10 THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday. Oct. 7, 1965 “ ow Cost Liberal Action Want Ads Solve Many Of Your Problems" PHONE 884_1105 0R 889.3315 0 To order Want Ads 0 To Receive Help In Writing Want Ads 0 For Information About Want Ads. CLASSIFIED ADV CASH RATES. 1st insertion .7c each word. minimum Second and subsequent insertions it charge $1.00. wording unchanged. .7c 'BOX NUMBERS an extra charge per insertion of 50c ' COMING EVENT NOTICE. 76 per word; min. charge $1.00 ' CARDS or THANKS. 1N ENGAGEMENTS. MAR sertion Classified advertisements sh week as possible but not later than 10.30 am on Wednes- Send ads by mail and encloee payment or telephone 89-3316 and you will receive an invorce. days. no at 884-1105 or 8 ARTICLES FOR SALE clw15 ____.__.._â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"4â€"-- « QUANTITYâ€"of pine beams and TWIN beds, walnut, $25 TV $30. planks_ 334-1853‘ ERTISING RATES per word, min. charge .90c. MEMORIAMS, DEATHS, RIAGES, BIRTHS per in- $1.00 ould be in as early in the FOR SALE (Continued) c1w15 '4432 evenings. _ Phone 773-5208. HELP WA A "fein with fencing. 889- clwl5 MAN. to PART-time butcherisalï¬asl. *1wl5 FEMALE clerk: full time. Write Box 40, The Liberal. clwl-5 lTXDY for nighTI‘elief requii-‘câ€"d'. clw15 HAIRDR‘ESSERâ€"waniFd for modern salon in large shopping centre. Phone 884-615l.ic1_w15 CiEXINII-VGVHTIMBD, for one day a week. must have own trans: portation. 833-5253. clw15 MANifOr Lumber‘yard grind moulding plant. Phone 889- 4975. c1w15 SALES ladyâ€"part itimieiiAlso cleaning woman, Thursday 9â€"1. NTED‘H’ELP‘WANTED‘MIS‘OQLLANEons, tContinliedl F’U’LIfand 3511R- ’ drivers. Apply Plaza Taxi Office, Richâ€" mond Heights Plaza. tfcl WAITRESS wanted, 8 am - 2 pm. 7584 Yonge Street, 'l‘liorn- hill. c2wl5 LADY who likes cooking. days weekly. Nursing home, Yonge Street, Thornhill. 889-7072. .7 4.. clwl?) LADYâ€"BOWLERS’ For Wednesday afternoon bowlâ€" __ ing League. Allencourt Lanes. Baby sitter provided. 884â€"1900. c4w13 WAREHOUSE-labm'er. perman- enent position. Location, Keclc and No. 7 Highway. Also ware- 354'4377- L- GIRLS winter'coatfsiae’s-lo. 1'00 gallon, fuel 011 tank. 800d Beige, imitation Fur. Good con- shape. $15. 832-8966- 013$" dition $10. 889-1052. clw15 LLOYD baby 0351389, 30"“ BABY carriage,6end$?bronze condition $15- 537'5463' “WI? metal body. good condition. $20. CLOTHING, for twin girls up 89797-71051 _ H _7 A 01W15 THISTLE baby carriage 310. .to age 3. 884-4848. BOAT motor trailer. 88 ‘2 snow tires on 889-3348. _ _7 __V V STRAW for sale. 884-7768. *c1w15 BEATTY wasï¬i’g' machine, good condition, reasonable 884- 5569. clw15 CHESTERFIELD, for sale suit- able for recreation room or cot- ‘tzlige $10. Call 884-3194. clw15 I Pair catfishâ€"ates, man’s si 2 car spotlights. 884-2970. ' *1w15 ze “FIREPLACE FIRE w'ooo SEASONED maple, 8-18 a cord. 773-5368. TAPE recorder in good condi- ï¬USEHOLD goods, unpainted tion. Manoral. $75. 884-2612. . CIW15 uum cleaner, chrome kitchen: BEATTY wâ€"ringe‘râ€"washerfp‘eï¬ set, Rotisserie broiler. 884-6228. feet working order, | private. $25. 889-7237. c1w15| RIFLE. Remington pump, 3001 Savage calibre. Excellent shape. 884-1842. clw15 DAY bed. hard wood wardrobeâ€" full length mirror. 832-1260. ' clw15 FURNACE, forced air. co mplete with oil burner and controls. 884-3008. *1w15 PAIR of snow tires, 650-13. Ex- cellent tread. $12. Call after 6 884-3448. clw15 PIANO, Schï¬nann, dark mahoâ€" gany, stool, reasonable. 889-1583. - ‘ clw15 ’30" Gas Stove, Moffat, one year old. like new, reasonable. 884- 2612. w. _ c1w15 GOAT for sale. Also‘one‘siio blower, cheap. 889-7172. I c1w15 4-6491. girls bike $5, chrome table 64. clw15 884-3600. rims, size 500â€"174.. 1 pair men'SCSkisi5'77" 17571bs., clw15 with Harness cost $125. Owner â€" going to Florida. 884-7653 evcn- L 2876. _,_. .. Tricycle. Furniture. 889-3931. . ,_ new, bookcase headboard, chest ironwood. other tfc12 Call evenings, 889-1362. c1w15 clw15 ings. clwlS‘ COOEY - 20 gauge, full choke, single shotgun, suitable for be- ginner $12.00 after 6 pm. 884- c1w15 OIL space heater. Gravely trac- tor implements. Girl's bicycle. c1w15 herriacratarscï¬nanréss, as of drawers, carpet sweeper and odd household effects. clw15 chest of drawers, Eureka Vac- clwl4 CHESTERFIELD. Large grey. upholstered in embossed velvet. Back folds to make double bed, scarcely used, reasonable. 