Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 26 Aug 1965, p. 3

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(Continued From Page 1) on postage and supplies has a Iix month deficit of $916.16 which is over double the esti- mate of $900. Mr. Scudds re- plied that this was the result of mass buying during the first six months. BUS SERVICE The local bus service has a six month operational deficit. of $14.76. but this is more than offset by an increase in receipts of $604.85 over the six month estimate of $9.000. Councillor 4 further deficit concern over a six month defiuHancey reported that desertions ci-t of $1,160.90 as the town‘s'were higher in July than they share in the operation of theiwere in January. Nort-h Yonge Bus Line which Dog control costs are up travels between Richmond Hill $262.84 due mainly to the rab~ and the Eglinton Subway. The ies control program. members were told to be pre-x The amount of unpaid taxes pared for more bad news as the has decreased from $243,575.66 service has experienced a‘at the end of December to $162,- in the second 208.71 at the end of June. Cur- quarter. 0n advice of the TTC‘ rent tax collections are running who operate the line. the Elgin at 63.89'; for the first six Mills extension which was los--mon«ths which is about the same‘ ing heavily was discontinued at‘as last year when the percentâ€"‘ the end of June. Depu-ty-reeve age was 64.46%. Perkins felt the introduction, of ‘% Scudds said that the period from January to June is usually the best for bus revenue. However. in the other matter of bus service council expressed If i . i " an express serVice between Richmond Hill and the su‘bway;Beer Bottle Battle would encourage more people to make use of the line. ' The weekly rubbish pimp Results In Prison by the works department which is in addition to the regular Harry Casimiri, 18, of Mark- garbage collection is showing a ham, who struck a police conâ€" six month deficit of $118.43.'stable on the head with a beer The six month estimate for the bottle during a fight in Whitby service is $8,000. last week, was sentenced to 30 (Continued From Page 1) on postage and supplies has a liX month deficit of $916.16 which is over double the esti- mate of $900. Mr. Scudds re- plied that this was the result of mass buying during the first six months. Town Finances In Healthy State Using Liberal OPEN: 8 am. to 9 pm. Monday and Tuesday Buying. Selling. Renting. Hiring Is Never a Problem With These Little Marvels Action Ads I Bdore People S a.m. to 5 p.m. Wednesday to Friday Sat" 9 am. to 3 pm. T0 PLACE YOUR AD Classified 884-1105 889-3316 Reading Dr. and Mrs. Weir are now residing in New Hamburg, where he is practicing medicine. Mrs. Weir will- be on the staff of the Stratford Secondary School. Both are graduates of the University of Toronto. Dr. and Mrs. Fred B. Weir are shown above ‘at the reception follow- ing their marriage in Temperanceville United Church. The bride is the former Joan Elizabeth Hare, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Fred G. Hare, Temperanceville, and the groom is the son of Rev. and Mrs. William Weir of Stratford. Ddore Phone and and are Residing In New Hamburg Relief costs are up $3,206 over the six month estimate of $7,000. A major portion of these costs will be recovered from other municipalities. Desertions still remain the major cause of direct relief payments. Mrs. over the six month estimate of‘ He was also fined $50 and $7,000. A major portion of these costs or 15 days in jail for costs will be recovered fromtcausing a disturbance, and $50 other municipalities. Desertions§and costs or seven days in jail still remain the major cause for drinking under age. of direct relief payments. Mrs.‘ Richard Warren, 22, also of iMarkham, a companion of Casi- miri, was fined $50 and costs, MARKHAM VILLAGE: Bruce or 15 days for causing a disâ€" Risebrough, RR 2, won the topiturba‘nce, and $25 and costs or award for oats in the annual 10 days consecutive for being field Crop Competition sponsor-ldrunk in a public place. ed by Markham Fair. His entry Corporal Eric Erickson. Whitâ€" scored a near-perfect 99 points. by Town Police, testified he Ellis Britton. Claremont. count-‘and another officer had tried to ed 98.5 points. and Davidson break up a fight between the Bros. Stoutfville RR 1, placedltwo accused and had been third at 97. Norm Tyndall oflstruck on the head with a beer Gormley had 94 points. Judge bottle by Casimiri. The cut took was R. J. Darlington of Maple. two stitches to close. Corner Yonge Street and