- «ck-no l "CHROME kitchen I _ :BEATTY wringei‘lv '5 a 6 .u u ‘ charge $1.00. Second BOX NUMBERS an extra CARDS 0F THANKS. .- sertion week as possible but. not lat days. Send ads by mail and ARTICLES FOR SALEA "tum. - 4 leaf. $8. 884â€"519. I†884-7045. fl ._._.. .FRIGIDAIRE stov 884-1473. ELECTRIC SIR/izz'CBEach.‘ Road, Richmond Hill. 'ITADiEs size 12 cloili’l‘v’ihle? NW A A a ‘coat. new. Medium blue. $25. SPANISH Guitar and case, like *1w22 new. wonderful Christmas gift. 3 889-5910. 7 BEIGE drapes. one pair. size 9 4.. i Q n 2333. two Ends, drapes. new. 884-4767. us at 884-1105 or 889-3316 and you will receive an invoice. years old. $70. 128 Pemberton x 108â€. One month old. 884- 01W22 MacINTOSH. Delicious. COLONIAL mbfégjï¬e cog-E; Sparton. Phone 832â€"1274. Man- tfc19 c1w22 _’PRETCHRISTMATSTSALE ‘ THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday, Nov. 25, 1965 For Sure Fire Results...Use the Want Ads in the BIG One Every Thursday" PHONE 884-1105 OR 889-3316 . To Order Want Ads . To Receive Help In Writing Want Ads 0 For Information About Want Ads. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES CASH RATES, lst. insertion .7c each word, minimum and subsequent insertions if wording unchanged. .7c per word, min. charge .90c. charge per insertion of 50c COMING EVENT NOTICE, 7c per word; min. charge $1.00 IN MEMORIAMS. ENGAGEMENTS, MARRIAGES, BIRTHS per DEATHS. in- $1.00 Classified advertisements should be in as early in the er than 10.30 am on Wednes- enCIOSe payment or telephone FOR SALE (Continuedl , ._ SKl'boots. size 812. Nordic.884- able. one 3248. _" W _ FUR-jacket. size BENDIE Spindry washer. $25. Cabinet-type hot water heating c1w22 radiators. e‘ 3027 event ADMIRAL frig. andMZwburner c1w22 electric stove. Good condition. 884-3680. each. Phone 294-2997. '834-2358 after 5.30. c1w21 APPLES ning 8; Sons Orchards. tWRINGERâ€"“ashingâ€"iï¬Ã©chiné‘PIANO accordion. $100 off. good condition, no pump. 884- 6367. c1w22 E __,_--L *SPORTSMAN camper aluminum. sleeps 2. Good conâ€" dition 5350. 884-6480. nc22 Jï¬Do uniform. size 3. Likeï¬w. Phone 884-4704 after 4.30. ' 4 CIWZZ asher. Ex: l"cellen-t mechanical condition. c1w22 foes-2219. 6‘6†Skis. barngsSes and 43" aluminum poles, used once. $25. 889-1624. c1w22 50c per bale. 884-2549 between 6-7 pm. C. Mashinier. c3w22 ADDING machine â€" cash regis- ter. combination (electric), also 3 h.p. outboard. 884-6718. c1w22 ACME coal and wood sto‘vE new condition. 884-2857 after 4 pm. c1w22 2 snow tires. mounted on wheelTs. for Morris or Austin 850. Used 1 season. 832-2413. c1w22 ‘ V HOOVER vacuum cleaner. Call ~â€"wâ€" < rover afternoons and evenings. 884- 1237. *1w22 Mmï¬â€˜ PORTER-cable power block plane, metal case. etc., practic- Illy new. 884-1621. c1w22 FIREPLACE logs, 1E1 map’l‘e, 16"-18â€, $15. 12", $12. Deliverâ€" , ed and stacked. 222-7795 tfc21 FIREPLACE FIRE WOODâ€" SEASONED maple, ironwood, $18 a cord. 773-5368. tfc12 HONEY WERNER 889-2724 tfc21 . _ .__. CAR RADIO. transistor, custom fit, push button. For 1962-65- Chevy II or Acadian. Excellent » condition. $45. 889-5910. *1w22 SMALL air compYeSSOrind tank, also Rotisserie. broiler, fryer. Fully automatic must. sell. 884-1344. *1w22 .Two 560 x45 "SEE-1702566151 ~1ess tires, suitable for Volks- wagen. As new, $15 each. 884- 4564. c1w22 Kh____ CHILD 6x brown hooded coat. and leggings set. Misses coat. Size 10 - 11, cranberry red. Very reasonable. 884-4846. c1w22 \_ ,._ - HOMEMADE doughnuts and cookies every week. Place order _-now please. Oak Ridges. 773- 5889. *1w22 * BASEMENT‘STa‘F 11511.? “Jade‘- ednand glued. 11 risers 77". and 87 run; also 3 risers 21" and 17" run. $9. 889-1787. clwzz \ __, .BUFFET. European walnut. .Swedish modern. specially made by Ridpa-th's 60 x 20 x 36. $200. 889-6033. c1w22 EIREPLACE fuel â€" dry-‘7 hard â€" Wood. in 16" lengths. Delivered hingle cord lots. 884-4519. M ‘> _ ‘_ tfc14 No. 2 potatoes. table sto’ckfis lb. for $1.50. John Bosworth Potatoes Ltd., RR. 3. Newmar- ket. V tfc12 DRY white pine firE\voo-d blocks. approx. 3 ton lots. $8. Must be dumped. Cadillac Lum- ber. 889-4073. tfc20 ALUMINUM Doors. windows. awnings. and railings. Ron Woods. 884-1514. tfc36 K‘_L PASSPORTS CUSTOM FRAMING LAGERQUIST STUDIO 93 Yonge St. 5.. 