Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 5 Aug 1965, p. 6

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5 THE LIBERAL, Richmond H “Liberal Action Want Ads Take No Vacation - They Work All The Time" NEW refrigerators 42 Levendale Rd.. 884-3211. tfc44 USED wringer washer, Viking. $25. 889-6103. c1w6 USED electric stove, $35. 42 Levendale Road. tfc46 IMITATION fireplace $30. 884â€" 5739 after 6 pm. clw6 GIRL'S bicyc1é_in_ good’condiL tiofi, reasonable. 884-7169. REMIECITON portable sewing machine. Brand new. $85. 773- 5918. (-1w6 ELECTRIC guififthree‘weeks old. excellent condition. 884- 2311. clw6 INGLIS automatic washerâ€"xviith suds return, guaranteed. 889- 5226. tfc34 USED REfrViger‘ator $25, used TV $25. 42 Levendale Road: _ HAY and straiwfliy bale or ton. Call M. Acreman 889-2236 or 884-2236. tfclB WERNER 889-2724 tfc21 ALUMINUM Doors. windows. awnings, and railings. Ron Woods. 884-1514. tfc36 REFRiGERATOR across the top freezer. good condition. 884- 737. c2w5 drapes. best offer. Small rug. 889-3947. c1w6 MOVIE Camera and projector, also new baby carriage. Phone 889-5760. clw6 PEDIGREE Baby carnage, good condition. $15 or best of- IEr. 889-2488. clw6 GOSSIP bench $5. Eiectric ironer $25. kitchen cupboard $10. 884-5050. c1w6 FULLY insulated frame build- lng. 20' x 30'. suitable for cot- tage. Apply 889-6789. c3w4 PINE corner c‘uoboard. choir); drop leaf tarble. antique mirror. 895-2974 Newmarket. clw6 Eli/HEAL Television. $200 WESTINGHOUSE refrigerator. in good condition. reasonable. 889-5829 after 6 pm. c1w6 16' Boat and 15 hp motor 8“ table saw. Pair water skis never used. 775-3516. clwfi AIR Compressor and deéi‘ lawn mower. perfect condition. cheap for cash. 884-1344. *lwfi 2 smallvwrifig-Bickichgifsf blue and rose. 4 dining-mom chairs. fonts/tool. rocker. 884-3917. CRIB and mattress $14 Gend- ron carriage $14. car bed 34. and scales $3. All good condi- tion. 889-2739. clws TAPE recorder sales and ren- tals. $1.00 a week. Herridge Apâ€" pliances. 42 Levendale Road 884-3211: tfc44 GOOD used furniture for sale. Call Frank‘s Movers and Stor- age. 28 Industrial Rd., TU. 4- 2613. tfc3 HOUSEHOLD enntents. Frigi- daire stove. refrigerator and other items. Reasonable offers accepted. 889-2239. cle MODERN APARTMENTS AVAILABLE RICHMOND HILL 884-6262 and 884-1601. tfc40 Fflfimfi765mfcoolfinéâ€"fa- cilities, 16 Lorne. lst house east of Clarke's Drug store at Yonge. tfc24 REL-sitting i'oointvkitichenâ€"on main floor. Private entrance. parking. Suit single business person. 884-4333. clws BASEMENT apartment to let. Four big rooms with bath-room, in Richmond Hill. Separate en- trance. 884~2768. c1w6 CRIB and mattress $14 Gend-} ran carriage $14. car bed 54. and scales 83. All good cnndi-l tlon. 389-2739. c1w6r TAPE recorder sales and re; figs. $1.00 a week. Herridge Ap- PIANOS. bought and sold. re-l conditioned. guaranteed, tuned} and delivered. terms. Pyle Plano Sales. 884-3614. tfc41 COLEMAN floor furnace and 200 gallon oil tank. Space heater and 100 gallon nil tank. with fittings. Also good refriger- ator. 889-1643. ' cl\\'6 PASSPORTS CUSTOM FRAMING LAGERQUIST STUDIO 93 Yonge St. S” 8842791. Resin dence 888-1128. tfc52l SANDY LOAM. peat loam, sand and stone. delivered in small quantities. Cedars for hedging. cedar fence rails and posts. Call C. L. Knappett. 