Levendale Road RICHMOND HILL For Free Pick-Up and Delivery Call 1e regular, Harry Casimiri, 18, of Mark- showing a'ham, who struck a police conâ€" If $118.43.!stable on the head with a beer fee for thelbottle during a fight in Whitby last week, was sentenced to 80 up $3,206‘days in jail for assault. Hour Service 884-4411 (Cash & Carry) The amount of unpaid taxes has decreased from $243,575.66 ‘at the end of December to $162,- 208.71 at the end of June. Cur- rent tax collections are running at 63.89”; for the first six‘ months which is about the same as last year when the percents age was 64.46%. (Photo by Robt. Comes) $50 and jail for and $50 asi- nsts, : or ring hit- he I to the een leer ook i ' from Liverpool, v screaming At last the moment we had all waitedl for. The screaming of fans and flashing of cameras signified the arrival of the Beatles on stage. We watched while Beatlemania unleashed its hypnotic powers upon thousands of young Canadians. Many of those pnesent had previously experienced the captivating ef- fects of the four young men while others. fell under its spell for the first time. Amidst the frenzied one could almost hear Paul McCartney introduc- ing their first song. John Lena non started the show by singing one of their first hits, “Twist, and Shout". George Harrison'sl solo was, “Everybody's Trying1 To Be My Baby", and of course,_ Ringo sang. “I Wanna Be Your; Man." The other songs includedf ‘in their act were: “I Feel Fine".‘ “Dizzy Miss Lizzy”, “Ticket To‘ Ride," “Baby's In Black" “Can't! Buy Me Love", “Hard Day‘s1 Night", and “Help”. John Len-1 non wore one of his famous hats ........................‘...._41 all through the performance and! photos". ' Question to the two single Beatles: “Do you feel that travelling with female com- panions harms your image?” George: “No”. Paul: We have no image, do we?" Question: “Paul, are married to Jane Asher?" Paul: “Everyone says that I am married, divorced, or have 50 children”. (John then looked at Paul slyly and said “You only have 40.”). Paul continued to the reporter “If you'd like to make up a story go ahead.” Then he jokingly added, “and I’ll sue you". Question: “John, who do you feel influences you most in your writing?" John: “No one influences me. I like Lewis Carroll”. This brought laughter from the crowd and John asked with an astonished look on his face, “Is that funny?” Question: “Do you expect any further honours from the Queen"? you Until August 17. most Cana- ent inside directed us to the1 side of the room and we were dians had been inclined to treat; the second arrival of the Beatles' with great amusement. However, the thousands of young Cana- dians inside Maple Leaf Gar- dens were not the least bit amused when the show was de- layed an hour and a half. Jungle Jay Nelson. the emcee of the surprised to find that we Were only a few feet away from the conference table. As all the seats had been taken. we had to stand against the wall directly beside the Beatles. We felt ouselves very lucky that we had been caught in the show. informed the expectantlcrowd. because we had to re- fans that the Beatles plane had main standing through the en- been delayed in New York, and tire conference, which enabled that the show would go on aslus to see John. Paul, George scheduled as soon as the per-1and Ringo better than any of arrived. During formers the‘the people who had to remain ‘seated. l The Gar-dens l l nu, , Publicity Man- incidents included one girl rushing up to the stage with a large stuffed animal and throw- ing it at the Beatles. One of the attendents grabbed the girl and another attendent caught the flying toy before it reached the stage. While this girl was being escorted hack to her seat. another girl ran up to the guard rope in front of Paul. Scream- ing frantically she was carried further away from her idols by four attendents. At the end of the last number the Beatles took their final bow and left ‘the stage for the second time that day leaving hundreds of sobbing fans behind them. Paul Mdlavtney waved to the} John: “No thank you." audience periodically. Whenl Question: “Is there any truth Paul introduced his song en-‘to the rumour that you and Bob titled "I‘m Down" as their‘Dylan are the same person?" final number. the screaming‘ John: “I haven‘t heard that ,became more intense as every-lone, no we're not." lone had been hoping that thel Question: “Have you any ‘show would never end. One new;plans for the immediate fut- ladd‘ition‘ to their act was an1ure?" l;electric organ, which John play-1 George: “We