Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 14 Oct 1965, p. 12

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II. 15465 12 | PROFESSIO Ambulance THE LIBERAL. Richmond Hill. Ontario. Thursday. Oct. NM o ‘ Gormley News Notes v‘ \clzlibnrhood Notes ‘ltlTIE‘ with his grandparents. .\It'. end \\llI1 her cousins Mr and “e \\l\ll a speedy iecmeryuand MYS- Hal‘i‘y Barber. Kyle Mrs, Frank F‘oparti, at their in our nmpnal patients \lrs. has a new baby sister. Susan cottage near Fairy Sound. pm pm. is m women's College Ellen, born on October 1. Recent visitor-spith Mr and Hospital. Toronto. and Mrs, Mrs. E. W. Jones and Mrs, A. Mrs. George French were Mrs. lilollands accompanied .Ilrs.Geo. Chas, (‘onner 111' and Mrs. Hmmmi‘ Nmmmrker Leary on a visit Mrs lda (‘ook Henry Heise. .\Irs, Frank Benâ€" Master lorry Doner came at the home of her daughter. nett. and .\Irs. ‘\larion Kelly name Timed“ an” Spending Mrs. M. Spence of Stouffville. Mr. and .\lrs. Ralph Emprine, Frank ilarwy is in York County Insurance «Continued: Accountants VAUGH ‘N HILL | seieral weeks in Sick Children'sl Ml?“ Clitasilllilited and Char- harn spent 'l‘lianksgiving weekâ€" _ I i . . X ' H.- een s n ‘1 .e'” 1 - ‘ L. F. Clark Anlbuiance ROy ‘7' Blck (Image? &d S) LDIZ :‘IIaII H‘ 1:101:19 have misunderstood 77-7 A, ape I an I} “In: “89k find ln'g‘ia‘m. ‘ I I FILA' ‘ comple'e 1 r i q aro .an .iiriesors VETERINARY SURGEON the announcement of the . S b k PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT 884-711] Insurance Service ROBERT OADES “‘“A Y““§§,_§;§5‘V“‘"“d“°‘ 0m” "WWW "1 Buttonv'I'“ Mar am TWP. RECEIVES El ac III Post Office. This does not 54531/2 YONGE STREET Serving RichdmoanAHi" : 17 Queen St E l Beginners And Advanced Genres T- Yates. 0L5 Telcnhone 147 Yonze St- N» :akt‘lfi"91":;f°f”T‘;G“r“l“ - y ' a ‘ ' ' . .. , ,,, _ . ~ . ey ost ( 'ice. 0 on! T A E t P d 2204701 . and Surroun mg re 5 Toronto 363.3959} 889.2942 I Res Zaiflsgzzfifres ‘8841432 Richmond uni dimlle “ m as Gorm ans 0 (qlfll'e x [3 ar an ' . -~ I" " “ ’ ' ’ ' ‘ ’ ’ # ‘ ’ "' " ' ‘ "s ‘ . . .0â€" 25 Grandview AWL l “5’3” tilllllIlllitIllllllllltll‘llllltll“Itittttlllllltltlllllttlllltllttlttllllltllllllllli Esi’JQEZYLTH;digour. :‘i dPla." In acquirine some anon or had ' Joscelyn, Laughlln, Thornhi" : l ricr. will have 79 fewer .Iand for Park Purposes has (‘Ollllt‘ll “ill cousnler lIS ’ . - 3 ' v o N mop“, m deny“. to. "8 will Jbrought about some extra prob- merits din-in: the week .Franklm, Tucker ' 889-1319 S I Sportm Goods ‘ o o . he "mum mm, the ilems for Markham Township * - v + ‘ & M B -d . . __«_...â€"_â€"â€" ICE uPP IES g tvrc'roniim ORDER or same route as he does mm “mm” A'm'l'” WP“- “'"il‘)'. I)“ . c I" e . .1 , i NURSES Andrew Jones and Walter TWO “MKS 8E0. t'OlIliClI. acl< hep" RICR'HE around mum” for :' Chartered Accountants Arthur G. Broad Elgm 7- Barrow â€" ‘ ‘ i may «if Emmanuel Bihie Col-iing in response to a request‘m‘” "W" "°“"*"“‘ ""W’m‘ “‘ 31 Yonge Street North Richmond Hill, Ont. - 889-6562 . 