It would probably be quite safe to state that the present Vaughan Township Council has spent more time discussing garbage than any other subject since its inauguration last January. now u ulna-a. I, . And while councillors may have preferred a more pleasant subject for discussion, it is an important subject, and one that will become increasingly important in years to come. ï¬g . . ... ‘ \rUlllOo Metropolitan Toronto is said to be the fastest growing spot on the North American continent. The growth is evident in a multitude of ways,‘ more people, more homes, 17 "A1411-.. A“; "aJu, “any rv-‘._-, schools, factories, automobilesâ€"and more garbage. Vaughan Township has been the dumping ground for much of the Metro garbage. The dump operated by Disposal Services Limited adjac- ent to the township-operated dump on the Teston Sideroad has been re- ceiving garbage from the municipal- ities of North York. Weston and Forest Hill for some _time. Cr: ,But in May of this year, Metro closed its few remaining dumps. Since that time, operations of the two Vaughan dumps_have trebled. However, as the dumps were in- undated with garbage, council was inundated with complaints. Residents complained of noisy gar- bage trucks roaring along township roads night and day, spilling their A “History on the Village Green" fair was held this sp_ring_i_n Beclfoxjd, an..- . "v-.. a small village in New York State, to raise funds to aid educational pro- jects of the garden club and restora- tions undertaken by the historical society. Sleighs, buggies and 01d carriages were dragged out of local barns to create an antique atmosphevgxaround a tall evergreen and a tent housed a bazaar of spring flowers and plants, needlework, home-cooked gourmet foods, books and pictures, all donated for sale. The local high school band played _and Boy Scouts performed Subscription Rate_§4.59 per yegr ind‘ian dances. Buildings surrounding the green were decorated with white, yellow and green flowering plants and the fair included a tour of five 18th and 19th century homes. Exhibitions and sales of antique china and silverware were also held in buildings fronting on the village green. We think this is an idea which might well be copied in this com- munity. There are still a few his- toric buildings in the neighborhood which could be opened to the public for a. small fee. We are thinking particularly of the former home of Colonel Moodie at the north end of town. Built in 1820 this was the res- idence of the veteran soldier in 1837 when he and Col. David Bridgeford started out to warn the garrison in York. Moodie was shot by a sentry at Montgomery’s Tavern as he at- tempted to crash the barricade and Prime Minister Pearson‘s blueprint for medicare appears to reject the national concept so emphasized by the Hall Royal Commission and con- sequently will disappoint those who had expected an over-all federal scheme, federally operated. But the Prime Minister, having stubbed his toe not once, but several times in striving to implement the Gsnada Pension i’lan. is _making cerâ€" tain that he does not stumble again over constitutional snags. Medical care insurance clearly is a matter of provincial constitutional jurisdiction, as he pointed out at the dominion-provincial conference, and he is placing the onus for success or failure of nation-wide medicare squarely upon provincial govern- ments. Mr. Pearson undoubtedly will bring down upon himself the wrath of those who Would have preferred to see Ottawa initiate a centrally-domin- ated scheme, as advocated, for ex- ample. by the NDP. It might be argued that whatever Canada gets in the way of a nation-wide program now must emerge from a hodge- podge of provincial plans. Indeed. Mr. Pearson himself has expressed only a. hope that eventually 10 pro- THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, “Authorized as second class mail Preserving Our Pusl n Rate $4.50 per year; to United States $5.50; 10c single copy Member Audit Bureau of Circulations Member Canadian Weekly Newspapers Association J. E. SMITH, Publisher W. S. COOK, Managing Editor An Independent Guns For Medicare On Provinces 01b: liberal Weekly: Estabilshed 1878 Ontario, Thursday, July 29, 1965 Pos’E Office Department, Ottawa†loads along the way. The b: maintained private dump “was maintained private dump was ac- cused of harboring rats. Frequent fires drive the rats into neighboring farms. What is the solution? 0n the one hand, council is told by the disposal firms that they have a “gold mine" in their dump which will pay them revenue for the next 20 years. On the other hand, resi- dents are being deprived of the peaceful enjoyment of their homes by garbage trucks and infestation by vermin- In our opinion. council would be shortsighted in the extreme to sac- rifice the comfort and well-being of its residents for whatever receipts they would take in for receiving Metro garbage. An What would be the prospect in 20 years? Vaughan could quite well find itself with no place to dump its own garbage. We applaud council’s decision to limit dumping at its own site to res- idents of Vaughan Township and the neighboring municipalities of Rich- mond Hill and Woodbridge: Present and future garbage dis- posal sites should be under strict municipal control. Vaughan