Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 4 Nov 1965, p. 6

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5 THE LIBERAL. RI ow Cost Liberal Action Want A CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES CASH RATES, lat insertlo charge $1.00. wording unchanged. .7c BOX NUMBERS an extra charge per insertion of 50c COMING EVENT NOTICE. 7 CARDS OF THANKS, IN ENGAGEMENTS. MAR set-tion Classified adverti week as possible but not later tha days. us at 884-1105 or 889- ARTICLES FOR SALE Ff C.C.M. Bicycle, man's. good con- dition. 884-5774. c2w_19 ____________._._._â€"â€"â€" 1 baby crib and 1 fur coat. 884- 3316 an 6306. c_1_w1Â¥9 24" GE. range. good condition. $50. 889-5300. w_~ ciwiii LARGE freezer. 884-7368. c1w19 ORGAN and fetior hind. 884- 2132. c1w19 GIRL'S bike good condition, :15 889-6804. clw19 ANTIQUE buffet. good condi- tion. phone 884-5796. c1w19 BRAND new car bed, also Jolly Jumper. Both $15. 884-3022. clw19 1 Raleigh racer bicycle. Full size, good condition. 884-7346. c1w19 STEREO 4 Eaâ€"ckwtape recorder. 4 months old. dual speakers. best offer. 884-4458. c1w19 SNOW fence 50' roiis‘fio, 100' rolls $20, 6' steel posts $1. 884- 1443. tfc19 ELECTRIC stove and‘ fridge, good condition. $50 each. 884- 2765. c1w19 COMPLETE Stroll-o-Chair oufâ€" fit for sale. Reasonable. even- lugs. 889-3709. ch19 BABY crib and high chair, like‘ new, $25 both. 884-7162. c1w19 __._,__..___.__ H.O. train layout 4’ by 8'. com- plete with engines. buildings etc., 884-1427. clw19' 1960 Fiat in good running con- dition. 4 burner gas stove. like new. 889-4236. *1w19 G.E. Dryer. Easy ironer, dress- maker’s judy size 14. 884-1526. *1w19 CEDAR trees. 5' to 6‘. very good for hedging. $1.50 per clump. 884-4307. c1w19 DOUBLE barrel hammerless shotgun, Remington. $30. 884- 1516. c1w19 G.E. Refrigerator. good condi- tion. Kenmore floor polisher, like new. 884-7197. c2w19 DEER rifle, Remington pump model 780. Excellent shape. 884-1842. c1w18 Second and subsequent insertions if sements should be in as early in the Send ads by mail and enclose payment 0 chmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday. Nov. 21, 1965 ds Solve Many Of Your Problems" PHONE 884-1105 OR 889-3316 0 To Order Want Ads ' To Receive Help In Writing Want Ads 0 For Information About Want Ads. HELP WANT IHOUSEKEEPER, 3 to ‘4’day’: ‘weekly Yonge Street, ’l‘hornhill.x ,889-7072. c1w19 WVAITRESS for day shift. Ar)- iply Town inn Restaurant. 30 Yonge St. S. 884-2141. clwl9 TRUCK idI‘ivch. experienced and reliable for lumber delivery. Call 8894436. Cl\\'l;q FULL andâ€" part-time drivers. Apply Plaza Taxi Office, Richâ€" mond Heights Plaza. tfcl MATURE, woman. full, or WT“ timc. apply Mrs. Purvis. 889-4615. 01“” FEMALETâ€"Iactory‘hclpifl IOI‘ punch press work day shift. Ap- n .7c each word, minimum per word. min. charge 9%. I c per word: mln. charge 31 00 MEMORIAMS. DEATHS. RIAGES, BIRTHS per in- $1.00 n 10.30 am on Wednes- r telephone d you will receive an invoice. FOR SALE (Continued) __ 7-_â€"~ .. 7-7, ply in person 214 NPWkll‘k USED hockey eqUIpment for Road. clwl9 adults. 889-5617. clw19 MAN ' d ' rpmmvewwaqh â€"â€"â€"â€"-- ~â€"â€"vr-.-- w no 0 ' . TWO-PIECE chestert‘ield sllite.and mime 5,0,", “indowsfi also three-piece sectional chins-mlease apply 104 Baker Avg, terfield. 884-1069. clwlo m... g WTDNUTFâ€"dining firoomvfl-piece,M'Al F clerk 'fm. sales"’depal.1.i suite, $50. Hollywood 30“ bed. mem’ experience unneceflary $3" Junior bed and Spring $3 Contact 889-1105. C. Tomlinson 831-3412;, _ 4191M", for appointment. clle; APPLES . -. - . . . . HOUSEKEEPER, li\e m o. out.l IMaCINrOSH' Dehmmls‘ Sp‘\":Dl‘(‘l(’l‘al)l_V an older person. Sal-' SPaflon' Ph0n9.832'1274' Man. ary according to cxpcricnce. nlng & Sons Olchards. tfcl9 Phone 8844561. wdeays c3w18 1 table saw. 8" blade. 15 hp motor. 1 jig saw with 14 hp. motor. Reasonable. 884-4678. c1w19 ORDER your Christmas Cake now and help the Civitans help our community. Best quality 3 lbs. $3.75. Phone 884-6630. 884- 5186, 884-7386. c7w19 BUNK beds. red maple, wagon' wheels, brand new, complete. $65. Cash and carry. North Park Furniture. 