884- 5953. clw15 MAN’S heavy winter coat, size 42. Navy blue all wool Elysian cloth, manufactured in Scotland almost new. Cost over $100. Owner going to Florida. Also Gift Store. 3 Yong? 51-S- ClW15lhousemen. capable of drivng DEIVE'Râ€""ove'râ€"zs“ di-u'gAstoré stake trucks. 889â€"1138. clw15 delivery, days 223-2121. HOUSEKEEPER For country estate. no children. Light housework only. Private apartment provided. Children c1w15 MAN-\Vantedfft)?’outSide work at Thornhill, Golf Club. Phone *I'LI'MRING - HEATING A. MILLS s; SON LTD. James D. Stewart 884-2201 tfc43 PAINTING & PAPER HANGING R. E. Dunn. TU. 4-2798. FALL PLOWING Prepare for Spring cultivation. Free estimates. 884-2337. c4wl4 FLOOR sanding and reï¬nishing. Rug shampooing, 884-5602. tfc 13 CUSTOM “origâ€"seeding; plow- ing. combining. 884-7768. tfc12 CARPENTRY & CONCRETE Custom building additions, re- pairs, renovations. J. W. Curtis. 889-2494. tfc43 TRENCHING tfc ting. J. Hampton 773-5922. ISMALLibungalowIOn large. lot. TO RENT l “* â€""’l TWO rooms. 884-1638. clw15 4 Iroom-hotiseifori rent' in Vic-l toria Square. small family only: 466-8970. clwlFii STORAGE space available. stor-( age of any kind. Phone anytime. 884-6269. *2w15 ROOM available â€"- private, parking. 889-4115. after 5.30 pm. clw15 USED CARS __ 59 Kal'm‘ahn Ghia. good running iMOD’E'R'N‘givbnmâ€"aï¬tmenmcondition. 6495. 832-1381. ciw15 lclose to Ynnge. 884-4224. tfc15l 1959-17 auxiï¬ll- "Victor",â€" $1570. 884-5731. c1w15 1951 Ford 16 ton pickup. $150 884-5731. clw15 1 9‘5". 7’ Ch‘ev'.,_st§fion'wagon in good condition, $250. 889-3606. c1wl5 1957 7A PointiacfvantomatiE-Very good mechanically. New tires and battery. 884-2224. c1w15 reasonable. David Davies Real-t ,tor. 889â€"1396. clw15 RICHVALE, 3 bedroom hunEaT low. $100. Phone 884-5542. clw15 SOUTH or Richmondeillâ€"2, '50 Pontiac: 2 ’door hardtop, good condition. Radio, snowtires. $325 full price. 884-6305. c1w15 59 Meteor rainCCh wagon, fail: condition. $300 or best truck Of- fer. 884-4870. clw15 1960 Austinâ€"A.1._ cond “Tonâ€"4 LOST PAIR of glasses. boys. black an .. grey, reward. 884-7094. clwl lRONING. done at home. 884- megâ€"FEM†, answers ¥§};--_____... “\HsTippy in Markham Road an WOMAN, requires houSe-\v71Fk,‘Centre Street area. 884-7578. by the day. 884-5854. c1w15 clwl OFFICE cleaning wanted. 884- SUNDAYfVa'm. Small 7162. clw15 Beagle. black and tan with whit WOMAâ€"N. requires housevFrk', trimming-er named PM“. Rem" Mondays and every other Tues- Miss Elizabeth Andrade. 88. day. 884-3540 after 5. clwl EMPLOYMENT ! WANTED l l ‘ _ _, _, ' (‘1w1517259’ ‘GREY CATfm'aieT lunder body. lighterâ€"gm fine face marking YOUNG MEN, 16-19. looking for work. Anything considered Can you help us. Call Salva-;large 93'95‘ named "ï¬nk?" tion Army. 889-4869. tfc52‘septemher 15- Maple A"? -'â€"â€" -â€" clwl HANDY man with truck, will clean cellars 8: yards. Grass 8:1 weed cutting. 225-7558 or 884- 7469. tfc24‘ ACTIVE. retiredwmvan wishes Good reward. 832-1035. 1 â€"____. DEAâ€"D STOCE iWANTED all kinds of dead a imals. For fast service call T POSTHOLE digging and rotova-lYonge and Markham. 884-6868. bedrooms $85 monthly. 636- new tires $365. 773-5115. Oak 4923. c1w15 Ridges. c1w14 GIRL to share Spartmeï¬i, 1956 MGA. Whiic’walls,‘radio] good running condition. $395. c1w15 889-3077, ask for Fred. clw15 “C42 | TWO bed sititin gvroomesuit position of trust with light dut- ies, have chauffeurs license. 889-6649. *lw15 MARRIED woman, Experienced in general office work. part OLD.CARS and trucks piCkâ€"e-di 4-2538 or ZEnith 3-2800. Licens No. 204-62. tfc3 PERSONAL i i '1427. ’ 889-6955. c1w15 SERVICE station attendant. for garage in Maple. 832-2381. c1w15 CLEANING'lady. for adult home, every second week. 884- c1w15 MAN. for shoe repair store. Some knowledge preferred. Ap- ply Richmond Heights Shoe Re- pair, in the Mall. clw15 ï¬UCK drivers time and part time for ready mixed concrete trucks. 889-5464. c1wlS EJTP ERIENCEDTHFIOI‘ Service station, full time, must have references. Apply Keith Super- test. 884-1502. c1w15 WOMAN, to answer telephone and do some filing and typing, part time. Call Mrs. Pugh, 889- 7328, 884-3624. c1w15 TV appliances.