ST. MARY'S ANGLICAN CHURCH Richmond mu Rector: Rev. J. F. O'Neil Assistant Curate: Rev. Donald Bone SUNDAY, DECEMBER 12, 1965 Advent II! 8.00 am. -â€" Holy Communion 10.30 mm. Parish Communion "(Ecru/IV)! confirmed attending) Church School for all ages and Nursery Care 7.00 pm Wednesdays: 10 am. â€"â€" Holy Communion THE ANGLICAN CHURCH OF CANADA THE CHURCH of ST. GABRIEL Crosby Ind Blyvlew Avennel The Rev. William E. Moore ‘07 Lynett Crescent - 884-4286 Church, 884-7083 SUNDAY, DECEMBER 12, 1965 8 am. â€"â€" Holy Communion 9.30 mm. â€" Senior Church EMMANUEL ANGLICAN CHURCH Mack-y Drlve - Rlchvdo Rev. E. A. Thatcher 889-6789 Murray Creyke Orglnlst SUNDAY, DECEMBER 12. 1965 Advent III 3 am. -- Holy Communion 9.30 mm. â€"- Sunday School 11 am. â€" Morning Prayer 2.30 pm. â€"-â€" Confirmation Class 7 pm. â€" Evensong. SUNDAY, DECEMBER 12. 1965 3rd Sunday in Advent 8 am. â€" Holy Communion. 11 am. â€" Family Service in- cludlng Christmas Shepherd: Scene. Sermon: "If He Had Not ‘ Come" 7 pm. â€" Evening Service Sermon: “More Than a Prophet" Preacher: The Rector Wednesday 10.30 un. â€" Holy Communion HOLY TRINITY CHURCH THORNHILL Brooke 8; Jane Streets Rector Rev. B. Retinald Howden, B.A., L. Th. Estelle Markham. ARCT., RMT. ST. STEPHEN’S CHURCH Maple The Anglican Church of Canada Rector: Rev. Ramsay Armitaze, M.A.. DJ). I am. â€"- Holy Communion 11 mm. â€" Morning Prayer Holy Communion on 2nd Sunday of month It 11 “He That Humbleth Himself Shall Be Exalted†Organist Ind Choir Director Jhnlor Church School and Nursery Rector: Rev. .E. 1!. Costinn SUNDAY. DECEMBER 12. 1965 Advent III 8 mm. - Holy Communion (Chapel) 10.30 a.m. â€"â€" Morning Service The Rector 11.10 am. â€"- Sunday School Organist: Kowu’d Jerome ARCCO, ACCM 5A1 NTS ANGLICAN RICHMOND HILL BAPTIST CHURCH (A Fellowship Church) 50 Wright Street Classes for all (Opposite the High School) Pastor: Rev. A. B. Arnot. DD. SUNDAY, DECEMBER 12, 1965 9.45 am. â€"â€" Bible School. 11 am. â€"â€" Subject: The Pnstor's Search Warrant 5T. JOHN'S BAPTIST CHURCH Richmond Hill (Convention or Ont. and Que.) Minister: Rev. E. F. Bennett Meeting in the Public Library Auditorium 9.45 am. â€" Sunday School 11 am. â€" Morning Worship: “Born in the Likeness of Men" (A Brief Communion Meditation) The I ord’s Supper Junior Church & Nursery For small children Friday, Dec. 19, 7-9 pm. - The Annual Christmas Concert of the Sunday School Guest Preacher Dr. J. H Hunter, famous author. A warm welcome awaits you in our new church 884-3091 BAPTIST School Morning Prayer Evensong THORNmLL BAPTIST CHURCH (Convention of Ont. & Que.) Stop 17, Yonge Street Rev. Minton Johnston. D.D.. Minister Mrs. Cameron Andrew, Organist 11 am. â€" Worship Service Sunday School. 10 am. â€" Intermediates ll a.m. â€" Juniors Nursery facilities are provided. LANGSTAFF BAPTIST CHURCH (Fellowship of Evangelical Baptist Churches in Canada) 26 Church Street Thornhill Pastor: Rev. Thomas M. Watson Benson St.. Thornhill ,SUNDAY, DECEMBER 12. 1965 11 am. â€" Worship Service. Message: “Purgatory or Hell†7 pm. â€" Worship Service. Message: “Christ Greater Than Moses“ Special Music Miss Verna Syme Supervised nursery at all Lord's day activities Nelr Centre St. Albert E. Myers, B.A. 3.0.. S.T.M.. Pastor 884-5264 Ralph Markham. Orgsnist and - Choirmaster SUNDAY, DECEMBER 12, 1965 9.30 am. â€"- Church School 11 mm. â€" Worship Service Nursery available 7 pm. â€" Youth Group Monday, 7-9 p.m.