Mrs. W. Gardiner of Willow- dale was the guest for the evening and gave a most inter- esting demonstration on the art of making jewellery from cop- per \\'ire. All ladies present were given two pieces of cop- per wire and with wire cut- ters followed Mrs. Gardiner’s instructions step by step and were able to take home a pair of earrings. . St. John's Church News A men's work party will be held next Saturday morning at the churcll. As many as pos- sible are asked to come and help. Next Sunday morning. Bishop Hunt will be at St. Mark's at ll am for a service of conï¬rma- tion. The usual morning prayer service will be held at 11 am at St. John's also. Following morning prayer a luncheon will be served in the new rectory. At the meeting last Wednes- day evening. ï¬nal plans were discussed for the annual bazaar and bake sale at the school November 13. Tickets are now on sale by all members of the club. A meeting was held October 27 at the home of Mrs. E. Gamble. Yonge Street, with ap- proximately 15 members pres- ent. Anyone wishing to pay their dues or to join the auxil- iary is asked to contact Mrs. Terry at 884-3008. The next meeting wlll be held at the home of Mrs. G. Carson, Yonge Street. on January 19. Community Club Our sincere sympathy also to Mr. and Mrs. Gem'ge Patton on the passing of her brother-in- law. Melville Mitchell of H01- land Landing. Hospital Auxiliary Our community was saddened to learn of the passing last Saturday of one of its long-time residents, Albert Jones of Lenn- ard Avenue. Our sincere sym- pathy is extended to his family. Mrs. Giles Kerswill spent a very pleasant few days last week with her son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. C. Rumble in Toronto. We are pleased to report that George Patton is making good Progress in York Central Hos- pital where he underwent sur- gery last week. Chitter - Chatter ‘ 5 Birthday greetings to Cathy Ratchford for November 9 and to Ross Hazelhurst for Novem- . ber 12. 5 ELGIN MILLS AND JEFFERSON NEWS Evening Branch St. John'. Anglican Church 884-3008 DOMESTIC â€" COMMERCIAL â€"â€"- INDUSTRIAL All Work Guaranteed 884-7406 RICHMOND HILL REFRIGERATION AND AIR CONDITIONING REPAIRS VEGETABLES Green Giant, 15 oz. tins (Save 15) WAX BEANS. PEAS. CREAM STYLE CORN 3 FOR 49¢ Clerks Soup 5 FOR 49¢ TOMATO or VEGETABLE 10 oz. tins (Save 19c) SERVICE Rev. Dr. A. B. Arnot, BA. BD.'1\'ov¢=mher 7. it was announced FRGS‘ minister of Richmond by the committee in charge this Hill Baptist Church, Wrightiweek. Street will give the address atJ D , _ ' . . _. r. Arnot has first hand Richmond H1115 Service of Re knowledge of the meaning of membrance At the cenOtap‘h oninamnmhrnnnn “nu cinnn ha 290 BAYVIEW PLAZA BERGE 0P.ZOOM...GROESBEEK;..HOLTEN! YESTERDAY: Map Referances in Holland. TODAY: Resting place of 6,331 Canadians. 1D, SALES ERWNMW ‘ ï¬aaasuwï¬â€˜Ã© RGENW 209m The chaplain often conducted services with small groups, ac- companying the singing on his violin. On one occasion the‘ scene of such a service was a precipice just before zero hour signalled the beginning of com- ‘bat. He also served in Tobruk ‘before its fall to Rommel's forces. Besides the service medals, Dr. Arnoi was awarded ltwo battle stars. RASPBERRY or STRAWBERRY, 24 oz. jar AYLMER JAM CHOICE NEW ZEALAND Dr. Arnot has first hand knowledge of the meaning of Remembrance Day since he served in World War 2 as chap- lain of the forces of the 2nd South African Division, attach- ed to the British 8th Army un- der Alexander and Auchinleck. in Egypt and Libya. and parli- cipated in many engagements. particularly the battles of Bar- dia, Sollum and Hafia. Through- out ¢he battle of Bardia .he was in charge of the ambulance corps due to the absence of the medical officer. MAPLE LEAF MAPLE LEAF William C. Lazenby will con- duct vthe depOSitlng of memorial m wreaths on ¢he Cenotaph. Dur- M ing this ceremony the pipers fc ‘will play a lament, and Rich- M ‘mond Hill High School Band 1:. will accompany the singing. m Rflnald Robbins, trumpeter with the Hliltoppers Drum Corps. will sound 'the Last Post and Reveille and Councillnr After the war, as the mayor's chaplain of the City of East London, South Africa. he con- ducted memorial services for the late King George VI and in Bloemfontein, judicial capital of South Africa, he was deputed to speak before the Governor- General at a special Remem- brance Day service. Other clergymen participating will be Father C. Schwalm. parish priest of St. Mary Im~ macul-avte Roman Catholic