Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 2 Dec 1965, p. 15

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Shirlene Austerherry. daugh- tei of Mr. and Mrs. .l. B. Aus- terhcrry. Crosby Avenue. a member of the Newmarket Skat- ing Club. will be one of the weicommg committee for well known figures of the skating world. attending the pop con- cert this Sunday at Newmarkct Arena. ncludcd among the guests will be Petra Burka and Don Knight and many other Canad- ian skaters who will he repre- senting Canada at next years Olympics Miss Austcrberry is also a member of the local skating club. It _ ao- _ no: _ t Bruce Pridham, vice-pres- ident of Emerald Isle Real Estate Ltd. has successfully passed his brokers examina- tion, and is now a member of the Ontario Real Estate Board. v _ in - Miss Joyce Barraclough. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Don- a ald A. Barraclough of Oak Ridg-l _ es. and eldest granddaughter 0f,to all women of the congrega- was home for a Visit and to plans to work again on crafts] * l York County White Cross iVoliintecrs captains met at Wrixon Hall November 18 to review progress and plan for the future. Each home visited by the volunteers was rcprc« sented by a captain and repre- sentatives were prcscnt from Aurora. Richmond Hill. Mark- ham and 'l‘hornhill. 'l'he volun« tecrs had the opportunity of meeting and getting to know their new chairman. Mrs. Joan Thomson who resides at 84 Starlight Crescent in Pleasant- ville. .. a v it - - The afternoon unit of the .UCW of Richmond Hill l'nited Church will meet today t’l‘liurs- ldayt at 2 pm for their Christ~ imas meeting. The guest speaker will be Mrs. Martin, whose subject will be “This Thing Which Has Come to Pass". This will be fol- llowed by carol singing. Members are reminded There are still a few \acanâ€" cies available in the YWCA Winter Swim Program to be held Monday evenings at York Mills Collegiate Pool starting January 3. Children 7-12, 7.30 to 8 pin, mixed adult splash R - 9 pm. Registration dates December 6 ‘ 10. 9.30 - 11 am and December, 6-8. a - 10 pm at the YWCA Centre, Allencourt Plaza. , Further information may be} obtained by calling 884-4811. * _ a _ v _ it Keep our “Life in the Hill" columns up to date with your news â€" the serv- ice is free â€" telephone the Social Editor Margot Crack at 884-1105 or mail your contribution to 63 Yonge Street South no later than 5 pm Tuesday for inclusion in next week's publication. ‘ * * =t< >t< r David L. Johnston, youngest , . l ,Chiirch “Hanging ()f The Greens" ()n Decemne. 14 at 8.15 pm at WCA Centre. .\llcncourt Pia/a. there will be an open night to all members for fellowship and sharing of Christmas festivities. This will be an evening of decorating the 1' Centre. carol .inging and refreshments. Ilr _. viz _ >t< _ A Attention Y Members The YWCA regrets to an- nounce that it has been necessary to cancel the special evening scheduled for December 10 at the Y Centre. Allencourt Plaza. with guest speaker Miss Jeanne Rowlcs. 1‘ _ >i< The Friendship Circle of the of St. Gabriel met Thursday morning members present. Coffee was served by Mrs. J. Palister and Mrs. F. Little. A number of members enjoy- _>k_>l( toson of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Johns-led a day of shopping and lunch bring their gifts for the girls‘ton..323 BOiSdalé‘ AVenlle. Who at Yorkdale Shopping Plaza on ‘at the Victor Home. A warm welcome is extended is in his freshman year at; Spring Arbor College. Michigan,‘ Wednesday last. This Thursday the group Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Barraclongh. tion to join the UCW in a cel-‘attt‘nd his high SChOOl gradua- A babysitting service will be‘ 73 Mill Street, was guest of, honor last Wednesday evening, at a party at the home of her’ aunt. Mrs. Earl Stuart Lowe of: Schombcrg Road. Oak Ridges. l Joyce is being married to David Taylor also of Oak Ridges, on December 4 at St. John's Church. Jefferson. On their re- turn from their honeymoon they will reside