TO HEAD A 20 MAN FORCE. INITIAL SALARY SHALL BE COMMENSURATE WITH QUAL- IFICATIONS AND ABILITY. ALL APPLICATIONS MUST BE IN WRITING GIVING FULL PARTIC- ULARS AND BE IN THE HANDS OF THE UNDERSIGNED BY 12 O’CLOCK NOON. WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 18, 1965. The Township Of Vaughan Requires A Chief Constable FRIDAY NIGHT DANCE In the bottom picture, the ratepayers seem equally attentive as Dr. John Fotheringham acts as spokesman. Members of the board are, left to right, Anthony Roman. Harry Maynard, Planning Director Ian Keith, Chairman Gadsby, Reeve Charles Hooper, R. W. Masters, B. Napier Simpson and Councillor Charles Hoover. Planning board members seem to he in a pensive mood as they listen to Chairman S. J. Gadsby address the members of the Thornhill Citizens Committee, who flocked into the Markham Townshsip Council Chambers last week to protest a proposed amendment: to the zoning by-law by the board. 'The amendment would call for the erection of high rise apartment buildings on Yonge Street in Thornhill. Corner Yonge Street and Levendale Road RICHMOND HILL For Free Pick-Up and Delivery Call AT LIONS HALL CENTRE s'r. EAST, RICHMOND mu. BEGINNING AUGUST lit/1 ATTENTION ADULTS TICKETS $1 PER PERSON DANCING FROM 8.30 TO 1 A.M. Township Engineer Dusan Miklas, who also sits on the board, cannot be seen BAR FACILITIES Mar/(ham Planning Board Under Fire Hour Service 884-4411 Signed F. G. JACKMAN DEPUTY CLERK TOWNSHIP OF VAUGHAN MAPLE, ONTARIO. (Cash & Carry) " Friends and neighbors were .‘sorry to hear that Mr. and Mrs. .‘Victor Blundell and family of .‘79 Proctor Avenue, sailed for «England July 23. Their three boys will be attending school in the south of England and the ‘family will reside in Plymouth. .jsorry to hear that Mr. and Mrs. .iVictor Blundell and family of .‘79 Proctor Avenue. sailed for O‘England July 23. Their three lboys will be attending school in .the south of England and the {family will reside in Plymouth. On July 24. Miss Diane Bar- ibour of Henderson Avenue at- ;tended a wedding in Toronto las bridesmaid. She wore a lovely peacock blue. cocktail length dress of peau de soie and matching flower headpiece - with white accessories. The re- BINGOâ€"THURSDAY night, 8 1pm. sharp, jackpot. â€"- 4 spec- ial and 25 regular games. Our Lady Queen of The World Hall. east side of Bayview at Crosbv Mr. and Mrs. William Clow of Owen Sound spent last week visiting Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Clow and family of 57 Clarke Avenue. Mr. Gordon C‘low is recuperating at home. follow- ing a recent operation at To- ronto General Hospital. St. Luke’s School Sister Anicetus. principal of St. Luke's Separate School will be leaving in the fall to take up principalship at another 'school outside of Toronto. John Walsh will be taking her place as the new principalof St. Luke's. This year's honorary awards at St. Luke’s Separate School were presented to Joseph De- Marco from the Doncasiter‘ Ladies Club: to Roseann Le- Croix. first prize, from the Cath- olic Women‘s League and sec- ond to Frederick Potvin, and to Ronald Rick from the Holy Name Society. ial and 25 regular games. Our Lady Queen of The World Hall. east side of Bayview at Crosby Ave., Richmond Hill. tfc28. r'or EVERY WEDNESDAY 8 p111,“ BINGO. Richvale Community: Advertise Hall 31 Spruce. 5100 Jackpot} Richvale Lions Club. tfc48‘ Eve: Neighborhood Notes Fun and games were enjoyed by 500 people at the July 17 "Carnival '65" held at Sunset Beach Park, Lake Wilcox. Four of those responsible for much of the fun are shown above. At left is Mrs. Ethel Good. and to her left. Robert Atcheson, both members of the board of the Lake Wilcox Youth Centre who planned the event. Next are shown two of the star performers, Sandra Celsie, well- known ballad and western singer and Christalot Hanson, Olympic dressage star who performed a South American style dance routine. CORRESPONDENT: MRS. E. ORTLIEB 38 LILLIAN AVENUE â€" PHONE 889-3451 DONCASTER NEWS War/r For Youth Centre ception was held at Holy Trin Lty Church in Thornhill. (Photo by Stuart's Studio) For Fast Action Every Thursday in the Want Ads The delegation found little to applaud from the rest of the members‘ remarks. however. Dr. John Fotheringham. Elgin Avenue, a spokesman for the group, after reading from a prepared text the objections of the ratepay- ers to the apartments, criti- cized the board for not hav- ing the answers to the Although the delegation, with the exception of York Central District High School Board Chairman John Honsberger, who was there to represent two residents of Elgin Street, was entirely opposed to the propos- ed development, they gave Mr. Simpson a round of applause for his remarks. Mr. Simpson said he had been a longtime resident of the vil- lage and it was because of hlS objection to certain things that had happened to it. in the past, that he had become a member of the planning board. However. sitting with the board had somewhat chang- ed his outlook in matters of planning. and as much as he "deplored" the kind of development that ran down Yonge Street in Willow- dale, the same area in Thornhill could not remain the same. “I don‘t feel anyone on the ‘board likes the term high rise apartments." said Mr. Simpson. “I think the term is overdone.