884-2791. Residence 888-1128. tfc52 BEAUTYREST. MEEs’h‘éIITSIm- mons, Serta. Seely and other spring mattresses repaired. re- turned just like new. medium firm. extra firm. Two-day ser- vice. Eiderdowns recovered. On- tario Bedding (‘0. 889-159]. tfc44 TYPEWRITERS ADDING MACHINES Sales Servlce Rentals Authorized Dealer All popular makes for sale in- cluding new and rebuilt stand- ard portable and electric mod- els. Special rental rates avail- able to students. L. H. SIMS 88 Baker Ave. Richmond Hill 884-1745, tic-19 trailer. brand new. The Allegro, 36A Yonge St. S. Richmond Hill. 884-5342. c1w22 SINGER portable typewn‘iter, in carrying case. Used only a short time. Excellent Christmas gift. |884-3252. c1w22 TWO Siberling Commuter snows. almost new. One 800 x 14 Ford wheel with tyre. One set cartop carriers. 884-5786. cleZ ORDER your Christmas Cake now and help the Civilans help our community. Best quality 3 lbs. $3.75. Phone 884-6630. 884- 5186, 884-7386. c7le BUNK bends, red mapleivagon wheels. brand new. complete. l Furniture. 3368 Yonge Street. Toronto. 488-7911. c4w19 USED TV sets, 17", 21", 23â€, 19" portables. Appliance and Antenna parts. Math’s TV. 45 Industrial Road. 884-7903. tfc18 DOLLS HOUSE 36" by 26" by 24", 2 storey, 7 rooms. electric lights. fire in living room. fully furnished $40. Dolls wooden cradle. 25" long. 17" high and matching clothes cupboard $8. 884-4513. c1w22 cl w22 14-16â€"325; c1w22 c8w20 Spy. $65. Cash and carry. North Park! FOR SALE lContinued) l l iDOUBLE bed with padded headâ€" Ihoard. box spring and mattress ‘on Harvard frame with casters. ‘335, 43 John St. Thornhill 889- i2262_ c1w22 £1952 Ford Fairlane 500. a cylin- der. automatic. radio. Privately fowned. Completely overhauled and in excellent condition. 884-l 11045. c1w22 Tire 1600 - 161 new. on wheel Consl. wheel Stone Masons 'I‘ools cheap Nelson. 9206 Yonge St. Richvale. *leZ M USKRA'I‘wjacketI inigbOdAI-on- dilion. size 14-16. No repairs needed. Bargain $25. Also cam- $5.00 [‘11 bber 10.00 wheelbarrow $l0. clleZ Iflash and portrait lens. Phone 889-1387. "x MASWPRESENT? Retails for $265. 889-3184. 1 piece Chesterfield Suite. sound. F. Prov. $50.00: Con. Bed. '48" 20.00: Coleman Space Heater. small 25.00: Sunlamp 6.00: Worktable 133" - 44"1 5.00: Websters Dict. and Encyclopedia 3.00. , Nelson. 9206 Yonge St. Richvale‘ c1w22 FUR. COATS re-modelled to latest style. shortened and re- paired. Capcs stoles and jackets made to order. Excellent work- manship. Reasonable prices. WYN DOT LADIES WEAR BAYVIEW PLAZA RICHMOND HILL 884-2214 c2w'22 I’ONTING‘S MUSIC CENTRE Don Mills Road East of New- market â€" Phone 895-6311. Once again we are having our annual sale. From now until Christmas we are offering new Pianos (all makes). Organs (Demonstrators) Conn. Lowrey. Electrohome â€" Guitars and small Chord Or- gans. at, reduced prices. See us’ for that life time gift of a piano or organ you have always want- ed. Could you think of a nicer family present? While here. browse through our large music selection. Easy terms available. Open day or evening. c5w22 ROATS FOR SALE 17' plywood runabout. Uphols- tered seats, canvas top. vinyl deck $300. 884-2913. tfc22 HELP WANTED ' t l | t ALUMINUM PRODUCTS Windows, doors, awnings, sid- ing. patio, enclosures, buy dir- ect from the manufacturer and save. For free estimates call: Larry Bartholomew, 884-2873 - 889-1471. tfc15 PASSPORT PICTURES Open evenings â€" fast service. Family groups, child studies. etc in your home, No charge for sitting and proofs. WILLOW PHOTO 889-6851. tfcl7 PRIVATE 15 cubic ft. Serve]. 2 door freezer-trig. electric. good condition $65. 4 burner propane gas stove. $20. 21†TV. $20. Baby carriage. wicker chairs. childs rocker. Odds and ends of furniture. suitable for cottage [or rec. room. 832-1434. c1w22 ' SHEEPSKIN AND LEATHER Buckskin and cowhide jackets. mittens. slippers. ladies‘ boots and handbags. on display now by Canadian manufacturer. Christmas orders taken. 889- 6613, 8874 Yonge St., Richvale. c4w2l course. complete with many ex- tras. cost $200. make offer. Gen- dron doll carriage. handle height 30". as new. $15. Frigi- daire automatic 3 heat electric dryer 375. Electric train outfit. complete with accessories. Boy‘s CCM hockey skates size 3. $3. Girl's figure skates. size 3, $3. Storm windows. wooden, various sizes. make offer. tric fence control unit and in- sulator aceessorics. $10. 