112 Geneva Street St. Catharines, Ont. - 584â€"1177 CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT 'LEONARD R. ROSENBERG ' B. Com. Bank of Nova Scotia Building Aurora .‘l'olephono Aurora 727-9451 ' PHILIP A. LIMPERT Chartered Accountant in South Taylor Mills Drive ' Richmond Hill, Ontario Telephone 884-1861 D.C. 21 Bedford Park Ave... Richmond Hill 884-4251 By Appointment H. D. M elsness, DTC. X-RAY cor. Windhurst Gate & Bayview (1 block south Bayview Plaza). Phone 884-1075 By Appointment SOI‘I Peter R. Thom D.C. 80 YONGE STREET S. RICHMOND HILL, ONT. RESIDENCE: 884-6507 OFFICE: 884-6011 Insurance Fire. Auto and Liability Suite 2. Lowrie Building 15 Yonge Street N. Richmond Hill 884-1551 Ernie Brock & Son Kirby Brock Maple, Ont. COMPLETE INSURANCE SERVICE Bus. 832-2621 Res. 832-1224 Eric’s Cycle and Sports Shop COM. 8.: Raleigh Bicycles Repairs to All Makes A Complete Line of Sporting Goods 25 Yonge Street South H. B. FISHER l l Office Supplies (formerly York Office Supplies) 16 Yonge Street North) RICHMOND HILL 884-4231 889-5729 Rentals. sales, s e r v i c e of office machines. B u sin e s s supplies and social stationery Television I pin a RADIO. iz‘. " Optometrists 3: .1,- v- m n < f‘ In Expert Repairs to J. C. Horvat, B.A., 0.1). TV _ RADIO _ m N _ CAR Richmond Hill, 884-1213 ‘ RICHMOND HIIiI. leee. Kitchener spent ’l‘hanks- . BRANCH EIYIIIE weekend with their parâ€" ents )Mrs_ w. Mr and \lrs. Lotus (‘Iimeir hope of Stmensville spent sevâ€" 884â€"410] eral days with 1119 Misses Hen- . . . . rlerson )RlChmnnd HI" Mummpal i\Il'\ Beulah Jones \ilf‘lil Hall l'hanksuivinu with her son and SERVING daughterrinuaw. Mr, and Mrs. Paul Jones and family of Wind sor, RICHMOND HILL. MARKHAM TOWNSHIP‘ Master Kyle Barber. son of VAUGHAN TOWNSHIP. ‘l\lr. and Mrs. Harry Barber, of ‘111111111111111iiiiii11111111111111iiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiuiiiiuiiiiiiiiuuiiuiiiiiiu‘Rockwood» is spending some ‘ seen d” Thoughts % (Continued from Page 2) . . That‘s odd. As a (KEY Sounds (ioocl To Me!" . ifrom Grandview Highland Com~ Imunity Association in March. pave second reading to a by- law calling for the expropria- ttion of lots 5. 6 and '1' for addiâ€" ‘tional land for the park area west of Henderson Avenue Pub- lic School. The land is owned Iby Wycliffe Homes. . ’l‘he ratepayers also wanted assistance in getting a comniuir ity centre for the area. which I north, west. , Council approved the. settin tup of a centre at. its meeting the first week in June, 3 Last Monday. 1-1. Soupcoff. i'l‘oronto. informed council the {land which had been sold in Yonge Street on the is bounded by Steeles Avenue‘ on the south. Bayv‘iew Avenue C'l_ . on the east. CNR Bypass on the batmg the 'Ssue' i 4 l the nicotine, Council presented a let'ei' from llengran Dmclnpments I.l|lill(‘(l. builders of the 400- unit \"arlcy \'illaue Ill I'niorr ville. saying that contracts had been called for the building of sewage works in the develop« ment Approval for the works. which were contained in the subdividers‘ agreement, was given last January by coun- ' after nearly a year of de- sewage