22.000, 100 acres estate salt 00d clay loam, corner property, avement on both frontages. n opportunity for speculation. ood barn with good water sup- ly. House needs repair. Allan Gellatly mg $3,000 down paymerft. Im ‘ ediate possession. 510,000 - 4-bedroom home con- Ienient to shopping and :hurches. centrally located on .arge lot. needs decorating. Ask- } For Positive Results Call ‘889-6241 773-4151 Six room brick bunga- low with three finished' rooms in basement. Pav-| ed drive, aluminums. oil heated. Ideal for large‘ family. close to shopping. schools and transporta-1 tion. This house won’t last. Call MRS. CLELAND now. ‘ 889-6241 $12,500 only - your down payment considered. You‘ must inspect this 3 bed- room bungalow with gar-I age on a 60x135 foot hedged and treed lot.‘ ‘Sickness forces sale. Call MR. WHITE today. EARLY POSSESSION $15,500 attractive 3 “bed-l room brick bungalow, Ll shaped living and dining room, built in oven andl range. 6% NHA mort- gage carries $110 mon-' thly including taxes. See' this for sure with 7 Highway and Aurora Sideroad. Imagine only $14,500 full price. Move‘ right in. Hurry. call HANS BRAUNS REWARD OFFERED If you will inspect this 4' bedroom. 2 washroom brick bimgalow with a 2 car garage you wilh be rewarded with the finest value between No.‘ KING CITY. $2,500 ‘ DOWN ‘ Spotless six room brick rancher. oil heat, patio; large landscaped lot. Many extras - only $15,-' 500. full price. Call $11,900.00 full price, 3 bedroom brick bunga1 low. Close to school and plaza. Immediate pos-1 session. Call today ‘ MR. PARIS] l 'North Yonge side split .level with 2-car garage,‘ 2 baths, family room lwith open fireplace. Onel acre lot. 200 foot front-l ‘age. Only minutes to ‘schools, plaza and 'I'I‘Cl bus. Only $27,400.00. Call 1 ONE ACRE CLOSE IN $580. down, 3 bedroom bungalow. One 6%â€;6‘ NHA mortgage carries $93.00 monthly with‘ taxes. Full] price $11,? 600.00. For inspection call 1 51 Yonge St. S. i Richmond Hill's Leading Realtor ‘ JOHNSTON & DANIEL REALTY LTD. NH A REPOSSESSION grade Ins Accepted? DOUG BENN E'I‘T BERT GRAMSCH FORCED SALE GEORGE REID 312.800 FULL $69.00 MONTH $1.000 DOWN - AURORA SUTTON WEST NEWMARKET MR. MAY 833-5745 NORM BLACK REALTY LTD. clw16 PRIVATE WANTED to buy, semi-detached 2 storey or bungalow. Write Box 48 “The Liberal". c1wl7 HOMES WANTED by investor for renting. all cash, will repair if needed. Free appraisal. Call Tula Realty Limited, 222-2525. IF you wish to sell quietly or buy in confidence 3 home. farm, land or business anywhere in Ontario, please write me. H. Armstrong, 74 Rockport, Rich- mond Hill. Salesman for Arthur Magee, Broker. c4w15 $32,500 8 room brick home on 2 acres with modern con veniences and early Canad- ian charm, hilltop location with terrific view of scenic countryside. Mrs. Johnston, 1884-7751. $14,900 spacious 6 room brick bungalow, newly dec- orated and immaculate throughout, drapes. storms and screens. Carries $88.75 including taxes. Mr. Sunter, IBM-7751. 1 ACRE, TREES Large 6 room ranch bung- alow in secluded area, 24 ft. living room with stone fire- place, separate dining room, family size kitchen, rec room and double garage. Mr. Crowther, 884-7751. $12.900 beautiful lé acre lot with plenty of trees and shrubs. cosy 2 bedroom bungalow, modern kitchen and bath. paved street. Mrs. ‘Binns, 884-7751. CHARM AND CHARACTEN {$12,500 well kept 6 room :brick bungalow. 27 ft living room, family size kitchen. 3 large bedrooms. storms and screens. full basement, land- scaped lot. Mrs. Edwards, 884-7751. $27,200. well cared for 7 room split level home feat uring 3 baths, 2 fireplaces, rec room, electric kitchen, extra large double garage. executive area west of Yonge. Mr. Carlisle, 884 7751. FOR COURTEOUS. CONFIDENTIAL SERVICE LIST WITH CARLISLE REAL ESTATE $7,900. 