Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 14 Oct 1965, p. 11

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Spending Thanksgiving at home with their parents Mr. and Mrs. Robert P. Ross. Centre Street West. were Miss Rose- mary Ross. who is attending the University of Western Ontario in London. and Ian Ross. who is attending Ryersnn Technical 1n- stiluto in Toronto. Officer Cadet Lay is the son of J. W. Lay. 292 Demaine Cres- cent Beverley Acres and is a 1964 graduate of Bayview Sec- ondary School. Officer Cadet Lay, a second electrical engineering student at RMC. received his award for proficiency during his first year of studies. He is enrolled under the regular officer training plan and on gradualion in 1968 he will receive a bachelor of en- gineering degree and regular commission as a flying officer in the RCAF. Officer Cadet David Scott Lay, was awarded the departâ€" mental prize in engineering graphics al the [all convocation ceremonies held October 2 at the Royal Military College of Canada. Kingston. A meeting: of the executive at the CWL of St. Mary Immac- ulate Roman Catholic Church was held October 7 at the home of the president. Mrs. Ned Hill. mlumumumuuummuumunumuum1mmmuummummuu Plans were made {01" the gen- eral meeting Octnber 18 when Rev. C. J. Schwalm will give an Illustrated talk on “The Holy Land". There are still a few vacan- cles for the course of lectures on “What Is This Thing Called Art." at the Ruthe Calverley Gallery. Yonge Street South, commencing this Thursday (0câ€" toher 14' to December 16. Leading RMC Student The course of 12 lectures in~ c'udes a \‘lsit to the Royal 0n- tario Museum and the Toronto Art Gallery - at a minimum cost of $20 {or the complete series. Further information may be obtained by calling 884-5829. The monthly dinner meeting commum‘ for the Richmond Hill Unitedlpresident Church Men's Club will be held Junior C October 20. and a f( Allencnurt Shopping Centre Markham Rd. & Rayview Avenue 'Hchmnnd Hill The Diamond Hand Bell Choir tion of Canada. will play at the choral night at ' - * - * - * Richmond Hill Presbyterian St. Paul‘s Lutheran Church Church. October 24. The three Women will hold their monthly church choirs will also contrib- meeting at the church on Or- ute to the evening‘s program. toher 20, All four are under the direction Mrs. Nelly Williamson has of Mrs. Vera Diamond, the charge of the program which church's organist, will be a study of the mission * - * - * - * Icountry “Llfe in Malaysia". Hnme for the ’l‘hanksgiVing The next meeting of the En- weekend from the University otlgineers Wives will be held 00- Western Ontario were Wendyftoher 20 at the home of Mrs. J Aahkanase. Susan Kaye. Colln‘Turner. 330 Sugar Maple Lane Craddock. David Queen and An- The guest speaker will be thoay Crack. ‘Mrs. G. B. Armstrong. vice-pres- All men are welcome DAVID oi A very successful evening Came to a close with a birthday cake being served, specially prepared to honor the auxili- ary's third birthday. Stiff Furs. hair styles by Ada- mo’s Hair Stylist. make-up by Beauty Counselor and music courtesy of Heintzman and Company. Each lady received a rose, compliments of H. J. Mills. Flor- ist, and at intermission a draw was made for several door priz- es donated by the merchants of Richmond Hill. ‘ Mrs. P. Davis. vice-chairman. ladies’ auxiliary, York Summit District, was welcomed to the meeting and invested the folâ€" lowing newly elected officers - President D o r e e n Williams, Vice-President Randy Hveding, Secretary M a r y Hamilton, Treasurer Audrey Graydon. ito Ottawa. by way of Huntsville Members are reminded to * - * â€" * â€" * and Algonquin Park. bring plastic cleaner bags and Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Rcdcl- While in Ottawa they toured scissors to the next meeting. as meier and daughter Virginia. the Parliament Buildings and‘work is continuing on articlesDon Head Farms. leave on Fri- the Mint, then drove down to for the bazaar. also good used day for Columbus. Ohio. where Morrisburg and spent a mostiwinter clothing and canned food they will attend the annual All enjoyable seven hours at Uppergwhich is being collected this‘American Jersey Show. Canada Village. ‘week as the group's gift to Virginia, who will be exhibit- * ~ * e * - * TORO. ing in the junior section of the Mrs. J. Kramer successfully Coffee was served by Mrs. F. show. was most successful at the convened the Richmond Rose Little and Mrs. K. Clendenning. 