THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday, Nov. 11, 1965 Beginning Sunday, November 14, all children three years and. up are invited to attend Sunday1 school classes at Christ the King Lutheran Mission, housed temp- orarily in Thornhill Masonic Hall on Elgin Street at Dudley‘ Ave. Classes begin at 9.30 am. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. W. Naismith of 61 Clarke Avenue on the birth of twin sons November 1. David made his appearance first, weighing H‘alulalali FACTORY APPLIANCE SERVICE' , For MUFFAT ' NORGE' BENDIX MCCLARY ' EASY ' BEATTY ‘ SIMPLICITY M DONCASTER NEWS l CORRESPONDENT: MRS. E. ORTLIEB ‘ 38 LILLIAN AVENUE â€" PHONE 889-3451 i ‘/ NO SPLATTER e no» III'I‘ Acnvuc LAT“ INTERIOR WALL PAINT I Save $2.66 a Gallon â€" 22 Colors and White FAST DIYI FASI’ CLEAN-UPI â€" WC"! dries In 30 minutes, to e flat, velvety ï¬nish that's wash- eble. eoep end water. No “INN†NO WINNING! â€" Just lift the lid end start painting. -4 GIANT omen EASY! WCH'I 1 doesn‘t drip or run because We j‘ thick and creamy. Goes on easier Weed tester because your brush or seller hold- more print. You dip No priming, not even over patch- eeâ€"end lUCITl hides tiny creeks. CIBG'WP h 0 'MP Wl'h i i by DuPont ' SATIN SHEEN ENAMEL .84 “'25†.43 Gal. $3.25 or, Long-lasting beauty for kitchen and bathroom Compare walls and for woodwork, furniture and cabinets. Colors match lUClTE Wall Paint. Odorless. surm- CONCENTRATED oii TREATMENT O RETAsz O FREES hydraulic lifters oil consumption and wear valves and rings . Ofl pressure . m __ . RAISES film strength car; tractors, O QUICK tune-up trucks, diesels EXTRA! Cash and Carry BONUS COUPONS _AS s-o‘ci ATE STORE 884-1196 889-1101 Save more than 25% I 70 YONGE ST. NORTH, RICHMOND HL 6 lbs. 5 oz. and Dean was born,da a few minutes later, tipping theiSp scales at 5 lbs. 15 oz. Their friends and neighbors on Clarke Ave. are sorry to hear that Mr. and Mrs. J. Sandever have sold their home and will be moving to the Bayview Glen Subdivision shortly. Happy birthday to little Laura May Ortlieb of 38 Lillian Street who was two years old on Nov. ember 10. A few days later, on Novem- ber 14, her aunt, Miss Eula: O. of I M M brated her 10th birthday, and best wishes go out to her also. Chipp's parents. Mr. and Mrs.| day with Mr. and Mrs. S. N Doner. County Hospital and D. B. Cor- fieid was admitted there Thurs- day for tests. lrn and Mrs. Ivan Winger are Clow of 57 Clarke Ave. cele-'still in York Central Hospital. Dr. L. H. Erb, who was well Gormley News Notes Neighborhood Notes iknown to the older people in this area before his death, was here whose husband died sud.l‘held last week in Toronto from denly from a heart attack IO‘BEDfIEId United Missionary‘of Aurora, had supper Sunday Mrs. Ronald Chipp. of Scar-«1 ys ago, and her three childrennCl em a few days with Mrs't aux G. Reid. , Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Doner‘ Stouffville, had supper Satur- A. Hollands is still in St. ichael‘s Hospital, Torontou rs. Frank Harvey is in York' Mrs. Gordon Cul- Funeral service for the late Rev. and Mrs. Wilfred Mon- speakers and singers at special meetings at Oak Ridges Breth- ren in Christ Church each night .this week, including Saturday, ‘starting at 8 pm. lMontaux are staying with the Henderson Sisters. Mr. and Mrs. John Chamber-i lain Of Willowdale had supper on Saturday with Mrs. Beulah Jones. ‘ Andrew Jones of Emmanuel, Bible College, Kitchener, spentl the Weekend with Mr. and Mrs. E. N. Jones. Mr. and Mrs. N. Ash and fam- ily moved into their new home) .on Saturday. Congratulations French. who will celebrate his Notice OI Application BY THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF VAUGHAN FOR APPROVAL OF A BY-LAW IMPOSING A SEWER RATE AND CREATING A SEWER AREA TAKE NOTICE THAT: The Council Of the Corporation of the Township of Vaughan obtained the approval of the Ontario Municipal Board for: 1) the construction Of a sewage plant in Lot 7, Concession 3 together with tributary sewers at an estimated total cost of $535,- 000.00 with a net cost of $505,000.00. 