Richmond Hill 884-1745 tfc49 ONCE A YEAR clearance sale of second quality patio and sidewalk slabs. 24“ x 24“ and 24" x 30". at 75 cents plain. 85 cents coloured. Suitable for rear walkways. patios. dog runs etc. No phone orders. For sale only on Friday and Saturday. September 24 and 25. Cash and carry prices. Free delivery on orders over 535. Industrial Cast Stone Ltd. 51 Observatory Lane. Just East of Stop 23A Yonge St) South of Richmond Hill. c1w13 GOOD used {Grimm for 531? Call Frank‘s Movers and Stor- age. 28 Industrial Rd.. TU. 4- 2613. ms PIANOS, boughï¬xfdyérol‘d, re- conditioned. guaranteed, tuned and delivered. terms. Pyle Plano Sales. 884-3614. tfc41 TYPEWRITERS ADDING MACHINES Sales Service Rentals Authorized Dealer All popular makes for sale in- eluding new and rebuilt stand- ard portable and electric mod- els. Special rental rates avail- able to students. L. H. SIMS 88 Baker Ave. Richmond Hill WASHING MACHINE. wringer type. sine-1e bed. box spring & mattress. good condition. reas- onable. 884-6098. *1w13 PAssr'o’nTs†CUSTOM FRAMING LAGERQUIST STUDIO 93 Yonge St. 5.. 884-2791. Residence 888-1128. tfc52 BEAUTYREST, Marshall, Simâ€" mons. Sex-ta, Seely and other spring mattresses repaired. re- turned just like new, medium ï¬rm. extra firm. Two-day ser- vice. Eiderdowns recovered. On- tario Bedding Co. 889-1591‘ SHOT gun Irthaca, model 37.. 12 gauge. pump and case. Slightly used. 889-5367. c2w12 HONEY WERNER 889-2724 uc21 \_ ALUMINUM Doors, windows. awnings. and railings. Ron Woods. 884-1514. tfc36 DEEP WELL PYJME‘ME} Pressure Tank and Disconnect Switch. Phone 889-4794. *1w13 DEEP \Tell‘ï¬ï¬ï¬pA‘GoncrcEJï¬ tion. Draughting table. 889- 1247. clw13 GUID‘E.UFIF6§M.‘né“-z style, lize 12. like new. 881-3939. FIREPLXï¬lz'ï¬EEWb‘dD“ SEASONED Maple. h‘onwood. $1673 cord. 773-5368. tfch 8 window frames, complete wiTh glass. size 24" x 56". 889-1747. c2w12 No.72 potatoâ€"es. table stock,‘7‘5 1h. for $1. John Bosworth Potatoes Ltd.. RR. 3. Newmar- ket. H'ch DOLL cï¬RIEGiEâ€"SEï¬FibTx good condition. $8 for both. 889-6784. c1w13 WELL rottji cow mahuï¬TZVé yards $12. 5 y-ards $22. 293-4060. - c2w13 BABY CRIB and mattress, $25 bathinette $10. 884-5463. ___., _- runn- bï¬tton stove. iiin éood condit- ion. $35. 884-5003. clwl3 THISTLE baby cariiage, bEigE brand new. $50. 889-5573. even- ï¬gs. c2w13 ERIC - Freezerf§75ï¬lbsffgeï¬ capacity. ideal combination for small family. 884-6402. *1w13 GENERAL ELECTRIb‘fé"‘stï¬ b: c1w13 L.__A._ ,,,._ _ LLOYD baby carriage. brand liew, cocoa exterior. white in- terior. 884-3984. c1wl3 TV. 21" VWeétnghouse Consol-e~ $70. 884-6120. clwlé BICYCLEâ€"26". 'raEerftliké new. $25. 884-7311. clwlS STOVE length‘ï¬dd. 884-6544. 1e, and crib. 384-2355. c1w13 G.M. CHEST FREEZER. 8811'. 6367. _ch13 FIXND. excwélléï¬ï¬c’rirï¬i'tâ€"iï¬ $250. 889-5371. ch13 ANCIENT ele'g'zirifl'v‘ash stand set. complete. 884-6402. *1w13 CUB OUTFIT: dining room tab- CRIBiand’niaititress for sale, $8. 889-6950. c1w13 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES CASH RATES. lst insertion .7c each word. minimum Charge 51.00. Second and subsequent insertions it wording unchanged. .71: per word. min. charge .9012. BOX NUMBERS an extra charge per insertion of 50c COMING EVENT NOTICE. 7c per word: min. charge $1.00 CARDS 0F THANKS. IN MEMORIAMS. DEATHS. ENGAGEMENTS. MARRIAGES. BIRTHS per in- sertion $1.00 Classified advertisements should he in as early in the week as possible but not later than 10.30 am on Wednes- days. Send ads by mail and enclose payment or telephone us at 884-1105 or 889-3316 and vou will receive an invoice. “Liberal Action Want Ads - A Large Return For A Small Investment" ARTICLES FOR SALE THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday, Sept. 23, 1965 Call The Classified Numbers 884-1105 or 889-3316 8 am. to 9 p.111. Monday and Tuesday, 9 am. to 5 c1w13 clw13 tfc44 IJ ILL GODDARD for profes- sional Poodle clipping 7783 Yonge Street. Thornhill 889- 3606. tfc41 IDACHSHUND pup'pies, long haired. registered. 9 weeks. home raised, $25. 