Church, who will read the les- son and Rev. H. E. MacKay as- sistant minister at Richmond Hill United Church, who will lead in prayer. Organizations SCHPOI’ BandlPresident Frank Barrott and a scholarships. bursaries. sponsor- ’smgmg~ new member John Brown oiling of midget hockey teams businessmen Knollside Drive. .children's Christmas parties and individuals who wish to de-' posit wreaths during the cere- mony are asked to leave their names at the town police office in the municipal building. The committee will pick the list up there to be read during the' ceremony. Members of Branch 375 Royal Canadian Lezion with their color party and other organiza- tions will take part in a parade. a traditional feature of this day of remembrance of those who in two world wars paid the supreme sacrifice in defence of liberty. The salute will be taken by Lt. Col. C. I. Conway, OBE, CD., a resident of Richmond Hill who has retired from ser- vice with the RCAMC of the regular army, and ‘is now emâ€" ployed by the Ontario Depart- mem: of Lands and Forests. It must be well known from- coast to coast that the making of the poppy replicas is en- At the last general meeting nine new members were initiat- ed into the Legion three of them trusted to disabled and necessi-ifmm Kettleby. Russell Power! tous veterans who fought and gave their best when Canada's =freedom was at stake. Let us note that the poppy supplies are of no use it they remain in the vetcraft shops. Let us all continue to regard the poppy campaign as the highest service we can give the Legion, and may our own dedi- cation and devotion inspire these who work for the same ends, to make a greater effort. and provide all the people of Canada with a wonderful oppor- tunity to share, this year. in the act of REMEMBRANCE!" * us a: * Poppy Day in Richmond Hill .and the surrounding area cover- one of the Kettleby commuters. became the winner of the at- tendance draw prize and there- fore must certainly be glad he joined. The hospital chairman report- ed tha-t Comrade Frances Beau- lieu was now at home recover- ing from a recent knee injury. which was not suffered while watching hockey, but rather from working around the house. Dr. Peter Pidkowich B.A.. D.D.S. wishes to announce The Re-Location The Remembrance Day Com- ed by Branch 375 will be this mi‘ttee this year is composed of Saturday. ' Mayor Thomas Broadhurst. The poppy trust fund 13 sep- former Mayor William Neal, arated from other Legion ac- Magistra‘te James Butler. Legion counts which provide funds for and individuals who wish to de- posit wreatths during the cere- mony are asked to leave their names at the town police office PRINCE EDWARD ISLAND 10 LB. BAG c PRICES EFFECTIVE )Nov. 3, 4, 5, 6 . 53“ LB. I “Memoriam Eorum Retinebi- ‘mus", lwe will remember them). The emblem of our great organ- ization and the motto it bears were wisely chosen to represent the “Raisnn d'Etre" of the Roy- al Canadian Legion. They typify the idea of REMEMBRANCE. They are the “trade mark" of the character and creed of our fellow members. Those of Us who display this truly Canadian symbol. shnwing the maple leaf associated with the poppy. make known to all who behold it that they keep in mind with affec- tion those thousands of gallant fallen comrades now resting in distant lands. It is fitting then’at this time to draw your attention to the Legion emblem which appears at the top of this column. and to quote the following; written by Judge Redmond Roche. Do- minion poppy chairman and president of the Legion‘s Que- bec command. Legion members have pledg- ed themselves ~10 honor their de- parted brothers and also to re- member their living comrades who were tragically broken by the conflict and who are not easily employable in the exact- ing conditions of our modern way of life. This is a sacred task. The poppy campaign pro- vides us with the occasion to raise funds for a great service which is by far the most import- ant endeavor of the Legion. Let Tomorrow. November 5. is marked throughout Canada as the beginning of Remembrance Week. us not forget that the poppy is the focal point of Remem- brance. It is Remembrance it- self! task. The poppy campaign pro- The proposed charter flight to vides us with the occasion to the UHifEd Kingdom next SED- rajse funds for a great service‘tempPl‘ was discussed at the last which is by far the most import-!L?210†lone mSEting. Seventy- arnt endeavor of the Legion. Letflnme Persons have thus far en- us not forget that the poppy