884-3089. BUTLER 5.; BAH“) LUMBER ment. stove. refrigerator and LTD” parking. Private entrance. 130 pAINT special. exterior, latex Centre Street. West. 884-1788. white. per gal. $439. This is . _,- -7 “06 one-coat (Super White Latex). HALL FOR RENT 191 Yonge 51-. Nu Phone 334- Seating capacity 250 for ban- 1125 889'3506' “C49 quets. weddings. etc. Bar ahd BEAUTYREST‘ 1 1L 8- _kitchen facilities_ available. mans. Sena. Sailirsrjd mi"; Phone Mr. H. O'Brien 889-1023 spring mattresses repaired. re- “C48 turned just like new. medium. firm. extra firm. Two-day serâ€" 1 vice. Eiderdowns recovered. On- tarlo Bedding Co. 339-1591. W TYPEWRITERS ADDING MACHINES Sales Service Rentals Authorized Dealer All popular makes for sale 1n eluding new and rebuilt stand ard portable and electric mod els. Special rental rates avail able to students. L. H. SIMS 88 Baker Ave. Blchmond Bil! CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES CASH RATES. lst insertion .70 each word. minimum charge $1.00. Second and subsequent insertions if wording unchanged, .7c per word. min. charge .900. BOX NUMBERS an extra charge per insertion of 50c COMING EVENT NOTICE, 7c per word; min. charge $1.00 CARDS 0F THANKS, IN MEMORIAMS. DEATHS, ENGAGEMENTS, MARRIAGES, BIRTHS per in- sertion $1.00 Classified advertisements should be in as early in the week as possible but not later than 10.30 on Wednesdays. Send ads by mail and enclose payment or telephone us at 884-1105 or 889-3316 and you will receive an invoice. ARTICLES FOR SALE THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hili, Ontario, Thursday, August 5, 1965 HONEY Call The Classified Numbers 884-1105 884-1745 “€49 clw6 tfc38 *lwfi 384-1Kenmorel, also large metal lw6 chest. Private. 884-7474. c1w6 vtth 2-piece French Provincial ches- 389- terfield set. Walnut mink dinâ€" Ec34 ing room set; includes table. {'o’n‘. four chairs and buffet. Bedroom or suite. Z-tone grey. Moving. Call [018 884-4043. clwfi â€" PASSPORTâ€"PICTURESâ€" 6 for $1.50 open evenings -â€" fast service. Family groups. [CE child studies, etc in your home. No charge for sitting and and proofs. tfc52 tfc44 . (Continued) M152E’b'h‘éyf384l2'538. ’clws 21500 balestrgobrd'quaii'fy hay. 884-7551. c1w5 {JED wringer washer $20. 42 Levendale Road. Lfc40 35 mm camera. automatic flash attachment and carrying case $35. Golf clubs. bag and cart $30. 884-3158. clw6 HOUSEHOLD furniture, china cabinet, buffet. breakfast suite. complete beds. Reasonable. Moving. Phone 884-2868. WILLOW PHOTO 889-6851. 1 bedroom apartment, new, parking. 889-4556. cZwfi BED-SifTING roofn on Yange Street. Suit young business man. 889-3606. th3 2-1'oom apartâ€"Hem. partly furn1 ished, in Thornhill. 889â€"1528. LARGE furnished room, near Yonge. 884-5315. Please call be- tween 7 and 9 pm. c1w6 SELF CONTAINED 3 monTs and bath, frig. and stove. $80 monthly. 884-1853. clw6 2 bedroom apartment, available Sept. 1. adults only. Write Box 133 The Liberal. *1w6 KPARTMENT. 3 rooms, un- furnished. Private entrance. parking. 884-7985. c1w6. 3-bedroom bungalow. Elgin Mills, Richmond Hill. $125 monthly. 884â€"6085. clwfi FURNISHED apartment, gift- able for two. Private entrance. bathroom. 889-6184. clws CABIN trailerâ€"for rent. sleeps ‘6. with toilet. Available Sep- ‘tember and October. phone 832- 2457. c1w6 IKSEiMENT apartment to let. "mm." m" Four big rooms with bath-rooml‘f‘gljgflgt in Richmond Hill. Sep‘arate en- MAN or wn trance. 