889-1406. ALL kinds of sewinigjlï¬rgé- tions, slip covers made. etc. 884- 4347. Lfc32 PUPS of various kinds. includ- ing cross breed collie pups. Also various adult dogs. Avail- able for new homes. Canine Control Kennels. Call 889-1081 or 887-5562. (~1wl3 POODLES, miniature, 8 weeks. registered. purebred. Father 3 1962 Champion. Mother import- ed from Scotland. 2 Apricot colored (rare) females. $125. each. 2 silver males at $100. each. 884-6593. c1w13 ‘MEERYL‘EG'S‘PooniES _ REG'D PROFESSIONAL grooming â€"- satisfaction guaranteed. Puppies usually available from top qual-t ity show winning stock. Modern boarding facilities. phone 727- 6669. tfc43 DOG 1N THE WINDOW PET shop and boarding kennel (Formerly Honey Pot Kennels Ltd.) Winter boarding. heated inside kennels. spacious outside runs. Experienced supervision. Dogs clipped and bathed. Poodles a specialty. Standard Poodle stud service lprovedl. Poodle puppies for sale. Owned and operated by Philip and Jane Hersom. Toronto, 488-7752. Maple 832~2627. c2w13 DRESSMAKINGTéég-Mdé DRESSMAKING. dustrers. py- jamas. etc. also children‘s clothes. Reasonable. 884-2885. Windows. doors. awnings. sid- ing. patio enclosures; buy dir- ect from the manufacturer and save. For free estimates call LARRY BARTHOLOMEW 884-2873 889-1471 KNITTERS ALERT NYLON, 2 'ply. usually 39001., 4 balls for $1.00. NEW LADY GALT CITATION Excellent for bulky sweaters - machine washable and dryable. Economical - 89c ball. Woo] lay-away plan. WYN-DOT LADIES WEAR BAYVIEW PLAZA RlCHMOND HILL 884-2214 GERMKN Shepherd puppies, 10 weeks old. Call 832-2470. The Hermitage Cattery for boarding. Kittens available to good homes. some part Persian, also Siamese kittens. Siamese stud service. 889-2581. tfc12 APPLES Macintosh Greening. Wealthy Apples. Manning and Sons 0r- chard. Dufferin Street. 1 Mile South of Maple Sideroad. Sat- urday Free Delivery. Call After 4. 832-1274. tfcl3 WATER softener, slightly used. reasonable. Could be seen at Holiday Ranch Restaurant. 3 miles North of Richmond Hill. c1w13 GIRL‘S CCM bicycle, in good condition. Kick stand. new padlock. new carrier. 884-1207. *1w13 RIFLE. Remington pump. 300 Savage calible. Excellent shape Shot gun. Ithaca featherweight, 12 gauge. 884-1842. c1w13 HOLLYWOOD Couches. Man- gle Ironer. Sunbeam Mixmas ter. 2 Rotisserie Broilers, Dresser. 2 Copenhagen Lamps, Chrome kitchen -table and chairs. 889-7435. chle ‘2 END TABLES, I large coffee} table, 4 dining room chairs.‘ padded. continental bed with headboard. good condition. cheap. After 5. 884-3693. PIANO, Apartment size. 1‘y‘ea‘r old. $450. Also single bed $10. 884-2563. c1w13 APARTMENT SIz’E‘fbum‘e’r gas stove. Good condition‘ Ask- ing $25. 884-7822. clw13 WASHING MACHINE in A1 condition. also colonial dresser. desk and chair in new condi- tion. 884-4782. c1w13 KAY Auditorium-sized guitar wit-h electric pick-up. $85 889-4878. 9-5. Ask for Fred. PETS FOR SALE PLAY Pen aï¬dVbaby jlfmper. Like new. 884-4787. c1w13 DRESSMAKING ALUMINUM PRODUCTS FOR SALE DESIGNING DRESSMAKING ALTERATIONS 884 - 4670 (Continued) nclwl3 c1w13 c2w13 c1w13 c1w13 c2w13 clwl3 *1w13 INSURANCE ofï¬ce in Thor- nhiu, new building with air conditioning. - requires ofï¬ce help. Will consider training or part time, if typing satisfactory. .Call 889-4933. c1w13 , _ ,_ _, DICTA-typist needed for three weeks. starting on Monday. Oc- tober 4, for 20 to 30 hours per week. Hours arranged to suit. within reason. Write Box 29. “The Liberal". c2w13 RICHMOND HILL. Ontario For further particulars as to residence‘ qualifications and application forms refer to posâ€" ters on display at the Post Office. Apply before OCTOBER 6. 1965. to the Civil Service Commission. 25 St. Clair Av- enue East TORONTO 7. Ont- éï¬bie Competition 65-T-1118. Nol {YOUNG man wanted {or train- ing on research animal farm. Starting salary $1.00 per hour. Phone High Oak Ranch Ltd. 884-2580. ’ tfcll ario COOK wanted. mostly short or- ders. 4-11 pm. 1’ Good wages, pleasant. working conditions, steady employment year round. Call 887-5411, tfc12 WAITRESSES wanted. Full or part time. Uniforms supplied. Good wages. pleasant working conditions. Steady employment year around. Call 887-5411. Opening for one salesman to specialize in Thornhill and Maple area properties. and Vaughan and Markham farms. Training and continued assist- ance, pleasant congenial office. Applicant must be an estab- lished member of the commun- ity. For interview please call Mr. McLean. 