60 acres of hardwood bush, 40 acres Christmas tree crop ready for marketâ€" ing this yeari $3,500 down will purchase this extra- ordinary property. Mr. Tay- lor, 884-7751. $24,900 excellent industria site close to No. 7 Highway, 100x436 ft. lot, ultra mod ern offices suitable for any ‘type of contracting busi- ness. Mr. Shields, 884-7751. ECONOMY HOME 1 317.900 beautiful 6 room brick home broadloomed throughout with a self con- tained 5 room income apart ment. paved drive. doubl garage. A real buy. Mr Cameron, 884-7751. REAL ESTATE 884-7751 88 REAL ESTATE WANTED OUR CASH BUYERS TRADE INS ACCEPTED BIN-5554 889-636] N. 5. SMITH CARLISLE LESLIE O’HAGAN REALTOR 771 Yonge St. Thornhill - 889-1166 EXCELLENT VALUE QUIET CRESCENT V.L.A. PROPERTY FOUR BEDROOMS WE NEED HOUSES 100 ACRE FARM THORNHIIJ. REAL ESTATE LTD. sss-7381l tfc25 for Featuring Outstanding Property Values Throughout York County DON'T RETIRE Until you have seen this cosy retirement home. One block from YonEe Street on the west side of Richmond Hill. Full price $12,900. Cal] George Fenwick or A. Lyon 889-6288 EMERALD ISLE REAL ESTATE LTD. c1w17 EVaughan Township farms wanted. 50 to 200 acres. Buy- ers with substantial cash. Call Mr. Heslop, 889-1176, evenings CH. 1-2518. 32,000 down or offer, re- modelled 4 bedroom 2 stor-1 ey. in centre of town. $12,- 900 full price. Mr. Mash- inter, 889-1164. OAK RIDGES $12,900. Attractive two bed- room bungalow with bright spacious interior. Carries $75. monthly. Mrs. Jacobsen, :889-1164. 1 $12300, NORTH YONGE ‘Beautirully planned bunga- {10W on 100x180 ft lot with bright spacious kitchen, tastefully decorated inter~ lior. Outstanding value. Mrs. \Sutherlanvd, 889-1164. RICHMOND HILL ‘ $1.000 down, three bedroom Ibrick bungalow. close tol schools and shopping. Mrs. Armstrong, 889-1164. Only 11 homes with this down payment left. You choice of bungalows, spli levels. and two storeys in Richmond Hill. All carry like rent. Mr. Lundy, 889- 1164. AURORA HEIGHTS $15,300 6 room back spli bungalow. modern kitchen. good table space, lovely con- dition, fenced lot. Mr. Smith, 889-1164. Although new listings con tinue to come in regularly we are in immediate need of ‘more properties for waiting ‘buyers. Free inspection without obligation. Please call 889-1164. $3.900. Furnished lake frond cottage. Running water, inâ€"‘ side conveniences. $11,000. Desirable 2 bedrooml bungalow, steps from Yonge Street in central Richmond Hill. Full high basement, good lot with shade trees. Will sell quickly. Telephone Dori-ta Carter. 889-1905 or 889-3461. PLEASANTVILLE Modern 3 bedroom bungalov Needs work done. opportun ity for right buyer. “THE LIBERAL†Real Estate Page OLDER HOME, AURORA MEMBER TORONTO REAL ESTATE BOARD DAVID McLEAN TRUST RICHMOND HILL LIMITED RICHMOND I-IILL'S FIRST REALTORS GUA RANTY SENIOR CITIZENS HOUSES WANTED FARMS WANTED LAKE SCUGOG $1,000 DOWN §Want to sell your property?‘ List now. All types of prop-. erty needed. pomm.â€Â¢â€, gr. Murphy? V - 7 .889-2931 884-5422. 'WOW’ LAKE SIMCOE $5,500.00. Near Big Bay Point Golf Club. Furnished summer cottage. beautifully kept. 2 bedroom small guest cabin. floor furnace. shade trees. hedge and pleas- ant garden. Call Mr. Lang- ley. 889-1156. Industrial space, now renting New building. prestige loca- tion. $24.400.00 M a x o m e and Finch. Sparkling 2 storey, featuring reverse plan of liv- ing room with fireplace fac- ing lovely treed lot. Dining room walkout to patio. Spaci- ous 3 bedrooms, family size kitchen. Planned for complete privacy. Mr. Zipfl. 889-1156. CUMMER AND BAYVIEW 3 bedroom brick bungalow on large lot 90x100'. House is in marvellous condition, well landscaped lot, good sized bedrooms, nice patio in back yard, lots of privacy. Mr. Strote, 889-1156. 