2) the creation of a sewer area; 3) the imposition of sewer rate and duly passed by-law 2879 to authorize such con- struction, the sewer rate and the creation of the sewer area. ‘her home in Queensville this week. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Jones with Mrs. Beulah Jones. . Mrs. Charles Milsted and 0f Bridgeport are guestICharleen had Sunday dinner with Mr. and Mrs. Earl Milne Of Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. John Pugh were also dinner guests of her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Heise had Sunday dinner with Mr. and Mrs. Peter Stickley. Mrs. Anthony Nigh and Mrs. Nancy Evans had dinner on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Heise. For those of you who would like our local missionaries’ ad- dresses in time for the Christ- mas mail here is a list: Mil- dred Brillinger Brethren in Christ, Navajo Mission, Bloom- field, New Mexico, SUA: Velma‘ Brillinger, PO Box 711, Bula- wayo, Rhodesia, Africa; Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. to George" VICTORIA SQUARE NEWS CORRESPONDENT: MRS. W. SANDLE RR. 2, Gormley Lions I Hamish McLeod of the Unit- ed Co-operatlve was guest speaker at the “Agriculture Night" meeting of the Lions club here on Tuesday night of last week. Mr. McLeod noted that 40 years ago the farm acreage in Canada totalled 65 million acres and 25 years ago it had increas- ed to 185 million acres. i now 45 percent of the farm pop- ulation of 25 years ago is pro- ducing twice as much from the same acreage. Mr. McLeod was a member of a group which visited Great Britain, and West Germany and pointed out that the latter coun- try was ‘ “thriving and progres- of R. G. .Hobbs who. has asked Dense f0 blanke h. ,tioned. _ . sive area and a great potential gouge relieved of this responsi- Monday flaming “3m: “gig? or may denve a beneï¬t therefrom. 3 $5131: for Canadian farm pm Neighborhood Notes drï¬lirllgrilgzaï¬â€˜gcltï¬zger Who has) . 7 2. It is proposed to raise a part; of .the an- He also gave an account of There were eight and a half Spent four years at he Navajo 6H5 UQED-[o NAG’ 1 nual payments by. the farm products export pom. tables of euchre players at the Mission at B100 mflel d, New HE USED To SCOLD l) A frontage rate of 45 cents per foot on bilities to countries such as Community hall Friday evening Mexico, spent several days with BEFORETHEY USED’ the lands that receive an immediate bene- Great Britain and WFSI Ger' 0f 1.3“ Week‘ Pnze wmners her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Roy - fit from the work. many. The local farmmz com- were- Lad‘es “‘“MrS~F1°renc° Brillinger, prior to returnln to. OUR O'L‘TWAS COLD 2) An acrea e rate of $30.00 er acre on - Dean and (2) Mrs Harr Bar- . . g g p munity was well represented as . - 5’ New Mexmo thls week. , I. l d th t . . d. t b ft guests at the meeting. her; consolation, Mrs. J. Bow- MI, and Mrs John Gilmore (7 an S a receive an 1mme 13. e ene I Lions Norman Beu_ Harry den; lone hands. Mrs. Ruby and children of Wainfleet’ from the work. Barber. and Fraser Gee were in Stone. spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs_ 3) An acreage rate of $5.00 per acre on charge or the program. Men - ‘1) Bert NIChOIS and Clifford Winger, the lands that receive a deferred benefit The local Lions are 519011501“ 'éai‘l’g’deï¬ingï¬fgéifloctï¬agi: Grandpa and Grandma from the work. ing 1! turkey 51100t in 9 com' _ i r French had the pleasure of hav- ' ' ' munity centre park November Attridge. Lucky draw for a box ing all their grandchildren and 4) 3510:2313: :z‘tczaglsgimgtzgt signage gel? 13 at 1 pm. It will be held come 0f groFel'ieS was won by Mrs- J~ great grandchildren, and