in Halifax. Her numerous great-aunts, aunts and cousins presented her with luggage. and the highlight of the evening was an interest- ing showing of family art. Some of those whose works were on display were Miss Emma Barker of Toronto, Mrs. W. H. Well- man, Mrs. Melvin Wellman and Mrs. George Barker. all of Head- ford. Mrs. Robert James of Is- lington, Mrs. Stanley Bishop and Mrs. Carl French of Rich- ebration of “The Twelve Days of Christmas“ on December 6. Dessert and coffee will be served at 7.30 pm. ‘tion ceremonies at Lorne Park ;College, Port Credit, November 13. l Also attending the commence-1 ment exercises were David‘s available. it! a _ * Dario Charles Robson, son ofl Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Robson, Edgar Avenue, received thew * _ illltlllllllllllllllllllllllllltllllltttlllttltllltlllllllItlltlllltlttllltllllllllllll’ parents‘ Kathy Apperley‘ Mm Sacrament of Baptism on Sun_ Can You Help? Toys Wanted For i Needy Families ‘ Used toys are wanted to provide a happy Christmas for needy children. The sidesmen of the Church of St. Gabriel are collecting toys that will be repaired and distributed at the famous annual Christ- mas sale at. Trinity Church Toronto, and sold at nomin- al prices (10 cents to 20 cents). l cial sciences. He was home, again for the American thanks-i giving holiday, November 24 tot 29. it _ vi * * Mr. and Mrs. Roy Jones, thht day evening to members of the Curtain Club at their ‘Green Room‘ party following the final curtain of “The Shop At Sly Corner". During the evening a pre- sentation was made to Director Tony Miller, who also played‘ the lead role of ‘Diecius’ â€"â€" the; l l lD. Archibald and Verne Archi- day at St, Mary‘s Roman Cath- .bald. David is majoring in so- olic Church, Following the ceremony Mr. and Mrs. Robson and their 6- year-old daughter Shelley en- tertained at a buffet. dinner for godparents Mrs. C. Cripps and. Pat Dapello; grandparents. Mr. ‘Avenue, were hosts on Satur-land Mrs. Charles Robson; Casey She Cripps and Mr. and mm. Dario‘ Dapello from Willowdale. * _ xv * >l< Attention Teenagersfl Nothing to do on Sunday afternoon? Well maybe y'our problems are solved. From 1 - 5 pm every Sunday afternoon the local Lions Club with nine‘ 7 THE LIBERAL. Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday, Dec. 2. 1965 1 tl’llULO by Stuart‘s Studio) Altar Boys Invested At St. Mary Immaculate ,“ r v a u o v n u I - ‘ I NTxlf‘f‘n new altar boys weie invested at St. Mary Immaculate Roman Catholic Church November 21. Shown above are, front row (left to right) Silvano Curti. Eddi M " ' t ‘ r " t -' <‘ v Human and Eddie Houhhan. S, e aichione, Paul (.hlebowski, Mama I otmenton, Paul Second row i same order) Ricky LaLhapelle. Peter Cooke, Rocco Morra, 'l‘erry O'Brien and Enrico Sabatini. Third Row (same order) Pasquale Valente. John Theall, Leo Stafford, Michael Wallis and Michael Hog‘g. At the rear are assisted by,left, Rev. Mrs. John Richards. 12 Hard- ing Blvd. left this week for several month's holiday. visit- ing in Scotland and England. * _ _ >:< _ a Mrs. ()wcn Richards, Demainc Crescent. is convalescing at. home following two weeks in York Central Hospital where underwent surgery. Her mother. Mrs. W. Bendall. who has been visiting her for lthc past three weeks returned pr on Saturday to her home in Vic- toria BC. >l< _ St. Matthew‘s Senior Choir under the direction of Eileen Robbins, presents its annual >l<_>l~‘_>!< shown Rt. Rev. Vincent N. Foy (centre) Officialis Toronto (ih, r ~ ( ff'. v - - . . u.- ,,C'LJ'PQUEhEEtyhamtfight, Rev. J. A. O’Donnell. ’ may ) “e “h” pelfmmw u“ WWW" . .._..___.