tit". Council also: Agreed to a 2 meeting with the police village library boards of Unionville and Thornhill on October 25 at 7.30 to discuss the possibility of a central library for the township. Approved the withdrawal of people. all we can recall saying was that Norman duly for an industrial develop..the proposed by-law calling for iinent and would cost councnta $50000 debenture loan for the I, Bisho Gondhead smmdg “ff! approximately another 't)00()?now-abandoned Centennial a'k B.Com. p I Yonge St. N. RADIOS . _ _ ‘ a" I: i‘ _ :if it wished to purchasseO it. {Project pl . CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT Richmond ANTENNA INSTALLATIONS ‘ A'CI‘IIId is porsoned in Canadaevet'y 15 minutes He .said the owner was ready: Received a letter from the 1 AND PARTS 1 according to Hospital For Sick (_h1ldren officials. tio build this year. which wouldlDliO turning down a joint re- 78A Yonge St. S., ipFOVlde assessment. right away. quest from Vaughan and Mark- irowever. as'an alternative pro- ham Townships for traffic lights ‘p-osal. counc11 could buy a por-‘ai Highway 11 and Garden Ave- ition of another lot on the soutlrnue. and recommendatiniz a . 1side of Glencaineron Avenue¢erosswalk instead. Council» in- Richmond Hill’s. (formed is going to sic the {HUN-h. of the railroad. isli'llcled the. clerk to ask for a bailiff on businesses that fall behind in their taxes. ‘ 5'3"} CPUHCUIOF Cleal'v. Pal-icopy oftheDHOIDSDeot01"s re- A “Liberal” story on this including the words “dead- Ernera‘luew:a';.e “°§,“freh‘°}flsc'tlfislport- Wm”? COMEIHEd the line" and “bankrupt” set us to second-thoughting r I‘mâ€"u w et er ltsremmnlendamn' about a comparison with the Quebec “dead” line of bankrupts . . . But we decided it, would be a. sic joke. i and the papers are publicizing a list of nine precau» lions parents should take. . . And how about a tenth 1 commandment? Thai old-fashioned one: “lion’t!” * Ii It )3 it By Appointment 884-4641 ‘ Richmond Hill Tels.: 884-5235 Richmond Hill fl 727.9360-Aur‘ora Dr J M Dryer DENTIST Open Evenings ' 78 YONGE ST. S.. RICHMOND HILL Auctioneer . Dr. J. Perdicaris Alvin S. Farmer . Licensed Auctioneer CENTRE York & Ontario Counties BAYVIEW PLAZA 36 Years Experience BEVERLEY ACRES . SPECIALIZING IN OFFIlClEoiiVS‘Z-M'Il PUREBRED CATTLE, .FARM STOCK. FURNITURE AND IMPLEMENTS ‘ We personally handle all sales bills and advertisingâ€" PHONE 886-5311 GORMLEY, ONT. Authorized Factory Service for‘ Rogers Majestic - Fleetwood I McCiary - Easy and ingiis T. (7. Newman, Q.C. BARRISTER a; SOLICITOR Suite 2 Lowrie Building 15 Yonge St N.. Richmond Hill Every Thursday Afternoon 884-1551 Toronto Officeâ€"â€" '1 Queen St. E., Suite 151 Phone 363-5877 N" Electric Appliance Repairs and1 H. Naftolin, 0.D. Parts 294 Bayview Plaza Richmond Hm 45 INDUSTRIAL RD. RICHMOND HILL For appointment please call . i: it 4- w a 884-4040 5 Deli Definition: â€"â€"-â€"-â€"â€"-â€"â€"- -â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"vâ€"â€"~‘ Plowing match: Where one good turn deserves 3 K FIOyd 15- Comer