Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 30 Sep 1965, p. 6

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ONEififireieleH luggaAge' Ufa-Her.1 complete spare wheel and tire. 889-1484 aft" 6. clwl4 3~ formalâ€"dfis‘es. 13-147 BTy's Bports‘ coat 14-15. Good condi- tion. 884-3568. clwl4 ANTIQUE dihing room find good condition. 5150. BBQ-3290‘ nonramgsfnobds. 9‘ {an}: and putter. Matched set, excelâ€": lent condition. 889-1263. cle: fififififii“ \VanfchSap, Cedar fence rails. 889-4432. E tomatoes. chest freezer.‘9884- 6367. *le c1wl4 BABVi’â€"1’§_Hcrib,fl \vai'drhhe 7 and white carriage. Phone 889-2649. clw14 fiofiiA‘s'th'rd‘brg'a‘ri._1isie new. $550. Phone Mr. H. J. Mills. 7884-2134. clwl4 1 9" Delta tgfilévsmvrihipBâ€"Etiifl- cally new condition. 884-7849. *1wl4 303 Maâ€"usefl fl shot.m1_piece stock. Best offer. 7735526, 6 pm. (1&1? RUG. 9"}15' with undeiiid excellent condition. 832-2650. TWO 3'4 lengfhwxéin'fer"665$ nearly new and n 9 regular length, size 14. 88 -6266. BUNK beds. complete. Reason- able 884-4585 afiter 6 pm. GOYA guitar. in good condition and record player. 773-4161. cle 2 Thistle tricyoles for ages 3-5 years. In good condition. 884- 5758. clwl4 4 St. (Elemenvt's SEhiool tunics, sizes 12-14. 3 St. Clement's blaz- ers sizes 8â€"14. 889-5003. clwl4 ' 11;”: ARE YOUhA DREAMERngfg “we _, ,e__,r_.‘n e h l'fl' STEVENS 12 gauge double bar.}w,ru“$:, “a? fiffil'ffofeivgflefvifilwlq rel shotzun. $35. 884-2377 after" ‘ p~ ' ‘ ‘ Jq 6 pm ~ ' [be surpnsed at our low prlces ‘ a“ “a”. chfl4lon Wall to Wall lined drapes 6. K" RUG. 9' x 15' with underpad_ width. lined‘ coVers 12 ft. 30’ excellent condition. 832-2650. across. 95" long. only $39.98. 633 clw14'Plains and Damasks. Brocadesufiu AQUA‘RIU’MS m" 7%”and’3‘Modern and Traditional. Droplfor gallon sizes. also heaters and;”1 or can m" 5‘“ “imam ianc pump. 384.4350. MW”; WYN - DOT LADIES WEAR I9 t ~~fifi FIREPLKEE‘Tu’él â€"" dry harm Wood. in 16" lengths. Delivered single cord lots. 884-4519. 1 HOHNER Plectric organ. $60. Gibson electric guitar and am- plifier. $85. 884-4658. c1wl4 HOUEEHOLfi nirnimre,'includ- in; new stove. Continental had, etc. Immediate sale. moving to USA. 889-8931. (‘lwl4 275 buslfilihaskets new. Ten cents each. 889-3290. c1w14 THISTLE baby carri‘ak'efhreigeu, brand new, $50. 889-5573. even- lngs. c2w13 WELL rot-Ed co'wimanurefél/é yards $12, 5 yards $22. 293-4060. c2w13 SEASONED Maple. ironwood. $16 a cord. 773-5368. Mch HOHNER electric drrzainfsrfih. BOSC 7 Pears. red GOOD used,fufriiuire‘fmfsale.‘ Call Frank‘s Movers and Stor-[ age. 28 Industrial Rd., TU. 4-] f p 2618. tfc3i “ A‘ PIANOS. hBuam'and’soldfl-M TO I conditioned. guaranteéd. tunethEfiENnA‘Rf‘E and delivered. terms, Pyleirequire house i Plano Sales. 584-3614. th4l‘nngnknp 07 no fitESSURfâ€"fiump and tank. Like new. 773-5029. cle EADY’gc'lfih‘wifituéfcoat, g‘reryn. size 14. $10. 884-7328. ('l\\'14 'o. 2 potatoes. table b. for 51. John Potatoes Ltd., RR. 3. ket. PLAYPEEFl'ike'nEw.’ 889-3619 200 gallon nil_tank fovrioifhurner use. $15. 889-4132. clw14 VOLKSWKGEN’ga. heater. Best offer. 889-3486. cle HONEY WERNER 889-2724 L ALUmNUM 7’" Doors. windows. awnings, railings. Ron Woods. 884-1 PASSPORTS ’ cusrom FRAMING LAGERQUIST srumo 93 Yonge St. 5.. 884-2791. Residence 888-1128. tfc52 BEAUTYREST. Marshall. Sim- mons. Serta. Seely and other spring mattresses repaired. re- turned just like new. medium firm. extra firm. Two-day ser- vice. Eiderdnwns recovered On- tario Bedding (‘0. 889-1591. TYPEWRITERS ADDING MACHINES Sales Service Rentals Authorized Ruler All popular makes for sale In eluding new and rebuilt stand ard portable and electric mod :15. Special rental rates avail able to students. L. H. SIMS X8 Rakcr Ave. Richmond Hill “Low Cost Liberal Action Want Ads Solve Many Of Your Problems" FIREPLACE FIREWOOD Iertlon $1.00 Classified advertisements should he in us early in the week as posslhle but not later than 10.30 am on Wednes- days. Send ads by mall and enclme payment or telephone us at 884-1105 or 889-3316 and you will receive Ill invoice. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES CASH RATES. lat Insntion .70 each word. minimum charge 51.00. Semnd and.suhsoquent insertions II wording unchanged. .7: per word. min. charge .90c. BOX NUMBERS an extra chnrge per insertion of 50c COMING EVENT NOTICE. 7c ‘per word; min. charm! $1.00 CARDS 0F THANKS. IN MEMORIAMS. DEATHS, ENGAGEMENTS. MARRIAGES, BIRTHS per In- 81.00 uni-Hun ARTICLES FOR SALE THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday, Sept. 30, 1965 and green stock. 75 anwnrth Newmar- tfc12 884 c1w14 cle: METRO WRECKING & tfrl4 lfc36 tfc44 tfc49 1745 {€21 Rec. rooms. garages, home ~Vbuilding projects. 12 mile east 30f Yonge Street. South off EndiMarkham Road. Open daily un- 913ml 6 pm. 839-3942. WYN-DOT LADIES WEAR .. _ ,_ A 7 , , 91“” pAYVIEw pLAzA ‘CLEANING help. one or two RICHMOND HILL 884-2214gdays to be arranged‘ Walter 92w13Scotvt area, 4 adults in well , H r _ *7 kept home, Good pav. 884-2949 ARE Y l I lnrpzmc “after 530' 61w} 4 wru D x .59 me mnerax. l. Wool lay-away plan. I e O I I l 4. 832-1274. CONTENTS of executive â€" mahogany dining purple satin chairs, provincial bed-room LOVELY Gend-ron baby car- riage, silver beige. also playpen, both new condition. $36. Large quantity better clothing, 12-14. $15. 884-2142. c1wl4 GENDRON, baby carriage. bronze. good condition. Reason- able. Girl's winter coat imita- tion fur. Size 10, excellent con- dition, worn one season. Mrs. Burton, 889-1052. c1w14 PHONE 884-1105 OR 889-3316 BOY'S navy blazer and dress pants, size 8. Boy's navy winter coat, size 12. Winter boots, size 3. 884-5662. *lwl4 LARGE Coleman space heater. $20. General Electric 30" 4- burner stove, good condition. $50. Phone 9 to 5. 884-1662. clw14 KNITTERS ALERT NYLON. 2 ply. usually 390â€"02.. 4 balls for $1.00. NEW LADY GALT CITATION Excellent for bulky sweaters - machine washable and dryable. Economical - 89c hall. CRIB, sterilizer. car seat. wagon, ibahy butler. 584â€"7537. clwl4 SPANISH guitar. beautiful wood finish. Hardly used. paid $89 last year. sacrifice $50. 884- 5517 evenings. c1wl4 CRIB and mattress. commode chair. rock and spin chair and high chair. $15 Ping Pong table $15. 884-3470. cle 100% orlon coat. cream, size 12. $10. china mink jacket. size 16, $25. pair white figure skates. size 8, $3. 884-7290. clw14 BOY'S sports jacket. suburban coat. 12, white Orion pile coat. pink snowsuit 2. Cub outfit. 884- 2722. c1wl4 LUMBER (‘0. Cedar Avenue Richmnnd Hill, New and used Lumber and Plumbing 20 ton of used pipe. steel and angle iron. 3" and 4" BAYVIEW PLAZA RICHMOND HILL 884-2214 c4w14 NEW SPECIALS 2x4. 6c per lin ft, â€" 2x6 9c per lin ft. 2 x 812C per lin ft â€" 2x10 15¢ per lin ft. Rolled Roofing $1.50 per roll. QUANTITY DISCOUNTS require house in Richmond Hill.1 October 27. 884-2631. c1w14' 3 bedroom houseffally modern Richmond Hill nr Thornhill. Phone collect. 895-5592. *lwl4. SPACE in Richmond Hill areé for storageof 15' boat and trailer. Telephone 884-1327. FURNISHED apartment for' couple, by October 15. central‘ Richmond Hill. Reasonable; Claude Raymond. 16 Lorne Ave-| nue. *1wl4l PLEASE write Box 261. Maple. Self-contained unfurnished ac- commodation, single, mature man. ideal tenant. Thornhill telephone exchange c1w13 2 bedroom apartment wanted Iadults) in or around Richmond Hill district. would consider apartment in basement. Phone 476â€"5579 or write: pi] M rs FOR SALE rs. L. Madi". Box 6 Rayview Drive Keswick, Ont. WANTED TO RENT (Continued; family. urgently TS lDICTA-t'ypist needed for three homelweeks. starting on Monday, Oc- e eastfiober 4, for 20 to 30 hours per h offiweek. Hours arranged to suit. 1y un-Iwithin reason. Write Box 29, l“The Liberal". c2\\'l3 “W14 EXCELLENT Opportunity for married man over 25. Good wage as machine operator with expanding manufacturer. Must be mechanically inclined. Phone for interview. 