‘ Service Dept. and Sales Dept. full or part time. 884-3211. Ask for Mr. Herridge. clwlS TYPIST’a’nEi‘Cardt-x’giri'TA’noly with references in writing to DEMS, Box 520, Thornhill. WELDERS and structural steel workers required by shop locat- ed near Maple. Call 889-6285, superintendent. c4w13 fall coat light weight Cashmere. 884-7653, evenings. clw15 APPLES McIntosh, Greening, Wealthy Apples. Manning and Sons Or- chard, Dufferin Street, 1 Mile South of Maple Sideroad. Satâ€" urday Free Delivery. Call after 4. 832-1274. tfc13 COMBINATION '-V storm door $3, chain pipe vice and pipe cut- ters $8. 22 Rifle (German) $8. 200' 3/3" carlon pipe 5c foot. Bronze foot valve $2, Gear water' pupm $6. Antenna $2, Trailer Hitch $1. 889-2424. c1wl5 ALUMINUM PRODUCTS Windows, doors, awnings. sid- ing, patio, enclosures, buy dir- ect from the manufacturer and INTERNATIONAL REVERE- refrigerator, also Iona blender. 887-5239. c1w15 BEACH apartmEFtYiEéâ€"eâ€"légtï¬Ã© i'otove. new condition. $60. 884-l 4871. after 5.30 pm. clw15 ,GUITAR and amplifierfETcEiZ lent condition. $125. 884-7810. 1 ‘MN 7 H _ nc1w15 SNOOKER and pool table, 48" x 96 . complete with rack, cues' halls etc. Excellent condition. 6134:6907. clw15 .._____..L . _ , _ _ _ ELEGANT French Provincial suite. hostess chair, new, $247. Dinette suite, $58. 889-5677. clw15 WEDng condi-1 tion, 3 seat cushions. cream slip cover, 6‘ 3" long. $50 889- 2264. clw15‘ 17" Television set in ‘ _ ‘ . excellent‘ condition. New picture tube. 2- year warranty. $90. 884-2612. 1 ‘77â€". clwl5' FIREPLACE FfREivo‘oo _ SEASONED Maple. ironwood. $16 a cord. 773-5368. lfc12 FIREPLACE fuel 4‘10? hTru wood. in 16" lengths. Delivered 1- stngle cord lots. 884-4519. 7 \ tfc141| go. 2 potatoes. table stockâ€"75 for $1. John Bosworth Potatoes Ltd.. RR. 3. Newmar- ket. 7 tfcl2 HONEY WERNER 889-2724 lfc21 ALITIï¬UM _ Doors, windows. awnings, and railings. Ron Woods. 884-1514. tfc36 PIANOS.‘houaht'and sold, re- conditioned, guaranteed, tuned .5" save. For free estimates call: Larry Bartholomew, 884-2873 - 889â€"1471. 11015 CONTENTS, quality furniture, 3 piece sectional suite, bone provincial bedroom, mahogany twin bedroom, with brocade headboard, combination, stereo- TV, Deluxe washer and dryer, frigidaire frost free refrigera- tor, fireplace fittings. mirror 44" by 27", lawn umbrella and table. Sun cot with mattress, no triflers. 889-3700. c1w15 TWO steel I Beams, 51': x 15" x 33' $2. a f. 3 steel posts 3‘2" x 6" x 9‘ 6" with 12" plates $7 each. Two I Beam lintels 3" x x 10‘ with 1.4" x 9" plate bottom. $9 each. 3 reinforced concrete lintels 8"x12"x 9' $10: each. 2 corrugated window wells- 18" x 24" x 4‘ $5 each. Drop. Axle for house trailer with elec- tric brakes and tongue, wheels :ant, COOK wanted. mostly short or- ders, 4â€"11 pm. Good wages, pleasant working conditions, steady employment year round. Call 887-5411. tfc12 BOOKKEEPER required for professional accounting Office. Interesting permanent position. Reply to Leonard R. Rosenberg. PO Box 95, Aurora. c2wl4 WANTED. Supply teachersâ€"for Sacred Heart Separate School, .King. Please apply Mrs. Jones, Box 404, King, or phone 833- 6386. c2w14 GRADUATE NURSES 4 pm â€" 12 am, 12 am â€" 8 am. Two or three shifts weekly. Nursing home. Yonge St. Thornhill. 889- 7072. clw15 FEMALE, junior clerk for local branch of chartered bank. Minimum education 3 years, high school. Write Box 37 The Liberal. c1w15 WANTED, baby sitter in my home, North Taylor Mills Drive. district for 2 children mornings only 5 days weekly. 884-1073. c1w15 STRONG boy wanted 14 to 15 years of age, approximately 2 hours after school daily. Apply in person, Michael's Fish and Chips. 19 Yonge Street North. WAITRESSES. cooks. dishwash- ers, required for 1867 Restaur- Highway 400 King City. Bus transportation arranged. 