Plywood: Trim Mouldings Doors Wall Boards Formica Cement LOWEST PRICES IN TOWN RELIABLE SERVICE Phone 884-2283 290 BAYVIEW PLAZA - RICHMOND HILL PEEWEE â€"- FRIDAY, SEPT. 17, 4.15 PM. BANTAM â€" MONDAY, SEPT. 20, 4.15 PM. MIDGET â€" FRIDAY, SEPT. 24, 4.15 PM. All boys in the above age groups living in the Thornhill area are invited to attend for a try-out. FOr further information call 889-1456 Garages Homes Cottages HOME IMPROVEMENT LOANS 889-1100 Community Happenings In Thornhill 9020 You", Thornhlll MAKE WAY FOR OUR NEW 1966 MODELS Ihornhill and District News Thornhill Hockey Association ON ALL 1965 APPLIANCES 0 MOFFAT ‘ 0 McCLARY EASY 0 PHILLIPS 0 EMERSON, ETC. O. M. H. A. TEAMS Doublerink Arena (N0. 7 AND JANE ST.) PRACTICE TIMES “You Can Rely on Reliable" Tentest Masonite Flooring Gyproc Insul Board Arborite Plaster PHONE 889-3190 Margaret Jean Lemon, daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Lemon of Morrisburg, Ontario. former Arnold Avenue resi- Resident. welcomed Mr. and Mrs. Ian Rugeroni and their children Diana and Michael who moved into 29 Kirk Drive from Friends and neighbours were sorry to see Mr. and Mrs. Rex Sevenoaks and their four chil- dren move away this summer from Kirk Drive to their new residence on St. Clements Ave- nue. Toronto. ‘ Willowdale cuILuIEI III 12 r: Mote, Idleswift Drive. Miss dents, became the bride of Wil- Mote previously was on the fred Joseph Lajoie, son of Mr. staff'of the Northwestern Hos- and Mrs. Rene Lajoie of Wind- pital and is now working for 501', in August. The couple will a doctor in Stoney Creek. reside in Fort William where Ir 1* * * they are both employed as high Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Burdennschool teachers. Congratulations t9 R_ic_k_ ‘ and Club‘ IEFIESHMVEEI VIII “The LIbex-al†Ia always pleased to publish Items of Intel-eat contributed by Its readers In the ThornhIll area. Our tepreaentatlvo In Thornhill Ia Mrs. Jo Crane who may~ be reached by phoning 889-3190 i Speedy i Autgï¬lass Ann Marie Garcia of Westâ€" mounvt, Quebec drove up with Jan Cruise to spend Labor Day weekend with Jan's parents Mr. and Mrs. H. R. Cruise, 1 Raymond Drive. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Conaghan with their two sons Michael and Russell, have been staying with Mrs. Conazhan's parents Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Robinson, Thornridge Drive for a month. The Conaghans were former residents of Brampton and leave this week to take up re- sidence in the Bahamas. Guaranteed water tight Guaranteed top quality glass Guaranteed quick installation Guaranteed good price Guaranteed correct trim replacement Good luck to David Kerwin who left last week for Baden Baden in the Black Forest area of Germany. He will teach grade 9, 10 and 11 in the RCAF school at the base. Mr. Kerwin was a teacher at Thornhill Sec- ondary School for the past four years. Their son Doug Scale flew down to join his parents for the latter two weeks of their trip. We have ln-shop and Mobile Service for Thornhill and the surrounding area. We also adjust door mechanisms. seal water leaks. Install and repair auto air conditioners and Seat belts Make I note to attend the 50th annual show of the horticultural society being held on September 11 It Thornhili United. The show will be open from 5-9 pm and an auction of the exhibits will take piece at 8.45 pm. JUST ASK YOUR INSURANCE CO. 7381 Yonge St. 889-4661 SP-65-l Limited “It seems inconsistent that; Cook, who barely knew himJ: would be able to ask him to do‘ it." the magistrate said. -‘u... I Eugene O'Reilly, Woodbridge.' ,whose breathalyzer test showed? 