'TYPEWRITER. Ebst $140. ’wi‘u tell for $70. Call 773-5439. BENDIX duomalticiwrawshiér - dryer. good condition, $125. 884-5186. c1w9 17 cubic foot freezér. good con- dition. 834-7822. c1w9 LARGE crib and mattress, grey Vroxa’tone finish. Good condition $15. 884-2885 after 5. c1w9 ELECTRIC stovefliid‘rï¬â€"irn_g_ï¬bd condition, 4 new Chromolux ,elements, $60. 833-5366. c1w9 PANEL bed’ and spring, 54" width, good condition, $15. or. offer, 884-5216. c1w9 ~Lloy3 carriage. beige and white good condition. 520. 889-6616 tools, also carpenter 10015 for sale. 884-6935. clw9u59C 30†VIKING electric stove 8844804. ASTRAL refrigeratorf8874T17070781 c1w9 PIANO, medium sizefrinigéo’c’l condition. 884-7312. c1w9 COMPLETE Eet’lu Grade 1'3 books, reasonable. 773-4138. SPRAY gun. 12f; h.p. Craftsman, integ‘al oilless, piston type, 773- 5724. c1w9 MISCELLANEOUS g a r (1‘51 ‘5â€" 1 tion. An 0 ortunit ALL Steal Car trailer‘ gOOdHZntï¬xseuepc that extrapproom 3}; tires. cash or what have you' little cost. Lowest prices on 884'4870' Clws Wall to Wall Draperies. HAY and straw by bale or ton. WYN - DOT LADIES WEAR Call M. Acreman 889-2236 or BAYVIEW PLAZA 3844236. tfclB RICHMOND HILL 884-2214 tion, 884-7197. cZwB BICYCLE, Raleigh racer $30. Phone 889-3619. ncw9 GRADE 9 books. 884-5145. HOME made tentitraivilei: 7. $125. 884.5145. [REFRIGERATOR $49.50. Stove “€21 $29.50. G.E,. Push button stove V_ $59.50. G.E. Wringer washer CHINA cabinet. Andrew Mal- $39.50. McLary Easy spin dry colm; drapes. 204†x 95" long, washer $59.50, Frigidaire auto- beige and brown. 833-5657. matic washer $129.50. Rebuilt c1w9 and one year warranty. Conversion oil furnace with DeLORME APPLIANCE RE" blower and controls. also 1959 PAIRS Singer car all in good condition. OAK RIDGES “3'54†221-8136. *1w9. €1W9 300 New bushel baskefé each. 889-3290. REFRIGERATOR, good condi 30" "RED plaid mattress, 220 springs. Buffet complete with glass doors. two drawers. 884- 3835. c1w5 ENGLIS] GOLF clubs. Six 1959 Spalding' “£1135 professional irons. Three 1950 FREE to MacGregor tourney woods. $40.‘kittens, ' L884-4547. c1w9l GOODiused fufhiture for salE Call Frank's Movers and Stor- age. 28 Industrial Rd.. TU. 4- 2613. tfc3 MERRYLEGS Poonï¬sâ€" - tfc52 REG‘D ZBUTLER a; :C. L. Knappett. 884-3089. BAH“) LUMBER PROFESSIONAL grooming â€" LTD" |satisfaction guaranteed. Puppies ' - . e . usually available from top qual- iï¬gT pigecéill' atgglorfhï¬tei: ity show winr'lip'g stock. Modern :one-ceat (Supei' Wlxite Latex). boarding famlmes' phone 7247:; -191 Yonge St., N.. Phone 884- 5659- “c :1125 889-3506. tfc49 $â€" Richmond Hill Doors. windows, awnings, and railings. Ron Woods. 884-1514. ' tfc36 1965 HBnda Trail 90. like new, $299. Can be seen at Kenny Habton Hondas. Maple. 832- 1201. c2w8 OFFICE Suite. suitable for doc- tor‘s office. One air conditioner. One portable TV. Three barbe- cue utility tables. 884-5190. 4 Sales Service Rentals Authorized Dealer All popular makes for sale In- tluding new and rebuilt stand- .ard portable and electric mod- £15. Special rental rates avail- :lble to students. . L. H. SIMS r 88 Baker Ave. PIANOS. bought and sold. re- conditioned. guaranteed, tuned and delivered. terms, Pyle Piano Sales. 884-3614. tfc41 PASSPORTS ’ CUSTOM FRAMING LAGERQUIST STUDIO Residence 888-1128. [£052 93 Yonge St. S.. 884-279]. SANDY LOAM. peat loam, sand and stone, delivered in small quantities. Cedars for hedging. cedar fence rails and posts. Call C. L. Knappett. 884-3089. :BEAUTYREST. Marshall, Sim- .mons. Serta, Seely and other spring mattresses repaired. re- :turned just like new. medium ï¬rm. extra firm. Two-day ser- 'vice. Eiderdowns recovered. On- Etario Bedding Co. 889-1591. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES CASH RATES. lst insertion .7c each word, minimum Charge $1.00. Second and subsequent insertions it wording unchanged, .7c per word, min. charge .90c. 30X NUMBERS an extra charge per insertion 01 50¢ COMING EVENT NOTICE, 7c per word; min. charge $1.00 CARDS 0F THANKS, IN MEMORIAMS, DEATHS. ENGAGEMENTS, MARRIAGES, BIRTHS per in- sertion 51.00 Classified advertisements should be in as early In the week as possible but not later than 10.30 on Wednesdays. Send ads by mail and enclose payment or telephone us at 884-1105 or 889-3316 and you will receive an invoice. “Liberal Action Want Ads Take No Vacation - They Work All The Time" TYPEWRITERS ADDING MACHINES THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill Ontario, Thursday, August 26, 1965 ARTICLES FOR SALE ALUMINEIW HONEY Call The Classified Numbers 884-1105 or 889-3316 8 am. to 9 pm. Monday and Tuesday, 9 am. to 5 pm. Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, 9 to 12 Saturday. 884-1745 tfc497 c1w9 c1w9 c1w9 15c c1w9 clw9 seats clw9 $90. c1w9 clw9 tfc44 BUFFET and 4 chairs. solid oak, good condition. Small radio. 6- transistor, brand new. Small 8- transistor radio. Electric hair- dryer. Sunbeam broiler - rotis- serie, brand new. Wicker fern- ery. 883-5198. c1w9 DRAITEEi’-MKTEI€IESâ€" 48" WIDE 59c YARD to BBC yard. Excel-l WILLOW PHOTO CARVING set. pink cotton loop rug 30“ x 62“. garden spade. pair of pillow slips with lace. 2 pairs men‘s pants. 43†waist 29 leg, navy and grey. A11 in new condition. Call evenings or mornings only. 884-6513. REFRIGERATOR. modern Ad- miral. push button defroster. full width freezer. Baby crib. 884-5102. c1w9 PORTABLE typewriter, good condition. $25: 2 matching hall rugs, 11' x 27" $12. 15' x 27" $15. or $25 for pair. like new; panelled wood door. 74" x 28" $3. 884-1208. *1w9 No. 2 potatoes. table stock, 75 lbs. for $1. Also feed potatoes $10 per ton. John Bosworth Potatoes. Ltd. RR.3, Newmarket. tfc7 6 for $1.50 open evenings â€" fast service. Family groups, child studies, etc in your home. No charge for sitting and proofs. GAS range 30" glass door; elec- tric refrigerator, alm05t new; draperies; rugs. 884-6682. 447- 4642. c1w9 BUFFET. 3/1: bed. springs afid mattress. Cheap for quick sale. 20 Weldrick Rd. 884-2868. ENGLISH Pointer, 1 ya} old, partly trained. 889-7003. c1w9 ' WANTED BLACK and white female kit- EXPERIENCED supermarket ten free to 300d homE, days. cashiers, full and part time, 884-5893. Evenings. 884-5431. preferably married women for *1W9'Weekend work. Apply head m cashier, Super City Discoupt registered, very intelligent, gOOdIFoods. Yonge and Steeles. W11- watch dog. 5100. 884-5834. llowdale. c3w7 FREE to good home. Two male kittens, 7 weeks old. 889-5017. c1w9 1 Siamese cat. maleTB mantis old with papers. $4070r best of- fer. 884-7384. c1w9 FREE (0 good iho’r’nie, 1 male and 1 female kitten, 6 weeks old, house broken. 884-5517. 884-1911. c1w9 JILL GODDARD for profes- sional Poodle clipping 7783 Yonge Street. Thornhill 889- 3606. tfc41 EXCELLENT boarding facili- ties. complete with shaded out- door exercise run, 75c per day. The Hermitage Cattery 889- 2581. tfc2 PINTO PONY THREE year old stallion. Saddle, bridle. halter in new condition. Forced to sell â€" make an offer. 889-2324. WE have a good selection of! used self-propelled combines ready for the harvest field. Priced to sell. Rumble Equipment. Massey- Ferguson Dealer, Cor. of Don Mills and Stouffville Road. Phone 887-5851. c1w9 i tions, slip covers made. etc. 884- 4347. tfc32 ALL kinds" offs’e’xirngfaitez-a- PETS FOR SALE Farm Implements DRESSMAKING PASSPORT PICTURES FOR SALE DESIGNING DRESSMAKING ALTERATIONS 884-4670 (Continued) MATERIALS WIDE 98c yard. Excel- An opportunity 889-6851. Rebuilt?SERVICE man required for TV and radio shop. Steady employ- E 313- ment. 45 Industrial Road. 884- 17903. tfcw8 c1w9 c2w9 clw9 c1w9 c1w9 tch Friday. starting week of Sep- tember 7. 889-2625. c1w9 WOMAN for hmEéW’cir’kTSaturl day mornings. Phone 884-1796. clw9 CHALLENGING opportunity for young man with executive potential. Call in person. 889- 7341, Mr. George. c1w9 LEAI'ING lady. with own transportation. 