â€" t, Beth Jones and Jo Kostecki The snack luncheon and baz-l ‘01' Len Pugh Rcal Estate. Mar-laar held last week by the WA‘ ‘garet Harcourt and George Fen-‘of the Richmond Hill Presby-l ‘chk of Emerald Isle Real Es- terian Church was a most sue! tate, and Frank Barrott of cessful event and a sincere Guaranty Trust, all successfullythanks is extended to everyone passed their TOX‘OntO Real ES‘ who worked so hard towards ,tatc course examinations the excellent results achieved. which were held two weeks ago The Coth‘nOl'S were Mrs. ‘in Toronto. glI. H. MacKay, Mrs. P. Smith, >tK _ * * _ no: 'Mrs. J. M. McCrae, Mrs. J. Mc- “The Coral King" is being Kenzie and Mrs. I. F. Allen. esented by the Storybookl‘VhO. beSidES making an the Players this Saturday at Maple‘fll‘angements £01“ the baZi‘arv‘IWMWm Community Han, ldisplayed a wonderful talentL ' I . Sponsored by the Maple with their most original lunch- I Home and School Associationfiion “Ckets' BOOKINGS FOR ALI. STEAMSHIPS AND FOR YOUR SHOPPING CONVENIENCE CANADIAN TIRE STORE RICHMOND HILL Will Remain Open Daily ’Till 0 pm. Saturdays ’Till 6 p.m. W * _ * Eric Zinck. lthere will be one performance‘ * * l tickets for “If. and NETS, .only at 3.30 pm, AIRLINES, TOURS AND CRUISES Toys may be left at the I‘Carols by Candlelight’ sei‘vicelwh-lch may be Obtained by call_ Beaverton Road, were p1easant_ another canvass, Mrs. Evelyn Lowe of Newmar- ,mond Hill were represented. _ iowner of the antique shop. As- are no“, S onsofln a recreay ers. R. K. McKeown of Scar- Chum" of SL Gabrm be“ sistant Director Mary Neill read uonal proggam forg teens e_ December 12 at 7 pm at “191mg 8324423. ,1y surprised by close friends on 85 YOVGE PHONE boro showed a landscape, and‘ twee“ 9'30 am and 12330 1"“ ia clever and amusing poem on tween 13 _ 20 years. Chgl‘ch- ' ' ‘ ,, _ * _ * _ * Sattu‘day evening, with a sur- ‘ STREET N r the work of. any Sunday morning or “he trials and tribulations as? their guest artists Wlll be prize housewarming party. RICHMOND HILL Capers include: weightlifting, Ba judo, floor hockey, boxing and The Richmond Hill Symphony yview Secondary Schooll _ Orchestra wtll have its dress re- Brass Ensemble, under the ba-i l pick-ups may be arranged They were presented with a E l i {sociated with a production, from by calling Tom McKeag‘e at I 884â€"7969. Lou Reid 884- 7716 or Frank Cambray 884-1938. . Illllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllltlltlltllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllltllllll The Richmond Hill Kinette’ â€"â€" ‘Club held their November 8' dinner party at the Summit. View Restaurant. l Following dinner, Presidcnt‘ Anne Maddocks gave a report. To residents of Palmer Avenue. on the Richmond Hill High: Elmwood Avenue. HardingiSchool Graduation Exercises,‘ Boulevard, Church Street which she attended to present South. Baker Street South. Rug-lthe Kinette Nursing Scholar- lles Avenue South. Lawrence ship award to Ontario Scholar Avenue South, Lennox Avenue, Barbara Schell. In the Town of Richmond Hill.‘ Later Kinettes enjoyed a dis- XN THE COUNTY COURT OF play of Christmas decorationsl , made by the guest speaker, Mrs.‘ THE COUNTY OF XORK lP. Miller, chairman of Pleasant-l IN THE MATTER OF THE‘ville YWCA. l Conveyancing and Law of Prop- A most successful Kinette, erty Act. R50. 1960. Chapter card party was held November; 66. 316 at the home of Mrs. Dalton AND IN THE MATTER OF‘Hicks, 311 Richmond Street. All, the Title to the lands known as number 108 Palmer Avenue, in the Town of Richmond Hill, and being composed of Parts of Lot 41. Plan 3801. TAKE NOTICE than an ap- plication will be made by Coun- sel on behalf of Bruno Battag- lie and his wife, Anne Bridget Battaglia before the presiding Judge in Chambers, City Hall. Toronto on Friday. the 10th day of December, 1965 at 10.00 o‘- clock in the forenoon or so soon thereafter as the Motion can be heard for an Order amend~ in: certain building restrictions contained in Deed No. 31019, registered on the 28111 day of June. 1951 and Deed Number 31107. registered on the 14th day of July. 1951. in the Regis- lt‘y Office for the East and West Riding of the County of York at Toronto and registered against Lot 41. Plan 3801 filed in the Registry Office for the East and West Riding of the County of York, to permit the presently existing house owned by the applicants to remain where it is situated, not with- standing the fact that it is built on Lot 41, Plan 3801, con- trary to the restrictions con- tained in the Deed Number 31019 and Deed Number 31107 which require that there be only one house built on each parcel. or for such further and other Order as may seem jiist. AND TAKE NOTICE that in support of the said application will be read the Affidavit of Bruno Battaglia and such fur- ther and other material as counsel may advise or the Court permit. DATED at the City of To- ronto this 30th day of Nov- ember. :\.D. 1965. j , . l..