3368 Yonge Street. Toronto. 488-7911. c4w19‘ TEAKWOOD desk, traditional 4-seater Chesterfield, small mar- ble topped liquor cabinet or book case. Best offer. 884-6503.. c1w19‘ USED TV sets, 17“. 21", 23". 19" portables. Appliance and Antenna parts, Math’s TV. 45 Industrial Road. 884-7903. tfc18 l_ , Sales Dept. Service Dept. Herridge TV Appliances 'Expericnccd hpr full or part time. Ask for Mr. Herridge. 884- 3211. c1w19 WAREHOUSE laborer, perman- ent position, location. Keele and No. 7 Hwy, also warehousemen. capable of driving stake trucks. 889-1138. c1w19 SERVICE station attendant or apprentice mechanic. good wages. 889-1641. or apply per- sonally to 7672 Yonge Street, Thornliill. c1w19 YOUNG man. experienced in telephone collection of consumer accounts. by large public utility. Better than average benefits and salary. Call Toronto 929- 2895 for appointment. c1w19 SURVEYâ€"WOMEN Women to make a music inquiry ED’THELPIVANTE NURSE-receptioDiStE to 9i, I) MISCELLANEOUS. â€"PLUM'RING‘.'fiI-:ATING A. MILLS a. SON LTD. (Continued) 3 evenings and 10 to 12 Saturday James D_ Stewart , am. for Doctor's office. Call 88432201 832-2201. c1w19 “C43 SERVICE station attendant. FARMâ€"PAPER full time and/or part time. Ex- HANGING perienced only. Berta Servicc‘R- E. Dunn TU. +279R tfci Centre. 687-5411. tfcl9, ' -*---- v r . CUSTOM_work,iseeding. plow- RELIABLE, woman for night mg. combining 884_7768. relief at residential lreatmcnt‘ “r12, 'entre. tw nights weekly. 773- _ . v _' ( n CARPENTRY & CONCRETE I 5208 Oak Ridges. clwlt) FEMALE kitchen help wanted. 10 am to 3 pm. Peter's Restaur- ant. 7584 Yonge Street, Thorn- hill. clw19 WOODWORKING plant. needs cabinet maker. cutter. drivers helper and older man for gen- eral maintenance. 889-7531. cl w19 YOUNG man iwanted foriirain- Custom building additions, rle-l hairs. renovations. J. W. Curtis. 889-2494. tfc43 TRENCHING POSTHOLE digging and rotova- ting. J. Hampton 773-5922. tfc42 PAINTING'an’dâ€"d'é’corating.”car- lpcntry work, alterations, recre- ation rooms. 884-5009. {GIRL to share apartment. Yonge and Markham. 884-6868. ctw19 884-4017, c1w18 BACHELOR apm~ifޤdLTsuil .business girl. stove and frig. TO RENT businessman. 889-3606. tfc14 STORAGE spaceâ€"toWrent'for riiRN'lS‘iiED‘ andâ€"uncurnléh’ed rooms, 889-1766. tfcl9 FURNISHED basemrentiroomv. call 869-6648. clwl9 2 bedrooms. heated. south of Richmond Hill $85 monthly. 636- 4923. *llel TWO rooms. furnished or unâ€" furnished. steps to all transpor- tation. Suit business people. supplied. Very close to Yonge. ing on research animal farm. _V H_ 7 # V. “013‘ Starting salary $1 per hour. CALI. us for your sand. gravel, Phone High Oak Ranch Limited. fill, top soil and black loam. 884-2580. tfclfl Prompt delivery. Reasonable. DRIVER salesman for dryvclcan-Erates' 'l- 13- DEFerran‘ Magi; ing route. good opportunity {orig-.8876 _ right man. Apply Wimhridgc THE (‘LANS Clcaners Ltd. 9724 Yonge Slu‘FlOtil’ sanding and refinishing. RICHMODG ('l\\'l9 rug ghampnning‘ (‘ol‘nDlPlP main- Two'mafi-ied "-79,, “.1”, chaupilenance to tile floors. 884-5602 feur‘s licences, year-round (am-‘0" (“MINES- 384-5350- 7 ploymcnt. Richmond Hill Trcei'ONEWMARKET ALUMINUM Service & Forestry CO- Lidq'Doors & Windows - Sales & Phone 384-7774- C1W19lService. 73 Newbury Dr., New- mgURANCEâ€"Cigfiffo? 500k; market. 895-2968 â€" 895-4122,” (‘ \V . keeping department. Some W _ knowledge of card punching and PLASTERING & TILE coding. York Insurance Cnm- Plaster repairs. ceramic ‘ and pany. Call Miss Cousins. 889- Plastic Tile repairs, years of 4933. chlglcxpcrience‘ in repair work. TVufamilyWneed mature’loyinglGem‘ge' 884'7045' "A “018 woman to care for two pre-lPA'INTIfi'G’AND DECORATING schoole-rs. Live-in. wages, perm: N0 DOWN PAYMENT anent. Call days 759-2646 col-‘ lept‘ muwrile Box No' 52 mrhelContractors. Gardner & Kenâ€" E‘EEL, ,.___c‘?,‘:]8‘nedy. Richmond Hill. 884-3319. 884-7866. tfc14 REAL ESTATE career for men or women. free extensive train- TA‘fiD’ERSONâ€"COMMERCIAL’ FLOOR CLEANER ing program. special assistance t ‘. t 'l- . . :?0n:le“;n:tard::vq 0%affm-fillga Factories, Offices & Stores ‘ ‘ - - " _ Fully Insured. Realty lelted, 222 2525. 