Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 2 Sep 1965, p. 4

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four years of his secondary edu- cntlon at King City Composite School. Peter started school in Tor- University of Waterloo this onto at the Indian Road Cres- month. cent Public School. Moving to Frances Osborne of Schom- Oak Ridges with h'Ls family in berg headed the list of grade 13 1959. he attended grade 8 in Oak students at the King City school Ridges Public School and gradelwilh six firsts and three sec- 9 in Stoufi‘ville District High onds. Daughter of Mr. and Mrs. School. He received the last Robert V. Osborne, she will at- While 51111 a junior Peter played on his school's senior football team. He was also a Peter Kratzmann. son of Mr. member of the basketball team. and Mrs. H. Krnlzmann, 5 Par- Last year he won the school’s ker Avenue, Oak Ridges, ob- award for highest standing in tuned three firsts, three sec- grade 12 geography. nude and three thirds on this Peter will be entering the years's grade 13 examinations. geography honors course at the Oak Ridges Graduate To Study Geography At Waterloo University We Pay Towing Charges On All Collision Work 75 YONGE ST. SOUTH Next to Richmond Inn - Top of the hill Call Manager Bill Calder Richmond Hill 889-5415 tiny asstsmnce mu [)8 I greatly appreciated by the ' family. who extend thanks to kind neighbors and friends. the Richmond Hill Red Cross and the Newmar- ket Salvation Army for help already received. Misses Janet and Karen Mit-i ym 'chell have returned from theiri ti“ stay in the Province of Quebeci ti\" 1on the student exchance pro-i me igramme and Miss Daniele Pare Th iof Ste. Hyacinthe is spendian 33¢ two weeks at the Mitchell home. the During Daniele's stay they have the uuumuummmulmuummuumnuuunuiuumummumummu1enjoyed a camplng “'ef‘kerKi 1“ his .- "LIBERAL" CLASSIFIEDS the Sparrow Lake District, a 721-9331 Aurora 923-2912 TOI‘OntO Phone visit to Centre Island. NiagaraI 884-1105-6 or 285-3318 Falls. and the CXE. ‘= DANCE - BARBECUE - Road Employees Gel Further 10¢ Raise Difi‘erences between Whltchurch Township Coun- cil and the nine members of its roads staff were ap- parently settled last week when council agreed to give the men a 10c per hour in- crease as of July 1. This will bring pay scales up to $1.60, $1.70 and $1.85 per hour {or the three cate- gories of employees. Six of the employees suh< Icquently advised council by letter that they would accept the 100 increase but In February of this year the men had asked for the 20c increase but council would not agree. Instead, on June 1 the men were given a 10c increase, retro- actIVe to January 1. TAKE NOTICE that the Ontario Municipal Board has appointed Tuesday, the 12th day of October, 1965, at the hour of ten o’clock in the forenoon (local time) at the Council Chambers at 177 Keele Street South, in the Police Village of King Cit}r for the hearing of all parties in support of or opposing the application of the Council of the Township of King for an order dividing the Township of King into wards. IN THE MA’lVl‘ER of an Application of the Council of the Township of King to The Ontario Municipal Board for the Division of the Township of King into Wards. AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that the description of the boundaries of the proposed new wards and a plan showing the proposed new wards are available for inspection at the office of H. G. Rose, Clerk of the Township of King, during regular business hours. BODY REPAIRS TO ALL MAKES OF CARS â€"All Types of Insurance Workâ€" FREE ESTIMATES - SATISFACTION GUARANTEED COURTESY CARS AVAILABLE We Pay Towing Charges On All Collision Work DATED at the City of Toronto this 25th day of August, 1965. J. D. Lucas, Q.C. 6 Adelaide Street East, Toronto Solicitor for the Applicant HELP WANTED ADS IN CLASSIFIED GIT 'EM FAST DIAL 884-1105 NOTICE OF HEARING KING CITY, OAK RIDGES LAKE WILCOX "The Liberal" ls always pleawd to publish iton interest regarding people and events in the Oak Ri Lake Wilcox and King City districts. Our news a pondent ln Oak Ridges-Lake Wilcox ls Mrs. I Alrhpcnn \l'ilrlmnna A ...... ~N') (pun The Ontario Municipal Board PONTIAC-BUICK LTD. BODY SHOP Auto Refinishing THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday, Sept. 2, 1965 Richmond Hill’s Finest Son of King Township Coun- cillor William Curran and Mrs. Curran, Michael Curran, RR 1 King City, obtained two firsts, four seconds and three thirds. He will take a political science and economics course at either Queen's University or the Unl- versity of Toronto. tend the University of Toronto in the honors science course. Peter will be entering the geography honors course at the University of Waterloo this month. The nine men, some of whom have been on the township staff for many years. are employed as laborers. truck drivers and snow plow and grader op- erators. At the August 24 mee- ting, however, council agreed to give the men the extra 10c, bringing the in- crease up to the 20c hourly the men had originally re- quested. would no longer be avail- able for overtime work. At the August 10 meeting council had stated that this was not satisfactory as road work was dependent on the vagaries of the weather and threatened to get new staff. The Evening Unit of the UCW will present an evening of pic- tures in the church on Septem- ber 1, at 8.00 pm. Rev. and Mrs. Ivan Kennedy will show colored slides of the East Coast and the Maritimes. The Elmwood Park Cottagers Association are holding their annual corn and wiener roast on the beach at the foot of Wildwood Avenue, on Septem~ Corn and Wiener Roast UCW Mr. and Mrs. Rushby and children Brian and Anne, have left Canada and returned to England where they landed last week after a safe crossing. They had been staying with the Wil- son famlly on Wildwood Ave- n-ue prior to leaving for Eng- land. WI On August 22. Mr. and Mrs. The ladies will again be George prabucki and Kim, and bowling Thursday afternoons Mr. and Mrs. E. Atcheson visit- at the ABC BOWImE Alleys in ed the home of George’s par- Richmond Hill. Games start em; in Oshawa enjoying Sun- promptly at 1:30 and finish in day dinner with the family. time for mothers to be home Betty and Kim Stayed in 05h- when children get home from awa for a weeks holiday. school. First day of bowling in Temperanceville WI is invited} to visit the Pine Orchard: Branch on September 8, at 8.00 pm. The meeting will be held in the Pine Orchard Church, and the guest speakers will be Miss Helen McKercher of the Department of Agriculture and Mrs. L. Lymburner of Port Colborne. As this meeting falls on the same date as the regu- lar monthly meeting, it has been decided to withdraw the September meeting in order lllllllllmlllllllllllllllllllllmllllllllllllllll\lllll\llll“\\\llll\\lll\lll\l\l\lI We are very glad to see three of our young people back on their feet again, after being on the sick list. Lillian Wilson is now home from York County Hospital where she spent nearly two weeks, Freddie Dickinson, is now feeling much better after having tonsillitis. Ralph La- Plante is improved after suf- fering a slight concuSSion. We are sorry to report however, that Gerry Post is still in St. Michael‘s Hospital, and Bill Good is still confined to York Central Hospital. Little Darrel Daines had a bout of pnuemonia last week and his mother, Carol Daines was also on the sick list. We do wish all of bhese folk a speedy recovery. {will be fun : children alon hot dogs and Tickets are .the lucky di .held that nig is a transistor prize is a u with 10 otlie The admis: for adults ant and everyone tend. For fu Eor tickets c0] llan at 773-51: Bowling Bowlers wi bowling shoes the alleys as season opens. Birthday greetings to Nancy Goulet who celebrated [her 10th birthday last week, and Heather Woods, who was 16 years on August 25. Danny Lahey on August 28; Shirley Eglin was 15 years August 17; and George Good, 10 years on August 24. Mrs. Lil Windsor celebrated her birthday on August 27, Dennis Man- was 17 on August 29; and Joyce Stevenson was 15 also on the 29th. Anniversary wishes to Mr. and Mrs. Eric Bunn, South Road. who celebrated their 20th wedding anniversary on August 23. About People Seek Help Larkman Family While