889-7219. clw9 ELEANWG lady reï¬iï¬d. 773-4191. c1w9 LADY requiréd to mend clothes. WIS-4191. c1w9 LADY to clean. Thursday or BENCH carpenters. VT-homhill District days 889-6401 after 5 pm. BA. 3-0344. C1W9 MIDDLE-AGED man wanted for Drug Store delivery. Car sup- plied. Full time occupation. \Wrivte Box 11 The Liberal. c1w9 [For Greenacres Home for the Aged. Salary range. $369.00 to $426.00. Graduate nurses also required. COOK ’required. 773-4191 PRACTICAL nurse. part nursing home Thornhill. 889- 7072. c1w9 BUTCHER, 5 days weekly, good steady job, must be good clean worker, Phone 833-5173, King City Cold Storage. c1w9 MAPLE CAFETERIA help. 8-hour shifts. Walfoods, CNR Administration Building. 365-8148. c1w9 MKNimt$fo woï¬kionr golf course. Call 889-0006. clw9 Wï¬ï¬ï¬gsiwénted full or part- time. experienced. Apply Half- way House. 887-5411. tch HOUSEKEEER part-time, two adults. Write Box 14 The Lib- eral. *1w9 SERVICE station attendantâ€"r?- quired. Experienced. References. Tony‘s Esso. 884-3440. c2w9 HOUSEKEEï¬ER for light dut- ies and cleaning woman. both part time. 889-1766. *1w9 EXPERIENCED b‘ank clerk re- quired. Royal Bank. Keele & Highway 7, 889-3280. th7 FIEL andipartQtime drivers. Apply Plaza Taxi Office, Rich- mond Heights Plaza. tfcl ï¬KIRDRESEER’. fully experi- enced. with opportunity of management, 773-5032. c1w9 LEGAL bookkeeper-typist re- quired. Mr. Corner. 727-9438. 7 DISHWASHE’Ri'wamed. Apply at Pop‘s Tavern, 194 Yonge St. N., Richmond Hill. tfc7 BOYS or gfrls with bicycles, for morning paper routes, phone 884-7543. c4w6 EXPERIENCED waitress day work. Don Mills and No. 7 High- way. 889-5790 or 297-1280. NURSERY school teacher. Please apply to Top 0’ the Hill Nursery School. 469 Judlea Court. c3w7 REAL Estate Salesman â€"â€" Busy Thornhill office offers excellent opportunities for high earnings. Call Mr. O‘Hagan 889-1166. MAN or woman to service cus- tomers with Watkins Products in the town of Richmond Hill. No investment necessary. Earn $75.00 per week and up. Full or partâ€"time. Write to J. Gauthier, 350 St. Roch St. Mon- treal 15. Quebec. c4w6 REAL ESTATE Richmond Hill sales personnel required for successful long established company. Congenial office, full training and assistâ€" ance. For interview appoint- ment call Mrs. Sutherland 889- 1164. residence 884-5310. David McLean Limited, Realtors. AVON CALLING Longer days to earn more. sell- inz Avon throughout the sumâ€" mer. Avon’s Christmas selling: starts early. Start now and avoid disappointment later. Write Miss Ziegler. Box 141. Guelph. c6w4 Permanent positions at our new yard, Keele St. and No. 7 High- way for hard working men age 21-50, to clean locomotives and stock cars. Afternoon and even- ing assignments with days off through week. Rate $1.87. Ex- cellent benefits. Minimum grade 9 education. Must pass Com- pany medical. Apply: CNâ€"Canadian National Con- ference Room. Administration Building Keele St. and No. 7 Highway. 9 AM - 3 PM. TUESDAY. AUG. 31. ONLY. Thereafterâ€"153 Front St. West. Toronto 1. Ont. c1w9 HELP WANTED ‘ HELP7 WANTED __,_ '__ _A __ â€" _ (Continued) 194 Eagle 51.. Newmarket or 887 Bloor St. E., Toronto 924-7441. APPLY r GREENACRES HOME FOR THE AGED PERMANENT 0R TEMPORARY 0R PART-TIME REGISTERED NURSES LABORERS tfcw8 time. 889- c1w9 c1w9 c2w9 c'lfwsiifI’GH school students. part- 'time. for CTC Gas Bar. c1w9 own| _ _*___.______V, “~_H c1w9'SHORT order cook wanted full or part<time, experienced. Ap- ply Halfway House 887-5411. iirâ€"eH. M w!) tfc50 c3w7 WAITRESS wanted. 7 am to 2 pm. 889-0027. Peter’s Restaur- ant. 7584 Yonge Street, Thorn- hill. c1w9 RCA VICTOR consumer Pro- ducts CENTER opening north of Thornhill Sept. Require part time salesmen. Must be experi- enced. 884-5081. c2w8 MEN for shop work in manu- facturing plant. reliable quali- fications, permanent work. Fil- tration Products of Canada. 65 Duncan Road, Richvale. clw9 ‘COOK housekeeper required in ‘Thornhill 4 afternoons weekly, 11 to 7.30. State experience and salary required. Write Box 8 The Liberal. c2w9 PART TIME female help want- ed. good wages for right person. permanent position. no nights, no Sundays. apply Michael’s Fish and Chips. 