889-1176. David McLean Ltd.. thrs. clwlz LETTERâ€"C'Anmmis $4215 - S4965 Post Office Department DOES AN AVON representa- tive call on you? If not. we may have an opening in your neigh- borhood. Write now to Miss Zeigler. Box 141. Guelph. CLEANING Woman om= day every 2 weeks. Close to Yonge St. Central Richmond Hill. 884-3119. c1w13 SERVICE Stanion attendant. Apply to Young's Service Sta- tion, Yonge & Benson, Richâ€" mond Hill. c1w13 RELIABLE lady to look after one girl in my home, 8 am. to 1.30 p.m., 5 days weekly. 884-6642. c1w.13 GIRLS for light. factory assem- bly work. Filtration Products of Canada. 65 Duncan Road. Rich- vale. c1w13 YOUNG'MAN.‘knowledgeinf welding and carpentry. Mech- anically inclined. 852-6456. LOCAL firm requires services of a general office clerk with knowledge of typing. Call Mrs. Kremer. 884-3251. c1w13 GIRL OR WOMAN wanted. Dry Cleaning plant. Experienced on counter preferred. 8-4.30. 832- 1061. c2w13 VACANCY Cleaning staff. 40 hour week. Ma‘ture male desir- able. Apply Falconbridge Lab- oratory. Thornhill. c2wl3 WELDERS and structural s1eel workers required by shop locat- ed near Maple Call 889â€"6285, superintendent. c4w13 S’XLES LADY for vari’e’tivi nights. part time. immediately. Bayview Variety. Bayview Plaza. 884-0090. clw13 GVoidlindMETremunera-tviondtb mature woman. fond of child- ren. 'l‘horn‘hill. 889-6697. Nursing home Thornhill. 889-7072. clwlii WAITRESS ’wamed,’ 1218‘ p.m'. 7584 Yonge Street. Thornhill. Peter's Restaurant. (-lw13 HAIRDRESSER required for King City Hair Styling. 833â€" 6313. e2\v13 CLEANING WOMAN wanted, every Friday. Phone 884-1495 after 7 pm. c1w13 iEâ€"xi’FRIENCED bank clerk wanted. Apply Bank of Com- merce. Maple. 832â€"134]. c3w13 MEN AND WOMEN pluckers: farm experience. Harvest Moon Turkeys. 889-2626. clw13 EXPEEIENCED bankkclerk- re: quired. Royal Bank. Keele & Highway 7, 889-3280. tfc7‘ LATHE - drill hand - lo‘y'éars' general machine shop expen‘ ience. Age 45-55. 889-5831 ; MEN WANTED t6 work at ar- ena. Call 884-1368. clwl3 GARDENER'S Helper and han- dyman. 887-5597, clwl3 WELDER required. exper- ienced. knowledge of jnhbing shop. 884-6981. c1w13 NURSE'S AIDE 8 am. to 2 pm HELP WANTED c1w13 c1w13 clw13 *1w12 tfc12 For Wednesday afternoon bowl- ing League. Allencourt Lanes. Baby sitter provided. 884-1900. c4w13 WANTED all kinds of dead an-" ROUGH board. box stalls. goodiSelf-contained unfurnished ac. imals. For fast service call TUlfeed. paddock. 612 miles north’commodation. single. mature 4â€"2538 or ZEnith 3-2800. License'of No. 7 Highway on third line'man. ideal tenant. Thornhill, No. 204-62. tfc31‘Write Box 9-The Liberal. tics telephone exchange. c1w13| LOANS $50 - 55.000 FAST SERVICE ATLANTIC FINANCE Corporation Ltd 20 Yonge St. 5.. Richmond Hill 884-4458 - 889-5562 REGISTERED NURSES With supervisory experience preferred: one. 5 evenings per week. $400 per month: one. 2 evenings per week. $18 per night. Hours 4 to 12. Mr. Mac- kie. 889-4931. Villa Private Hospital. tfcll MAN or woman to service cus- tomers with Watkins Products in the town of RICHMOND HILL. N0 investment necessary. Earn $75.00 per week and up. Full or part-time. Write to J. Gauthier, 350 St. Roch St., Montreal 15, Quebec. c5w10 WOODSHAPER OPERATORS OXFORD - PHILLIPS 278 Newkirk Rd, Richmond Hill c1\\'13 Do you have’aidrinking prob- lem' If so AA can help. Write Box 84, Richmond Hill. tfc45 PSYCHIC Reader, teacuchards and palmistry by appointment Amelia Davie. 773-5491. Richmond Hill sales personnel required for successful long established company. Congen- ial office. full training and as- sistance. Call Mrs. Sutherland, 889-1164. residence 884-5310. David McLean Ltd. thrs. PLATE FITTERS FIRST CLASS WELDERS LAYOUT MEN Experienced in stainless and mild steel vessels and struct- ures. Top wages. Steady jobs. All possible benefits. DOMINION WELDING EN- GINEERING CO. LTD. MAPLE. ONT. 889-4861. FEMALE maclhine operators required. No experience neces- sary. Regular evenings. 