“ Pillllillllllllllllllllllllllllllllliillllilllllllillllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllw The Thornhill Citizens Committee will run a candi- date in the December elec- tions in Markham Town- ship, Mrs. K. C. Smith. a member of the committee, said this week. She stated that backing a candidate was one of three aims of the recently- formed committee. The others are: to oppose the undue increase of residen- tial development in Mark- ham Township, with parti- cular attention given to the erection of high density apartments on Yonge Street in Thornhill; to encourage thorough intelligent plan- interest in the community and' ‘be borne as a charm and the history. "High rise apartments do not ‘ï¬t into this area." he said. 4 He said that all the homes represented a major life-long investment, and that the new development. w o u I d change quiet. residential streets into thruways. and increase taxes and services. Would the widening of streets local improve- ment? The only justiï¬cation for the development would be to get extra money from tax assess- ment. he said. i “There is far too much money‘ from residential assessment and not enough from indus- trial." Dr. Fotheringham said. The speaker suggested the board initiate a planned study of Yonge Street with Vaughan Township and Richmond Hill as a Centen- nial project. He said the residents didn‘t wish Yonge Street to become a “peanut popcorn. hot dog. tastee freeze drag strip". Board Chairman S. J. Gads-' by, who ruled the meeting with an iron hand and who said that he would not tolerate any form of “heckling†when the meet- ing several times took on omi- nous overtones. told Dr. Foth- eril‘lg‘ham that his presentation would have been of more help if he_had some figures to sup- port it. Dr. Fotheringham didn't have any suppo ures, th said he rting fig- eusubmission had been He said the problem was what to do with Yonge Street and apartments of “some form" seemed to be the logical answer to “sleamr commercial develop: ments." “I think it’s hopeless to think we can maintain the little coun- try village as much as I love it." said Mr. Simpson. Sewers were already in for the area and the apartments would carry their own taxes. ll“llll|llllllllllmllllll|lllllllllllllllllIllllllllll|llll|l|llll|lllllllllllllllll‘ Although no decision was questlnns reached regarding the ï¬nal out- on behalf come of the proposal, and The speal another meeting was called for to know w October 7. B. Napier Simpson, a would do to resident of Thornhill and a detriment r member of the planning board. community? seemed to sum up most of the “I questin board’s feelings with his re-isaid Dr. Fol marks near the close of the] He said meeting. which would make thelThornhill be advent of some sort of apart- family dwe ments almost inevitable. setting. the The ratepayers, who ovei’flowed the council chambers into the hall. were on hand to protest a proposed zoning by-law which would allow high rise apartments in the area between Yonge Street and Dudley Avenue from Clarke Street north to Elgin Street. The Thornhill Citizens Committee will run a candi- date in the December elec- tions in Markham Town~ ship, Mrs. K. C. Smith. a member of the committee, said this week. She stated that hacking a candidate was one of three aims of the recently- formed committee. The others are: to oppose the undue increase of residen- tial development in Mark- ham Township. with parti- cular attention given to the erection of high density apartments on Yonge Street in Thornhill; to encourage thorough intelligent plan- ning and strict control over permitted land use. the de- velopment of institutional. administrative. commercial and industrial assessment in Thornhill and Markham Township. A delegation of ratepayers attending a special meeting of Markham Township Planning Board at Buttonville Thursday evening of last week was warned that the “country village atmosphere†of Thornhill Would soon berdisappearing. (Photo by Barbour) Would the widening of streets be borne as a local improve- ment? The only justiï¬cation for the development would be to get extra money from tax assess- ment. he said. He said he had moved to-with a prepared list of ques~ Thornhill because of the "singie-?tions which he submitted to the family dwellings. the countryiboard. and which were an- setting. the trees. the great‘swered for the most part by charm and the history. iMarkham Planning Director Ian “High rise apartments do not Keith. ï¬t into this area.