884-3450. RECEPTIONIST for typing. telephone, filing with Scarboro company moving to new build- ing at Keele and No. 7 in Octo- ber. Call Mr. Holtby 759-4415. YOUNG man wanted for train- ing on research animal farm. Starting salary $1 per hour. Phone High Oak Ranch Ltd. 884-2580. c1w9 EXPERIENCED clerk - typist. Government office. vicinity Richmond Hill. Transportation provided. State experience and give references. Write Box 12 The Liberal. c1w9 SALESMAN wanted to sell farm machinery on commission basis. Prefer older man living.r in the King City area. Reply in con- fidence to Box 17 The Liberal. c1w9 GOLF GROUNDSMAN REQUIRED by Buttonwood Golf Course general duties. Ap- ply Buttonwood Golf Club, 17th Avenue and Woodbine. c1w9 CAREER OPEN Be in business for yourself with no overhead. Sell Real Estate for Canada’s finest Realtor, H. Keith Limited. Contact Mr. Hobson. 889-1156. c1w9 WANTED for fulltime work in modern grocery store. Apply in person Maple IGA Foodliner, Maple Plaza, or Ratcliff IGA Foodliner, Stouffville. c1w9 EXPERIENCED Bookkeeper re- quired, for bookkeeping and ‘clerical duties, by local com- pany, good working conditions, 5 day week, top salary. Write Box 18 The Liberal. c1w9 PASSENGER tire experience, opportunity for advancement, all company beneï¬ts. Apply in person to Firestone Stores, 250 Yonge Street North, Richmond Heights Plaza. c1w9 DRIVER with own car for drug store delivery. Steady position. days, Monday to Sat- urday, 10:30 am to 12, 2 to 4 pm. Apply in person, Richvale Pharmacya 9014 Yonge St. REAL ESTATE career for men or women, free extensive train- ing program, special assistance to new starters, top commis- sions and draws. Call Tula Realty Limited. 222-2525. LICENCED MECHKï¬ES_ General Motors dealership Fla-t rate operation. based 6n $2.50 per hour average, plus bonus. apply WANTED 5 SALESMEN DRAW $150. weekly, P.S.I., incentive bonus, etc. For inter- View. MR. N. SMITH 221-5554 or 889-6361 N. S. SMITH REAL ESTATE LIMITED ACCOUNTING ASSISTANTâ€" FULL on PART-TIME Experienced in payroll. costing, typing. Personal transportation necessary. CONSTRUCTION CLERKS For quantity control. invoicing. Some engineering background. helpful but not necessary. Per. sonal transportation necessary. Apply in writing and telephone K. J. Beamish Construction. 7901 Bayview Ave, North of Steeles. 889-1191 or EM4-004 USED FURNITURE WANTED â€" pianos and used furniture. Cash price paid. Call Frank’s Movers and Storage. TU. 4-2613. 889-5101. tfc7 DONATIONS of saleable articles for the Victoria Square and Dis- trict Lions Club Auction and Rummage sale to be held Sept. 17 and 18. For pick up phone 887-5413 or 297-1144. c1w9 WANTED grade 11 books. 884- 5145. c1w9 CARS wanted for" scrap. CED evenings 889-1074. *5w4 SKYLINE PONTIAC BUICK LIMITED 9612 YONGE STREET GENERAL SERVIï¬z'MKï¬ RICHMOND HILL 889-5445 Mr. Wressell WANTED YOUNG MEN Please Call c1w9 clw9 c1w9 tf025 c1w9 c4w8 c1w91884â€"1245 tfc9 PAIN'leG a; PAPER 1 HANGING R. E. Dunn. TU. 4-2798. tfc PAINTING AND DECORATING FREE estimates workmanship guaranteed, Ron Gardner, Rich- mond Hill 884-3319, 884-7866. c4w8 FLOOR sanding and refinishing. 884-5602. c4w8 ROTOWT’I'NGTplowing, discing weed-cutting and pnsthole dig- ging. Don Catton. 773-591_2.__ FLOOR sEï¬ing and refinish- ing. Rug Shampooing. 884-5602. c4w8 CALL us for your sand, gravel, fill, top soil and black loam. Prompt delivery. Reasonable rates. J. B. DeFerrari. Maple, 832-8876. tfc7 CUSTOM chain saw work. Tree removal, lots cleared, etc. Rea- sonable rates. Phone 884-3251 daytime. 884-6420 after 5. MISCELLAâ€"NEOUSfMISCEELANEOUS; USED CARS PXIFTING and decorating. car- pentry work. alterations. recre- ation rooms. 884-5009. EU’S’ToM’WORK cultivating or‘ plowing. Large or small areas. 8844768. tfc46 CARPENTRY & CONCRETE Custom building additions. re- pairs. renovations. J. W. Curtis. 