resi- dents should give council their whole- hearted endorsement for the by-law to prohibit dumps in the township which is to be discussed at the Aug- ust 3 council meeting. died in the inn a few hours later. Other homes in the town date back to the first half of the 19th century and would be of interest to residents. The “dead house†in the cemetery behind the Presbyterian Church, an octagonal structure described in the Ontario Historical Society’s booklet “Ontario’s Historyâ€, is another struc- ture of interest. A sign in the in- terior of the building indicates that corpses were at one time stored there during the winter months for spring burial. If we go farther afield, there are the two frame homes high on the ridge of land, to the west of the town, all that remains of the once flourishing Village of Patterson, which died when the farm machinery manufacturing plant was moved to Woodstock in the 1880’s. Perhaps a fair of this nature which could feature the old stage coach which once carried passengers be- tween Richmond Hill and Toronto, carefully restored and preserved by the TTC, could present money-mak- ing possibilities for a local group or groups. That people are interested in antiques and articles which link our community with its past was evi- denced last year when the UCW found an almost overwhelming re- sponse to their request for treasured heirlooms to be put on exhibit. The only criticism of the event was that it was held on one day only which did not allow sufficient time for many people to admire the various exhibits. vincial patterns will be molded into one comprehensive scheme. - I In offering to support provincial plans. however, Mr. Pearson estab- lished four criteria and these should provide for some uniformity of ap- proach. Ottawa assistance will be forthcoming only if benefits cover all services by physicians. general prac- titioners and specialists and include dental treatment and prescribed drugs. Mr. Pearson may be accused of ducking federal responsibility for medicare. But at a time when the provincial accent is upon provincial autonomy, the Prime Minister may be taking the wiser course. Paradox- ically enough, the provinces are not at all backwardâ€"even as they de- mand more tax dollars and more con- stitutional powersâ€"in asking that Ottawa contribute vastly greater sums for university construction costs, for education. and welfare as- sistance, all provincial concerns. Perhaps the dominion-provincial conference, in considering its “war on poverty†should give more thought to the possibility that the Canadian taxpayer stands in peril of becoming impoverished by the demands of three levels of government. The“ London Free Press The badly- Urban Restoration Centennial Proiect As part of its Centennial projects. St. Thomas, On- tario. has included urban beautification. The “new look for '67†is being achiev- ed through block by block co-operation among mer- chants. landlords and others to restore and redecorate their premises. Expert archi- tectural and design advice brings harmony to the de- cor and group pricing re- duces the costs. A feature story in “Centennial On- tario", dated June 1965, is accompanied by before and after pictures, which offer visible proof of the success of the project. 1.111: way uuusvu. nanny. .. United States after his capture~ least gives the lie to those who say our federal go‘vernmentr can’t get things done A report from Ottawa says the Consumers Gas Co. has been awarded the contract to convert Parl- iament’s heating plant from coal to gas. The story adds that the new plant will also supply air condi- tioning and hot water. Well, we’ll agree with the point that Parliament certainly needs air condi- tioning, butâ€"with this governmentâ€"more hot water is pure extravagance. .- n t One block of Talbot Street in St. Thomas has already been completed, with work proceedin on an additional two bloc s. The Ontario city used as a “success story" example. the experience of the mer- chants of Magdalen Street in Norwich, England, where town planners, merchants and others carried out a major restoration project. Removal of overhead wir- ing, re-alignment of lights and street signs, profes- sional guidance in the use of color and decoration, brought new life and charm to a deteriorated street. The merchants soon recovered their investments of less than $200 each in the pro- ject through new business and regaining lost custom- ers. MACDUFF OTTAWA REPORT There is "a sinister and growing involvement of crime in politics". That statement was made by no headline- hunting political hatchet- man. It was made by Prime Minister Pearson, following publication of the Dorion Re- port. He pledged his govern- ment to a war on crime. "Ni-6t Easy months ago, Mr. Pearson, along with most Canadians, would have greet- ed that kind of statement with a certain mocking in‘ credulity. It would have been un-Canadian to believe that the tentacles of inter- national crime. the Mafia, the Cosa Nostra, L‘union Corse, were reaching into lovernment itself. “Let’s Face It, Ernie, We’re Gonna Have To Move†Some of that incredulity greeted Conservative MP Erik Nielsen last November 23, when he rose in the Com- mons to reveal charges of bribery and coercion in gov- The postmen’ï¬~ stg‘jke . Yesterday’s news is not necessarily dead The way Lucien _Rivard‘was hustled off to the L â€"-.