King COUHCTNOI' AflSWEI’S QUESTlOflS QT] Wards'coin Club Membership Reaches Seek To Remove .3 89 At The September Meeting Uxbridge Agent-j. The question of the divtston it) am. e: go up if we have a \iarunm :' wirvl at um pimp“, 1pm; i L ' ‘ ‘ A a r. c ,-,».«t. t \\‘i t t. - . . of King Township into five or. Feeling that ratepay eis in the system? H I I ‘ IQ; ' ‘ til ti v is'tneslalaiy more wards and the consequent '(i\\n‘<liip have not been ftiily Answer, there is no tea.. . i. \ . _ t» .mi 9 ttiiliiti a)â€, dissolution of the township‘s‘informcd of‘ihe pros and cons three police village: has hecntof the situation. Councillor “ii- at all why taxes should an up and i cannot enitsage llils imp. ‘tlit hm. mmum Membership in the Richmond :rgin Mimvnmt rm. mph ilill t‘oin (‘lub rose to fill at the \ns'i‘ siooo the cause of considerable con-lliam (‘urran has provrded "'i‘he petting as 3 NW“ “A Hm (“WNW [iv’iyyl‘i‘ijiyii Umthiln‘llml' filth Tyiipgiilaii‘ [.niiCi-i troversv for the past severalilnheral" with the following of tiie township intn \tnt‘ds. the (QUth tun \\ i. \olticton ren. ~RTTL- Wt’ TS“. “H101; mewâ€".1: months. An OMB hearing on,series of qticstions which have only direct ("‘8‘ “lilt'lt mth tic-11'» or 'ii‘t‘l.\t‘tl oi the water [95“‘1‘71'4 kizmi] (d in"): the suluect is to be held at‘been frequently put to him on increase is lit? that'i' fill it Ashlin which 'licv presently \«lt‘lt “\LLC 1:19â€:th R [‘1 no». King Cit.V municipal office, 177 tiie matter and his replies. greater number "ll-Ht'ltili‘iit'lilttt':‘tTt‘.ti I H V ‘ lmlï¬- (Riv ours tC gotlhlhgthd Keele St. South October 12 atl QUPSUOâ€? H0“ ml'Ch “"11 lax" than at mosey†if N infirm lit‘AtI'hit‘t'ilfl‘tl ioii dzgciiih‘iiiisn itmils 'l‘hornhiii 188‘» and Ron Bennett: SATURDAY AND MONDAY PRICES: HAVE BEEN LOWERED so THAT EVERY 65 CAR WILL GO BY MONDAY EVENING. THERE ARE STILL 39 TO CHOOSE FROM BUT HURRY FOR BEST SELECTION. LOOK AT THESE PRICES! FALCONS s2095 ‘ FAIRLANES $2195~ ‘ GALAXIES $2695 ‘ MUSTANGS $2695 5% FINANCING for 2 DA YS ONLY on all 65's and 66‘s. Special arrangements have been made through Ford Motor Credit Co. for us to offer rates less than any bank. Just $50 per 81,000 per year. IMMEDIA TE DELIVER Y ' Selection includes the largest stock of ’66 Fords in Metro. While other dealers are showing. Little Ford is delivering. Why wait for a '66 when you can get immediate delivery and today's high trade-in value NOW! GUARANTEED BEST DEAL We‘re so sure that our prices are lower than compe- tition that we guarantee the best deal in writing or your money back. OPEN BOTH DAYS, 9 A.M. to 9 RM. 1 Location Only - Richmond Hill PHONE 889-1105 - t area 'i‘hornhiil t89t. non lli llit‘i the Nrililcttm sys- tcm unruly covers a water area With lltf‘ Hddlll‘m “l tttf‘mltel‘ th‘Onit‘v thin the Police Village number 85, Mr. Rcyuar. the at Ntylflpltlti, in the future tin-‘t'lllh becomes international. .\Ir. (tor any .tm-rt etc-1pm {hp “atpr Rcynar had read of the club's would be supplied in a \\'at(\1"£l(‘ll\'lli95 in copies of “The Lib. area \ihich in the hegiiiniiig,eral" and sent in his applica- wouid be exactly the same as tion. the prczcnt water area. Only 42 members and guests Question if a ward system‘were present on a hot. humid is set up will Kin: City's liydro- evening for the September Electric System revert to On- meeting - - a long way from the tario Hydro? layer-age of 65-70. Vice-President Answer: No, there, would beiSeiby O‘Brien conducted the no change from the present with meeting in the absence of the the exception that the control president. Tie read the presi- and management of the system dent's selection of three club would pass to the municipal‘memhers for the nominating council rather titan the police committee: it own rd Johnson. tillage trustees but otherwise Larry Steadman and Ed Watts. all benefits would accrue to the They will report members‘ ratepayers in the service area.