889-2494. tfc43 OFFICE cleaning services avail- able. Evenings after 7 pm. any- time weekends. Phone 884-7511, 884-6043. c1w9 'ITRENCHING POSTHOLE digging and rotova- ting. J. Hampton 773-5922; CONCRETE - MASONRY CARPENTRY CONTRACTORS Building. alterations & repairs, prompt service E. W. PAYNE Drains, septic tanks. All types of concrete work. CARPENTRY WORK. additions, renovations, garages, recreation rooms. tile floors. No job too small. Free estimates. T. Price 889-3653. tfc28 SHEET METAL WORK Eavestrough, new and repaired. Heating, roof flashing. etc. Free estimates. Work guaran- teed. TU. 4-1006. tfc51 EXIIPTI’E'IIMS DECORATING Painting, paper-hanging. inter- ior and exterior. Free estimates. Work guaranteed. 884-7902. 889-5762 FREE ESTIMATES tfc31 MASONRY CONTRACTOR Stonework. Fireplace, etc. V. Ostergaard, 16 Elizabeth St. 8., Richmond Hill. phone 884- 5688. tfc23 CHIMNEYS Chimneys built and repaired. Free estimates. Expert work- manship. Phone Walker and Mitchell, 889â€"2526. tfc15 PLUMBING Alterations. Repairs. Contract- ing. Estimates. EDD BLIGHT 889â€"5741 2 piece $69.00. Nylon frieze $99. 5 years guarantee. Terms if de- sired. A. Smith. Upholstery. phone 889-1682. tfc43 SPECIAL Chesterfield sets recovered â€" PLASTERING AND TILE Ceramic tile, showers installed, also plaster repaired by experts. No job too small. Call anytime 884-7045. Ask for George. UPHOLSTERY RECOVERING â€" RESTYLING of all types of furniture. Latest fabrics. reasonable prices. Guar- antee work. Active Upholstery. 889-5345 ’ 889-1981 Residence 889-4813 tfc51 HARRISONS CUSTOM CARPENTRY Custom built homes. rem tions, additions. and rep Kitchens a specialty. Mo Harrison. 884-2838. t1 ANDERSON COMMERCIAL FLOOR CLEANER Factories, Offices & Stores Fully Insured. 884-2830 PLUMBING - HEATING A. MILLS 8; SON LTD. James D. Stewart 884-2201 WALKER & MITCHELL 889-2526 th8 HOME IMPROVEMENTS Kitchens. Rec. Rooms. Flooring. Panelllng, Bathrooms Budget Plan Available PHONE MR. SCOUT 889-4922 or 884-7968 Sewers ele'aned without digging or tearing up pipe SEPTIC TANKS PUMPED $25.00 C. STUNDEN Richmond Hill! 889â€"5741 tfc49 renova- repairs Morris tfc 31 ttc43 tfc43 tfc47 tfc42i *2w8 tchl tfc33 tfc45 tfc33 iTEENY Town Nurseryâ€"School. still has several openings for Fall term. Phone 884-1787. ROOM to rent with garage. 884â€" very well. $85. 773-5214. 1638. c1w9 c1w9 ï¬OOMS to rent. in Maple. 17.5â€"cc..1962gAll§t3{eâ€"m6tbiÂ¥ Gentlemen. 832-2076. clw9'cycle, like new. 4,000 miles, Aï¬Aanâ€"wï¬'r_in curmï¬mi’c; $250. 389-2557 after 6. clw9 APARTMENT in farm-house. 884-2538. clw9 ROOM to rent. gentleman only. 884-1629. tfc7 GARAGE for rentâ€"i7 Church St., N. 884-1267. c1w9 UNFURNISHED 1 bedroom apartment, equipped. 884-7243. Sam Sorbara. c2w8 FURNISHED-Edam. near Yongé, gentleman only. 884-5315. FURNISHED basement apart- ment, Oak Ridges. Call 773- 5330. c2w9 PLEASTANT room for teacher or nurse. Kitchen privileges. 884-1623. c1w9 rooms, parklike surroundings. 884-6869 or 884-2165. clw9 ROOMS furnished or unfurn- ished. 203 Yonge Street South. 889â€"1766. *1w9 SOUTH of RichmmIâ€"dâ€"Hrirllâ€" 2 bedrooms. heated, parking. $85. monthly 636-4923. clw9 ONE bedroom apartment, pri- vate entrance, Roseview Ave., Richmond Hill. Call 884-1404. *1w9 3 room basement apartment, suit business adults, abstainers. Equipped. 884-5090. c1w9 FURNISHED house, 2 bed- nishevd. tember ROOM EXCELLENT furnished room. west of Yonge. Parking. Run of House. Must be Dog lover. Phone 884â€"7252. *1w9 RICHMOND HILL, modern 7 room. oil heated bungalow in executive district. 222-4296. BKSEMENT apartment, 3 rooms and bath unfurnished, business couple preferred. 889-1890. THCRNHILL, furnished house- keeping room. Middle aged lady. At bus stop and stores. 889- 2283. c1w7 FURNISHED room, cooking fa- cilities, 16 Lorne, lst house east of Clarke's Drug store at Yonge. tfc24‘ 3 roomed flat in farmhouse separate entrance. Business couple only, strictly abstainers, Dufferin Street. 