833â€"5411. c2w15 UPH'OITSTER’ER exEriencetl. full or part time. Good pay. Richmond Upholstery, 44 Leven- dale Road, Richmond Hlil. 884- c1w15l welcome. Aurora 727â€"5026. mornings 8 to 10. c1w15 LICENSED MECHANIC CHEv â€"- OLDS DEALER WEEKLY wage â€" all benefits. Apply service manager. Leslie Motor Products. King City. c2w15 REAL ESTATE career for men or women, free extensive train- ing program. special assistance to new starters, top commis- sions and draws. Call Tula Realty Limited, 222-2525. tfc25 REGISTERED NURSES With supervisory experience preferred: one. 5 evenings per week. $400 per month; one, 2 evenings per week. $18 per night. Hours 4 to 12. Mr. Mac- kie. 889-4931. Villa Private Hospital. tfcll NEED EXTRA MONEY -â€"â€" For Christmas? Our Representatives earn $500 to $1,000.00 during the Christmas selling season now in full swing. We can help you earn this kind of money with Avon. Write Miss Ziegler. Box 141 Guelph, Ont. c1w15 FAST accurate typist for corâ€" respondence and billing. Will also be trained for seed analysis work. Apply in writing, stating qualifications and exxperience to Otto Pick and Sons Seeds Limited, Box 126, Richmond Hill. c1w15 MAN or woman to service cus- tomers with Watkins Products in the Town of Richmond Hill. No investment necessary. Earn $75.00 per week and up. Full or part-time. Wriet to J. Gauthier, 350 St. Roch St., Montreal 15. Quebec. c4w15 YOUNG man required to work for kitchen cabinet manufac- turer, Richmond Hill, to meas- ure and prepare orders for production. Must have own car. Good future for responsible perâ€" son. All company benefits. Will .be trained. Phone 889-7531. c1w15 LOANSA$50 - $5.000 FAST SERVICE ATLANTIC FINANCE Corporation Ltd. 20 Yonge St. 5., Richmond Hill 884-4458 â€" 889-5562 Mgr. R. G. (Bob) Hughes tfc7 _.__TL. SHIRT PRESSER Will train suitable applicant for work in an air conditioned dry- cleaning plant. Steady year round employment. five days a week. Various fringe benefits. Apply in person only at Barth's Cleaners, 198 Yonge St. North. clw15 MECHANIC SUPERVISOR For regular evening shift, 3:30 pm to midnight in our Rich- mond Hill plant. Must be able lto set up and repair high-speed and tires. $40. Pressure burner 5127 2 , PI‘OdUCllon SQUleenl- G000 with controls 530. medium size‘ . ' c “LS-starting salary and employee space heater, with 45 33110;, REGISTERED NURSING benefits. Reply to Box 39 The tank, $35. one 39" Continental ASSISTANTS bed‘ 520, Call after 6 pm, 834- 12 am - 8 am, Two or three and salary requirement. c2w15!884_1981 8844813 2338, “W15 shifts weekly. Nursing home, _ _,____â€" ' ' “C14 FURNITURE ANDï¬ANTlQfl'ESlYonge St., Thornhill. 889-7072. and HOME PRIVATE SALE .. - . - châ€? â€"â€"â€"â€".Wâ€".â€"'* IMPROVEMENTS Antiquesâ€"Tea Wagon, Baby's YOUNG MAN 10 Work in ham- 2 rooms’ furmShed‘ 1mm“: Kitchens Rec Rooms Cradle, Couch, Dining Biiriei.ibUI‘ger drive-in full time. Young bathrmm- 384'3923- “w†’ . ’ Liberal stating age. experience Clock, paintings. rocker, brass: bed, wardrobe. glass and numer- ous brass items. Desk. furniture, â€"kitchen set with buffet. Chestl of drawers, wardrobe rug 9' by 12“. Mirrored dresser. 20 cup and delivered. terms, Pyle Piano Sales. 884-3614. tfc41 rAssr'ORT's CUSTOM FRAMING LAGERQUIST STUDIO 93 Yonge St. 8., 884-2791. Residence 888-1128. len coat set toddler‘s size 4, worn 1 season. like new. Boy‘s 3 piecp brown “.oonen l ‘ I coat set, child's size " ï¬ned from Beverley Acres in ~\[id_'rellable, to look after elderly. clw15 land and Progress Avenues. Aral-"1.". '10 heaV." Cleaning GOOd‘ condition. 887-5463. BEAUliYREST, Marshall, Sim- mons, Serta, Seely and other spring mattresses repaired. re- tried just like new, medium irm, extra firm. Two-day ser- vice. Eiderdowns recovered. On- tario Bedding Co. 889-1591. TYPEWRITERS ADDING MACHINES Sales Service Rentals Authorized Dealer All popula, makes for sale ,n_ AVAILABLE. grades 4.9. an eluding new and rebuilt StamL subjects. grades 9-12 French. ard portable and electric mod-I els. Special rental rates avail- able to students. L. H. SIMS 88 Baker Ave. Richmond Hill 884-1745 tfc49 tchZi BOYS 3 piece blue tweed wool: l “€44 pm. 684-2876 after 6 pm. silver coffee pot. tea service lamps and pictures. Sleighs and Skis and other items, North Road at Lake Wilcox to Bayview. Ave. 2 blocks North of Rayview. Look for sign. 773-5107. ' clw15;1 Transportation wanted. rive 8.30 am. Leave 5 pm. Phone: 884-7823. clw15 TRANSPORTATION available. Commissioner Queen, Broadview or Carlaw via Don Valley Park- way, from south Richmond Hill, leaving 7.20 am leaving 5.00 c1\\15 TUITION gTade 9. new maths. 884-5079. l (‘4ul5 REMEDIAL reading classes conducted by an experienced teacher with primary grade children. Saturday morning; 884-71“ c1w15 ‘woman for part or full timï¬EXCELLENTWroomfalidiboard‘ 'part time. employment. 