Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 28 Oct 1965, p. 11

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lulu“mum\mummuuu“tumult!\uuumuuunuumuum Mrs. Nelly Williamson had charge of the program “Life In Malaysia”. Mrs. Helen Albright and Mrs. Naomi Myers, present‘ ed a TV skit. about the work of missionary Sister Gladys Reid~ enouer. director of a day care program for under-privileged children in Malaysia. and Mrs. Mabel Percival gave an inform- ative geographical sketch of the country and read excerpts from a letter she received from at personal friend in Singapore.1 Mrs. Sylvia Limpcrt told about and showed pictures from the book “Borneo People". Mrs. Williamson read a letter from a Itudent studying at the Univer- sity of Toronto who lived in Malaysia. which told something of the area. government, cloth- ing and food. Miss Myrna Dawe made paper flowers for each woman to wear in her hair. and modelled the Malaysian clothing that was on display. The film "in Face of Jeopardy". photoâ€" graphed in Malaysia. was shown at the close of the program. and Mrs. Ellen Bellach and Mrs. Liaselotte Blaschke served na- tive dish‘es. Mrs. Limpert and Mrs. Per- cival gave a report on the wo- men's retreat held at Port Credit. The annual stewardship dinâ€" ner will be held October 31. with Dr. Henry Endrcss as guest speaker, Mrs. Margot Wirt and committee are in charge of air- rangements. A work night will be scheduled soon to make ban- dages for leprosy colonies. The next meeting will be held at the. church November 17. Mrs. Beryl Radke. will give, a book report on “Cry The Be- loved Country“. St. Paul's Lutheran Church Women met at the church on October 20 with 19 members lnnd guests present. nuiuummmmi\\nunmummIlmniun“Mimuummmfii Allencourt Shopping Centre Markham Rd. & Rayview Avenue Richmond Hill Gary Scudds. 8 year old son‘uon Explosion"_ of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Scudds,‘ Visitors welcome. Bluegrass Blvd.. returned home; 1 . wo- - t _ It on Saturday having spent fouxm Keith Watson. son of Mr. and days as a patient in the Hospital Mrs_ Neil Crowe, 331 Osiris {or 5101‘ Children: Tm‘ont‘l ‘Drive; Lisa Belle, daughter of Gary. who will be in an am Mr. and Mrs. Morley Dunford, cast for the next six weeks. will 333 Neal Drive. and Dennis resume his studies at Beverley Henry, 50“ of Mr. and Mrs. Acres Public School following Allen SDI-“gen, of 24 Gentry a Short convalescence~ Crescent received the rite of * ' * ‘ * ' * Infant Baptism at last Sunday’s A congregational buffet sup- per was held Wednesday night at 8 pm in St. Matthew's Unit- ed Church. Crosby Avenue. Promotion of fellowship with- In the congregation and discus- sion of the church's program for the next three years were the main purposes of this get-to- gether. The Rnsses were accompanied tend by Mrs. David Free of Jefierson‘ and Mrs. James E. Paddison of Mi Stayner. cent] Mr. and Mrs. Robert 11055,} * - * - * - * * v * - * - * Centre Street West. spent Sun: The 5th Richmond Hill Cub. Representing York County in day in Shelburne where theydmd Scout Mothers’ Auxiliary'the Inter-County Plowing Com~ attended the 67th wedding anni- will meet November 10 in the petition at the International versary of Mrs. Ross’ aunt and Richmond Hill United Church. Plowing Match in Miuiken last uncle. All members are urged to at- week were .lim Ferguson of The Rosses were accompanieditend. Markham. Ken Diceman of by Mrs. David Free of Jefl‘erson * - * - * - * {Woodbridge with their coach and Mrs. James E. Paddison of Miss Edna luard. having re-{Norm Robson of Richmond Plan to attend the Four Sea- The CGIT of Richmond Hill son’s Bazaar which will be held United Church met on Wednes- at St. Matthew's United Church day night for a Hallowe’en par- November 13 from 2 - 5 pm. ty and initiation of new mem- '-*-*-" ,bers. “Life in the Hill" is com- prlscd of local news items â€"annivorsarics. showers. vacations and out of town visitors. Contributions will be received until 5 pm on Tuesday prior