Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 9 Dec 1965, p. 13

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THE LIBERAL. Richmond Hill. Ontario. Thursday. Dec. 9, 1965 13 Victoria Square News BUTTONVILLE NEWS GORMLEY CORRESPONDENT: MRS. F. H. LEAF Lions Club ‘ itaking orders 501' Chl'stmas giyih: $31,133,126]; R'R' 2' Gormley PM” 29747“ \lisanIigazon‘iiiltted t iTilizi'lcsmgI:SguaariIrTUZIIdchTIIti:‘ghklfliih News .ion gave a sermonette. Telephone 887â€"5201 rleti's Christmas partv will be The annual white gift 591‘} A large number of gifts were Neighborhood Notes Cth'ill'C pai‘ll‘ “ill be a benefit Socials . ‘ ‘ v . ~ ' v. , v ‘ i- - 'i those less fortun- 'l'hcre's snow in the air this for the YCHA stons r d h- < i . . 4 . ‘ I i T ‘ V Id i th , mmiinity hall \ice was held Sunday morning ictened for ‘ r 0 e _\ (nnmamlaimm m ML and A I gzcemger 11? fig?“ 1 to 4 pm. with the Sunday school and‘ate than we are election day. three weeks before the Buttonville Branch. with a Mr;_ George Coher. who cele- The party is for all children church service combined. Dr. During the “hit? Elli Sei‘ViCP Boxing Day. It's the last stretch <ale of home baking and Christ. hrmm their 59m Wedding am in the pofimhnity and district A. F‘. Binnington and Percy infant baptism service'was held. before CIlriSIlY‘las. with the mas gifts beginning at 8 pm. " Deceth 5. -. nine years of age and under. Bennett. superintendent of the conducted by Dr. Blnnlngmn. YCHA Biittonville Branch Margaret Patterson. Mm“. Mrs. hd Ems was a ghost at 11181103 to announce . ' , . . - . - d by the Clerk of Session etichre partv coming up l)eccm- iinrrlaoe to Brian \I - i - v ‘ - ' T e should be accom anied by Sunday school “eie in (haige. £89th I. V . , . mp1) of the “Nide rpmhhhh of he,r h y p Cathy Sandtrsnn and Heather Hebcr McCague and Elders ber 10. Come at 8 pin to shop \lillondale takes place Decem- cousin at Oakville on Saturday. their arents. _ , . . . . ' ' ' ThepLinns Club annua‘ turkey Williams read the scripture les- Ilcrman Morison and Ainold for home baking and Christmas her 27, was entertained at a Allan Hoover is home after a "Cu deal?) In Ric’l’no’ld and capon draw will be held atIson. Special music was provided Morison. ‘ gifts: games start at 8:30 pm. miscellaneous shower last Frh undergth surgery mme a! the December 21 meeting,'1‘ickâ€" by the junior choir with Mrs.. Ihetfgllrrijwinfi IC‘hli(ll“Pnt\\-?ie on Sunday mmmng‘ [ho day evening. the ham, was the Cottage Hospitah Uxhridge ets are available from any club Wilbur Brumwell as director Di‘esf'n e .\ fill Daifi‘ll‘s ’01 white 2,“ service, at men-g held at Brown s C o ['n 91.5 Mrs, Gordon ,inhnmn of E|m_ member. The members also are and Barbara Emprmgham aslbaptismfiilohn Enican Ilium”. 0, Church will mmhmp Lniied and among the guests vale spent several days with her _ .. is‘m dog] him ,1} ‘S- ‘ “{Imat“ church and Sunday school at were members of the C(‘il'l‘ and Sister. Mrs. Allan Hoover. "”*' ' "" ' ’t‘yn a ; o in reanor l or - , ‘ E. 1 . . . W . i e. , . - ,. 11.30 am. XP mm cioiips of \\thh the Biithdai EICPImES to Mis. (If Allencourt Plaza 50” daughter of Mr' and MFS’ December lit, at 7:30 pm the I’l‘ldP'ln-ht‘ is 5“ lPadPl‘. Mrs. Ernest “31"931 “'h0 is in York Neil Mnmmn and Margwrite (‘Gt'r candlelight sowing “i11.