832-2458. cZwQ HALL FOR RENT Seating capacity 250 for banâ€" quets, weddings, etc. Bar and kitchen facilities available. Phone Mr. H. O‘Brien 889-1023 tfc48 BACHELOR apartment. Thorn- hill, ground floor. self contain- ed. $65. Available September 1. 889-3512. clw9 BEAVERTON a; CENTRE FURNISHED bedroom, in quiet adult home. Parking. Gentleman preferred. $8.50 weekly. 884- 3801. *1w7 6 room remodelled farmhouse, furnace, 3 piece bath, electric- ity, modern kitchen, 61/2 miles north of No. 7 Highway on third line. Immediate possession, Preferably parties with horses. write Box 10 The Liberal. tfc9 MODERN APARTMENTS AVAILABLE RICHMOND HILL 884-6262 and 884-6729. tfc40 EATLY hoï¬séwork wanted. 884-6216. c1w9 EXPERIENCED cleanri'nig woman wants day work. Phone after 6, 773-5956. c1w9 BABY sitter available. any day after four and Saturdays. 889- 1660. c1w9 TYiPIVNï¬G'at home wanted. Will call and deliver. 884-4341. ASSEMBLING at home requir- ed by experienced man. Elecâ€" trical, mechanical, catalogs, etc. 773-5724. c1w9 GRANDMOTHER would like to take in small children to mind during the day. Mrs. Jean Mills. 773-4172. " clw9 TWO students. seeking employ- ment. will also cut lawns. clean floors, and do odd jobs. 884â€" 2311. clw? {(EUNG MEN, 16-19, looking for work. Anything considered Can you help us. Call Salva- tion Army, 889-4869. tfc52 2 enterprising grade 13 stu-‘ dents desire lawn cutting. gar- dening. odd jobs. 884â€"5434, 884â€"1545. c5w5 HANDY man with truck, will clean cellars 8: yards. Grass & weed cutting. 225-7558 or 884- 7469. tfc24 RESPONSIBLE young lady is TWO HORSES ' mum“ seeking stenographic or clerk- ROUGH board. box stalls. good‘PIANO instruction for begin- typist work in Richmond Hill‘feed, paddock. 61/2 miles north ners and advanced pupils. Con- area. 884‘3731 after 6 pm. of No. 7 Highway on third lineutact Helen MacEachen ARCT. *1w9_Write Box 9 The Liberal. tic91889-6947. c1w9 WOMAN. 25. desires officei position. between Richmond Hill and Newmarket. 10 years experience. Call Mrs. Joan Mor- rison. 773-4172. c1w9 EMPLOYMENT WANTED T0 RENT - Gentleman. Well fur- parking. Available Sep- 6. 889-4115 after 5. f continued) c1w9 c2w8 c1w9 c1w9 c1w9 tfc8 I1958 G.M.C. 1/5 ton truck. $150. 501‘ best offer. 884-7187. c1w9 1956 Chev. Convertible shift, good motor. Fair best offer, cash. 884-5001 1956 Dodge, good tires. runs very well. $85. 773-5214. 1957 1956 Ford Convertible or trade. 773-4138. 1954 Ford very good condition best offer. 1958 Buick. 4 door hard top. A1. condition. Bes} offer. 884-5131. clw9 top, fully equipped, reasonable. 839-5289, after 6. c1w9 1961 Sprite series 2. good condi- tion. new tires. $625 or nearest offer. 884-6142. c1w9 1959 Plymouth. Good body and. motor $225. Apply 112 Pemher-l ton Road after 6 pm. *1w9‘ 1955 Monarch. 8-cylinder, au- tomatic. A-l shape. Radio. $350.‘ 884-5854. clw9 1960 Studebaker Lark. 6 cylin- der standard transmission. ex-. cellent hody and mechanical. $525. Call 884-5003. *1w9 1955 BUICK Specialâ€"21mm Hardtop, radio. automatic, real running car, $75 cash. 884-7629 after six. elw9 "luv. LIIUIIC nnW-blun. L’qu ACCOMMODATION requiredlWANTED‘n-om_Lavernek’ziveL for Single bUSiUESS man in‘to University and Richmond. ar- wheel chair. Level entrancewiving 9. returning 5. 884-6528. with main floor bedroom and! clwg bath. WA. 3-2954. ,(‘1w9‘ RETIRED COUPLE - No chil- hedroom. GARDENING dren â€" require 2 ,10wer duplex or apartment. _ U.___,_ .__.._.-:_- Garden if possible. Excellent EUROPEAN Gardener- Lif‘?‘ tenants. keen gardeners. About time experience. Will assist with November. Reasonable rent. Call your garden Pmmemsv Very “33' Hudson 945767. clwglsonahle charges. 884-7953. ' *9w4 V DELL WEED DAY CARE SPRAYING n." Tï¬iï¬ifjlflhad Fwtprminnï¬nr SDI-vino 1959 Oldsmobile. 4 door hard- 1960 Rambler wagon, automatic transmission, radio, good tires, no rust. $550. Phone 773-4125. c1w9. 