88444830 tfc25- _ LICENSED MECHANIC“ t tfc51 ifcl71 Interior and exterior Painting’ 2 large automatic ovens, 5 ele- ments, grill. excellent condition.‘ Refrigerator. 11 cubic ft. auto- matic defrosting, freezer top. Curtain fire screen. 921-0619. c1w19 PASSPORT PICTURES 6 for $1.50 open evenings â€" fast service. Family groups,l child studies. etc in your home. No charge for sitting and proofs. WILLOW PHOTO 889-6851. tfcl7 ALUMINUM PRODUCTS Windows, doors. awnings, sid- ing, patio, enclosures. buy dirâ€" ect from the manufacturer and save. For free estimates call: Larry Bartholomew, 884-2873 - 889-1471. tfc15 REFRIGERATOR apartment size, Bendix washer and dryer, 7,000 new bricks. Cinder blocks, and used lumber 884-2349. *2w18 FIREPLACE FIRE WOOD SEASONED maple. Aironwood. $18 a cord. 773-5368. tfch HONEY WERNER 889-2724 tfc21 HIGH chair. baby butler with bath, jumping chair. Baby sleigh. and bottle warmer. 833-6637. c2w19 SNOW TIRES All makes and sizes from $2 up. Baker Sales and Service Ltd.. 889-1189. c1w19 LADY’S winter coat. charcoal' grey with grey lamb collar. size 16-18. Excellent condition $15. 884-6759. *1w19 FRIGIDAIRE freezer. medium size. Wringer washing machine. Russet apples. and carrots by basket. 884-6367. c1w19 PAIR lined printed linen drapes. length 8‘. width at pleats 163" each'drape. 485-8197. *1w19 PIANO. Gerhard Heintâ€"IFII-an up- right. lovely tone. recently re- 30" frigidaire stove electric table griddle. arbori-te kitchen table. numerous other house- hold articles in good condition. in Richmond Hill area, full or part-time. Good remuneration, $1.25 per hour. For appointment. telephone 884-3434. c1w19 AUTOMOBILE salesman forfia progressive Volkswagen dealer- ship. must be bondable. For ap- pointment phone Maplewood Motors Ltd.. Maple, Ont. 889- 5501. c1w19 YOUNG man over 18 to drive truck and do general duties in parts department. Chauffeurs licence necessary. Apply parts manager. Skyline Pontiac, 9612 Yonge Street. 889-5665. clw19 SALES LADIES WANTED Opening for two sales ladies for the busy long established Rich- mond Hill Realty Office. Call Mrs. Sutherland, 889-1164. Evenings, 884-5310, David Mc- Lean Ltd.. Rlvtrs. c1w19 SECRETARY, capable oTtakihg charge of a small office in Rich- mond Hill. Shorthand helpful CHEV + OLDS DEALER WEEKLY wage â€" all benefits. Apply service manager. Leslie Motor Products. King City. 1 c2w19 ELKS MEN‘S & BOYS‘ WEAR Full, and pal-(Aime experienced salesmen. Permanent position. offers salary commensurate with experience and capability. Ex- cellent working conditions, five day week and good opportunity to advance to manage one of our 20 stores. c1w19 CONCRETE - MASONRY CARPENTRY CONTRACTORS; Building, alterations 8: repairs; prompt service WALKER & MITCHELL 889-2526 tfc8 RALPH ELMS DECORATING Painting. paper-hanging. inter- ior and exterior. Free estimates. Work guaranteed. 884-7902. tfc 31 E. W. PAYNE Drains. septic tanks. All types, of concrete work. 889-5762 FREE ESTIMATES tfc31 PERSONAL Do you have a drinking prob- lem. If so AA can help. Write Box 84, Richmond Hill, or call EM. 6-8684. tfc17 LADY BOWLERS J For Wednesday afternoon Bowl- MASONRT CONTRACTOR Stonework. Fireplace. etc. V. Ostergaard, '16 Elizabeth St. 5., Richmond Hill, phone 884- 5688. tfc23 CARPENTRY WORK. additions, ,renovations, garages, recreation rooms. tile floors. No job too small. Free estimates. T. Price 884-2273. clwl9 BASEMENT apartment. com- pletely furnished. Suit one woman. Phone 884-1747. clwlfl‘ yUPPER duplex, 4 rooms unfurn-i isbed. kitchen equipped. Adultsi only. $125 per month. 884-7328. c1w19 lEURNISHED bedroom 'in‘qole’t ladult home. Parking $8.50 lweekly. Gentleman Preferred.| .884-3801. *lw19' boat. 884-4537. clwl9 automatic. 884.2578, 4 room apartmentâ€"inâ€"farm‘lilfiii Pontiac. cheap. 884-4109. house. 884-2538. clw19‘ USED CARS lRED Sittihg rrRIrn. silirt_yOLinglCrA7RS wantgd forwscrappinghce Call 832-8828. ‘ c4w18 I 1956 DodgeIrSedan Gricylinder,i clwl9‘, 59 Pontiac, zfidonffiaâ€"rdtop. All-1 1507 after 6. 1956 Dodge. goodâ€"conditiohA $125 cash, or will Swap {m- [-9.1 frigerator or stove. 