Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 23 Dec 1965, p. 11

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THE LIBERAL. Richmond Hill. Ontario. Thursday. Dec. 29. 1965' 11 The editor of “Life in the 1 Hill‘ extends seasons greet- inge and all good wishes Mrs. L. Von Besser. Weidrick‘ Road. left on Tuesday for Orlando. Florida. where she will for the New Year to the spend the next two months. many readers of this col- - _ a _ a _ a "mn‘ * . ‘ The new YWCA schedule l l ' ' 'f T for ‘66 is now prominently - “r' and “r5” “‘ 0' BMW“ displayed at their centre. and “mm” Rog?“ “NHL and members are reminded Anne and John. Highland Lane. are spending the Christmas holi- days with Mr. and Mrs. I. Mos- ley and family in Como. Mont- to take a look to see what's ‘ planned for the New Year. ‘ a a it 3 Warwick Butt leaves by air on real' * _ t _ , _ . (‘hristmas Eve for Paris. France. Woodlane. leave on (‘brlstmas g " 0 “ acco p ‘ him to Switzerland where they r d h, h ' v. " , . . Day to spen t e olldais “‘1” will spend Christmas. returning Married 5 0 Years} Harold Reid, former residents of Yonge Street North. Richmond ' more than 40 years. were entertained by their immediate family November 10 in honor of th11' Mr. and Mrs. 50th wedding anniversary. surprise dinner and evening party. Since leavmg Mr. and Mrs. Yvon Tasse was the lucky winner of a TV from Montreal arrive on Thurs- set in the recent Aylmer to spent the Christmas holi- atakes. .‘-days with Mr. and Mrs. Feather- stonhaugh. Arnold Crescent. * - it! in it Mr. and Mrs. Don Andrews. Mrs. Amy Patton. Mill Street. a.* 4-.a Richmond Hill Post Office ad-. vises that on Saturday. Christ- Richmond Street. returned mas Day. the post office will ’ home on Monday followmg ten not be open for transaction of any business. . lweek's holiday in England and There will be no deliveries of‘SCOIIand-‘k * * ‘ mail. Collection of mail from all. ' ' ' , drop boxes will be made on‘ Mrs. Len Jones, KnoIISide IDrive, returns on Thursday Sund ly. at 4.15 m, ay (’1‘ _ it a pt from England, where she has Hank Klooaterman. son of Mrdspem the past two Weeks ViSiI' and Mrs. R Klonsterman‘ Rug_ling her father, P. Miles.lwho is gles Avenue‘ left on Sundayseriously ill at his home in Cov- for a three week's holiday in 9mm“ Holland, England and Scotland. Hank. a former student of Richmond Hill High School. is presently employed by Craig. Zeidler and Strong. architects in Toronto. and is spending two nights a week taking architec- ture at Ryerson. which he in- tends to study full time at the institute starting next Septem- ber. t.’.* It Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Paton. Driscoli Roa-d, returned last Wednesday from two weeks in Miami Beach, Florida, where they attended the 11th annual convention of the Prestressed Concrete Institute. One of the highlights of the convention was a weekend trip.‘ ‘to Nassau in the Bahamas. On Saturday evening his sis- 'l' _* ' * "‘ . for Ben entertained at a sur- 0‘" ChrlStfnas "1,311 has: prise fareweu party. when Hankjbrought the information othat enjoyed a re-union with manylKen Dawson, {firmer resultant of his friends from high school'of Centre and Mill Streets, Rich- and university. ‘mond Hill. who attended Mc- a _ ‘a - a - t ‘Conaghy Public andRichmond Carols, Santa Claus. Christ-H111 ngh SChooL ‘5 0" hlsi mas cake and shortbread featur-lsecond Pour 0f dilly l'.