31.7 parts of alcohol per 1,000.! lwas ï¬ned $150 on a charge of? driving with his ability mpair-l The bride was given in mar- riage by her father and wore a‘ floor length gown with a white lace bodice and a skirt of peau de soie. Her floor length tulle veil fell from a rhinestone tiara and she carnied a white Bible to which was attached a cluster of pink roses and white mums. soon be well enough to resume her teaching duties as she will be sadly missed by the children. Cook had counselled Weather- bee to commit an offence and the latter had explained it with: a reason that could be consist-' eat with the evidence of Cook. but not inconsistent with the: explanation of buying it for the‘ owner. Attending the bride were maid of honor Miss Geraldine Sargeant and bridesmaids Miss Doris Abbott and Miss Susanne Baker. They wore street length dresses of yellow brocade with matching shoes and corsages of orange gladioli. In his defence, Weatherbee said he understood the liquor was to be for Cook's employer. He did not know Cook's age, nor did he even know him very well. He had responded to his call while passing the ï¬lling sta- tion where Cook worked. Magistrate Hollinrake said it was sometimes the tendency of one charged with a liquor of- fence, such as Cook's, to feel he could get off lighter if he testiï¬ed against the other per- son involved. He said it was "dangerous" to convict on the uncorroboravted evgech 0; an accomplice. The double ring ceremony was performed by Mr. A. E. At- kinson, pastor of the church. In discharging Harold Weath- erbee, 21, now of Cobourg, Magistrate Hollinralke, said he was not acting as advocate for the accused, who was without counsel, but felt he had to go into several points about the case “because they trouble me.†Weatherbee was charged after Calvin Cook. 16, of 300 Skopit Road, Richmond Hill, was pick- ed up by police for consuming liquor under age, and named Weatherbee as the one who had‘ purchased the liquor -â€" six‘ beers and a bottle of rye. Cook‘ was subsequently convicted. “I hope the time is £35; ap- proaching when legal aid is available to accused persons in quasi-criminal actions,†said Mr. Hollinrake". . . . A great re- sponsibility is placed on the magistrate. In the first wedding to be celebrated in the Church of Christ, Concord, Joanne Louise Duncan, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Duncan, Richvale, was married July 31 to Leslie David Baker, son of Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Baker, of Willowdale. Ex-Richvale Resident Acquittecl On Charge Of Supplying To Minor A former Richvale resident, who was charged with supply- ing liquor to a minor, was ac~ quitted last week in magistrate’s court. Schools have reopened, the CNE is over and summer holi- days have once again come to an end. Fall activities will be resuming and young people will be entering and returning to universities. nursing schools. sercetarial classes and full time employment. Your correspond- ent is always interested to hear of meetings, trips, accomplish- ments, weddings and events. Please call and let me know of any local news items, 889- 3190. i Joanne Duncan And leslie Baker First To Wed At Concord Church Before The Magistrate Thornhlll residents and former pupils of Henderson Avenue School were saddened to learn of the sudden death of Mrs. Selena Mae Johnston on August 30 as the result of a car accident. Attention senior citizens of Thornhlll and District! The next executive meeting of the senior citizens will be held at the home of Mrs. H. L. Ballantyne, 80 John Street, Thornhill, on Sep- tember 13 at 2 pm. The general meeting will be held at the Presbyterian Church, Centre Street. on September 15 at 2 pm when an interesting report on the convention held at Guelph will be discussed. The groom’s mother chose a pink bro'cade dress with which she wore a matching hat and shoes, white accessories and also a corsage of pink and red roses. Following the ceremony a re- ception and dance was held It the Thorncrest Restaurant, Con- cord. The brlde’s mother re- ceived wearing a powder blue shantung dress with matching hat and shoes and white acces- sories. Her corsage was of‘ pink and red roses. 