773â€"5627. 1952 Morris Oxford. cheap re- liable transport for student orl housewife. 833-6637. c2w19: 19‘577F0-i‘duMaem‘. may be seenl at 102 Benson Ave.. Richmondl Hill. ciwlol 607Volkswagen inoimoneiyvdown, take over payments. $24 monthly. 984-3260. clwl9 1960 Pontiac Laurentian sedan.‘ 1 owner $850 or best offer. 884- 134]. *lwl9 OLD ‘CARs and trucks picked' ilp for scrap. 1 hour pickup. 889-2761 ask for Mei. tfc13 197587 Volksz-igen(goddju’nning» condition. Extra snow tires, and radio. 832-2325. clw19 I959”Vauxhaliâ€"Sinuon Wagon. llMMACULATE 2 bedroom fur- nished bungalow. $135 monthly.f 6 months lease. T. Murphy! inealtor. 889-2951. clle, ERICHMOND HILL, 180 Bayview; ‘Capri Apartments. 1 bodi'onmfi balcony. parking. $100 and $110., Superintendent 884-6654. tfc19- MODERN APARTMENTS AVAILABLE RICHMOND HILL 884-6729. tfc14 FURNISHED room. cooking fa-- cilities, 16 Lorne. lst house east of Clarke‘s Drug store at Yonge. tfc24 UNFURNISHED flat, in farm- house. separate entrance. busi- ness couple. non smokers. Duf- ferin Street. 832-2458. c2w18 WORKSHOP on Yonge StEeE't',‘ south of Richmond Hill $100' monthly. Calumet Real Estate & Insurance Ltd. 889-3721. clw194 STORE for rent; McLa-tchy Building, 78 Yonge Street, South (just south of public school). Occupancy November 10. Phone 884-1064 or 884-1733. tfc19 LOVEâ€"13f bedrooms in comfort- able home in central area. No board. Close to stores, churches and hospital. If interested please call 884-1628 evenings. c1w19 WANTED TO RENT HOUSE with barn, suitable for horses. 727-4591. c1w19 889-2735. W but not essential. Apply giving 15 storm windows. screens and age. experience and telephone ing League. Allencourt Lanes. 9_3 53 tf 28 baby sitter provided. 884-1900. 88 6 ' C c4w13 CHIMNEYS shutters; McClary Monarch oil space heater: built-in bath tub with all chrome shower fittings, pedestal basin with chrome legs and toilet. in pastel blue: Georg- ian fireplace. excellent condi- tion: two new Marshall springs. 54", coil and ribbon. 889-3987. c1w19 SNOW tires, 750-15. two, with wheels, new condition, $30. Two 850-15 wheels with snow tires. heavy duty safety rims to fit GMC Jr‘adton. $15. Trailer, ball hitch. 4‘ x 6'. 4' sides, very strong, $75. Sink unit, white metal, two drawers, three cup-l boards with soffits, very clean, $30. 773-5627. clw19. PETS FOR SALE PUPPIES, make good family pets. Call 889-5993. c1w19 YELLOW Labraddr, "Elle. 5 months. pedigreed, excellent conditioned. $195. no less. 884â€" 4740 after 5 pm. clw19 FIREPLACE fuel â€"â€" dry ifafii wood. in 16" lengths. Delivered single cord lots. 884-4519. tfc14 No. 2 potatoes, table stock. 75 lb. for $1.50. John Bosworth Potatoes Ltd.. RR. 3. Newmar- ket. tfc12 TIRE CLEARANCE 9.00x20 first line lugs. s75. 11.00x20 nylon lugs. $100. Call Joe, 884-4851. c2w18 ALUMINUM Doors, windows. awnings. and railings. Ron Woods. 884-1514. tfc36 PASSPORTâ€"S" CUSTOM FRAMING LAGERQUIST STUDIO 93 Yonge St. 5.. 884-2791. Residence 888-1128. tfc52 BEAUTYREST. Marshall. Sim- mons. Sorta. Seely and other spring mattresses repaired. re- turned just like new. medium firm. extra firm. Two-day ser- vice. Eiderdowns recovered. On- tario Bedding Co. 889-1591. tfc44 TYPEWRIEERS ADDING MACHINES Sales Service Rentals Authorized Dealer All popular makes for sale In- cluding new and rebuilt stand- ard portable and elech‘ic mod- els. Special rental rates avail- able to students. stock. 888-1987. c1w19 MANCHESTER terrier. 7 months old. Fully trained. B32- 1080. c1w19 FLUFFY part Persian hutchâ€"s. house-broken, free to good. home, 889-3139 after 4 ciwigt ‘BLACK miniature â€"_French" poodles. $65 each. no papers. 832-1189. c1w19 Ab’UXRIUIIS‘énd‘fr‘onical’lion. our 1000 fish on display. Many Specials. 1 Richardson Drive. Aurora. c1w19' JILL GODDARD for pKIeE- sional Poodle clipping 7783i [Yonge Street. Thornhill 889-l 3606. tfc4l HERMITAGE Cattery for Siam- ese cats. Kittens when available. Siamese stud service. Year round boarding facilities. 889- 2581. Meta WANTED ’ SMAIL cement mlEr want-odd condition not important. 884-7 4953. c1w19' TYPEWRITER. standard.