\lan Brown and Mrs. Murray County llospiial. and to Mrs “\li‘I“ “ism” daughter or Mr‘ be held at Brown's Corners. and Carson assisted witli the opening Gordon Cullen, who is now con- Hardy! Pr0p-) BY an‘l A'll‘S-ll‘lt'llar‘; Fri§b5~s l vim. Christmas What” “in hoof gifts. and members of the l'alescing at home.afier spend- Ilhe Vlumm ‘ qua“? Inna“ December 22. l (“I arid Harpy Timers served mg SP‘INIRI ““Ok‘ 1" York (Ien‘ school will present “A (hrist- Jack Jmmmn‘ who has been I.,.,~1_(,\.h,h€,ms mmp oft-the new tral llospital. Both celebrate F m... wrrship service” December. ‘ ‘ . - H ~ h- id D . a ,, . . , Y . O 12‘; 7:30 pm in the church A” In 9001 health for some time, mi} 1%:0933Rigim‘secgpflg‘};g-and (011191 Mal khanl Rd. & Ba) Vle‘v A AA children. parents and friends azilssla‘fria: $201191;SIIE'EP‘I’}: *" ,Mrs' Fred Lewis “.0”, thph. Phone HIZFhlenéiilrcljg igtglihigiglme SundayJohnsons‘ daughter paid a fly- (Oathupincphew and his wife. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon I.c\vis_ plus their A school class with Mrs. II. Mc- Ina/[Illisamdhfi’fl-Xi‘i’EETITQSBHHAn four sons_ Gmhnh Jr” Wu” ‘ ‘ Cague as teacher would ap- . ’ _. . Ian and Ted. of Long Island. , , , , ,, , Preciate any hch yotl can give titre?ala3\\‘;\lfcsi:annd \\llll icla- New York; ML and Mr;- Ed. HE “ “11) RP} (ARR\1:\(1 A COMPLETE LINE 0P. , v n v 71 V1 in ('Ollt‘i'llni‘l USED FOSTAGE '. f ) l.‘ , . p0 Rotilton and their mother, Mrs, , .r a. 1 ~ , TAKE I‘ll) II( E IHAI: STAMPS. “PM: \il‘l‘d‘olils. lrzatllacnn Rhn; H C I f Amhur Lewis. wwmly Wmde MARCOSI bFEREOS. 'I\ S, RADIOS. RECORD PLAT ERS , . . . _ u - . The Mission to chcrs undcr- _ “I I. 2 “ HI'\'(‘.\’ 0311119. Oi‘mer rcsiâ€" from Australia; George Lewis AN ) ‘AP 1C0 . S 1‘ -rhe (gum-II oftIhe (Olpmdumi (If the takes to maintain as many lcpâ€" the "mghhmhv‘md IICC‘IIIH‘V' “dent and insurance agent in and his son, Fred. Scai'boro, I II E RP RDFR I ETCI Township of. llaughan intends to apply to t e msy suhems as it can with the “‘9 “gm; of Mr- and MIS- NOF- Unionâ€"Ville, was elected Novein- Rcv. and Mrs. William Vandcr ALSO TV AN"ENNA INSTALLATION & REPAIRS Ontario Mummpal Board fm‘ aPPI‘OVal 0f the 90"“ money obtained through the ma“ 9‘ ~ her 2i as depllty-I‘ceve of Eldon Rent and Marie had supper Fri- . . . . .. . v i l Friends were sorry to learn Township for a two '9 t - d - . - ,- . struction in the vear 1966 of the woiks iefeiied sale of stamps. Last year, iigb4i V , n ; n ' y r r 3 ar eim. 3} owning \ch Mr. and Mrs. to in qchpdule it‘An hereto at an estimated cost 30 patients \\‘(\['9 whom.- sup.iEi|lS Flatt has iif‘f‘n ill If‘t‘t‘niil- Eldon township is in the Lind- Roy Brillinger and family. ‘ . . h .e by this‘ The junior choir at Brown's say area. Church .' . 0f $275v000~00- The works are to .b.e cons“ “med 2::t1§:d_fnl I e 3 M I COI‘M‘I‘S Church is pl‘aciisinfl up Mr. Coathup had a summer Mrs. Al‘l‘ldir l’vc. who did under the authority of The Municipal Act and Ah you are asked to (h, is mim- Christmas and will sing next cottage for many years at Kirkâ€"Imissionarv work in ludia. serr- it intends to charge apart of the (‘OSt of the works out ofl‘ me envelope with 14 Sunday and the week after. field, which he has converted ed an Indian supper to the1 as a special rate upon lands that Will 01‘ may inch to 1.2 inch around the Erel‘emall‘e égollf\\'};illl€ mteil'fli- into a year round residence. Indie: gf‘theniiwiglr sewing cirâ€"i .