1961 Rambler Ambassador, 327 cubic inches. V8 engine power steering and brakes, automatic transmission, radio, reclining seats etc. 884-1379. c1w9 AUSTIN 1960, Cambridge, 4 door, pale grey, very economi- 1cal, for sale by careful English \family, $300 or near offer. 859- l3857. tfc8 1949 Hudson sedan. actual mile- age 57.000, 1 owner, A1 condi- tion. Must be seen to he appre- ciated. Make offer. BA. 145204. i960 Ford station wagon. blackv‘ 1UUI 0‘ Di] Ulplllcut with red interior, automatic, power brakes, power steering. custom radio, A1 condition. TOOLS FOR RENT Privately- owned, never Used Floor sanders, saws and drills. commemally. 884-5102. 01W9 Hand sanders, jig-saws and nail 1964 Mercury Park Lane Con- vertible Automatic. full power. bucket seats, radio. guaranteed, perfect condition. Never driven in winter. Private. 883-5014. WHOLESALE CARS [$233526 “1,316; :2 BE SOLPITE TH: PEEIIJC ances, 884-3211 ese cars M e so w1 ow â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€" down payment. Full price and 35%?33ag21 monthly payments as shown. RICH’MON] Watch “The Liberal" for our‘ 884 7456 weekly wholesale “as is" spe-‘ ' cials. 1_._._7,‘- KENNY HATTON’S Honda Motorcycles Sales and Service, Maple Side Road and Highway 400. 832- 1201. c3138 EXCELLENT rb’om and board central Richmond Hill. Gentle- men only. 884-1880. tfc9 ROOM and board available for gentleman, laundry and parking included, private entrance. 889- 2230. c2w8 ATTENTION TRUCKERS If you are looking for used trucks, parts. tires or accessor- ies, see the truck wrecker first. Moore Truck Parts & Sales, Old No. 11 Highway, Holland Land- ing. 895-4666. tfc34 1951 I and confidential. 'For in- ~ ormation write Director .of ROOM and board for lady- Marketing. PO. Box 14049, St. Buses at d00r~ Parkmg 3Y3‘111L0uis. Missouri 63178. c14w9 1956 1958 Olds. 2 dr. 1959 Plymouth able. 884-6797 1953 Chrylser 1956 Jaguar 1959 Pontiac Wagon 1960 Chev. 2 dr. 1960 Lincoln Sedan LADY teacher requires room and board starting September 7th. Write Miss Elise Brisebois. South Junction, Manitoba. ROOM and board in exchange for supervision of grade 1 daughter. Widow or pensioner. Concord. 889-6386, after 6. 1958 Chev. 2 dr. H/T 1959 Chev. 4 dr. 1959 Chev. 2 dr 1959 Olds Super 88 Wagon RIDING STABLES D. LITTLE FORD SALES Ford Fairlane. 832-2425. c1w9 Buick Plymouth $24 a month $176 $12 a month 5371 $17 a month $24 I month $789 $789 $31 a month $14 a month n 5242 $31 a month a 51097 $42 a month full price full price 5159 full price $117 full price $68 full price $497 1 quc- IWILL take care of 2 children in 3003:: my own home. Fenced yard, 119 1_%204_1311 Street. 884-1613. czwg c1w91DAY and evening care for cï¬il; dren any age in my home. 889- 0533? 6355. c1w9 floor body. *1w9 Cash c1w9 c1w9] clw9 c1w9 clw9 $294 c2w8‘fg411 $124 NURSE xvithYHifd'dEiies'ITvT ing accommodation and day care. 884-3474. c1w9 TWO bedroom house urgeâ€"om} needed. Three adults. 773-5413. after 6 pm. c1w9 3jbedroom house in Richmond Hill-Thornhill area. Mrs. T. Blackwell, 533-5971 9 to 5 pm. IWe are now offering excluï¬" V idistributorships for a paten Phone product. No competition. F ‘ _ tory trained personnel will ‘5â€" sist you in setting up a tried and proven advertising and , _ ,,,,,,,, , ,7,_ 7A . - - . or merchandlsmg program. 100 n ..' I... . I .M mark up. Investment guaran- é‘iï¬m 3212333, ï¬i‘ï¬ï¬ï¬miï¬izso MILES PER GAL. 2 bedroom houseT‘RiithVmond Hill. Maple or Thornhill area. Reasonable rent. 884-4013. [or 2 children, westt of Yongel 884-4513. c2w9‘*~__ » ~â€" â€"-*~r - ~ ~ A â€" WANTED all kindï¬f'iad an- WILL take care 2 or 3 Chlldren’ imals. For fast service call TU $10 93“ per week’ fenced yard‘ 4-2533 or ZEnith 3-2800. License lg§9i§9?L__flW9 No. 204-62. tfc31 EXPERIENCED day care for‘ children. Hot lunches, large Mawâ€":5 $221.. North Richvale. Ganja: ï¬xy‘cgre'givén in my home, 2 1â€"5' Runabout. 46.13.41. Johnsog to 3 children. Fenced yard, nutboard motor. all controls ans Beverley Acres_ 384-7632. tarpaulin. 773-5365 anyt1me.