832- 2513. c1w22 HERRIDGE APPLIANCESâ€" Philco television - stereos Dual tape recorder & tapes Polydor world famous records and cataIOgs Nordmende radios - stereo consoles transistor radios 42 Levendale 884-3211 Sales. repairs, parts. rentals Herridge Appliances c1w22- M‘W ‘ T ETRO WRECRING LUMBER co. & steel and angle iron. 3" and 4" soil pipe. steel sash. plywoods. 4‘ iand 8‘ Fluorescent lights. new and used sash. doors. electrical: supplies. NEW SPECIALS 2x4. 6c per lin ft. â€" 2x6 9c per lin ft, 2 x 812C per lin ft â€" .Roofing $1.50 per roll. QUANTITY DISCOUNTS Rec. rooms. garages. home building projects. ’- of Yonge Street. South off Markham Road. Open daily Lin- til 6 pm. 889-3942. ttlu"7 Elec-l lCedar Avenue Richmond Hill. New and used Lumber and: lPlumbing 20 ton of used pipe. an BOYS or girls with bicycles, for morning paper routes. 884-7543 c5w21 WOMAN to do housework. lé day weekly. Phone 884-6537. nc3w21 YOUNG m-an required for sid- ing ins-tallation. Experience not necessary. must have driver‘s licence. 884-5238. c1w22| YOUNG man, no experience re- quired, for factory work. Days. 889-5467, Evenings. 889-5064. c1w22 DOES AN AVON representa- tive call on you? If not. we may have an opening in your neigh- borhood. Write now to Miss Zeigler, Box 141. Guelph. c1w22 MACHINE operators, wood- workers. experienced in wood door industry. Apply to 244- 5501, local 55, 8 am to 4 pm. tfc21 l CARRIER NEEDED “The Liberal" requires a car- rier boy or girl for a route in King City. Here is your chance your own. Mr. Cunlifl'e, Circula- tion. 884-1105. nc3le CHAUFFEUR 'Chauffeur. living In Stouffville. Richmond Hill area required for Business Executive. Must be able to work Odd hours. Good salary and working conditions. .Apply in confidence to Box 72. 'The Liberal. c3w22 ’ RICHMOND HILL OFFICE ‘Opening for one saleslady or .salesman in busy long establish- 'ed real estate Office. Complete training. top commissions and lbonus. Pl'efrence to applicant. 35-55'years of age. Please call (Mrs. Sutherland. 889-1164. Even- ings. 884â€"5310. David McLean Ltd.. Realtors. c2w21 FARM SALESMAN lIf you have any farming back- ground you may just be suited to the very highly paid business of farm sales with a long estab- ‘tors. ,_,iÂ¥ ASSISTANT TO PLANT SUPERINTEN ,IOpporiunlty to grow with ex- panding manufacturer. Young DENT l | tendent. as right equipment. responsibility start. Profit sharing plan. Mod- ern plant In Richmond Hill. Phone 864-1159. Mr Park No" .25th for appOintment. 1 (Continued) 12‘ wOmVEanm- holisekeeping." 8 to era 828 Kodak. complete withldren‘s Institution. er. Mackie. 889-4931. MEN'and womenIplilI-kel's. farm- 5. daily. Villa Private Hospital. c1w22 experience. Harvest Moon Tur- keys. 889-2626. c2w22 MATURE "woman no ’ light housekeeping. live in. Telephone after 6 pm. 221-3228. c1w22 SCHOOL cl'OsSing guards in Richmond Hill. Apply Chief Constable. clw25 DRIVER, for Iiigh't drug store delivery. Suit older man, car supplied. 223-2121. c1w22 PARTâ€"TIMEâ€"salesihelp wanted. Levendale Pastry Shop. 22 Lev- endale. Richmond Hill. c1w22 Willowdalc. Phone 221-2800 9 to 5 pm. c1w22 ’WAN’I‘Ewaeldersâ€"a 'o'd‘lillers ITâ€"KDIO_&â€"'[;V_1‘0r1'esp6ndencéllO earn some extra money of' Avenue West at Yonee Street Administrative opposite Sayvette Plaza. c1w21 [IRâ€"e?“ She“ Sm‘lh‘ maple 0"" -~----, arlo. c1w22.70 "The Liberal". . 8894726 ' '1965 new motor bike. never for Richmond Hill area. Experi- 3 +' fl licensed with automatic trans- enced men only. Mr. Griffiths, PHEASANTS mission will travel up to 250889-5461. c1w22 c1w22 Fresh frozen. oven-ready $3.25 miles on a gallon of gas. $195.,-MATUREâ€"“mmanf‘ï¬griomny ‘ lhome. live in. Four childrcn. N“'Zzllhrce in school. 889-4497, be- tween 7â€"9 pm. c1w22 RESIDENTIAL treatment ccn- tre requires mature woman two nights weekly for night relief. 773-5208. c1w22 BINDERY GIRL. experienced in printing shop bindery work. Full or part time. 889-6910 evenings. 889-2971. c1w22 BOOKKEEPER EXPERIENCED on full set of books. to trial balance. 