the Herb Larkmau family of Lakeside Cres- cent were attending a drive- in theatre August 21, their home was completely des- troyed by fire. All furni- ture. bedding, linens, cloth- ing and a pet dog and bird were consumed by the flames. Mr. and Mrs. Lark. man and their children Gary, 12. and Jacqueline, 9, will be moving into a home on the South Road until plans can be made for re- building thelr own home. Mr. Larkman is the man responsible for getting free admission to Pinecrest Speedway 1 week ago for 85 children from this area. The Larkmans are es- pecially in need of a ches- terfield, studio couch, divan or some kind of living room furniture. If you would like to help this family, please contact Mrs. Lil Atcheson at 773-5479. and all dona- tions will be forwarded. Any assistance will be greatly appreciated by the family. who extend thanks to kind neighbors and friends, the Richmond Hill Red Cross and the Newmar- ket Salvation Army for help already received. "The Liberal" is always pleased to publish items of interest regarding people and events in the Oak Ridges- Lake Wilcox and King City districts. Our news corres- pondent in Oak Ridges-Lake Wilcox is Mrs. Lillian Atcheson. Wildwood Avenue. 773-5479. Oak Ridges, Lake Wilcox News TEMPERANCEVILLE NEWS Correspondent: Mrs. W. G. Jennings Phone PR. 3-5892 111.; Bowling 31" Bowlers will be he bowling shoes and of the alleys as soon The York County WI rally will be held at Victoria Square, September 9 at 10 in the morn- ing. 4 H Club Any girls between the ages of 12 and 21 who are interest- ed in taking the fall project of the 4H club are asked to get In touch with Mrs. Milton Wells. The training school for leaders will be held at New- market later in the month, and the project will begin early in October. Maybe next summer will be the kind of summer we want, with at least two months of good weather for vacations, swim- mlng and general. outdoor liv- ing. Maybe, too oil tanks filled during the summer will not be nearly empty before fall weather sets in. Please let me know if you have any news, dates of meet- ings, fall activities, bazaars, teas, for this column of com- munity news. that all members «may have the opportunity to travel to Pine Orchard. Neighborhood Notes Tickets are still available for the lucky draw that will be held that night. The first prize is a transistor radio and second prize is a wrist watch, along with 10 other valuable prizes. The admission price is 35c for adults and 25c for children, and everyone is welcome to at- tend. For further information or tickets contact Don McMil- lan at 773-5124. this league is September. 9. In- formation can be obtained by phoning your correspondent at 773-5479. The Friday night league will probably start rolling again on September 10. This is a mixed league but it is not necessary for both husband and wife to join. Bowling gets under way at 9 pm at the Aurora Bowl. Summer Over? If what We have been having for the past two months was summer I guess We have had it. Now most parents are busy preparing for their children‘s return to school. Do I hear a sigh of relief? Mrs. J. A. Lloyd and Marilyn of Delhi spent several days with Mr. and Mrs. Norman Rumble recently. Mrs. Alvin Walker of Kirk- land Lake, and Ed Patton of Edmonton have been visiting their sister and brother-in-law. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Boys, and calling on other relatives in the area. Mr. and Mrs. Wilbert Jen- nings spent a recent weekend in Cochrane, and were among the 750 people who enjoyed the excursion on the Polar Bear Express to Moosonee and Moose Factory. her 4 at about 7.00 pm. There will be fun and games for the children along with the corn, hot dogs and soft drinks. Mrs. Robert Turner and fam- a ily, and Mrs. Fred Weir are H spending the week at theirC parents home while Mr. and 5 Mrs. Fred Hare are having a E week's vacation at their cottage c at Head Lake. 1“ Hug-hie Mitchell has returned from senior boys camp at Spar- row Lake. Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Cunning- ham have returned from their vacation visiting friends and relatives in the Maritimes. Arthur Trawlin of Melfort Saskatchewan. is spending his vacation at the home of Mr. and Mrs. William Mitchell. Mrs. G. Fairbairn is spending some time in Northern Ontario, and will be visiting friends as far north as Moosonee and Moose Factory. looking for heading for as the new Although disappointingly few people attended, a successful ,mg joint meeting of members of was the youth centre board and had the recreation committee was “my held at Lake Wilcox School “1-: August 23. Bob Atcheson chaired the meeting and gave a resume of what has been done since the idea of a youth centre was born: from the collection at ,the first meeting which total]- led $1.26 to present assets of approximately $500. resulting ‘from the many hours of work done by a very small percentage of the people who live in the area. About 20 girls from the sew- ing and art classes attended with their instruotresses, Mrs. Norma Martin and Julie En- sor. They had a lovely display of the work they have done since the classes started a month ago â€"- doll clothes, cork work, knitting, pothol-ders, em- broidered pillowcases, oven mitts, baby blankets, baby gowns and various other articles. The preamble to the resolu-‘ties to be roughly equal ir tion pointed out that townshipjterms of population and assess council had had two choices in-ment. setting up a ward system, one!Â¥ we , e ._,7 ,_ ,_ involving the dissolution of pol-5 ice villages and one where theyéw k 0 R d I would not be dissolved. The re- n cently passedby-law “gives no positive or direct informationiBEfore about which system is being: adopted", said Mr. Findlay inl A letter from King - . Town- his resolution. nL:v\‘- ~n-.l -.._‘__.:_A~.__IA.,. The resolution further des- cribed the wording of the by- law as "obscure" and said that the proposed system would set up an “unworkable” administra- tion and cause a useless and un- necessary increase in taxes. At a previous megting, trus- tees had indicated their deter- mination to proceed with the in- corporation of the police village in spite of the township’s in- tention of introducing a ward system. Craft Work Shown At Youth Centre Meeting One little girl, Terry La- Riviere, boosted the funds with a jarful of pennies which she had saved in her penny bank, proudly bring- ing them down as a dona- tion for the youth centre. They were proudly accept- ed with many thanks. The next public meeting is set for September 29. The youth centre is to serve all the children in the community and all parents are asked to come out Forty Members Cragg Family Hold Reunion A reunion of the Cragg fam- ily was held in Vandorf Park August 13 with 40 people at- tending. A happy time was spent in exchanging family news and in games for the youngsters. After a buffet din- ner. all enjoyed dancing in the Vandorf Community Hall. Among those present were: Mr. and Mrs; George Cragg. Garnet Cragg and Lynne Mc-‘ Ginty of Lake Wilcox; Mr. and Mrs. George Nustra of Chicago; Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Cragg and Miss Luella Cragg of Haileybury; Mr. and Mrs. Jack Cragg of London; Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Cragg and Sharon of ‘Durham; Mr. and Mrs. Les Cragg and Susan of Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. Charles Cragg, With Chairman Jack Mann absent from the meeting. the resolution was quickly seconded by Trustee Ross Farquhar and carried. ‘The resolution also contained While the township by-law a clause stating that the trus- makes no mention of the dis- tees should take "the necessary solution of the three police vil- steps to oppose the proposal and lages in the township. this take steps to work with any would presumably follow the other persons or groups oppos-settimz up of the five wards. ed to the proposal." four of which include centres With Chairman Jack Mannrof population at King City. absent from the meeting. the Schomhel‘g. Bolton, Nobleton resolution was quickly seconded and Oak Ridges. DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH TOWNSHIP OF NORTH YORK Lynne, Chris and Roger, and Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Cragg of