your ECONO- ".w address“ .You are moved m' p ca Ions “Sh”! ill“ the” were only ‘- : 'will help them feel It a T C 't Instant musi ss (1 ' . . ' ical a ent a can LOday and ask fa tool T-R's il’alnPd mefn lay rugs. 2 b four cyclists and no trouble I . home. : enor IUI ar. . . e a.. ure cost Dolley. m g "(up beds and place urniture or ' 0110 ee was anticipated, the dance ‘ o . ....-......_..â€"..-...w-.. you. ceiling you served wim a ‘ nan stayed closed and will i: ' .uvslcxl. INSTRUMENTS or ALL TYPES ’lNSURANCE BY ECONOMICAL” minimum oiinconvenience and ‘ BAA. remain that way. ' : VF‘Y AND L'SP‘D DRUM ()l‘TFlTS - a" . I ; 1 . . . -. . . n1;:3:1;;:::;yamhow LR IllllillllIIIIlIIiiIIIIIIRIInilIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIRIIIIIII . E A LL KINDS OF Mlj‘qu‘ BOOKS THE . afichincy can save you money. E £3025 : M"""‘"‘."""-‘.'-' T *mrmmm moms NEW WORKâ€"ALTERATIONSâ€"REPAIRS : $12:ng {gig-1‘3; Call us today at 884-3272 {1 mm)» 7. LL w I - Agenrs: Allied Van Lines R G E R P R U z ‘18:“ and .d no. if: : ~CANAD|AN WE A?" TIPPET RICHARDSON ‘ ’ i A : “'“”‘°'-’°“ m" " ' 9 COMPANY " . are moving. : LTD. ' 889-1011 2 MOVING o STORAGE Pl.UMBlI\G&HEATING o HEAD OFFVCE K iCHENQ. mlm {ACKING 0 SHIPPING, Free Estimates Gladly Given a m" . . Richmond Hill- - Elgin T. liarrow Insurance. 884â€"155]. 4 TIPPET ROAD gm“; “Miami; :53, MUSIC CO. Willowdale -_ Neil o. .Vlclloiiald Limited. 2214611 .9 i l Tunas St. 5. '(‘orner Centre Stl Open vial" 1'” 9 5"" -â€" Frank. BPyIIOLCIS Ingurance.

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