to publica- llon. Call the Social Editor Margot Crack at 884-1105. drop a line to 63 Yonze Street South. or come in personally. we'll be pleased to hear from you. Allencourt Pharmacy Ltd. 884-4461 Lazenby, B.Sc. th The highlight of their trip was the beauty they saw from a little town called Mocksville in North Carolina, through As-h- ‘ville. Cherokee and the Great Smokies and a place called ‘3"Maggie's Valley". and of course something they will not forget are the pictures they took of Arthur Godfrey‘s horse 1“Goldie“ ,in pasture. at the uGodrfrey home in Leesburg, Vir- ginia. and visiting the property of Billy Graham in North Caro- lina. where they took a picture of Billy's son, and brought home a tree root from his property as a souvenir. .When the Meikles left Rich- mond Hill, their bird bath was frozen over, and by the time they hit Tennessee it was 86 degrees. Miss Jean Hampson of Rich- mond Street was honored last week by the Canadian Associa- tion of Occupational Therapy at their annual convention. when she was awarded a life member- ship in the association for out- standing contributiun to the oc- cupational therapy profession. The presentation was made at a banquet held at the Inn on the Park last Saturday. Jean Hampson's cheerful and buoyant personality has made her a host of friends who are happy to see this recognition made of her very real contribu- tion to therapy standing comrlnuuun to the oc-‘ cupational therapy profession. The presentation was made at a banquet held at the Inn on the Park last Saturday. Miss Hampson‘s long and out- standing service in occupational therapy has extended from just after the first world war, through the years of work with cerebral palsy children to 1939,i when she went to Edinburgh with a group of occupational therapists to work with war dis-‘ abilities. Here she remained at‘ the Astley-Ainslie Convalescent. Hospital, playing the double' role of a working therapist with the convalescent soldiers, and teacher in the occupational course. which was being carried on at the hospital, until the end of the war. In order to schedulethe best’from the possible program. interested partment persons are requested to phone Plans in their wishes regarding the‘lowe'en p following suggestions. the Onta (I).Mixed splash session for 12 and a rec weeks - no formal instruction unteers. but. instructors on hand for in-f A most dividual or group teaching it entitled ‘ desired. 56 single, $10 per then she couple. who is (2) Formal instruction for lad- services ies only - 12 weeks. Beginner. This fill junior and senior instruction. ates fror $8 per person. the prov (3) Lifesaving and possible in-‘tract wor structors course - price to be set‘dustries when those interested apply. from Am (4) Childrens swim 8-12 years. Rd. It we 7.30-8 pm. $6 for 1?. weeks. see how Volunteers will be on hand people at it tahulate the information re- can \rnrl ('Plt’bd and nn the hasis of do. vinu: cat They then drove straight north to Louisville, Kentucky, on up to Indianapolis, Indiana. From there they travelled east through Columbus, Ohio, Wheeling. West Virginia, to Pittsburgh, then on up to Buf- falo and home. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Meikle and Larry just returned from a most enjoyable trip that took them through Virginia via the Sky-line Drive, to Lynchhurg. then down to Ashville, North Carolina, and across the "Great Smoky Mountains" to Nash- ville, Tennessee. At the same service three new members were receiVed by transfer: Mr. and Mrs. David Bush, 266 Axminster Drive, from Downsview United Church; and Mrs. James Purvis. 