â€"-Boy Scouts Tuesday 7 - 8.30 p.m.â€"â€"Cub Pack Thursday, 8 pm. Choir rehearsal Saturday, 10 â€" 11 am. â€"- Junior Choir ZION LUTHERAN CHURCH (2 miles south of Maple) For information call Organist: Mrs. J. Keller 832-1510 SUNDAY, DECEMBER 12, 1965 9:45 am. â€"â€" Sunday School and Adult Bible Discussion Class 11 am. â€" Worship Service Nursery provided CHRIST THE KING LUTHERAN MISSION Thornhlll - Langstaff - Richvnle Arnold D. Weigel BA..B.D., Pastor 24 Orlou Crescent. Thornhill Phone: 889-7216 SUNDAY, DECEMBER 12, 1965 9.30 am. â€" Church School 11.00 mm. -‘â€"- Worship Service Nursery Available Church School and Worship Service at the Thornhll Masonic Hall, Elgin Street, Thornhill. EVERYBODY IS WELCOME RICHMOND HILL PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. J. N. Hepburn, Minister Mrs. Vera Diamond Organist and Choir Leader SUNDAY, DECEMBER 12, 1965 9.45 am. -â€" Sunday School and adv can. â€" Nunsou Nun--- ....._ Bible Class CONCORD 11 am. â€"- Morning Worship SUNDAY, DECEMBER 12, 1965 Sacrament of the Lord's Supper 9.45 â€" Bible School 11 am. â€"- Nursery Department (classes for all) 7.15 pm. â€"- Young People's 11 am. â€"- Ministry of the Word Society 7 p.111. â€" Communion and Friday, December 10 Worship 8 pm. â€" Pro-Communion Wednesday Service 8 pm. â€" Bible Study. ', Ev.: A. E. Atkinson - 889-3364 ____§I'_‘3§P.‘EFVX.§..-M Sec.: R. Witty - 889-5057 PRESBYTERIAN ST. PAUL'S LUTHERAN CHURCH Bnyvlew Avenues.I MIDWEEK HOUR. WED., 7.30 pm. Prayer. Praise. Bible Study WARM WELCOME AWAITS YOU 7111 Con. Vaughan Rev. B. 1". Andrew. Minister SUNDAY, DECEMBER 12. 1965 10 mm. â€"- St. Andrew's Church and Sunday School The Lord's Supper 10.15 am. -â€" St. Paul's Sunday School 11.15 am. â€"â€" St. Paul’s Church THORNHILL PRESBYTERIAN SUNDAY, DECEMBER 12, 1965 9.45 a.m.â€"â€"Sunday School 9.45 am. â€"- Church School 11.00 a.m.â€"â€"Family Service Grade 4 to Adult Mr. John Eyre 11.00 am. -â€" Morning Worship 7.00 pm. -â€" Evening Service ‘and Church School. Nursery Mr. Sydney Hoffman ‘ to Grade 3. 8.15 pm. â€" Communion Servico 12.30 pm. -â€" Presbyteens Wednesday - 7.30 11.111. Grades 10 to 13 Prayer Service and Bible Study CHURCH i i w" __ Hwy. '1. v: Mile West or Yonge'DONCASTER BIBLE CHAPEL Rev. muwyn T. Evans, (Clarke & Willowdale Sta.) Minister \SUNDAY, DECEMBER 12, 1965 to Grade 3. 12.80 pm. â€" Presbyteens Grades 10 to 13 7.00 pm. â€"- Evening Worship 8.15 pm. â€"â€" Young Peoples. VISITORS WELCOME LUTHERAN Minister Rev. Ralph C. Williams. 3A.. SUNDAY. DECEMBER 12. 1965 Hope 9.45 am. “Overcoming the Accuser" Maple Sunday School 9.45 am 7.30 p.111. -â€" Evening Service 11 mm. -â€" Worship Wednesday, December 15 Junior Congregation 8 p.m. â€" Prayer Meeting Kindergarten and Nursery. "BUILDING TO PRESENT A welcome is extended to all THE WORD TO THE WORLD" ST. ANDREW’S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Maple. Out. and ST. PAUL’S CHURCH Society Friday, December 10 n. â€" Pre-Communion Service UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA MAPLE CHARGE UNITED CARBVILLE UNITED CHURCH 9:45 am. â€" Worship Service and Sunday School Rev. C. G. Higginson. BA, B.D.I Rev. 1-]. E. MacKay Mr. J. Spanner. Assistant SUNDAY, DECEMBER. 12, 1965 9.45 am. â€"-â€" Primary, Junior, Intermediate and Senior Sunday School 11 am. -â€" Baby Care, Nursery and Kindergarten School 11 am. â€"- Morning Service Preacher - Rev. C. Higginson 7 am. â€" C.G.I.T. Vesper Service s'r. MK'frnEw's UNITED CHURCH 325 Crosby Avenue Rev. F. James Burn, B.A.. ED. 884-5526 SUNDAY, DECEMBER 12. 