- - . . stam_ . i‘S.i 'S. x 13,9 GODGI‘ e S _ ,cea eise i ionday night.I denvea benefit thelefiom' Neigghmhnod Notes us. some of them just seven q V V p She then gave an interesting ‘2. The amount of 333.75.000.00 shall he raised Prize winners at a euciii'cll't’m‘S Old- VICIORIA SQUARE? “‘9 2~lml-.illustrated talk on a native In- - . - . . - s . - 4 - . member organization of the d'an ~'ii , . \S m. the sald mm m the commumt) hau Mothcis in the thlEllllfiilHJOd" ‘ v ‘ ‘ . ‘ 1 \, 3gp, ‘ M the sale tilf a debentu-iedwfu‘fofv is It is Friday evening of last \veekIWhn have flWilt”nfl-ttn»SIX-ycai‘-.\.°'k (Immty F‘idma‘m" 0f AZ". Sunday evening at the Christ amount pa-Va e ovel 8' Demo 0 " ‘Iea M were: Ladies, 11) Olive Glover;:olds, can hardly wait until Janâ€" “(‘“lll’l'e- gave "5" Support to a Crusaders‘ service at Heise Hill 0 proposed to raise a part of the annual payments (2) Mm J_ Warwick Consolah‘uaw 3 and the Start of 1he request from Frank Briimwell Church, Mm pye Spoke 0n the by a special rate in each year of the currency of tion. NII‘S, w. Embury. Loneuanuary c1355 at No. 6 whim], of Gm‘mley for a provincial col- work carried on by the Broth- the debentures upon all Of the rateable property hands, Mrs. Ethel Tooley. Menzj'l'he teachci‘ this year will hell”? (if applied arts and tech- ren' in Christ Church in their .jn the area described in paragraph 3 hereof. not tlt Ilarry Barber, I2) Claren'celMarie Barton. a genius \y'ith‘nomm for “‘9 "mm-"- i‘Ial‘I‘l‘" mild? thf‘l“ V exceeding 4 mills in the dollan The maximum Steckley. Consolation. Alvin small children. _-..-i.-n-mâ€"n-n-uâ€"..-..................__..-..-..-..-..-n-u-r I . , . . r Caseley. Lone hands C. Attridge.l Mr. S. J. English joined the annual (halite upon a mopelty assessed at 53")00 Lucky draw for a box of groc- Tully family in a visit to the WOUM be $14-00 water rates W1“ be Charged to cries was won by Alvin Case-iColonnade Theatre to see “The consumers as provided in By-l‘aw Number 2414 19,-. ‘Emperor‘s New Clothes.“ last and after these receipts it is anticipated that a _ Another euchre party will heweek, and on Sunday evening levy of .7 mills against all of the rateable property “Bid in the commu’my "311 De'iwas a dinner guest at the homc 1 0 TO ALL PARTS OF CANADA, B.(‘., ALBERTA, SASK, MAN., QUE- - - i - . .Everyoneor Mr. and Mr. K C G- r . . . . the .cember 10 at 15 pm ' s _ . lay in the Township will be tequned to meet welcome. Ladies please pronde Margaret Gray returned from annual debenture payments. Junch. iCalgary recenhy. . i The Christmas meeting of the‘ . . f . .. . . E h h 3. The \aughan Aties Watei Aiea upon WI will be held December 14‘ no re Gland Prue which such water rate is to be levied is described at 2.15 pm at the home of Mrs“ 85 fOlIOWS! lAllan Orr. RR 1, Bradford. Roii‘ FIRSTLY: The lands situate in the Town- gill 5002213.. ffigst‘g‘sesefhti‘lfnfi ship of Vaughan being bounded on the west ‘Mcnoberis, Mrs, R_ Glover and by the easterly limit: of Provincial Highway. Mrs. W. Orr. 400, on the north by the northerly limit of .Anb’one “151mg _ll‘an5P01‘la‘ Lot 5 in Concession 4 and the northerly limit “on “Ema” Mrs" Re‘d Brumwell - - at 88i-5349 or Mrs. John Mc- of Lot 6 1n Concession 5, on the east by the Cague at 8876409 westerly limit of the Canadian National Rail- I Birthday greetings to Barbara ways’ lands being the dividing line between the east and west halves of Lots 4 and 5 in lEmpmngham, December 10; the lucky draw, a small turkey;ii Julia Hardie four wars, Dec_ and freezeout winners wereli Concession 4 and on the south by the south- i erly limit of Lot 4 in Concessions 4 and 5. = ember 11; Lloyd Vanderkooyy David Cummings, Carol