4-H Achievement Day at Wood- Chapter IODE Fashion Show * - * â€" * - * bridge Fair last Saturday. win- held at the Richmond Inn. 5611-. ning four first place ribbons for tembel. 29‘ llll|lll||llIlllllllllIlllllllllIHill“llllllllllllllllllllllllllllIllulllllllllillli ; each entry. *_*_*_* i Miss Susan McAllister. Lave- rock Avenue. will be reporting The fall fashions were byL Plans Ardill's of Aurora, furs by Kenl . Stiff Furs, hair styles by Ada-y Gala ...-r_ vv-x.. cL_.u_A .___|_- . The third anniversary of the 9th Richmond Hill Cub and Scout Ladies‘ Auxiliary was cel- ebrated at their opening meetâ€" lng on Wednesday of last week at St. Paul's Lutheran Church, with 16 mothers in attendance. Mr. and Mrs. Alan Smyth, 4- year-old daughter Sharon and 2-year-old son Grant, Allgnod Street. left on Wednesday for Los Angeles. where Mr. Smyth has been appointed trainee manager with the Security First National Bank. While in Ottawa they toured the Parliament Buildings and the Mint. then drove down to Morrisburg and spent a most enjoyable seven hours at Upper Canada Village. Travelling by trailer, Mr. and duction of the Rev-"gird, Mrs- smythv accompanied byiMacKay as the associate minisâ€" the farmer's parents, Mr. auditer of the congregation. Mrs' Eric smyth' Who have been: A social hour will follow in hondaying in the Hill for the>the church parlor. All members PflSt three “’991‘5- Wm drive Fo‘and adherents are cordially in- New York. where they “"1” bid vited. farewell to his parents, who are it _ * _ * _ a: “turning to their home In‘ The October meeting of York Hove, England. The Alan Chapter RNAO was held at York Smyths wrll then continue‘cemml Hospital with a good across the continent to Cali- attendance fornia. annrts were given ln‘ the Residents of the Hill for the past five years. Mr. Smyth has taken a very active part in community afiairs. having been president of the Richmond Hill Junior Chamber of Commerce and a former member of the local parks board. Mrs. Smyth, a talented actress. was for sev- eral years a member of the Curtain Club. local parks board. Mrs. Smyth, A motion followed that an a talented actress. was for sev- nurses in the nommanagerial era] tYears a member of the group are included This is to Curtain CIUb- supercede the previous motion Naighbors an friends “'iSh made at the September meeting the smb’th famlly every Success that there be a division at the in their new venml‘ev and 10"“ head nurses level. forhard to hearing News Of the” Miss Lawson outlined the set- Pl‘Ogl‘E‘SS- ‘uu of interest groups and stated Mr. and Mrs. Robert Meikle and Larry, Yonge Street North. have just returned from a trip to Ottawa, by way of Huntsville and Algonquin Park. The guest speaker win he Mrs. G. B. Armstrpng. vice-pres- ident of Consumers Associa- tion of Canada. PHOTOGRAPHY 30A YONGE ST. S RICHMOND HILL Mr. Bishop received his edu- cation in Nova Scotia. Saskatch- ewan and Ontario. His com- merce degree was obtained from the school of Commerce and Business Administration, Queen‘s University, Kingston. He became a qualified chartered accountant in 1948 while em- ployed with the firm of Toache. Niven. Bailey and Smart. Tor- OHIO Previous‘to striking out on his own he was engaged as a financial consultant with the Ontario Hospital Services Com- mission in Toronto. In choosing to locate in Rich- mond Hill. Mr. Bishop stated that he was aware of the rapid expansion in commerce and In- dustry being experienced in this area. Ralph 1. Bishop. recently opened an office for the practice of public accountancy and audit- ing at ’78A \‘onge Street South. He is a grandson of the late Frederick W. Bishop. MBE. who was president of the United Fruit Companies of Nova Scotia for over 25 years. Reports were given by the delegates who attended the Delâ€" awana and Seaway Conferences. Discussion followed regarding the conferences. The Presbytery of York will meet on Friday at the Richmond Hill