884-2768. clwfi tomers wit? 2 bedroom house now vacant. 1 block from Richmond Heights Centre. 1 child welcome abstain- ers. 884-6806. c2w6 EUROPEAN Gardener. Life- time experience. Will assist with your garden problems. very rea- sonable charges. 884-7953. PARK MANOR FURNISHED bachelor in quiet building. Just west of Yonge. 884â€"5306, 62 Hunt Avenue. NICELY furnished bed sitting room and kitchenette. outside entrance. central. parking. Im- mediate possession. 884-1768 after 4. c1w6 RICHMOND HILL Capri apart- ments, 2 modern 1 bedroom apartments. balcony. parking. 180 Bayview Avenue. 884-5917. UNFURNISHED bachelor apart-l ment. stove. refrigerator and! parking. Private entrance. 130 Centre Street, West. 884-1788. U06 DELL WEED SPRAYING Weed Exterminating Service Lawn Fertilising. Satisfaction completely guaran- teed. Fully Licenced and Insured HAS-6677 ELECTRIC WASHING MACHINE T0 RENT c1w6 clw6 tic 51 tfc5 c1w6 'rea' CONSTRUCTION CLERKS 3. For quantity control, invoicing. *9\\'4 Some enginering background. helpful but not necessary. fit". “The Liberal" requires a Cor- mm respondent for King City. If mg. you enjoy community life and 917.|want to earn some extra money 2w§|please phone our Editor: Sam 10001: at 334-1105. nc2w4 ; HELRW'AIFI-TEDJ EMPLOYMENT ‘17 A \annn IMK'ITURE Typist. 889-5421 EXBY Sitterâ€"wantédii‘rom 2 to 4.30 pm daily. 884-7706. clwfi 'B>()â€"YVS_(V>r-girlsiwith! bié'yélesl for morning paper routes. phnng 884â€"7543. c4w6 Lâ€"KfiY who likes coBlEing, Nursing Home, Thornhill. 889- 7072. *cw6 MAN wanted for service statibn and garage work. 884-1773. FIGUSEKEEPER, full time. sleep in or out. Write Box 1’3? WAREHOUSEMAN and truck driver. good wages. Apply Cen- tral Van and Storage, 28 Indus- trial Road. clw6 GIRL wanted. experience not necessary. for packing food. Part time or full part. 884-1194. Scotts Chicken Villa. tfc6 MECHANIC, class A. to wnrk ion fleet of trucks. 40 hour week. ‘all benefits. Superior Propane Ltd. Maple. 889-1145. c1w6 HOUSEHOLD duties. approx. 8-4.30. Monday to Friday. west 1side bungalow, 2 adults only. Phone after 8 pm. 884-4032. REAL Estate Salesman â€" Busy Thornhill office offers excellent opportunities for high earnings. Call Mr. O'Hagan 889-1166. SERVICE station attendant Full time or part time. Experi- ience necessary. Apply Shell Station. Keele & No. 7 High- way. c1w6 SALESMEN for established bread route. Group insurance and pension plan. Corner No. 7 and Woodbine Avenue. 297- 1266. clwfi MALE and female workers re- quired for dietary department of York Central Hospital. Apply in person to Mr. Semple. EXPERIENCED hairdresser] (female). Full time, excellent remuneration. Apply 51 Yonge Street North. Richmond Hill or Telephone 884-3354. c1w6 REAL ESTATE career for men or women, free extensive train- ing program, special assistance to new starters. top commis- sions and draws. Call Mitre & Star Ltd.. 222-2525. tfc25 NURSES REGISTERED nursing assist- ants or practical nurses for day and evening duties. Villa Pri- vate Hospital. Bathurst Street, Thnrnhill. Mr. Mackie. 