884-1101. c1w22 MEN or students for part time ramp ushers. Evenings only. Apâ€" ply manager at the Odeon Duf- ferin Drive-in Theatre. c1w21 WOMAN for general housework and cleaning. 3 days a week. Don Mills and No. 7 area. Own transportation. 297-1749. c1w22 DRIVER salesman for dry cleaning route. good opportun- ity for right man. Apply Wim- bridge Cleaners Ltd. 9724 Yonge c2w21 country home, in North York. 2 small children, desires housekeeper. Lady with one child welcome. 221-9685. c1w22 HOUSEKEEPER Wanted for retired farmer in the Thornhill district. Pleasant home and surrounding. Write Box 69 “The Liberal. c1w22 FURNITURE packer and driver. Good working conditions, steady employment. benefits. Apply. Lamb the Mover. 889-4911. Also part-time help. c2le MAN to maintain curling. ice and building. Experience pre- ferred 888-1776 - 297-1121. c1w22 SWITCHBOARD receptionist. Thursday, Friday and Saturday evenings. NO experience neces- sary. Will train. 884-1101. c1w22 REAL ESTATE career for men or women. free extensive train- ing program, special assistance to new starters. top commis- sions and draws. Call Tula Realty Limited, 222-2525. tfc25 P â€"â€" MALE PACTCORYVHEL iSteady work. good pay. Learn re-inforced plastics. High school education or factory experience. Apply 59 Industrial Road, Rich- mond Hill, or telephone 884- 4446. c1w22 CLERK TYPIST Local manufacturer requires personable young single girl for general office work. Qualifica- tions: good typist. aptitude for figures. and pleasant personal- ity. Call 889-5416. c1w22 MEDICAL DICTAPHONE TYPISTS Required for day work and evening. Must be experienced in hospital medical dictation. Phone 884- 1171, local 241,'between 9-12 am. c1w22 NEED EXTRA CASHâ€"FOR CHRISTMAS? It is fun to sell Beauty Coun- selor Products in your spare moments. Learn the steps to loveliness. Commission. plus bonus. Free training. Mrs. Lucas 884-4585 after 5. c2w21 SUPPLY TEACHERS REQUIR- ED FOR SCHOOLS 0F VAUGHAN TOWNSHIP SCHOOL AREA The board of Vaughan Town- ship School Area invites quali- fied teachers living in the town- ship or nearby areas to register for supply work in the schools lished company. We will train 0f the 3"‘33- 5313K" 313 Pt"r (la-‘3 and assist you. Call Mr. D. Mc- Apply Stating qualifications. 9-“ Lean 339.1176. Evenings 889_ perience. grades preferred and 3.119. David McLean Ltd"! ReaLlOlller details to D. R. MacDon- Head office» 74 Steeles ald. Superintendent of SchoolsuR Offices, 136 cl “'22 SENIORâ€"SECRETARY lNIanufacturing & sales Omaniâ€"11M occasional baby sitting in zation in Richmond Hill. re- married man 25 to 30, requil-edlqun‘es senior secretary. age 25:191‘11‘1 31'â€. 88$; 7453. in {min under plant superin_lto willing to accept l‘GSDnn-l hand man. Slhlllll’. Must be experienced inl Must be prepared to learn a†all general office routines. salesi ‘phases of production and as- F’O'Tesppï¬ndence &' "rd?" “Irilmngk'i: 3x10 15? per “n “- Rolledgembhv of a line of dornesncjln particular, Shortband i'é‘qllll‘-|,“.n land commercial \\'aler1reatn1€nt,l"d~ gala?" FPS†PM†Shari": fenced yard. 834-2255. Willing to assunlelf‘lan- Th†'5 3 Pt‘fmam’m P051" Applicant musiitinn for a career blisiues: girl.l have successfully Completed athur staff are aware of this ad: 2 mile eastlleast grade 1]. Good salarv to vertisemem. Replv in \\‘l‘li!DZl stating phone number. past ex- perience. martial :ialUs. educa- tion and salaiw expected to Box clu22 HELP‘WANTED‘TH'ELP COOthree dayswweeklny.hil-1 WANTED I(‘onlinllcdl l CLEANING woman. once‘ weekly. 'l‘hursdays or Fridays. 1884-7331. c1w22 FULL and part time furniture. movcl's required. (‘all 889-5101. l884-2613, c1w22 ASSISTANT Principal wanted. for Sacred Heart School. King. 2 half days a week. Apply Mr. Jones. Box 404. King. 833â€"6386. c1w22l TO RENT W FL'RNISHEDâ€"zndiiinfurnishcd. rooms. 889-1766. lie] 9} APARTMENTâ€"for rent. 832! 2070. l fc21 . ~ -â€" ‘ -- l DOLUXF. Santa Claus silii.l ‘l.angstaff Young Women‘s In- st itute. 889-3270. c5w21 3_b_eâ€"drOOm houseiin-VRViCh‘mORd Hill. Available December 1, Option to buy. 297-1984. c1w22 j2 bedroom semi-detached house $85 monthly Richmond Hill- ;arca. 636-4923, *1w21‘ IRICHMOND HILL, 180 Bayvieu" .Capri Apartments. 1 bedroom.