United Church for the in- duction of the Rev. Harry E. MacKay as the associate minisâ€" The October meeting of York Chapter RNAO was held at York Central Hospital with a good attendance‘ head nurses level. Miss Lawson outlined the set- up of interest groups and stated that nurses will be more effect- ual by learning to communicate properly, thus becoming more dynamic instead of lethargic people. The pot luck supper will be held November 2 at York Counâ€" ty Hospital in Newmarket. ’Helene Knight convened the refreshments. assisted by sever- al club members. Miss Lawson, field secretary RNAO. discussed the managerial and non-managerial groups. The Friendship Circle group of the Church of St. Gabriel met at the church on Thursday morning with 14 members pres- ent. Thanksgiving visitors with the * - * - * - * Dymonds at 267 Iredale Road The CGIT girls of St. Mat were Mr. and Mrs. R. S. Dy- thew's United Church electe< mond. Glencoe, Mrs. Gladys the 1965/66 executive on Octoh Marks. Renfrew, Dr. and Mrs. er 4. Carolyn Dennis. is the new Richard Dymond, Timmins. and president; Donna Bridge, vice Cst. and Mrs. R. Douglas Dy- president: Valerie Danyer, sec mond. Selkirk, Manitoba. retary-treasurer. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Van Wag-‘ Patients at the Ontario Hos- ner and children from Pierre- pital in Aurora will hold a fonds, Quebec. were weekend Thanksgiving concert at the hos- guests at the home of Mr. and pital, October 14. Mrs. Pat Ryan, Oceanside Aven- Visitors will be welcome to ue. \ attend the concert which begins *-*-*-4 atspm. One of the highlights of the coming social season will be the annual “White Rose Ball" being held De- cember 3 at the Tam-0- Shanter Country Club, by the combined auxiliaries of York Central Hospital. A Dutch Treat Cocktail party will be held from 7 to 9 pm followed by a decorat- ed buffet supper and danc- ing to “The Rhythmaires" until 1 pm. Surprise entertainment will be provided and auxili- ary members are already selling tickets for a draw for a silver tea service and diamond ring, to be held on the night of the ball. A limited number of tick- ets at $15 a couple «are available and may be ob- tained by calling Mrs. A. Simpson at 889â€"4516. of the late Richmond Hill Police raced . MBE. who to a fire Saturday at Street the United Construction. 178 Centre Street |Movers and Storage, 28 Indus- A pocket watch and a pipe and tobacco were taken from one car on Church Street. while a wheel and tire, valued at 528, were taken from a vehicle while it was parked on Colborne Ave- nue. Virginia, who will be exhibit- ing in the junior section of the show. was most successful at the 4-H Achievement Day at Wood- bridge Fair last Saturday, win- ning four first place ribbons for each entry. Miss Susan McAllister‘ Lave- rock Avenue, will be reporting in Iona Camp at the fall con- ference of East Toronto Presby- terian WMS, this Thursday‘ evening. Susan attended the camp at Bala in July as a repre- sentative of the presbyterial. The camp, accommodated in tents, is for young people. The fall conference is being held in Meh'ose Park Presby- terian Church, on Fairlawn Ave- nue. east of Avenue Road. Police also reported two thefts from parked cars and two break-ins. East, but they returned at a In a lesser rate of speed. Industrie While the police were attendâ€" nothing ing the fire. someone stole their Entry we parked cruiser and left them to 'l‘hieve get back to the station on their laundry. own. and took The cruiser was recovered in ine. The cruiser was recovered in ine. Richvale about an hour later. Another building Visited over As for the fire, little damage the weekend was Beverley was done. Acres Public School. which had Police also reported two several windows broken by van- thefls from parked cars and dals. bert E. Bailey performed the ceremony. The bride is a daughter of Mrs. Charles Gibson. 