889- 4931. tfc4 FEMALE help for poultry pro- cessing plant. Steady year- round employment â€" group insurance â€" paid holidays. Apply in person to Bill De Ouden or George Morris at lChoice Cut-up Chicken Ltd.. ' REGISTERED NURSE FOR evening duty 5 days per week. To start August 23. Sal- ary $400 per month. The Villa Private Hospital, Bathurst St. North, Thornhill, Mrs. Stewart, 889-4931. tfc3 889-4931. tch TWO warehouse and millwork- 91's required by progressive local seed company. These are permanent positions. All comâ€" pany benefits. Write, stating age and experience to Box 131, “The Liberal". c2w5 MAN or woman to service cus- tomers with Watkins. Products in the town of Richmond Hill. No investment necessary. Earn $75.00. per week and up. Full or part-time. Write to J. Gauthier, 350 St. Roch St. Monâ€" treal 1.5, Quebec. c4w6 Longer days to earn more, sellâ€" inz Avon throughout the sum- mer. Avon‘s Christmas selling starts early. Start now and avoid disappointment later. Write Miss Ziegler. Box 141, Guelph. c6w4 CLERK-TYPIST ' Mature person required by Sep- tember 1 to operate bookronm.‘ Duties will include ordering and issuine students’ books and stationery supplies, typing and record keeping. Please give full particulars in writing to: The Bursar. St. Andrew's College, Aurora. ACCOUNTING ‘ TANT 0!‘ nlcnnumu nlu: riiuuc .uL. Experienced in pagiil‘scosting.:Mitcheii. 889-5461 daytime ‘on‘ly. typing. Personal transportation V ,_, CL“; necessary. Apply in writing SCHOOL teacher wants room and telephone. K. J. Beamish and board in Woodbridge or Construction. 7901 Bayview Pinegrove. Write to Miss Marion Ave. North of Steeies. 889-1191 Kawchak, Box _ 356, Bradford. or ELM-0004. clwfi Ont. (:le 'ed. CORRESPONDENT “'ANTED AVON CALLING duties. approx. to Friday, west 2 adults only. pm. 884-4032. c4w6 c1w6! *1w6 *1w4 tfc50 c 1 WG 02w6 clwfi HOUSEW'dfiK‘hQ the dag/Tami 1768 after 4 pm. clwfi H'GIJ‘S’Ew'ch or baTayâ€"siu'i'fig‘. Own transportation. 884-2544. YOUNG MEN, 16-19, looking for work. Anything considered Can you help us. Call Salva- tion Army, 889-4869. tfc52 2 enterprising grade 13 stu- dents desire lawn cutting, Rar- idening. odd jobs. 884-5434. ITWO students seeking employ- ment. will also cut lawns and do odd jobs. 884-2311. WELDER wants part-time work. Have A.C. 180, your machine or mine. 889-3838, after 5 pm. clw6 884-1545. c5w5‘ HANDY man with truck, will clean cellars & yards. Grass & weed cutting. 225-7558 or 884- 7469. t£c24 GENTLEMANiwishes furnished room with cooking facilities, CONCRETE - MASONRY Richmond Hill. 889-5392. c1w6 CARPENTRY CONTRACTORS WANTED to bfy or rent 3 (ea: Building, alterations & repairs. room older home or storey and Pmth SCI‘Vice half. 334-4235. ems WALKER & MITCHELL wmifinâ€"tmoera “9'25” “C8 bedroom house for six months, RALPH ELMS DECORA'i‘ING in or near Thornhill. 889-4313.:Paintin2, paper-hanging, inter- ‘ c1w6 ior and exterior. Free estimates. Inur hump.“ cm. 9 -1-..“ 1mm“: Work guaranteed. 884-7902. fbe’droom house. 884-4934 FURNISHED apartment or flat wanted for one or two lady teachers. For Sept. 15?. Write Miss J. Forbes. 4158 Sheppard Ave., East, Agincourt, Ont. or phone 293-4273. 02w6 AM looking for 2 clean unfurn- ished rooms 01‘ a 4 or 6 room house at reasonable rent near or on main street. 884-7786. 'CARPENTRY WORK. additions, renovations, garages. recreation ‘ . rooms, tile floors. No job too RUREBREP, EOlder_C911'?