884-5671. ('lwl3 nn-‘Q‘n . *1w14 c3w14 BOOKKEEPER required for professional accounting office. {Interesting permanent position. Reply to Leonard R. Rosenberg, !PO Box 95, Aurora. c2wl4 'WAITRESSES wanted. Full or lpart time. Uniforms supplied. Good wages. pleasant Working conditions. Steady employment lyear around. Call 887-5411. MATURE woman. for light housekeeping and baby sitting Live in. Private room. Must like children. 889â€"5680. (‘1w14 WELDERS and structural steel workers required by shop locat- ed near Maple. Call 889-6285, superintendent. ‘ c4wl3 hour week. Mature male desir- able. Apply Falconbridge Lah- oratory, Thornhill. c2wl3 GIRL OR WOMAN wanted. Dry Gleaming plant. Experienced on counter preferred, 84.30. 832- 1061. c2w13 YOUNG man wanted for train- ing on research 'animal farm. Starting salary $1.00 per hour. Phone High Oak Ranch Ltd. 884-2580. tfcll COOK wanted. mostly short or- ders, 4<11 pm. Good wages, pleasant working conditions, isteady employment year round. lCau 887-54114 tfcl2 SALES LADY for variety. nights. part time. immediately. Bayview Variety, Bayview Plaza. 884-0090. clwlS PART TIME Graduate nurse or regd. nursing assistant. 12-8 am, 3 nights weekly, nursinz home. ’Thornhill. 889-7072. clwl4 ‘CLEANING woman. no hard-, wood floors. every Saturday or‘ levery second Saturday. Close to it’onge. 884-3143 after 6. clwl4 lRELIABLE lady to look after; ‘a little girl in my home, from' 18 till 1 pm. Call after 4.30 pm. clwl4 MALE, for frozen food and grocery department. 5 day week., 833-5173. King City Cold Stor- age. c1w14, fi'dfi‘s'EkEE'fiEit'fliv’e‘in‘.‘ {or} 1 to 6 weeks. Three children, two at school all ‘day. Write Box 33, 1884-8642. ,tions. The Liberal. c1w14 MALE. grocery clerk must have some experience, well groomed and neat. Best working condiâ€" Apply IGA, Richmond Hill. Corner Bayview and Mark- ham Road. c1w14 “AVON IS CALLING” In your neighborhood through TV. Be the Avon Representative and turn spare time into money. Write Miss Ziegler. Box 141 Guelph, Ont. clw14 RECEPTIONIST, for typing. telephone, filing. with Scarboro company. moving to new build- ing. Keele and No. 7 in October. Phone Mr. Halthy. 759-44l5. clwl4 ‘ MEDICAL DICTAPHoSfE " TYPIST VACANCY Cleaning staff. 40 wanted. Apply Bank of Comâ€" merce. Maple, 832-1341. cBwl3 EXPERIEfiCEDi bgnk clerk reâ€" quired. Royal Bank, Keele & Highway 7, 889-3280. tfc? filifVEiR-warehouseman Fequir- ed. 400 and No. 7 area. 884-4779 after 7. c1wl4 CLEANING'Iiay'w'ant'ed. Gfand- view and Henderson. 889-2309. RECEPTIONXST - evenings and Saturday. typing essential, must be pleasant and presentable. Write Box 34 The Liberal. EXPERIENCED legal secretary. required-for Richmond Hill law office. Please call Mr. LeCIaire at 884-4413. c1w14 PART TIME Graduate nurse or regd. nursing assistant. 12-8 am, 3 nights weekly. nursinz home. Thornhill. 889-7072. c1,w14 WANTED. Supply teachers for Sacred Heart Separate School, King. Please apply Mrs. Jones‘ Box 404, King, or phone 833- 6386. c2w14 HUSBAND and wiffiwquifi for canteen operation. janitorial and ice duties Phone 889-4844. 9 to 5 pm, 761-6429. after 5. HAIRDRESSER required rorj’ww Kim: City Hair Styling. 333â€";"199‘1, 6313. c2wl3 PART Ek'fiERfENCEnfibank clerkffflgr CLEANING woman, Fridays for 5 or 6 hours. 884-3401. c1wl4 HOUSEKEEPER. Pleasant and reliable, to look after elderly lady. no heavy cleaning. Good salary. comfortable .private quarters. Suitable for couple. if husband employed elsewhere. Close to Richmond Hill. Phone 889-1992, or write Box 500. Richmond Hill. cl\\'14 WANTED for air conditioned dry cleaning plant. steady year round employment. five day week. Various fringe benefits. Apply in person only at Barth's Cleaners. 198 Yonge Street. North. Clw14 -v Au..." c... _... ..............u . . . . . Opening for one salesman to 3344458 _ 889_5552 specialize in Thornhill and Mgr‘ R? G. (Bob, Hughes Maple area properties, and “C7 Vaughan and Markham farms. Training and continued assisl- ’_â€"_'â€"â€"â€"â€" ance. pleasant congenial office. Applicant must be an eslah- __,_,‘_ _,__- ___ lished memhpr nf tho commun- WANTED all kinds of dead an- ".V. For interview plpasc call imals. For fast service call TUi Mr. McLean. 