A. w. Kirchen, ()_D_ Repairs and Sales of TV‘si another; and HiFi’s ‘ ’ ' . I BARRISTERS - SOLICITORS 17 Yonge St' N' Guaranteed work lBeiore The Magistrate Richmond Hill Reasonable Prices AND NOTARIES PUBLIC By Appointment Floyd E. Corner, Q.C. 884-3962 MEDICAL-DENTAL v \\ <~Qk§ “soonest” AND BURNER scavrcc 884-436I RICHMOND I‘III.I. BIGGER Bernard R. Forgang 47 Yonge Street South Aurora, Ontario Telephone 727-9488-9 Fraud, Indecent Assault Counts“ Result In Prison Terms For Twoi Two of six people who apâ€"iBrunswick. robbed a Torontoi peared in Magistrate‘s (iourtlman at knife point after the for sentencing last week forilatter had given him a lift in‘ offences under the Criminallhis car. Ritchie had been in; Code, were given jail terms bylthe army at the time. E ' ' ~ . ll ngmeenng Transportation SPECIAL MACHINERY GENERAL REPAIRS Leno’s Machine Shop Pianos Langdon's A t b'l 73 CENTRE ST. EAST Notary Public. ' Magistrate 0. S. Hollinrake. ‘ Defence Counsel 'Holfling-L‘ RICHM ND ILL V Lloyd Everson. 29. of Willow-worth. Toronto, is asking or a; . u 0 H Ifslclfgi:fl: SHIIIVO‘CIIHtario dale. received a total of thsuspended sentence for his} ' ' .months made up of eight conv‘client. said Ritchie had been‘ STEAMFITTING WELDING Barrister. Solicitor and 884-7891 220 Bay Street, Suite 701 1 Toronto 1. Ontario. 366-9411. distressed after attending his; erson was convicted on eight father‘s funeral in New Brunso counts of false pretences. Suick. His father had died of, The accused had been usmgicancer and Ritchie also had Coaches for all Occasions ‘secutive two-month terms. Ev- FOR INFORMATION l for today’s greater need: - . - 2:]:2205“: stolen credit cards to purchaselthree operations for the same‘ râ€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"_ __.__â€"â€"-â€"~| .-.. .. CI th' h d'..Iâ€"l'.ith' . VOIKSWAGEN Half Styling 31 Norman .4. Todd E ,Pia Tuner ,__4___ can; ..?...:.t:::.:i‘ as. .. B t S I B 4 xper. n0 Trailu’a g [convictions for theft takend placel \Ehiletfie was 13. UP T “ ' ‘ ' .. * r * * cuso y am e 5.1 requlre & y a ‘Barrister, and TeChnIClan y Guiseppe Bitondo. 22. of RRitreatment. Counsel said he had. Solicitor 8: Notary Public 15 YONGE ST. NORTH 11. Keswick. who was convictedlbeen in jail four months now .and had “paid the penalty" for his crime “Checked” Electronically ‘ Of Canada Ltd. New Scientific Method .two weeks ago of indecent as- Local Bus service Isault. was sentenced to three I W.&P. ‘Hans Hafnlann $5000 with new RiChmond Hm’ cumin GUESSWORK i Daily Richmond Hill .months in jail. Mr. Hollinrake said it “as N CONTINENTAL Office 8844780 ELIMINATED | Toronto Sem” Bitondo was charged after he necessary to protect the com- . ' " munity against crimes of vio~ assaulted a 43-year»old Richvale Residence 884-1863 had By Appointment H AIR STYLIST Pianos Bought and so” Charterea COaCheS grandmother, whom he lence. and that he didn't want Richmond Hill \ .13 Yonge Street South ' Information: 889-3642=given a lift to in his car. to let his sympathy for the ac- Richmond Hill Plano salles 'l‘wo neighbors of the