--A~ +‘nn 1’s strike was being described in the (Continued on Page ‘12) New signs that comple- mernt rather than clash with their neighbors, color-bal- anced repainting of exter- iors and small “touches†which include flower-boxes at second-storey windows have given Talbot Street new life. The scheme is entirely one of restoration and re- decoration rather than re- building. St. Thomas found the costs per building to be less than anticipated for most alterations consisted of removing old signs and posters and reaching agree- ment on harmonious color schemes. The Norwich Plan has been studied in depth by Ri hmond Hill's Civic Im- pr vementr Commit/tee. 'ap- pointed last year on the suggestion of Mayor Thomas Broadhurst and headed by Doug Hitchins as chairman. This commit- tee feels that the plan is one that can be introduced to this community and should do much to renovate and re- habilitate downtown Yonge Street. Architects, sketches and advice are available for merchants who are will- ing to co-operate in bring- ing about such renovation at a modest outlay of money. With the example of St. Thomas as a guide it would seem that such money would be wisely in- vested The icoiirser of the next few months. not only vindi- cated Mr. Nielsen, but open- itlul“llln\m\\\\\\|\\\\\\“\\\\\\l\l\ll\“\llll\11““\ll“\\l\\ll\l\\lll\Â¥ We need the honesty to refuse to share in de- ceit, integrity to measure new ideas by the yard- stick of one’s principles. and courage to turn away from anything unworthy of that standard. â€"Queen Elizabeth. The Queen Mother, addressing the annual conference of the National Federation of Wom- en's Institutes. Illl\\\11\\\\\\lfl“1\\\1\mï¬ï¬‚“l\\“\“ll\\l\\\\\l\ll\\\\l\\“WWW ernment offices ed the eyes of Mr. Pearson to what dangers lurk in the seemingly safe and familiar lagoons of politics. Judge Frederic Dorion, Chief Justice of Quebec Sup- erior Court, was named to make a full inquin into the the charges. Before his tri- bunal trooped a savage and BY GEORGE MAYES Em) To Tell The Successful Farmer Driving through the township you don't have to look to the buildings to see how successful are farmers; look at the size of their fields instead. If farmers are fooling around with postage stamp-size fields and growing a few acres of oats. a few of wheat, some bay, 3 little corn, you can be certain they are not well to do, because they are farming the same way their grandfathers farmed. 0n the other hand, look at the farms where there are few fences and only two or three crops grown and you can almost be certain there is a successful farmer FLASHBACK To those familiar w1th brit- ish history, the name of the Castle of Chalus in Normandy will be familiar as the deposi- tory of much treasure, which Richard, Coeur de Lion. sur- rounded with his army. To an offer to surrender by the gar- rison, he retorted that “he would hang the whole lot of them". It was here the lion- hearted English king received his mortal wound from a cross- bow held by Bertrand de Gour. dan. The Chalus derived their title from this castle and their revenue from the lands sur- rounding it. ‘ , p The West Lorne Sun has a novel way if a farmer is successful: Items gleaned from ï¬les of “The Liberal", the home paper of this district since 1878. Rene Augustine, Compte de Chains, (pronounced sha-loo) drew his papers for lot 54 Markham in 1806, according to William Harrison's historical report which “The Liberal" on October 4. 1888. appeared in To those familiar with Brit-l/ “ -A I A..- M unsavory crew from the de- mimonde of crime and poll- tics. Vlvu. The judze‘s report felled Justice Minister Guy Fav- reau. not for any lack of honesty or honor. but for his failure to recognize the dan- gers and to deal with them gers and to (lean WlLu ulcnu adequately. Gone too. and facing criminal charges. was Ray- mond Denis, former ex- cutive assistant to former Immigration Minister Trem- blay. Judge Dorion said there was no doubt Denis had offered a $20,000 bribe in an attempt to obtain bail for suspected dope smuggler Lucien Rivard. Guy Rouleau, the person- able young Member of Par- liament from Montrealâ€"Dol- lard who became embroiled in the affair. saw his career disintegrate almost over- night. He lost successively his job as parliamentary sec- retary to the Prime Minister. chairman of 1he Liberal In Years 6009 8y u. . his army. To an ender by the gar- etorted that “he the whole lot of as here the lion- lish king received aund from a cross- Bertrand de Gour. nalus derived their is castle and their m the lands sur- 0 the revolution of eudal system pre- s‘rance and many )I‘dS exacted their , vigor and some- very little justice. .eople rose against Dear Mr. Editor: For the past few weeks I have been reading in “The Lib- eral" remarks for and against the proposed Centennial plan in Markham Township, and I am glad I am not a member of. council. I also saw where the people of Thornhill were against apart-. ment blocks, because they [would only mean more child- ‘ren. more schools and more taxes. As an alternative then, I would suggest housekeeping apartments, consisting of two rooms per unit for senior cit- izens. as a Centennial project. The senior citizen should also , _I__L .0â€... I70 Hill Students ‘Aid Excavation About '70 students irom four grade 9 and 10 geography classes at Richmond Hill High School took part in the archaeo- logical dig at Cahiague, near Orillia. in June. Donald Fleming. 