\W1.()R. l.ECl.AlRE & 8544461 B-ANNON- Allencourt Shopping Centre 80 Richmond Street West. _ ‘ _ _. ' Toronto, Oman“. Maikham Rd. K Bayylcyv ' Avenue Solicitors for the Richmond Hill Regal Auto 310 Enford Road ket. though a trifle obscure. catised much comment. Dainty refreshments were served and tea was poured by Mrs. Isaac Reaman of Maple. and Mrs. J. M. Fevreau of New: market. ‘proceeds will be used for com- munity service work. VOTE â€" IT’S YOUR DUTY SATURDAY DECEMBER 4 IS THE DATE 9 AM. TO 6 P.M. 'I‘HE HOURS Allencourt Pharmacy Ltd. Win. C. PHONES 884-3342 889-4702 If? Lazenby. B.SC.PI11IL , casting to the final performance, including a review of the review! Roz Anderson, the club's host- ess with the mostess, convenedl the refreshments. * _ >« >1: - * The cries of the desti- tute in Korea, Hong Kong, the Middle East and Greece, can be answered if you go to your cupboard and your closet now to sort out the warm, practical and clean garments you no longer need, for the Unitar- ian Service Committee of Canada. Any type of practical, clean clothing with six months’ wear left will be welcomed, sorted and pack- ed by USC Volunteers across Canada. For local pick-ups call 884-4097 or 884-2149. * _ *A * _ >s< Wendy Thatcher. Hunt Ave- nue, a grade 12 student at Lang- statf Secondary School, is cur? rently in rehearsal for “Oliver, Twist" to be presented at the Colonnade Theatre from De-‘ cember 7 - 18. Wendy is playing the role of Rose Maylie. and Margaret Ber- gin, a former Richmond Hill resident, plays her aunt, Mrs. Maylie. , Both Wendy and Margaret are well known to local audiences, having appeared many times in Curtain Club productions. Tickets for this production may be abtained by calling the theatre at 925-4573. ‘ )1t Il< as >l< l The November meeting of ille‘ 1st Beverley Acres Cubs and Scouts WA was held in Bever- ley Acres School. with Vice- l’resident Mabel llaviland pre~ siding. Arrangements were made to hold Christmas parties for the Cubs at their last meeting prior to Christmas. The auxiliary will also have a party on December 21. Each lady will provide a box lunch and is asked to bring a 50 cent gift exchange. The group has decided to save premiums from Canada Packers products. Lists of these will be provided at the next meeting. The men's committee advised members that the Cubs and Scouts will march in the Santa Claus Parade on December 4. They will wear full uniform. the Scouts in shorts and the Cubs in long pants. The boys will carry a banner painted l).\' W. G. Street. The special materâ€" ial has been donated by W. Oxley. The men's committee is also preparing a float. After the meeting. a penny auction was held. and members ‘obtained many bargains. The bidders were cheered on with refreshments served and proâ€" vided by Mabel Haviland. May Carney. Marilyn Hagborg, Cissie Riswick and Audrey Davenport. The next meeting and Christ- mas party will be held DecemJ ber 21. Body Limited Richmond Hill inew interests are shown. scrabble and any quieter activities will take place, ties for girls will develop as‘ For both sexes, chess, euchre, number of in the mezzanine. A coffee bar‘ will also be ln‘operation. , The place: the Lions’ Hall. . The time: 1 - 5 pm every Sunday afternoon. * _ :k * _ >i< The floral centrepieces at the White Rose Ball â€" the main fund raising project of the York Central Hospital Auxiliary â€"â€" are all being donated by local florists â€" Rice‘s Flowers, Richâ€" mond Heights Plaza, City of Glass Garden Centre, Crosby