‘ ,halcony, parking, $100 and $110. Superintendent 884-6654. tfc19‘ OFFICE space, Levendale Road.i ‘889-2494. Richmond Hill. also 1000‘ light. manufacturing factory space. 633-5661. tfc22‘ FURNISHEDIapal‘lment to rent‘ with self-contained kitchen and; :bed-sitting room. in Maple. 832â€"} l ‘2076. c1w22. RECREA'l‘IONTTmom. ' fullyl equipped and furnished plusl two first floor bedrooms. One' child welcome. 884-3797. chi-22‘ BACHELOR apartment. will one. Very close to Yonge. Stove :and fridge supplied. Available December 1. 884-2273. c1w22! WILLOWDAIJE l APARTMENT in home. close to Yonge. silit single lady. 221-5996. c1w22 2 bedroom a partmentfkit’cben, I bathroom. large living room. Days 889-5467. Evenings 889- 5064. c1w22 CHRISTMAS Tree concession. at York Farmer's market. Phone, W. E. Cladding 887-5435. c2w22‘ APARTMENTS available. bache- lor. one and two bedrooms.‘ chmar Apartments. 165 Col- borne Ave. 884-6263. tfc22 TWO bedrooms. living room. bathroom, kitchen, private enâ€" trance, electrically heated. 889-, 1966. tfc21‘ FURNISHED room, cooking faâ€" cilities, 16 Lorne, lst house east. of Clarke's Drug store at Yonge. tfc24' 1 bedroom apartment unfiirnish- ed. stove and fridge equipped. bamboo drapes and heated. 884- 6488. Between 4.30 and 6.30 and after 10 pm. c1w22 CENTRE 8: BEAVERTON Furnished bedroom to rent. Men preferred. Parking spaceu $3.50 week. Phone 884-3801. 3 *lw22i TWO bedroom apartment. cen- tral location. second floor, avail-l able December 1. $95. No chil- dren. 884-5420 after 4 pm. 1 c1w22 l 3 ROOM flat in farmhouse, separate entrance. On Dutl‘erin. Business couple. One child wel-‘ lcome. Will give day care. Non-l smokers. 832â€"2458. *1w2]; MODERN APARTMENTS f AVAILABLE ’ Two with three bedrooms. One one bedroom RICHMOND HILL 884-6729. lfcl4.‘ STORE for rent; McLatchy Building, 78 Yonge Street, South ljust south of public schooll. Occupancy November 10. Phone 884-1064 or 884-1733. . tfclfl ‘ RICIIMOND' HILL FACTORY l SPACE l4500 sq. ft. modern factory and office space. Reasonable. Avail- able immediately. ME 3-4560 or 221-3421. c4w21 SMALL 4 room house. modern bathroom. space heaters. onl ismall country estate. Suitablei 'for couple. $75 per month.I References required. LEIIIon 13-3535. c1w22 3 rooms furnished or unfurnish-i ed. Could be made into base- ment apartment. 884-6290. c1w22 1 good health. Protestant. to, share my home at 104 Baker Ave. Richmond Hill. c1w22. BABY S_IT_’I;ING BABY Slitâ€"111g, Monday to Fri- ‘day. excell’nt references. 864- 2944. clv22 ELIABLE,‘ experienced babyâ€" ‘sitter available Friday evenings and weekends. Call 889â€"3001 latter 4 30. ‘ c1w22 l EXPERIENCED Wadi-"(t anted. lmï¬' home. Hig'lway 7 and DUI-3 c1w22 ‘ “CONCRETE T MASONRY 1 “DAY CARE l Scare available for one orl children. hot lilnclIes.l (‘lw‘l‘Zf DAY: care imi Hoard. child anyl _ l in good nome. 7735915.: 1 c2“ 22‘: 12:9 DAY caie giver-n. In my n'in‘ ihome. Blonder-Jo Fildai Am", ‘23 Fir‘hi'ale. lose to Yong: 1889-6676. cl'oEZ| I. l M ISCEILLA‘NEOUS, A. MILLS & SON LTD. James D. Stewart 881-2201 tfc43' PAINTINGVMIPKITER IIA. GING R. E. Dlinn. 'I'U. 4-2798. CUSTOM work. seeding. plow- ing, combining. 88-1-7768. ‘canrmrnv & CONCRETE ' Custom building additions. I‘e-I pairs, renovations. .l. W. Curtis. tic-13' 'I‘RENCHING I’OS‘I‘HOLE digging and rolova- ting. .1. Hampton 7711-5022. tfc42 PAINTING and decorating. carâ€" pentry work, alterations, recreâ€" ation rooms. 884-5009. tic-13 CALL 115 for your sand. gravel, fill. top soil and black Prompt delivery. Reasonable rates. .I. B. DcFerrari, Maple. 832-8876. tfc7 THE (‘LANS Floor sanding and reï¬nishing. loam.' tfcmre 1934. Condition not import- lant. ;evenlng or write Grant. 18 Dix- HCIZ inglon Crescent. Weston Ont. t l l .1959 Volvo Sport. fair cond WANTED PETS FOR SALE PLUMBING - HEATING†wWTEOT wardrobe. apartmeiit BABYâ€"Bud};ies.’aa4.73467ltc2i' lsl'le. 97 Yongehilrst Road. Rich- ! 22 BABYâ€"Bï¬dgies‘vlfil' Wenlock 7 7c “ Street. Richmond Hill. c1w22 Collector will pay cash forâ€78 \l’HI'l‘EAminriatureipoodle pupâ€" vale. . speed records of hillbilly or old pies. excellent blood line, i-cgis- drivers. time fiddle or string bands in-,tercd. 