Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 7 Oct 1965, p. 7

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mammal“untuuuumunumummmmmmmunmnmum TUESDAY, OCTOBER 2lst, 1965 FOR THE SUPPLY OF THE 1965-66 SEASON FUEL OIL HEATING REQUIREMENTS for the Municipal Building, 56 Yonge Street North, Rich- mond Hill. Tenders shall be on a tank wagon delivery unit price per gallon quotation for the supply of ap- proximately 18,000 gallons of No. 2 Domestic Furnace Oil. The lowest or any tender not necessarily ac- cepted. R. Lynett, O. S. Whalen, Clerk Works Commissioner Drugs Dressings Home Visiting Nursing Services Housekeeping Service Home Nursing Services Diversional Programme Patient Transportation Lodge Accommodation For Further Information 884-3348 her 11: Jeffrey Hoadley. 10 years, October 11: Keith Rum- ney. nine years. October 12. Special birthday greetings to Ross Nichols who will celebrate his Blst birthday October 9. Mr. and Mrs. Don Pickering will celebrate their 29th wed- ding anniversary October 10. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Boyn- ton entertained their family to Sunday dinner the occasion w being in honor of Stanley Boyn- “mm-.- TROUBLE? TV CALL BA. I - 0485 AN R.E.T.A. MEMBER BAKER ELECTRONIC SERVICE UA'L'L'U at chhmond Hill thisi' Carl Walker will con- Correspondent: 30th day of September. 1965. vene the meeting. The motto Mrs. Anne Hewitt. HELEN La BELLE. and EARLiwm be taken by MrS. L. Mum-i '18 16th Avenue BLACKBURN‘ Execu‘ors' bylberson. Roll call to be answered‘ 884-7345 their Solicitors, i by “a humorous incident in the‘Bowflng PARKER & PEARSON. classroom." Hostesses will be September 21 Mary Collvln 50 Yonge Street North. Mrs. N. Bell, Mrs. S. Boynton with 775 and Jim Harrison with Richmond Hill. Ontario. [and Mrs. C. Walker. A11 ladiesf723 won the silver donars in the willmlmnmlnmmummmmmnmnnflmiiwmnuiin the community are invited East Richvale Bowling League. WHO attend. iRunners-up were Colleen Bree- ldon 704. Norma Brettell 671. Church News l i In Him Magson 716 and Ron Brom- n A mmrn 95,515.]?l'ln‘335'5‘1 ‘Illlflfiley 701. All persons havlnz claims az- ainat the estate of Viola Black- burn. Lale of the Township of Markham. in the Counly of York. Housewife. who died on‘ or about the 4th day or June,‘ 1965. in the County of York. are hereby notified to send partic- ulars of same to the under- signed on or before the 315i day of October, 1965. after which date the estate will be distrib-l uled. with regard only to the] claims of which the undersigned shall then have notice. and the‘ undersigned will not be liable to any person of whose claim he shall not have notice. l DATED at Richmond Hill this 30th day of September. 1965. HELEN La BELLE, and EARL BLACKBURN. Executors. by llllllllllllllllllullllllllllllm Mr. and Mrs. Rnss Nichols celebrated their 60th wedding anniversary quietly with their family recently. They received congratulations from Her Maj- esty. Queen Elizabeth 1]. and llllilllilmlllllllllllll“(milllmlllll“film!llIIllllllllllllllllll|llllllllll Notice to Creditors AND OTHERS In the Estate of Viola Black- burn. Deceased. Mrs. Don Boynton was hos- tess at a linen shower Tuesday evening of last week in honor of her sister. Miss Ethel Jack- son, a bride-to-be October 2. Richmond Hill & District Unit 15 Yonge St. N. Lions Ed Gibson. Carl Wal- ker. Art Wilson and Don Boyn- ton attended the Lions Region- al rally at West Hill Tuesday ev- ening of last week. Shower Lions Club Local Services Rendered to Cancer Patients SEALED TENDERS clearly marked as to con- tents and addressed to the Town Clerk, will be re- cived by the undersigned until 5:00 pm. on DOMESTIC â€" COMMERCIAL â€" INDUSTRIAL All Work Guaranteed 884-7406 S . \\\\\ RICHMOND HILL REFRIGERATION AND AIR CONDITIONING ‘ .‘CBAPEL 0F E19323 EQNERALHQ nnh‘n‘o‘ REPAIRS CANADIAN CANCER SOCIETY PROPERTY DEPARTMENT TENDERS FOR THE SUPPLY OF DOMESTIC FUEL OIL Established 1878 PHONE 889-1073 126 YONGE ST. N., RICHMOND HILL TOWN OF RICHMOND HILL Inuuunumuumnlmumuumnumumnll\nnulu\umuuiilmmumllmumuumunuummmuuuuw Victoria Square News 1-3 “EKEE “donâ€"oar SERVICE e (ti-Ti no; 75 l’riTe winners were: Ladies.’ 