start filming 8 led during the closing number.;n9\V movie in the Spring." ‘yMuch to the general delight of Question: "If you make any the autfience, the entire audiâ€" further tours. will you be com- torium was lit up, which causedling ‘0 TOFOMO?" leveryone to spring to their feet‘ Paul: “That's up to Mr. EP- long wait the anxious youngs-y ters amused themselves by clap- pinz and singing along with the Beatle music, which was played over the loudspeaker. The entire upper section in the west side of Maple Leaf Gar-, dens broke into frenzied scream-l ing as some fans looking out of‘ the top windows caught sight of their idols as they arrived at the Wood Street entrance. As the crowds of sobbing fans over- made their way to the exits. With the tickets that we “run we slowly made our way to-‘from the Richmond Hill Music wards the nearest policeman'Center, we made our way back for directions to the Hot Stove into the crowds and took our Lounge. where the conferencetseals in the fifth TOW 0" the was to be held. We were able floor immediately in front of to get through the line of police- the stage. Although we had man at the door by showing been told by the emcee in the them the all important press afternoon that we would see the 9355, which we had received onlypomplete Show. we noticed that the morning before. The attend-I the acts We” slifihtly Chang“. After another waiting period of half an hour the equipment was set up on the stage and the show finally began. Even though the supporting acts were of an amateur quality, they still re- ceived a rousing welcome from the Toronflo fans. The support- ing acts were: King Curtis, an American jazz group, who serv- ed as a backing for Cannibal and the Headhunters, Brenda Hollaway and a half dozen un-, der-dressed, over-gyralting dis- cotheque dancers. After a 10 minute intermission, Jungle Jay Nelson appeared on stage once more to begin the second half of the show. in one final attempt to attract the attention of their favorite Beatle. Then in a flurry. the Beatles were off the stage and into their dressing rooms await- ing the press conference. l Wwfifi Sounds Incorporated, a British instrumental group,' Ev.“ also handled by Brian Epstein, get undel preceeded the Beatles. Some of timer Do the outstanding highlights in and the ‘ this sexitetf‘s act included their own excellent rendition of Questh “Maria”, one of the well-known to tour ‘ songs from the Broadway musi- John: cal “West Side Story", and anlin Britain unusual beat arrangement oil Ringo: the classical “William Tell‘over thei Overture". This relatively new Questio group drew screams of praise‘seen Nia from the enraptured audience.‘ George As representatives of “The Liberal”, Evelyn Mc- Alinden, 19, of 388 Alper Street, Richmond Hill, and Dianne Grout, 20, of 15 Maple Avenue Maple, at- tended bmth performances of the Beatles and the intervening press conference in Maple Leaf Gard- ens on August 17. Both girls have been Beatle fans since hearing their first recording. Following is their first-hand report of a “Day With Beatlemania” Richmond Hill And Maple Girls Get A Close Look At Their Beatle Idols DIANNE GROUT The Gardens Publicity Man-“u ager Stan Obodiac. introduced Tony Barrow. head publicity manager of NEMS Enterprises. Mr. Barrow briefly informed the photographers and report-l ers how they should handle themselves during the confer- ence. He also gave a brief ex- planation as to why the Beatles had been delayed leaving New York. The reason he gave was that the aircraft had not arrived in New York on schedule. As soon as the Beatles were seated at the conference table, all photographers made full use of the seven minutes they were allowed for picture taking. The barrier of photographers around the Beatles made it completely impossible for us to get a clear shot of the famous four. These suppOSedly professional older men and women were pushing, shoving and climbing on chairs, while the young people present were content to just stand and watch quietly. At the end of the seven minutes allowed Mr. Barrow requested that the photographers be seated so that ]the general questioning could- SO Dix-11-0-0-0-0-0-i Question: “If you make an: further tours. will you be com ing to Toronto?" Paul: “That's up to Mr. Ep stein. He decndes where we go" There were only a few more questions, and then Mr. Bar- row said that the Beatles had to get ready for their last show and that the conference was over. Paul: “Everyone says that I am married, divorced, or have 50 children”. (John then looked at Paul sly1y and said “You only have 40.”). Paul continued to the reporter “If you'd like to make up a story go ahead.” Then he jokingly added, “and I’ll sue you". get under way. The first ques- tioner politely raised his hand and the questioning began. Ringo: “They’re all like that over there you know”. Question: “Have you ever seen Niagara Falls? Question: “Would you like to tour with British groups?” John: “Well, we usually do in Britain.” EVELYN McALINDEN “Yes, we’ve seen ‘direction. We were going home.