their Th f u . . p p 1y f h ‘ rain or come shine with a cov- WaI'chk. _ friend. Mrs. Sid Ingram of Dun†e O owmg IS an examp e 0 t e an- ered firing line making it pos- Another euchre Party W111 be das, over the weekend. They nual charge on an average property re- sible. held November 12 at 3:15 P-m- had a family dinner Saturday ceiving immediate benefit and having a Women’s Institute Everyone . welcome- Ladies night at the home of Rev. and , frontage of 400 feet, containing an area The November meeting of the please proVIde. . Mrs. Roy Nigh. to celebrate ,YW“ warm up to the of six acres and assessed at $50 000 00 W1 will be held November 16 Birthday greetings to Mrs. Mr, French-s 90th birthday. friendly, dependable sel'V- 1 400 f t t 45 ’ ‘ ' at 8 pm. at the home of Mrs. Lloyd Canning, November 12; Mrs, French is now staying at “39- Jim Phone 334-1313 ) ee 3 0 Per Harry Barber. Convenor will be Lorna Hibbard. 12 years. NOV- the Parkview Home in Stouff- 1" “no quality fuel 0“' fOOt $18030 Mrs. Earl Empringham. Theme ember 12; Roy Glover. Novem- ville. ‘ 2) 6 acres at $30.00 per will be historical research. Roll ber 13: Brian and Shirley Em- Mrs. Art Coffin, for several R AMER E I. S ; acre 180,00 call is to be answered by a cur- Pringham, nine years, N0Vem- years a Gormley resident, had 3) NIL rent event. The Gormley W.I. will be guests and will supply the pro- gram. Hostesses will be Mrs. J. Empringham, Mrs. H. Hill and Mrs. Eloise Mortson. UCW All the ladies in the commun- ity are invited to attend UCW. The UCW will meet at the home of Mrs. Stanley DeFoe on November 17 at 8 pm. There will be a shoWer of tinned goods for the Victor Home for Girls so please be generous with your donations. Church News The flowers in the church WW PINDER BROS. LTD. STEEL LINTELS | BEAMS Kept in Stock Portable Crane The artistic! Science Monitor One Norway sr., Baton, Moments law. 1 encioa 5...... (us. Finds) ï¬lamenths$5 three; Telephone 887-5421 Sunday morning were in loving memory of Mrs. Selina Cham- bers, mother of Mrs. H. Crane. Dr. A. F. Binnington was in charge of the church servicel Sunday. Graham Scott BA will be in charge on November 14 at 11:30 am. The official board of the Vic- tcria Square Charge has accept- e(‘ as an objective the increas- ‘ing of the missionary and main- , he said, the acreage‘tenance funds by 10 percent in has changed only slightly butll966. 1967 and 1968; accepted its share of the capital funds campaign of York Presbytery, $1000 each year during the next voted to haVe a well drilled and pump installed at the manse early in the new year; agreed that Graham Scott be the student minister in place her 15. Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Boynton will celebrate their 21st wed- ding anniversary November 11. 90th birthday November 19. Recent visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George French ville; Mrs. Frank Bennett, the, Henderson Sisters, Mr. and Mrs. Elias Elliott, J. R. Steckley, Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Robinson of Aurora; Mr. and Mrs. Chancey Connor, Snowball. Mrs. Ralph Baker of Toronto' spent a few week with her sis- ter-in-law, Mrs. Beulah Jones. Harry Kruse and Ronald Holmes left for northern On-, tario over the weekend to go deer hunting. Mrs. N. A. Johnston accomp- anied her mother, Mrs. Suley of Toronto, to Rivers, Mani- toba, to attend the wedding of a niece. , Mr. and Mrs. D. Baker and. Donna, had Sunday dinner with: Mr. and Mrs. S. N. Doner. l ( eral Hospital recently. She Mrs. Mokwa via Jebba, Nigeria, W.‘ Africa; Miriam Heise. PBS 129,!’ were Mrs. Laura Baker of To- Bulawayo, Rhodesia, African ‘TORIO: Mr. and Mrs. Loy Carr,Mr. and Mrs. Ray Hawkins,l COSt 0f $5659000-00i , of Aurora: Mrs. Alvin Farmer,‘Box 171, Ilorin, Nigeria. W. AND WHEREAS the Council wishes to Mrs. Sid Tomlinson of Bowman- Africa; Rev. and Mrs. Willis construct an addition to the said plant at an esti- Hunking, Box 171, Ilorin, Ni- ring for Pickering Township at major surgery at Buffalo Gen- hopes to be able to come tol _ AND WHEREAS the actual cost Of the said .works was $567,029.73 and the winterworks subsidy was only $2,029.73 leaving an actual net Allan Doner, UMSTTC,‘ mated cost of $200,000.00 and to enlarge the said sewer area and proposes to amend By-Law 2879 to effect this and to authorize the above men- tioned over-expenditure. TAKE NOTICE THAT â€" 1. The Council of the Corporation of the Township of Vaughan intends to apply to the Ontario Municipal Board for approval of the con- struction Of an addition to the existing sewer plant in Lot 7 Concession 3 at an estimated cost of $200,000.00 and for the expenditure of an additional $32,029.73 to cover the actual cost of the existing sewer plant and tributary sewers leaving a net increase in the actual cost Of $60,- 000.00. It intends to charge a part of the cost Of the work as a sewer rate upon lands that will geria, W. Africa; Rev. and Mrs. Robert Lehman, PBT 191, Bul-‘ awayo. Rhodesia, Africa; Rev. and Mrs. Harvey Sider, PO, Banmankhi, NE Railway, Dis-r trict Purnea. Bihar, India. i l PICKERING TOWNSHIP: Con- struction should start immedi- ately on a new municipal buildâ€" the corner of Highway 2 and Brock Road. The tender of Ma- lan Construction Company for $348,622 was accepted. Estimat-j ed cOst was $300,000 and some changes in speciï¬cations saved some $43,000 on this tender. The building will be air-condi- 189 CENTRE ST. EAST 884-1313 ‘ 4) Estimated land and building assessment of $100,000.00 at 5.5 mills 550.00 tea towals from the community hall would they please RE- TURN them immediately as they are badly needed. ning, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Can-I ning attended the Annual Yorkxl County Warden‘s Banquet Fri-‘ day evening of last week in thel‘ Please enter mmlptlmhm Monitor for the period checked be. ï¬tYEARSH ElGrnantiï¬SiZ NW sm_______â€"â€"â€"â€" City___â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"-â€"â€" magâ€"=21? endgaâ€" If there is anyone who has Mr. and Mrs. Treanor Can-i King Edward Hotel, Toronto. Mrs. Stanley Boynton, Mrs.‘ Don Boynton and Mary called on Mrs. Margaret McCa-gue in Toronto Saturday afternoon the occasion being in honor of her olst birthday. In the evening Mrs. L. Cummings held a party. for her mother. Those attending‘ from here were Mrs. Heber' McCague, Mrs. John McCague and Miss Grace Boynton. Sunday dinner guests with, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Barber and'l David were Mrs. Eva Conoverfll Oakville, Mrs. Adeline Baley,‘ Toronto, Miss Dorothy Barber,‘ Toronto, and Mr. and Mrs. Har- serVIce ry Barber Jr. and family) of‘ Guelph. These ladies from 311- ' Ville and Toronto are sisters of FABRICATING Bibi; 5% k s 1... rl .an rs. ran m 0 To cuStom Toronto had Sunday evening ° ' ' dinner with Mr. and Mrs. 5. Specifications “Foe. 2 Otonobee Mr. and Mrs. Herb Sanderson! of Richmond Hill and Mr. and BA. Mrs. Stanley Boynton andl Grace attended a surprise birthday dinner for William Boynton who was celebrating his 80th birthday at the home of his daughter, Dr. and Mrs. Mau- rice Bilyea of Toronto on Sun- day. Also present were Mr. Boynton's wife and his two bro- thers, Herb and Roy. Mrs. Florence Hornby, Guide captain and Mrs. W. Sherwood, brown owl, attended an all day Guider's training course at Ux- bridge Saturday. A very successful bazaar was held at the community hall Saturday and was sponsored by the local association of Guides and Brownies. Division Com-‘ missioner Mrs. P. Rumney offic- ially opened the bazaar. The as- sociation would like to thank everyone for attending and helping with donations. etc. On Saturday Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Boyton of Thornhill en- tertained relatives to dinner