1965 11 am. -â€" Worship Service (Infant care) Church School 9.30 am. â€" Primary. Junior ‘ 11 analâ€"Nursery. Kindergarten‘ ‘1.30 pm. â€"- Intermediate, 1 ‘ Senior 7 pm. â€"â€" Carols by Candlelight THORNHILL UNITED Rev. A. l. Higgms, B.A., B.D. SUNDAY, DECEMBER 12, 1965 9.45 am. â€" Intermediate and Senior Sunday School 11 mm. â€" Nursery and up to 11 11 am. â€" Morning Worship For further Information call 285-2131 Other Denominations SEVENTH-DAY ADVENTISTS CHURCH C. B. Neill, Minister Meeting every Saturday Elgin Mills West 1A mile west of Yonge Street 9.15 “ILâ€"Sabbath School. 11 I.m.â€"-Worshlp Service. ‘CALVARY CHURCH RICHMOND HILL 94 Hunt Ave.. Richmond Hill Affiliated with the Pentecostal Assemblies of Canadl‘ 884-4387 Pastor: Rev. P. A. Sorensen SUNDAY, DECEMBER 12, 1965 10 am. â€" Sunday School ‘11 am. and 7 p.m.â€"Major and‘ Mrs. Gillespie from the Salva-‘ tion Army ‘ TUESDAY I 8.15 pm. â€"â€" Prayer Meeting ‘ THURSDAY December 16, 8 p.m., Sunday School Christmas Program FRIDAY 8 pm. â€"- YoungiPeoplen mcnmom'ï¬nu. FREE METHODIST CHURCH Comer of Elmwood and! Ruggles Pastor. Wm. Mackey l SUNDAY, DECEMBER 12. 19651 9.45 am. â€" Sunday School For times like these Families in Sunday School Classes for all age: Nursery to Adults 11 mm. â€"- Worship Service 7 pm. â€" Sunday School Christmas Program WEDNESDAY 6.30 p.m. â€" CYC Cadets 8 pm. Bible Study and Prayer Church of the Light and Lite Hour CKFH. 5 pm. Sunday For further information: 884-7097 24 Oak Avenue Sunday â€" Servicel 9:80 am. - Remembrance Ser- vice 11 am. â€" Bible Hour & Sun- day School '1 pm. -â€" Gospel Service ‘Tuesday 8 pm. â€" Prayer menu ? mg and Bible Study. \ Women's and Young People! Meetings as Announced. “‘Faith of Our Fathers Livinl : Still" ‘ RICHVALE GOSPEL can'an | A CHURCH OF CHRIST Concord Ave, and King High Drive Rev. L. K. Sider. Pastor SUNDAY, DECEMBER 12. 1965 9.50 am. â€"â€" Sunday School 11 am. â€" Worship Pastor‘s Theme: “Overcoming the Accuser" 7.30 p.m. -â€" Evening Service Wednesday, December 15 8 pm. â€" Prayer Meeting "BUILDING TO PRESENT RICHMOND HILL UNITED CHURCH 'doRï¬LET UNITED MISSIONARY CHURCH Reeve Plaxton WinS Big, New Faces{Council Can't Sell Town, came in the battle tor reeve. Councillor Scudds. who was expected to provide Reeve Plaxton with stiff opposition, never got off the ground. Defeat was in the air shortly after the polls closed at 6 pm and Scudds’ Ward I headed the lineup of returns. Scudds. Who had to win heavy in his own ward and fully ex- pected to. only managed to ac- cumulate 453 votes to a surprise 288 by Plaxton. But, the second major blow came with the Ward 2 results Hill Group Part Of World-Wide Appeal As part of the 62nd Annual World Mission appeal, members of Richmond Hill Seventh-day Adventist Church will be mak- ing a house-to-house canvass for funds to reach its goal of $1,200. The fund-seekers, each of whom will have credential: and carry a musical money box, will give reports of welfare, medical and educational activities car- ried on by the church in the past year. All donations go to extending the church's humani- tarian ministry at home and in 189 other countries. Leading the drive in Rich- mond Hill is Pastor C. R. Neill, director of lay activities for the church here. The Adventists operate a wel- fare