‘ E PORTABLE TV RENTALS ’BY DAY. WEEK OR MONTH ‘ RICHMOND HILL TV. 884-7456 - 889-3756 1 bedroom apartment. wanted in Richmond Hill between $80 and $90. Occupancy October 1. Write Box 13 The Liberal. TRANSFERREb. Responsiblellj The Liberal- *1w9 family "9611 Clean 3 h(EdmomiRIDE wanted from Richmond house or apartment in Rich-mm to Egllnton and Yonge to mond Hill. References supplied. arrive by 9 am, starting August 832â€"1064. 01W9 80. Phone 884-2168. clw9 KCEbï¬iflbD ATI ONâ€" Wilfrid I WANTED _[rom_ therrockâ€"rXâ€"ve.: for Single bUSiness man in‘to University and Richmond.ar~ wheel chair. Level entrancelriving 9. returning 5. 884-6528. with main floor bedroom andg c1w8 for single business man in wheel chair, Level entrance with main floor bedroom and DAY care given in my home for small baby. 884-4868. c1w9 DAY or weekly care given in my home. Any age. 884-6079. c4w6 EXPERIENCED day care or more children, fenced 884-6078. EXPERIENCED day care TOOLS T0 RENT Cement mixers, floor sanders and edgers, ramset guns, roto- tillers, rotovatorsz also 500 other tools. Willowdale Rental and Saies, 6026 Yonge St., BA‘ 1-1711. tfc30 drivers. 889-1109. tfc27 RENTALL, 41 YONGE N. Rug shampooers, floor mach- ines, tools. chairs. 884-6761. TELEVISIONS, washers, lawn mowers and other appliances. Herridge Electric TV Appli- Herridge Electric-TV Applian- ces. 884-3211. tfc42 OPPORTUNITY ‘able for light manufau For a future with a well known‘ing or women’s wear. Midwest Manufacturing Firm. We are now offering exclufl Phone DISTRIBUTOR WANTED No Competition. To service and set up new accounts in exclu- sive territory. Investment sec- ured by fast moving inventory of amazing plastic coating used on all types of surfaces interior or exterior. Eliminates waxing when applied to any type of floor. Eliminates all painting when applied to wood, metal or concrete surface. Minimum Investment â€" $500 Maximum Investment - $12,000 For details write or call: Phone: 314 AX-l-ISOO PENGUIN PLASTICS CORP. 3411 North Lindbergh Blvd. St. Ann, Missouri. 63074. c1w9 Tool & Equipment Business Opportunities WANTED TO RENT hEHUMIDIFIERS RENT, lease. buy PHILCO TV $2 PER WEEK MUSIC (-1w9 (-1w9 “Wanted to Finch and Weston *1W9 Rd. arriving 8~8.30. Write Box for 2 yard. c1w9 for 1 clw7 tfc31 c3w7 tfc9 Do you have a drinking prob- lem If so AA can help. Writ- Box 84, Richmond Hill. tfc45 PSYCHTCâ€"Readerfteacup.Vardé and palmistry by appointment Amelia Davie. 773-5491. FAST SERVICE ATLANTIC FINANCE Corporation Ltd. 20 Yonge St_ 5., Richmond Hill 884-4458 - 889-5562 SATURDAY. AUGUST 28, 1965â€"Auction sale of 50 acre farm, electric appliances, houseâ€" hold furniture. including choice antique articles, dishes. uten- sils, ornaments. zlassware. ef- fects. handyman's. carpenter, garden and farm tools, 1949 Plymouth sedan, Sportsman's articles. etc., at Part Lot 21. Concession 6. Whitchurch Town- ship. ll/é miles West of Ban- lantrae. on Aurora Road. prop- erty of the late Percy Wright Estate. Sale at 1.00 pm. Terms on chattels, cash without re- serves. Farm offered at ap- proximately 3.30 pm subject to reserve bid. For further parâ€" ticulars re farm sale. terms and conditions on day of sale, see sale bills, or contact British Mortgage and Trust Co., New- market, Ont.. or Clarke Pren- tice, Auctioneer. Markham, phone 294-3161 or 640-3686; DELL WEED SPRAYING Weed Exterminating Service Lawn Fertilisinz. Satisfaction completely guaran- teed. Fully Licpnced md Insured BA5-6677 MONEY available for good first and second mortgages, reason- able rates. Lawlor. Le Claire and Bannon 884-4413. tfc2 WANTED all kinds of dead an- imals. For fast service call TU 4-2538 or ZEnith 3-2800. License No. 204-62. tfc31 SALE REGISTERS 3,000 square feet of factory space McLatchy Building, 80 Yonge Street South Bright, clean factory, suit- able for light manufactur- New 'I'O RENT Mgr. R. G. (Bob) Hughes Chrysler-Plymouth Ltd. Phone 889-4858 Duï¬erin at No. 7 Hwy4 Transportation MORTGAGES LOANS $50 SORENSON PERSONAL LOW, LOW COST SEE THEM TODAY - $5.000 He 51 tfc43 c2w8 clw9 tfc7