Pickering; Mr. and Mrs. Cyril Davies, Brooklin: Mr. and Mrs. Jim Crazg, Milton; and Mr. and Mrs. Jack Crazg. Sharon and Tom, Elliott Lake. King City Trustees Willi Protest Wire/wk,»4 Op pose, Ward System imwsag:"m‘12:“; $533r33‘2L2? lesatmn of four persons council would 1'21: nn With his avowed intention being to “prevent the people of the police villages from being victim- ized” â€" presumably by King Township Council â€"â€" Trustee Donald Findlay introduced a resolution at the August 23 meeting of King City Village Trustees that the trustees should make known the real nature and intent of the township’s By-law No. 1547 setting up a five ward system in the township. The resolution also contained While the township by-law clause stating that the trus- makes no mention of the dis- ees should take "the necessary solution of the three police vil~ teps to oppose the proposal and lage§_ in the township. this You can go through life being neither tall nor short, neither fat nor lean, but you can‘t avoid being DOSi-q tive or negative. The nega- tive person sits on the lid of ideas building up tension. The positive person encour- ages them to come out into the open in the expectation that they may contribute to his life happiness. Carl E. Hill. M.D., M.O.Ht and support it Positive Living INGO 9" Secretary-Manager G. T. by Thompson stated however that er the driveway had never been a proper one and that it was im- he possible to get a car into it Of before the sidewalk was recap- he ped two years ago. The man had 3§ been offered fill four years ago A letter from King 'l‘own- s-hi-p's road superintendent which was read at the August 23 meeting of King City Village Trustees indicated that an in- spection of roads in the village had disclosed several failures in road beds, particularly in Kings Lane. The drainage problem there should be corrected be- fore surface treatment of the: road is proceeded with, it said. In his report on roads, how- ever, Trustee Donald Findlay stated that provision for the work on the road bed had been” made in the budget several to raise the driveway, he said. and had not taken sufficient to do the job. Since that time the driveway had eroded. Trustees declined to take any action as the sidewalk had been in for 20 or 30 years and lower- ing it would interfere with the ditch. A letter from the OWRC was read outlining the new plan re- cently put into effect whereby the OWRC will finance the con- struction and operation of water or sewage facilities for munici- palities. The installations would :he paid for by users but when months ago. Rectification of thelthey were fully paid for would drainage problem had been dis-lstill remain the property of the cussed with the contractor, last? winter and levels were to bei taken in the spring. Information on the roads maintenance budget to be approved for subsidy had been sent to the township months ago, Mr. Findlay said. but trustees had had no word of either approval or disapproval of their bud- get. Mr. Findlay reported too that a property owner on the west: side of Keele Street North had approached him asking that the sidewalk in front of his drive- way be lowered as it prevented cars from going in or out in its present condition. province who would make a charge for their operation at cost. The letter pointed out how- ever, that such water and sew- age facilities would be installed on a regional basis and might serve more than one individual municipality. Trustee Ross Farquhar reported that the village water supply was satisfac- tory and that consumption had dropped since the end of July and was now at approximately 125,000 gal- lons per day. M biA tritium! from fllllllullllll\llll\llllllllllllllllllllllllullllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll‘ Induction Service St. Paul’s, Sept. 3 muuuuuummuumuummmmnn1mummumnunmumumm The proposed five wards Were designed by township authori- ties to‘be rpughly equal in Work On Road Beds Said Needed Before Resurfacing Is Possible Rev. Fenn will preach his firsts sermon at the church on September 5. He replaces Rev. Dorothy Sharmon Wilson, one of Canada’s few