Avenue, and B. W. Miller, Flor- ists, Maple. ‘ Proceeds from the ball will be‘ used to purchase essential. equipment for the hospital. >t< - r - >l< _ * The Couples Club of Rich- mond Hill Presbyterian Church, enjoyed a night of bowling on Saturday last at the ABC Bowl- ing Alley. , Prizes were won by Muriel McAlister, Edna Shaw, John1 Wood and Art Broad. ; Following the games, mem- bers returned to the church, where a luncheon was served. convened by Harold and Marg Lemon. lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllltllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllv Canadian Indian Dancers In Hill Friday Evening When white men first reached North America they found na- tive liidiaiis possessing a way of life that had been developed to 111061 North .\iiiericau condi- tions. The liidian people knew very well how to take care of themselves. They were inde- pendent. resourceful, honest, brave, artistic and very loyal to family and tribal customs. Through many ways the Iii- dian has not been favorably dis- played to generations of young white children, \V'hite Canadians in general have not had the opportunity of living with and appreciating Indians. their cus- toms. and their legends. A group of young Canadian Indians. resident in the Metro Toronto area, have undertaken to record some traditional danc- es and legends from Canada's past. These young people come from various Indian tribes in Canada. 1t will be your opportunity to learn some of the beauty of Canadian liidian dance and 1e- gend this Friday at 8.15 pm in the christian education buildâ€" ing of the Richmond Hill United Church. Tickets at $1.00 for adults and 50 cents for children are available at the door. or from any member of the men‘s club. Complete Collision Services Service Cars Available ttmly Solder l'scdt iWI'BStling. tumbling thf bOYSTton of Elizabeth Mathews, alndlhcarsal next Sunday for the land hairstyling and beauty cul- . - - â€" _tcoming iture for girls. Additional activi-ist' Matthew S Jumor Chou d" ‘ ected by Barbara Beattie. lgiopulfn_ “Something T0 Sing odyski from Downsview; Mr. This fine 58111011 C110” has} 0 ', and Mrs. Andy Petrovchuk from TINY TOTS built the carol serVice into one} Merl'wk Jarrett, W611 known Weston. and Mrs. June Danby, .of the highlights of the Christ- [01k Slnger, Who Will sing andiM'lss Wilma Bennett and Miss PORTRAITS mas season. , A cordial tended to all. llllllllllllllililllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllhlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll Puppet Shows Xmas Fare At Curtain Club The Curtain Club. in co- operation with Mr. and Mrs. David Smith of Willowdale, are staging a puppet show for children the week after Christmas. “Alfred’s Amaz- ing Adventures“ which is set in the ancient tower of London, will have perform- ances December 27 at 2 and 3.30 pm and December 28, 29 and 30 at 7 and 8.30 pm at the theatre. Tickets will be $1.00. An advertisement in next week‘s publication of “"he Liberal" will give a tele- phone number for advance sales. invitation is ex- lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll‘lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll Many happy returns to Wil- liam Savage of 44 Centre Street East who celebrated his 92nd .birthday November 26. Many ceremony in Torontm December friends and neighbors called to 20 give Mr. Savage their best wish- cs. Mr. Savage was born in the. Hill and has spent all his life here. For many years he kept a grocery shop on Yonge Street. just north of Arnold Avenue. lie recalls that when electricity was first brought into Richmond llili, his was the first business establishment to have it instal- led. A former lacrosse player and sports enthusiast, Mr. Savage keeps llintseli busy about the house reading anti watching TV. He makes his home with his only daughter, Mrs. L. R. Card- well. *_*_’r-* The ladies’ auxiliary to Branch 375, Royal Canadian Legion. held their monthly general meeting with President Lucy Rickard in the chair. The auxiliary cuchre (late Christnia. December '7 l\' Sunnybrook Christmas visit De- cember H. and the auxiliary Christmas meeting December 20. The 375 A (it) Go Show pi'e- I branch was well. sented to the received, The color guard thank ed the members for an enjoy- able evening and for the pre- sentation of a cheque. .