4 pm. ‘to midnight. Good starting pay and benefits. Apply in person at Newman Green of Canada Ltd. 301 Markham Road, Rich- mond Hill. clw13 FEMALE HELP Women wanted in our wireâ€" weaving operation for work on our 3-11 pm. shift. Experience not necessary. Liberal company benefits. Apply Seneca Wire of Canada, 254 Centre St, E. CLASS A Mechanics wanted for our new expansion program. Full benefits and guaranteed wage. Apply service manager. Newmarket Motors Ltd.. 461 Botsford Street. Phone 895-2371 c1w13 “The Liberal" requires an Mflrares. .I. u. Dererrarx. .vxaple. perienced pressman to operatelg32'8876‘ “C7 a Miehle Press. Steady employ-lPAINTING AND DECORATING ment. pleasant, working condi- FREE estimates. workmanship tions. Phone Mr. Cook 884-1105 guaranteed. Ron Gardner. Rich- or 889-3316. nc2wlz;mond Hi1]. 884-3319. 884-7866. ‘EXPER’IENCED’ SALESMEN “’01? NEWMARKET ALUMINUM Now (Thrvclnr dualnrchin ha: an! New Chrysler dealership has an opening for two qualified me'n. Demonstrator and all benefits. Apply Tomkins Chrysler Dodge Ltd. 395 Yonge St. N. Rich- mond Hill. clw13 EXCELLENT Opportunity for married man aver 25. Good wage as machine operator with expanding manufacturer. Must be mechanically inclined. Phone for interview. 884-567l_ c1wl3 Thornhill. 889-7072. c1wl3 REAL ESTATE career for men or women. free extensive train- ing program. special assistance to new starters. top commis- sions and draws. Call Tula Realty Limited, 222-2525. BABY sitter wanted by supply teacher. occasional days. 8.30 to 4. Must be available on short notice. Beverley Acres. 884-4390. clw13 WAITRESSES wanted for full time work. Apply at Holiday Ranch Restaurant. 3 miles North of Richmond Hill. PART TIME NURSES Registered Nurses. graduate nurses and registered nursing assistants. Nursing Home. Thornhill. 889-7072. clwl3 (Continued) FULL and part-time drivel-5‘. Apply Plaza' Taxi Office. Rich- mond Heights Plaza. tfcl (iIRLS fnr lightfcleanï¬factnry work. Write Box No. 32. “The Liberal". c1w13 FEMALE factory help for punch press work, day & night shifts. Apply in person at 385 Ohio Rd.. Richmond Hill. c2w12 HELP WANTED Mgr. R. G. tBob) Hughes DEAD STOCK LADY BOWLERS REAL ESTATE PRESSMA‘N c1W12 cZwlZ c1w13 Good 'l‘RENCHING 01W13IROSTHOLE digging and rotova S {t1ng. J. Hampton 773-5922. tfc43 {£025 tfc7 [RIDING STABLES PLASTERING AND TILE CERAMIC and plastic tile re- pairs in bathrooms. also plaster repairs. Bathroom tile complete, any color. Reasonable rates, 20 years experience on repairs. Call anytime. George, 884-7045 tfclO Qualified instructors â€" indoor or outdoor ~ days or evenings. Dick Day Stables, Oak Ridges. 773-5954. c4wll 884-1245 MASONRY CONTRACTOR Stonework. Fireplace, etc. V. Ostergaard, 16 Elizabeth St, 8., Richmond Hill, phone 884- 5688. tfc23 CARPENTRY WORK. additions, renovations. garages, recreation rooms, tile floors. No job too small. Free estimates. T. Price: 889â€"3653. tf028 SHEET METAL WORK Eavestrough, new and repaired. Heating. roof flashing, etc. Free estimates. Work guaran: teed. TU. 4-1006. tfc51l SPECIAL Chesterfield sets recovered â€" 2 piece $69.00. Nylon frieze $99. 5 years guarantee. Terms if de- sired. A. Smith, Upholstery. phone 889-1682. tfc43 CHIMNEYS Chimneys built and repaired. Free estimates. Expert work- manship. Phone Walker and Mitchell. 889-2526. tfc15 E. W. PAYNE Drains. septic tanks. .1 of concrete work. Custom built homes. tions. additions, and Kitchens a specialty. Harrison. 884-2838. CONCRETE - MASONRY CARPENTRY CONTRACTORS Building. alterations & repairs. prompt service 889-5762 FREE ESTIMATES tfc31 Doors & Windows - Sales & Service. 73 Newbury D12, New- market. 895-2968 ~ 895-4172. WALKER & MITCHELL 889-2526 tfc8 ‘RALPH ELMS DECORATING Painting. paper-hanging. inter- ior and exterior. Free estimates. Work guaranteed. 884â€"7902. WINDOW CLEANING Industrial. commercial 'and homes. Reasnnable rates. 727- 4880. mm PAINTING and decorating. car- pentry work, alterations. recre- ation rooms. 884â€"5009 CALL us for your sand, gravel; fill. top soil and black loam.‘ Prompt delivery. Reasonable’ rates. .I. B. DeF‘errari. Maple.f 832-8876. tfc7] PAINTING AND DECORATING’ FREE estimates‘ workmanship CUSTOM work, seeding. plow ing. combining. 