_gédroom bungalow, attached garage. paved drive. Phone 884- i905. c1w14 17,50 down, full price $12,550 Homes for Cash Customers. We have the clients ‘and th e compet- ent sales staff. All we need is your home. {For A Deal Worthwhile Emerald Isle Real Estate Limited 889 - 6288 CALL CARLISLE Featuring Outstanding Property Values Throughout York County AURORA $16,900 is the full asking price ‘for this immaculate 4-bedroom ‘red brick home on quiet treed istreet. featuring 1% baths. 2 ï¬replaces and den. If you're looking for a deal this is it. “THE LIBERAL" Real Estate Page Our newly expanded Rich-l mond Hill office needs houses immediately in all areas. Free inspection with-1 out obligation. Mortgage re-‘ ‘financing available. Call 889-1164. Three bedroom brick bunga- low, large living room, high dry basement. Mrs. Arm- strong, 889-1164. $2,000 DOWN ‘Detached 3 bedroom brick bungalow, completely fin- ished basement apartment. attached garage. large land- scaped lot. For appointment, Mr. Lundy. 889â€"1164. OAK RIDGES $12,900 Immaculate 2 bedroom home, close to King Sideroad. with basement and nice land- scaped garden, excellent re- tirement home. Mrs. Jacob- sen. 889â€"1164. $8.900 KING CITY 2 bedroom bungalow on 100x 150 ft. treed lot, $2,500 down payment. Mr. Mashinter, 889-1164‘ EARL V. STEWART REAL ESTATE BROKER 21 Yonge St. N. Aurora PA. 7-9413 RICHMOND HILL $15,500. well located, close to all schools, shopping and transportation, 3 bedroom bungalow, paved drive. wel cared for home. Mr. Smith, 889-1164. ONE ACRE $25,900, Richmond Hill. 10 room solid brick builders home, huge living room and dining room, attractive fam ily room, 3 bathrooms, com- plete with self contained modern 4‘room apartment, Mrs. Sutherland, 889-1164. FARMS WANTED Vaughan and Markham town- ship farms wanted. waiting buyers. also 10 and 25 acre parcels required. Call D. McLean, 889-1176. MEMBER TORONTO REAL ESTATE BOARD DAVID McLEAN MEMBER TORONTO REAL ESTATE BOARD LIMITED RICHMOND HILL’S FIRST REALTORS HOUSES WANTED $13,900 BARGAIN c1w14 3 BEDROOM brick home, sep- arate dining room, 4-piece bath‘ and washroom, apartment in basement, garage on lot 100’ x 190‘. Stream in back yard. Sou’th of Richmond 'Hill. Must sell. Askinz $16.500 with $5,000 down. W. J. Pearson, Real E5- tate Broker. Aurora 727-5873. c5w14 Servlclnz Willowdale, Thornhlll 8: Richmond Hill Thornhill - 4 bedrooms, 2 storey. solid brick. Double garage, walkout laundry room, panelled family room with fireplace, 3 bathrooms. Priced right at $36,900. Mrs. Henderson, 889-1156. 2 STOREY - WILLOWDALE Custom design 3 bedrooms, planned for complete priv- acy with dining and walk- out to patio and living room with fireplace facing deep treed lot. Separate carport. Home 4 years old in spot- less condition. Only $24.- 900.00. Mr. Zipfl. 889-1158. $13,500. â€" Six room, 11/2 storey on 65x210 lt. lot. Aluminum storms and screens, oil heat, wired for dry‘er, good garage, patio, close to schools, early pos- session. Cnll Mr. Putt, B89- 1156. RICHMOND HILL AREA $15,900.00 - Very comfort. able 4% room aluminum sid- ing bungalow on 1 acre. near Richmond Hill. Town water. 1 year old broadloom in liv- ing room and 2 bedrooms, 2 car garage. Call Mr. Pratt, 889-1156. INCOME HOME $17,900.00 - Duplex near Steeles and Bathurst Streets. 5 rooms and bath lower, 8‘ rooms and bath upper. 1 fin- ished room in basement. over $200 monthly income. Shown by appointment only. Mr. Pratt, 889-1156. CACHET COUNTRY CLUB 35 miles north of Metro on Highway 43. Lovely 10 acres building site with pond, some trees, close to golf course. Asking $5,500.00. Mr. New- man, 889-1156. 10 Acres Whitevale area. 11 Acres Bethesda area. 29 Acres Bethesda area. 50 Acres Bethesda area. For further information call Mr. Murray. 889-1156. Marvelous 4 bedroom, 4 level home, an imposing combin- ation of brick and fieldstone on well landscaped 1 acre lot. Large broadloomed liv- ing room, separate dining ing room. all in expensive African wood panelling. 4 bright airy bedrooms with walkout balcony off master bedroom. Bathroom ensuite. Intercom throughout the home. Finished recreation room. open fireplace, double garage. Altogether a beaut- ifully appointed house. Full price $35,700. Mr. Strote, 889-1156. 