\ vote of thanks wa~ L’l\011 to Glori Sanford and the rust for theii efforts. The show \\lll be pre sented .i‘ldill to the senior citi Lens .it their Christmas dinnei on December 15. Plans are being made to entertain the, patients at Villa llospiial. Exec-tune oniccr Audrie Ap. perley repoi'zed the November Sillllt}l);‘tml\ Hospital \lsll pletcd. will (irete 'l‘nnncr. Ad- f'lilll- claide Mills. May McDonald and RICHMOND HEIGHTS CENTRE ,Rose Donnelly as visttors. shadow box wall mirror. No service charge, no booking fee Those present were Mr. and f ( younngs. W. Horodyski and J. Hor-l J concert for MC the show, is occasionally in- Yvonne Crause from Toronto, ttroduced in friendly fashion‘ Mrs_ Zinckg parents, Mn and .as granddaddy 0f f01k mUSiC in Mrs. N. Malinowski, her brother- _« , A WONDERFUL (My Toronto- He is acknoyvleged by in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. CHRISTMAS most to have been active In folk H_ pastuck and nephew Richard, GIFT musm before many cared about 311 from Winnipeg, 3150 attend. i s existence. The breadth of his‘ed leaving by car for Manitoba repertoire is a fair indication of on‘ Tuesday morning SW? the time and study given to his __.A_ __..,L , music â€" his personal library is PHOTOGRAPHY approximately 700 songs. Merâ€" 884-6741 30A YONGE ST. S. RICHMOND HILL rick has two LPs on the Wash- Planning‘ on ington label, was MC for the first Mariposa folk festival in 1 . . 9 geemmmmmm'muwum WGW,’ 1962. and for the Algoma‘ Folk Entertaining. - Festival in Sault Ste Marie and the niadoc Folk Fesfival in Ca“ 1 - I c. a t‘ I This concert will be held on Ndnd‘l Laterlng A (Jhl lStnldS L\e December 10 at 7.30 pm in S - Wrixon Halt. eerce Special Treat Tickets at the door â€" adults a 50 cents, children 25 cents. _ . i for your children All Garments Local YOUIhS To SANTA In Person G 1 EXPERTI.Y et a at "195 , REPAIREI) ALTERED TWO 17-year-old Richmond QUALITY ~ Hill youths will be presented with their flying wings at a , CLEANED Zippers Replaced Invisible Mending Christmas Eve Bruno Schenk. 395 South Tay- [1 lor Mills Drive. and Stephen Glass, 402 Palmer Avenue, both ' SPECIAL Santa will tell your children a bedtime story .fifélélfilétiiéifi‘iffiiéifihfifilfiifizié i‘viiiiélé'élé’é5QEléiélélfigléléfifibifiiaingéefi‘i‘i members of 172 Air Cadet ‘ . squadron. Toronto. will re- 9, and tlltk them in hP(l. ceive the wings from Mayor I)” panel Thulnas BnuulhurSL â€"irk7 vfirâ€"iâ€" (Ill pgffiicvgmvzl.vgiggprgagLELE-wtclg The youths qualified for their 1 ‘ T T 119 ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ' * "‘ - pilots" licences this summer when they soloed on separate Hume today It”. details, SSZIJBTIB. courses at Central Airways 15- land Airport and Brampton Air- In The Mall Richmond Heights Centre (Book Early) '-i‘€'€5;?€'€’€l€5€3€‘5 port. The presentation ceremony _ will be held at 1107 Avenue mmmaamaosmium:3aatheistatmanomacammmamammmmmamammmmam w 2% P“?r?r?r"!r?r2r?t§r3r3r?o 2&7}: 2) 5/: "I: '2. )r 24 2': f: 2v 2: 24 3:: 2t 114 1’" 'lr'r'" 2v). 3.2.5152 211% Road at 7.30 pm. I an ideal gift and the choice of curlers OFFICIAL 6c Warm CURLING BOOTS They're designed specially for curlers by Canadian curling authority. Ken Watson. Beautifully made of fine quality leather, with genuine lambskin lining for warmth -â€"Sanitized for hygienic protection, and microcellular soles for real grip. They're also ideal as alteiâ€"ski boots. snow boots, and all-round winter pleasure boots. Sllllitth fl, ‘ . w. mam/w? ‘ Lmr no A: M'L’Y I ' .t “Rriiiciiilwr at Shields \11 Fittings are (-ual‘anleed" Just West of Earth's Cleaners 2% TANKARD for menâ€" $18.98 l

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