889-1176. David1 4-2538 or ZEnith 3-”800. License McLean Ltd., thr5. :1“ 12lNo. 204-62. deal HELP WANTED REALTY OPPORTUNUTY SHIRT PRESS ER To ()rde‘r Want Ads . To Receive Help In Writing Want Ads clw14 I . IS for _ _ mfitContmuedl 'lwl4 FULL and part-time‘dfiv'ers‘. lApply Plaza Taxi Office. Rich- Heights Plaza. tfcl l2w13lPART-TIME_Rfiiét;§§dihurse lor graduate. 4-12 pm, 3 even- ings weekly. Nursing home. .1 cm“ Thornhill. 339-7072. clw14 3w13' , - k re:lFEMALE factory help for punch le &lpress work. day & night shifts. “C7 Apply in person a: 385 Ohio . Rd.. Richmond Hill. c2w12 clerk tfc12 With supervisory experience preferred: one, 5 evenings per week. $400 per month: one. 2 evenings per Week. $18 per night. Hours 4 to 12. Mr. Mac- kie. 889-4931. Villa Private Hospital. tfcll MAN or woman to service cus- tomers with Watkins Products in the town of RICHMOND HILL. No investment necessary. Earn $75.00 per week and up. Full or part-time. Write to J. Gauthier, 350 St. Roch St.. Montreal 15, Quebec. c5w10 DRIVER - Salesman for dry- cleaning route. Apply. Supreme Cleaners, 9010 Yonge Street. Richvale. clwl4 TYPIST YOUNG man. neat appearance to work in sales office. vicinity 401 and Dufferin. All benefits. J. M. Schneider Ltd. 787-1711. c1w14 MEDICAL DICTAPHONE TYPIST Required by York Central Hos- pital. Must. have varied hospital dictation experience. Phone Miss Oliver. 884-1171. local 241. clwl4 REAL ESTATE career for men or women, free extensive train- ing program, special assistance to new starters. top commis- sinns and draws. Call Tula Realty Limited. 222-2525. Richmond Hill sales personnel required for successful long established company. Congenâ€" ial office, full training and as- sistance. Call Mrs. Sutherland, 889-1164, residence 884-5310. David McLean Ltd, thrs. To manage a home with five children (four school age) in a very pleasant residential dis- trict. Private bedroom. bath- room and television. Use of a station wagon for shopping etc. Char kept. Excellent salary for the right. responsible woman. Liberal time off. Must have a large capacity to love children. Reply. Toronto 366-5243, even- ings 889-5550. References necesâ€" sary. c1w14 YOUNG MEN, 16-19, looking for work. Anything considered Can you help us. Call Salva- tion Army. 889-4869. tf052 for work. Anything considered Can you help us. Call Salva- tion Al‘my' 88948691.- wifcsz of all types of furniture. Latest HANDY man withâ€"truck. Wmlfabrics. reasonable prices. Guar- clean cellars & yards. Grass & anteed work. Active Upholstery. UPHOLSTERY RECOVERING -â€" RESTY LING weed cutting. 225-7558 or 884- 339.5345 7469. tfc2:1I884-1981 Residence 884-4813 YOUNG married man desires‘ 7 tfcl-i permanent employment. Know- HOME ledge of welding and carpentry. IMPROVEMENTS Mechanically inclined. 852-6456 Kitchens. Rec. Rooms, new”j Flooring. Panellinz. PRACTICAL nurse and house- keeper‘ requires position, 8 years experience. Richmond Hill area. 884-5681. c1wl4 Dairyioumhaveiai drinking prob- lem If 50 AA can help. Write Box 84. Richmond Hill. tfc45 PSYCHIC Reader. teacup. cards and palmistry by appointment Amelia Davie. 773-5491. WANTED bowlers for Monday Night Mixed League. 9 pm. “Phone Carol McWhirter. 887- 5847. c1w14 LADY BOWLERS For Wednesday afternoon bowl- ing League. Allencnurt Lanes. Baby sitter provided. 884-1900. C4\\‘13 LOANS $50 - $5.000 FAST SERVICE ATLANTIC FINANCE Corporation Ltd. 20 Yonge St. 5.. Richmond Hill 884-4458 - 889-5562 Mgr‘ R. G. 'Bobi Hughes HELP WANTED EMPLOYMENT WANTED REGISTERED NURSES PERSONAL HOUSEKEEPER REAL ESTATE c1w12 W" CERAMIC and plastic tile re- c1w14 . _ 7 . pairs In bathrooms. also plaster “0‘159' lepairs. Bathroom tile complete. my 8:any color. Reasonablp rates. 20 ‘m‘mdjyears experience on repairs. I c1:y{4¢Ca11 anytime. George. 