‘ Vietnam- ed the meeting of the Ma”, lmilAs a Lieutenant Junior Grade. Martha Guild of Richmond HilllKen. is flying. from 3“ aircraft Presbyterian Church last Wed-ICMHEI' He '5 due home m nesday evening. Etna Shaw sangMarCh‘ "0 Holy Night“ and "0 Little‘ His Parenlsv M“ “d. M“- Town of Bethlehem". lilavislw‘ 1" Dawson are “5””ng cues read the Christmas S“WyScotland for a two week Christ- ~ lmas visit. and Sandy Simpson led the; * _ * _ i * g1.oup in prayer. Hazel Giles'l "Who," g." The Plough rou was in char e f th . . . . :vengng.s program. g 0 e‘boy‘.” by Pulitzer prize Win-l Win mats“; “usual? as: art f th m‘n t' ' - p 0 e no 1 8 mg comm” lentry for the Central Ontario fee, which was accepted. The . executive for 1966 will bePresi- Dram“ “Sm” ‘0 be held "‘ tMarch at Hart House. l dent Jean Mirrlees. Vice-Fresh. . dent Hazel Giles, Secretaryl 1" the‘ lead "‘19 Is Nevme. Audrey Moorley. Treasurer Mae‘Cl'055~ “’lth other “3195 being. Hepburn. Sunshine Convenorjplayed by Elisabeth/“Chom. Mavis Cates‘ past presidentlDennis Stainer. Edith Jones and Rosemary Bennett. Group Cap-l0!"is Camemn- tains Rena Burgman. Margaret _.The play. which is being di~ Lemon and Lois Graham. rected by Ron Solloway. will Members exchanged gifts open at the Curtain Club The: which when opened revealedjalre on February 2. Tickets. the identity of the l‘ & M friend‘are already available and mayl who had sent cards on specialibe obtained by calling Iris. occasions throughout the year. jStringer at 884-4117. nickname“!!!uxmzaxxxxemxnmnemnfléw' 5. Wm. C. Lazenby and the Staff of ALLENCOURT PHARMACY “15h their many friends and associates a very 313132030363 Richmond Hill, Mr. and Mrs. Rei . _ home at Crystal Lake, Haliburton and their Winter home in Florida. been confined to bed at her Merry Christmas and a. Happy New Year HOLIDAY HOURS: Christmas Day â€" 3 p.m. - b p.m. Sunday 26th â€"- 11 am. - 6 pm. Monday. 27th â€"- 9 am. - 9.30 pm. Ne Jan. 2nd â€" 11 am. - 9 p.m. Year's Day â€"â€" 10 am. - 6 pm. lNormal Sunday HOLLI‘SI Emergency Prescription Service After Hours Phone 884-4683 th‘HV A LE PHARMACY 9014 Yonge St. Rlchvale 889-1111 Also a Leader &- Rexali Agency will be open Christmas Day 12 noon to 6 pm II)!MifilhNINE}!3am)!IIMm)!!!EDIEkhafihhhfimhhlhlhhfihfllflfiiflm l \ l (Lagcrquist Studiol Hill for Their two daughters and three sons honored their parents at a d divide their time between their summer H. J. Calverley. Barker Avenue” A merry time was had by all left December 10 aboard them the “Hanging of the Greens“ “S.S. Zion“ for a two monthlon December 14 at the YWCA. trip through the Mediterranean. Centre. Mr. Calverley. who is an en-; The ‘1" teens gaily decorated ‘thusiastic archeologist. is hop-tall the corners and gave the ing to do some digging in thelcentre a festive look. Christmas Holy Land places. ihome baking and refreshments * - ‘l * - * were enjoyed, and Christmas Mrs. J. Arnold Price. who hadgreetings exchanged. The YWCA staff and Advisory home on Fernleigh Circle forilcommjttee wishes all its mem- over a week. is now making bers and friends a very merry good progress. and her many Christmas and a happy New friends wish her a speedy con. Year. valescence and every good wish for the festive season. . a _ a _ a a 3 Mrs. S. Cox, Colbourne Street and Mrs. B. Smith, Boisdale' Avenue, employees of R. D. Little Ford Sales Ltd. returned on Friday from a week in Day- ton, Ohio, where they attended the Reynolds and Reynolds. Electronic Accounting School. 