‘choi(-es for nominees to the exâ€" The ratepayers in this area ecutive at the Novem )er meet- would have exactly the same‘ing and elections will be held advantages and disadvantages in December. they presently have where the "' ’ local hydro system is under the - O control of the police village trustees. Question: Why have the vol- untccr fire departments of two of the police villages resigned? Answer: As these volunteers are all individuals there are‘ The chairman of the boardi probably various reasons buttand the president of the newly basically. there must he a mis-tconstitiited Victoria and Grey», understanding of the implica-i'l'rust Company announced toâ€" tions of a ward system. The es-‘day that the company would‘ tablishing of wards and dissoluâ€" continue to operate all 13‘ tions of police villages would branches of the former British have absolutely no effect \vhat-dtiortgage & Trust Company. ever on volunteer fire brigades The two companies were ofï¬ci- or their operation and therefore‘ally merged as of September 30.l there seems to be no logic mi The Hon. Walter Harris, Vic-1 the resignations en inasse ofitoria and Grey president. indi- lthe Schomherg and Nobleton cated this week that, personnel ivoiuntccr firemen unless theylof each of the branches of Britâ€", livere already dissatisfied with,ish Mortgage & Trust Will conâ€" the operation of the brigades tiniie their full range of ser-, and the proposed ward system vices without interruption of. provided an excuse. any kind. l Question: Will the setting up: Under terms of the mergerd of a ward system mean that: King Township will take over . I Schomberg Community Arena? P I T S t I Answer: Title to the Schom-, a o I berg Arena is already vested in King Township. This is neces- T tsary to qualify for various gov-‘0" 0 a ,ernment grants and. of course, has not resulted in any interfer- Councillor Clean, Palmer“ 9â€â€ in the Operation 0f theiwho has long advocated the an?“ by “.19 muncn‘ The same‘establishment Of a community‘ “1mg apphcs tn the NOblemnlcoilege in Markham Township, ‘Aiiiqentihe event that‘will sit in on a meeéing of the: . 3 . . . ', , Scarboro Board of E ucation to gnawgéigggshgg discuss a similar proposal there. . October 12. i’ieqmred to. pay. for the C0“ 0f Council appointed Mr. Palmer street lighting in urban areas? to attend the meeting as an Answer: NO, the cost Of spectal Observer after receiving a letter services such as street lights from Rev. Dr. R‘ stackhouse will be levied against the rate- of the board who said that it “payers residing within the urban was hoped t3 obtain a conege ‘ _ Tecewmg the partlc‘flar for the eastern part of Metro, ,SerVICP-A ‘ which would also serve the ad-' , Question: What will the effect joining area. Council was askedi of a ward system be on the cost to send a representative, , 1of public school education? “Well ho“, do you that’ivl Answers: There will be no efâ€" said M'r_ Palmer reminding feet on the cost of education. council that he ha'd Spent the We already have a township better part of the year pressing school area and even the incor- for a college_ nnralion 0f any or all Of the “Tell them we have our own “on†Villages “mud “Oi make ideas, but thanks for the invita-' any Change as they woum Con’ tion," said Councillor Allan tmue to be part of the township Sumhen t school area. i Richmond SAM COOK, Chairman 56 Yonge ‘lioward Johnson, and Mr. (‘olcst Continuance Oi BM & T Branches 19 THE LIBERAL. Richmond Hill. Ontario. Thursday. Oct. '7. 1965 R an RE LANDSCAPING COMPLETE REMOVAL of diseased or dead trees. Trees of your choice and size, supplied and planted. The club medal is 'iiti\lt‘i Markham Township Council _ well. only 43H bronze remaining has offered the use of its coun~ of the so stl\'t‘[' and itttttl cil chambers for a special mam. ' hroii7e obtained. lug October ‘11 to discuss the re. 1 The draw tor a (‘anarliiiu i955 mm“ “l the 820m at L'xbridie 1‘ proof set was won by Dorothy (TN-R} Sllll‘Slallon- Brmm‘ The notice to hold a ITTEPllilE (‘ale Jarvis. publisher oi" (‘anâ€" was plipspmed m mum†in 9- atia (‘oin News spoke on “What “5â€â€ (mm M“, Rna‘fl “l Tram is happening in Numismatics" WM Commismm’l‘f. Ottawa ad. and handled a t’tiit‘siion and an- "35"": “if?