455 A1- per Street. from WoodGreen United Church in Toronto. service in. St. Matthew's Unitedieigh‘h anniversary October 31, Church Appropriate "1115“: was with the guest minister at the Sung by the church-5 junior 11 am service being Rev. Har- choir under the direction of‘old Bane-W BA‘ BD~ aSSiStam Mrs, Tom Beanie. secretary of the Board of Home Mission: of the United Church ‘of Canada. St. Matthew‘s senior chair will present special music. At the same service three new members were received by h-nnrfor- MI- and Mr: ham"! be followed on successive Tues- days by other themes of cur- rent interest. among them ‘he conference theme "The Popula- tion Explosion”. Miss Edna luau-d. having re- Norm Robson of Richmond cenlly returned from an IFUW Street. Richmond Hill. conference in Brisbane, will The boys placed 7th and won give an informal talk, with‘a total of $60. slides. on her tour of Japan and1 * - "‘ â€" * - * the South Pacific on Novemberi If you plan on doing some 2 at 2.30 pm. in Wrixon Ha'll. shopping, attending a bazaar or This meeting is sponsored by just Wish to enjoy a Talaxed the education group of the hour by yourself. why not send women of st, Mary’s, and will the children to see “The Coral A faulty lock on the front door prevented employees from going in the conven- tional way. so, while a couple of policemen from the town police department stood by, one of the male employees in a borrowed suit of overalls removed the bars from a basement window and slid inside. Richmond Hill had a bank break-in this week, and the police were on hand to see that everything went smoothly. After opening the from door. he put in a quick call to I locksmith. The illegal entry occur- red at Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce, 57 Yonge Street South, about the field of occupational 1 Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Johnston mam“ 1‘” a“ “0‘15 30"” “play the parts of Mr. and Mrs. people through the ages Who Cunningham with Verne Arum have made the world a better ‘ bald and Kathy Apperley in the 913083 Young people will take roles of their teen-aged son and part “’1 the servlcef and the lpre_teen daughter. Stephen meaning of the servxce wxll he Webster, Jackie Tunney and described by the assistant. the Linda Edwards are cast as them?“ Do“ 3°“e' family's three younger children. Afterwards a Hallowe’en and Gene Tunney appears as Hootenanny will he presented by Steve. Other guest members apâ€" folksinger, Arlene King, in the ‘pear from week to week. Fragments COI’fee Club. ! President E. Lomax was in the chair, annual reports were given and J. C. Hillman, chairâ€" man of the nominating commit- tee, gave the new slate of offic- ers. The slate was accepted as read, with Mrs. E. Burnie as president. Iiold Bailey, BA, BI), assistanti An afternoon of bridge is be- ‘secrelary of the Board of Home‘ing SPOHSOI‘Ed by the RiChmond Missions of the United Church "Eights Branch of the YCHA on of Canada. St. Matthew‘s senior November 3 at the Richmond choir will present special music. Hill Golf Club. and an invita- Visitors will be commissioned tion is extended to all enthusi- lo visit the homes of every asts in the Hill in go along and family affiliated with the con-ISUDDOFt the auxiliary with this gregation in connection with project- the stewardship campaign} Refreshments will be served which has been directed by‘and there are many door prizes. Alan Barron of the capital Tickets at $1 per person may funds service committee. be obtained by calling Mrs. D. ies only â€" 12 Weeks. Beginner,‘ This film showed adult retard-Tutu: junior and senior lnstruction.;ates from workshops all over Co $8 per person. ‘the province, engaged in conâ€"[had (3) Lifesavingr and possible in-Ltract work from their local in-.vinci structors course - price to be setldustries and included membersiand when those interested apply. from ARC. Industries on Enford[Crae (4) Childrens swim 8-12 years. Rd. It was most encouraging to; He 7.30-8 pm. $6 for 12 weeks. ‘see how efficiently these younglmiss Volunteers will be on handjpeople of various mental levels‘rema t\ tabulate the information re-‘can work. and to see the ob- mitl ceived and on the basis of de-yious satisfaction they receive pond mand. the most popular courses a being gainfully employed. const will be given. The interest Plans for the building of a Re shown will determine the na-‘permanent residence for thelandi ture of the