_fer_n‘ small. Free estimates. T. Price ale pup. Well 832-2600. FLUFE‘Y part house broken. home. 889-3139 JILL GODDARD for profes- sional Poodle clipping 7783 Yonge Street; Thornhill 889- 3606. tfc41 PUPPIES, hall golden retriever, half collie. Very good with children. 9 weeks old. $5 each. 884-4594. clwf EXCELLENT boarding facili‘ ties, complete with shaded out door exercise run, 75c per day The Hermitage Cattery 889 2581. tfci MERRYLEGS POODLES ' REG’D PROFESSIONAL grooming â€" satisfaction guaranteed. Puppies usually available from top qual- ity show winning stock. Modern boarding facilities, phone 727- 6669. tfc43 PONY FOR SALE One quiet two year old Welsh pony. Ridden and driven by children. Complete with new cart and harness. Apply 889- 7003. DOG house. 889-4618. c1ws Efiis wantkeiinfor scrap, call evenings 889â€"1074. *5w4 EU?FET and china hutch, in good condition. Reasonably priced. 884-6196. clw6 WANTED to buy deep pressuie pump with tank. Also oil furn- ace with controls. Reasonable. 889-5557. clw6 ' USED FURNITURE WANTED â€" pianos and used furniture. Cash price paid. Call Frank's Movers and Storage. TU. 4-2613. 889-5101. th7 12 foot Runabout, fully equip- ped. windshield steering. 61 Gale motor and trailer. $450, 884-6120. cl\\'6 HANDYMAN'S SPECIAL 16‘ cabin cruiser. 40 hp. Scotl- Atwater motor. electric starter and baler. Priced for quick sale, $595. Terms available. Call 223- 2150. c1\\‘6 BOATS FOR SALE ROOM and BOARD ROOM andiboard available for man. 884-5868. fl clw'fi AVAILABLE for one girl or woman. Near schools and hes pita]. 884â€"6468 GENTLEMAN wishes room. private home. Tho or Richmond Hill.- Phone Mitchell, 889-5461 daytime SCHOOL teacher wants man and board in Woodbridge 0 WANTED W ANTED TO RENT WANTED Persian kittens, Free to good c3w5 marked. Maple, clw6 , Thoynhi Phone M nc3w4 cle gar-i > > fi_fi 5434.'PAINTING and decaféting, éar C5W5 pantry work, alterations, recre Valuation rooms. 884-5009. c1w6 c2w6 c1w6 889- tfc2 clw61884-1245 DONE at yom cars $1. large M‘i‘SfijL’IISNEoUs;MISCELLANEOUS DRESSMAKING 7; Custom building pairs, renovations 889-2494 ROTOVATING, plbwing, discing weed-cutting and posthole dig- ging. Don Catton. 773-5912. CALL us for your sand, gravel, fill, top soil and black loam. Prompt delivery. Reasonable rates. J. B. DeFerrari, Maple, 832-8876. tfc'? ANDERSON COMMERCIAL FLOOR CLEANER Factories, Offices & Stores Fully Insured. 884â€"2830 v 889-3653 E. W. PAYNE Drains. septic tanks. All types of concrete work. 889-5762 FREE ESTIMATES tfc31 MASETNlirYiCONTRACTOR lies, see the truck wrecker first. Stonework. Fireplace. etC- V-iMoore Truck Parts & Sales, Old Ostergaard, 16 Elizabeth St. S., No, 11 Highway. Holland Land-; Richmond Hill. phone 884-ing, 895-4666. tfc34 5688. tf023 phone 889-1682. tfc43‘ HARRISONS CUSTOM ‘ CARPENTRY Custom built homes, renova- 'tions, additions, ‘and repairs Kitchens a specialty. Morris Harrison. 884-2338. tfc45 ‘ SHEET METAL WORK EaVestrough, new and repaired. Heating, roof flashing, etc. Free estimates. Work guaran- teed. TU. 4-1006. tfc51 CHIMNEYS Chimneys built and repaired. Free estimates. Expert work- manship. Phone Walker and Mitchell, 889-2526. tfclfi L. Dunn. TU. 4-2798. ' tfc mummy-{CONCRETE GARBAGE If you have a garbage disposal problem â€"â€" -call Maple. 832- 8828. Scrap metal purchased. c1w6 ’PLUMBING Alterations. Repairs. Contract- ing. Estimates. EDD BLIGHT 889-5741 SPECIAL Chesterfield sets recovered â€"â€" 2 piece $69.00. Nylon frieze $99. 