334-7045. “(-25 tfc43 _DAY care given to infants orl r lpre-schoolers. Browndale Cres-i ‘ k 'cent. 884-6235. clww MORTGAGES d an-,Dâ€"KY_c§fevforichilrdrenlof work- MONEY available for good first i TU‘ling mothers, lunch included. re- and second mortgages. reason- :ense liable person. Clean home. Call able rates. Lawlor. Le Clalre deal 833-6655. c1w14 and Bannon 854-4413. ticz CARPENTRY a CONCRETE Custom building additions, re- pairs, renovations. J. W. Curtis E. W. PAYNE Drains, septic tanks. All types of concrete work. 889-5762 FREE ESTIMATES tfc3l MASONRY CONTRACTOR Stonework. Fireplace, etc. V. Ostergaard, 16 Elizabeth St. 8., Richmond Hill, phone 884- 5688. tfc23 CARPENTRY WORK. additions, renovations, garages, recreation rooms, tile floors. No job too small. Free estimates. T. Price 889-3653. tfc28 HANGING { R. E. Dunn. TU. 4.2798. ttclgom MLL'ISITOW'I‘NG ihedra Prepare for Spring cultivation! Free estimates. 884-2337. c4wl4lTw0 FITOBR‘sgtTdi-fik and refinishingJyoum Rug shampooing, 884-5602. | CUSTOM work, seeding. plow- ing. combining. 884-7768. 889-2494 PAINTING AND DECORATING N0 DOWN PAYMENT Interior and exterior Painting Contractors. Gardner 8: Ken- nedy, Richmond Hill. 884-3319. 884-7866. tfcl4 ANDERSON COMMERCIAL! FLOOR CLEANER CONCRETE - MASONRY CARPENTRY CONTRACTORS Building, alterations 8: repairs. prompt service POS’l‘HOLE digging and rotovaâ€" ting. J. Hampton 773-5922. WINDOW CLEANING Industrial, commercial and homes. Reasonable rates. 727- 4880. tfclO PAilNTINGWan'dideéorating, car- pentry work, alterations, recre- ation rooms. 884-5009. Chesterfield sets recovered â€" 2 piece $69.00. Nylon frieze (‘99. 5 years guarantee. Terms if de- sired. A. Smith, Upholstery. phone 889-1682. tfc43 MiSCEIIAINEOUS T0 RENT 4330, trc1o'FURNISHED mom. West of PKIVNTING‘iaanideéoratirug, car-lgnnge' Nf‘irkfing'.tl’i"inq P'i‘mm pantry work, alterations, recre-IBSZ'nsz "m1 ure’ “0?; ation rooms. 884-5009. ‘ 4-1;; w ' (“43' FURNISHEDâ€"room.â€" cooking fa- " ’ ’ "' * ‘ * ’ “ 'cilities. 16 Lorne. lst house east CALL "S for your sand' gmwl'{of Clarke‘s Drug store at Yonge. fill, top soil and black loam. “€24 Prompt delivery. Reasonablel ,, ,fi' , _. rates. J. B. DeFerrari, Maple.iAUR0RA. furmshed apartment. 832.3375, tfc'l‘lseparale entrance. parking. one "’ "' ’lor two teachers or business Difyw‘fifgnfiwmggimh adults. $90 monthly. 727-5597. Service. 73 Newhury Dr.. New- , ,_ , “910 mgrket. 395-2953 - 395-4172, ‘APARTMENT, self contained. Painting, paper-hanging. inter- ior and exterior. Free estimates. Work guaranteed. 884-7902. CHIMNEYS Chimneys built and repaired. Free estimates. Expert work- manship. Phone Walker and Mitchell. 889-2526, tfc15 Custom built homes. tions. additions, and Kitchens a specialty. Harrison. 884-2838. 884-1245 RALPH ELMS DECORATING Factories. Offices at Stores Fully Insured. 884-2830 PLASTERING AND TILE WALKER & MITCHELL 889-2526 tfcR PLUTim‘fiG‘TiiEA'nNG A. MILLS a; SON LTD. HARRISONS CUSTOM CARPENTRY HOME IMPROVEMENTS Kitchens. Rec. Rooms, Flooring. Panelling, Bathrooms Budget Plan Available PHONE MR. SCOUT "9-4922 or 884-7968 MIN’TING]; PAPER Sewers cleaned without digging or tearing up pipe. DAY CARE James D. Stew.” 884â€"2201 SEPTIC TANKS PUMPED $25.00 TRENCHING C. STUNDEN SPECIAL Richmond Hill renovaâ€" repairs Morris tfc 13 c8w13 tfc 31 tfc43 tfcl2 tfc43 tfc42 tfc51 tfc45 “UFA’T’TEXCTIVE room lava’iIEbIEFEWJI-J r’mTuir’ea from Richmond “c” HOW, (board optional), 'privateiHeights Plaza to Rexgate and entrance.\ parking, close to'Kipling. 884-7047. c1w14 transportation. 889-3270. clwll‘Rfijfifi wanted to organize car Ro'oM'and‘ bEa-fd'available ian001 from Richmond Hill to De 'friendly home. Suitable for'Havilland. Malton. Preferably young gentleman. 884-6695. [office hours. 884-3313. c1w14 r' m W_ 01‘V13‘WANTED. from Richmond Hill ROOM and board for 2 géfitle-'to New Tornnto-Lakeshore area. 1men. to share large mom. in~c0mmencing middle of October. tfc33|BPverley Acres vicinity. 