‘ In! good condition. 884-5288. , _vâ€"7‘Wfli WW (‘le9l WANTED. 1955 to 1959 Thu-d car in excellent condition. Make reasonable offer. 895-2869. after 17 pm. Clix-19, ROOMandBOARD l” UNUSUAL" OPPORTUNITY number. Write Box No. 55 "The Liberal". c1w19 SHIRT PRESSER WANTED, for air conditioned dry cleaning plant. Steady year round employment. 5 days weekly, with various fringe benefits. Will train suitable ap- plicant. Apply in person only at Barth‘s Cleaners, 198 Yonge Street. North. c1w19 FARM SALESMAN If you have any farming experi- ence, you may be suited for the very profitable career of farm sales with our long established company. Call D. McLean, 889- 1176., David McLean Ltd.. Real- tors, 74, Steeles Avenue West. c1w19 l'vâ€"Efi) EXTRA CASH FOR CHRISTMAS? It is fun to sell Beauty Coun- selor Products in your spare moments. Learn the steps to loveliness. Commission, plus bonus. Free training. Mrs. Nes- bitt. 884-2237. c2w19 WE are expanding several of our operations and have need for 3 men who can show a steady employment record. Top earnings and company paid benefits. Apply Seneca Wire of Canada, 254 Centre St. E. c1w19 TOWNSHIP SCHOOL AREA OF VAUGHAN Requires one man for mainten- ance duties. Priority considera- tion will be given to applicants with Trades experience and Trade Licenses where appli- cable. Salary schedule and benefits in effect. Township School Vaughan. 136 Keele Street Maple. Ontario. Area of ciwl9 Promotions within our Sales Or- ganimtion have created opening in this township which is an unusually good opportun- Ity for a man with recent agri- cultural background. Position is fullâ€"time. or can he handled at first along with your present farming operation. Successful applicant can expect above- averaae earnings on a weekly baSIs. There is also excellent opportunity for advancement 111 this area. ~[f you are amhlilfiUS, and “anti in be associated with the fast- est-growing company in it: anl PSYCHIC Reader, teacup, cards and palmjstry by appointment Amelia Davie. 773-5491. tfc43 SUPERFLOUS HAIR Removed permenantly by Elec- trolysis. Marion E. Sherwood. 221-8804. c4w19 LOANS $50 - $5.000 FAST SERVICE ATLANTIC FINANCE Corporation Ltd. 20 Yonge St. 8., Richmond Hill 884-4458 - 889-5562 Mgr. R. G. (Bob) Hughes tfc7 EMPLOYMENT WANTED EXPERIENCED secretary, de- sires typing at home. 884-4330. clw19 YOUNG MEN, 16â€"19. looking for work. Anything considered Can you help us. Call Salva- tion Army. 889-4869. tfc52 ACCOUNTANT. retired, would like steady part time work. Write Box 53 “The Liberal". *1w19 Tool & Equipment RENTAL TOOLS FOR RENT Floor sanders. saws and drills. Hand sanders. jig-saws and nail drivers. 889-1109. tfc27 RENTALL. 41 YONGE N. Rug shampooers, floor mach- ines, tools. chairs. 884-6761. tfc31 PORTABLE TV RENTALS BY DAY. WEEK OR MONTH. RICHMOND HILL TV. 884-7456 - 889-3756 tfc9 l _7DAYCARE Dâ€"AILY or weekly care given in |my home. 884-6079. (‘4\\ 18 |DA7YAca>revwhile'mother works. ‘hnt lunches. 884-5796, clwl-Q CH1 in my home. Good home. 689- .4184. c2w19 l i lBOATS - MOTORS Chimneys built and repaired. Free estimates. Expert work- manship. Phone Walker and Mitchell. 889-2526. tfc15 SPECIAL Chesterfield sets recovered â€" 2 piece $69.00. Nylon frieze $99. 5 years guarantee. Terms if de- sired. A. Smith, Upholstery. .GARAGE or shed preferably on [west side of town. 884-3524. clw19 LOST ing Grade 12 school books. in Richmond Hill, finder please call Paul Ramer 884-1535. Re- phone 889-1682. tfc43 HARRISONS CUSTOM CARPENTRY Custom built homes. renova- tions. additions. and repairs Kitchens 3 specialty. Morris ward. STRAYED from 32 Spruce Ave- nue, Richvale. Pekingese male dog, Sable grey, black mask. tat- too inside right flank. Answers to Ming. Reward. 889-1753. Harrison. 884-2838. “$45 c1w19 UPHODSTERY ____ RECOVERING â€"â€" RESTYLING of all types of furniture. Latest fabrics. reasonable prices. Guar- DRESSMAKING and altera_ anteed work. Active Upholstery. tions. 887-5627. c4w19 889-5345 -__â€"__ _ _ _.