8242 YONGE ST. 889-1156 NEW - NEAT - NIFTY 10 ACRES WITH POND Detached modern three bedroom bungalow. in immac- ulate condition. ideal for small family or young couple. Close to everything, private drive and garden beautifully landscaped. $2,500.00 down payment. Desirable residence located on quiet court. charming private garden â€"â€" 4 bedrooms. large living room â€" dining room. family room. 2 bathrooms, attached garage. Full price 324.900.00. Carries for $136 monthly. HANDYMAN’S SPECIAL $12,000.00 full price. steps to Yonge St.. large lot, patio Con51der reasonable down payment. PROFESSIONAL RESIDENCE $23,500.00. In the heart of Richmond Hill. Ideal loca- tion, three bedroom, centre hall plan bungalow. Beauti- ful recreation room, divided basement. landscaped lot. Reasonable down payment. SMALL ACREAGES Acres Yonge Street front- age. Acres Whitevale area. Acres Bethesda area. Acres Bethesda area. Acres Bethesda area. RICHMOND HILL 117 YONGE ST. S., RICHMOND HILL. ONT. 884-3624 PHONE PHYLLIS HAWKES. 884-1306 CALL MRS. WEEKENS, 884-4333 CALL MRS. JONES, 884-6947 CALL MRS. ‘K’, 884-5269 RANCH BUNGALOW FAMILY HOME $11300. Economy plus comfort. can be yours in this neat 2- storey semi being sacrificed for quick sale. Includes 3 bedrooms, urge living room. spacious modern kitchen. attached car- port. This fine home carries for $90 per month and requires only I low down payment. $16,500. This is a home with a dramatic flalr situated on a spacious lot in a nice quiet dis- trict of town. Delightfully ‘styled of split level design, this home has 3‘ bedrooms, well planned modern kitchen, all heating, double carpont. Im- medlnte possession. Terms avail- able. - AURORA EXECUTIVE HOME 727.4283 W. R. CASE REAL ESTATE 96 Yonze SL. Anton 100 acres. usual farm build~ ings, well located for a money maker. close to Rich- mond Hill, $1,300 per acre. Mr. Williams. 1 acre overlooking metro, close to tunsportation, ready for building. $7,500 each LEN PUGH REAL ESTATE Building lots. good location, country living. $5.200 each. Mr. Cutler. RICHMOND HILL 1 Mortgage For Balance $15,900, 3 bedroom brick de- tached bungalow. log burn- ing fireplace in living room, garage, paved drive. Mr. Wil- liams. SOUTH RICHMOND HILL RICHMOND HILL V.L.A. Special $13,900 - Bungalow on 3/3. acre lot, suitable for gard- ener or trucker, 3 oversized garages for trucks. new fur- nace. Mr. Cutler. $14,900 - 2 storey family home. 3 bedrooms, large heated sunroom, nice lot for gardening, 2 car garage, low taxes, good condition. Mr. Cutler. MEMBER PHOTO M.L.S. AURORA SPECIAL GUARANTEE YOUR TRUST WITH ‘ 889-1905 RICHMOND HILL GUARANTY TRUST Co. of Canada Real Estate Dept. RICHMOND HILL BUILDING LOTS INVESTMENT LIMITED 889-7328 MAPLE 921-1691 c1w14 94 Acre Tread Lot $20,000. Delightful 6 room bun- galow with finished recreation room. open fireplace. 13x15' colonial kitchen with bay win- dow overlooking natural ravine. Call Mrs. Anderka. Harold Kef- fer Realtor, 889-3816 or 222- 5481. clwl4 HOMES WANTED by investor for renting, all ceh, will repair it needed. Free appraisal. Call Tull Realty Limited. 222-2525. tfc25 SELLING YOUR BOAT? _ Find a buyer through a clas- siï¬ed ad in “The Liberal†on sale every Thursday. It's easy to place your ad. Just call 884- 1105 or 889-3316 FOR FAST results 884-1064 - 884-1733 Five Salesmen Draw $150. weekly, PSI, incentive bonuses etc. For interview . please call Mr. N. Smith 221-5554 or 889-6361 N. S. SMITH REAL ESTATE LTD. Coins- Bought & Sold York Coin Exchange REAL ESTATE WANTED 889-7328 Len Pugh 3,000 square feet of factory space McLatchy Building, 80 Yonge Street South Phone GENERAL FREEZER LTD. WOODBRIDGE, ONT. 851-2838 THORNHILL RAVINE CREDITS AND COLLECTIONS . .. Building supply firm in Thornhill has opening for a young man who has some experience in credits and co]- lections or who is interested in entering this field. If you have previous experience in credit work or if you have junior matriculation or better, some years of ac- counting experience and a general knowledge of office procedures, and would like to enter the field of credits and collections. We are prepared to train you. Salary will be attractive and commensurate with experience. Please phone 889-6243, Mr. Puhk for interview Assembly Line Workers 117 YONGE ST. S.. RICHMOND HILL IN LARGE SHOPPING CENTRE IN RICHMOND HILL 1230 SQ. FT. SUITABLE FOR LADIES WEAR WANTED HU.7-IS9I. Langstaif Secondary School library which will supplement is gradually getting its clubs the main library of the school. and organizations underway for There should be a total of 120, “19195555 5555i“. 90 new ones and an estimated Girls' Sports number of 30 books donated by Girls‘ senior and junior vol- students. The books will cover leyball practices were held this a wide range of topics. and con- past week. The girls at Lang- sequently be of interest and staff are undertaking a new value to all senior grade stud- sport. field hockey. A team is ents. bqing qtgapiged..t.