884-7768. CARPENTRY & CONCRETE Custom building additions, re- pairs, renovations. J. W. Curtis. 889-2494. tfc43 R. E. Dunn. TU. 4-2798. tft P‘deR’sEnHinEEFtfle'ï¬niEhing Rug shampooing. 884-5602. MISCfEITL’ANEOUS, TO‘RTEWT ’ r}.87\‘V/13l$18 WEEKLY. 3 roomsâ€"péI 7 ~ furnished. Fri .. Televisi ANDERSON COMMERCIAL g uSepara‘te entrance. Coul FLOOR CLEANER 'Owner annslairs. 889-4232 Factories. Offices & Stores ch Fully Insured. “mm ., , 'â€" HKRRISONS CUSTOM CARPENTRY PLI’Im’imcanATING A. MILLS a; SON LTD. James D. Stewart 884-2201 HOME IMPROVEMENTS Kitchens, Rec. Rooms, Flooring. Panelling. Bathrooms Budget Plan Available PHONE MR. SCOUT 889-4922 or 884-7968 Sewers cleaned without digging or tearing up pipe PAINTING, & PAPER HANGING SEPTIC TANKS PUMPED $25.00 RIDING LESSONS TWO HORSES C. STUNDEN 884-2830 Richmond Hill All types renova- repairs Morris tfc45 tic 13 tfc 31 tfc33 tfcï¬l tfc43 11'ch tfc42 tfc43 tfc {FURNISHED room for matureI lwoman. 884-2554. c1w131 5 or 6 ROOM house in Rjéhâ€" mond Hill area, 2 adults. Phone‘ ,297-1612 collect. clw13 iPLEASE write Box 261. Maple. YOUNG MEN, 16-19, looking for work. Anything considered Can you help us. Call Salva- tion Armyi 889-4869. HANDY man with truck. will clean cellars & yards. Grass & weed cutting. 225-7558 or 884- 7469. ï¬c24 CARPENTRY work wantedâ€"$2 per hour. no job too small. Re- m‘eatinn moms or what have lynu. no contractors 895-2030. | c2w12 tfc52‘ ' 1963 v iin central Richmond Hill. 2ib0dy \vm'k. ’baths. large treed lot. Mrs.i889â€"1978. ‘Binns. 884-775]. S. J. Carlisle.y1958 ponliac {Real Estate. c1W1310wner goine AVUR-OkafurnisheJapartmeï¬i.5470 . {separate entrance, parking, oneil'gï¬s‘Hohda. {or two teachers or businesslor bestoffer' ‘ad‘ults. $90 monthly. 727659716 1 trc10!;M-â€", _- GERMAN lady requires clean- ing work by the day. 884-7162, after 6 c1w13 EXPERIENCED office worker. male. commercial education. technical training in machine shop and electrical work. Phone 884-1998. c1w13 ROOM. board optional, bunk beds, suit 2. child welcome. Close to transportation. indus- try. 884-6236. tfcll liâ€"OdMâ€"aodâ€"boardAaizï¬lélile; close to everything. 884-6277 da-ys. 884-2742 evenings. ROOM and board available in friendly home. Suitable for young gentleman. 884-6695. Ifurnace. 3 piece bath. electric-1 lity. modern kitchen, 61/2 miles north of No. 7 Highway on third line. Immediate possession, Preferably parties with horses. write Box 10 The Liberal. tfc9 ST. PETERSBURG FLORIDA NEAR Sunshine Skyway and 2 excellent shopping centres. well furnished brick bungalow for rent through the year $50. per month. 2 twinsized bedrooms. kitchen. dining room. Florida room and big living room with open fireplace. big garden with complete privacy, garage. Write Box 25 “The Liberal". *1w13 1959 Chevrolet. 11/2 ton stake,‘ complete rack and tarp. A1 con- dition. Phone after six 389- 6338. clw12 KENNY HATTON’S Honda Motorcycles Sales and Service, Maple Side‘ Road and Highway 400. 832- 1201l c3138i ATTENTION TRUCKERS If you are looking for used trucks. parts, tires or accessor-i ies. see the truck wrecker firstfl Moore Truck Parts 8:. Sales, Oldi No. 11 Highway. Holland Land- ing. 895-4666. tfc34 1965 n’ï¬nv'Am 4 am...- Erin USED FURNITURE WANTED â€" pianos and used furniture. Cash price paid. Call Frank’s Movers and Storage. TU. 4-2613. 889-5101. tfc7 COINS - POSTAGE STAMPS Purchased Also old stamps on envelopes - free evaluation. Reginald F. James. 221-2304 51 McKee Ave., Willowdale *3w12 GARDENING EUROPEAN Gardener. Life- time experience._\_Ni11 assist with EXCELLENT room and board central Richmond Hill. Gentle- men only. 884-1880. tfc9 ATTRACTIVE room available now. (board optional), private entrance, parking, close to transportation. 889-3270. clwll FURNISHED room available (board optionall. Close to transportation. 884-5558. ROOM and BOARD NICELY furnished home. two bedrooms and music room, adults only. with good refer- ences. Available November '1 to May 1. $200 per month. Write Box 31. The Liberal. clwl3 LOVELY bedrooms in comfort- able home In central area. walking distance to hospital Nn board If interesled please call 884-7897 evenings. Refer- ences required. c1wl3 3 ROOM basement apartment, large living room, large bed- room. several closets. bathroom. stove and frig. Parking. Central. Vacant October 15. 