884-5663. cluding square dances. Must be c1w22 lFOR‘ SALE-toma good home. a black poodle. reasonable. Phone 884-3954. cl\l‘.22 FREE‘tongod home 8'2 months (“V22 old. collie pilp. Fond of children. "*7 296-1413. c1w22 FULLER BRUSH “A' ‘ ' “.. . . CUSTOMERS AQUARIUMS. u lroplcal Fish. ilay away Aquariums for Christ- P1 88 - 79. . . . 11222210": imas speCIals. 1 Richardson Dr. Phone 241-8097 collect any 1 l sz.) Aurora. 727-6762. *lw22 .IILL GODDARDTIor †profesâ€" sional Poodle clipping 7783 W "Vinâ€"whh‘ .Yonge Street. Thm'nhill 389- a s ‘ USED LARS one.» if... ~~ ---â€",HERMITAGE’Callc-ryIor’Siam m‘m‘flese cats. Kittens when available. Cl"VulSiamese sllld service. Year 5350. 832-1352. c1w22 2581. tfcl8 577 Buick convertible Vall‘pmvelxl best offer. 884-4045. *1w'22 LOST 3 1 mg shampoolng, cnmplclc main-- tenancc to tile floors. 884-5602 or evenings. 884-5850. WANTED â€" saws. knives. pinkâ€" ing shears. scissors. What have you? Maple Maple. 1mg additinm‘ I1.6mmmnllmlsi scll. leaving country. 884-1MOI'Iey's, Fridays. 684-2623. rooms. garages. tile floors.{Iranicaflrm‘ii‘ ‘ Aflwzrll 7 , ï¬ ,_ _ . “#22 special kitchen cupboards. 832-11957 Buick. trade for smallerWVI-IITE, grey 30d beige cal. 1390. li'c20;car or sell $200. 889-6804. “with bobbed tailed. wearing â€" JANITORIAL SERVICE invited. staff bonded and insur- ed. Call 884-7331 (lays, 633-0506 evenings. lit-20 PLASTERING s. TILE ’ C Plaster repairs. ceramic and Plastic Tile repairs. years of experience in repair work. George. 884-7045. 1fc18 “ANDERSON‘COMMERCIAL‘ FLOOR CLEANER Factories. Offices & Stores Fully Insured. 884-2830 tfc51 CARPENTRY CONTRACTORS Building, alterations & repairs, prompt service WALKER & MITCHELL 889-2526 tfc8 RALPH FILMSâ€"DECORATING Painting. paper-hanging. inter- ior and exterior. Free estimates. Work guaranteed. 884â€"7902. tfc 31 _Ef litâ€"PAYNE- Drains. septic tanks. All types of concrete work. 889-5762 tfc31 MASONRY CONTRACTOR Stonework. FerpIaCG, etc. V. Ostergaard. 16 Elizabeth St. 5., Richmond Hill. phone 884- 5688. CARPENTRY WORK. additions, renovations, garages, recreation rooms, tile floors. No job too small. Free estimates. T. Price 889-3653. tft‘28 CHIMNEYS Chimneys built and repaired. Free estimates. Expert work- manship. Phone Walker and Mitchell. 889-2526. tfclï¬ SPECIAL Chesterfield sets recovered â€"â€" 2 piece $69.00. Nylon frieze $99. 5 years guarantee. Terms if de- sired. A. Smith, Upholstery. phone 889-1682. EEIDEETTRTS 884-6723 Show cards, banners. signs. ill- dustrial and window displays. Graphic arts and all associated works Specializing in person- ally designed business cards. lettei‘heads, etc. c1w21 HARRISONS CUSTOM CARPENTRY Custom built homes. renova- tions. additions. and repairs Kitchens a specialty. Morris Harrison. 884-2838. tfc45 CHRISTMAS DECORATING SAVE CASH FOR GIFTS By using our No Down Payment, plan. Gardner & Kennedy. Painting Contractors. Richmond 11111. 884â€"3319. 884-7866. c4w22 L'PHOLSTERY 889-5315 Residence c. 684â€"1981 881-481 HOME DIPROVFMF‘STS Kitchens. Rec. Rooms. Flooring. Pane-Hing. Bathrooms Budget Plan Available PHONE MR. SCOI'T 889-4922 or 884-7968 SEPTIC" TAst PL‘MI’ED 525.00 Sewers cleaned without digging or tearing up BLDG- C. STL‘NDEN 884-1245 Richmond Hill “.17; OLD CARS and itruickswpickedl Fm. prodsion sharponingriti-ti VolvOIâ€"Vcanadianrfprivalc. ward. 884-1363. Sllal‘hï¬â€˜mnfl. 20 chle. Mllsl be seen to be appreciated. WHH; (.2...21]Rcasonable. 832-1312. ‘ CARPF‘NTRY†work" rpmndpl‘ l958'7FaOlaâ€"nengOd‘I-ondition.lmoney. ,WEEKLY or monthly contractslGMCilzwlonA.1954_PICkupi$1750. AMPS Vicinity- l 1 FREE ESTIMATES' tfc23' tfc43l 1 | l 1 £889.50. 884-6269. pm. 1956 Bridge Room-434833. , ,7: â€" . â€" “W22 lel‘lEN Persian. charcoal. hell ,around neck. Last seen Thorn- ‘ bank and No. 7 H12l1\\7a_\7.'lVl‘lnl‘l'l- ?“sz hill. 889-3173. c1w22 , , GREY striped cat with brown. 1â€â€ for scrap‘ 1 hour plckup'lAnswers to name of Princess. 1889'2761 35“ f0" MEL “"13 Markham Road and Baker. Ro- c1w22 E wallet, containing imâ€" portant personal papers and Between 'l‘own Inn and 1956'Volkswagen. rebuilt motor. best offer. 889-1456. c1w21 c1w21 blile collar with bells. Beverley Phone 884-5410. c1w22 cllv22 REWARD "ror’Tinfoi-mation of guilty person. CCM Bicycle, rod 128 Pembcrton Road. Richmond Hill. 1957» Chrysletâ€"excellenthondiâ€" . ‘llon throughout. 