Wray,l 14 years, Decemberlls; Donnie Mrs. Maltby and Frank Mason:i SECONDLY: The lands situate in the Third Concession in the Township of Vaughan in Nichols Jr., one year, December HOSteSSeS for the evening “IelIeI' the County of York being all of those parts of 16; Mrs_ Rolph Boyhton, Dec_ Miss Mary Rodick, Mrs. Georgei ‘ Lots 2 and 3 and Lots 6 to 10 inclusive lying ember 3. Barker, Mrs. Richard Pralet andj. ‘ Mr. and Mrs. Gordon HardieIMrS- FTEd Leaf- to the west of the Canadian National Rail- ways’ right-ofâ€"way. ,will celebrate their 215t wed- Next, Friday evening the 5,....-.,7.,......m-.-..-.....,-..-.,..f...f...s..;................n- THIRDLY: The lands situate in the Fourth ‘ding anniversary December 9;i Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Collardi Twill celebrate their 38th wed- Iding anniversary December 10. Concession of the Township of Vaughan be- ing the easterly halves of Lots 2 to 9 inclusive and those parts of Lots 10 to 14 inclusive owned by the Canadian National Railways. , Sympathy is extended to rela- FOURTHLY: The lands situate in the Town- tives of the late Mrs. Percy i "mumlimiting; Cooper, (Belle Frisby) who pas- - i)%” sed away December 3. ' . it ship of Vaughan being the northerly 214 feet of lots 15 and 16 according to Registered Plan i Mrs. John McCague, Mrs. Les- w'mwm 3541. he Hart, Mrs. Reid Brumwell, Mrs. Harold Hill and Miss Mary 4. Application will be made to The Ontario Municipal Board for an order to dispense with the Muirhead attended the 65th birthday party of the Agincourt assent of the electors to the undertaking of the said works. BEC, AND MARITIME PROVINCES. 0 OVER 2000 FAMILIES HAVE MOVED BY UNIVERSAL THIS YEAR FROM COAST TO COAST IN THE FINEST MOVING VANS, HANDLED BY WELL TRAINED PERSONNEL. 0 COMPARE OUR RATES. CALL UNIVERSAL TODAY FOR A FREE ESTIMATE WITHOUT OBLIGATION. - 636-7740 Voters of Markham Township Mrs. J. Grainger was high scorer of the Buttonville WI autumn euchre series which ‘ wound up last Friday evening ‘ . . __ her score was an even 500g ’lhank you for your support in electing me as Winners of the 24-tab1e game‘- ‘ were Mrs. Hazel Harris, Mrs! 1969 for 1966‘ Grainger, Mrs. F. Foster. Mrs.ii Hilda Campbell, Gus Almstedt, Bob Cartwright, James Curtis. Norton Symes. Mrs. Harris wont. -D-KI“0-0-H-u-U-| Western Canada Head Office: Eastern Canada Head Office: Universal Household Movers Limited, Universal Household Movers Ltd.. 14504 - 123 Ave" (Formerly Hedges The Mover Limited) Edmonton, Alberta 148 Norflnch Drive. Phone: 455-4147. Downsvlew. Ontario. Season‘s Greetings to all. 0 NEW PALLATIZED WAREHOUSES: AGENTS IN ALL PRINCIPAL CITIES: HALIFAX. MONTREAL, OTTAWA, TORONTO, WINNIPEG. SASKATOON, CALGARY. EDMONTON, VANCOUVER, VICTORIA. -vt-t_l|-4I.fl"ll-U-tl-l-u-i i-u’n-i >.4>-fl-'-')-1-U-u- W1 held in the Christian edu- cation room of the Agincourt United Church on Tuesday of last week. Following the infant baptism service on Sunday morning, Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Mortson and family, Mr. and Mrs. Treanor h. Canning, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd . I‘ ‘ I ‘5 L. I . t Canning and boys, Mr. and Mrs. ‘- I _ I S. ‘ 'I . . Don Canning Mr. and Mrs. Rob- ' ' ‘ I : I ] ert Kent and family had dinner ' C with Mr. and Mrs. Neil Morison ClBlender I ‘ and Robin. ; [1 Bottle Warmer . Mr. and Mrs. Stan Tyndall of UClock ‘ . Richmond Hill, Mrs. Molly King .