centre at 80 Elgin Mills Road West, directed by Mrs. George Montgomery. Persons in need of assistance may phone |884-5548. (Continued from Page I) But the major surprise and the only real potential excitement of this year’s rather lack-lustre elections GENERAL WELDING J. C. Steel 8. Machinery Co. 41 MAPLE AVE, RICHVALE - 889-6845 We specialize in ornamental iron work, interior & exterior railing & stair cases, etc. 1963 CHEVY II 4 door Deluxe sedan, low mileage, outstanding condition, automatic transmis- sion. See this 1 owner beauty. Lic. 348669. 1963 CORVAIR MONZA COUPE. 4 Speed trans- mission, custom radio, finished in beige, white wall tires. Lic. 323105. 1960 VAUXHALL VELOX Sedan. Excellent transportation. Lic. H85824. Pre - Christmas Special: SK Y L I N E PONTIAC-BUICK LTD. ACADIAN - BEAUMONT - VIVA 889-5445 Aids Adventists 0 ON HEAVY; EQUIPMENT 0 HARD FACING O BUCKET REPAIRS the battle for (Opposite Dunlap Observatory) 9612 Yonge Street Special prices on railings which saw Plaxton signing in with 529 votes to 247 for his‘ opponent. Both wards were in Scudds‘ area of Richmond Hill where most of his strength was concentrated. “I Just felt I couldn’t lose in Ward 2.†admitted Mr. Scudds. "I knew quite a few people there and I was sure I would stand up good." He shrugged his shoulders in pondering fashion. Reeve Plaxton. if anything, drew way beyond his expecta- tions in Wards 3 and 4 which lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllnlfllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll As election analysts both Reeve Donald Plaxton and Councillor Walter Scudds ere losers. The two opponents met during their door-to-door campaigning expeditions a day before the election. The two retired for a cof- fee and gave their predic- tions of the outcome of the battle for the reeveship. Both were wrong. ll“liiiiilliiiiiiliiiliiiliiiiliiiiiiiliiiifliiliiliiii\iliimiililiiiliiiiliml were calculated to be the basis to his chances. In Ward 3 he polled 384 votes to 194; and in Ward 4 (which included his home area of Pleasantville) 1.929 to 1104. Another unknown factor which could have further impaired Scudds‘ effort was the turnout in Ward 1 (the most populated ward) which had the smallest percent- age of any of the three others. The annual Pot Luck Supper of York Chapter RNAO was held at York County Hospital with 49 nurses in attendance. Pot luck Supper Held At Hospital A business meeting followed which saw the new executive elected: President, Miss A. Lindsay; lst Vice-President Mrs. Shep- herd; Second Vice-President, Mrs. A. Teasdale; Treasurer, Mrs. Gordon; Secretary, Mrs. ‘Osbourne. Past President Mrs. Maris Anderson thanked the members for giving their co-operation to her during the time she was president. The voting delegates for 1966- 67 are Mrs. Osbourne and Mrs. H. McKinnon. The non-voting delegates are Mrs. C. Carter and Miss L. White Only 25.9 percent of those eligible cast ballots in Ward 1 compared to 37.4 in Ward 2, 36.3 in Ward 4. and 27.4 In Ward 3. $1495.00 $1495.00 $295.00 727-9381 884-1456 28 LEVEN DALE ROAD 889-3156 RICHMOND HII.I. 