884-2812, after 5. c1wl3. 6'rororm remddeiled_farmhouse; clwl311958 FORD Fairlane. Excellent THORNHILL Furnished ’3lcnnditmn. best offer. Phone af- mom apartment. suit elderly to" 6; 884'1507' “Wm couple. or two girls, abstainers. OLD CARS and trucks picked Close to buses and shopping.‘up for scrap. 1 hour pickup. 839-3549. e1w139g89-2761 ask for Me]. W13 sznof monthly: Exe'cutive’homel‘so‘SUNBEAM Alpine. needs LIGHT housekéeï¬ï¬g_rdoï¬i furnished. heat and light. $8 weekly. Ladies only. 884-2196. c1wl3 884-7252. Hula B'AYVIEW PITAZVAfRiEhonnd Hill. 1 bedroom apartment in basement. for rent. $60 per month. 884-5669. (-lw13 B’AYVIEw‘pL’AZAf RiEEPnï¬d Hill. 5.000 square feet in base-l ment. Good for storage. Reaâ€" sonable. 884-5669. clwl3 APARTMENT. 3 rooms and bath. unfurnished. Heat in- cluded. Elderly couple pre- ferred. 832-2378. c1w18 FURNISHED room, cooking fa- cilities. 16 Lorne. lst house east of Clarke's Drug store at Yonge. tfc24 {guuu transporlauon. 554-5113. clwl3 l‘9'6-0hRamhler ' American.‘good condition. with {our new tires. 773-5259. clw13 1956 Ford cngertihle. body and mechanically good. $125. 773- |4138 after 6 pm. *lwl3 1960 VAUXHXiIJ"'Victou-.'4 door. bucket seats in front. '884-6523 after 6 p.m.\ clw13 .1956 SUPER‘éawold'smohile, very good shape. no reasonable offer refused. 884-3839. clw13 '56 CHEV. conuet‘tihle. good motor. fair body. V8. floor shift. $250. 884-5001. *lw13 Close to Yonge Street. Suritfll' Gentleman. 884-3119. clwl3 FURNISHED room. West of Yonge. Parking. Living room use. New furniture. Phone 884-7252. *le3 BEDSITTING’rodianvéiIEble‘ ROOM and zd’rig‘e‘tb'rexifssal 1638. c2w12 EMPLOYMENT WANTED WANTED TO RENT ronrhs partly Television. 2. Couple. achinelDA’Y’ CARE 'a'v'iil'aï¬e’. Bayview'WANTED. a ride for two Uni- Phone_and Palmer. for girl 3 - 5 years. versity of Toronto students, c1w13l884-2553. c1w13 from Richmond Hill to and - - from anywhere in the univers- AY A t f nt or _ â€" gm“ C ci‘f‘fd gâ€? 33;,“ aweek. 1ty area. Call 884-1558. *1w13 384-1518. clw13lSTUDENT Teacher requires a DAy‘care'fm. '4' Childrefoék‘ride from Carrville and Yonge _7__ Ridges area. 773.5745 after 6'to Toronto Teachers’ College,l nature'pm. crwf‘gll’ape and Mortimer. Kindly] ' ' ' ' ~ w ~-- *-~~ lphone 889-5601. c1w13‘ n1\ulfl“:vT._'_AA-n .. n 4,,_ __v__~1‘ fl‘v.1§iWILL LOOK after 3 pre-school chh- children in my home. Monday Phone to Friday. Beverley Acres. c1w13 884-6018. c1w13 clw13 c1w13 *lw13 clw13 DAY CARE available for 1 or 2 children. breakfast and hot lunch provided. Fenced garden. Bayview and Hwy. 7. 889-4678. WILL care for one child, 2 years or older, in my home. 889-4184. c2w12 walls, rear seat. speaker, 4 seat; DELL WEED belts. $1950. 216 Mill St. clwm: SPRAYING ‘â€"â€" Weed Exterminating Service SHOPPER STOPPERS lLawn Fertilising. " lSatisfaction completely guaran- Watch these columns everylteed. W9€k for the best used car! Fully Licenced and Insured prices you'll find anywhere. 3A5.6677 Our huge volume allows us to tfc 51 outprice all competition on these as traded specials. But} hurry because they go quicklyfjms Compare these prices! 1959 Ford 2 door S795.‘12‘ ALUMINUM boats, 20 hp. 1959 Chev. 2 door $871.lDept. of Transport rated. Lan- 1959 Plymouth 4 door $423.:sing Hydrocraft Co. 884-;77161. 1959 Chev. 2 door $478.i c w . 1960 Meteor sedan $397.:14..M6ï¬ï¬jiï¬â€˜ï¬Ã©hogany ply_ 1960 Dodge Swan $553'rwood boat. complete with 43.7 1960 Meteor 2 do" 3792' hp. motor. electric start and £213)" 22 :00:- zggf'generator, spare prop: single‘ ' 'lever control, 2 cruise-a-day‘ 1960 was†. $1041"tanks, windshield, running and 1961 aontiac Laurentlan $1089§sp01 lights. tarp. plus trailer3. agon - .l . , clwl 1962 Ford Sedan $1196. 3625' 884 3189 1963 Econoline Van 51094. â€"â€"-‘-â€".â€"""â€"‘ 1963 Ford 2 door $1449. “Innmn A nno ‘ LITTLE FORD 1962 Pontiac Parisienne Con- vertible, white with red inter- ior. power steering. power brakes. power windows. white- walls, rear seat, speaker, 4 seat belts. $1950. 