women minis- ters, who left St. Paul's in June to take up residence in London following her marriage. St. Paul‘s UCW will be holding its fall rummage sale October 2 and a Christ- mas bazaar. under the guid- ance of Mrs. Lee Gallacher willtake place November 9. An induction service for the new minister of St. Paul’s United Church. Rev. Raymond Fenn, will be held at the church on Septem- ber 3. All ministers of York Presbytery are expected to attend the induction ser- vice to welcome the new minister. AMOUNI 0F [DAN $100 550 750 1000 1600 2200 25 00 Above uncut: Inclldl princlul and lawn! IM '1' Imd on menu! muymnl. but dc no! lncludl mo :05! M WIIMITIMI- RICHMOND HILL 15 Yonge Street Northâ€"Telephone 884-443! HOUSEHOLD FINANC 60.88 83.71 Need backâ€"to-school g money? MONTHLY PAYMENT PLANS .16 j :0 ' 20 12 anthsimontha montha mom} (over the Bank of Moiheal) 45k about our evening hour: 147 311 {111 4.004 459 29 41 SEPTEMBER 11, From 5p.m. OAK RIDGES LIONS PARK 146 201 228 If you need more money for your youngsters’ back-to- school needs, get it now- with an HFC Shopper’s Loan. With cash from Household, you can cover the costs of tuition, books, transportation â€"anything.‘ Then re- pay conveniently at the oldest, largest company of its kind â€"HFC. nbwiololk ...Get An HFC Shopper’s Loan Trustees declined to take any action as the sidewalk had been in for 20 or 30 years and lower- ing it would interfere with the ditch. The letter pointed out how- ever, that such water and sew- age facilities would be installed on a regional basis and might serve more than one individual municipality. Trustee Ross Farquhar reported that the village water supply was satisfac- tory and that consumption had dropped since the end of July and was now at approximately 125,000 gal- lons per day. Send your newspaper for the time checked. Enclosed find my check or money order. [I 1 your $22. I] 6 months $1] [1 3 months $5.50 The Christian Scienco Monitor One Norway 51., Boston 15, Moss. Interesting Accurate Complete Edward Lansing of Wilcox Street Lake Wilcox, led a delegation of four persons at the August 24 meeting of Whitchurch Township Coun- cil protesting expanded op- eration of a wrecking com- pany next to his property and the erection of a buildâ€" ing 40 feet by 60 feet on the property. Mr. Lansing noted that the area had been zoned as Council said that they had been in touch with the town- ship solicitor but hadn't had a chance to discuss the mat- ter themselves and refused to discuss the matter in pub- lic. Mr. Lansing was told to call the township clerk the next morning for their ter themselves and refused to discuss the matter in pub- lic. Mr. Lansing was told to call the township clerk the next morning for their decision. 0n calling the clerk the agricultural in 1962 and ask- ed what council intended to do about the erection of the building. BOSTON LOS ANGELES LONDON CHICAGO International New: Covorugc Ask about credit life insurancc at low group rates Address Nome State 3mnunumIIIImm:IIImImmumuammuqumuunu1\unnnmmmmmmmnuwnmum1\mn“m11mm“mu\\“mum‘umm‘lufi 1'llllllllllIll“|lllllllllll|\ll\llllllflllllllllmlllllll\llIllllll|lllll1|llllllllll““lll\ll\lillllllllllllllIllllllllllllllll“llll|lIlll“l\|I‘ll“ll“\ll\“ll\\l“‘l The application for {her- mit far the buildinz had in- dicated that it would be next morning, Mrs. Lansing reported that she was told council would take no action about the building as they did not feel it was contra- vening any by-laws. Mrs. Lansing told “The Liberal" that her husband had been in contact with a lawyer who advised that the building was contravening the by-laws and that the Lansings should get an in- junction to stop it. This they intend to do, Mrs. Lansing said. When questioned about the matter by a reporter. Reeve Ross Farquharson stated that the firm, Hilltop Wreckers. located an the east half of Lot 16. Plan 200 was permitted to continue as a non-conforming land use when the area was zon- ed agricultural in 1962. SCHOMBERG - DEACON - POTTAGEVILLE - LLOYD- TOWN: Route 5(a) Lv. 8 am. No. 9 Hwy. and 12th Concession, south to 17th Side Road. east to 11th Concession