course with the pos- mentally retarded in this areaiat a sibility of offering a Variety of “ere again discussed. and the cilia! instruction Please place yourmeetlng closed with refresh-Emotit calls promptly to 884-4811. lments served by Mrs. J. Diner-[by M The Free Methodist Sunday * - * - * - * school is a Bible-centered Sun- The Thornhill and District day school where the teachers‘for the Mentally Retarded held believe the Bible is the inspiredlits monthly business meeting word of God and teach it as‘October 19. Mrs. Isabel Webb, such-with classes for all ages prinCipal 0f Thomhaven School, from nursery to adults. ireported that the swimming YWCA Activities The YWCA is presenting a winter swim program at York Mills Collegiate Pool January through April. The local Free Methodist Sunday School is using for its {all emphasis “Families For Christ", which is the official theme sponsored by the Nation-’ al Sunday School Association. Much attractive material for theme has been made available â€"â€" banners, posters, leaflets, etc. Also a short skit in open session each Sunday from Oc- tober 17 to November 21 is en- titled "The Cunningham Fam- ily" which points out the im- portance of parents attending Sunday school with their child- 1‘en. On ‘Wednesday last members of the Richmond Hill IODE en- tertained the citizens in the club room and presented them with a bulletin board, after which refreshments were served. Members are reminded of the next meeting â€" November 10 ~â€"- in the usual place, and of the annual bazaar to be held Nov- ember 13 in the club room op- posite the municipal building on Yonge Street North. Senior Citizens The reglflal‘ monthly mGEtlngl The many patrons 0f Ch“ Rehearsals are well under of the local senior citizens waslPauline House Of Reality Willmay for the concert with Mezzo held October 13 in the educa-‘be pleased 10 hear that Mrs-Soprano Joan Hall. accompan- tion building of the Richmond Pauline Eraser-Gibbon is once ied by pianist. Rex Battle, to be Hill United Church, with 95‘avgain taking appointments. held November 15 at Richmond members in attendance. I } Pauline has been hairdressing Hill High School. Presment E- Lomax W35 11" in the Hill for the past 8 yearsu ' * '- * - * - * the chair, annual reports wereiand has undertaken hairstyling“ The ladies‘ auxiliary to giVen and J- C- Hillmany Chair-Tor many local fashion shows,,‘Branch 375, Royal Canadian Le- man of the nominating commit- and through regularly attendinglgion. held their general meeting tee, gave the new slate of offic- conventions and courses, keeps with President Lucy Rickard in “5- Th? 51319 was "acceptEd aslherself and her staff right up to the chair. read’ w‘th Ml‘s- E~ Burnie aSldate with present hairstyling. An executive meeting was prefiid‘fmz , ltrends. lheld prior to the general meet- St. Matthew‘s United Church cnngregation will celebrate its It is a delightful play, set on a coral island, and will appeal to all children between the ages of 3 to 12 years. One performance is already “sold out“ but tickets are still available for Saturday and the 3.30 pm show on Sunday, and may be obtained by calling 884- 2528. King" being presented at Legâ€" ion Court, November 6 and 7 at 1.30 and.3.30 pm? Building Inspector Jack 301- The work of a former resi- lowell attended the Ontario dent of Richmond Hill. Kashi Building Officials Convention Carter, will be a feature of the held last Thursday and Friday Christmas Shoppe on November at the Hotel London. London. €20 at Wrixnn Hall,, St. Mary's * - * . * - * ‘Anglican Church. Sunday evening at St. Mary’s 'Anglican will have special ap- peal to the young communicants of the parish. The 7 pm Amer- ican Folk Song Mass will be sung to the accompaniment of Arlene King at the guitar. This communion service will celebrate the Eve of All Saints Day when Christians give thanks for all God's good people through the ages who -' have made the world a better place. Young people will take part in the service. and the meaning of the service will be Plans for the building of a permanent residence for the mentally retarded in this area “ere again discussed. and the meeting closed with refresh- ments served by Mrs. J. Dwyer. w'i‘h‘e resiiits obtained included!to Miss “019‘ Murrayv Tom reforms in correct presentation Hamilton and Chm“ Ford' TV of consumer goods, labelling personalities, for donating their fully‘ and coloring of margin-“time to this prmect. Audrie Ap- ine, also suggestions to abolish 90”” 0f the Sunnymek HOS' horror items ofktoys. pita-1 reported on the monthly Coffee and refreshments were'hosl’ital Visu- PI?