'I'V The revelation came at Mon- day night‘s council meeting after they were asked to provide , an additional $12,000 in deben- - tures to go toward building a anew library at Thornhill Seem , ondary School and to renovate the old one. Acting the part of the thrifty housewife is the On- tario Municipal Act which forbids council authorizing any money expenditures (not included in the year’s budget) after nomination day until the new council takes command in 1986. Only exception is the case where three quarters of the sit-t ting members are returned. I Only five out of the present is seven members will be return- ing in 1966. :4 “This is to make sure some- 4 one doesn't try to sell the town ,a before the next council can take 4. over," commented Mayor Thomas Broadhurst. At Least Not Until 1966 Richmond Hill Councillors are finding out these days what it feels like when a thrifty housewife meets her husband at the door and grab: his pay- check before he can spend it. aluunmnmnnmmuumunl\unu\\umuunnmm\\u\\m\mm“ He then handed the save! over to Mayor Broadhnrst who proceeded to sharply thump council to order. mum“\mnnmmmnmummummunumu“\ummmmmm The additional money requesti is being made by the York Cen- tral District High School Board and the $12,000 would be Rich- mond Hill's share of a total in- crease of $31,000 to be equally shared among four municipali- ties. Last spring, Richmond Hill Markham and Vaughan Town- ships approved capital expendi- tures of $87,982 less $60,444 under the Municipal Works As- sistance Program for the lib- In substantially higher than architect’s estimates since % last summer. When five ten- ders were opened the low- 6-, est bid was $116,000." Mr. Honsberger added that rapid acceptance of the request g was urgent because of the r... March 31 deadline which would S enable any completed project to reap full beneï¬ts of the municipal assistance grants. H m... Reeve Donald Plaxton said he felt it was “alarming that ' the estimates of school costs .. given to various councils was so out of line with the tenders finally settled on.†mmmtr Mayor Thomas Broad- hurst was back in action Monday night with a brand new gavel. Mr. Honsberger said the school board realized this and had its archi’ceets working to re- assess costs per square foot to bring estimates into line with tenders. He's been without one since some unknown culprit made off with the original one a number of weeks ago. Taking Five Fug ‘50 Brings Finesï¬g Presenting the new gavel was its maker Richmond Hill Hydro Commissioner William Wagner who also shaped the stolen one and presented it to the then mayor, Ken Tomlin. "I’ve been a great addict of hobbyism for the last 20 yearsâ€, he said, “and dur- ing my 10 years of retire- ment it’s been the best 10 years of my life and I attri- bute it to good health and xood hobbies. Taking five for 50 ale brought' three Woodbridge residents in to Magistrate’s Court Thursday of last week on charges under the Liquor Control Act and the " Highway Traffic Act. mama Police Conï¬stable R. W. Fletcher testified he had chased g the three in a car for several "' miles in the Woodbridge area October 31. at speeds up to 95 r, miles an hour. He said that just before he caught up to them, and as the car had slowed down r.‘. to enter Highway 7. a case of % Labatt's 50 was thrown out of the door on the driver’s side. “I carved the original gavel", he said, “out of n walnut tree in my next door neighbor’s yardâ€. V 'The men had all been drink- ing when arrested, the constable said. Convicted of having liquor in a place other than a residence 5.. and for speeding at a rate of % 85 miles an hour, was Ernest g Wilcox. He was fined a total rs of $3250 on the {ï¬st charge and $4350 on the second. Brian Johnston, 18, was fined a total of $28.50 when he was .. iconvicted of drinking while un- der age. 1 V :7. 