1 'k _ )I‘ all Members of York County Hospital Commission paid an ill - v. a The holiday hours at the Richmond Hill Public Lib- rary are as follows: Decem- ber 24 - close. at 12 noon. December 25 and 27 - clos- ed all day. December 31 - closed at 5 pm. January 1 â€" closed all day. . a _ * * * Songs. exercises. a film. lllnch. Santa Claus and gifts featured the annual party of Richmond Hill Presbyterian Junior Sunday , . School Saturday afternoon. “finial V15“ to York “mahwnue gifts were presented at “051m” 135'“ ThurSday' ithe Sunday school session Sun- They were WEICOmed 11" J- 13-day morning and the senior Smith. chairman 0f the board 0flschool held its annual concert trustees and COUdUCled 0“ 3 d'3"Moriday evening. Next Sunday tailed lOUI' Of all departments an open session will be held by AdminiSTFa‘lOF 6- J- Chal' with both schools participating. field. ‘ I ‘Attendance pins and other In attendance were anm'S‘awards will be presented. sion Chairman Jack Rye. Wal‘-‘ den Sidney Legge, Reeve c, H,‘. lllllllllllltllllllllltlllllllllllllllllllmilllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll - l Hooper of Markham Township; .. Reeve Ray Jennings of King Township. Mrs. Elton Arm-l Bankan Hours Banking hours during the strong, Armitage. and County: Clerk J. L. Smith. holiday season in Richmond Hill will be: t _ It * -IIK Mrs. J. A. Long. Starlight Thursdays December 23 and 30. the banks will Crescent. area chairman of the Canadian Mental Health Association extends her sin- re-open at 4:30 and remain ccre thanks toeveryone who open to 6 pm, Fridays â€" December 24 and 31. the banks will close supported the appeal for Christmas gifts for mentally at 3 pm and will not re- open. ill patients. The contribution of gifts They will remain closed . all day Mondays. December and the money to purchase special articles was very gratifying. The association 1 27 and January 3' was able to present a gift to every patient in hospital or approved homes in the area. alt llllllllllllllIIIIIIIIlllllIIllIIIIllllIllIIIIIIIlIllllIlllllIIllIlllllllllllllllllllll Belated birthday wishes are extended to Joseph Rabinowitch. well known local lawyer, who If you are wondering what to . . . . celebrated his birthday Decem- do With the children during the her 19- Christmas holidays. why not en- tertain them by making your reservations today for the Dave Smith Marionettes in “Alfred’s It $ It t On Sunday his wife. Ruth. en- tertained for him with a sur- prise family lunclieon, and in .. .the evening. Mr. Rablnowitch Amf‘zln‘ Adventures 7 at the was feted by his fellow musi- ‘cuxlam Chm Theatre‘ cians in the Richmond Hill Included in the 24" Wooden Symphony Orchpstra with a :cast is a dancing skeleton. a classic [-endmon of “happy singing beefeater and Anne birthday-W Boleyn â€"â€" complete with her - _ a _ w . x hEEd tUCked underneath her Many local hugmes: firms arm! have been taking advantage of The show “'111 be presented the facilities of the Richmond 01". December 27 at 2 and 3301M Motor Hotel. Yonge Street Pm and On December 23 - 30 ill South. during the past two 7 and 8.30 pm. Tickets at 51 weeks with Christmas ban- may be obtained by calling Mary quets and dances, Basham at 884-5107. Among the firm: holding stafl T ’ * ’ parties were Little Ford Sales The Maple Valley School of Ltd.. Otto Pick and Sons Ltd. Horsemanship held their first Falconoridge Nickel Mines. ChFiSlmBS Part." on Fl‘ll‘laF 9"911- General Concrete Ltd. Avon ing at the Richmond Hill GolfiCosmetics. Ontario Hydro. Wu- and Country Club. with over 160 cr'aeuser Ltd. Trailways of equestrians. parents and friends Canada Ltd. and Andrews Auto- in attendance. matic