8 room back split bungaâ€" low. Four bedrooms or three with den. Panelled family room with sliding door to garden. Walkout laundry room, 3 bathrooms, one ensuite with master bed- room. Double paved drive. Home beautifully kept. Mrs. Henderson. 889-1156. KING TOWNSHIP, $16,500.00 6 room bangalow, fireplace in living room. modern kit- chen. 3 bright bedrooms, full basement. Recreation room with fireplace and walkout, ideally located for children with short walk to school on country road. Mr. Harvey Whit-e, 889-1156 or 727-4186. WILLOWDALE CENTRAL Wives just don’t want to leave this friendly little community, with lots of soc- ial club activity. Large 1248 sq. ft., three bedroom bunga- low on good sized lot, con- servation area behind. This little home has everything, garage, double paved drive- way, open fireplace, schools and shopping close by. Ask- ing $19,000.00. Mr. Murray, 889-1156. $55.000.00 - On one acre of land sits this unusual log house which is a show place. A separate wing consists of the living room with huge hand out stone fireplace. and cathedral ceiling. Separate dining room, den or 4th bedroom True family kit- chen with a built in barbe- cue and sitting room. 2 front entrances. Random pine pegged floors. Hand hewn logs, cedar shake roof (all the way from Vancouver) a complete walkout downstairs plus many more unusual features. Mrs. Kiteley, 889- 1156. Solid brick split level, three bedrooms, L-shaped living and dining room. Hardwood floors throughout. One 2 pc. bath and one 4 pc. Asking only $14,900 with about $3,600.00 down. Mr. New- man, 889â€"1156. 81.7 acres of good workable loam, make‘l fine sod farm. nearly 3000 ft. of road front- ag-e, sméfl cottage with dril- led well. investmem prop- erty. Mr. Pratt, 889-1156. ATTENTION LADIES AND RAILROAD MEN $15,900.00 - Very comfort- able 4115 room aluminum siding bungalow on 1 acre near Richmond Hill. One year old broadloom in living room and 2 bedrooms. 2 car garage. Mr. Pratt, 889â€"1156. Servicing Thornhill & $13,500.00 - Six room, 117/2 storey on 65x210 ft. lot. Aluminum storms and screens. oil heat, wired for dryer. good garage, patio, close to schools. early pos- session. Call Mr. Pratt, 889- 1156. IMMEDIATE POSSESSION AURORA SIDE ROAD 8242 YON GE ST. 889-1156 DON MILLS ROAD RICHMOND HILL INDUSTRIAL LISTINGS REALTOR CALL Willowdale, Richmond Hill 727-4288 g A NICE vmw $14,900 Aurora. Look at this! A bonus brick bungalow backing on to the rollinz countryside. One of the sharpest homes in the district, this home features a finished recreation room, bright sparkling kitchen. huge lliving room with adjoining din- ing area. 3 bedrooms, well land» ’scaped grounds. Excellent terms. $17,200 Aurora. Spacious is the word for this tri-level beauty that's bound to be a family de- light. Here you can really spread out with 4 large bed- rooms, 2 separate baths, spacious lL-shaped living and dining L-shaped living and dining room family sized kitchen with good breakfast area, storms and screens, Only $1,975 to one mortgage. Hurry for this value. $9.500 Whitchurch Township, neat and tidy bungalow on nearly one acre, situated on paved road close to Highway 48, Features 2 bedrooms. 4 pc. bath modern kitchen, sunroom, oil heating. 2 car garage. Your down payment considered. W. R. CASE REAL ESTATE 96 Yonge St., Aurora Apply in writing giving particulars to Chief Sup- erintendent, Defence Research Medical Labora- tories, P.O. Box 62, Postal Station ‘K’, Toronto. assistance and supervisé -a small staff of sten- ographers and typists. Applicants must be Canadian citizens or British subjects. A mature experienced person to perform all reg- ular secretarial duties, provide administrative For Senior Official, Government Research Lab- oratory. Downsview area. 4 BEDROOMS. 