884-l384'6272- 01“'14 :2337- cth. tfclO GARAGE to rentfiZ-7â€" Churcfi' i932»Plymouth. 3 wiidgw (dupe. Street N., 884-1267. *lwlSIBest offer. 773-5526. clw14 UNFURNI'SEED room: t'o'rent.‘1§sTs_PEޤc_1EEitop, runs lady preferred. 884-3447. clwlkgood. $95. 884-2157. *1w14 ROOM avail-51319.suitâ€"ong'close 1958 Pontiac, 2-d‘om‘ hfitop. to Yonge Street. 884-7960. ‘good condition. 5250. 884-5470. 3 room “at in country home. separate entrance, business couple. non-smokers only. Duf- ferin St. 832-2458. ('2wl4 ONE bedroom furnishEdEfift- ment at Gormley. Immediate possession. Abstainers. 887-5312. c1w14 SOUTH of Richmond Hill, 2Lup for scrap. 1 hour bedrooms $85. Parking. 636-4923;889-2761 ask for Mei. °}‘V14!1'956_DFd’ge -p_a_rts.~ {0 TWO bed sitting rooms, suitCGood running condition young business people. 889-3606.!889-7142. I HA_‘ 7- , A“°”:1957 Nash Ambassadc tfc14 SMAEL bungvalow, 71â€"h:drnom available November 1st. 889- 5315. clw14 AURORA, furnished apartmentJ'59 “Nige- 5300~ 384-6773. separale entrance. parking. one: > 7 7 ,7 WNW” or two teachers or business31957 Chevrolet panel truck. adults. $90 monthly. 727-5597.;mechanically sound. recently tfcloipainted $300 or best cash offer. MODERN APARTMENTS AVAILABLE RICHMOND HILL 884-6729 ENGLISH setter. purebred. 2 months old. good hunting dog. 884-5058. *1w14 TERRIER puppies. small. smooth coat. well bred. $15. 889-2379. clw14 ('l\VIQ HERSOM’S FOR _.__ 7 A BOARDING Poodle stud service Iprnveni. SHOPPER STOPPERS .Fnrmerly Honey Pot KennelsiWatch these columns every Ltd.) Winter boarding, heated'wefik (0" the best USBd car inside kennels, spacious outside pr‘ces you'll find anyWhere. runs. Experienced supervision.|0ur huge Volume al|o_w_s us to Dogs clipped and“:p”°e 3” COITIDBtltmn 0n Poodles a specialty. Standard‘these as traded SPECia‘S- BUt Poodle stud service ipmvedii hurry because they :0 qUiCkly! Poodle puppies for sale. Owned‘cnmpal‘e these Prices»! and operated bv Philip and Jane} .. Hersom, Toronto, 488-7752. gin“ "H‘de s Maple 832‘2627' Clw” mm 7.21??? “an. no EXCELLENT room and board! central Richmond Hill. Gentleâ€"I men only. 884-1880. tfc9‘. anu upt’l‘aleu Dy l’lllllp anu ulilllC Hersom, Toronto. 488-7752. Maple 832-2627. clw14 1955 Chev. 2dr. Hardtop s 1959 Plymouth :19” Zephyr sedan 11960 Chev. 2dr. A/T white H960 Falcon 2dr. hlue and BOARDulBSfl Fairlane 2dr. A/T -~~â€"7 7â€"5" â€" - 'vv |1960 Old: 88 hardtop EXCELLENI‘ loom and boar .1960 Dodge Sod“ central Richmond Hill. Gentle-“960 Meteor 2dr. "ESE‘qPI‘I-‘Efi‘i'lfiw- ,, wfifllsm Plymouth Hardtnp AVAILABLE for genltleman,ll959 Ford A/T 287017 AVAILABLE for gentleman laundry included. 889-2230. A large newly furnished room' at Bayview and Markham Road” 884-3757. clw14 TWO gentlemen to share large room. twin beds, TV, parking. 884-4220. ' c1wl4, SINGLE room and board avail-' able, close to transportation. Parking. Gentleman. 884-7940. *lwl4f ATTRACTIVE room available now, (board optional), 'private entrance.\ parking, close to transportation. 889-3270. clwll ROVOlVIVaan boa-rd available in friendly home. Suitable for young gentleman. 884-6695. The donatidn of a pianâ€"o for the Richmond Hill Senior Citizen's Centre. 889-3015. nc14 CLEAN fill and stone'ri‘n‘ at WANTED â€" pianos and used furniture. Cash price paid. Call Frank‘s Movers and Storage. TU. 4-2613. 889-5101. tfc'l COINS - POSTAGE STAMPS Purchased - Also old stamps on envelopes - free evaluation. Reginald F. James. 221-2304 51 McKee Ave., Willowdale *3w12 Richview Nursery, Bayview Av- enue. just north of Elgin Mills. 884-6091. c4w12 USED FURfiI’Tfim-z WANTED â€" pianos and furniAture: Cash price paid PETS FOR SALE WANTED c1wl4 clwl4 clwl4l tfcl4 [55 Plymouth, good condition“ good tires, new battery. First} 360 full price. 884-7025. c1w14‘ ] 57 Pontiac sedan,_rarutomat‘ic,Qualiij Ivery good mechanically. new or nuldn white walls. 884-2224. clwl4‘Dick Da 19:587StBâ€"d3haker stétion ‘wagon.1773'5954 |$450. 