__ ,884-1981 Residence 884-4813 ALL kinds of Sewmg- altera- tfc14'tions, slip covers made. etc. 884- -. . '4347. tfc32 HOME â€"â€" 7* ~ â€"â€" IMPROVEMENTS. Diggssslfifiggc Kitchens, Rec. Rooms, AI +ERATIONS' Flooring. Panelling, ‘ 884 4670 Bathrooms ' c1w19 Budget Plan Available PHONE MR. SCOUT 889-4922 or 884-7968 tfc33 SEPTIC TANKS PUMPED $25.00 Sewers cleaned without digging or tearing up pipe. C. STUNDEN Richmond Hi1 884-1245 I Transportation RIDE required from Yonge Street, Richmond Hill. to Bloor and Yonge Street arriving 830 am 964-6533. t‘lwlfl l LD'S W” m. MP, ,0 mm wANTEDfnom Richmond Hill In hux m fto York Mills and Yonge. Leav- vll'l: 6 am returnin: between 430 and 5.30 pm. Call 884-1010 after ,6, clle iRIDE wanted from Yonge St. lRichmond Hill in Ezlinlon‘Al‘Gâ€" GARDENING_ LOAM - LANDSCAPING Gravel and stone delivered in small quantities. C. L. Knappett 884-3089. c1w19 LOAM - TREES Top dressing-seeding-planting- sodding-hedging cedars. etc. All, planting and materials guaran-l teed. expert workmanship. C. L. KNAPPET’I‘ 884-3089. tfc12 DEAD STOCK ' WANTED all kinds of dead an- imals. For fast service call TU. 4-2538 or ZEnith 3-2800. License .No. 204-62. tfc31' l M0RTGAGES_J ;MONEY available for good first jand second mortgages. reason- ,able rates. Lawlor. Le Claire and Bannon 884-4413. MORTGAGES purchased. Funds sting 1st and 2nd,‘ Mortgages. David McLean 889- 1176. David McLean Limited. 74 lSteeles Avenue. West. tfc16 :LOTS FOR SALEi L. H. SIMS __________ field. “‘1‘”? telling me about;1956 Mercury. 10 hp. outboard nue Road or Ezlmton » Ynnge smtiuildmz 88 Baker Ave. EXCELLENT room and board lei‘EPlf “The to P .1 Hari‘Inze‘mn‘or, excellent condition Only Subvai' Armin; around 8 restricted area Call )lrs Pia).- Riohmlmd Hill 884-1745'f0r 2 gentlemen, twin beds. 3-! ton. Vice Prestdent. Box 54 The‘needs seeing. 585. 773-5627 returning 4.45 pm. 884-4291.. ton 222-2548 - 889-1210. Royal “€49 1mm” Ave- tfclfilLiberaI- c2w19i clle‘after 6 pm. clleITTust. olw19 'LOST on Tuesday, bag contain-i c1w19. Good condition. 884-4953. I c1w19‘ ANTIQUE antomohllef'doaoi model A Ford, $225 or best ofâ€"‘ fer. 887-5250. c1le' 59 Volkswagenfi deluxejtinew tires, radio. Private. 889-6509.i c1w19 1962 Rambler chluxe-AmeriCIInt station wagon, A1 condition. $800 or nearest offer. 884-6244. clw19 1957 Dodge Royal, 2 door hard- top, fully equipped and in near perfect condition. 884-2938. c1w19 1957 Pontiac 4-door sedan, 2- tone. Radio, seat belts. good‘ condition. 8300, or best offer.l 884-4307. c1w19 59 Chev. Con. V8 floor shift, very clean $895. 59 Karmann Ghia, good condition $495. 5 Maple Avenue, near Keele. Maple. c1w19 1962 Pontiac. 4 door Sedan, 6 cylinder. automatic, twilight turquoise. Excellent mechanical condition. Very economical to [operate $1.295. 889-2510. c2w18 ATTENTION TRUCKERSâ€" If you are looking for used“ trucks, parts, tires or accessor-I .ies, see the truck wrecker first. Moore Truck Parts & Sales, Old No. 11 Highway, Holland Land- ing. 895-4666. tfc34 WHOLESALE CARS TO BE SOLD TO THE PUBLIC 60 Falcon 5495 60 Buick 867 59 Chev. 425 . WEEKLY SPECIALS 58 Olds 345 58 Plym. 186 57 Mercury 98 - LITTLE Elfin 1 Location Only - Richmond Hill PHONE 889-1105 Etrtbs ARAI -â€" Dr. and Mrs. Arnold T. Arai ' are happy to an- nounce the birth of their son, Steven Masao, on October 24. 1965. c1w19 l *ihiirlil O'HARA â€"â€" Marge and Don are happy to announce the birth their daughter, Tracey Mich- ele. 8 lbs, 2 oz.. on October 31. 1965 at York Central Hos- pital. A sister for Dede, Kelly and Brad. A granddaughter for Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Dillon and Mr. and Mrs. Jack Morris. With special thanks to Dr. J. Nirenberski. *1w19 illnrthrnming Marriages Mr. and Mrs. Donald Bain an- nounce the forthcoming mar. riage of theLr daughter Barbara 'Jane, to Doctor Frederick Earl I I'Becker. son of Mrs. Becker andling the consigned properties of: the late Mr. F. Earl Beckett} Miami. Florida. The wedding will take place November 20- Richmond Hill United Church c1w19 l l ADOPTION NIELSEN â€" Kurt and (nee Leciiyer) wish in 30‘ nounce the arrival of their chosen daughter. Lisa Kare" clwl9 Linda' ht& Sold Coins-Bong York Coin Exchange t 117 YONGE ST. S., RICHMOND HILL 339-7328 Len Pugh CARDâ€"‘OFCTHATNIIS chug ed. Also thanks to all who as- sisted at Victoria Square Community Hall, October 25. 