to Crawford School. Lv. 8.10 north on 11th Concession to No. 9 Hwy.. east to 10th Concession. south to Lloydtown School. Lv. 8.25 east to Schomberg School, return to Lloydtown and Deacon Schools. Route 5(b): ' Lv. 8 am. No. 9 Hwy. and 10th Concession, east to No. 27 Hwy., south to Schomberg Road. west in Schomberg. Lv. 8.10 west to Lloydtown School. Lv. 8.20 south on 10th Concession to 17th Side Road. east. to No. 27 Hwy., north to Schomberg School, return to Linton and Crawford Schools. Route 5(c) Route 8: GRAHAM SCHOOL: Kindergarten will open in the Eva L. Dennis School, King City; Oak Ridges School and the Kettleby School on Monday, September 13, 1965. Registrations may be made up to and including Tuesday, September 7th at the school in the for- mer school section in which the children are located or at the Administration Office at Strange. It is not necessary to re-register child- ren who were registered last May. Proof of birth date must be submitted. Lv. 8.40 Kinghm‘n School, west to 6th Conce north to Strange School. NOBLETON - 10th LINE - CRAWFORD - LINTON Route 4: Route '7 ARMITAGE: Route 3(9) Route 6 KETTLEBY SCHOOL: Lv. 8 am. King Side Road and 6th Concession, south to Townline, west to 7th Concession, east to 5th Concession, north to Klnghom School. Route 3(d): Lv. 8.20 Kinghom School. north to Kingctoss Estates, south to Kinghorn School. OAK RIDGES: Route 1: Lv. 8.30 Subway Side Road and Hwy. No. 11 south to Oak Ridges Public School. south to.GormIey Side Road, east to Muirhead Cres., north' and west to Hwy. No. 11, north to Oak Ridges Public School. STRANGE - KINGHORN - NEW SCOTLAND: Route 3(a): Lv. 7.50 corner of 15th Side Road and 7th Conces- sion, west to 8th Concession, north to 16th Side Road. east to 7th Concession. south to 15th Side Road. east to 61h Concession, south to Strange School. Route 3(h): Lv. 8.20 Strange School. north on 6th Concession to 16th Side Road, east to 5th Concession, south to King- horn School. Route 3(a): Route 2: SNOWBALL. TEMPERANCEVILLE 85 EVERSLEY: Lv. 8 am. corner of King Side Road and 3rd Con‘ cessinn. south to Townline. east to the 2nd Conces- sion. north to Temperanceville School. Lv. 8.15 north to Aurora Side Road. west to Snowball School. Lv. 825 wpst to 3rd Concession. south to Eversley School, Lv. 8.35 south to King Side Road, east to 2nd Concession, north to Temperanceville School. Lv. 8.45 north to Aurora Slde Road, west to Snowball SchooL SCHOOL BUS ROUTES Township School Area of King Lv. 8 am. Town Line and 8th Concession south to Aurora-Schomberg Road, east to 7th Concession. south to 181h Side Road, west to Pottageville School. Lv. 8.30 corner of Canal Bank and 4th Concession. east to 3rd concession. north to Graham Side Road. east to School, north to Riverdrive Park, south to school. Lv. 8.20 west to 8th Concession, north to Aurora-v Schomberg Road. west to No, 27 Hwy.. north to Schnmberg School, return to Pottagevflle School with grades 4, 5 and 8. Lv. 8 am. Town Line and Hwy. No. 11, south 2% miles. west to 5th Concession, north to Kettleby School. Township School Area of King KINDERGARTEN (b) (c) (a) (b) (c) Same routing as 1964-1965 same routing as 1964-1965 ’3 Expansion B. F. Hunter, Business Administrator Phone 833-5271. B. F. Hunter Box 520, King City Phone 833-5271. used for storage of used parts. Mr. Farquharson said and township officials con- sidered that ‘this did not contravene any of the town- ship by-laws. He admitted that if the owner of the business, C. Travis of Toâ€" ronto. were to begin repair. ing motors or cars in the buildina as ~Mr. Lansing feared. this would contra- vene the zoning by-law and that a charge would be laid. “However. we can't lay a charge because we're afraid someone is going to do some- thing against the law." said Mr. Farquharson. Mr. Farquharson further stated that council had in- structed the township clerk to visit the property on Aug- ust 24 to fully inform Mr. 'l‘ravis that using the build- ing for other than storage would be contrary to the zoning byvlaw and would be the basis for a charge. to 6th Concession.

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