1. Mrs. Martin Gall; 2 Mrs. W. Emburg; consolation. Miss Olive Glover. Lone hands, Mrs. E. Vanderkooy. Men. 1. Everett Vanderkooy, 2. Jack Warwick. consolation. Roy Glover. lone hands. Wally MacDonald. Lucky draw for a box of groceries was won by Mrs. Charlie Attridge. Another euchre party will be held in the Victoria Square Community Hall October 8 at 8:15 pm. It will be sponsored‘ by the Victoria Square Com- munity Centre. Ladies are ask- ed to provide lunch. Women's Institute I The October meeting oi: the All you have to do is bring anything you want to sell that is nearly new. You put your own price on it and the local association will add 10 percent. If your article or garment is sold you receive your price and the association keeps the 10 percent. It will accept clothing. bedding. drapes. skates. tools. They don't accept rummage. If you would like to join in this venture. phone Mrs. P. Rumney at 887-5437; Mrs. J. Knight, 887-5594 or Mrs. G. Hardie at 887-5434. ‘ There will be a candy table‘ in charge of the Guides while! the Brownies will be in charge of a fishpond. In Cilfllge UL Lul: UIILILUII BCLVILC October 10 at 11:30 am. whennn the lea . . gue were Low Mark- HOIy commumon Wm be hem‘Iers 12. Sneakers and Spitfire 10, Neighborhood Notes ISheiks and Recaps 7. Actionsl Birthday greetings to Mrs. Luand Hopefuls 4 and Agogos 2.‘ Mumberson. October 8: to’SiIVEI‘ dollar Winners were1 Wayne Cowie 10 years. October Charlie Jones 745 and Doreen a; Mrs. Harold Hill. October 9:0ak1ns 742. other three highs Lewis Mortson. 12 years, Octn- were George Talmer 725. Ron her 11; Jeffrey Romney. 10Brom1ey 723. Anne Hewitt 706 years, October 11; Keith Rum- and Jean Magson 677. ' ney. nine years. October 12. Anyone wishing 1" bOWl with Special birthday greetings to this league on Tuesday nights at; Ross Nichols who will celebrate 9-15 15 HSkEd to Phone Ron his 81st hirthdav October 9. EBromley 889-6406. September 28. team standings Dr. A. F. Binninglnn will he in charge of the church service October 10 at 11:30 am. when Holy Communion will be held. 290 BAYVIEW PLAZA The October meeting of the Victoria Square Women‘s Insti- tute will be held October 12 at 8 pm at the home of Mrs. John McCague. Please note change of place and time. Sympathy is extended to Mr. and Mrs. Richard Tribbling in the sudden passing of their bro- ther-in-law Douglas Pierce. The first euchre party of the season was held in the com- munity hall Friday evening of last week with twelve tables of players in attendance. The party was sponsored by the Victoria Square and District Lions club. from Prime Minister Pearson. iton's 73rd birthday: also In Mr. and Mrs. Nichols would honor of Mr. and Mrs. David like to thank all their friends Boynton‘s recant marriage. and relatives for their gifts. Mr. and Mrs. Percy Bennett cards and flowers sent to them had Sunday evening dinner with at that time. We wish Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. Ray Bennett and Mrs. Nichols many more years‘family at Richmond Hill the of happiness together. {occasion being in honor of Mr. SALES LTD. MOVING O STORAGE fACKING O SHIPPING TIPPET-RICHARDSON Across the street or across town T-R’ moves are swift, safe and economical. Lot T-R’s courteous representative plan and estimate your move. This tree service will show you how to love money and lorget about mov- ing worries. Experienced men pack your fragile articles with the most up-to-date methods and your household effects are moved safely to your new address. You are moved in. tool T-R's trained men lay rugs, let up beds and place furniture for you. getting you settled with a minimum oi inconvenience and maximum efficiency. 'Pnone today and learn how T-R officlency can save you money. There will be a bake table, sewing. knitting. Christmas dec- orations. plants. and nearly new clothing. All can participate. All you have to do is bring anything you want to sell that is nearly new. 4 TIPPET ROAD 781-6639 The local association of the lst Gormley Guides and Brown- ies is having a bazaar in the Vic- toria Square Community Hall, November 6 at 2 pm. Mr. and Mrs. Percy Bennett had Sunday evening dinner with Mr. and Mrs. Ray Bennett and family at Richmond Hill the occasion being In honor of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Bennett‘s 9th wedding anniversary October 6. "THE LIBERAL”? EVERY THURSDAY. 25335313,“ ’ Headford Nev Buying a dog or Correspondent other pet? Whatever MRS. LOREN GUILD your preference. you RR. 2. Gomley lhould find just what Phone 884-3040 you want through the PETS FOR SALE COLUMN.:C111!rch News See this directory in Richvale News QUICKLY SAF ELY Correspondent: Mrs. Anne Hewitt. 78 16th Avenue 884-7645 THE FRIENDLY MOVERS Agents: Alllad Van Llnu mer with mett and Hill the yr of Mr. att's 9th ctober 6. 