‘SEPTEMBER 6- 11 am' Turkey Ibut we were far from sad beâ€"‘Shooh Ba-VView and Markham lcause thanks to the wonderful Rnad at the gravel Pits' cedar people at the Richmond Hill ROd and Gun CIUb- czwg Liberal we were able to see * * * * for ourselves how the Beatles SEPTEMBER 13' 1965- Fall act with their public. Contrarylglanflanq, “‘99”? fie"? begins' We left Maple Leaf Gardens pm. sharp. jackpot. â€" 4 spec- sandwiched between thousands”?!l “Id 25 ref-{mar games- 01" of saddened Beatle fans. We‘Lady Queen Of The World H811. gave up the idea of going to‘east side of Bayview at Crosby the King Edward SheratonrAve” Richmond Hill. tfc28. Hotel when we looked down‘ * * * *~ Yon2‘e Street and saw that alliEVERY WEDNESDAY 3 Pm- these fans had the same idea'BINGOv RiChvale Community we had. The sidewalk appeared'H?“ 31 Spruce- 5100 JHCkPOL to be one huge mass of Beatle-imcm""‘le Lions CIUb- “C48 maniacs all going in the same’ ' * * * direction. We were going home‘stTEMBER 6- 11 am' Turkey but we were far from sad beâ€"‘Shooh Ba-VView and Markham cause thanks to the wonderfullR°3,d at the gravel pits' cedar a little longer. and noticeablyithey deserved it. A good ex- better. The Beatles‘ act. how-jample of this is one man in the ever, was the same length buttpress conference who asked: they seemed more relaxed as‘ “Why do you keep coming back? they waved to the crowds and You’re just cheating the kids out danced around the stage. From 0‘ their money" He was told by the time their last song was in-iPaul that the kids were not troduced until the Beatles leftEforced to spend their money on the stage, complete bedlam the Beatles but did so because broke out. Two of the major they wanted to see the Beatles. incidents included one girl;Paul then pointed at him rushing up to the stage with aland asked: “Why did you large stuffed animal and throw-icome"? ing it at the Beatles. One of; The long bus ride home was the attendents grabbed the girl‘sad because we were going and another attendent caughtlfarther and farther away from the flying toy before it reachedEthe Beatles and yet we were the stage. While this girl \vasihappy because we had been being escorted back to her seatwicloser to these four young men another girl ran up to the guardithan most of their fans could rope in front of Paul. Scream-lever hope to be. to many reports, the Beatles were not rude to anyone unless -0-n-n-II- -4v-lv-4 -0- -1 1-"- -4»- .< -1I.fl-n-n-n-r HOLIDAYS OVER! -0‘ N0. 1 ONTARIO FIRM RIPE Tomatoes PINEAPPLE 61 GRAPEFRUIT PINEAPPLE 6': ORANGE TOMATO JUICE LOCAL GROWN â€" FRESH DAILY E. D. SMITH'S PURE JAMS & JELLIES CANNED MEAT DEL MONTE â€"- MIX & MATCH ’EM Bunch Carrots 8. Bunch Beets MAXWELL HOUSE INSTANT MAPLE LEAF mm“ 2 39 Coffee w jar $1.49 lUNCHEON MEATS LB- 49¢ 79¢ 6 qt. hskt. BACK TO WORK! 9 OZ. JARS they deserved it. A good ex- ample of this is one man in the press conference who asked: “Why do you keep coming back? You’re just cheating the kids out of their money" He was told by Paul that the kids were not forced to spend their money on the Beatles but did so because they wanted to see the Beatles. Paul then pointed at him and asked: “Why did you come"? BINGOâ€"THURSDAY night, 8 pm. sharp, jackpot, â€"â€" 4 spec- ial and 25 regular games. Our Lady Queen of The World Hall, east side of Bayview at Crosby Ave.. Richmond Hill. tfc28. The long bus ride home was sad because we were going farther and farther away from the Beatles and yet we were happy because we had been closer to these four young men SEPTEMBER 13, 1965. Fall piano and theory term begins. See Estelle Markham’s ad on Business and Professional page. 49c OMING -VENT8 THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill Ontario, Thursday, 'August 26, 1965 c4w8 llBERAl. CLASSIFIEDS-Get Results-TU.4-1105 MONARCH FLOUR CARNATION MILK Atantms65¢ DEL MONTE NO. 1 FLUFFY WHITE HOME-GROWN FRESH CHICKEN lEGS Potatoes Mac & Cheese, Chicken Loaf, Dutch Loaf Fruit Cocktail 20 OZ. TINS BREASTS bunches 7 lb. bag 48 Oz. Tins

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