3550. 884-1728. and “"h'†“0‘9" Sunday' N‘W' , clwzzember 21. in front of Richmond ‘ .. *. _~.% __- .Iâ€"Iill Town Park Arena. 884-6923. lGMC 1961 6 cyl. 2% ton gas c1w22 'truck. Stake body. Days 889-1 5467. Evenings. 889-5064. c1w22 â€"‘_~_ WANTED TO RENT 1958-8fuTlebakel‘. 4 door sedan, ,l‘adio. $99.10. 1956 Dodge, A.l., GARAGE. s'o‘iiihâ€"oFMarkha‘m lRoad. Church. Ruggles c1w22 1960 Vai1xhall,radinsnOW fireS. needs rings and valves. $80. 884-13343273. c1w22 7238. c1w22 â€"--râ€"--- -â€"~ - » V _ __ -_ ._ .. _. .-_. A A 2 bedroom apartment. St. Mary ‘19-‘61 Pnnllafl gond all l'ound Immaculate Parish. 221-0394. condition. $125.00, after 5» c1w22 o'clock. 889-5034. 1 22 ‘-â€" - ~ -- . . L L . _. . . . We. ,WA HOUSE. two bedrooms or apart- 1962 Dodge. excellent mechanI-lmem‘ in. 0,. around Richmond Hill. Willing to pay $80 monthly. cal condition. no reasonable Of-l. 832-2648. c1w22 fer refused. 884-4515. c2w22 53 Chev. radio, winterizedfsnow‘WANifEDTimmediatélyf3 bed. room house in vicinity of Rev- tires. excellent condition. $100 or best, offer. 884-4743. 1 _ v ,_ hrjflwzgierlcy Acres. Will sign lease. 1959 Volkswagen Deluxe. radio,‘884-6943 after 5 pm or week- 4 new fires, can arrange pay-‘ends. c1w22 menls. private. 889-6509. c2w22' 1965 Miistzi‘ng. hardtop 6. auto-l, malic. radio whitwalls excellent} , â€" <st ‘â€"â€" condition. days. 884-1109. 889-1Do you haw a dunking pmh‘ - . - ilem. If so AA can help. Write. 21 r . - . . 38‘ menmgg 8841881 CIWZZ Box 84, Richmond Hill, or call PERSONAL ,1959 DODGE. Custom Royal, 2 ldoor, power brakes, will sacri- ’fice. $625, Or nearest offer. 884- 5214. c1w22 1962 Envoy Sedan. good shape, low mileage. private. Reason for 'sclling. car supplied by firm. 889-5982 mime-“gm. DRESSMAKING 19537Chev. Station wagon. newlâ€" ATLANTIC FINANCE I Corporation Ltd. 884-4458 - 889-5562 Mgr. R. G. (Bob) Hughes tfc7 v * Itera- motor and all new tires. goodipRESSMAKlNG and a condition. 1956 Chev. half-ton l‘.°F§-.887‘55_.2_71_ W“. MW“) pickup. 651-2605. c1w22 DRESSMAKING on children‘s 7“ " ‘ 7 clothes. 884-2885. c1wZZ‘| 1958 Volkswagen. good mech- anically. Must be sold to close estate. Fall price $250. 884-3459 after 6 pm. c1w22 Imen‘s. ladies' and children's ‘clothing. Phone 222-1754. c2w22 DRESSMXKING and 60 Volkswagen. no money down. 13kg mm. payment Of $24 a.tions. Reasonable. 884-6859. month. Phone 884-3260 after 7i c1w22 c1w22 lErnie'sâ€"erg;nghe..- â€"â€â€™ ""dions. slip covers made. etc. 884- 4 door 4347. tfc32 1952 Meteor Mercury. six. automatic and radio. snow. tires Al and private. 884-6120. c1w22 FOrd Fail'lane-Sdlrï¬ cylinv-1 EMPLOYMENT" WANTED 'der. automatic. radio. Privatelyi_~ m * owned. Completely overhauled DON'T you worry about snow and in excellent condition. 884-,this winter. Call 884-7807 or 1045. c1w22-8842137. *2w22 19657Pohtiarc Pia-iisienne' 4-dOAEICHARTERED accountant. avail- area. i T956 Chev. 2 door hardtop. V8 EM. 6.3584_ {[017 with standard transmission, infâ€"“W -*~ ' excellent shape. 884-5168 after, SUPESXEEOUS 5. 1' ‘ a W‘- ..,-_..A--.._ __- .S-Eleemoved permanently by Elec- 11963 Che“ B‘Sca-Vne- very gUOd.trolysis. Marion E. Sherwood. condition. new exhaust. points 22143304. c4w19‘ and plugs. 884-6922 after 5 â€"I;-O-A-N§â€"$mw $5 000 .m. C] '22 ‘ ' “ ‘ p _ _-. -73â€. FAST SERVICE 120 Yonge St. 5., Richmond Hill ALTERATIONS and repairsâ€"om altcra-l TOO] & Equipment RENTAL TOOLS FOR RENT Floor sanders. saws and drills. Hand sanders. jig-saws and nail 889-1109, tfc27 â€"RENTAIIIT41_vONGE N.~ Rug shampooers. floor mach- ines, tools, chairs. 884-6761. tfc3l. PORTABLE TV RENTALS BY DAY. WEEK OR MONTH. RICHMOND HILL TV. 884-7456 - 889-3756 4 tfc9 MORTGAGES MONEY available for good first and second mortgages. reason- able rates. Lawlor, Le Claire and Bannou 884-4413. tch h'lOR'l‘Gl-YGES_purchased. Funds to bily existing lst. and End. 56 Studebaker." $65i884-3362dround boarding facilities. asa-.‘“""‘f~"‘g°s~ “avid “01493†389‘ l 1176. David McLean Limited, 74 Stceles Avenue. West. tfc16 Boardingr Stables HORSES hoaiidedThox'sEiis‘sm monthly. 5111 Line Markham Township. east side above 17th Ave. F. C. Ross, R.R.1. Union- lville. 