255 Yongc Street’central Richmond Hill. Gentle- South. Steer Inn Drive-In. men only. 884-1880. tfc9 . , Clwla,AVAILABLE‘fOr' gentleman, A caretaker. handyman for the _ laundry included. 889-2230. Richmond Hill Curling Club.l cl\\l4 Duties to commence around1.1,“.Oâ€"gemlemen m Share large the lath of October. Apply to mom twin bedg TV .k- ,, Floyd Perkins. 110 Church St., 8844520 †' palllpa South. Richmond Hill. 904-1329, R00“. d . C .> , v a , . M an board, at Bayview “"‘1RESSES‘.‘“",‘°â€' Pâ€"."'1and Markham Road. Call 334- Lnifolms supplied. “37 I ,1. Good wages. pleasant working ' .1 T- . C “ 3, conditions. Steady employment CLEAN rmm- blink 11901“. Silil year around. can 88135411. two. board optional, child wel- uc12 come. near transportation. in- HOUSEREEPERfrle’asant an'dld“Stry and moms" “8462,33,,†t salary. comfortable private I PAINTINGiandrdccorating, car-, pentry work, alterations, recre-j ation rooms. 884-5009. 1 tfc43l CALL 115 foriyolirTandfgravelg fill, top soil and black 103ml 1 lPrompt delivery. Reasonablel rates. .1. B. DeFerrari. Maple,’ 832-8876. tfc7‘ NEW’MARKET ALUMINUM Doors & Windows Sales 8r Service. 73 Newhury Dr.. New- market. 895-2968 - 895-4172. c8w13‘ PAINTING AND DECORATING , N0 DOWN PAYMENT Interior and exterior Painting Contractors. Gardner & Ken-I nedy, Richmond Hill. 884-3319. 884â€"7866. tfc14 ’ANDERSONW COMMERCIALâ€" FLOOR CLEANER Factories. Offices & Stores Fully Insured. 884-2830 1 tfc51 CONCRETE - MASONRY CARPENTRY CONTRACTORS Building, alterations 8a repairs, prompt service WALKER 8.: MITCHELL 889-2526 tfc8 RALPH ELMS DECORATING Painting, paper-hanging, inter- ior and exterior. Free estimates. Work guaranteed. 884-7902. 1 tfc 31' E. w. PATNE Drains. septic tanks. All types of concrete work. 889-5762 FREE ESTIMATES tfc3l MASONRY CONTRACTOR Stonework. Fireplace, etc. V. Ostergaard, 16 Elizabeth St. 5,. Richmond Hill, phone 884- 5688. tfc23 CARPENTRY WORK, additions, renovations, garages. recreation rooms, tile floors. No job too small. Free estimates. T. Price 889-3653. tfc28 CHIMNEYS Chimneys built and repaired. Free estimates. Expert work- manship. Phone Walker and Mitchell, 889-2526. tfc15 SPECIAL Chesterfield sets recovered â€"-i 2 piece $69.00. Nylon frieze $99. 5 years guarantee. Terms if de- sired. A. Smith, Upholstery. phone 889â€"1682. tfc43. HARRISONS’CUSTOTI†CARPENTRY Custom built homes, renova- tions, additions, and repairs Kitchens 3 specialty. Morris Harrison. 884-2838. tfc45 PLASTERING AND TILE CERAMIC and plastic tile re- pairs in bathrooms, also plaster Iepairs. Bathroom tile Complete. any color. Reasonable rates, 20 years experience on repairs. Call anytime, George, 884-7045. tfclO UPHOIISTERV RECOVERING â€" RES'I‘YLING of all types of furniture. Latest fabrics. reasonable prices. Guar- anteed work. Active Upholstery. Flooring, Panelling, Bathrooms Budget Plan Available PHONE MR. SCOUT 889-4922 or 884-7968 sEI’TICâ€"TXNRS PUMPED 325.00 'heat and light $50. large block young business people. 889-3606. tfcl4 UPPERâ€" unfurnished duplex. . Two bedrooms. adults only, kit- chen equipped. $125 monthly. 884-7328. c1w15 FURNISHED basement apart- ment. very comfortable adults, only $24. a week. 889-4400. clw15l MODERN APARTMENTS AVAILABLE RICHMOND HILL 884-6729. iron! 3 room flat in country home, separate entrance, business couple. non-smokers only. Duf- ferin St. 832-2458. c2w14I FURNISHED room, cooking ia-' cilities, 16 Lorne, lst house east of Clarke‘s Drug store at Yonge. tfc24 AURORA, furnished apartment, separate entrance. parking. one or two teachers or business adults. $90 monthly. 727-5597. tfc101 BASEMENT apartment, furnish- ed, street level entrance. Private bath and cooking facilities, bus 2 blocks. Steeles and Hender- son. 889-5105. clw15 OFFICE space. about“ 73700wa heat and light $75 monthly, workshop or storage 15' by 27’ garage $10 monthly. 884-1853. ; clw15 LOVELY bedrooms in fine dis- trict, no board. Close to stores. churches and hospital. Ladies preferred. iteachers, nurses etc.) Comfortable home. If in-1 terested please call 884-7897 evenings and weekends. Reasonâ€" able rental. c1w14 PETS FOR SALE BLACK, miniature poodles, 8 weeks old, registered. 884-3464. c2w15l TWO Ponies, 11/2 and 3% years, Old. Reasonable. Very good with5 children. 