Enclosing Service Ltd. Welcoming the guests were < - the school's directors Colonel Frederic Grafi and Captain Gab- v it x x \ New Year's Eve partv is being held in the main hall of riel de Demeter. and the colon- the Richmond Hill I'nited el's son Fred Grafi. Church wuh gamrs. sins-son: Entertainment was provided and dam-mg llnlll 1130 Pm by a discotheque disc lockey from the Jack Lomas Agency. guitarists Geoff Tupling and Dave Cameron and Al Kemp and His Friends. Organizing the part) “eye Mrs. E. Irerson. Mrs. w. Gent. Mrs. W. Clisby and Mrs. J. Weaver. when a worship serwce “'lll be held ill the sanctuary. followed by a buffet supper. 50 cents for students Tickets may he obtained bl calling Bob McMonagle 884- 3986. Cam Smith 884-4137 or .Don Barnett 864-4750. The cost. 75 cent: for adults. a Wendy‘s parents. Mr. and Mrs. B. W. Walker. at their home in Bermuda. in the New Year they will be taking up residence in the Bar- bados. where Michael was re- cently transferred by the Mitch- ell Construction Company. - y 4- _ a The Richmond Hill Rotary Club held their annual Christ- mas party on Saturday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. .l. H. Mal- boeut‘. Arnold Street. During the evening Santa Claus, played by Mr. Malboeuf.. appeared and caused a hilarious interlude. distributing approp- riatc amusing gift items to the members and lollipops to their wives. w _ cats SOS During the excitement of the Christmas season. let “SI not forget the silent voices of the destituteâ€"in a drafty crevice ot a bridge in Korea. in the. flimsy card- board shack in Hong Kong. in the desolate refugee camp in the Middle East. and in the windswept mountain village in Greece. Their cries for clothing can be answered if you go to your cupboard and closet now to sort out the warm. practical and clean gar- ments you no longer need! Oven-oats. dresses. suits. trousers. jeans. puilovers. snowsuits Windbreakers. blankets. aunts. baby cloth- es are desperately neededâ€" in fact any type of practi- cal. clean clothing with six months wear left will be welcomed, sorted and pack- ed by the Unitarian Service Committee volunteers. Won't. you please help? Donations will b- promptly picked up by calling 884- i 4097 or 884-2149. wk >k _ y v St. Paul's Lutheran Church Women met, at the church Dec- ember 15 with 20 members and guests present. Mrs. Sylvia Limpert conduct- ed a short business meeting. Thanks were given to Mrs. Nelly Williamson and Mrs. Jean Even- sen for the Christmas tree. Mrs. Gladys Kefier had charge of devotions and program “Christmas in Other Lands”. Mrs. Liaselotte Blaschke told how Advent and Christmas were celebrated in her native land. Germany. Mrs. Limpert explain- ed the different Chrismons that were to decorate the tree. ‘Everyone then joined in decor- ating the tree and singing Christmas carols. Mrs. Mabel Percival, Mrs. Evelyn Miller. Mrs. Norma Peterson. Mrs. Lim- pert, Mrs. Ingrid Goebel ‘and Mrs. Naomi Myers sang a fav- orite carol “Silent Night". Bandages have been made and are ready to send to the leprosy colonies. Mrs. Miller had charge of games during a social period. Articles were sold from the talent table. Mrs. Barbara Barth served re-‘ .freshments at the close of the, ‘meeting. a _ a II: It The (‘WL of Our Lady Queen of the World‘parish held their monthly meeting December 15. President Mrs. John Daley welcomed everyone and intro- duced new members. Spiritual Convenor Mrs. V. Hanna reâ€" quested members to make up a spiritual bouquet for the