“ for the served by the hostess_ Christmas visit, With gifts, are no: _ a: - * _ * iunderway. October 19- Mrs. Isabel WEbM His persistence has paid off. PrinCiPal 0f ThOFnhaVen SChOOMTown council, after consider- l‘ePOI‘tEd that the SWimminglable pondering. has decided to program for the children at the-sen the 25-foot strip to Mr. Mc- NOl‘th York Memorial P001 Crae who has been taking care “ould continue under the ca‘p- of it even though he didn‘t own able direction of Mrs. C. H.Iit, Cameron 0f RiChmond Hill With‘ Council's decision goes against the assistance of volunteers‘its parks board which had re- from the North York Fire De-‘commended the land he only A most enlightening new film entitled “Journey to a Job" was then shown by W. Berendsen who is co-ordinator of adult services for the OAMR. Plans were made for a Hal- lowe‘en party for the patients of the Ontario Hospital in Aurora and a request was made for vol- unteers. Refreshments will be served and there are many door prizes. Tickets at $1 per person may be obtained by calling Mrs. D. Paton at 884-5149. With an excellent number of members present, the regular meeting of the Engineers Wives was held October 20 at the home of Mrs. J. Turner. The guest speaker,Mrs. G. B. Armstrong. Vice President Con- sumers Association of Canada, spoke on the association's tests and results. This Friday evening. with their drums and guitars, the five Gremlins â€" Brian McGafi- ney, Ricky Wilson, Jim Hill. Rudy Nokolaus and Gard Berta “The Gremlins" â€" a popular and talented musical groupâ€" all students or former students of Bayview Secondary School, now engaged in commercial life. provided the entertainment for the annual Ha‘llowe‘en Dance last Friday evening at Aurora High School. â€"- will play for the Stouffville High School “Hop”. Kashi has handmade a fascin- ating set of Canadian historical character dolls and these will be on display. as a goodwill gesture from Office Overload. After unmasking, all had an enjoyable time dancing to reâ€" corded music. 'l‘hc> Couples Club of the Rich- mond Hill Presbyterian Church held their annual Hallowe'en party and dance last Saturday in the George Francis Memorial Hall. Harold and Mar: Lemon were in charge of refreshments. Reeve Donald Plaxlon agreed and moved the motion to sell it at a price yet to be set. Coun’ cillor Handbury seconded the motion. The sale was opposed by Mr. Scudda. He felt the town would never miss the 25-foot strip and the remaining area would still per- mit locating of a pathway to the pond if it was ever decided to construct one Councillor Eric Handbury had the most to do with con- vincing council it should relent and sell the land to Mr. Mc- Parks member Councillor Walter Scudds said that the board was reluctant to sell the land because “complete devel- opment of the Mill Pond for the future is unknown”. a year owned home. Council's decision goes against its parks board which had re- commended the land he only leased to Mr. McCrae for 10 years at a cost of $1 a year. It is located in the area of property which includes the Mill Pond which could eventu- ally be turned into parkland. Two new members j( Richmond Hill Symphony chestra last Sunday. and orchestra now have a string section which incluc cellos, 21 violins and 4 v. but they still need double and trombone players. An executive meeting was held prior to the general meet- ing. Nancy Sutclific reported 01 a successful euchre. Next euchre to be held November 16. The evening of entertain- ment presented by the Dennis Moore School of Dancing was very well received. The auxili- ary Would like to express their thanks to Dennis Moore for giv- ing lime and effort for the color guard of the local branch. A dart team is being organ-7 ized â€" members are asked to} contact any executive officers if: interested. .