1 71:7 r y John Honsberger, chair- man ot the high school board, told council that tenders “for construction generally have been cumin: 7 rTheâ€"other member of the trio. Larry Burke, was acquitted on a charge of throwing glass on a highway. He offered little hope of any relief in school costs in 1966 stating that high school enrolment “ls now- ln: by three or four hun- dred students a year. The capital cost for elch student keeps rolling in and its :0- ing to go up. “We’re in the midst of a high school population bubble and its alcase of either shut the doors or open up more," he he said. Mayor Broadhurst commented I that while school costs were in-H evitable each increase meant _ that much less to spend on equally as vital public works. I “I hope next year we'll be shown some mercy to enable us to get mu‘nicipal works done that are just as necessary". Council decided to discuss the matter with its solicitor to see if anything could be done to okay the added expenditures to enable the project to get under- way. “It's been my experience," said Reeve Plaxton, “that the longer you hold a project like this up the more its going to cost you." The sound and colour film' “Horn of Plenty" is available free to women’s groups. This 27-minute film is packed with information about Canada’s an- nual fruit harvest and shows‘I ‘many exciting new ways to serve; ‘Canada Choice canned fruit at‘ homeâ€"and at social gatherings. Free recipe folders are also available with the film. Make“ arrangements now for early 1966 showing. Write or Call: R. FORD RALPH, Managing Di- rector. Wmmg PYLE PIANO SALES § Ontario Food Terminal. The Queensway. Toronto 18 Phone: 251-1371 6 6 excellent film for a women’s meeting†ONTARIO TENDER FRUIT INSTITUTE : Phone 884-3614 â€"- KiChmond Hm Wfl‘fl 1 'A famous make piano by a famous Canadian maker. Elegantly designed cabinet in a rich walnut and mahogany finish with great inner tenal beauty. Standard 88-note keyboard, full cast-iron plate, laminated soundboard, direct blow action, copper wound bass strings, reinforced felt hammers . . . all the features that make great music sound greater! THE LIBERAL. Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday, Dec. 9, 1965 HOME GIFT IDEA! We have a good selection of PRICES used Pianos. Pianos are all / AS reconditioned and fully guar- LOW anteed. ‘ As PYLE PIANO SALES DEAL DIRECT -â€" NO MIDDLE MAN â€" FROM FACTORY TO YOU ON BRAND NEW PIANOS . . . NEWCOMBE, HANDEL AND WILLIS HANDEL‘ 43 YONGE ST. N., AT LEGION COURT Requires personnel for January 1, 1966 Usual fringe benefits: Pension, Hospital, Medical, etc. Apply in writing, stating experience, educa- tion and references to: BRASSIERES & GIRDLES ' lADlgSHESHOP SPECIALIZING IN LADIES’ & CHILDREN’S WEAR BAYVIEW PLAZA COUNTY OF YORK ASSESSMENT DEPARTMENT SHOP AT THE LITTLE gâ€. a f§\\‘, FRIENDLY SHOP WITH THE 4W % I I BIG CHRISTMAS BARGAINS 10% OFF on Regular 3725. Quality SPECIAL ‘HANDEL’ PIANO ALL EXQUISITE FORM No Down Payment â€" Up to 30 Months to Pay Assessors M.I.M.A.. Start $5,500 Clerks Key-punch operator J. L. Smith, County 62 Bayview Avenue, Newmarket, Ontario. Save $100.00 ON A BEAUTIFUL 884-2214 Ladies’ Panties 4 PAIRS FOR BY WILLIS AVmeVAVNVM‘ m†a.†afï¬rm" 0: m" m" m“ m" m“ m" m“ at a: 05m†County Clerk $289. 00 $ 625. 00 Richmond Hill