in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Rolphl Boynton. Following the dinner, Mr. and Mrs. Boynton were pre-, sented with an oil painting de-‘ picting a winter scene. ' Mr. and Mrs. John Emprlng-i ham, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Eni- pringham and girls had Sunday, dinner with Mr. and Mrs. Ray, Wilson and boys in islington. _ There were 27 teachers pre-1 sent at the leadership training class Sunday evening in the Headford United Church. These :ALE MATERI I 46 Steeles w. classes which are held the ï¬rst ‘Sunday in every month are pros ,ving to be very helpful. The next class will be held Decem- lber 5 at 7:30 pm. in the United I Church. l $910.00 3. The area upon which such sewer rate is to be levied is as follows: FIRSTLY: The lands situate in the Fourth Concession of the Township of Vaughan being the easterly halves of Lots 6 to 9 inclusive. SECONDLY: The lands situate in the Fourth Concession of the Township Of Vaughan being those parts of Lots 10 and 11 bounded on the east by Keele Street and on the west by the westerly limit of the Canadian National Railway lands. THIRDLY: The lands situate in the Fourth Concession of the Township of Vaughan being those parts of Lots 12 and 13 and the south half of Lot 14, bounded on the east by a line parallel to the westerly limit of Keele Street and 800' westerly therefrom and on the west by the westerly limit of the Canadian National Rail- way lands. FOURTHLY: The lands situate in the Third Concession of the Township of Vaughan being those parts of Lots 7 to 10 inclusive bounded on the west by Keele Street; on the north by the north- erly limit of Lot 10; on the east by the west- erly limit of the Canadian National Railway right-Of-way and on the south by the south limit of lot 7. FIFTHLY: The lands situate in the Third Concession of the Township of Vaughan being that part of Lot 6 lying to the west of the Canadian Na- tional Railway right-of-way and on the north by Provincial Highway No. 7. SIXTHLY: The Easterly 2400’ of lots 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 in the Fourth Concession of the Township of Vaughan bounded on the south by the Can- adian National Railway right-of-way and on the north by Provincial Highway No. 7. SEVENTHLY: The Westerly 950’ of lots 2 and 3 in the Third Concession of the Township of Vaughan bounded on the south by the Canadian Na- tional Railway right-Of-way and on the north by the north limit of said lot 3. 4. Any ratepayer may within 21 days after the first publication of this notice, send by pre- paid post to the Clerk of the Township of Vaughan at the address given below, a. notice in writing stating his objection to such approval or to the imposition Of the special rate. The Ontario Municipal Board may ap- prove the said speciai rate pursuant to the stat- ute and may approve of the said works, but before doing so, it may appoint a time and place for a public hearing when any objections may be con- sidered. DATED at the Village Of Maple this 25th day of October, 1965. J. M. MCDONALD CLERK. TOWNSHIP OF VAUGHAN MUNICIPAL OFFICES, MAPLE. ONTARIO. WRECKING Store - Office - Warehouse Bldg. | FORMERLY QUALITY UTILITIES BLDG. I 42 YONGE ST. N. ALS FOR SALE I o LUMBER SHEATHING - 2x4 . 2x8 a 2x10 I o TIMBER 10x10 - 28, 12x12 - POSTS - PLYWOOD o SINKS o TOILETS o DOORS I r - PLATE GLASS WINDOWS 0STEEL SASH I‘ WINDOWS i o CEILING TILE o PIPE o BRICK - CONCRETE BLOCKS o STEAM UNIT HEATERS o STEAM BOILER o BLOCK & CONCRETE BUBBLE - BY LOAD National Building Demolition Ltd. ‘ Phone 889-6700 I ON SAVINGS Interest from date of deposit Free Chequing Privileges Deposits by Mail postage paid envelopes provided free Hoursâ€"9 to 5 Fridaysâ€"9 to 9 Saturdaysâ€"9 to 1 GUARANTY TRUST CANADA‘S LARGEST INDEPENDENT TRUST COMPANY y D. Capital and Reserve $25,000,000 44 YONGE ST. SOUTH RICHMOND HILL 884-1 188 at the ten ce Customer fparkin o the o