Car- dinal and Archbishop Pocock. Welfare Convenor Mrs. S. Park reported five members had bakâ€" ‘ed for a family bereaved of a. child and for a family suffering lfrom illness. Mrs. W. Copping ldiscussed plans for the Febru- ary ll bridge and euchre. Mrs. G. Turback offered to convene ithe pot luck supper January 12. Clark Foods Ltd. will show a'. picture of their food processing‘ methods at the March meeting. Mrs. J. Daley asked Mrs. RJ Carter for a report on the pro-. gress of the New Year dance arangemcnts. ‘ Bazaar Coni'enor Mrs. Cart-l Ier requested convenors for the, booth in the coming fall bazaar.‘ The following ladies volunteer; c..: Mrs. P. Killean, Mrs. Doden, Mrs. B. Tambosso. Mrs. J. Mac-‘ Arthur. Mrs. L. Wilson, Mrs. H.‘ Bryan. Mrs. L. Bransfield, Mrs.. K. Dowden. Mrs. St. Louis. Mrs.. “'1” be observed at mond Hill United Church on‘ December 26 at 11 am. officiating preached by Rev. C. G. Higgin- son. drawn for this Sunday. resident of Church Street. now‘ living with her son and daugh- terâ€"in-law. lBaker in Willowdarle. is at presâ€" ent a patient. in York Central Hospital. I .hope her stay will be of short .duration and that she will be returning home :Christmas. ‘0' The Hill Nursery School en-l *Thursday of last week. ‘and sang Christmas songs .French and English. Santa Claus ‘was entertained at many show- ‘Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Stephen- lson. Mr. and Mrs. Don Harrison, to Paris after the New Year. a_»r * a The Sacrament of Baptism the Rich» Rev. H. E. and MacKay will be the sermon The evening service is withâ€" a a a a Louis Baker. a former" Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. P. Her many friends in the Hill in time for v _ a ‘ The young pupils of the Top. III ill joyed a Christmas party on They all performed on stage in appeared and distributed pres- ents. made by the children. to their mothers. then gave each child a bag of sweets. * _ it u. a The many friends of John McArthur. Levendale Road. are f’ sorry to hear he is confined to York Central Hospital. with in- Juries sustained in a recent car. accident. John. an active member of the Curtain Club. directed the ; first play of the season “A Re- ' sounding Tinkle” and played the role of Morris in the last pro- . duction "The Shop at Sly Corn- er” 1 Merry Christmas John! * _ r it! it The former Mary Ann Donald ers prior to her miirriage Dec- ember 4 to Albert Jackson of Stoufi‘ville. Hostesses were Miss Barbara Schrader and Mrs. Fran Keyzer. Mrs. A. Hutchison and Mrs. Pat Smith. Mrs. L. Trotman, Mrs. Mabel Percival and Mrs. Ruth Pattenden, Mrs. T. Char- man, Mrs. A. Charman and Mrs. Gloria Donnelly, Mrs. Ruth Jackson and Mrs. Win Fines. * - a: a: i: The Engineers Wives held a Christmas party for retarded adults on December 15 at the ARC Centre on Enford Road. The trainees entertained with a concert, which included danc- ing, singing and the playing of musical instruments. Following the concert a gift of records was presented to the trainees from Wives. and the evening ended with the serving of refresh- merits. *_**-l- The Sultanas of Toronto re- cently held a very successful Christmas party at Columbus Hall. Attending from the Hill were Mr. and Mrs. Jack Matthews. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Sanford and ‘ Mrs. Ivy Beai, mother of Mrs. :, Sanford, who is visiting from England. The proceeds of this annual event will go to The Little Brothers of The Good Shepherd. to further their charitable work. Thieves Ransack Home King Township Reeve Quick working thieves broke1 into the home of Reeve Ray Jennings and Mrs. Jennings on the second concession of King Township. Saturday at noon.. They removed a stereo hi-fil and slide projector and ransack- ed the entire house. I Mr. and Mrs. Jennings lettl the house at approximately. the Engineers ‘ 12:50. About 1:10 George Harâ€"i vey. an employee of Ewart Jen-j nings. passed the house on a tractor and noticed the front door was open. He knew that the Ray Jennings were not at home. investigated, found signs of the break-in and raised the alarm. King Township Police are investigating. E. Fraser, Mrs. G. Gafiney, Mrs. G. Fleury. Mrs. R. Lemaire. Mrs.j J. Riswick. Mrs. R. Kirouac, Mrs. M. Carville. Mrs. G. Tuck. Mrs. W. Copping. Mrs. D. Sexton. Mrs. V. Hanna and Mrs. J. Law- lor. Rev. Father F. C. Robinson requested the ladies to pray for world peace. He announced there would be a mission com- mencing March 20 for the young people of the parish: March 27 for adults. The meeting adioui'ned and Mrs. L. Wilson provided a pleas- ant period of entertainment. Planning on Entertaining? Call Nanda Catering Service 884-3818 ; \‘Rx mm r / 85 YONGE STREET N. RICHMOND HILL I / I, K I. / é GLOBE TRAVEL SERVIC BOOKINGS FOR ALL STEAMSHIPS AND W AIRLINES. TOURS AND CRUISES No service charge. no booking fee fl 9 . \NNNNWNWVWWWWW Wv-vv' ‘ r it I PHONE 889-5782 starting hole. Makes fast cuts through wood, metals, plastic etc. Elude has it” stroke. Tilting base for cutting of a 45° angle. Magic Square Bose Insert rigidly supports blade in true align- ment for smoother cutting. Built-in blower keeps cutting lino free of dust. 2 6.88 2.5-omp., motor 3,300 4" Electric DRILL S.P.M. Drills up to ‘A” in steel, 1/2” in wood. Speed 2,250 R.P.M. 2.3 amp. motor. \Mll drill holes in plaster, wood, metal or plastic. New moulded bundle design makes the %" Electric Drill â€" Similar to above, but more powerful, with larger chuck capacity for bigger loba. Increased power. Complete wlih 2 side handle for greater control. Finishing SANDER Perfect for all those sanding jobs that would take hours to do by hand. Orbital action gives velvet- Iike finish. 2.3-omp., motor 4,500 O.P.M. Great for finishing wood of all 2 6.88 types. Breakproof, shock- For The Handyman- Easy To Handle 3 " Variable Speed 50% GREATER TORQUE 'GREEN 1 our drill feel like part of your band. GREEN LINE' ('an be used with all popular attachments; mirror finish; double reduction gears; bronze bearings. 5.7- Christmas Special Don't Shovel Snowâ€" Tlirow it away . . . SPECIAL PURCHASE The Sunbeam Electric â€"â€" instant action snow re- moval! Just plug in â€" switch on ~ throw snow from l0 to l2 feet away. Ends back breaking shov- elling and heart straining lifting of heavy wet snow. MW TERMS lOO=ILCoId- . _ t EXTENSI‘MRWD Clean a "Hotl- pe’h w- Adiufli for paved or gravel drves â€" operator ' disposal, 1‘ l: .88 â€"CSA sop'cv“ Sunbeam Deluxe Snow Thrower Clean 0 I6" path. Features ground hugv ‘ r on m : m klw II I sing-scraper blade. 9-position Finger-tip S, won 9 F o M D m 200 o of o l c. ,...__ height adiustment. 180° swivel pm ds ! W per mm. "4.95 369.95 chute throws snow up 90 20 23HMODELâ€"Aho engioe' EXTRA! Cash d Carry BONUS COPNS conirglg dve- -« -~-yA' rial“ Powerful weather protected l V4 "Corsair" Gasoline Operated 2-Stage SNOW BLOWER 2°" hp. wm‘erized Briggs I. feet away With TOO-toot cord mm’ W ’0 m" 0‘ WM per mm' 70 YONGE ST. NORTH, RICHMOND HILL 889=llOl 884=ll96

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