216 Mill St. clw13 ATTENTION TRUCKERS If you are looking for used trucks. parts, tires or accessor. ies, see the truck wrecker first. Moore Truck Parts 8:. Sales, Old No. 11 Highway. Holland Land- ing. 895-4666. tfc34 offer refused. 884-3839. (~I\\'13 Cement mixers. floor sanders ‘56-_CHEV.-c0h\}el'tihle. good a.“ edgers‘ “m5†“‘5' mm‘ motor. fail. hmâ€. vs_ “Mr Shm‘itlllers, rotovators. also 500 $250. 884_50m_ “Wm other tools. Willowdale Rental -_ ~_,__,_ ,, _ _ _ _,‘and Sales, 6026 Yonge 5L. BA 1954 DODGE. 6 cylinder. “5.1711. tfc30 condition. $115. 884â€"1850. KENNY HATTON’S Honda Motorcycles Sales and Service, Maple Side 1960 Rambler ’ Americarfl‘good condition. with {our new tires. 773-5259. clw13 owner going overseas.$250. 884- 5470 . c1w13 USED CARS 1 Tool & Equiï¬ï¬iént BUSINESS MoiiR'IsTOthi-m “1960. ‘ $490.: RENTAL OPPORTUNITY 884-7940, f ‘ .' .m. ('hle â€"â€" "v -- h â€" _ , _; A __ _ _ . __,_ __,,, , _ _ a te' ",9 : TOOLS FOR RENT iSMALL restaurant for rent a 57 FORD Tum)" hardtop‘ V's‘Floor sanders. saws and drills. take over stock, Cal] before aumrj‘a““ 884'3168- 01W†Hand sanders, jig-saw‘. and nail‘Noon 884-3119. 01“ 1957 CHEVROLET panel truckfldrivers. 889â€"1109, tfc27’ ~ ‘ . â€"w ~ â€" ~~â€"- â€" u 773-0876 afte: 6 p.m. (‘1\\13i RENTALL‘ 41 YONGE N. $85 CASHiwleSR Studebakerï¬Rug shampooers, floor mach- Rood transportation. 884-3115.'ines. tools, chairs. 884-6761. ‘ r _V .V _ c1“-13 “(3311 BRUSH UP YOUR SPANIS 1958 DODGE Regent car. com- pletely overhauled, good condi- tion. Apply 166 Bayview Ave. or phone 884-6347. c1w13 1959 DODGE Custom Royal V8, fully powered, good mechanic- ally and body good. $600. 884- 1687. - *1w13 1959 Ford, new two ton paint. radio. whitewalls, $500 or best offer. Apply 133 Oxford Street. c1w13 1961 OLDSMOBrIjE‘sisâ€"mi top. full power equipped. Take over payments. 884-3748. 1965 Honda. super sport. $240 or best offer. Call 889-4319 after 6. c2w12 1962 Falcon deluxe. as new in- side and out. White walls, ex- tra snow tires. $1.025. 889-5808. c1w13 1959 Chevrolet 6 cylinder. gear shift, completely immaculate, new car condition. 884-3984. clwl3 Wednesday. Thursday, Friday, 9 to 12 Saturda) DAY CARE $795 $871 $423 $478 $397 5553 $792 $798 $59L 3104L $1289 $1196 $1094 $1449 “Ill iMONEY available for good first }and second mortgages. reason- HD able rates. Lawlor, Le Claire and Bannon 834-4413. tfc2 W ‘MORTGAGES purchasedi Funds . ‘tn buy existing lst. and 2nd. C1Wl3 Mortgages. David McLean 889- â€" 1176., David McLean Limited. 74 Steeles Avenue, West. 1 ori80’ by 125’ exclusive building d hotlilot on Highland Lane. One ardenlblock to Yonge St. Asking -4678.|58.500 D. Sweeny Realtor 921- c1w137976 - 884-6038. c2w12 clw13 ('IW13 hard-ICLEAN rm and stone fill at Takemichview Nursery. Bayview Av- :enue. just north of Elgin Mills. c1w13r884-6091. c4w12 '13 Transportation F LOAM - TREES iTop dressing-58edingâ€"planting- sodding-hedging cedars. etc. All planting and materials guaran- yteed, expert workmanship. \ C. L. KNAPPETT 884-3089. 1 tIch BUILDING LOTS l I wish to thank all my ,friends. neighbours. and rela~ tions. for their visits. cards, and flowers during my stay in York Central Hospital. A specâ€" ial thanks to Dr. Kovacs and all sing Hydmcrafl C0. 884-1776. the nurses on 4th floor for 02W13 their kindness and care. momma-{anagram plyl ‘Mrs-r Emily’Hongg C \\' wood boat, complete with 43.7 h.p. motor, electric start and generator, spare prop, single;CARD 0'“ THANKS lever control, 2 cruise-a-dayi We would like to thank all tanks, windshield, running and our relatives. friends and spot lights. tarp. plus trailer. neighbours for their cards. $625. 884-3189. c1w13 flowers gifts and many acts of BOATS FOR SALE 13' AEUMINUM boats. 20 hp. Dept. of Transport rated. Lan- :31. 12‘ ALUMINUM boats. 20 M) Dept. of Transport rated. Lan- sing Hydmcrafl Co. 884-1776 GIRL‘S wrist watch. Technos. White gold, black band. Crosby school area. Reward. 884-4982. c1w13 GREY CAT. male. lighter grey‘ under body. fine face markings. large eyes. named “Tinker†September 15. Maple Area. Good reward. 