178 Given in marriage by her brother, John, of Waterloo, the bride wore a floor-length gown of pure silk peau de faille. The empire guwn was fashioned with a shallow scoop neckline, em- phasized with a motif of Alen- con lace, and elbow-length sleeves. From the empire band- Outbreak Of Thefts Reported As Thieves Busy On Holiday Weekend The bridegroom, who has been living in Burlington, is a son of Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Kidd of Richmond Hill. He will con- tinue his studies in engineering at the University of Waterloo. Pairents' night will be held October 18 when there will be official initiation of new mem- bers and the 1965 senior girls will be presented with chev- rons. Mr. And Mrs. Gary Kidd Married In Knox Presbyterian, Kitchener and a box 0! tools. valued at 520. were taken from Frank‘s The CGIT girls of St. Mat- thew's United Church elected the 1965/66 executive on Octoh- er 4. Carolyn Dennis. is the new Five excellent films have been selected by “Films 01’ Note" for showing this com- ing season at the Richmond Theatre. 'On the advisory commit- tee for “Films of Note" are four high school teachers James Jackson, Miss Nancy Bird. Richmond Hill High School.‘ Lars .-vThompson, Langstal’f and Miss Lois Perkins. King City Compo- site; two local residents, Douglas Hitchins and Mrs. J. Agg. two students of the Library Club, Eve Harwood and Michael Hannah and former student, Edward Jansen. These are “Sapphirre”, “Road to Eternity", “Don Quixote”. “A Generation”, and “Macbeth”, and will be presented October 21. Nov- ember 11, December 9, Jan- uary 20 and February 9 and 10 respectively. Season tickets will be $3.75, single tickets $1 and may be obtained from Trea- surer Miss Perkins, 110 Church Street South. Two suitcases. valued at $50 l Ralph Dye. 42-year-old assist- ‘ant principal of Richmond Hill High School, will carry the NDP colors for Toronto‘s Parkdale riding in the coming Federal election November 8. \Vhitchurch Township Police reported speedy action in a stolen car case Monday. The car. which was taken from Metro about 8.45 am, was recovered by township police at Musselman‘s Lake at 10 am. The vehicle had been rolled over and was completely demolished. Tm; juveniles were appreâ€" hended in connection with it. Every Tuesday and Thursday morning, at Our Lady Queen of the World Church the little group of retardates gathers. (The accommodation has been donated by Father Robinson and his parish. Teacher, Mrs. Mar- guerite Brenn. and her staff of seven volunteers help the youngsters to bridge the gap between a sheltered home and Thornhaven School. youngsmrs 1° “"039 me 339 The bride is the daugher of between a sheltered home and Mr. and Mrs’ v. J. McDougan Thomhaven SCh°°L iStancroft Drive and the groom Teacher and helpers alike are‘is the son of Mr. and Mrs delighted at the pleasure and Gordon Tonner of Oxford Street. progress of these children in the nursery schnol. and their moth- ers seem equally pleased. l Given in marriage by her ‘father, the bride wore a white ‘AAAu 1nhu‘h rn‘vnh nrdnnwh .nm.‘ Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Johnston nf Boisdale Avenue. were guests over the Thanksgiving weekénd of their son and daughter-in-law, Rev. and Mrs. Paul C. Johnston and baby daughter, Janice in' Smiths Falls, and visited Mrs. Any interested parents of pre- school retardates or anyone wil- ling to help as a volunteer is invited to phone the associatlon at 884-5861. sléel‘izi‘ieflzatfait“$°‘é‘ln§‘3‘iRichmond Hill Curling Club Ready for nine years, Mr. Dye has never taken out Canadian citi- zenship papers, :but is eligible B. S I H. t to run for parliament because~F0r n he is a British subject. In an interview in Toronto, he said If the opening meeting is anylvote of thanks extended to the only laliheSS had PreventEd him criterion, the Richmond Hill Sinners Club for their donation from gEtting hi5 PaPEI‘S- Curling Club ls headed for the‘of new parking-lot lights and M12 DYE, Who Was named‘biggest year in its history. Atiattractive new benches which candidate by 40 supporters atlthe well attended pre-seasoniwill be placed in the curling the meeuhg in Toronto. t01d hislget-together held in the clubiarea. The parking area is now listeners that by accepting nu-‘lounge on October 6, Presidentiwell lighted. The benches will clear warheads from the Unitelealter Lavender and his execu- be welcomed by the weary and StateS, Canada had become ative outlined plans and pro- exhausted who now may seek satellite of that country in the grams that promise a busy and temporary respite from their eyes 0f the UnCOmmitted 113“ interesting curling season. . arduous sweeping efforts. tions- nnn'miem havnntnd tho HI‘Pâ€" Mr Travondnr annnnni-Drl with lrial Road. in a break-in there. Entry was made from a side window in the garage: In a break-in at Branston Industries, 44 Newkirk Road, nothing was reported taken. Entry was through a side door. Thieves also visited the coin laundry. 