887-5631. c4w20 l DEADâ€"STOCK .ilï¬iN' _ TED all kinds of dead an- imals. For fast service call TU. .‘4-2538 or ZEnitb 3-2800. License 5N0. 204-62. tfc31 l GARDENING l COMPLETE landscaping. trees planted. rock gardens. garden fences, patio slabs and tree re- moval. 832-1300. tfc20 m ‘ TUITION i! T UTORV req u lifddâ€"imne’wâ€"mathe: mallcs for grade 8 student. 889- 31032. c1w22 Transportation LAVAILâ€"ABLE Richmondâ€"Hillâ€"to Toronto. arrive 8:10. Leave 4.45. 884-4691. c1w22 “331mm BULLâ€"Harold and Beverley lnee Leechl are happy to an- nounce the birth of a daugh- ter. Sandra Lee. on November 21. 1965. at York Central Hos- pital. A sister for David. Barry ; and Stephen. Many thanks to Dr. Granton. c1w22 } 1k a 1- « PA'l‘CIâ€"IELI.â€"Brian and Jackie l tnce Ironsidel wish to an- ; nounce the birth of their son. 1 Bradley William. on Novem- ber 9. 1965. A baby brother for Tammy Sue. Many thanks to Dr. Granton. c2w22 * it t a McCONNELL William and Helen are proud to announce the birth of their seventh son. November 23, at York Cen- tral Hospital. c1w22 t a c c ‘ROBSON â€"â€" Wayne and Evelyn tnee Ambrosel are happy to announce the arrival of their son Brian Wayne. 7 lbs. 71/4. 07s. on November 20. 1965. at York Central Hospital. Mother and baby doing well. cleZ l l I l n- o v t ‘SCHORRâ€"Patricia and Marcel are very pleased to announce the birth of their son Daniel Marcel on November 17. 1965 I at 6:12 am at York Central Hospital. Special thanks to Dr. J. Nircnberski and staff. c1w22 Elliirilirnming l ï¬larringen Mr. and Mrs. Theodore H. Dowsett announce the forth- coming marriage Of their daugh- ter, Mary-Elizabeth Anne. to Mr. Alvin Charles Thompson of Slouffville, son of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Thompson of Claremont. 1 lhzlrdtop. Power brakes. steering. able evenings 30d weekends-The wedding will take place in [RECOVERING â€" RESI‘YIJNGEd of all types of furniture. Latest 4686. r 7 I l‘fabrics. reasonable prices. Gtial-1 “ ACTIVE woman pensioner, In ante-pd “OI-k~ Amp-(- [phat-$191131 .l “pH-.99 see the truck “Terkel. ï¬ISLIIOI‘ work. Anything considered the many friends. relatives and V8. automatic. radio, \vheel;889'3115- 1fc22 iscs etc. Condition as new. 884- (ELâ€"EANER‘ W" ‘ retired pensioner. Clwgz available December 1, for part ‘ATTthlasrTRUEKEkSâ€"‘time- office cleaning. 7711-5470 evenings. c3w20 llf you are looking for used, I. ._ . .. .. . NG MEN. 1.6â€"1.9, looking trucks. parts. tires or accessor- YOU Monre Truck Parts&$aies,01diCan you help us. Call Salva- l.\'o. 11 Highway. Holland Land-ltion Arm-‘3 339'4369' “C52 lmE- 895-4556- tfc34 EXPERIENCED reliable woihZh |__. .wants housework. bv the day. $10 plus fare. Tuesday and Fri- tfc33r l 1 ‘day, Richmond Hill only, 384â€" ’6089. *1w22 EXPERIENCED cleaning woman wants house-cleaning. 9 lo 4 pm, $10 a day. North of Steeles to Richmond Hill. Own transportation. 889-4197. c1w22 i MAN for caretaking. mainten- ance gardening, etc. Wife Dal'l- time housework. Two school age girls would like aceommndation on property. Write, Box 63 “The Liberal". nc22 TOOT YOUR OWN HORN! GET THAT NEW CAR NOW WITH A LOW-COST, LIFE-INSURED r52 . C166???†PLFl N LC] R N THE BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA ROOM and BOARD SEPARâ€"ATE_ room 7 andrbdaird lfor 2 gentlemen. Parking facili- ties, 889-2177, c1w22 SHAREITaccOmmoidEtion avail- able for gentleman. home privil- leges. laundry Included. 889-2330 *1w22 1 Richmond Hill United Church, ‘Friday. November 26, at 7:30 pm. c1w22 CARD 0F THANKS Mere words can not express my thanks and appreciation to neighbors for the cards. flowers and many acts of kindness dur- ing my stay in York Central Hospital. W. T. Charles ' *1w22 nitric CARD OF THANKS I wish to thank my many fl'icnds and neighbours for their kind words and cards of sympathy during my bereaveâ€" ment in the death of my wife. Jack Manning, ‘ Thornhill. *1w22 i it v I CARD OF THANKS SHEAHANu-l wish to thank my family. fl‘lf’llflS and neigh- bors for flowers, cards and thoughtful Inquiries while I was a patient in Soldiers Memorial Hospllal. Ol'lllla. Special thanks to the Senior Citizens; their cards and letters were most en- coul'agin and much appreci- ated. I5 Sincerely. Emily Sheahan 1