‘1-.0-0 H Fail At First Just Keep Trying Rehearsals are well way for the concert with Soprano Joan Hall. acc4 ied by pianist. Rex Battle held November 15 at Ric Hill High School. J. M. McCrae. If at first 1 try five or six That could motto of J. 1V Sugar Maple ville, who ha: Members are reminded of the auxiliary birthday party Novem- ber 4. or 884-2528 The cast of “The Coral King oped by the tentacles of the Octopus, to right) the Sea Cat (Hugo Jac Billiam Bones (Gerry Crack). The play, which toured for e lanadian debut in the Legion Hall 1 pm. Tickets are still available for 1 on Sunday is a complete sell-out. The cast of “' oped by the tentacles to right) the Sea ( Bill‘iam Bones (Gerr: Maple who has 1‘ to buy by the Premiere For ladies‘ auxiliary to 75, Royal Canadian Le- :1 their general meeting you d( : times very very well be the McCrae, of 339 Lane, Pleasant- been trying for a strip of land town behind his don well under , with Mezzo . accompan- Battle. to be at Richmond includes 6 l 4 Violas, ouble bass succeed joined y 01'- d the large At the vacation. elected r the govs mas by maki ations and l for the festi From N0December mornings fr a Christmas is being I is belng pre weeks at the ‘ Centre. Babysitting so please call formation or r oIlege The Principal and Staff of RICHMOND HILL HIGH SCHOOL request the pleasure of your company at the 42nd Annual Commencement Exercises to be held in the School Auditorium Friday, November 5th, 1965 at 8:15 pm. l-u- -- - -r-w-u-m-a-w- r-J-u-1--n the recent tion. Miss 2 ,ed member governing CFEM PUBLIC AFFAIRS 1310 A POLITICAL HOTLINE an early start on making your own and beautify your festive season. 1 November 10 t CFEM INVITES YOU TO PARTICIPATE IN . . JOHN niversity ing“ is all tic )us, played by Jackson), Me 8 on Wednesday mm 9.30 -11.30 am 5 Decoration Course presented for five Guest Speaker â€" Prof. A. P. Thornton University of Toronto eight on N1 three For : will he a ll 884-4811 registration asented for Allencourt I The meeting Edna Izz ' of Cor: body of WEDNESDAY, NOV. 3rd. Liberal L months November of performances reservations r ADDISON by calling tled up 1 by Joan Mermaid of Con- ‘ard was )oratinn. Trinity Toronto. tied through ofC Christ decor Iailable for in- r five YWCA home Coral King Have your questions answered on the air The many Bettridge. Cl will be pleas making satisl York Centr: she has beer past week. and in rehearsals Harold, are ( l (Marjut K s, but please ridge. Church 5 be pleased to ing satisfactory : Central Hos has been a pa‘ week. DONALD R. MARTYN Progressive Conservative land, 7 at 21y sing evening THE LIB the 1.30 Show call 889-5181 will 1.30 889-4915 2 (from Karu) friends evem‘ HOspital patient make and 5 SOUR ended ads of Joan Street South. know she is y progress in spital where xtient for the Envel evening of the It and left with its Citizens Mrs. W chapter ie. presi- ‘ with a r use in with Studio) AL. Richmond Hill. Ontario. Thursday, Oct. 28, 1965 g the [OD held I re- the SHIELDS “Remember at Shields All Fittings are Guaranteed” RICHMOND HEIGHTS CENTRE JIM NORTON New Democratic Party Casual comfort . . . a N aturalizer speciality When it's a Naturalizer , . . you know it’s comfort- able. Proof is a little heel for walking, a cushioned innersole. $15.99 Dale Brown Call Black Calf When it's a Naturalizer , you know it’s comfort able. Proof is a little heel for walking, a cushioned innersole. / HM: MOWR MATCHING HANDBAGS $14.99 Just West of Barth's Cleaners Wednesday evening 8 to 9 PM. mama: mm the Eegm'wu‘l; r}: Program Moderator KEN FOSS i m m; HIM/[V

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