74 Yonge Street South, and took $2 from a coin mach- Mr. Dye and Mrs. Felicity Cochrane, 36, the Tory nominee, will be trying to unseat Dr. Stanley Haidasz, Liberal mem- ber in the last parliament. A reception was held at the Granite Club. Ml‘..alld Mrs. Kidd will live at 119 Barbara Crescent, Kit- chener, after a honeymoon trip to Northern Michigan. The Association for Retarded Children in this area has al- ways been an active organiza- tion and now they have a new venture â€" A Nursery School. Thornhaven School. built by public subscription. now oper- ates under a municipal author- ity and the provincial govern- ment. ARC Industries Training Centre for those over 18 is well established, so that attention and effort can now be given to the pre-school retardates and their parents Name Dye Parkdale NDP Standard Bearer Johnston's mother, Mrs Monahan in Ottawa. They attended Paul’s church for Sunday school and two ser- vices and heard their son preach the morning service. Paul's father was the guest preacher at the evening family gospel hour. Keep our “Life in the Hill" columns up to date with your news - the ser- wire is free - call the Social Editor Margot Crack at 884-1105 or mail your con- tribution to 63 thge Street South. FURTHER HELP FOR RETARDED u\ .-u "nu .4 r...“ Vtuvmo... 1.“, nothâ€"i Give" in marriage by h,” groom’s mother wore a beaded ‘father, the bride wore a white‘coral dress. matching accessor_ ,pre_ifloor-1ength, rayon organza over ies and a pearl bag. She wore a E wi1_‘tafieta dress, With a flowmg corsage of pink roses. 81, is chapel tram. Small flower apg For the honeymoon mp to atlonfqhques accented the scoop neCk‘ Wildewood-by-the-Sea. New Jer- jlme and A-llne of the dress. A sey, the bride wore a pink and "own 0f mt glass and sequms‘white linen sheath with a white he.“ a scammed elbow'lengthicoat. She wore a blue and pink ale ‘vell. lier bouquet was a cascadeiflowered hat, white accessories of pink roses encrusted With and a corsage of mauve and baby orchid leaves mixed withlpink "er White Carnations and baby's Out-ofâ€"town guests were from breath- lBarrie, Huntsville, Hamilton. ssist.‘ Matron 0f honor MI'S- GeOI'geiToronto, Stoney Creek, Aurora HimBeatty tsister of the bride), andi’and Kingston NDp‘bridesmaids Mrs. Thomas Lee‘ Mr. Tonner is an honor’s (dale‘and Susan Savage were gowned'graduate from McMaster Uni- deralialike in floor-length pink taffeta‘versity in physical education dresses covered with white ray-‘and both the bride and groom licityon lace. Their headpieces werejgraduated from Richmond Hill 1inee ‘made of two live pink carna-‘High School. They are now re- Driitions and matching veils. Theirisiding in Richmond Hill. [.055 was ('nnl'ined to the of scrap lumber. Richmond Hill firefighters answered a call to Street Con- struction‘s yard on Centre Street East, at 9:10 Thanksgiv- ing evening. Earlier in the day the firm had been burning trash in a bonfire and sparks from this fire are believed to have spread to a pile of scrap lum- ber, where they smouldered for some hours before bursting flame. Reporting for the business girls section, June Collard ad~ vised of an expected sharp in- crease in membership and ex- cellent prospects for another season of good competetive curl- Reporting for the ladies' sec- tion, Lorraine Waters directed special emphasis to the opening luncheon and business meeting ing bne of ‘the highlights of the meeting was the enthusiastic Pile 0f Scrap Lumber Is Destroyed By Fire Baskets of white gladioli and Chrysanthemums formed the setting for the marriage of Carole Stephanie Hayes to Kel- vin Gordon Tonner at St. Mat- thew‘s United Church, August 14, with Reverend C. G. Higgin- son officiating. interesting curling season. . arduous sweeping efforts. Optimism keynoted the pre-‘ Mr. Lavender announced with sentation of all committee ire-pleasure the re-appointment of ports. Everything is on schedule‘Bruce But‘terworth as manager. ready to go. The first big event Mr. Butterworth is also the golf is the opening bonspiel sched- pro at Aurora Highlands. As- uled for October 22 and 23.