ac- cused "run away with my sense Ne“ ‘0 w°°‘“'°”“5 J Rabi 0 it h 43 Yonge St- N. (Leglon cused, Ed Martin and Oakley‘of duty." â€" ' ' n u “c ' Court) ~ Sturdy. RR l. Keswrck. testi- * ' V ‘ Phone B 4 If t Ified that Ritondo had been a Two youths from the House “ . no anmwr a i"good neighbor" and had fitted of Concord. who appeared for sentencing on charges of cornâ€" mitting \vrlful damage. escaped) jail sentences and were placed‘ on probation for a year. ‘well into community life, since 884-3614 . moving to Keswick about six Call 884-1105 or 889-3316 ) RUMBLE TRANSPORTImWS Magistrate Holluirake said he BARRISTER, SOLICITORy' NOTARY PUBLIC 65 Yonge‘ St. S. RATES Flowers Auto â€"_â€"_â€"_â€"_.â€"_â€"â€"-â€"â€"_â€"â€"_â€".â€"_â€"â€" lâ€"â€"â€"â€"_â€"â€"â€"_.â€"â€"_â€"_â€"â€"_â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"_ ' ' ' ' .. . 1was sorry for ‘ the accused‘s The magistrate also told 01110811! over $1500 RIChmnPd HI“ P‘C'V’ (“lass A' C' and H family 7â€" he has three childâ€" Laurie McPhee and Richard L 884".”ng - t ' DAILY SERVICE ren » but “I still think my Rogers both 16. that they â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€" Richmond Theatre Block w p . RICH,“ primary duty is the protection would have to remain at .the. L~ - ostshave own sohave your family I “ ' ' . 0ND HILL . . e .. . . . . _. . 1v1ngc gr . .1 Res‘ 884_2117 a a ol decent women. Ilouse ol (23122111: during that money needs. Mister Transmission Ltd. 177 YONGE ST. N. RICHMOND HILL 889-6662 A Complete Transmission Service Automatic Specialists Chinese Food Town Inn TAKE-OUT SERVICE 32 Yonge Street South RICHMOND HEIGHTS CENTRE “Flowers For All Occasions" I’hones 834-1812 389-1812 ‘ AT ALL HOURS We Deliver Toronto & Surrounding ‘1 Districts ‘ I HELEN SIMPSON LTNETT ; Helen Simpson Flowers . \lETRO WIDE DELIVERY? Member - Delivery Association I 2518 YONGE ST. 1 (at St. Clements) t Delicious piping hot. Chinese TORONTO 12. ONT. 1 food to take out. Homel â€" v I delivery or pickâ€"up Heate Ph- “180'114’3 I retaining containers. Ask for I our special takeâ€"out menu. Fastâ€"Efficientâ€"Tasty I move. l'lSlIIdl'ICE 884-1136 â€"â€" 884-1137 Afghans to Weimaraners Buying a dog or other pet'.‘ Whatever vour preference. you should find just what you want through the PETS FOR SALE COLI'SIN. See this directory in "THE LIBERAL" EVERY THI'RSDAI’. Corner .4 gerrcy i Limited Insurance â€" l i t l Mortgages Fire. Auto and Liability lMotor Vehicle Financ‘e. Sci-viml .TEIEPHONE 1 l -n- 1.2.! ~94SS-9 ‘ Rear 47 \‘onze St. S. Aurora, Ontario JAMES H. PEARSON ROBERT G. PARKER Richmond Hill 50 Yonge St. N. 889-4955 ~~ mi Lawlor LeCIaire &- Barman BARRISTERS-SOLICITORS 15 Yonge Street Richmond Hill. Ontario 884-4413 Florists' Telegrapth Richmond 51. “7.. Sutte 402 Toronto 1. Ontario 366-3156 & Mann Barristers. Solicitors. etc. RICHMOND HILL THORNHILI. Richmond Hill Office 15 I'onge Street N. 889-5144 884-5701 Thornhill Office 889-1197 Barrister. Solicitor. \‘ntary Public THORNHILL 889-3165 Parker & Pearson srcanr P. PARKER. QC. ‘ 884-1543 ‘1 