1 of the 1 Brown- the Vic- ity Hall, (e table. mas dec- arly new rticipate. is bring sell that mice on Markham Fair is over for an- obher year, and a good one it was. Mrs. George Barker won her usual laurel: in the horti- ‘cultural classes, with at least lfour firsts in floral arrangement ‘one of which was judged the Ibest in show. The Buttonville 'WI took a third place in the Women's Institute exhibits. with their display on the York Coun- ty Hosts the International Plow- ing Match theme. The Button- ville Branch of the YCHA manned the auxiliary‘s home baking booth in the main build- ing on Friday afternoon: and the junior farmers were active also. Toronto City Hall isr‘fabu-‘I Ious’ according to the Calder ‘girls and in the opinion of the‘ iboys it is ‘pretty neat’ a vast understatement. The approach is beautiful and lifts one’s heart Ln pride of engineering accomp- lishment. On Sunday tourS were hourly but we decided to wait until the interior was com~ pleted. A view through the windows offered an enticing vitatjon to the comfortable 11b- rary but the door was locked. It is indeed impressive and. has an inviting warmth that is mis-‘ sed in pictures. 1 Congratulations to Mrs. G. Barker who received seven firsts in flower arrangements at the Markham Fair and to Guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Burton, during the weekend were Mrs. Bur- ton's brother, Philip Lecouve and Mrs. Lecouve, Montreal. Mr. Lecouve was on business for his firm and his visit was necessarily interrupted but a family gathering was arranged at the home of another sister, Mrs. Harold Ross. Alliston. Larry Burton whose work wag part of a mural from grade 7. Area 3 Number 4 School. first prize. A community supper will be held in Headford S.S. room Oc- tober 8. This is the autumn Pot Luck Supper held for com- munity fellowship. Come and bring your family and your supper and share in a family gathering. Time 7 - 7‘30. Mrs. N. Brodie and Dohaid were guests at the Glassfordâ€" Meek wedding held October 2 in Burn‘s Presbyterian Church, Erin. There was a good attendance at this first venture and it was unanimously agreed to continue and meet again the 'first Sunday in November in Headford Church. Headford teachers at- tending were Mrs. C. Lee. Mrs. D. Calder. Mrs. L. Guild and Mr. Doug Young. Neighborhood Notes Following the o'pefx s the meeting divided into 1 to study class problems nursery to adult. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Mc- Millan, New Brunswick are vis- iting with Mrs. McMillan‘s parents Mr. and Mrs. G. Barker. Dr. A. F. Binnington spoke of the background of the Gospel of Mark and explained that the gospels were compiled ra- ther than written. Because Mark does not mention the de- struction of Jerusalem it is as- sumed that his book was put to- gether just before 70 AD. It was a period of persecution‘ under Nero and Mark’s gospel is often referred to as the Book of Courage for Fainting Hearts By synoptic comparisons stu- dents agree that the gospels are a collection from oral tradition of the sayings and acts of Jesus. Seeking the source of the writ- ings is a fascinating pursuit but authorship is very minor to the content of the gospels. f Rev. Dr. A. F. Binm'ngton was iin the pulpit. and welcomed two new members - Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Hewitt. of John Street. The first of a series of teach- er training for Sunday school teachers was held in Brown’s Corner’s Church School Sunday evening October 3. Among other travellers re- turned from an autumn vacation to the west are Mr. and Mrs. John Wilkins and Mr. and Mrs. James Wolfe. Friends in the community lwere sorry to learn of the death ‘cof Jack Ash. at York County [Hospital. Newmarket. last week- ‘end. Mr. Ash was Marguerite Brown‘s husband. and a brother- ‘in-law of Mrs. Douglas Hood and Mrs. Norman Reid. Sym- pathy is extended to Mrs. Ash {and her family. I Mr. and Mrs. K. C. Gray re- turned from a western trip last weekend, and visited Mrs. S. J. English last Sunday. The youngest of the church attenders was Glen Edward Brown. sixteen-day old son of Harvey and Nancy Brown, who slept blistfully through the hour with nary a word out of him. It was World Wide Commun- ion day at Brown's Corners Un- ited last Sunday morning, and a good congregation was in at- tendance. \ Mrs. George Kelly, Miss Cora ‘Brodle and Mrs. James Rodick were all involved with planning the event. display. judging, etc. The one lack for this correspon- dent was the absence of the