832-1035. c1w13' GOLD PIN in the shape of a cross. has red stone ih centre. Inscribed. front. T.E.G.H. 1958. back. Joan Reid. Reward.| 884-6507. c1w13| PORTABLE TV RENTALS BY DAY. WEEK 0R MONTH RICHMOND HILL TV. 884-7456 - 889-3756 TOOLS FOR RENT SMALL restaurant for rent and Floor sanders. saws and drills. take over stock, Cal] before 12 Hand sanders, jig-sawa and nail‘Noon 884-3119. clwls drivers. 889â€"1109. tfc27' â€"7 v -» â€" u RENTALL. 41 YONGE N. ‘ Rug shampooers. floor mach- ines. tools. chairs. 884-6761. RENT. lease. "buy PHILCO TV 52 PER WEEK Hel‘ridge Electric-TV Applianâ€" ces. 884-3211. tfc42 1 BLUE nr green spruce tree,l 10 to 15 ft,.. nice shape. Phone} 884-1781 after 6 pm, mm.) GOOD homes for threé terrier puppies. 773-5939 or 834-2664.‘ MORTGAGES TOOLS T0 RENT WANTED LOST “wusinug'ig'CARD 0F THANKS 1 cruise-a-dayi We would like to thank all running and our relatives. friends and plus trailer. neighbours for their cards. Clwl3 flowers, gifts and many acts of kindness during our rec'ent be‘ ’-â€"â€"_freavement. ‘ ‘ The Casement family L§IiS_ _7\ Bob and Marg, Clifford or good first anti Maddaleen, Phyllis ‘99s. rpasnn- and Ross. tfc SHCARD 0F THANKS clw13 (-lw13 ;§;;{2'RICHARDS, Johnâ€"At his res- idence, 12 Harding Blvd., â€" Richmond Hill. Saturday. a September 18. 1965. John J Richards. Dearly loved hus- Life. band of Marjorie Scott. Rest- _t with ed at the Pipher Funeral y rah Home. 126 Yonge St. N., Richmond Hill. Cremation. (fell tfc31' BRUSH UP YOUR SPANISH tfc3oiKENDRYâ€"Doreen and Wilfred \ are happy In announce the 2‘ arrival of Sandra Dawn. at York Central Hospital, Sun- day. September 19. 1965. A Lost sister for Gregory. Douglas Elm. and Bethlyn. olwlR lfc9 ICARD or THANKS CHOTE â€" We wish to thank all our Richmond Hill and dis~ trict friends who have been so kind to us in our bereavement. Their prayers. cards and kind~ ness have meant much in the passing of a dear Wife and Mother. We thank God for giv- inz her to us. We are very grateful to the Rev. Dr. R. Armitage; the Rev. James O’Neil, and the parishioners of St. Mary's Anglican Church. We would like to especially thank Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Pock- nell and Mr. and Mrs. Don Fettes for their helpful assist- ance last week at our home. ' 'Rev.) Arthur Chote. Paul and Ruth I wish to thank my friends, relatives and customers for their cards and gifts during my recent illness. CARD OF THANKS 4313 CHO'l‘E. Edna Alice â€" At her home 49 Anderson Ave. on Wednesday. Sept. 15. 1965. Edna Alice Chote. beloved wife of tRev.) Arthur A. Chute. lfnrmerly of Richmond Hill). dear mother of Paul and Ruth, sister of Clifford, John and Alvin Klinck. Inter- ment St. John‘s Anglican Cemetery. Port Whitby. STIVER. Mrs. Mare-in Stork- lon â€"â€" At her residence. Un- ionville. on Sunday. Septem- ber 19. 1965. Marein S. Burk- holder. in her 89th year. Be- loved wife nf the late Charl- les H. Stiver. dear mother nl' Ewart. Helen. Dorothy and Howard of Unionville: and Dr. W. B. Stiver. 26 Alexand- ra Wood, Torontn. Interment Lutheran Cemetery. Union- ville. BOWYER. Bob and Beth are happy to announce the arriv- al of a daughter. Kimberley Lee. on Saturday. September 18. 1965‘ A sister for Whit- ney Lynne. Our sincere thanks to Dr. Wynne. and staff at York Central Hospi- tal. clth WHITE. Ross and Margaret are happy to announce the birth of a daughter. Edna Jane. 6 lbs. 8 nz. at York Central Hospiml. September 19. 1965. a sister for George and Rossie. c1w13 BOWES‘ Anne Wolfe â€"â€" Passed away at Delray Beach. Flor- ida. Tuesday, September 21, 1965. beloved wife of Fred H. anes dormerly of Con- cordl dear mother of Marcia. Interment Florida. clu13 MORYTO, Martin -~ At York Central Hospital on Friday. September 17, 1965. Martin Moryto. beloved husband of Anne Moryto. of 73 Crosby Avenue. Richmond Hill. dear father of Walter, Helen (Mrs. C. Laidlaw). Richard. Gene- vieve, and Wanda (Mrs. A. Raczek). In his 62nd year. Rested at the Pipher Funer- al Home. 126 Yonge St. N.. Richmond Hill. lruevment Holy Cross Cemetery. c1w13 Tuition Zarathg conversation Ben Thompson. clwld nclw13 c1w13 c1w13 889- c1w13 clw13