†a'ppl'mlm" D." lltt‘ s\\cr session. lie was presented ( NR l†domino the m“'â€' Th" 3 with a copy of the club's me- mmmmsmnm had “nod in" 3 . , . _. , , _ . his meeting at tniomille. October dallion in appreciation of ‘21 m 10 ï¬lm . . . e 0 mill}, 1. I d mm W What doom mm “mm, Tiee culture and surgery, cabling ’ m "we "12 9â€.†V . :closing the station. d _ 'i'j" ' usual auction which consistedtasked Depuu._mm.e 0;:P\\l.arl I. and feEdlng' of 35 pieces and all hilt eight hummer were sold. Member lvi‘c Coles‘ “That handled the auction would“) Rourse dealers Larry Steadman."er_ ' . k Council agreed to a tnotion mpmited “image “‘95 MP “W thy Councillor Allan Stunner to (“um-V Cm“: ‘Lon Pugh set upnnake the chambers available for his first table. ithP meeting The next meeting is October: 19 at 8 pm. on the second floori Winter Works Projects of dead tree removal for Towns and Municipalities. Free Estimates Free Advice Richmond Hill Tree Service 8. Forestry Co. LTD. PHONE 884-7774 would he the next I said Reeve Charles Hoop- ' Afghans to of Richmond iiili Municipal _ ' Building. A fairly heavy busin~i \Neimaraners ess meeting will be conducted‘ Buying a dog or and a set of slides on "Canad- other pet? Whatever‘ your preference. you should find just what you want through the ‘: , PETS FOR SALE COLUMN. 'v See this directory in ian Fractional Currency" will bet shown “THE LIBERAL" EVERY THURSDAY. ELECTROHOME ins...i:‘£ï¬fii§â€;.m HOME ENTERTAINMENT CENTRES Black and white TV. record reproduction and AM/FM stereo radio are beautifully combined in the superbly styled masterpieces by Electro- home. Picture reproduction owes its crisp perfection to the famous Centurion Chassis. A host of special features provide unequalled dependability. Balanced speaker system. renowned Garrard changer. and provision for 360 degree Satellite Sound are your pasaport to more pleasure in music. The Tempora Mk II has the bold simplicity of the finest contemporary styling. he continued. all depositors, guaranteed investment certifi< cate holders, shareholders and . personnel of British Mortgage & Trust became depositors. CTC holders, shareholders and personnel of the newly constiâ€" tuted Victoria and (Trey Trttst ‘ Company as of September 30. Speaking for the new conr pany‘s board of directors. the chairman, Ii. J. McLaughlin and Mr. Harris expressed gratitude for the confidence and support received from all those assoc- iated with both of the foi‘mer companies during what they de- scribed as “the chalienging and sometimes difficult days just past." They looked forward to continued association and antici- pated steady growth of the new company, Operating under sound tradition and practice developed V through more than half a cen- tury of serving the people Of Ontario. wun»m.mmw1wo Foundry Thieves Us; ". Window To Gain Entry Approximately $400 in metal alloy was taken from Gamma Foundry 'Co. Ltd., 313 Enford Road, in a break-in sometime‘ during the weekend. Entry was made through a window in an overhead door. NEWMARKET: A $750 radio transmitter and other equip- ment were taken in a break-in - Tempora Mk I Home Entertainment Centre $499.00 With your Trade Call us, or drop in for a Color TV at York County Emergency _ Measures Organization Head- Demonstratlon today quarters last; week. **** BROUGHAM: After hearing reâ€" presentations, both pro and con. Pickering Township Council ad- journed and decision on a re: cent bylaw banning hunting in the area, to another meeting. 1 RICHMOND HILL TV SOUTH BLOCK â€" RICHMOND HEIGHTS CENTRE 889-3756 28 Levendale Road 884-7456 ELECTRID HEATING RATES HAVE EEN REDUCED, in many communities by as much as 30% in but 2 years. Today, the safe, warm world of FLAMELESS electric heating is within every family’s means. For more information contact your qualiï¬ed electric heating contractor or: your h ydra LIVE BETTER ELECTRICALLY Hill Hydro-Electric Commission AL HORWOOD. Superintendent St. North 884-35"