888-1052. clw15 FREE to good home, 1 year old dog. Part Collie and Golden Retriever, male. Phone 884-6487 clw15 HOME-wanted, for a Small black and white Dalmatian dog. 773-_Wï¬01:ESALE CARE To BE 5208 before 5, after 5. 884-6748._ A W clw15 WHITE Poodle pupssfrio’miim- ported stock, Rothera Strain, 12 weeks old. Paper trained. 889- 2234. clwi5’ JILL GODDARDâ€"for profesâ€" sional Poodle clipping 7783; Yonge Street, Thornhill 889- 3601: H tic4l, The Hermitage CatteTy_ forl boarding. Kittens available tol good homes, some part Persian, also Siamese kittens. Siamese stud service. 889-2581. tfc12 AQUARIUMS, tropical fish, over 1,000 on display. Bargain prices, evenings and weekends. 1 Richardson Drive. Aurora. c2w15 l WANTED TO RENT OLD farm house, wanted withI small acreage, stove heated. Will,’ '889-1375. :in for scrap. 1 hour pickup.l 889â€"2761 ask for Mei. tfc13 . super 8, needs body work, good mechanically. $100. clw15 '59â€"MorriSAMinrirfgooAd ‘ trans- portation. $185 for cash sale. 1957 Chev. 6 cylinder good con- dition throughout, radio, $250 full price. Private. 889-2557. clw15 ’55 Meteor - grgdzr - best offer. Also ’58 Buick motor and transmission. 887-5486. 1960 Rambler wagon. 6 cylinder push button, automatic and radio. Good condition $595, Call after 6. 884-5046, clw15 XKE Jaguar, 1963 Convertiblg, white with black upholstery. time preferred. Own transporta-li'bT, b k _ ' tion. 884-3904. clw15i 'V O†5‘ JaCk' 884 7:23,“, -- â€"â€"-vâ€" w 6â€" v l _ . . L _ “Hugh ‘WOMAN, would like factoryâ€)o you have a drinking pm shift work, in or around Rich-,1em If so AA can help. writ .mond Hill. _ Write BOX 38. ThetBox 34. Richmond Hill. tfc4 lLiberal. clw15‘ ENERâ€"GETIOC,’ respOnsibleryoung l llTSYCâ€"HIC Reader, teacup. Card and palmistry by appointme _ . man, age 21 seeks steady em-,Amelia Davie 773.5491 1_39__6’_ .eve‘llflgj:__l_ ._.c.l.w.1‘l.5 ployment. Strong and healthy. ' “04 1951 AUSlln A60. Stallon wagml-‘chauffeur's license. Will con-,â€" fl-vâ€" -â€" â€" â€"-â€"â€"-- Very clean. 5995. 884â€"6521. rsider a‘nvihing. Phone 034-21181WANTED: “Wm†"’1 M‘m‘l" . clw15 ‘ negwlsfllght Mixed League. 9 p L ..___I._____-._- __ __.,L._-___.__. _ 'Phone Carol McWhirter, 88 1961 Pontiac, 2 door standardAMBITIOUS, energetic, married5347, c3“,1 shift, like new. Private sale after,man, 42. Junior matric, com-' - - 6 pm. 884-3294, clw15 mercial course. 20 years ad- CURL'NG ministrative experience, leaving,ICE time available On Friday job as office or personnel man-1diVidl‘al pla-V- Beaver Cur“ ager or other interesting. chat-tomb- 339-4344- 01W Write Box 35 The Liberal. l I clw151 lANDERSONâ€"In loving memo ‘ of William R. Anderson. w FRIDAY. OCTOBER 8, 1952_ â€" Auction sale of tractor farmiSOme day we hope to me R.C.A.F. early October, seeking and weekends for league or i lenging employment, 339.3872.:»~â€"â€"~,__ tn memorial SALE REGISTERS â€" â€"‘â€", passed away November 1 1965, maChinEI‘Y. 2 tractors, hammer-, again fgnm‘aczflyesmzljndggg “$21556 mill, combine, forage harvester.‘50me day .we know not whe 8896352 ‘ clw15 electric cream separator. stable,To clasp his hand in the belt ‘ j g“ A , 7" , _ , and barn equipment, tools, mls-l 13nd, 1957 Austin A50. Good body, cellaneous articles, householleever to part again. two new tires, radio. Needs furniture, several antique Lovingly remembered by W motor repair. $75 cash. lstipieces, dishes, glassware, uten-iAnnie and daughters and gran house east of 3rd Concession on 17th Avenue. KENNY HATTON'S Honda Motorcycles Sales and Service, Maple Sidei Road and Highway 400. 832-} c3138 1201 . â€"ATTENTIONA'ï¬tUCHERS If you are looking for used trucks, parts, tires or accessor-l ies, see the truck wrecker first. Moore Truck Parts & Sales, Old No. 11 Highway, Holland Land- ing. 895-4666. tf034 PROFESSIONAL man‘s car. Private sale, 1963 Plymouth Fury, 2 door hardtop, 6 cylinder power steering, radio, walls, 20,000 mile, 2 year Chrys- ler Warranty, excellent cond-i- tion. 884-1075. clw15 1965 CORVAI‘R‘soo. 4 door hardtop automatic transmis- sion, radio, whitewalls, discs, 110 optional engine, pri- vately owned since new, only 3000 miles $2,475. 