2 BATHS H El P! ! WE ARE DESPERATE AGAIN ! OUR LISTINGS ARE NEARLY EXHAUSTED and we have MANY PROSPECTS on our waiting list who want to buy good 2, 3 or 4 bedroom HOMES. If you are contemplating on selling your house . . . NOW IS THE TIME to list with EMERAL%ELE REAL ESTATE LTD. A friendly Hall is all it likesâ€"Vim get us starter; selling your house. DO NOT WAIT. Just call 889-6288 and we will be at your service. IF WE CAN'T SELL IT â€"- NOBODY CAN SO FOR A DEAL WORTH WHILE ‘ A CALL BUNGALOW - 1 ACRE $16,500.00 â€" 4 bedroom, brick, 11/2 storey, 2 washrooms, basement apartment. possible rental revenue, economical oil heat, large fenced lot. family garden. paved drive, garage. Bargain hunters, don't miss this buy. lst Mtge. 5%. Carries $88.00 principal, interest and taxes. CALL MRS. WEHRENS, 884-4333 For 3 bedroom brick bungalow, close to public school Must buy before Christmas. Immaculate 1% storey situated on a be/autiful lot, large enough for V.L.A. 60 day possession. Excellent invest- ment property. REAL BUY $10,000.00 buys this large older home with 3 bedrooms, spacious living room, separate dining room, farm sized kitchen. Lot measures 37 feet x 210 feet. 889 - 6288 117 YONGE ST. S., RICHMOND HILL. ONT CALL MRS. FARWELL â€" 884-2755 - 889-7328 CALL MRS. HINDLE â€"- 889-7328. 884-1695 884-3624 SECRETARY COUNTRY LIVING - NEAR METRO CALL MRS. “K†â€" 884-5269 ($3900 9214691 clw17 INCOME HOME CASH BUYER LEN PUGH REAL ESTATE Emerald Isle MORE HOME FOR LESS MONEY Good solid 2 storey brick home on residential street. neat, tidy lot‘ well landscaped. 3 bedrooms plus separate 4 room apartment renting at $60 monthly. Full price $16,900. Only $5.000 down. Phone 884-1064 - 884-1733 York Coin Exchange 117 YONGE ST. 8.. RICHMOND HILL Coins-Bought& Sold 889-7328 |.en Pugh 'I'O RENT EARL V. STEWART REAL ESTATE BROKER 3,000 square feet of factory space McLatchy Building, 80 Yonge Street South 21 Yonge St. N. Aurora PA. 7-9413 $4350) Real Estate Ltd. 18A Yonge St. N., Richmond Hill LIMITED 889-7328 clwl7 Parents and friends of the pupils of School No. 7 TSA No. 2, are invited to attend the open house on the evening of Octob- er 27 from 7.30 to 9.30 pm. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Barker will celebrate their ninth wedding anniversary October 20. Birthday greetings to Judy Hart, October 23; Murray Mack- ness, 10 years, October 25; El- len Hoadley, October 26; Bar- bara Mackness, eight years, Oc- tober 26; Lindsay Brumwell,‘ two years, October 27. lvu's. bnarles nooper, presi- Progressive Conservative can- chicken barbecue in King Satur- dent of York East District Wo-ldida‘te Don Martyn attended day afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. men‘s Institute paid her ofï¬cial.the International Plowing Match Martyn went on to the King visit to the local institute. Lunch'last weekend with Hon. William Lions Club auction sale in King was served by hostesses Mrs. N. Stewart. Ontario Minister of City Park_ Bell, Mrs. S. Boynton and Mrs.‘Agriculture and Lex Mackenzie. Walker. ivetpmn MLA ulhn rnnrncnnh- L Jâ€" Jâ€" W I n. Congratulations to Mr_ andlin bed Citizenship and education \\'as'Mrs. Rolph Boynton tMrs. Nel- Sym the theme of the October meet- lie Duggant who were married‘family ing of the WI held Tuesday‘Saturday. main. evening of last week at the‘ A speedy recovery is wished veek. home of Mrs. John McCague,f0r Bruce Mortson who is ill 89th yt with Mrs. Carl Walker as con-t_ venor, The roll call was answer-i ed by “A Humorous Incident in the Classroom". Mrs. Charles Hoope dent of York East Dist Prize winners were: Ladies- 1. Mrs. Roy Glover with :1 rec- ord score of 120; 2. Mrs. Doro- thy Rumble; consolation, Mrs. W. Sandle. Lone hands: Mrs. C. Attridge. Men-l. Gordon Drap- er; 2. Clarence Steckley; consol- ation. Scott Hannah: Lone hands There will be no euchre, 0c- tober 22. The next euchre will be_on October 29 at 8.15 pm. Mrs. Lawson Mumberson dis- played colored slides of the trip