884-7234. c1w14| [1960 Old: 88 hardto; i1960 Dodge Sedan 4960 Meteor 2dr. |1961 Plymouth Hard! 1959 Ford A/T 28701 ,1959 Chev. 2dr. blue - “v-.. - v“, .nuu 1 1955 Pontiac hardmpv runs‘i‘loor sanders. saws and drills. good. $95. 884â€"2157. *lwl __ 7â€" ~* __ ____ _V 4iHand sanders. jig-saws and nail 1958 Pontiac, 2-donr hardtop. drivers. 889-1109. «(-27 good condition. $250. 884â€"5419. RENT‘KEflTQONGE'Nf OLD CARS and trucks pickeleug shamponers, floor mach- up for scrap. 1 hour pickup.vines. tools. chairs. 884-6761. 889-2761 ask for Mel. (fem; tfc31 1956 Dodge ‘p‘a‘rtsf for sa'le.§_iionTABLE 'rv RENTALSâ€" 1957 Nash Ambassador motor. radio. new tires, 889-2698. FALCON 1§63._2Td}:3r. Trans. Body clean. good $1.000 (rash. 884-3224. 1960 G.M.C. Dump Twek' good'flnu a condition, hm omen 884-2473.E""°”' ,lw“ other A _ _‘ ,-_v,r _. and S 1959 Austin. 2-dnm. very good 1-1711 condition. 884-7960 after 6 pm.‘ (-le =2 1960 Vauxhall. Best offer Phone 884-7256 after 6 pm. 1957 Chrysler, power steering. power brakes. automatic. Good motor. all in good repair. Pow- erful. excellent running car. $375 or offer. Will consider other vehicle in trade. 834-6235. ~ (-IwH c1w14 â€" Auction sale of tractor farm â€"-~ â€"â€"-'â€"~ "*~~;-â€"-*w machinery. 2 tractors. hammer- “ Meteor convemble' ‘ new mill, combine, forage harvester, tires. fair shape. $250 or best electric cream separator, stable Offer' Phone 884'3135 “Sin-’4‘ and barn equipment. tools, mis- ,- U _ __ ._ em, ,s __ cellaneous articles, household 1959 Olds. sedan. power steer- furniture. several antique ing. power brakes. Motor. shocks. pieces. dishes. glassware, uten. brakes. exhaust good. second car. sils, effects. etc. at Lot 24, Con- sacrifice at $595. Hurry. Callcession 8, Markham Township. evening after 7. or week of.2% miles North of Markham Oct. 4. 884-1636. *1w14iVillage, being the properties of BROWN coickier Spaniel, answ- ers to “Rusty”. White patch on head. Reward. 884-5679. clwlé GREY CATfmale. lighter grey under hndy. fine face markings. large ayes. named "Tinker" September 15. Maple Area. Good reward. 832-1035. c1w13 n . UL-‘uu AWUUJULJJAUU Won In contest. never drxven.l fl, Ad,‘ Vfifiw,‘__ _ Phone 884-4381 and save 535.rFRIDAY. OCTOBER 8, 1965 FAIRA nf glragsres. boy’s, black and grey. Reward. 884-3284. [f you are looking for usedESATURDAY. OCTOBER 9, trucks, parts, tires or accessor-1965 â€" Extensive auction sale ies. see the truck wrecker first.“Of 35 90w” lawn mowers‘ "um- Moore Truck Parts & Sales. Old.ber of mmtmers’ garden tracâ€" Top dressing-seeding-planting- sodding-hedginz cedars. etc. All planting and materials guaran- teed. expert \vorkmanship. C. L. KNAPPETT 884-3089. tfclz EUROPEAN Gardener. Life~ time experience. Will assist with your garden problems. very rea- sonable charges. 884-7953. 59 Dodge. $300. 884-6773 LITTLE FORD Transportation USED CARS GARDENING KENNY HATTON’S For Information About Want Ads. LOAM - TREES LOST . 327 phone (1va phone *le cle‘ RENT. lease. buy I ' . r n tbs tires] :2 PER WEEK ‘ qwu Herridge Electric-TV ApplianwIGNA'I‘IEF‘Fâ€"To Cecilia. nee offer ces, 884-3211. No.42? Anderson. wife of Nicholas n ‘ i’o’ofs‘TO‘REN‘TW*â€" lgnatieff. a son at the Ottawa ‘ -. . . Genpral Hospital Sept. 26. cm,” Cement mums, flonr sandals ' A '7 and nrlanrc rimcnl (VIan rntn-‘ 1955- *lwlé n, 1 TOOLS T0 RENT c1w14 Cement mixers. flonr sanders â€"g0‘;d’a‘nd edgers, ramset guns, rotn- Lzullhllers. rotovat'ors, also 500 “wulother tools. Wlliowdale Rental , __|and Sales. 6026 Yonge 51., BA. ‘maficv!Qualified instructors _ indoor new or outdoor â€"--- days or evenings. Cl‘VM‘Dick Day Stables. Oak Ridges. c1w14 ‘4wl3 sash-ESALE REGISTERS 229 381 269 587 543 792 1056 795 998 698 487 TOOLS Fok’ifisfi'r Floor sanders. saws and drills. Hand sanders, jig-5am and nail PORTABLE TV RENTALS BY DAY. WEEK 0R MONTH RICHMOND HILL 1‘". 