†he said. . ‘Qâ€"What. effect will it (the de- "I question their usefulness" said Dr. Fotheringham. questinns he was proposing on behalf of the delegation. The speaker said he wanted to know what the apartments would do to taxes. were they a detriment or a beneï¬t to the Order Now Red Montmorency Cherries 22 lb. Pail LUCAS ROUND STEAK or RUMP ONTARIO GOLDEN YELLOW FRESH DAILY â€" ONT. Bunch Carrots & Beets CLUB HOUSE WETHEY’S Strawberry and Rasirberry DEL MW???" ' " Pineapple-Grapefruit ï¬ 48 oz DRINK‘ PEANUT BUTTER 2 LB, JAR 13¢ Shredded Wheat 18 oz. PKG. 35¢ bunches Wieners DIAND 29 Yonge St. S. â€" Richmond |' 2Lb 1 Lb. Poly Bag 89¢ Aâ€"I don't think there is a more suitable area in the district? Qâ€"Why not an open space such as at, Highway '7 and Bayview Avenue? Aâ€"We're not dealing with that corner at this time. . . . We may in the future. . . . I think it would be a more suitable area. Qâ€"Are the present water fac- ilities adequate to support it? Aâ€"Yes. (Township Engineer Dusan Miklas answered this question and said that the area. was completely serviced and any other services would be provided by the developers.) Qâ€"When could we expect the first building? Aâ€"Probably in a year or' a year and a half. It would take about 10 years to complete the. whole development. WOâ€â€W Aâ€" . . . We have. already rec- ommended to council to re- quest. the recreation committee§ to fully implement contents of the official plan. Qâ€"What would the size of the high rise apartments be? ‘ Aâ€"The size would be controlw led by the bulk of the buildings.‘ The best buildings are the high-‘ est . . . they leave a bigger} area of grass . . . 75 per cent open space. Qâ€"Why was this area chosen? u velopment) have on our already {ï¬gv‘};;;‘s‘ent inadequate recreational facil- dents. ities'.’ [ u. "m Mr. C speaker brief. so study it tion the “I don't think we can give you all you want tonight." said the chairman. William MacEachern. John Street. fared somewhat better with a prepared list of ques- tions which he submitted to the vices?" Mr. Gadsby asked. “I felt the board would have these figures at their finger- tips," said Dr. Fotherinzham. n v...- ubu uuuacuvlu. M11 GadSby $17111“th ‘ the‘ The cost per household was speaker to submit a written $140 a child. with apartments brief. $0 that the board 0011111 taxed $250 a suite:â€"$50 a child, study It 8M1 Elve_the delega-‘or 20 per cent of education hon the answers It requestedlcosts. Single-family dwellings "We felt you would have thelcontr- ,, , lbut answers now , sald Dr. Fother-'educaï¬oneiogfs_per cent 0f the mgham- ‘ 'T‘n hie mmenm. wk“ on. formed basically around a ser- ies of questions raising the fears of the ratepayers. “Have you made any com- parisons with other places re- garding sewage and other ser- In the matter of schools 29¢ THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill], Ontario. Thursday, July 29, 1965 3 MW COPACO FRESH SLICED To his question why the wishes of the majority were not acceded to. Mr. Gadsby said the by-law was only in the pre- liminary stage. the ratepayers would still have a chance to protest when it went before council. In his brief. Mr. Honsberger referred to the disappearing “country village atmosphere" and said that the people of Thornhill must plan for both SEEDLESS GREEN GRAPES 25¢ lb. Ham ked C°° _ g: Mr. Keith said the official plan for Thomhill called for 30 more classrooms. He said that 51 per cent of total tax revenues went to education. It cast be- tween $220 to $240 per student a year and there were .6 school children per average household. The cost per household was $140 a child. with apartments CALIFORNIA LEE CRUSHED AND SLICED Pineapple 2200z-tins 45¢ MIRACLE WHIP CLARK’S SWEET MIXED, RELISH, MUSTARD He said the area in ques- tion would have a popula- tion of 10,150 in 10 years and provisions would have to he made for multiple family houses. {vhich were 2 16 oz. jars 59¢ K. P. PICKLES Pork & Beans I 20 oz. tins 39¢ Salad Dressing 16 oz. JAR 39¢ RICHMOND HEIGHTS CENTRE PHONE 884-3221. and future resi- Charles Hoover Mr. Gadsby said the October meeting would hear further submissions from the ratepay- ers and would also answer any questions pertaining to the briefs already on hand and these presented that evening. Other members of the board were: Anthony Roman. Harry Maynard. Reeve Charles Hoo- per, R. W. Masters. Councillor Mrs. K. C. Smith. John Street. said that. if there were going to be apartments. they should be “off somewhere where they won‘t be an addi- tional burden on where we live.“ “If (multiple housing) is not incorporated into the official plan now. we can‘t avoid the pressure which will :esult in spot zoning.“ (with a projected population of 84.000) Mr. Hons- berger said. also more attractive than “dubious commercial build- ings.“ Referring to a recent editor- ial in “The Liberal." which wondered who benefitted from high rise apartments. Mr. Hons- herger said the only people who benefitted from residential de- velopment were those who lived in it. PHOTO : SUPPLIES § Richmond Hill