1965. ’3‘ I the loss of my husband. Also l“‘19.spccial thanks to Dr. Kovaksi .ing equ1pment. good. number of 7 A-_LifiL _ ___._‘g l Deaths ‘BERESEORD. John â€" At York Central Hospital. Friday.‘ October 29. 1965. John Beres-- ford, beloved husband of“ Marion McCrory of 67 Arnold St.. Richmond Hill; dear We wish to express our sin- re thanks and appreciation to ‘elatives and friends for the Ieautiful radio and stand receiv- in the programme held l\'lr. & Mrs. Rolph Boynton “"0"”- pnw‘“. Sleel‘lng- “mm C“'19 father of Sheila.Wilson. Betty “ll”? “Rik 884‘5923» “WWI * * l * l [Mi-s. R. L. Laver) and the Private bath. for information(59 Vauxhall Victor, good mecthAly“) OI" THANKS , late John 5, Rested at the anical condition, gondtires. $90K “9 “V‘Sh ‘0 eXDI‘PSS (“If Pipher Funeral Home. 126 884_573l_ “wlgithanlks to all our friends and Yonge St. N. Richmond Hill.‘ 7 r. , râ€"Inelglhors for their sympathy p: I ~l ~ hi M -' 1958 Fmflam,‘ Rnnd mndhom, ' ' .. 1., livate uneia was ed .on. must. sell. going oversean884_,fl°“915 and cards received in‘ day morning. interment Rich-‘ mond Hill Cemetery. c1w19 *‘tii HOWELL. WalterwAt his home“ 61 Finch Avenue. E. on chm and Dr. Gratton and the Pipher Funeral Home. Mrs. Ella Wood and Family‘ clwlg nesday, Oct. 27. 1965, Walter_ M t v x Howell, in his Blst year.. CARD or THANKS l beloved husband of the late Mr. C. Witney and family Mary Hindle. dear father of: Elsie (Mrs. E. Gellatly) and Walter C. Howell. Service was' held on Saturday morning at. 11 o'clock. Interment West-' wish to express their deep grati- tude to each and everyone in, their sorrow in the loss of a; dear husband. father and? brother, with infinite deeds of minster Memorial Park Cemc-l kindness. Thanking Dr. Wesley,‘ tery. clwl9' the Rev. Dr. Armitage. VON, * ,_ * * . nurscs and Pipher Funeral ' . .i N ‘S ' ‘.â€" ' ' 'f“. “l” 60"“ "P'ghbm‘s 3"“ October 30 1965 .Albert E cgféisdsangornowgrq many .lones. beloved husband of the! * _, ,‘ ',,, ) late Bella Burns of 6 Leonard Ave, Elgin Mills. dear father. of Olive (Mrs. E. Orr). Lillie| (Mrs. Wm. Jones). Herbert, Ella (Mrs. C. Bowen). and Clarence. in his 92nd year. Rested at the Pipher Funeral Home, 126 Yonge St. N.. Rich-‘ mond Hill. Service was held on Monday, at 2 pm. inter- ment Maple Cemetery. c1w19 l l l CARD 0F THANKS We wish to extend our sincere thanks and appreciation to our many relatives and friends. for| gifts, cards and good wishes from Victoria Square Sundayi School and Community, receivedl October 23rd, 1965 in honour ofi our marriage which took placel Saturday. October 16th, 1965.? The open house was held at the‘ * t * * home of Mr- and Mrs. PBI‘CY'MacCHARLESâ€"Wilfred John Bennett of Victoria Square. at North Bay on Sunday. 0c Mr. and Mrs. Rolph Boynton. tober 24. 1965. Wilfred Job ClWlQ‘ MacCharles of Powassan 1 his 73rd year. Dear brother 0 Wilhelmina (Mrs. W. J. Attig of Powassan. Mildred (Mrs G. E. Clubine) of Richmon Hill. Greta MacCharies. Po waSSan, Mary. (Mrs. W. J Ross) of Toronto. Rested a the Paul Funeral Home, Po wassan. Interment Powassa Union Cemetery. *lwl *tkilllk CARD 0F THANKS Mere words can not express our heartfelt appreciation to friends. relatives and neighbors for the cards, flowers and many acts of kindness during the ill- ness of our father. James Rum- ble, and our subsequent bereave- ment. Special thanks to Rev. C. G. Higginson. the Pipher Funeral Home and to those who made donations to the heart and cancer [funds in his memory. William Rumble, Margaret Wallbridge, Beatrice Cor- ner and families. c1w19 SALETRRHSTEES NOVEMBER 6, SATURDAY â€" Auction sale of household furni- ture, including dining room set, new Propane stove. etc. includ- ing some antiques, also 1953, Studebaker car. For John B. Mc-l Quay. NE. corner of No. 7 82 27 highway, west of Woodbridge at west WOOD. George Richard â€" A his home. 9611 Bathurst S RR. 2. Maple, on Thurs. Octo ber 28. 