Plaxton. Deane James H. Timmins ‘ i To TORONTO Local and Long Distance wmrrn ‘ GARDEN ; ' 884-1013 364-2625 INTERIORS LTD. Discount On All RICHMOND U PHOLSTER Y Specialists In CUSTOM ‘ BENJAMIN l MOORE PAINT} 9114 Yonge St. l Richvale ‘ , . i ’ RE-L PHOLSTLRING I _ . All Work Guaranteed FREE DELIVERY l Free Esumales. .. l = Phone 881-9131 ‘ 44 Levendale Rd. Richmond Hill Signs i ramp i UPHOLSTERY Custom Upholstery TRY KARSS SIGNS i for all kinds of IETTERING AND ‘WITH RENTAL PROPS. 1'21) Anytime 884-6600 I ALLENCOURT PLAZA Bitondo. who had been on probation since February after being convicted of six charges time and strictly the regulations of the home. as well as receive permission from. To help meet those greater needs. HFC now Upholstery l â€" w N W 13" l ’ ' ID“ Dms G lChesterireIdsSJCha'IS 3 884-6274 the court any time they wanted to leave it. \i'alter Dowell. 16. who was William Ritchie. 22. who was with the accused when they also convicted last September tore up the contents of several on a charge of robbery with vi--cottages in Whitchurch Townâ€" olence. had his case put overlship in July. also appeared for ‘for sentencing until October 19.‘sentencing on charge of car .\Ir llollinrake said he didn't theft. want to go ahead with sent- Magistrate of false pretences. also had a previous conviction for theft. xnv‘x Hollmi'ake said tencina the accused without he would rather “take another :heariug the views of- (jrown chance" on the accused, who Mttorney Arleieli Armstrong. was on probation at the time 1who prosecuted the case. of his arrest than send him to Mr. Armstrong was absent iail. 'Tliursday and Richmond Hill Dowell was remanded in cus- attorney John Lawlor. was am. rody of the House of Concord fin: (‘rown and \\lII appear for sentencinz Ritchie. a Halli? of NemeemberlR MODERN HEA TED WAREHOUSE STORAGE CIIMMERt‘lAI. INDIISTRIAL HOLSEHOID Rumble Transport 91 NEWKIRK ROAD 8844013 Richmond Hill 889-6192 361~2625 e Toronto lends as much as $5000, with up to 60 months to repay. COMPARE OUR CHARGES Before you borrowâ€"compare our charges with what you would pay elsewhere. When you need a larger loanâ€"for paying bills, consolidating instalment contracts, buy- ing a better car, handling an emergency, or for any other purposeâ€"trust the company that’s trusted by hundreds of thousands of Canadians every year. For prompt service on any loan, large or small, phone or visit HFC -â€"where you borrow with confidence. - I 3 MONTHLY PAYMENT PLANS 3 - [gin so u 1 35 1 J0 ‘ M I; . : month; months) mall): pant/)5 WWII-d3 [Mm : - .. t’ . $5.12 3.9.45 . : .. 1835 22.17 g . . ..i23.73 32.86 51.24 . ' .'._... . . 41.45.511.11 9156 . : isoo .i 5172...“. 2 - 2500 ...... 73.35 90.13‘.-_.u..,-.i.n.. . - 3000 t 8802 108.22 .....i. 3 I 4000 10101 11737 14430 i.....:. , . 51100 12626 146.11 180.37 . - a. : :mmmnmzmzinsurances 1 Ask ab0ut credit the insurance at low group rates RICHMOND HILL 15 Yonge Street Northâ€"Telephone 884-4431 (over the Bank of Montreal) Asi. 0mm: mil mining mu;

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