884-7456 - 889-3756 1SATURDAY. OCTOBER 16â€"1‘ lpm Kim: City Lions annuual {Auction Sale in King City Mem-joria] Park. Antiques. electric‘ 1appliances. stoves. furniture,‘ Itertilizer. clothing, baked goods.I iapples. potatoes and vegetables.Y ‘Gordon Orr, Auctioneer. Terms‘ jcash. c3wl4 tions, slip covers made, etc. 884- 4347. tfc32 fiR’ESSMAKING, children‘s tors. chain saws, snow blowers. snow travellers. motor cycles, etc.. everything has been re- paired and in running order. some are new. At the corner of Kingston Road and Galloway Road. West Hill. property of DRESSMAKING, children's clothes and alterations. Call 884- 4009 cchLllV tucqu acyclic-u“, mum and ham equipment. tools, mis_lT0 forget the day I lost you. cellaneous articles‘ household‘ sadly.misspd 3.“ lovingly re' furniture. several antique‘membewd by w”. Annle‘ in" pieces. dishes. glassware. mew Wilbert and Wife Madeline. sils, effects. etc. at Lot 24. Con-Dani:thr Gladys' Hamid arm cession 8. Markham Township,"faml‘y" ,_ W ,h, ED)” 2% miles North of MarkhamiDUNSEITH â€" In everloving Village, being the properties or} memory of a wonderful Gordon Pipher and the Late mother, Alice Dunseith. who F, Pipher Estate. Sale at 1.00 "passed away September 28. pm. Terms cashi No reserve. 1952‘. . Farm sold. Clarke Prentice,‘In our hearts your memory Auctioneer. Markham, 640-3686; lingers or 294-3161. c2wl4 Sweetly tender, fond and true. * * * * There is not a day dear mother, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 9,-That we do not think of you. 1965 â€" Extensive auntinn galp That unselfish life â€"â€" it hath Wm. Blumson Equirpménthale at 1.00 pm. Terms cash. No re- serve. Everything must be sold. Clarke Prentice. Auctioneer. Markham. Ont. c2w14 ALL kinds of sewing. altera- eer. Markham. Ont WEDNESDAY. OCTOBER 20 CARD 0F THANKS 1965 â€" Auction sale of farm My grateful thanks to Dr. stock. implements. tractor.:McGregor, also the X-ray Dept: power machinery, furniture‘ etcland the nurses in York Central on the 5th Concession of Pirker-‘Hospital for their help during ing Township. just East of my accident. And a special Whitevale, property of Newtonvthanks to my neighbors who Robinson. Sale at, 1.00 pm.‘also gave their kindly assisté Terms cash. No reserve. Farm’ance. sold. Clarke Prentice. Auction-‘ Mrs. Barbara Nemeth. Mafia BOATS FOR SALE SIMPSON’SDRYGUUDS DRESSMAKING 12 Yonge St. S. Richmond Hill TO MATCH GIRLS’ KILTS & PLEATS, 8 -14X Other W00] Skirts $8.95 to $14.95 ALSO LINED KNIT SKIRTS WITH SWEATERS NE W SHORT LENGTH Box Pleat RIDING LESSONS RENTAL NEW PETITE SKIRTS $6.95 ea. $5.95 ea. Kilt AND (‘le4 c4w11 c3w14 BOY'S glasses on Balkan McauRoad. Saturday. September 25. ,flâ€" 884-4258. c1w14 tfc30 “('9 12’ ALUMINUM boats‘ 20 hp. Dept. of Transport rated. Lan- sing Hydrocraft Co. 884-1776. MALE beagle. Oak Ridges area. Days, 833-5282. Evgs. 773-5119. clwlfi FlSHERâ€"â€"Laura. at York County Hospital. Newmarket, Tues- day. September 28, 1965. Laura Bryden. beloved wife of the late James Fisher. 12 Maple St. Aurora. Dear mother of Mrs. Harry Fredâ€" erick thaural and Mrs. Henry Starkey tBettyI sister of Mary O'Shea. Brantford. Resting at the Pipher Funeral Home. 126 Yonge St.. N. Richmond Hill. Service Thursday at 1.30 pm. Cremation in lieu of flowers, donations to Scott Mission. HARRISONâ€"[n loving memory nf my dear husband and father John. who passed In memoriam away September 25. 1962. It only lakes 2 llttle space 'l‘n write how muoh I miss you But it will take the rest of my not died. She lives with us in memory, and will for evermnre. Sadly missed. but so fondly remembered by daughter Mar- jory and family. *lwlg Mr. and Mrs. Len Jones wish to announce the engagement of their daughter Carole Anne. to Mr. John Robert Asher. son of Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Asher of Lei- cester. England. c1wl4 CARD OF THANKS I wish to thank the nurses and staff of York Central Hos- pital (or their care and kind- ness during my recent stay. Marjorie Hillaby c1wl4 life To forget the day I (Engagements Eeaths FOUND c2w13 c1wl4 *lwlé

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