she and her husband made this past summer across the United States which included a jaunt up the Pacific coast and across Canada. On October 24 at 11.30 am£::ï¬y Dr. A. F. Binnington will be‘in at th charge of the church service. Fri The board of stewards will meet J h in the United Church October hgn: 22 at 3 pm. | There will be a community miscellaneous shower for Miss Dianne Ba-rkey and Ronald Gee October 21 at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Gee in the evening. Ronald and Dianne are being married October 30. Please accept this as your in- vitation. - Rolph Almstedt. Lucky draw for a box of groceries was won by Mrs. N. Walton. Graham Scott BA. was in charge of the church service Sunday morning. Mr. Scott is in his second year theology at Emmanuel College. Toronto. There will be dances and door prizes and modern and old time dancing for everyone to enjoy. There were ten tables of?!“ euchre players at the party heldl . in the community hall Friday! evening of last week. H Church News Neighborhood Notes The community centre trust- ees are sponsoring a dance to be held in the hall October 22. There will be a special dance for the teenagers with music being supplied by local young people. - TOMPKINSfi WE NEED USED CARS HIGHEST TRAE-IN ALLOWANCE 395 YONGE STREET NORTH, RICHMOND HILL THE ONLY CARS AND TRUCKS WITH 5 YEAR 0R 50.000 MILE WARRANTY 884-7381 PHONE 889-1915 ROY BURTON LTD. THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday Victoria Square News Announces the 'Re- Opening of a ReSIb’enth/ Re-Sa/e Dept. YOUR LISTINGS AND CALLS FOR INFORMATION WILL RECEIVE OUR USUAL PROMPT ATTENTION 889-1052 or 889-1504 in RICHMOND HILL .._.« w .. n last weekend with Hon. William‘Lions CIu Stewart. Ontario Minister ofICity Park Agriculture and Lex Mackenzie. veteran MLA who represents * York North in the Legislature. They spent several hours meet- The ND me many constituents. North. Ji Tuesday night. Gordon Car. ville. played host to friends and ton. MLA for Armourdale rid- workers at a country-style bars ing in North York Township. becue at his home Saturday and Mr. Martyn addressed a night. -' rally of Conservative supporters The ladies look over the skila at the Keswick Arena. let duties and the men doubled Friday night Mr, and Mrs. a. waiters and dishwashers. The John Baker entertained at their country-style theme was furthel‘ home on the CFRB Sideroad at developed by the folk-singing; a supper party for a number of guitar and banjo-playing Kerr friends and Mr. and Mrs. Nor- rigo Trio 0f M8919» The trim man McMurchy hosted a recep- includes Bill Kerrigan. his sis: tion for Mr. and Mrs. Martyn at ter Nancy and Brian Good. their King Township home. Mr. Norton will be speaking- Mr. Martyn also visited thelat the Aurora Junior Chamber‘- wiener roast held by Richmond of Commerce “Meet the Cané‘ Hill Lions the same evening didates" night in the Dr. G. W. and the following night was William Secondary School, All-i present at the Lions draw in rora. tonight (Thursday) at Nobleton arena. Following a pm. " FORMERLY WM. NEAL llere is an opportunity for an aggressive licenced hodyman to operate his own business with no capital investment. We supply the building equipment, capital and the customers You supply the experience and know- ledge of the trade. Excellent opportunity for a top notch man. Chev - Olds. Dealer REAL ESTATE Leslie Motor Products Ltd. BODYMAN HELP WANTED s. Nel- Sympathy is extended to the narried family of the late Mrs. W. Rea- ma-n. who passed away last wished veek. Mrs. Reaman was in her is ill 8ch year. CHRYSLER DODGE LIMITED The NDP candidate for York North. Jim Norton of Union- ville. played host to friends and workers at a country-style hart becue at his home Saturday night. .' , Oct. 21, 1965 IN TOWN FOR YOUR CAR King City, Ontario