884-3886. SOLD TO THE PUBLIC As a result of our very success- ful sales of 66 models. We are swamped with used cars. These cars will be sold at wholesale prices. Some of them have al- ready been reconditioned. So hurry over and see these cars. 1961 Gal. Hardtop V8 A/T E99612 1083 1961 Ford 2 dr. V8 A/T E91771 779 1961 Pontiac Laur. Wagon A/T 998 1961 Falcon Wagon 769 1960 Olds Hardtops 848 WEEKLY SPECIALS 1960 Falcon 2 dr. 449 1960 Dodge Sedan 498 c2w15, 1 white-1 wheel‘serve. Everything must be sold. clw15 ‘children. *IW Sils, effects, etc, at Lot 24. Con- cession 8. Markham Township, ‘ ‘t * 214 miles North of Markham ‘ Village, being the properties of,BALESâ€"â€"1n .lovmg ,memory - Gordon Pipher and the Late J.1 my dear Wife Hazel. who pas F. Pipher Estate. Sale at 1.00 ed away Octoher 3- 1963; pm. Terms cash. No reservepThere is I family Who 111155 !Farm sold. Clarke Prentice.‘ .V0U._ Auctioneer, Markham, 640-3686 Finds time or 294-3161. ¢2w14IWe think 4- a a 4 hourly. ' : brave and conte SATURDAY, OCTOBER 9, But try to be , 1965 _ Extensive auction sale Tears that we share are 0f 35 Power lawn mowers, num_r silence ‘ her of miotmers, garden tram And we breathe a sigh of regr . nd we r tors, chain saws, snow blowers,‘For you were 0"†8 her snow travellers, motor cycles,‘ , mem etc.. everything has been re-«lhnugh an the world had. . . . Sadly missed by huï¬ba paired and in running order,1 4- - some are new. At the corner,Isaac and family' I“ of Kingston Road and Galloway‘ it * 9 ' Road. West Hill, property of BALEs-In loving memory of :Wm. Blumson Equipment. Sale‘ deal- mother and grandmoth at 1.00 pm. Terms cash. No re- Hazel Bales who passed aw October 3. 1963. long since you we -0f you daily 3 l Clarke Prentice’ Aneti‘meer' We do not forget her; we 10 Markham' 0m' 02w†her too dearly, ‘ '1 ’k * * :For her memory to fade, fro SATURDAY, OCTOBER 11-1â€"11 our lives like a dream Pm King City Lions annrual‘Otir lips may not, speak. wh iAuction Sale in King City Mem-l our hearts mourn sincerely lorial Park. Antiques. electric For grief often dwells whe lappliances. stoves, furniture; it seldom is seen. lfertilizer, clothing, baked goods. Sadly missed by Doris. Lin lapples, potatoes and vegetables. Dorothy. Bill and family. IGordon Orr, Auctioneer. Terms, *lw ‘cash. c3w.14 tutti MANLEYâ€"In loving memory I .lohn Manley, who pass away October 2, 1957. of the thoughtf 1018*! SATURDAY OCTOBER 16. -â€"i Auction Sale of antiques and ' , modern household effects. The Thlnkmg . . things‘ Ipropeity of the estate of the . I V late Mrs. Tilford Witherspoon. That you have said and don .71 Keele St. S.. Maple. This fur- And lovms you a little more mm†is v9â€, 01d and in very‘Dear dad. for each and everyon igood condition. ANTIQUES # Lovingly remembered by h 1 children. Freda and Dougl .Carved beds, parlour tables, , :rocking chairs, 90 piece set of‘and I’mlher'm‘law Fr9d~ 1ԠI’Dishes “Old Hall" English lover * l. ‘t * C ‘100 yearsl, odd pieces of dishes |lNippon; Ironstone, Riyal Dori;- ton, and others. Boo s â€" o and in very good condition.‘ MODERN PIECES. Electric reâ€"} 1 Location Only - Richmond Hill PHONE 889-1105 frigerator 21" Westinghouse, TV used very little, Moffat electric stove. Many other antique and modern pieces not listed. Terms do re pairs. 884-4870. 2 bedroom housiemor apartment. c1w15: S___SMA_.â€"KING_.cash, sale at 12.30 pm. Doug. ALL kinds of sewing, altera- Moore auctioneer. tions, slip covers made, etc. 8843 c2w15 "?,;l1“"'t9d if‘mggiaé‘ilh Respon- 4347. tfc32 , .. a a s1eena.. -4. r, i ticss'Kp'A‘ ' M_ 8 a“? DESIGNING ‘WEDNESDAY. OCTOBER 20 'N ,REMENT m" 2 "30"â€â€œ1 DRESSMAKING ll965 â€" Auction sale of farm mem er and Decembe" 884" ALTERATIONS stock. implements. tractor, 4884. clw15' ‘ . . .t 1 _ 7 . .. - _ .. _... 8844670 clwmpower machinery. furni urc. e 0. HOUSE. 3 or 4 bedrooms. Rich- {on the 5th Concession of Picker- mond Hill area. 884-6619, - ling Township. just East of (“V15 :Whitevale, property of Newton â€",_-A-__...,,. __,A_L,W_-,â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"*â€"â€"~â€"‘~-:-l Robinson. Sale at 1.00 pm. T l & E . EXPERIIENCED . :aï¬'d'ï¬lgr‘Terms cash. No reserve. Farm 00 7 “in†I e evenm .'. 