5 years guarantee. Terms if de- sired. A. Smith, Upholstery. PLASTERING AND TILE Ceramic tile, showers installed, also plaster'repaired by experts. No job too small. Call anytime 884â€"7045. Ask for George. UPHOLSTERY ‘ RECOVERING â€" RESTYLING of all types of furniture. Latest fabrics, reasonable prices. Guar- antee wor. Active Upholstery. 889-5345 889-1981 Residence 889-4813 tfc51 SEPTIC TANKS COMPLETE septic tank service, repair, new installation of tile beds, trenching, grading, top soil. All types of concrete work. Bus 832-1275 Res. 833â€"5732. FREE ESTIMATES Hanson Brothers Contracting Maple Ont. c4w4 PLUMBING - HEATING A. MILLS 8: SON LTD. James D. Stewart 884-2201 A INTING‘E PAPER HANGING , Dunn. TU. 4-2798. HOME IMPROVEMENTS Kitchens. Rec. Rooms, Flooring. Panelling. Bathrooms Budget Plan Available PHONE MR. SCOUT 889-4922 or 884-7968 Sewers cleaned without digging or tearing up pipe TRENCHING CAR WASH SEPTIC TANKS PUMPED $25.00 C. STUNDEN own home. Small $1.50. 884-1855. ing and rotova n 773-5922. 1ditions, re- I. W. Curtis Richmond 11111le 204-62. 889-5741 tfc49 trc43 CUSTOM WORK cultivating or plowing. Large or small areas. :.m111884-7768. tfc46 c1w6 “043 Industrial, commercial homes. Reasonable rates ‘tova- 4880. tfc 31 tfc42 tfc43 tfc51 tfc28 tfc33 tfc33 tContinuecv harmâ€"Vs of sewing. altera- PAINTiNG and decoratingitiona slip covers made- 9‘9- 334' work guaranteed. Free estim-l4347. fie” I1959 CHEV. 6 cylinder. 62.000" lmiles, very good condition. 884-! 2925. clw6‘ IGOOD clean 1958 Chevrolet! ,Brookwood station wagon. 884-4 [2685. clw6 : 1960 Chevrolet Station Wagon,3 automatic 6 cylinder, price $850. ‘ ' 889-6985. c1w6 1958 motor cycle, small main- ttenance needed, $350. Call 884- ‘ ‘3411 after 6. c1w6 §1962 Sunbeam Alpine conver- ytihle. red. Four new tires, new 'battery. $1,150. 01‘ best offer. ’ 884-1676. c1w6 1963 CORVAIR, 700 Deluxe. 4- door. Black. $1300. for sale by careful English family. Sharp. King City. 859-3857. c1w6 : 1955 Meteorjood shape. new| motor, whitewall tires and: radio. 1956 Meteor. rough shape, runs, $50. 1958 Studie- >baker. 884-6269. c1w6 1963 Envoy station wagon. needs some work. $175 cash -and take over remaining 12 payments of $70 each. Please phone Seageer. 727-4821. c1w6 ates‘ Call 889-6907 PAINTING AND DECORATING FREE estimates workmanship guaranteed. Rnn Gardner. Rich- mond Hill 884-3319. c2w6 654- 106. - ; w_w_ _ 7 ufâ€"wâ€"mgâ€"mâ€" »:1L?°‘EXPERIENCED lady to baby- fiAY Swami“ and mndm‘mingv sit, in mv home at Concord. one also comhming. 832-8952. Ida). a “299k. 8894463. c2w5 KENNY HATTON’S Honda Motorcycles Sales and Service. Maple Side Road and Highway 400. 832â€" 1201. I c3138 WATTENTION TRUCKERS If you are looking for used trucks. parts. tires or accessor- Floor sanders, saws and drills. Hand sanders, jig-saws and nail drivers. 889-1109. tfc27 RENTALL. 41 YONGE N. Rug shampooers, floor mach- ines, tools, chairs. 884-6761. PHILCO TV $2 PER WEEK Herridge Electric-TV Applian- ces, 884-3211. tfc42 RENT 19” portable TV. for as low as $3. weekly. RICHMOND HILL TV 884-7456 889- TOOLS TO RENT Cement mixers, floor sanders and edgers. ramset guns, roto- tillers, rotovators. also 500 other tools. Willowdale Rental and Sales, 6026 Yonge St., BA. 1-1711. tfc30 DAY care given in my home, 5 days weekly. 