1 Out of town guests were from Belleville, Peterboro, Cali- fornia, Buffalo and Port Huron. Following a honeymoon trip to northern Ontario, the young couple took up residence in Willowdale. wwoww Fresh Fresh Fresh Fresh ° FRUIT ‘ VEGETABLES ° FLOWERS ‘ PLANTS ° QUALITY MEATS ' EGGS ' DAIRY PRODUCTS Best man was Donald Calvert of Thornhill. Ushers were Rich- ard, Donald and Peter Baker and John Duncan Jr. Vocalist was Sharron Klngdon who sang “O Promise Me" and “0 Per- fect Love". Vaughan Council Briefs Council accepted a recom- mendation of its road commit- tee that a dmiveway be con- structed for E. Faehrman, owner of property on the south side of Elder Mills Sideroad, where road construction is un- derway, with one point of ac- Since the Maple Library will not be constructed within the term of the present council, council gave two readings to a by-law to authorize construc- tion of that library at an esti- mated cost of $44,000. A p0r. tion of the cost, $12,904 will be raised in 1967 taxes. The by- law will not be submitted to the Ontario Municipal Board for approval prior to the final reading. A by~law was passed approv- ing the redlvlsion of lots 71, 72 and 73. plan 1999. the prop- erty of Beverley R. Hook at the corner of Bathurst and Oxford Streets was given three read- ings and pagsedu It was noted that this appli- cation does not increase the number of lots now oWned by Mr. Hook. but creates new lots of a more desirable proportion of length to width. which should prove beneficial to development of the area. The Committee of Adjustment’s consent will per- mit Mr. Hook to sell parcels A and B with payment to the municipality of $600. Relocation of a large cut stone structure at the entrance of M. Kaplansky’s property on the White Schoolhouse Side- road, was approved at a cost of $1,191. V u an Council last week dealat gva‘ith the following bun- ness: The balance of the $44,000 will be met by federal and pro- vincial Centennial grants and a grant of $10,000 from the De partment of Education. Join the throngs of wise shoppers every Saturday who pick up their week’s supply of fruits, vegetables, meats, eggs, flowers, etc., at real savings â€" Fresh from the farm to you. The appointment of Frederick J. Reynolds, BA, MEd. as ad- ministrator of schools for re- tarded children has been an- nounced by the special schools and services branch of the On- tario Department of Education. Mr. Reynolds will be respons- ible for the educational pro- grams in the 90 day-schools opn erated by local retarded child- ren’s education authorities, as well as planning and adminis- tering educational programs for retarded children in Ontario Hospital Schools at Cedar Springs, Orillia, Palmerston, Smiths Falls and the Children’s Psychiatric Research Institute in London. The Department of Education has recently assumed responsibility for these pro- grams from the Department of Health. Mr. Reynolds has a wide ex- perience in the ï¬eld of educa- tion. He has been a teacher of retarded children, an itinerant auxiliary education teacher, a school principal, a summer school lecturer to teachers, and an inspector of special educa- tion for the department. He holds a BA from the University of Western Ontario, a Master of Education degree from the Uni- versity of Toronto and a super- visor’s certiï¬cate in auxiliary education. Thomhaven School for Re- tarded Children in Richmond Hill is one of the day schools which will be Mr. Reynolds re- sponsibility. Under an amend- ment to the Schools Administra- tion Act paSsed in 1964, an au- thority of six members was set up to administer the school, as- suming its duties on January 1, 1965. l Council passed a by-law re- quiring the same requirements on Highway 7 an on Keele Street for the Witney property at that corner purchased re- cently by the township for in- dustrial development. The plan- ning and building committee had recommended the by-law after noting the requirements for construction of industrial buildings along Keele Street, as set by area By-Law 2961 are more stringent as to setbacks, limited accesa. architectural treatment. etc., than for interior roads in the industrial subdi- vision. On the recommendation of Acting Chief Constable James Davidson, Police Cadets William Hill, Douglas Davies and Ger- ald Moth were appointed pro- bwtionary constables effective September 6. NEWMARKET: North York Humane Society informed couno cil they will no longer Be able to