‘sisting him again this year in Mike Slobodian, the ice-makei',.the office will be Erica Weber. is already at work. The recent Membership Chairman S. C. installation of a water-softener Smith, stated that applications should make the ice keener than for membership in this active ever. young club are now being re- Reporting for the men's curl- ing section, Murray Doherty ad- vised the meeting that his very capable committee had everyâ€" thing in readiness just await- ing the g0 signal. There will be lots of curling for everybody. Scheduled curling starts Novem- ber 2 and those wishing to par- ticipate should return their entry slips without delay. New members should not hesitate to enter. MR. ANI) MRS. KELVIN 'I'ONNER SIGN REGISTER Tanner - Hayes Nuptia/s into pile For the honeymoon trip to Wildewood-by-the-Sea. New Jer- sey, the bride wore a pink and white linen sheath with a white Coat. She Wore a blue and pink flowered hat, white accessories and a corsage of mauve and pink. Following the ceremony, a re- ception was held at the Rich- mond Hill Legion Hall. The bride’s mother received the guests wearing a pale blue or- ganza dress with white acces- snies and a pink corsage. The groom’s mother wore a beaded coral dress, matching accessor- ies and a pearl bag. She wore a corsage of pink roses. bouquets were of pink carna tions and white miniature gladi oli. Groomsman was David Ruth- erford with Brian Atkinson and John Ingram (the groom’s cous- in) as ushers. Membership Chairman S. C. Smith, stated that applications for membership in this active young club are now being re- ceived. The club is open even- ings and visitors are very wel- come. Anyone wishing informa- tion should phone the club - or Mr. Smith at 884â€"2770. It is little wonder that Electrohome TV. has won such enthusiastic support among viewers. Even these lower-priced models provide picture quality unequalled in the industry. The Centurion Chassis is the secret of Electrohome success. One glance will convince you of superior performance. Only as years go by can you fully appreciate Electrohome’s outstanding reliability 889â€"3756 ONE YEAR WARRANTY 0N COMPONENTS AND TUBES RICHMOND HILL TV THE LIBERAL. Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday, Oct. 14. 1965 $269.50 WITH TRAD E ELECTROHOME SOUTH BLOCK all us, or dr0p in for a Color TV Demonstration today wK _ RICHMOND HEIGHTS CENTRE 28 chendale Road 8 CENTURION MK I r. v vVwwVVVvvVVVVVVVVVVVVa‘JVIWVVV‘OV‘O‘bW‘OW :V‘WWW M irvâ€"m R'xmkmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmAmmrxaAAA‘.‘ m A y. - - g A _ - g OCTOBER 14 to OCTOBER 23 WIGHT'S PHARMACY \‘J‘i.\‘.a\'l\‘.\‘ ( E g RICHMOND HEIGHTS CENTRE 5 ACROSS FROM LOBLAWS For Appointment - 884-5021 OPEN THURS. & FRI. EVENINGS UNTIL 9 RM. ’ tyyw» 28 Yonge St. S. PERMANENT WAVE SPECIAL ONECENT SALE BOOKINGS FOR ALL S’I‘EAMSHIPS AND AIRLINES, TOURS AND CRUISES 35 YONGE STREET N. PHON] RICHMOND HILL 889-575 VIENNESE BEAUTY SALON THE GENERATION OF GIRLS AND BOYS WHICH RESISTED THE GERMAN OCCUPA- TION OF POLAND THE LATEST COLOUR VERSION OF SHAKES- PEARE , THE FAMOUS CLASSIC IN A BEAUTIFUL COLOUR VERSION Seventh Season 1965-1966 Thursdays - Richmond Theatre OCTOBER 21 â€" SAPPHIRE HOW WAS THE COLOUR PROBLEM THE CAUSE OF SAPPHIRE’S DEATH A COURAGEOUS AND HUMANE MAN SWEPT INTO THE BRUTALITY OF THE WAR IN CHINA JANUARY 20 â€" A GENERATION DECEMBER 9 â€" DON QUIXOTE NOVEMBER 11 â€" ROAD TO ETERNITY FEBRUARY 9, 10 â€" MACBETH GLOBE TRAVEL SERVICE SEASON TICKET $3.75. MAIL REMIT- TANCE (INCLUDING EXCHANGE) to LOIS PERKINS, 110 CHURCH STREET SOUTH, RICHMOND HILL. SINGLE TICKET $1.00. FlLHiO‘Nm KMIMHI No service charge, no booking fee Good to Sat, Oct. 30 Clip this list for reference 884-4444 FILMS OF NOTE 202°. Richmond Hill lltli llifllillllll WWII] 8844456 PHONE 889-5782 OFF '9)

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