Pralet Gardens display of vegâ€" etables and flowers. This year Mr. and Mrs. Pralet were holi- daying in Great Britain during the summer. and last Friday when they were at the fair they were enjoying it from a specta-t tor‘s viewpoint only. ‘ Neighborhood Notes Headford News CORRESPONDENT: MRS. F. H. LEAF 3.x. 2. Gonnley Phone 297-1741 BUTTONVIllE NEWS session groups 5 from C“ The summer is over. and the rd euohre season is beginning at 0f Buttonville Hall. The first game ho of the auiumn series will be “I held this Friday evening at 8 pm. Women‘s Institute members " are hostesses. and for a nominal fee those attending are assured a good game, a friendly atmos- phere. and a good cup of coffee. Come early; lthere is always a crowd. ‘ [Buttonville YCHA Mrs. Russell Burr will be hns- tess on Friday morning. October 8. at 10:00 am. when members of the Buttonville Branch of YCHA 'hold their meeting. New members are welcome. The Burr home is on the west side of Don Mills Road, immediately north of @he Buttonville Bridge. i The district has been served thy rural delivery from Gormley ifor many years. and a post of- [fice in the area will be a dis- itinct advantage. However. the announcement states that all rural route service will be dis- continued within a half-mile of the office. This, in a place ‘where two very busy highways ‘cross and there are no side- walks, would seem to invite dis-i aster. In many cases the man‘ of the family is away with the" family car from well beforei 9:00 am until after the postâ€" office closes at 6 pm. The need for continuance of all rural‘ route delivery along Don Mills Road. and Highway 7, seems imperative. } Euchres Begin October 8 Local residents received of- ficial notice of this move last week, with the announcement that E. C. Wasitis will be the postmaster. Hours will be 9:00 5m. to 1:00 pm. and 2.00 pm to 6:00 pm. Monday to Satur- day. Pipe ls being.r laid along Don Mills Road north of John Street at present. and will run to the northern limits of Lot 14 in Buttonville. The portion from John Street to the Rodlck Lane will have a 12" main. and a slx-inch main will erve the area further north. Buttonville Post Office will be opened October 18, at Knob Hill Farm Market. The magic words home baking lusually make people perk to at- ‘tention, so mark the date: Oc- tober 15, the Brown’s Corners Sunday school staff is sponsor-4 ing a bake sale at the church - out on the lawn, weather per- mitting. ‘ The A. W. Millers are looking forward to the arrival this weekend of their daughter Velma. her husband Dr. Donald Otis .and daughter Rebecca of Colorado. After years of debate. it now seems definite that Buttonville will have a watermain in the near future. May we suggest a Save-for-the-L'rttleâ€"Things-you-might-othenNise-never-buyAccount? ’66 Acadian’s beautiful all-new styling, luxurious comfort, brilliant performance, prove once-and- forâ€"all: family-size economy cars needn’t be dull! more beauty outszde... With its completely new lithe, lean lines, the exciting Acadian is like a‘breath of fresh air. Acadiau stands out. It’s a family car. A fun car. An economy car. It‘s all three. The new 1966 Acadian is anything you want it to be. A new package qflow-pricedflzmilyfln more luxury inside... Acadian’s newly-designed interiors are roomy, bright; abound with lung features. on display now BY‘GENEHAL MOTORS Mes: ' Ba aura to watch "Telescope". "The Fugitiva" and "The Rad Skalton Hour" now showing nmtalsvision. Check local listings for time and channel. 1 ‘ AUTHORIZED ACADIAN - PONTIAC ‘ fiUuiA DEALER IN RICHMOND HILL: familyfuncar ’66 that’s the new Aeaéiilifl fiem General Motors SKYLINE PONTIAC-"ICK LTD. 9612 YONGE STREET RICHMOND HILL. ONTARIO gamma; THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday more versagziliyyvall the gang (hrqqgh... A total of 6 models in three series from 2-door sedzh to style-leading hardtop, assure a right Acadian for you. A peppy 120 hp economy six or a 195 hp V8 is standard, with a brand new fully-synchronized 3-speed transmission. Also available: a. strong new 350 hp V8; automatic and 4â€"speed manual transmissions. Economical? Yes. Dull?.Never. Z BANK OF COMMERCE AJ- 77, f? Settle back in deep-comfort seats. Rcstful. Comfortable.- An invitation to enjoy yourself. Practical too. With long- wearing, easy-clean upholsteries, mats, headlining. Prac- tical, but with a. most enjoyable flair. ’66 Acadian ’, Oct. 7, 1965

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