operated services in the municipality as their income does not meet their financial needs. cess west of the gate giving the best possible grade, but without bringing point of ac- cess closer to the bridge than 100 feet. Province Names New Administrator For Retarded Children Schools Clarkson Graham, sons Joe and Spencer were injured in an ac- cident on Highway 48 near iichee Farms recently. Their car was struck in the rear by a car driven by John McGillivray of RR 3, Mt. Albert, when they slowed down to allow a car ahead to turn off the highway. All five were treated at York County Hospital. Both cars were extensively damaged. The amending legislation which set up the authority also provides that it shall prepare and submit to council of the municipality in which the school is located estimates of expendi- :tures for the current year. That council shall levy and collect such amount in the same man- ner as levies for other schools are collected â€" that is this levy is included in the munici‘ pality’s tax hill, where a pupil does not live in the municipali- ty where the school is located, the council of the municipality shall pay ‘to the authority a tuition fee not exceeding the net cost per child based on average daily attendance in the preceding year. The legislation also provides for payment of grants on the same basis as public and separate schools. Any child, who, in the opinioni of the admissions board may proï¬t by attendance at a school for retarded children is eligible for admission. The admission board is composed of the school’s principal, a medical practitioner or psychiatrist ap- pointed by the authority, the local publlc school inspector and the local separate school inspector. i MOUNT ALBERT: Mr. and Mrs They also attended a family re<union at Galt, at which 45 members of the Walne family were on hand. Mr. and Mrs. A. Antonaccl, Paul, Lynda and David came home this week after spend- ing the summer at Stratford, where Mr. Antonaccl played 1n the orchestra at the Strauord Festival. Helen Marges. 12, had an unfortunate mishap this past week when she was accidentally hit on the head with a hammer. she and her playmate were using to build a hut. The cut required four stitches. We wish her a speedy recovery. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Walne attended the wedding of her niece last month at Bronte. moving to the Lakehead. Last week council named Mrs. Dor- othy King of Lawrence Avenue as his replacement. Neighborhood Notes Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. F. Beckett, Appleton Road. on the birth of their baby boy. September 2 at Branson Hos- pital. A little brother for Bon- nie, Debbier and Ricky. Congratulations also, to Mr. and Mrs. L. Oastalyk on the arrival recently of their new baby boy. Crestwood Rd. News WHITE LROSE J SPEEDY IMPORT SPECIALISTS Correspondent Mn. Fred St. John 75 Crestwood Rood Willowdale Telephone 889-3443 All BMC Warranty Work. Expert Repairs on all British Cars, and all Sports Cars THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday, Sept. 9, 1965 AS AN AUTHORIZED DEALER - PARTS & SERVICE Come and meet some old friends . . . DICK ROLLS, Gen. Mgr. (Formerly with Shelton-Mansell) AL McCREADY, Service Mgr. (Formerly BMC Scotland) Complete Lubrication & Road Test only 95c with this ad. 889-7441 White Rose Station - Bathurst & Crestwood 7121 Bathurst St. â€" one block north of Steeles Ave. SPEEDY IMPORT SPECIALISTS iichmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday, Sept. 9, 1965' 13 1 . . . 3'Gall Turner, WIIIIam Huckvale, iMarried In Willowdale, Sept. 4 Sincere sympathy is extended to Mrs. Annie Clement and Stan Wood with the passing of their sister Mrs. A. Hamilton on Sep- tember 3, at York County Hos- pital. Funeral service was held from the Pith Funeral Home on Monday morning September 6. Interment Can-ville Cemetery. Anniverury Service Cmvine'Untted will hold An- niversary services on September 26. Service begins at 9.45 am, Correspondent: Mn. Gordon Reed Phone 839-4001 It is September again: A month in which we ï¬nish 01! the summer and begin the fall. It is the beginning of a new way of life for many little one: as they start school, Church groups and clubs commence once again and in general everyone gets back into a routine. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Barton had their daughter and granddaugh- ters. Mrs. Dea-n Wilson. Myra- Jane and Betty Anne of Toronto visit them on the weekend. Cannon J. Thompson offic- iated at the wedding ceremony and Norman Richardson sang “0 Perfect Love" and “The Lord's Prayer". Given in marriage by her father, the bride wore A full length whlte lace gown fash- loned with long sleeves coming to a point at the wrists and a jewel neckline. Her lhoulder length vell was held in place by a seed pearl headpiece and she carried I cascade bouquet of white carnation: and pink roses. Miss Catherine Moore was] maid of honour. Mrs. D. McJ Clocklin and Miss Beverley Turner. sisters of the bride“ were bridesmaids. Miss Parnela‘I Huckvale, sister of the groom! acted_ as junior bridesmaid,1 little Miss Carole Hunt. cousin of the bride, was flower girl and Master Bruce Huakvale, cousin of the groom, was the ring bearer. 1 Standards of pink and white Chrysanthemums formed a love- ly background ln St. George’s Anglican Church, Willowdale, on September 4 when Gail Patricia Turner. daughter 0! Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Turner. became the bride of William Gary Huckvale, son of Mr. and Mrls. W. E. Huckvale of Thorn- hll. The bridal attendants wore; floor length robin'l egg blue‘ sheath frocks with white lace‘ bodices and long white gloves. Their flower headpieces held‘ in place circiet veils and they carried bouquets of white car- nation: and pink roses. At a reception held at the Royal Canadian Leglon Hall, Sheppard Avenue west, the bride’s mother received wear- ing a blue sheath frock, flow- ered hat, matching blue acces- sories and a conago of pink roses. The groom's mother wore an aqua dress fashioned on A-Iines with a matching overcoat lined In Sympathy Best man was Robert Mason and the ushers were Richard and Robert Huckvale, brothers of the groom, and Gary Turner. brother of the bride. CARRVILLE For a honeymoon trip to New York State the bride worn a fur jacket over a red wool frock and black accessories. On their return the coup]. will reside in Toronto. in white silk. She wore an aqua hat of silk organza. match- ing accessories and a whit. gardenia. ONTARIO'S FAMILY STATION Some people disagree with “Sincâ€, not many miss his twice daily assault on injustice. hypocrisy and anything else that comes into the sites of his news blunderbuss. Like the best baseball umpire, Sinclair calls 'em as he sees 'em and If toes are trod on . . . well, that's life. The comment you hear most about Sinclair Is “I can't afford to miss him hip cause I never know what he's going to do next." He's heard at 11:50 am. and 5:50 pm. (as if you didn't know) â€"-and with his “Let’s Be Personal" at 11:45 am. and "Show Busi- ness" at 5:45 pm. lISTEN HERE: That investment you have in your home is an asset in more ways than one. You qualify for the Associates' Home Owner’s Loan Plan. Under this plan. you may borrow from $2,000 to $20,000 on the equity you've built up. The interest rate is rea- sonable. There are no hidden charges or obscure clauses. You completely repay the loan in equal monthly install- ments over a period of up to ten years. There are no "balance" or “balloon†pay- ments. Interest is computed monthly on the unpaid bal- ance. This means that each payment you make reduces the amount of interest you pay. There are 101 reasons why you might need cash - fin- ancing a university educa- tion, buying a second car. re- modelling your home. Keep the Associates' Home 0wn~ er‘s Plan in mind. The As- sociates is one of Canada's largest financing firms with branch offices in principal cities across the country. A FINANCING PLAN FOR EVERY NEED! EQUITY IN YOUR HOME CAN MEAN CASH IN YOUR HAND 889-4986 “KEEP INFORMED . . . ©FIR=2 ®fl©fl© The Associates Gordon Sinclair 6A Levendale Avenue, Telephone : REALTY CREDIT LIMITED T. SHANNON 884-3442