- . h, a . acoaee Pot O 1 e e of Newmarket, Mr. and Mrs. ' ' I DDishwasher ., Herman Morison and Joy had '- - tjDriil dinner with Mr. and Mrs. Nor- ‘ n . DDryer . ,man Tyndall and family; Mr. .I I . ' ‘ e and Mrs. Elmer Huggins and DElecmc Blanket 5. Any ratepayer may, within 21 days after the first publication of this notice, send by pre- paid post to the Clerk of the Township of Vaughan .at the address given below, a notice in writing stating his objection to the approval of the con- struction of the said works or to the imposition of a special rate or to the order dispensing with a vote. The notice shall state his objection and the grounds of such objection. 6. The Ontario Municipal Board may ap- prove the said special rate pursuant to the statute fflmily 0"- Hampton, Mrs. .B- 33.2,. poiisher and may approve the. said Works and may order hag“ dim“ Gle’lrh ogdsmufi‘fifi ijFi-y Pan 7 , ‘ a tuner w1 rs. i a e i . . ' - ' that the assent of the electois shall not belle- Fhsby, W and Mrs. Richard DKettle i G1ve those spectal names on your Christmas IIBt an electrical qutred but before doing so it may appomt a time Frisby and family. _, Blight Fixture . and place for a public hearing when any objections Mr. and Mrs. Rolph Boynton '- ' DMi‘e' I' II WatCh their eyes Widen With Surprlse and Pleasm'e- T11er will he considered, were in Orillia one dav recent- .' . ~ UPTOjeCtO' .. I - > M 9 ' ” ’ . . .. . rlt‘ and had dinner with their ' ‘ DRadio say you really shouldn t have done it but thele be over- DA'I 12D at the \ illuge of Maple this 22nd day granddaughter at the home of -' DRange . . . - - of November. 1965. Mr. and Mrs. John Spenard. URecord Player Joyed that you did! Use this handy check list to help you gm , . I\'Ir..and Mrs. Andy Forson of DRefrigerator . M' MCDONALD’ Caiinington spent \\'edncsday of Ushaver betterâ€"electncauy. ‘ ‘ i I last week with Mr. and Mrs.i . ' .. qt. Iron MAPLE Ontario Rolpli Bovnton ‘ I I DI eam ' ' ~ - ‘ s r ; DTape Recorder - ‘ . , Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Hart and' t - ‘- ~ SCHEDULE ‘A , family had Sunday dinner with I . I Egoaihirrush iI y y a) Test Drilling. 1.7 000 on Mr. and Mrs. Kurt Larsen of ' I ' . Too- , 7 ,_ V :' ' King Cross Estates. King City. ‘ E1 mm Cl b) “ 9” and “ 9“ Pump (900 I-(LM-I 60,000.00 Relatives spending Sunday" .- Vvacuum 9”" c) Underground Storage 45.000.00 “'ith Mr. and Mrs. Rolph Boy-iriâ€"1 ' » Dw‘ffle 1”“ d) Pum home 60 000 0 ton were Mr. and Mrs. James; UWRSher LIVE BE; 1ER ELECHUCALLY P. ‘ ' ~ 7- 0 Magee of Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. e) Pumping Equipment 20.000.00 Paul Charlebois. Patricia and f) Iron Removal & Chlorination 15,000.00 “id of “ esmn‘ . . ., ,, . . . ‘ I .. . ~r-~~~-â€" ~â€"~-~-w 7 “fire-w o" ' ' - A” ~ **--""‘““ " " . ' The three Missionary and ' ' ' ' ' ’ ’ 50 Measuring and Control Equipment 10.000.00 Maintenance Committees are 0 ° ' ° ' h) Site Improvements 6.00000 called to meet on Monday, De- , . cember 13. at 8 pm I r0. I 1) Land. Surveying. Legal. etc. 7,000.00 j) Engineering and Contingencies 35,000.00 ms Chairman superintendent have been interviewed for the position of township by-law en- TOTAL ESTIMATED COST - $275‘000_00 forcement ofiicer, Among the ‘omplaint ' 't' g ‘ â€"â€"-â€" . Yonge St, North 5" bage and rough structure. 2:... iiuiiiii CHRISTMAS TREES Miriam Evenings and o I II I' . BALSAM an L P k L t YONGE ST. NORTH . , » Satin... 0 aws ar ing 0 Ar LEVENDALE 2.13.5: traits

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