° 91“ Withlstudent Concerts Girls‘ senior and junior vol- leyball practices were held this past week. The girls at Lang- staff are undertaking a new sport. field hockey. A team is being organized to play with other schools in this area. Also in the line of new interests is the llrls “powder puff" foot- ball team which is presently in the organizational stage. The powder puff football team is hoped to be a feature attraction when Langstaff’a charity drive begins later this fall. Cheerleaders The cheerleaders have been selected for this year. Out of a group of 30 girls a line of eight has been formed. The lucky girls are: Fran Baird, Carolyn Keams. Bea Klosterman, Jan Hall, Mary Ellen McChesney, Barbara Park, Nancy Underhill, lDonm Voigt. I Football Langstaff will have two foot. ball teams this year. an inter- mediate and senior. We would like to take this opportunity to publicly express our deep ap~ preciatlon to the following schools: Bayview. Thornhill. Richmond Hill, and Pickering College. Each of these schools has donated equipment for our senior football team. Without the generous assistance of these schools the existence of a Lang- staff senior football team might have been impossible. The boys have religiously practised each night despite the handicaps of no uniforms. absence of the ‘coach (out digging up equip- ment for the team), and over- zealous fans. The fellows are full of youthful exuberance and are raring to go! They’ll get their chance this Friday as they play host to the Bayview squad. Congratulations are due Langstaff's intermediate foot- team who deftly defeated the visiting boys from St. Andrew’s College by a score of 26 to 12. It was real football weather last Friday night and the boys made the most of it. Halfback Gary Crouse scored Langstaff’s first touchdown on a short end run} This was followed by a long‘ pass play to Wood. Jim Mus-l tard got the third on a long 30 yard end run. Langstaff's fourth was scored by Hull on another long pass play. Quar- terback for Langstaff was -Ar- chie Nesbitt. Singles were all made on pass plays with receiv- ers Onyette and Boron. Here‘s hoping that Friday’s game is an indication of things to come. Icon A meeting was held Friday night for all boys interested in playing in the BSSA golf tourn- ament to be held on October 2nd. Trials were to be held Saturday for the La'ngstaï¬ team at Sharon Golf Course. I Pocket Book Library Another first for Langstaff is the “Pocketbook Library", under the supervision of Ken- neth Keith. Mr. Keith is pres- ently gathering books for this It’s Go-Go-Go At Langstaff We are an international com pany, our' management is young, aggressive, sales- minded. We need other men genuinely interested In mak- ing a career in selling. To earn a large steady in- come servicing business ac- counts in this area. A successful training and development programme at company expense. A secure future with oppor- tunity for executive advance- ment. MUST BE OVER 21 AND HAVE CAR CALL MR. JAMES BROWN 884-4050 9:00 mm. - 5:00 p.m. [HE BIG STEP YOU CAN EXPECT THE LIBERAL. Richmond Hill. Ontario, Thursday, Sept. 30, 1965 ‘90 new ones and an estimated ‘number of 30 books donated by students. The books will cover a wide range of topics. and con- sequently he of interest and value to all senior grade stud- ents. I Student Concerts Student concerts will be held for five sucessive Saturday nights at Massey Hall starting October 30. Langstaff students journeyed this past Saturday to Stratford to see Shakespeare‘s Henry IV. "Rogues". There was a fine turn out. and the general con- census was that it was a “great. dance". This evening served to introduce grade nine students to the ways of high school life. Grade nines were admitted free. This column is one more first for Langstafl. It will be a Week- ly issue and is another step to the realization and fulfillment of Langstaff's school motto :g/Iaturity Through Responsibil- l 6- MIDDLETON problem The social life at Langstaï¬ solution 884-1105-6 Run a classified ad in "The Liberal" . . . Call leading Classified medium. and ask for classified ad taker Richmond Hill and districts It's first in advertising because it's first in results. Want to sell real estate? Do you have a car for sale? Are you looking for efficient help? Interested in getting a good tenant? Would you like to sell some furniture? Want to recover something you've lost? Do you need a business partner? made its debut Friday night in the person of "Rookies Romp". Music was supplied by the G. MIDDLETON M. PRESCOTT