884-3864. clw6 DAY cfie givefi, fenEEElTSEd‘, vicinity of Markham and Bay- view. 884-7710. clw5 T001 8: Equipment BLACK Poodle, black rhinestone collar. belonging to little girl. Lost in Vaughan Township. Re- ward of $50. 832-2421, or 895- 9334. c1w6 DAY or weekly care given in my home. Any age. 884-6079. c4w6 WANTED ‘from Bayview and Elmwood to Bayview and Eglin- ton 8.30-9, returning 5. 884- 4086. ‘ c1w6 WANTED from Richmond Hill to arrive at Toronto City Hall for 9 am returning 4.30 pm. 884- 6373 after 6 pm. ncw6 Do you have a drinking prob. lem' If so AA can help. Write Box 84, Richmond Hill. tfc45 MONEY available for good first and second mortgages, reason- able rates. Lawlor, Le Claire and Bannon 884-4413. tfc2 PSYCHIC Reader, teacup. cards and palmistry by appointment Amelia Davie. 773-5491. WANTED all kinds of dead an- imals. For fast service call TU. 4-2538 or ZEnith 3-2800. License WINDOW CLEANING USED CARS Transportation DEAD STOCK TOOLS FOR. RENT MORTGAGES DAY CARE RENT, lease, buy PERSONAL RENTAL Continued LOST 889-3756 tfc45 c4\\'4 tfc46 )ffer. clw6 .e. 4- e by harp, c1w6 new| and: 'ough tud‘e- c1w6 agon. cash g 12 lease c1w6 SATURDAY, AUGUST 7, 1965 â€" Extensive auction sale of farm and garden tractors, implements, electric appliances. household furniture. suites, choice antique articles. new aluminum window awnings. carpenter‘s, lumberman's, han- dyman's and garden tools, etc., property of Whales, Johnson, Rittenhouse. Reid, Laurie. Sta- delbauer Estate and others, at Pren-tice's New Idea Farm, at Part Lot 21, Concession 8. Markham Township. on No. 48 Highway. l‘r‘z miles North of Markham Village. Sale at 1.00 pm. Terms cash. No reserves. Clarke Prentice. Auctioneer, _._ ,phone 640-3686 or 294â€"3161. tfc and 727- 1;;“231105 r __â€"â€" results tfc31 tfc43 tic31 RECORD Bar, tape recorder, and stereo showroom. Herridge Appliances. 42 Levcndale Road. i884-3211. tfc42 FOUND W- lWlDEMANâ€"ln loving remem- ‘He counts the tears I shed. brance of a dear husband and m Rabbit.Amaékmandâ€"wlme. And whispers "He only sleeps. father. Murray Vijideman- 8843437. c1“-5‘Y0ur loved one is not dead" ' who passed away Aug. 3. ‘So I‘ll be brave. dear Kenneth. 1964. I-I-t-J'mâ€"Jâ€"[And pray to God each day. No morning dawns. no night ‘ And when he calls me home to returns, you ‘But what we think of you. RECORDvBar.“ tape recorder,lY”l'|' Smile Wm guide the \vay""l‘hose left behind are very 800(1- and stereo showrmm' Honidgel Ever remembered. Mother. But none replaces you. Appliances. 42 Lei'cndale Road.l clw6 Many a silent tear is shed 884-3211. tfc42i * * "‘ * When we are all alone; FYFEâ€"In loving memory of The one we loved so very our son. Robert Duncan, who much passed away August 7. 1964.1’1‘he one we called our own. He was a flower too great for Greatly missed by wife and M SALE REGISTERS SKTSURDAVYfAUG. 7â€"Auction' earth. I framity. \ nwg Sale of furniture. household sent here but {01' a Whllei. ‘, * ‘l‘ * items costume jewellery, an..God. for a moment. gave himlWIDEMANâ€"ln lovmg memory tique items. Also 1958 Mercury h“'th. of our dear brobher-in-law car For Wm. Skermu .ac_ And took him with a smile. Murray Wldeman, who passed qui'red from E51. of Mrs. Bl Lovingly remembered by away August 3. 