1d. Clarke Prentice, Auction- qlupment "no" work' 8154-6070†, 'I‘VE‘IZr. Markham, Ont. c3w14 EKPERIENCED, woman willl a 4- w t l I Sewers cleaned ‘t‘..S'tblf '5. a »r .. qua] 9†m a _e or muwe',“ LISED. standard typewriter re-‘ without digging | husband employed elsewhere. . , , , , - Close to Richmond Hill. Phone can 832‘2428‘ “WI†or ‘earlng up p'pe' 339.1992, m- “Tjte Box 500_|L’SED overhead oil furnace, not: C. STUNDEN Richmond Hill. (do-1411955 than 50.000 BTu‘s. Samuel-8844245 Richmond Hill’ -â€"â€"* 5* Winger. 889-2451. chi-151 PERMANENT OR. TEMPORARY OR. CLEAN fill and stone fill all ‘ lRichview Nursery, Bayvicw .\vâ€"‘ PART‘T'ME cnue. just north of Elgin .\lills REGISTERED NURSES 884-6091. For Greenacres Home for the SHEEP bay wanted. 300 bales. Aged. Salary range. $369.00 toiBrome Alfalfa. Brome Clover. $426.00, Graduate nurses also or second cut Alfalfa. Must be required. luell saved. 884-2474. c1\\15‘ t GARDENING ,..,,,12 EL’ROPFIAN .s ,~.., -- .‘i -â€" râ€"I Gardener. Life-' ime experience. \Vill assist with.I 'our garden problems, very rea~' 884-7953. '4w13 l onable charges. APPLY GREENACRFS HOME FOR THE AGED 194 Eagle SL. Newmar‘kel or 587 Bloor St. E., Toronto 924-7441. 1 MORTGAGES land second mortgages. reason-'t able rates Lawlor. Le Claire c3w15 and Batman 884-4413. tch, i'l'np LOAM :TREES l dressing-seedlug-planting“, MONEY available for good first planting and materials guaran- tillers, eed. experl workmanship. C. L. KNAPPETT 884-3089. tfclz TOOLS FOR RENT drivers. 889-1109. RENTALL. 41 YONG-E N. floor mach-i Iines, tools, chairs. 884-6761. tfc31'i- Rug shampooers, PORTABLE TV RENTALS l3131' DAY. WEEK OR MONTH. Tv. RICHMOND HILL 884-7456 - 889-3756 RENTyleaseybuy PHILCO TV 52 PER WEEK .Herridge Electric-TV Applian- lFloor sanders, saws and drills; lHand sanders, jigâ€"saws and IiailI tfc271 too 1 [DAY careifor children of work- baby-sit or look after older chil- . , ' ’ E 23. â€"â€" dren. Any time, day or eveninglgArURDA‘ OCTOB R -lAuction sale of farm imple- 8892843' CIWh‘ments and household furniture.‘ 'LA Case Tractor: VAC Case :Tractor: New Holland Hay â€"â€".’â€"‘ if]; Baler; N. H. Manure Spreader: 25 ' -. _ v , 4 Drill; power lift; 22-can De- DAY care give†to Infants or{Laval Bulk Milk Cooler, good pre'SChOOIers- Bm‘mdale Cres' condition; also full line of power Cent 88445235 ,clgwl" implements: large quantity of \VlLL careflfbr children in my household furniture. At Lot 88. home, fenced yard, hot lunches. Concession 1, King Township. 334.5515, clw15 halfway between Aurora and Newmarket on Yonge Street. Property of Donald Baiimann. Owner and auctioneer not res- ponsible to public for any acci- ing mothers. lunch included. re- liable person. Clean home. Call 1 - " l 114' 095' 884-3211- “C42 .6133,;__( -_- avvv--C-: - dent which may occur on prem- TOOL'S‘TO’RENT ’0“ can'- 21V†by day "r ises during day of sale. No re- (‘emenl mixers, floor sanders “'991‘1" 2““ hnme‘ HM I'JnChes- serve, giving up farming. Sale reasonable rates. 884-1842. 3‘ 1 pm. gharp TNT“; rash rotovalors. also isoddlng-hedgin; cedar-s, etc. All and edgers. ramset guns. min- 500‘ {\‘ILL Vloiokiafier‘S pre-scl’ioOl Lloyd Turner A; Son. clerks; Al- other tools. Willowdale Rental Children in my home Monday viii S. Farmer. Gordon Orr. and Sales, 6026 Yonge St., BA. to Friday. Beverley Acres. 884- auctioneers. Phone 887-5311. 1-1711. tfc30 6018. clw15 @3w15- MORRISONwln loving memor of a dear husband and fath and grandpa, William Morr son, who passed away Octob 6. 1964. Our hearts still ache with so row, And secret tears still {low For what it meant to lose yo dear, No one will ever know Each time we see your phot You seem to smile and say Don't cry dear I‘m only sleepin And we'll meet again someda_ Always remembered by h wife. Rena. daughter. Esthe son-in-law. Keith, grandpa Tommy and Patti. clwl it It A! * PETRIE â€" In memory of Er est Petrie, who passed awa October 8. 1963. e Fondly loved and deeply mourned, Heart of my heart. I miss yo SO: Often my darling, my tears wi flow: Dimming your picture where' 1 go; "l‘is sad but true. I will abide Until some day we‘ll be side h side. -- Lovineg remembered b wife Leah and family. clwl tit"? WA'I'SON-Jn loving memory James Watson. who passe away October 8, 1964. We little knew when we wok that morn. The sorrow the day would bl‘in For the call was sudden. ili shock severe. To part with one we loved I dear. Ever remembered by so Robert and daughter-In-lai Anne. *lwl