jsitered their name in the scheme. the focal point of Remem-lThe flight requires a minimum hrance. It is Remembrance it-‘Of 133 Passengers and it was sew, idecided to make no deï¬nite ar- Every member of the Legion‘rangements until December 1. and its ladies' auxiliaries mustiIf at that time the minimum grasp this unique way of par. ï¬gu_re has not been reached the ticipating in a great venture opium will be cancelled. De- and of ensuring that money will tails of‘ the scheme are available be available for all those who at Leglon Court. need our aid. * _ * * * _ Let us all continue to regard the poppy campaign as the highest service we can give the Legion, and may our own dedi- cation and devotion inspire these who work for the same ends, to make a greater effort. and provide all the people of Poppy Day in Richmond Hill and ‘the surrounding area cover- ed by Branch 375 will be this Your legion Reports Branch 375. Royal Canadian Legion By Eric Chapman - 884-0043 6 FOR 49? CORN CHEX 3 FOR 49¢ Legion service bureaus across the country. All funds are held in trust. Any veteran or de- pendant may appeal to the fund for aid. such as food. shelter or} medical expenses in emergen-- cies which a pension does not cover. Seventy-ï¬ve percent of all cases helped by the Poppy Fund involve veterans who are not Legion members. We sug- gest you give according to the dictates of your conscience. The community is reminded that by wearing a poppy we honor the war dead and also help the living. About 70% of the money raised through the campaign remains in the com- munity, with the rest going to donations to local cha organizations and the like This Sunday at 3 pm a re. membrance service will be held in Richmond Hill to honor those who gave their lives in the ser- vice of their country. Preceding the service. a parade of veterans will form up at the Richmond Heights Centre at 2.15 pm and march to the. Cenotaph at 2.30 Veterans who are not members of the Legion are invited to participate in the parade. It is expected that all Legion mem- bers will be attending for the parade. and that most will bring their families to participate in the ensuing service. The hospital chairman report- ed tha-t Comrade Frances Beau- Iieu was now at home recover- ing from a recent knee injury. which was not suffered while watching hockey, but rather from working around the house. The Re-Location of his office to 71 STEELES AVE. EAST WILLOWDALE, ONT. BY APPOINTMENT AS OF PHONE: 889-3103 NOV. 1, 1965 KELLOGG’S, 9 oz. pkg, 2c OFF DEAL, CHUM, 15 oz. tins (Save 19c) (Save 26c) TEE L-‘I‘BERATJ. mm Hm. Unfario, Th‘urs'day. Nowâ€"7. Z, 1965 ‘al charitable Just call up or come in. Get the cash you want fast to do your shopping, to payyour bills, to . enioy the holidays. You : pick the terms . . . ‘1“ you pick the payments . . . at Beneficial, where you get that BIG O.K. for cash! Call up and see! Beneficial Lot No. Plan Parts of Lots 4841 231 and 232 Tenders for either or both lots properly com- pleted in triplicate and sealed in envelopes marked “Tender for Building Lot “A†or “B†will be accepted up to 4:00 pm. Friday, November 12th, 1965 in the Clerk’s Office, Municipal Building, 56 Yonge Street North, Richmond Hill. If tendering on both lots separate tenders must be submitted properly completed. a v 1 -11 L. t""r‘-"-d Tendéi‘ï¬ï¬h’s’,"conditions of sale and all in- formation are available from the Clerk’s Office, 56 Yonge Street North, Richmond Hill, Telephone 884-4455 or 889-4928. uu- - "4\’ v- The towi'feééï¬Ã©s the right not to accept the highest nor any tender. Lot No. Plan 159 and 10’ 4841 of 158 TWO BUILDING LOTS FOR SALE BY TENDER TENDERS INVITED FOR THE SALE OF TWO BUILDING LOTS IN THE TOWN OF RICHMOND HILL Services Paved road and Water and sanitary sewers Services Paved road, water and Sanitary Sewers RICHMOND HEIGHTS CENTRE. RICHMOND HILL 250 Yonge sr., North o Phone: 884-4417 (Toronto area residents Phon'e: 285$811) OPEN EVENINGS BY H°POINTMENT-PHONE FOR HOUR: 'm‘ ONTARIO. CANADA THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF RICHMOND HILL TOWN OF RICHMOND HILL FINANCE CO. OF CANADA ALLENCOURT PLAZA LOT “B†DESCRIPTION AppleOZIPIE LOT “A†DESCRIPTION Ready-To-Serve H us. AT THIS MARKET ONLY Bayview & Markham Road RICHMOND HILL T. Broadhurst, M. Clement, Mayor Deputy Clerk Plan (a Alacgpo¢ Street Size , North east corner 70’x100’ of South Taylor Mills Dr. and Neal Drive Street Size South Taylor Approx. Mills Dr. 75’x100’ Zone R2, By-Iaw 1169 Zone R2, By-law 1169