1965. George Rich-ai- Wood, beloved husband 0 Ella Gourlie. dear father 0 Orval, Hazel (Mrs. Reay Hop per), Vera (Mrs. Frank Reid) Beatrice (Mrs. David Blight) also survived by 7 grandchil dren and 6 greatgrandchil dren; in his 88th year. Reste at the Pipher Funeral Home 126 Yonge St. N.. Riohmon Hill. Service was held 0 Saturday at 2 pm. Intermen Maple Cemetery. elwl 1 pm. _ â€"-Alvin Farmer 8; Gordon Orr, . Auc ts . c2 WI 8 ‘ llllllllllllllllllmlllllllllllltllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllillllill > t It a t ’ (Centennial Project. Canada’s Centennial may have come and gone before Markham Township comes up with a project to cele- brate the occasion, but it’s not for lack of trying. A few weeks ago. after taking on much of the townshiprwhich had pro- tested its proposed project, a loo-acre park. council NOVEMBER 6. SATURDAY. Auction Sale. The estate of the late Sarah E. Fox, Dalton Road. Sutton. Household furniture. consisting of antique rockers, lamps and furniture. Cook stove. washing machine, rangette, :piano, Chesterfield suite. vacu- uum cleaner, assorted dishes. garden and carpenter tools. 40' extension ladder. Many more household articles. too numer- ous to mention. Sale 1 pm. dmpped the project when Terms caSh' Sta“ Pouardi Auc' the owner of the land sold tloneer‘ 91‘V19 it to another bidder. Mark- * * I. * ham Township had failed to NOVEMBER 6, SATURDAY. pick up in, 0mm Auction sale of antiques and household effects. desk. clocks. pine chairs, rockers. dressers, dishes over 100 years old. Brass, This week, however. Dep- uty-reeve Stewart Rumble suggested another project â€" refurbishing TSA 1's 'Nippon “00510119, 31855. tea German Mills Road Public wagon, lamps. Chest of draWers. school. brass beds, refrigerator. and Hum“ township schools inumerous items in antique and modern, not listed. Property of Mrs. G. Smith. Take the Aurora Sideroad to Bayview Avenue. South on Bayview to 1 mile South CFRB. Sideroad on Bay- view. In case of rain, sale will be held indoors at 12 noon. Auc- are disappearing from the scene”. Mr. Rumble said. This one is on a worthwhile site and its architecture re- lates to the period of Con- federation. “! think it should be con- sidered for a Centennial tioneer, Lloyd Wilson, Uxbridge. Project". 852-3524. c2w18u Council will consider the * * * * proposal. , SATURDAY, .‘ Hg 5 m b is“ a ti o n e x t e n 5 iv e ‘ llllllillllllllllllillllIllllllllllllll“llllllllillllllllllllllillllllllllliillllllfl auction sale of modern. choice. household furniture, electricali appliances, suites, dishes, uten-l sils_ glassware, ornaments, pic- tures. paintings. rugs. antique articles. garden and handyman's‘ tools, with numerous other use- ful effects. etc. at Prenticc's‘ New idea Farm. part Lot 21. Concession 8. Markham Twp, on No. 49 Highway. 11/6 miles North of Markham Village. be-1 REQUIRED IMMEDIATELY fitii SPRAY PAINTERS at least one year's experience. it * t it TOOL MAKERS apprenticeship completed, Blake. Johnston. Little. McKen- rlry. Peters, Somers. Woods. , . Yakley. and others. Sale at 12.30 or equivalent experience. pm. Terms cash. without re- " ‘ * " serves. See posters for full list- TOOL ROOM MACHIle l ings. Clarke Prentice. Auction- ‘ ’ d' 111 EX erlence in ie eers. Markham. Ont, phone 640- 50 e gepair 3686 or 294-3161. c2w18 t t t t a: it a t NOVEMBER 13, SATURDAY â€"l CABINET MAKER at least two years’ Auction Sale of household fur- niture, RCA record player and experience it It it 1* radio, combination. like new. I . ‘. ill . r‘ .- , . eectric dr press “11h mortis Good Startmg rates Apply in writing. or by telephone to the Personnel Manage Office Specialty Limited 543 Timothy Street. sleigh bells. Many antique ar- llf‘lPS. about 35 pieces of beau- tiful carvmgs, glassware. dishes. number of piece: of brass, many articles not mentioned. At stop 21 Yonge St. 1'4 mile north of No. 7 Highway, 7 McKay Drive. The property of W, Everton. no reserve. Terms cash. Sale at 1' pm. Lloyd Turner & Son. clerk. Newmarket Ali!!! S. Farmer. Gordon. Orr -9- 93.71 Auctioneers, phone 887-5311. 5 a" -’ c2w19. - Arâ€"w-

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