1964. Bmwnlie, at King City MemyMother and Dad. Sisters and‘Till memory fades and life de- " . . Farmer Bmthers- *lWG. parts mlélnpark.‘ mm: * * * * . You live forever in our hearts. SATURDAY, AUG. 7â€"Auction Sale of furniture. household items, costume jewellery. an- tique items. Also 1958 Mercury car. For Wm. Skerratt tac- quired from Est. of Mrs. E. Bmwnlie> at King City Mem- orial Park. at 1 pm. Farmer and Orr, Auctioneers. c2w5 ISATURDAY, AUGUST 14 â€"‘ 'Auetion sale of furniture, in- eluding antique items. Two bed- room suites. kitchen set. re- frigerator. dishes. cut glassware and many other items. The 'property of Howard Ness. 40 Keele Street North, Maple at 1 pm. Gordon Orr, Auctioneer. c3w5 BABY SITTING Flnd a buyer [m‘ough a clas- sified ad in “The Liberal” on sale every Thursday. It's easy to place your ad. Just call 884- SELLING YOUR BOAT? or 889-3316 FOR FAST HE BUYS his papers from us at the wholesale rate and sells them to you at retail. The difference in price pays him for serving you. AND BECAUSE he works for you in this way, he looks to you for payment each collection day. Thus, he is on your “payroll”, not ours, and appreciates being paid promptly â€" so that he can pay his own paper bill and enjoy the full profit he has earned! “'I'HE LIBERAL" 884-1105 HOME PAPER OF THE DISTRICT SINCE 1878 business to serve you and the many other customers each day. YOUR CARRIER is an enterprising young man in tfc32 31m: nabyq sore. . one Silent; c2w§ come 02w5 BIC 3â€"-In loving memory of myaBlCEâ€"ln loving memory of my son. Kenneth. who passed‘ brother Kenneth. who passed away August 8, 1964. away August 8, 1964. Beside your grave I often stand.§Fathe1‘ in thy gracious keeping. With heart both crushed and‘Leave me now our Kenneth sore, sleeping. Silent: 'til the sweet words‘Asleep in Jesus. “Not lost, but gone before." God knows how much I miss you. He counts the. tears I shed, And whispers “He only sleeps. Your loved one is not dead" So I'll be brave, dear Kenneth. And pray to God each day. And when he calls me home to you Your smile will guide the way" Ever remembered. Mother. cle THOMASâ€"In loving memory of a dear brother. George, who passed away August 8, 1964. ‘ Just a thought of sweet remem- brance From a memory fond and true, Just a token of affection And a longing still for you. When the shades of night are From a memory fond and true. We wish to thank all friend! Just a token of affection ;and neighbors (in Richmond And a longing still for you. Hill and in New Smyrna Beach. When the shades of night are Florida) for their kind new. falling cards and flowers received by And we are all alone. ‘us during the sudden loss of i There always comes a longing. dear wife and sister. Mrs. Mary If you only could come home. Ellen Kinkade. â€"â€" Brothers and sisters William Kinkade and relatives *le clwl In Memoriam PLEASEL... Pay Him Promptlyl ....He’s on The Newspaper's YOUR PAYROLL NOT 889 - 3316 Evér remembered by brother Douglas and Marie. clw6 We wish to thank the many friends and relatives who sent; cards. gifts. and visited our daughter Susan during her stay in York Central Hospital. Also to the many people who called. enquiring about her. Special thanks to the neighbors who baby sat for us so that we were able to go to the hospital. Jack and Sheila Dowdall. clwfl CARD 0!" THANKS

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