3 member of the staff at the high school arranged the trip with Dr. Nor- man Emerson who is in charge of the dig. The supervisor of archaeological studies at thel University of Toronto, and a resident of Bond Lake. Dr. Emerson hopes to be able to arrange similar visits to the site next year. The Richmond Hill students‘ arrived at the dig by bus at 9.30 am and put in a full day’s work, uncovering the walls and interior posts of several more longhouses and making several finds of Huron pottery. Mr. Fleming felt that investi- gating the dig would help the students in their grade 11 geo- graphy course. The site was once a thriving Huron village thought to number 5.000 per- sons and at which Champlain stayed for a time. i Eight of the Richmond Hill students applied to Dr. Emer- son to work at Cahiague during the summer, but chronically short of funds. Dr. Emerson was unable to arrange this. “I've had applications from universi-l ties in Hawaii. Scotland. Wisâ€"‘ consin. Brooklyn, Chicago,from people who want to work at this site," he said. “I've had appli- cations from 46 people, but un- fortunately I have only fun-d5 enough to accept 12.†cy have a good food market near- in by and be close to transporta- n- tion. as the daily papers seem *at to be anxious to take our cars 'ly away from us after we reach a ng certain age. ne I think two-room units are Studeplts at the site are not paid but are housed in tents and meals are provided. MARKHAM'S CENTENNIAL I think two-room units are necessary, with a living area and a bedroom. Otherwise it means folding a day bed up twice a day, and they are heavy, especially if one has some heart or arthritic trouble. For the same reasons the windows should be set low enough so one can wash them without a step ladder. Thank you, from a 60 plus Markhamite, who visits senior 1citizens in some of their apart- lments. Dear Mr. Editor Caucus. and finally his seat in Parliament and his mem- bership in the Liberal Party. A‘ number of others on the fringes of the Liberal Party had their careers abruptly terminated. Some will have their day in court. Others, if they are lucky, may live out their days in peace, content to have lightly escaped their brush with organized crime. In the meantime, the men at the top have been made rudely aware of the power and influence of interna- tional criminals. They have been forced to consider how, in the scheme of things, the money paid out for an elec- tion poster could well be the same dollar that paid off the prostitute or the dope peddler. For men like Mr. Pearson, For men like Mr. Pearson, this has always been a blind area. It did not behoove a political leader to pay much attention to the twilight zone gélEEén politics and crime (Continued On Page 12) MARKHAM READER PROJECT of estimating n7. Richmond; ‘ Rambling Around? Are you afraid of gas? Many people say th '~ are, even In this day and age. Non-gas users li " myself sometimes think of gas as a substance to feared rather than to be recognized as a useful com}; modity which when understood and used properly “ can make life more comfortable and happy. : - When Miss Judee Regan of Thornhill became a -, Betty Bright of the home service department cZ‘ Consumers’ Gas Co., public education in the use 63-. ‘ gas took an upswing in her assigned territory. an? area within an 80 mile radius of Toronto. This are; spreads west to Brampton, north to Barrie and eat ‘ to Oshawa, Peterboro and Lindsay. There are ten ' i J, other Betty Brights in the home service departme ‘ " of C.G- with whom Miss Regan works, making t department the largest such department in East _ Canada. What’s Cooking, Good Looking." . . Ask Betty Bright RICHMOND HILL, ONT. Phone TU. 4-1212 Miss Regan said that when she joined the staflv as a graduate home economist from the Universi of Toronto, she had to undergo a very thorou training program for three months. In this peri of time she learned to know and understand gas ‘a M‘ a fuel and especially as applied to gas ranges dryers. She had to keep testing gas equipme, constantly because as she pointed out, “You ca,‘ go out and tell others that this is the best fuel unl. you are convinced yourself.†She is now convinc ’ Since Miss Regan had such a large territory, 3 cover, she can only spend a week at a time in o defined area. Her life from day to day at this i, Thurs., Fri, continuous from 7 pm. show 8.30 pm. Sat, continuous from 6 p.m., Saturday Matinee July 31â€"2 pm. on]; “Hercules Against The Moon Men†mum-mm 2:; ___- ,J IV? EL: .133 OVER HIS HEAD / i; con-nine QHFH FY AIR CONDITIONED FOR YOUR COMFORT Matinees Wed.-& Sat. at 2 pm. During July and August Thurs., Fri., Sat, July 29-30-31 Matinee Wed. â€"â€" 2 pm. “Clarence The Cross Eyed Lion†AEUIERPE PleUBE 'in PANAVISION'and METROCOLOR Plus Mon., Tues., Wed., Aug. 2-3-4 ï¬â€"ofiaï¬y Matinee Mon. â€"â€" 2 “GIRL HAPPY†Mon., Tues., Wed., cont Last complete show (Continued on Page 12) Please N ote Please Note ’larthgicomplete show 9 pm. cont. from 7 pm. Lhow 8.30 pm. by Elizabeth Kelqii Last complete . only,